NASA reusable transport spacecraft 8 letters. NASA's "spaceship" that has never been in space (10 photos)

Already a couple of years ago, a story roamed the Internet, as in a roadside ditch, near the town of Winganon, Oklahoma (USA), an object was found that was very similar to a NASA spacecraft.

Well, we all know about all sorts of parts from rocket stages or unburned elements of satellites and fuel tanks. What is it that they discovered? It's very big and in very good condition...

Photo 2.

OK OK! I will not mislead you. The medium-sized structure is located right next to the road and has already gained great popularity among the passers-by. Many seek to take pictures with the "spaceship", arrange rest stops and picnics near it, but only local residents can tell the story of this object.

Photo 3.

In 1959, a concrete mixer overturned on this road. By the time the equipment arrived, the concrete in the barrel had already hardened, so it remained lying by the road. For a long time, no one was going to clean the barrel, and it began to be covered with various obscene inscriptions. However, when a nearby farm was bought by a young family, it was decided to turn the barrel into a local landmark.

Photo 4.

Neighbors who also really liked this idea joined the work.

Photo 5.

The barrel was cleaned of rust and covered with bed sheets.

Photo 6.

Models of engine nozzles appeared on it. As well as some other pseudo-constructions.

Photo 7.

The original painting allowed to complete the project.

Photo 8.

And then - it was a matter of technique: a couple of blurry photos on Flicker, a couple more with indistinctly disturbing comments on Facebook, confirmation to the newspapers about the call to the HAZMAT service - familiar police officers, posted on Youtube - and the hoax was untwisted.

Photo 9.

NASA's homemade spacecraft has become a local landmark, and people from surrounding cities now come to visit it for a picnic with a farmer's lemonade.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

In the state of Oklahoma, in a roadside ditch near the city of Winganon, there is a local landmark, which is called the fallen NASA spacecraft. The medium-sized structure is located right next to the road and has already gained great popularity among the passers-by. Many seek to take pictures with the "spaceship", arrange rest stops and picnics near it, but only local residents can tell the story of this object.

In 1959, a concrete mixer overturned on this road. By the time the equipment arrived, the concrete in the barrel had already hardened, so it remained lying by the road. For a long time, no one was going to clean the barrel, and it began to be covered with various obscene inscriptions. However, when a nearby farm was bought by a young family, it was decided to turn the barrel into a local landmark.

Neighbors who also really liked this idea joined the work.

The barrel was cleaned of rust and covered with bed sheets.

Models of engine nozzles appeared on it.

As well as some other pseudo-constructions.

The original painting allowed to complete the project.

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    Did you know?

    In March 1989, while serving on the European Council for nuclear research(Fr. Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire, CERN), Tim Berners-Lee proposed a project that involved the publication of hypertext documents linked by hyperlinks. This was supposed to make it easier for CERN scientists to collect and search for information. To implement the project, Tim Berners-Lee (together with his assistants) invented URIs, the HTTP protocol, and HTML language. Without these technologies it is impossible to imagine the modern Internet. Between 1991 and 1993, Berners-Lee improved the technical specifications of these standards and published them. But, nevertheless, 1989 should be considered the official year of the birth of the World Wide Web.