Learning to write the suffix ok in nouns. Acceptance of an unfinished offer

Topic (lesson):Learning to write the suffix -ok- in nouns..

Planned results:

: continue to form the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards school;

metasubject results:

regulatory : control and evaluation of the process and results of activities, correction, the ability to determine the topic and formulate a goal with the help of a teacher; planning learning activities;

cognitive : find answers to questions using a textbook, your life experience and information obtained in the lessons, compare, analyze and draw conclusions as a result joint work;

communicative : participation in a collective discussion of the problem, planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers; formation of skills to work in a pair, group;

subject results:

Learn to write the suffix correctly - ok in nouns after hissing.

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for getting acquainted with the rule of writing the suffix - ok- in words with a root ending in hissing and creating a spelling algorithm from the suffix - ok-. working in a group.

Equipment : textbook, presentation, printed notebook.

Teacher activity

Children activities


I . Organizing time

Good morning, guys! Hello, Dear colleagues! I hope that we all have a wonderful mood, and that children have enough skills to discover new knowledge.

Today in the lesson we will reveal another little secret of the great Russian language.

To do this, we need to repeat the rules of working in pairs, in a group.

We speak politely
call the interlocutor by name,
we speak in turn, without interrupting each other,
listening carefully
clearly express our opinion, proving the rule ;

If we cannot come to a common opinion, we turn to the teacher for help.

What can we add if we work in a group?

We choose the one who will present the work and fix.

Personal: form

the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards school;

II . Knowledge update

Let's get to work. Open your notebooks and write down the number, class work.

1.Min calligraphy

Look at min. calligraphy, what did you notice?

What is a suffix?

Set a goal for yourself, what I will work on in a minute of calligraphy.

1 slide

2. Write down, highlight the part of the word where the spelling is located, insert the missing letter.

Let's guys choose the forms of work (why?)

key? to, hare? nok, wise? c, heel? to


Who has difficulty spelling the word heel?

Who wrote with the letter "o"?

Who wrote with the letter "yo"?

Can we affirmatively say who is right?

Guys, what is ok? Why?

What part of speech is the wordheel?? to? (write down problem on the board???)

Can you guess what the topic of the lesson is?

slide 2

Subject: Suffix ok in nouns.

Target: learn to write the suffix ok in nouns. (writing on the board)

slide 3

Guys help me plan our work.

Planning activities to solve the tasks. Students are asked to arrange the tasks of the lesson in the correct sequence and determine the extra one.

1. Practice writing words with the suffix -ok-.

2. Evaluate your work.

3. Observe the words with the suffix -ok- and draw conclusions.

4. (extra) Practice writing words with an unstressed vowel in the root

5. Get acquainted with the rule of writing the suffix -ok- in words with a root ending in hissing.


Writing on the board.

1. Observe the words with the suffix -ok- and draw conclusions.

2. Get acquainted with the rule for writing the suffix -ok- in words with a root ending in hissing.

3. Practice writing words with the suffix -ok-.

4. Evaluate your work.

slide 4

Evaluation of activities according to criteria.

1. Be able to write words with the suffix -ok- correctly

3. Accurate work in a notebook.

These are suffixes.

This is the part of the word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.

Children choose forms of work, write down words

We check.

(Children raise their hands)

No, we have not studied this topic, so we do not know the rules.

It's a noun. Denotes an object and answers the question what.

- Suffix ok in nouns.

- learn to write the suffix ok in nouns.

Group work

Students arrange the tasks in the correct sequence to solve the set goal, find an extra task.


Cognitive: find answers to questions using your life experience and information received in the lessons; compare, analyze and draw conclusions as a result of joint work;

Regulatory: control and evaluation of the process and results of activities, correction, the ability to determine the topic and formulate a goal with the help of a teacher; planning of educational activities;

Communicative eparticipation in a collective discussion of the problem, planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the formation of skills to work in pairs, groups

III . Problematic explanation of new knowledge

Work on the first task of the lesson.

slide 5 - Write off, highlight the suffix, stress, observe the suffix, draw a conclusion.

How will the guys work? (in pair, group)

barrel, snowball, tongue, address, heel


Work on the second task of the lesson.

Textbook page 25.

We read to ourselves and aloud.

Back to the wordheel?to.why suffix ok?

slide 6

Before proceeding to the 3rd task of the lesson, let's make an algorithm for working with the suffix ok. Choose a form of work.

Examination. (fix on the board)

The guys perform in pairs. (In a group)

Children make a plan

    Sort the words by composition.

    Put emphasis.

    Find out which part of the word is stressed.

    Observe the last sound of the root and the stressed vowel.

    Make a conclusion.

After drawing up a plan, the children observe these words and draw conclusions..

The suffix -ok- is always under stress, after the hissing we write the letter o

Make up an algorithm (the form of work is chosen by yourself


    Sort the words by composition.

    Formulate the spelling.

    Put emphasis.

    Observe the last sound of the root.

    Write the word correctly.

Communicative: participation in a collective discussion of the problem, the formation of skills to work in pairs, in a group;

Regulatory: maintaining the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Cognitive: compare, analyze and draw conclusions as a result of joint work;

IV . Primary fastening

Work on the third task of the lesson.

Ex. 1 p. 25. (3 words at the blackboard with an explanation)

Shoe + ok \u003d shoe, bull + ok \u003d bull,

Independently 3 words (friend, beetle, meadow)


Suffix walks along the path
And he plays the harmonica...
Here is the house. This is a house.
This is a house. A gnome lives here.
This is the home of the giant
Giant Istukan…
Run away from him
don't touch anyone!!!

walking in place for 3-4 sec.
hands in front of the chest, hand jerks
sit down, get up
get up
get up on your toes, hands up,
running in place for 2-3 sec.

Children work in a notebook

Children make a conclusion about the spelling of the suffix based on observations.

Evaluate your work

Regulatory: control and evaluation of the process and results of activities

v. Inclusion of new knowledge

into the system of knowledge and repetition.

I propose to find out how well the knowledge is acquired.Differentiation( independent work)

printed notebook page 5, exercise 1

S. 25 ex. 1 (continuation)

Pay attention to the hint.

Perform. We check.

Stand up guys who only have suffixes ok,

And who has the suffixes and ok and ek

Name the words with the suffix ok

The game is a fairy tale about suffixes. (Appendix) Now we will choose wizards in our class (mutual check)

Wizards rise.

Rule p.25

Exercise 3 and exercise 5 (if you want to get 5)

They check the words and stand up those who have the suffix -ok- in all words.

Children write down homework

Communicative: participation in a group discussion of the problem,

V /.Reflection. (Lesson summary)

Work on the fourth task of the lesson

I propose to evaluate yourself according to the criteria.

1. Be able to write words with the suffix -ok- correctly

2. Accurate work in a notebook.

Slide 8

Now, please complete the sentences you see on the board: today in the lesson

    I found out…

    I learned…

    I was having a hard time...

    whom I want to thank for the work

    Where can we use this knowledge?

Evaluated on the "magic ruler"

Determine what is not entirely clear in the topic of the lesson.


control and correction

Annex 1

“A long time ago, there were two villages in the neighborhood. Roots lived in one, suffixes lived in the other. Between them flowed a wide and deep river. The villagers sailed to visit each other in boats, talked, but not everyone could drive the boat, and everyone wanted to go to the other side. And so the roots and suffixes decided to unite and build a bridge across the river. The bridge turned out great. The inhabitants of both villages lived together, had fun, arranged parties, weddings. But trouble came. The trolls attacked the villages. They seized the bridge, destroyed it, separated roots and suffixes from each other. The trolls chained the river so that no one could cross it to the other side, and the keys were thrown into the river. And the roots and suffixes remained, each on one side of the river. They can’t visit each other in any way, and not a single daredevil could break the chains, much less find the keys in a deep river. But, they say that a kind wizard lives somewhere who can connect the bridge again. To do this, you just need to choose the right suffixes for the words. Maybe this good wizard is among you? Try it. And I give the task: to choose the right suffixes for the words.

Annex 2 (card)

old? take care? cock? wolf? ship? rook7

onok yonok

ec itz ec

ok ik

Lesson Objectives:

  • to improve students' knowledge of writing the suffix -ok-,
  • develop the skills and abilities of spelling suffixes of nouns, memory, attention, speech, ability to listen,
  • educate diligence, independence, interest in the subject.

During the classes

1. Organizing time

Do you have a textbook on your desk?
What about pens and notebooks?
Let's start the lesson now
Once you're all right.
Be careful,
Obedient and observant.
To learn the Russian language
You need to seriously study everything.

2 . vocabulary work (Annex 1, slide 5 ,6)

Pteka, b.seda, b.l.to, girl, z.bota, z.vod, m.rkov, k.l.ndar, k.strulya, .g.rod, r.keta, tr.mvai , sh.k.lad, sh.fer.

3. Learning new material.

Problematic situation. Let's watch the suffix - ok - address, slipper, squirrel, barrel, tubercle, goby, breeze, evening, hair, spinning top

Did you manage to notice the peculiarities of this suffix?

Children draw a conclusion: firstly, this suffix is ​​always stressed, and secondly, the sound (o) after hissing in this suffix is ​​denoted by the letter o.

4. Textbook work p. 20 No. 1. Form words with the suffix -ok- that would name small objects.

shoe, bull, wolf, friend, beetle, heel, meadow, spider, pie, lever, boot, snow, cottage cheese, iron, hamster, step, tongue. ( Slide 7, examination)

5. Work in the notebook “We write competently” No. 2

No. 1. Add suffixes -ek-, -ok-.

6. Work in pairs.

Compose and write ten words using the suffixes -ek-, -ok-.

cheese, friend, hook, pancake, friend, spider, man, wind, castle, pie, oak, snow.

Task: read the original words again and name those that already had suffixes (these are the words pancake, friend), what happened when the suffix -ek- was added to these words.

The conclusion is drawn by the students: in the suffix -ok- there was an alternation of k / h.

7. Physical education minute

In the morning the butterfly woke up
Stretched, smiled.
Once - she washed herself with dew,
Two - gracefully circled.
Three bent down and sat down,
At four, she flew away.

Eye charger.

Look out the window, close your eyes, look again. Make circular movements with your eyes to the right and left. Open your eyes, look into the distance.

8. Textbook work. With. 21 no. 5.

Fixing the spelling of nouns with suffixes -ok-, -ek-, -ik-, working out the analysis of the composition of the word.

Write out the groups related words writing the words in this order:

snow, dove, whistle, snow, little step, little dove, evening, kindergarten, whistle, evening, bell, snowball, dove, whistle, evening, garden ringing, step, little garden, call, step.

(Annex 1. slide 8. Examination)

9. Independent work.

Fixing the spelling of words with suffixes -ek-, -ik-, -ok-. Work in the notebook “We write competently” No. 2, p. 4

10. Differentiated work on the board and in notebooks.

Recording words under dictation in two columns: in the first - words with b at the end after hissing, in the second - words without b.

Dictated words: landscape, drawing, help, speech, lily of the valley, thing, bream, watchman, wilderness, comrade, hut, night, midnight, daughter, pencil.

11. Examination ( Annex 1, slide number 9).

12. Homework: p. 22 no. 6, rule p. 20.

Write the words in two columns depending on the place of the spelling.

Whisper, spider, black, lye, bug, shorts, goby, seam, rustle, step, bees, hood.

Suffix -OK- always under stress.

a) cricket OK, beetle OK

37. Writing the suffix -ets- and -its- and combinations -ichk- and -echk-.

1) In masculine nouns, the suffix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten -ec -.

a) brother ec , handsome ec

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

2) In feminine nouns, the suffix is ​​writtenitz -.

a) virgin itz ah, handsome itz A

b) think up and write down 3 more words with this spelling

3) Combination-IC- written in words formed from words on -itza.

a) sisters itza- sisters ichc ah, fox itza- fox ichc A

b) write down the test word

4) In other cases, a combination is written-echk-.

a) daughter echk a cup - cup echk A

b) write down the test word

38. Writing combinations -ink-, -enk-.

1) Combination -inc- written in words formed from words with the suffix–in- and ending and ending-A.

a) top in a - top inc ah, crack in a - crack inc A

b) write down the test word

2) Combination -enc- written in words formed from words on -on, -nya .

a) vish nya- vish enk ah, sos on-SOS enk A

b) write down the test word

39. Writing the endings of nouns after hissing and c.

In the endings of nouns after hissing andc under stress

a letter is writtenO , and without stress in the same endings the letter is writtene .

a) candles Ouch that "hto her, pencilo "m -showereat

b) write down the word, put stress, underline the spelling.

40. Word wrap.

1) When wrapping words, you cannot leave at the end of a line or transfer to another line a part of a word that does not make up a syllable.

Cannot be transferred: p-rah, view-tr.

You cannot separate a consonant from the vowel that follows it.

2) You can not tear off the letters "b" and "b" from the previous consonant.

3) You can not tear off "Y" from the previous vowel.

4) You can not leave one letter at the end of a line or transfer one letter to another line.

5) When transferring words with prefixes, you cannot break a monosyllabic prefix if the prefix is ​​followed by a consonant.

6) When transferring words with prefixes, you cannot leave at the end of the line with a prefix the initial part of the root that does not make up a syllable.

7) When transferring compound words, you cannot leave the initial part of the second stem at the end of the line if this part does not constitute a syllable.

8) You can not leave at the end of the line or transfer to the beginning of the next two identical consonants between vowels. This rule does not apply to double consonants of the second stem in compound words, For example: innovation.

9) You can’t break the monosyllabic part of compound abbreviations with a transfer

10) It is impossible to break alphabetic abbreviations with hyphenation, both written in uppercase alone, and written in part in lowercase, in part in uppercase or uppercase with numbers,

for example: USSR, Labor Code, TU-104.

11) Many words can be transferred in various ways; wherein

noisy, noisy; children's, children's cue;

lov-cue, lo-vky;

classy, ​​classy; daring, daring, daring; bit-va, bi-tva;

kinship, kinship, kinship;

slippery, slippery, slippery

peasant-yanin, peasant-nin, peasant, peasant.

12) Some words cannot be transferred, for example:

Asia, I know, foyer.

13) It is impossible to break conditional graphic abbreviations like:

etc., etc., i.e. railroad, about.

14) You can not transfer punctuation marks to another line, except for ty-

re after a dot or after a colon before the second part

interrupted direct speech.

15) You can not leave an opening bracket at the end of the line or open-

quotation marks.

Translate the word correctly, write 3 more words with hyphenation, write 3 more words that cannot be hyphenated.

Analyzing the word as a part of speech

1. The name of the part of speech; What question does the word answer? what it means (in case of difficulty, find out how it can change).




2. Initial form:

them. p., units h.

Who? What?

them. p., units hours, m.

unspecified f. ch.

what to do?

3. Permanent signs:



4. The form in which the word used:





(Recognize them by the word-

commander: ×)



(for past temp. units h.)


(for present and future)

5. Role in the proposal: which member is; if secondary, write out the phrase in

which it enters as a dependent member, show

Words with suffixes -ek-/-ik- always raise a lot of questions from schoolchildren. Moreover, not every adult knows in what cases this or that morpheme is written. That is why we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General information

Name 2 words with the suffix -ik-. It should be noted that this is not difficult to do, but only if you know the basic rule of the Russian language, which explains the spelling of the letters "i" and "e" in this morpheme. After all, some people constantly make the same mistakes, and instead of “key” they write “key”, instead of “bush” - “bush”, “ball” - “ball”, and so on. That is why the school curriculum pays special attention to this topic.

When should the letter "i" be used?

And what words with suffixes -ek-/-ik- do you know? These include the following: a sofa, granddaughter, son, brick, peas, knife, pencil, bell, leaf, lump, hammer, flower, leaf, bush, light, whistle, stalk, key, boy, spout, cucumber, high chair, finger , a piece, a face, a bag, a ball, a handkerchief, a pie, a bridge, a ball, an airplane, a cog, a bow, a rain, a nut, a garden, a kitten, etc.

As you can see, every mentioned word with the suffix -ik- raises serious doubts about its correct spelling. After all, this morpheme is in an unstressed position, and therefore it is impossible to determine which vowel should be placed at the end - “i” or “e” (or maybe “o”?). That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant rules of the Russian language.

Basic rule

A word with the suffix -ik- should be written only if the vowel "and" is retained during its declension. For clarity, here are specific examples:

  • pencil - pencil Ika;
  • sofa - sofa;
  • cucumber - cucumber;
  • kalachik - kalachik;
  • bush - bush;
  • spout - spout;
  • stool - stool;
  • finger - finger;
  • face - face;
  • boy - boy;
  • key - key;
  • ball - ball;
  • airplane - airplaneIka;
  • leaf - leaf;
  • screw - screw;
  • bow - bow;
  • bridge - bridge;
  • brick - brick;
  • rain - rain;
  • kindergarten - kindergarten, etc.

When should the letter "e" be used?

We talked about how you can check a word with the suffix -ik- a little higher. However, it should be noted that in the Russian language there are often such lexical units that have the morpheme -ek-. And in order to make sure that the letter “e” is really written in these words, it is also recommended to decline them. If it is fluent (that is, it drops out), then only the suffix -ek- should be put.

Here are some illustrative examples:

  • bell - bell;
  • granddaughter - granddaughter;
  • little flame - little flame;
  • peas - peas;
  • knife - knife;
  • lump - lump;
  • whistle - whistle;
  • hammer - hammer;
  • leaflet - leaflet;
  • nut - nut;
  • son - sonChKa;
  • stalk - stalk;
  • a piece - a piece;
  • pouch - pouch;
  • flower - flower;
  • handkerchief - handkerchief;
  • pie - pie;
  • kitten - kitten and so on.

As you can see, it is quite easy to determine which word is written with the suffix -ik-, and which one is spelled with the suffix -ek-. By the way, such morphemes in Russian are called alternating. Unlike invariable ones, their spelling depends on certain situations (in this case, on the preservation of the vowel when the word is declined).

with suffix -ok-

Above, we examined words with the suffix -ik-. -Ok- is also a morpheme. However, during word formation, such a suffix does not raise any doubts. What is it connected with? The fact is that the presented morpheme almost always occupies a stressed position. As a result, the letter "o" in the suffix -ok- is heard as clearly as possible. To illustrate, here are a few examples:

  • cam;
  • top;
  • son;
  • hammer;
  • shooterOk;
  • cockerel;
  • foolOk;
  • bank;
  • chalk;
  • connoisseur;
  • snowOk;
  • hook;
  • Teremok, etc.

Suffixes -ek- and -ok- after pinching consonants

You know what words with the suffix -ik-, -ek- and -ok- exist. However, here arises new question: "In what cases in the last two morphemes should the letter "e" be put after the sibilants, and in which - "o"? After all, it is quite difficult to determine how it will be right: cockerel or cockerel. What is it connected with? The fact is that during the pronunciation of such lexical units, both the letter “e” and the letter “o” after hissing consonants are heard as [o].

Spelling rule for vowels "e" and "o" after hissing

If the suffix after the hissing consonant is stressed, then only the morpheme -ok- should be written. Let's take an illustrative example:

  • bank;
  • cockerel;
  • cam;
  • top;
  • man;
  • top;
  • old man;
  • worm;
  • boot;
  • foolOk;
  • bounce;
  • joint;
  • son;
  • snowOk;
  • hook and others.

As for the suffix -ek-, it is placed only in those words in which stress does not fall on it, and if such a lexical unit loses a vowel during declension.

For clarity, here is an example:

  • knife
  • nutlet
  • granddaughter;
  • peas;
  • bell;
  • lump;
  • hammer;
  • leaflet;
  • little spark;
  • whistlePoints;
  • sonGlasses;
  • colorPoints;
  • stalk;
  • a piece;
  • pouch;
  • ovrAzhek;
  • handkerchief;
  • pie;
  • kitten and others.

Ways of forming words using the suffix -ok-

How are such words formed? Nouns with the suffix -ik-/-ek- arise by adding a morpheme to As a result, we get a new lexical unit, but in a diminutive meaning (for example, a sofa, a lump, a granddaughter, a leaflet, a hammer, a bell, etc.).

As for the suffix -ok-, it gives slightly different meanings:

  • Diminutiveness, accompanied by an expression of endearment (let's give an example: a seagull, a brother, a son-in-law, a fungus, a leaf, etc.).
  • Action (let's give an example: yawn, throw, kick, sip, jerk, smear, push, jump, slap, jump, click, clap, etc.).
  • An object, or rather the result of an action (let's give an example: a fragment, a skein, a stump, a sketch, a cast, an imprint, a stitch, a village, a settlement, etc.).
  • An object, or rather an instrument of action (let's give an example: a whistle, a bell, a beep, etc.).
  • The subject, or rather the subject of the action (for example, a float, an engine, a sprout, etc.).
  • Location (skating rink).
  • A diminutive or only pet meaning (for example, Ninok, Vitek, Lidok, Igor, Sashok, etc.).
  • A person who performs an action (for example, rider, eater, shooter, player, walker, etc.).
  • A person who arises as a result of an action (for example, a premature baby, a degenerate, an overgrown man, an undergrowth, a teenager, etc.).
  • Persons characterized by the quality contained in the motivating word (for example, ancestor, descendant, etc.).
  • An object characterized by a sign that is called motivating (for example, wild, squirrel, yolk, etc.).
  • A substance that is named by a motivating noun (for example, crayon).
  • A unit that stands out in nouns and denotes a group of identical objects. At the same time, there are exactly as many of them as are called motivating (for example, fives, ten, etc.).

Words with suffixes -ek-/-ik- always raise a lot of questions from schoolchildren. Moreover, not every adult knows in what cases this or that morpheme is written. That is why we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General information

Name 2 words with the suffix -ik-. It should be noted that this is not difficult to do, but only if you know the basic rule of the Russian language, which explains the spelling of the letters "i" and "e" in this morpheme. After all, some people constantly make the same mistakes, and instead of “key” they write “key”, instead of “bush” - “bush”, “ball” - “ball”, and so on. That is why the school curriculum pays special attention to this topic.

When should the letter "i" be used?

And what words with suffixes –ek-/-ik- do you know? These include the following: a sofa, granddaughter, son, brick, peas, knife, pencil, bell, leaf, lump, hammer, flower, leaf, bush, light, whistle, stalk, key, boy, spout, cucumber, high chair, finger , a piece, a face, a bag, a ball, a handkerchief, a pie, a bridge, a ball, an airplane, a cog, a bow, a rain, a nut, a garden, a kitten, etc.

As you can see, every mentioned word with the suffix -ik- raises serious doubts about its correct spelling. After all, this morpheme is in an unstressed position, and therefore it is impossible to determine which vowel should be placed at the end - “i” or “e” (or maybe “o”?). That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant rules of the Russian language.

Basic rule

A word with the suffix -ik- should be written only if the vowel "i" is preserved during its declension. For clarity, here are specific examples:

  • pencil - pencil Ika;
  • sofa - sofa;
  • cucumber - cucumber;
  • kalachik - kalachik;
  • bush - bush;
  • spout - spout;
  • stool - stool;
  • finger - finger;
  • face - face;
  • boy - boy;
  • key - key;
  • ball - ball;
  • airplane - airplane;
  • leaf - leaf;
  • screw - screw;
  • bow - bow;
  • bridge - bridge;
  • brick - brick;
  • rain - rain;
  • kindergarten - kindergarten, etc.
  • When should the letter "e" be used?

    We talked about how you can check a word with the suffix -ik- a little higher. However, it should be noted that in the Russian language there are often such lexical units that have the morpheme -ek-. And in order to make sure that the letter “e” is really written in these words, it is also recommended to decline them. If it is fluent (that is, it drops out), then only the suffix -ek- should be put.

    Here are some illustrative examples:

  • bell - bell;
  • granddaughter - granddaughter;
  • little light - little light;
  • peas - peas;
  • knife - knife;
  • lump - lump;
  • whistle - whistle;
  • hammer - hammer;
  • leaflet - leaflet;
  • nut - nut;
  • son - sonChKa;
  • stalk - stalk;
  • a piece - a piece;
  • pouch - pouch;
  • flower - flower;
  • handkerchief - handkerchief;
  • pie - pie;
  • kitten - kitten and so on.
  • As you can see, it is quite easy to determine which word is written with the suffix -ik-, and which one is spelled with the suffix -ek-. By the way, such morphemes in Russian are called alternating. Unlike invariable ones, their spelling depends on certain situations (in this case, on the preservation of the vowel when the word is declined).

    Nouns with the suffix -ok-

    Above, we examined words with the suffix -ik-. –Ok- is also a morpheme of nouns. However, during word formation, such a suffix does not raise any doubts. What is it connected with? The fact is that the presented morpheme almost always occupies a stressed position. As a result, the letter "o" in the suffix -ok- is heard as clearly as possible. To illustrate, here are a few examples:

    Suffixes -ek- and -ok- after pinching consonants

    You know what words with the suffix -ik-, -ek- and -ok- exist. However, here a new question arises: “In what cases in the last two morphemes should the letter “e” be placed after the sibilants, and in which cases – “o”? After all, it is quite difficult to determine how it will be right: cockerel or cockerel. What is it connected with? The fact is that during the pronunciation of such lexical units, both the letter “e” and the letter “o” after hissing consonants are heard as [o].

    Spelling rule for vowels "e" and "o" after hissing

    If the suffix after the hissing consonant is stressed, then only the morpheme -ok- should be written. Let's take an illustrative example:

  • bank;
  • cockerel;
  • cam;
  • top;
  • man;
  • old man;
  • worm;
  • boot;
  • foolOk;
  • bounce;
  • joint;
  • son;
  • snowOk;
  • hook and others.
  • As for the suffix -ek-, it is placed only in those words in which stress does not fall on it, and if such a lexical unit loses a vowel during declension.

    For clarity, here is an example:

  • knife
  • nutlet
  • granddaughter;
  • peas;
  • bell;
  • lump;
  • hammer;
  • leaflet;
  • little spark;
  • whistlePoints;
  • sonGlasses;
  • colorPoints;
  • stalk;
  • a piece;
  • pouch;
  • ovrAzhek;
  • handkerchief;
  • pie;
  • kitten and others.
  • Ways of forming words using the suffix -ok-

    How are such words formed? Nouns with the suffix -ik-/-ek- arise by adding a morpheme to the stem of a word. As a result, we get a new lexical unit, but in a diminutive meaning (for example, a sofa, a lump, granddaughters, a leaf, a hammer, a bell, etc.).
    As for the suffix -ok-, it gives slightly different meanings:

    ok yok rule

    § 54. Spelling of suffixes.

    1. -ik, -ek. To distinguish between suffixes -ik, -ek (-ok) , we must remember that when declining the word, the suffix -ik preserves the vowel sound, and the suffix -ek (-ok) loses a vowel sound: key- ik- key- ik-a, cucumber- ik- cucumber- ik-A, But flower-ek - flower- To-a, fire- ek- fire- To-A.
    2. - ok, ok. After hissing under stress, it is written -OK : coast OK, wolch OK, cockerel OK, shoe OK . Suffix -ek after hissing it is written if the stress does not fall on it: n o zhich ek, or e sh ek .
    3. -ets, -its- A. Suffix -ets occurs only in masculine words, and the suffix -its- A occurs only in feminine words: bread ec, old ec , But: conn itz a, puddle itz A.
    4. -ets- O, -its- e. In neuter nouns it is written -eco , if the stress falls on the ending, and is written -ice if the accent falls on the stem: letter tso, gun eso , But dress ice, armchair ice .
    5. inc-A, -enk- A. Suffix -ink- A written in nouns that are formed from words in -in- A, having the value of singularity: straw in a - straw inc ah, gone in a - protal inc A; -enk- A is written in words formed from nouns, the basis of which is in gender. pad. plural numbers ending in -en : pash n i am pash en (gen. case. plural) - pash enk A; bass n i am bass en- bass enk A; SOS n a - sos en– sos enk A.
    But: village - tree ny– tree ny ka; kitchen - kitchen ny– kuho ny ka.
    6. -ear-, -yushk-, -yshk- . Suffix -yshk- used in neuter nouns: sun yshk oh per yshk O. Suffix -ear-, -yushk- written in masculine and feminine words: grandfather eyelet a neighbor eyelet ah, cows eyelet a, wolf yushk ah, bat yushk ah, bread eyelet O. Suffix -yushk- it is also written in words of the middle gender with a soft stem: field - floor yushk oh, grief - mountains yushk O. 7. After suffixes -ushk- (-yushk-), -ishk- the ending is written -A or -O :
    a) In feminine nouns. the genus is always written ending -A ; little head A, volyushk A, earth A .
    b) In male nouns. kind, if they denote animate objects, the ending is written -A : grandfathers A, son A ; if they denote inanimate objects, then the ending is written -O : bread O, courtyard O .
    c) In nouns, the middle. the genus is always written ending -O: polyushka O, letter O, glass O, wing O .
    8. -IC- A, -echk- A. Suffix -IC- A(usually with an accent And ) is written in nouns formed from words in -its- A or -hic- A: countries and tsa - countries and chk a, fox and tsa - fox and chk a, ladder - ladder ichc a, earthlings and ka - earthlings and chk A. In other cases, write -echk- A: spoon - lie echk a paper - paper echk a, bench - bench echk A.
    9. -yonk- A ( -He to- A), -yonok (-onok) . After hissing under stress instead -yonk- A, -yonok spelled -He to- A, -onok : books He to uh, bear oh nok, mouse oh nok, galch oh nok .
    10. -enk- A, -onk- A. In affectionate suffixes -enk-, -onk- after n spelled b: mom enk a, birch onc A.
    11. -search- e, -search- A. Suffix -search- e(ending -e ) is written in masculine and neuter words (decline according to the 2nd declension): House House seek e, nose - nose seek e, swamp - swamp seek e, log - log seek e. Suffix -search- A(ending -A ) is written in feminine words (decline according to the 1st declension): boredom - boring seek a, paw - paw seek a, beard - beard seek A.

    12. -chik, -chik. After consonant suffixes -chic And -chik pronunciation is difficult to distinguish. In doubtful cases, it must be remembered that in nouns that denote people by the nature of their occupations and actions, the suffix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten -chik if the suffix is ​​preceded by t, e, s, h, f: fly - flight chik, translate - translation chik, spread - spacing chik, carry - cart chik, run over - run over chik . After other consonants, write -schik : kit box, stone box, finger box . After T only a few words, mostly of foreign origin, have the suffix -schik : flutes box, repair box, diamond box and etc.
    Before suffixes -schik And -chik soft sign written only after the letter l: chair chik, smoked box, pil box (But: con chik, ban box, stone box ).

    § 55. Spelling of the particle Not with nouns.

    Particle Not spelled with nouns together:
    1) if without a particle Not noun is not used: adversity, bad weather, slovenly, indignation;
    2) if the addition of a particle does not form a new word that can be replaced by another word that is close in meaning: enemy - enemy, misfortune - trouble.
    Particle Not written with nouns separately, if there is or is implied opposition: This Not Truth(and a lie). He me Not buddy(but only a friend).


    Russian language lesson in the 3rd grade on the topic "Learning to write the suffix -ok- in nouns"

  • to improve students' knowledge of writing the suffix -ok-,
  • develop the skills and abilities of spelling suffixes of nouns, memory, attention, speech, ability to listen,
  • educate diligence, independence, interest in the subject.
  • 1. Organizing time

    Do you have a textbook on your desk?
    What about pens and notebooks?
    Let's start the lesson now
    Once you're all right.
    Be careful,
    Obedient and observant.
    To learn the Russian language
    You need to seriously study everything.

    Pteka, b.seda, b.l.to, girl, z.bota, z.vod, m.rkov, k.l.ndar, k.strulya, .g.rod, r.keta, tr.mvai , sh.k.lad, sh.fer.

    3. Learning new material.

    Problematic situation. Let's watch the suffix - ok - address, slipper, squirrel, barrel, tubercle, goby, breeze, evening, hair, spinning top

    Did you manage to notice the peculiarities of this suffix?

    Children draw a conclusion: firstly, this suffix is ​​always stressed, and secondly, the sound (o) after hissing in this suffix is ​​denoted by the letter o.

    4. Textbook work p. 20 No. 1. Form words with the suffix -ok- that would name small objects.

    shoe, bull, wolf, friend, beetle, heel, meadow, spider, pie, lever, boot, snow, cottage cheese, iron, hamster, step, tongue. ( Slide 7, examination)

    5. Work in the notebook “We write competently” No. 2

    No. 1. Add suffixes -ek-, -ok-.

    6. Work in pairs.

    Compose and write ten words using the suffixes -ek-, -ok-.

    cheese, friend, hook, pancake, friend, spider, man, wind, castle, pie, oak, snow.

    Task: read the original words again and name those that already had suffixes (these are the words pancake, friend), what happened when the suffix -ek- was added to these words.

    The conclusion is drawn by the students: in the suffix -ok- there was an alternation of k / h.

    In the morning the butterfly woke up
    Stretched, smiled.
    Once - she washed herself with dew,
    Two - gracefully circled.
    Three bent down and sat down,
    At four, she flew away.

    Eye charger.

    Look out the window, close your eyes, look again. Make circular movements with your eyes to the right and left. Open your eyes, look into the distance.

    8. Textbook work. With. 21 no. 5.

    Fixing the spelling of nouns with suffixes -ok-, -ek-, -ik-, working out the analysis of the composition of the word.

    Write down groups of related words, writing the words in this order:

    snow, dove, whistle, snow, little step, little dove, evening, kindergarten, whistle, evening, bell, snowball, dove, whistle, evening, garden ringing, step, little garden, call, step.


    Suffixes with a diminutive caressing meaning. Suffix examples?

    What are the suffixes with a diminutive meaning in Russian?

    Diminutive suffixes, or suffixes of subjective evaluation in Russian, are not derivational: they form word forms, mainly nouns.

    Let's group them by gender.

    Suffixes of masculine nouns:

    2) -hic-: leaf;

    3) -chik-: suitcase;

    4) -ets-: people;

    6) -yshk-/-ear-: sparrow, pebble.

    Suffixes of feminine nouns:

    1) -To-: pen;

    2) -c-: door;

    3) -IC-: mitten;

    4) -points-/-points-: needle, little book;

    5) -nk-: river, Nadenka;

    6) -ear-/-ear-: little head, girly, nanny;

    7) -enochk-: girl;

    8) —urk-: girly;

    9) -us-// -str-: mamusya, Lenusya; mommy.

    Suffixes of neuter nouns:

    1) -To-: milk;

    2) -c-/-ec-/-ic-: pocket mirror, coat, dress;

    3) -yshk-/-ishk-: nest, house;

    4) -ear-/-ear-: bread, polyushko;

    5) -echk-: word.

    Adjective suffixes:

    -onk / -enk-: soft, sweet.

    Derivative suffixes with a diminutive meaning:

    Onk- striped, fox, Lizonka;

    Enk-zorenka, little path, Sashenka, mama, papa;

    Yink-hare, good-bye, good-bye;

    In + k - pea, abrasion, straw;

    Enk - refugee, sissy, French;

    Ik - key, knife;

    Ek - a lock, a piece, a bag;

    Ok- top, fist;

    Etz - a letter, a gun;

    Itz-mitelitsa, beauty, butter, armchair;

    Ich + k chanterelle, ladder, onion.

    In russian language with a diminutive meaning there are many suffixes.

    noun will give a diminutive meaning to the following suffixes:

    leg, head, dove, handle;

    -ik, -ek:

    table, square, pencil, broom, wreath;


    slipper, chest, hook, fluff, stump, day;

    -ets-, -its-:

    a puddle, a face, an armchair, an oil, a coat, a letter;


    seed, temechko, imechko, time, strainer, morning, asterisk, tassel, news;


    head, fox, little hand, little leg;


    feather, sun, neck, little thing, glass;

    -ear-/-ear- :

    old woman, girly, winter, pole, volushka;


    little boy, little river, little shop, money, little horse, little head;


    pocket, cup, dummy;


    a speck of dust, a teardrop, a fluff, a dewdrop;


    At adjectives note the suffixes with a diminutive meaning:


    small, quick, nimble, smart, inferior, light.

    Examples of nouns in a diminutive meaning with suffixes:

  • - hic: house, elephant, cat, rug, mouth:
  • – ek: padlock, pouch;
  • - OK: meadow, iron, cheese;
  • -onok: wolf cub, mouse;
  • -enok: tiger cub, elephant cub, lion cub, kitten;
  • -enko: daughter, little river;
  • -He to: dog, girl, skirt;
  • — chik: boy, sofa, high chair, cucumber;
  • - ear: mother, girl, grandmother, grandfather, sweetie;
  • - yshk: log, bottom, speck;
  • - yushk: father, polyushko;
  • - oshk: basket, accordion;
  • - ichc: chanterelle, onion, sister, titmouse, button;
  • - echk: cup, kitty;
  • - points: basket, girl, milk, fork, skirt;
  • - ears: bread, pebble;
  • – st: granny, sonny, mommy, capricious;
  • - c: pocket mirror, little case, saucer;
  • - itz: oil, dress.
  • Examples of adjectives in a diminutive meaning with suffixes.