Nitrifying bacteria by way of nutrition. The meaning of nitrifying bacteria in the modern explanatory dictionary, bse. Nitrogen cycle, nitrification

Back in 1870, Schlesing and Münz (Schloesing, Miintz) proved that nitrification has a biological nature. To do this, they added waste water chloroform. As a result, the oxidation of ammonia stopped. However, the specific microorganisms that cause this process were isolated only by Vinogradsky. He also showed that chemoautotrophic nitrifiers can be divided into bacteria that carry out the first phase of this process, namely, the oxidation of ammonium to nitrous acid (NH4+->N02-), and bacteria of the second phase of nitrification, converting nitrous acid into nitric acid (N02-- >-N03-). Both those and other microorganisms are gram-negative. They belong to the Nitrobacteriaceae family.

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◁ Bacterial, th, th. B-th ........
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). For the first time, pure cultures of these bacteria were obtained by S.N. Vinogradsky in 1892, who established their chemolithoautotrophic nature. In the IX edition of Bergi's Key to Bacteria, all nitrifying bacteria are assigned to the Nitrobacteraceae family and divided into two groups depending on which phase of the process they carry out. The first phase - the oxidation of ammonium salts to salts of nitrous acid (nitrites) - is carried out by ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (genus Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus, Nitrosolobus, etc.):

NH4+ + 1.5O2 goes into NO2- + H2O + 2H+

NO2- + 1/2*O2 goes into NO3-

The group of nitrifying bacteria is represented by gram-negative organisms that differ in the shape and size of cells, methods of reproduction, the type of flagellation of mobile forms, features of the cell structure, the molar content of DNA GC bases, and modes of existence.

All nitrifying bacteria are obligate aerobes; some species are microaerophiles. Most are obligate autotrophs, whose growth is inhibited by organic compounds at concentrations common in heterotrophs. Using 14C compounds, it was shown that obligate chemolithoautotrophs can include some organic substances in their cells, but to a very limited extent. The main source of carbon remains CO2, the assimilation of which is carried out in the reductive pentose phosphate cycle. Only some strains of Nitrobacter have been shown to be able to grow slowly in an environment with organic compounds as a source of carbon and energy.

The process of nitrification is localized on the cytoplasmic and intracytoplasmic membranes. It is preceded by the uptake of NH4+ and its transfer through the CPM by a copper-containing translocase. When ammonia is oxidized to nitrite, the nitrogen atom loses 6 electrons. It is assumed that at the first stage, ammonia is oxidized to hydroxylamine with the help of monooxygenase, which catalyzes the addition of 1 O2 atom to the ammonia molecule; the second interacts, probably, with NAD * H2, which leads to the formation of H2O:

NH3 + O2 + OVER * H2 goes into NH2OH + H2O + NAD +

NH2OH + O2 goes into NO2- + H2O + H+

Electrons from NH2OH enter the respiratory chain at the level of cytochrome c and then to the terminal oxidase. Their transport is accompanied by the transfer of 2 protons across the membrane, leading to the creation of a proton gradient and the synthesis of ATP. The hydroxylamine in this reaction probably remains bound to the enzyme.

The second phase of nitrification is accompanied by the loss of 2 electrons. The oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, catalyzed by the molybdenum-containing enzyme nitrite oxidase, is localized on the inner side of the CPM and proceeds as follows:

NO2- + H2O goes into NO3- + 2H+ 2e

Electrons enter cytochrome a1 and through cytochrome c to terminal oxidase aa3, where they are accepted by molecular oxygen (Fig. 98, B). In this case, 2H+ is transferred across the membrane. The flow of electrons from NO2- to O2 occurs with the participation of a very short segment of the respiratory chain. Since Eo of the NO2/NO3- pair is +420 mV, the reducing agent is formed in the process of energy-dependent reverse electron transfer. A large load on the final section of the respiratory chain explains the high content of cytochromes c and a in nitrifying bacteria.

Many chemoorganoheterotrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Arthrobacter, Flavobacterium, Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas, and others are able to oxidize ammonia, hydroxylamine, and other reduced nitrogen compounds to nitrites or nitrates. The process of nitrification of these organisms, however, does not result in their obtaining energy. The study of the nature of this process, called heterotrophic nitrification, showed that it may be associated with the destruction of the

These bacteria are assigned to the group of aerobic chemolithotrophic bacteria and related organisms (Group 12 according to Burgey's Guide to Bacteria). All nitrifying bacteria are divided into two sections - A (bacteria that oxidize nitrite) and B (bacteria that oxidize ammonia). These are gram-negative bacteria, very diverse in shape (rod-shaped, coccoid, convoluted), can be motile due to the presence of flagella or immobile.

Nitrification is the process of converting ammonium to nitrate, proceeding in two stages. Nitrifying bacteria use ammonium ion (nitrosobacteria) or nitrite (nitrobacteria) as electron donor for the course of redox reactions, including the process of respiration (Table 1).

Table 1

Microorganisms involved in nitrification processes


ongoing processes

Examples of microorganisms

participating in the process

2NH 4 + + 3O 2 → 2NO 2 - + 4H + + 2H 2 O


Nitrosomonas europaea,

Nitrosococcus oceanus,

Nitrosolobus multiformis

2NO 2 - + O 2 → 2NO 3 -


Nitrobacter winogradskyi,

Nitrospina gracilis,

Nitrococcus mobilis,

Nitrospira marina

Each of the stages requires the participation of strictly defined nitrifying bacteria. None of the nitrifiers is able to carry out both stages of the process.

Nitrifying bacteria are widely distributed in soils, marine and fresh water; play an important role in wastewater treatment processes.

3.5. archaebacteria

Archaebacteria (groups 31-35 according to Burgey's Guide to Bacteria) are the most ancient bacteria, often living in extreme conditions (in hot sulfur springs, salt lakes, saline or alkaline soils, etc.). Some archaebacteria are symbionts in the digestive tract of animals.

These microorganisms have a peculiar structure of genetic material, cell wall, cytoplasmic membrane and allocated in a separate category Mendosicutes. They differ from eubacteria in:

 according to the composition of the cell wall (does not contain peptidoglycan; instead, the cell wall contains pseudomurein or only proteins or polysaccharides);

 according to the composition of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase;

- by nucleotide sequences of ribosomal RNA;

 according to the composition of t-RNA molecules (contain pseudouridine);

 have a specific composition of membrane lipids;

 some archaebacteria genes contain introns, which is not typical for other bacteria.

Archaebacteria are divided into the following groups:

    methanogenic archaebacteria - as a result of vital activity, they form methane, H 2 is used as an electron donor. Methane-forming bacteria are diverse in form; among them there are cocci ( Methanococcussp.), sticks ( Methanobacteriumsp.), spirilla and other forms. Representatives of this group are strict anaerobes, gram-variable. Among them are mesophiles and thermophiles. For example, for members of the genus Methanothermus the optimal growth temperature is 83-88 ° C.

    sulfate-reducing archaebacteria (for example, members of the genus Archaeoglobus) - gram-negative bacteria, coccoid, can be irregular shape. Strict anaerobes. In the process of metabolism, SO 4 2- is reduced to H 2 S.

    Extremely halophilic bacteria (halobacteria) - grow at high salt concentrations. Represented by cocci or irregularly shaped rods; gram-variable. Aerobes. Grow at a NaCl concentration of at least 1.5 M (optimal - 2-4 M). They occur naturally in salt lakes, saline soils ( Halobacteriumsp., Halococcussp.). Among this group of bacteria, there are alkaliphiles growing at pH > 8.5 ( Natronobacteriumsp., Natronococcussp.; live in alkaline lakes and soils).

    Archaebacteria lacking a cell wall (representatives of the genus Thermoplasma) are polymorphic Gram-negative bacteria, facultative anaerobes. They are obligate thermophiles (optimal growth temperature 45-67 o C) and acidophiles (grow at pH 0.5-4.5).

    Sulfur Metabolizing Extreme Thermophiles and Hyperthermophiles have cells of various shapes. They include both aerobes and anaerobes. Under anaerobic conditions, S is reduced to H 2 S, in aerobic conditions, H 2 S or S is oxidized to SO 4 2-. The optimal growth temperature for these bacteria is 70-105 0 C. They live in sulfuric hot springs, areas around underwater volcanoes. The most famous representatives of the genera Sulfolobus(aerobes), Thermofilum, Desulfurococcus, Pyrococcus (strict anaerobes ). Of particular note are bacteria of the genus Pyrodictium, which are able to grow in the temperature range of 80-110 o C, and the optimum temperature for them is 105 o C .

Back in 1870, Schlesing and Münz (Schloesing, Miintz) proved that nitrification has a biological nature. To do this, they added chloroform to wastewater. As a result, the oxidation of ammonia stopped. However, the specific microorganisms that cause this process were isolated only by Vinogradsky. He also showed that chemoautotrophic nitrifiers can be divided into bacteria that carry out the first phase of this process, namely, the oxidation of ammonium to nitrous acid (NH4+->N02-), and bacteria of the second phase of nitrification, converting nitrous acid into nitric acid (N02-- >-N03-). Both those and other microorganisms are gram-negative. They belong to the Nitrobacteriaceae family.

The bacteria of the first phase of nitrification are represented by four genera: Nitrosomonas, Nitrosocystis, Nitrosolobus, and Nitrosospira. Of these, the species Nitrosomonas europaea is the most studied, although obtaining pure cultures of these microorganisms, as well as other nitrifying chemoautotrophs, is still quite difficult. The cells of N. europaea are usually oval (0.6-1.0 X 0.9-2.0 µm) and multiply by binary fission. During the development of cultures in a liquid medium, mobile forms are observed that have one or more flagella, and immobile zoogleys.

In Nitrosocystis oceanus, the cells are rounded, 1.8–2.2 µm in diameter, but they are also larger (up to 10 µm). Capable of movement due to the presence of one flagellum or a bundle of flagella. They form zoogles and cysts.

The dimensions of Nitrosolobus multiformis are 1.0-1.5 X 1.0-2.5 µm. The shape of these bacteria is not entirely correct, since the cells are divided into compartments, lobules (-lobus, hence the name Nitrosolobus), which are formed as a result of growth inside the cytoplasmic membrane.

In Nitrosospira briensis, the cells are rod-shaped and convoluted (0.8-1.0 X 1.5-2.5 microns), have from one to six flagella.

Among the bacteria of the second phase of nitrification, three genera are distinguished: Nitrobacter, Nitrospina and Nitrococcus.

Most of the research has been done with different strains of Nitrobacter, many of which can be attributed to Nitrobacter winogradskyi, although other species have been described. Bacteria have predominantly pear-shaped cells. As shown by G. A. Zavarzin, reproduction of Nitrobacter occurs by budding, and the daughter cell is usually mobile, since it is equipped with one laterally located flagellum. They also note the similarity of Nitrobacter with budding bacteria of the genus Hyphomicrobium in terms of composition. fatty acids included in lipids.

Data on nitrifying bacteria such as Nitrospina gracilis and Nitrococcus mobilis are still very limited. According to the available descriptions, the cells of N. gracilis are rod-shaped (0.3-0.4 X 2.7-6.5 µm), but spherical shapes have also been found. Bacteria are immobile. In contrast, N. mobilis is motile. Its cells are rounded, about 1.5 microns in diameter, with one or two flagella.

In terms of cell structure, the studied nitrifying bacteria are similar to other gram-negative microorganisms. Some species have developed systems of internal membranes that form a stack in the center of the cell (Nitrosocystis oceanus), or are located along the periphery parallel to the cytoplasmic membrane (Nitrosomonas europaea), or form a cup-like structure of several layers (Nitrobacter winogradskyi). Apparently, enzymes involved in the oxidation of specific substrates by nitrifiers are associated with these formations.

Nitrifying bacteria grow on simple mineral media containing an oxidizable substrate in the form of ammonium or nitrite and carbon dioxide. In addition to ammonium, hydroxylamine and nitrites can be a source of nitrogen in constructive processes.

Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas europaea have also been shown to reduce nitrite to form ammonium.

A microorganism such as Nitrosocystis oceanus isolated from Atlantic Ocean, refers to obligate halophiles and grows on a medium containing sea ​​water. pH range at which growth occurs different types and strains of nitrifying bacteria account for 6.0-8.6, and optimal value pH is most often 7.0-7.5. Among Nitrosomonas europaea, strains are known that have a temperature optimum at 26 or about 40 °C, and strains that grow rather rapidly at 4 °C.

All known nitrifying bacteria are obligate aerobes. They need oxygen both for the oxidation of ammonium to nitrous acid:

and for the oxidation of nitrous acid to nitric acid:

But the whole process of converting ammonium to nitrates occurs in several stages with the formation of compounds where nitrogen has varying degrees oxidation.

The first product of ammonium oxidation is hydroxylamine, which may be formed as a result of direct incorporation of molecular oxygen into NH+4:

However, the mechanism of ammonium oxidation to hydroxylamine has not been finally elucidated. The conversion of hydroxylamine to nitrite:

is thought to go through the formation of hyponitrite NOH as well as nitric oxide (NO). As for nitrous oxide (N2O), found during the oxidation of ammonium and hydroxylamine by Nitrosomonas europaea, most researchers consider it a by-product, formed mainly as a result of the reduction of nitrite.

A study of the oxidation of Nitrobacter nitrite using the heavy isotope of oxygen (18O) in the experiments showed that the resulting nitrates contain significantly more 18O when water is labeled, rather than molecular oxygen. Therefore, it is assumed that the formation of the NO2-H2O complex occurs first, which is then oxidized to NO2-. In this case, electrons are transferred through intermediate acceptors to oxygen. The whole process of nitrification can be represented in the form of the following scheme (Fig. 137), the individual stages of which, however, require clarification.

In addition to the first reaction, namely the formation of hydroxylamine from ammonium, subsequent stages provide organisms with energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The synthesis of ATP is associated with the functioning of redox systems that transfer electrons to oxygen, just as it occurs in heterotrophic aerobic organisms. But since the substrates oxidized by nitrifiers have high redox potentials, they cannot interact with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides (NAD or NADP, E1/0 = -0.320 V), as is the case with the oxidation of most organic compounds. Thus, the transfer of electrons to respiratory chain from hydroxylamine, apparently occurs at the level of flavin:

When nitrite is oxidized, then the incorporation of its electrons into the chain probably occurs at the level of either cytochrome type c or cytochrome type a. Due to this feature great importance in nitrifying bacteria, it has the so-called reverse, or reversed, electron transport, which goes with the expenditure of energy of a part of ATP or the transmembrane potential formed during the transfer of electrons to oxygen (Fig. 138).

Thus, chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria are provided not only with ATP, but also with NADH, which are necessary for the assimilation of carbon dioxide and for other constructive processes.

According to calculations, the free energy efficiency of Nitrobacter can be 6.0-50.0%, and Nitrosomonas - and more.

The assimilation of carbon dioxide occurs mainly as a result of the functioning of the pentoeophosphate reducing carbon cycle, otherwise called the Calvin cycle (see Fig. 134).

Its result is expressed by the following equation:

where (CH2O) means the resulting organic substances having a level of carbon reduction. However, in reality, as a result of the assimilation of carbon dioxide through the Calvin cycle and other reactions, primarily through the carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate, not only carbohydrates are formed, but also all other cell components - proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. It has also been shown that Nitrococcus mobilis and Nitrobacter winogradskyi can form poly-β-oxybutyrate and glycogen-like polysaccharide as storage products. The same compound was found in Nitrosolobus multiformis cells. In addition to carbon-containing reserve substances, nitrifying bacteria are able to accumulate polyphosphates that are part of metachromatin granules.

Even in his first work with the nitrifier, Vinogradsky noted that the presence of organic substances in the medium, such as peptone, glucose, urea, glycerin, etc., was unfavorable for their growth. The negative effect of organic substances on chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria was repeatedly noted in the future. There was even an opinion that these microorganisms are generally not able to use exogenous organic compounds. Therefore, they began to be called "obligate autotrophs". However, recently it has been shown that these bacteria are capable of using some organic compounds, but their possibilities are limited. Thus, a stimulating effect on the growth of Nitrobacter was noted in the presence of yeast autolysate nitrite, pyridoxine, glutamate and serine, if they are added to the medium in low concentrations. Incorporation into proteins and other components of Nitrobacter 14C cells from pyruvate, α-ketoglutarate, glutamate, and aspartate has also been shown. It is also known that Nitrobacter slowly oxidizes formate. The incorporation of 14C from acetate, pyruvate, succinate, and some amino acids, mainly into the protein fraction, was found when these substrates were added to Nitrosomonas europaea cell suspensions. Limited assimilation of glucose, pyruvate, glutamate and alanine has been established for Nitrosocystis oceanus. There are data on the use of 14C-acetate by Nitrosolobus multiformis.

It has also recently been established that some strains of Nitrobacter grow on a medium with acetate and yeast autolysate not only in the presence but also in the absence of nitrite, albeit slowly. In the presence of nitrite, acetate oxidation is suppressed, but the incorporation of its carbon into various amino acids, protein, and other cell components increases. Finally, there is evidence that the growth of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter is possible on a medium with glucose under the analyzed conditions, which ensure the removal of its metabolic products that have an inhibitory effect on these microorganisms. Based on this, a conclusion is made about the ability of nitrifying bacteria to switch to a heterotrophic lifestyle. However, for final conclusions it is necessary more experiments. First of all, it is important to find out how long nitrifying bacteria can grow under heterotrophic conditions in the absence of specific oxidizable substrates.

Chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria are widely distributed in nature and are found both in the soil and in various water bodies. The processes they carry out can occur on a very large scale and are essential in the nitrogen cycle in nature. Previously, it was believed that the activity of nitrifiers always contributes to soil fertility, since they convert ammonium into nitrates, which are easily absorbed by plants, and also increase the solubility of certain minerals. Now, however, views on the significance of nitrification have changed somewhat. First, it has been shown that plants assimilate ammonium nitrogen and ammonium ions are better retained in the soil than nitrates. Secondly, the formation of nitrates sometimes leads to undesirable acidification of the medium. Thirdly, nitrates can be reduced as a result of denitrification to N2, which leads to soil depletion in nitrogen.

It should also be noted that, along with nitrifying chemoautotrophic bacteria, heterotrophic microorganisms are known that are capable of carrying out similar processes. Heterotrophic nitrifiers include some fungi of the genus Fusarium and bacteria of such genera as Alcaligenes, Corynebacterium, Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter, Nocardia.

It was shown that Arthrobacter sp. oxidizes ammonium in the presence of organic substrates with the formation of hydroxylamine and then nitrites and nitrates. In addition, hydroxamic acid may be formed. A number of bacteria have the ability to carry out the nitrification of organic nitrogen-containing compounds: amides, amines, oximes, hydroxamates, nitro compounds, etc. The ways of their transformation are as follows:

The sizes of heterotrophic nitrification in some cases are quite large. In addition, some products are formed with a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic effect and compounds with a chemotherapeutic effect. Therefore, the study of this process and the elucidation of its significance for heterotrophic microorganisms is now receiving considerable attention.

Plant life: in 6 volumes. - M.: Enlightenment. Edited by A. L. Takhtadzhyan, Chief Editor Corresponding Member USSR Academy of Sciences, prof. A.A. Fedorov. 1974 .

    Convert ammonia and ammonium salts to salts nitric acid nitrates: nitrosobacteria, nitrobacteria. Widespread in soils and water... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ammonia and ammonium salts are converted into salts of nitric acid by nitrates: nitrosobacteria, nitrobacteria. Widespread in soils and water bodies. * * * NITRIFIER BACTERIA NITRIFIER BACTERIA, convert ammonia and ammonium salts into nitric salts ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    nitrifying bacteria- nitrifikatoriai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Nitritinės (Nitrosomonas genties) ir nitratinės (Nitrobacter genties) bakterijos, paverčiančios amonio druskas nitratais. atitikmenys: engl. nitrifiers; nitrifying bacteria vok … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas - carry out oxidation reactions of reduced nitrogen compounds. Representatives of the genus Nitrosomonas oxidize ammonia to nitrite, and bacteria of the genus Nitrobacter oxidize nitrite to nitrate. They belong to autotrophic chemosynthetic lean aerobic ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

    According to the type of nutrition, all organisms are divided into autotrophs and heterotrophs. Autotrophs, which in Greek means "self-feeding", can build all the compounds of their cells from carbon dioxide and other inorganic substances. Source ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

  • Auto photo trophs - energy for the synthesis of organic substances is obtained from light (photosynthesis). Phototrophs include plants and photosynthetic bacteria.
  • Auto chemo trophs - energy for the synthesis of organic substances is obtained by the oxidation of inorganic substances (chemosynthesis). For example,
    • sulfur bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide to sulfur,
    • iron bacteria oxidize ferrous iron to trivalent,
    • Nitrifying bacteria oxidize ammonia to nitric acid.

Similarities and differences between photosynthesis and chemosynthesis

  • Similarities: all this is a plastic exchange, organic substances are made from inorganic substances (from carbon dioxide and water - glucose).
  • Difference: the energy for synthesis in photosynthesis is taken from light, and in chemosynthesis - from redox reactions.

ATTENTION! The difference between auto- and heterotrophs lies in the way in which organic matter is obtained (“ready-made” or “do-it-yourself”). Both auto- and heterotrophs receive energy for life through respiration.

Comparison of respiration and photosynthesis

Tests and assignments

Choose three options. The autotrophs are

1) spore plants
2) mold fungi
3) unicellular algae
4) chemotrophic bacteria
5) viruses
6) most protozoa


1. Identify two organisms that “drop out” of the list of autotrophic organisms, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Amoeba ordinary
2) Venus flytrap
3) Pinulyaria green
4) Infusoria shoe
5) Spirogyra


2. All the organisms below, except for two, are classified as autotrophs according to the type of nutrition. Identify two organisms that "fall out" from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) chlamydomonas
2) horsetail
3) boletus
4) cuckoo flax
5) yeast


3. All the organisms below, except for two, are classified as autotrophs according to the type of nutrition. Identify two organisms that "fall out" from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) sulfur bacterium
2) spirogyra
3) fly agaric
4) sphagnum
5) bacteriophage


4. All the organisms below, except for two, are classified as autotrophs according to the type of nutrition. Identify two organisms that "fall out" from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) cyanobacteria
2) amoeba
3) kelp
4) sphagnum
5) penicillium



Choose one, the most correct option. According to the mode of nutrition, the vast majority of bacteria
1) autotrophs
2) saprotrophs
3) chemotrophs
4) symbionts


Choose one, the most correct option. Which organism is classified as a heterotroph based on its mode of nutrition?
1) chlamydomonas
2) kelp
3) penicillium
4) chlorella


Choose one, the most correct option. Decay bacteria are, according to the way they feed on organisms
1) chemotrophic
2) autotrophic
3) heterotrophic
4) symbiotic


1. Establish a correspondence between the metabolic feature and the group of organisms for which it is characteristic: 1) autotrophs, 2) heterotrophs

A) release of oxygen into the atmosphere
B) the use of energy contained in food for the synthesis of ATP
C) the use of ready-made organic substances
D) synthesis of organic substances from inorganic
D) use of carbon dioxide for food


2. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and the method of nutrition of organisms: 1) autotrophic, 2) heterotrophic. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) carbon dioxide is the source of carbon
B) accompanied by photolysis of water
C) the energy of the oxidation of organic substances is used
D) the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances is used
D) food intake by phagocytosis


3. Establish a correspondence between the nutritional characteristics of an organism and a group of organisms: 1) autotrophs, 2) heterotrophs. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) engulf food by phagocytosis
B) use the energy released during the oxidation of inorganic substances
B) get food by filtering water
D) synthesize organic substances from inorganic
D) use the energy of sunlight
E) use the energy contained in food


1. Establish a correspondence between the example and the method of nutrition: 1) autotrophic, 2) heterotrophic. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.

A) cyanobacteria
B) kelp
B) bull tapeworm
D) dandelion
D) fox


2. Establish a correspondence between the organism and the type of nutrition: 1) autotrophic, 2) heterotrophic. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Siberian pine
B) E. coli
B) human amoeba
D) penicillium
D) field horsetail
E) chlorella


3. Establish a correspondence between unicellular organisms and the type of nutrition that is characteristic of it: 1) autotrophic, 2) heterotrophic. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Vibrio cholerae
B) iron bacterium
B) malarial plasmodium
D) chlamydomonas
D) cyanobacteria
E) dysenteric amoeba


4. Establish a correspondence between examples and methods of nutrition: 1) autotrophic, 2) heterotrophic. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) spirogyra
B) bull tapeworm
B) horsetail
D) sulfur bacterium
D) green grasshopper


5. Establish a correspondence between examples and methods of nutrition: 1) autotrophic, 2) heterotrophic. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) chlorella
B) frog
B) mushroom
D) fern
D) kelp


A) mukor
B) nitrifying bacteria
B) tinder

Choose one, the most correct option. What organisms convert the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances into macroergic bonds of ATP?

1) phototrophs
2) chemotrophs
3) heterotrophs
4) saprotrophs


Chemosynthetic bacteria are able to obtain energy from compounds of all elements except two. Identify two items that "fall out" from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Nitrogen
2) Chlorine
3) Iron
4) Magnesium
5) Sulfur


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of organisms and the way they feed: 1) phototrophic, 2) chemotrophic. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.

A) light energy is used
B) oxidation of inorganic substances occurs
C) reactions take place in the thylakoids
D) accompanied by the release of oxygen
D) inherent in hydrogen and nitrifying bacteria
E) requires the presence of chlorophyll


Choose one, the most correct option. The similarity of chemosynthesis and photosynthesis is that in both processes
1) solar energy is used to form organic substances
2) the formation of organic substances uses the energy released during the oxidation of inorganic substances
3) carbon dioxide is used as a source of carbon
4) the final product, oxygen, is released into the atmosphere


1. Establish a correspondence between a group of organisms and the process of transformation of substances that is characteristic of it: 1) photosynthesis, 2) chemosynthesis

A) ferns
B) iron bacteria
B) brown algae
D) cyanobacteria
D) green algae
E) nitrifying bacteria


2. Establish a correspondence between examples and methods of nutrition of living organisms: 1) phototrophic, 2) chemotrophic. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) spirogyra
B) nitrifying bacteria
B) chlorella
D) sulfur bacteria
D) iron bacteria
E) chlorococcus


1. Establish a correspondence between the organism and the way it is fed: 1) phototrophic, 2) heterotrophic, 3) chemotrophic. Write the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in the correct order.

A) spirogyra
B) penicillium
B) sulfur bacterium
D) cyanobacteria
D) earthworm


2. Establish a correspondence between organisms and their types of nutrition: 1) phototrophic, 2) heterotrophic. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) lamblia
B) ergot mushroom
B) chlamydomonas
D) cyanobacteria
D) sphagnum


1. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic and the process: 1) photosynthesis, 2) glycolysis. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.

A) occurs in chloroplasts
B) glucose is synthesized
B) is a stage of energy metabolism
D) occurs in the cytoplasm
D) photolysis of water occurs


2. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic and the life process of the plant to which it belongs: 1-photosynthesis, 2-respiration
1) glucose is synthesized
2) organic substances are oxidized
3) oxygen is released
4) carbon dioxide is formed
5) occurs in mitochondria
6) accompanied by energy absorption


3. Establish a correspondence between the process and the type of metabolism in the cell: 1) photosynthesis, 2) energy metabolism
A) the formation of pyruvic acid (PVA)
B) occurs in mitochondria
C) photolysis of water molecules
D) the synthesis of ATP molecules due to the energy of light
D) occurs in chloroplasts
E) the synthesis of 38 ATP molecules during the breakdown of a glucose molecule


4. Establish a correspondence between the sign of plant life and the process of respiration or photosynthesis: 1) respiration, 2) photosynthesis
A) carried out in cells with chloroplasts
B) occurs in all cells
B) oxygen is taken in
D) absorb carbon dioxide
D) organic substances are formed from inorganic in the light
E) organic matter is oxidized


5. Establish a correspondence between the features and between the processes: 1) photosynthesis, 2) respiration. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) ATP is produced in chloroplasts
B) occurs in all living cells
B) ATP is produced in mitochondria
D) end products - organic matter and oxygen
D) starting materials - carbon dioxide and water
E) energy is released


6. Establish a correspondence between the processes and their features: 1) respiration, 2) photosynthesis. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide and water are released.
B) organic substances are formed
B) occurs in chloroplasts in the light
D) carbon dioxide and water are taken in and oxygen is released
D) occurs in mitochondria in the light and in the dark
E) organic matter is broken down


Establish a correspondence between the process occurring in the cell and the organoid in which it occurs: 1) mitochondria, 2) chloroplast. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct sequence.
A) reduction of carbon dioxide to glucose
B) ATP synthesis during respiration
C) primary synthesis of organic substances
D) the conversion of light energy into chemical energy
D) the breakdown of organic substances to carbon dioxide and water


Establish a correspondence between the features of the organoid and the organoid for which these features are characteristic: 1) Chloroplast, 2) Mitochondria. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) contains a green pigment
B) Consists of a double membrane, thylakoids and gran
C) converts light energy into chemical energy
D) Consists of a double membrane and cristae
D) Provides the final oxidation of nutrients
E) Stores energy in the form of 38 mol of ATP when 1 mol of glucose is broken down


Choose one, the most correct option. During respiration, plants provide

1) energy
2) water
3) organic substances
4) minerals


Choose one, the most correct option. Cultivated plants do not grow well on waterlogged soil, as in it
1) insufficient oxygen content
2) methane is formed
3) excess content of organic matter
4) contains a lot of peat


Choose one, the most correct option. Plants in the process of respiration use oxygen, which enters the cells and provides
1) oxidation of inorganic substances to carbon dioxide and water
2) oxidation of organic substances with the release of energy
3) synthesis of organic substances from inorganic
4) protein synthesis from amino acids


Choose one, the most correct option. Plants in the process of respiration
1) release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide
2) take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide
3) accumulate energy in the resulting organic substances
4) synthesize organic substances from inorganic


Choose one, the most correct option. To ensure the access of atmospheric oxygen to the roots of plants, the soil must be
1) fertilize with potassium salts
2) loosen before watering and during watering
3) fertilize with nitrogen salts
4) loosen after watering


Analyze the text "Plant Breathing". For each cell marked with a letter, select the appropriate term from the list provided. Plant respiration is a continuous process. During this process, the plant organism consumes ________ (A) and releases ________ (B). Unnecessary gaseous substances are removed from the plant by diffusion. In the leaf, they are removed through special formations - ________ (B), located in the skin. When breathing, the energy of organic substances is released, stored during ________ (G), which occurs in the green parts of the plant in the light.
1) water
2) evaporation
3) oxygen
4) transpiration
5) carbon dioxide
6) stomata
7) photosynthesis
8) lentil


© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019