Questions about the story warm bread. "Warm bread" questions and tests. What a bad deed Filka did

Why was the boy called Filka Well You?

Filka was silent, distrustful, unkind, and his favorite expression was: "Come on!"

Why did the miller Pankrat call Filka a "senseless citizen"?

Filka offended the "public" horse, which everyone considered it their duty to feed. When the horse reached for a piece of bread, Filka hit the horse in the teeth with a backhand, and threw the bread into the snow. There was no point in his act, only senseless malice.

What happened in Berezhki after Filka's malicious shout: "There is your bread, go dig it out from under the snow"?

The horse neighed plaintively, a piercing wind howled, snow fell.

How did such weather threaten the inhabitants of Berezhkov?

The wells froze, the water in the river, the mill stopped, everyone ran out of flour, and now, according to the grandmother, "imminent death" awaited them all.

When did Filka realize his guilt before the people and the offended horse?

The grandmother told her grandson about the severe frost that had fallen on the whole district, which turned the earth into a desert. The reason for this was "human malice" - the senseless anger of a peasant who offended an old soldier.

What did the boy have to overcome when he decided to correct his villainy?

He overcame his fear, going on a frosty dark night along a deserted street for advice to Pankrat. He became especially frightened when, in the barn, sensing Filka, the horse neighed. But the boy overcame both fear and shame by telling everything to the miller.

How did Filka atone for his guilt?

He gathered guys from all over the village, and they cut ice on the river until water appeared. Here Filka, probably, understood the meaning of the words thrown to the horse: "Go, dig your bread from under the snow."

Do you think Filka will change his attitude towards people and animals after this incident?

The boy learned a lot from those terrible days. He appreciated the help of children and adults, realized the price of a piece of warm bread and the consequences of a senseless evil deed.

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A verification test based on the work of K.G. Paustovsky "Warm Bread" for students in grade 5. purpose: testing knowledge of the text.
This test contains 15 tasks.

Each task has 3 possible answers. At the end of the work, students can immediately find out their result.



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A test based on the work of K.G. Paustovsky "Warm Bread" Mayorova Tamara Viktorovna teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Secondary School No. 65"

Instructions for working with the test This test contains 15 tasks. Each task has 3 possible answers. You must choose the correct one. 3. If you have chosen the correct answer, a "plus" will appear. 4. If you chose the wrong answer, a "minus" will appear. 5. The transition to the next task is carried out by the button below. Good luck!

1. Determine the genre of the work. story true story - - +

2. The theme of the work: work and mutual gain care for animals people and nature - + -

3. The story of an old soldier is: a true story a legend a fairy tale - - +

4. The meaning of the word "warm" in the title of the work: possessing warmth, friendly warming the body, satisfying not hot enough - + -

5. The wounded horse stayed with: blacksmith forester miller - - +

6. The old magpie believed that it had helped Filka: having woken up the summer wind, having called the crows for help, having frightened the severe frost with its chirping - + -

Hatred of people's malice, human rudeness - - + 7. Grandmother Filka considered the reason for the severe frost a hundred years ago:

8. Filka realized that he had committed a disgusting, evil act when: he offended the horse, the frost intensified, he heard the story of his grandmother - - +

9. The image of the night landscape is: description narrative reasoning - + -

10. The stories of a disabled warrior and a wounded horse are united by a stylistic device: comparison of antithesis allegory - + -

11. In the sentence: “In the clear sky above the oskors stood the moon, adorned like a bride with pink crowns” - the phrase “like a bride” is: personification antithesis comparison - - +

12. In the sentence: “The wind ... rushed over the fields, whistling and chuckling at the frost ...” - the author uses: metaphor personification allegory - - +

13. In the sentence: “Outside the windows the air was thick, blue, scary" The highlighted words are: comparison epithets logical definitions - - +

14. The real salvation for the village is: the joint work of its inhabitants, the change in the direction of the wind, the timely help of the magpie - + -

Find out your score 15-14 correct answers 13-11 correct answers 10-8 correct answers 5 4 3

Materials used: E.Yu. Lipina Literature: tests for textbooks-readers, edited by T.F. Kurdyumova grades 5-9. Moscow, "Drofa", 2011. Literature. Grade 5 In two parts (edited by V.Ya. Korovina) Moscow, Enlightenment, 2011 O.B. Belomestnykh, I.V. Zolotareva Lesson developments in literature. Grade 5. Moscow, VAKO. 2010 Training simulator template - Zakharova T.A., Baidakova T.B. - www.itru/profil.aspx?cat_no=692&d_no=48111&all=1&page=3

    Genre of the work :

    Theme of the work :


    In a sentence: - the author used :

    Offer: contains:

    The real salvation from the cold was the result :

    Artwork idea:


Test based on the fairy tale by K.G. Paustovsky "Warm bread". Grade 5

1) Genre of the work : a) a story b) true story; c) fairy tale.

2) Theme of the work : a) labor and mutual assistance of people; b) care for animals; c) man and nature.

3) The meaning of the word "warm" in the title of the work:

a) possessing heat, carrying heat; b) warming the body, satisfying; c) not hot enough.

4) Filka realized that he had committed a disgusting, evil act when:

a) offended the horse; b) frost intensified; c) I heard the story of my grandmother.

5) The story of an old soldier told by a grandmother is : a) true story; b) legend; c) fairy tale.

6) The stories of a disabled warrior and a wounded horse are united by similarities:

a) characters b) portraits; c) plot.

7) In a sentence: “In the clear sky above the osokori stood the moon, adorned like a bride, with pink crowns ...” - the author used: a) impersonation b) comparison; c) an allegory

8) Offer: "The wind ... rushed over the fields, whistling and laughing at the frost" contains: a) a metaphor b) allegory; c) personification.

9) The real salvation from the cold was the result of: a) joint labor of residents; b) changes in wind direction; c) Filka's awareness of his guilt and reconciliation with the horse.

10) Artwork idea:

a) good always triumphs over evil; b) you can not offend animals; c) any difficulties can be overcome

a) He was hurt.

B) So wanted Pankrat.

A) I don't know anything.

B) "Yes, you!".

C) "You are all smart."

A) There is a blizzard.

b) There was a flood.

c) There was an earthquake.

a) He did not want to change.

b) Feed everyone.

And in the evening.

b) She broke down forever.

C) In the summer, when it gets warmer.

a) He asked for forgiveness.

c) He fed him carrots.

B) About evil sorcerers

B) Language will bring to Kyiv.

1) Why did the horse stay in the village?

a) He was hurt.

B) So wanted Pankrat.

2) What was Filka's nickname?

A) I don't know anything.

B) "Yes, you!".

C) "You are all smart."

3) What story did Grandma Filke tell?

A) About how she once offended a soldier.

B) About how a peasant from the village offended an old soldier.

C) How the war ended.

4) What happened when Filka threw bread to the horse in the snow?

A) There is a blizzard.

b) There was a flood.

c) There was an earthquake.

5) How did Filka expiate his guilt?

a) He did not want to change.

b) Feed everyone.

C) Chop the ice with the guys at the mill.

6) What was the magpie talking about above the dam?

A) That she woke up the summer wind.

B) The fact that Filka - bad person.

C) That she is the smartest.

7) When did the mill start working?

And in the evening.

b) She broke down forever.

C) In the summer, when it gets warmer.

8) How did Filka make peace with the horse?

a) He asked for forgiveness.

b) He brought him fresh bread and salt.

c) He fed him carrots.

9) What is the fairy tale "Warm Bread" about?

A) About the need to be kind, sympathetic.

B) About evil sorcerers

C) About a trip to a desert island

10) Which proverb corresponds to the content of the tale?

A) There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself.

B) Language will bring to Kyiv.

C) Business - time, fun - an hour.

ANSWERS: 1c; 2a; 3a; 4c; 5 B; 6c; 7b; 8c; 9c; 10a.

ANSWERS: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5C, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9A, 10A.

Tests based on the story of K.G. Paustovsky
"Warm Bread"

Test number 1.

A. Fox B. Magpie V. Horse
2. Bringing good to people means

3. Cooling the heart is

4. Real motives in the work of Paustovsky:

Test number 2.
1. Name the main human character in the fairy tale "Warm Bread".
A. Babka Filka B. Pankrat V. Filka
2. Who helped Filka fix the problem?
A. Soroka. B.Kon. V. Pankrat.
3. Antonym for the phrase "warm bread":
A. Affectionate B. Kind. V. Callous.
4. Bringing good to people means
A. Help B. Live for yourself C. Think only about yourself.
5. Fairy tale motifs in the work of Paustovsky:
A. War B. Pankrat the sorcerer C. Wounded horse

Test number 3.
1. Name the main animal character in the fairy tale "Warm Bread".
A. Fox B. Magpie V. Horse
2. Real motives in the work of Paustovsky:
A. Magpie chatter B. Pankrat the sorcerer C. Wounded horse
3. Bringing good to people means
A. Help B. Live for yourself C. Think only about yourself.
4. Cooling the heart is
A. The heart is frozen. B. The heart has stopped beating.
V. Hardened, became indifferent.
5. A synonym for the phrase "warm bread":
A. Cold B. Callous C. Hot

Test on the story of K.G. Paustovsky
"Warm Bread"

1. Why did the horse stay in the village? a) He was hurt.
B) So wanted Pankrat.
c) The horse did not want to go further.

2. What was Filka's nickname? A) I don't know anything.
B) "Yes, you!".
C) "You are all smart."

3. What story did Grandma Filke tell?
A) About how she once offended a soldier.
B) About how a peasant from the village offended an old soldier.
C) How the war ended.

4) What happened when Filka threw bread to the horse in the snow? A) There is a blizzard.
b) There was a flood.
c) There was an earthquake.

5. How did Filka expiate his guilt? a) He did not want to change.
b) Feed everyone.
C) Chop the ice with the guys at the mill.

6. What was the magpie talking about above the dam? A) That she woke up the summer wind.
B) That Filka is a bad person.
C) That she is the smartest.

7. When did the mill start working? And in the evening.
b) She broke down forever.
C) In the summer, when it gets warmer.

8. How did Filka make up with the horse? a) He asked for forgiveness.
b) He brought him fresh bread and salt.
c) He fed him carrots.
9. What is the fairy tale "Warm Bread" about? A) About the need to be kind, sympathetic.
B) About evil sorcerers.
C) About a trip to a desert island.

10. Which proverb corresponds to the content of the tale? A) There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself.
B) Language will bring to Kyiv.
C) Business - time, fun - an hour.

Let's check your answers. Answers: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9A, 10

Attached files

The test on the story "Warm bread" with answers will help you remember the material better.

"Warm bread" tests with answers

1. Why did the horse stay in the village?
a) He was hurt.
B) So wanted Pankrat.
c) The horse did not want to go further.

2. What was Filka's nickname?
A) I don't know anything.
B) "Yes, you!".
C) "You are all smart."

3. What story did Grandma Filke tell?
A) About how she once offended a soldier.
B) About how a peasant from the village offended an old soldier.
C) How the war ended.

4) What happened when Filka threw bread to the horse in the snow?
A) There is a blizzard.
b) There was a flood.
c) There was an earthquake.

5. How did Filka expiate his guilt?
a) He did not want to change.
b) Feed everyone.
C) Chop the ice with the guys at the mill.

6. What was the magpie talking about above the dam?
A) That she woke up the summer wind.
B) That Filka is a bad person.
C) That she is the smartest.

7. When did the mill start working?
And in the evening.
b) She broke down forever.
C) In the summer, when it gets warmer.

8. How did Filka make up with the horse?
a) He asked for forgiveness.
b) He brought him fresh bread and salt.
c) He fed him carrots.

9. What is the fairy tale "Warm Bread" about?
A) About the need to be kind, sympathetic.
B) About evil sorcerers.
C) About a trip to a desert island.

10. Which proverb corresponds to the content of the tale?
A) There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself.
B) Language will bring to Kyiv.
C) Business - time, fun - an hour.

Answers: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9A, 10A.

"Warm bread" questions and answers

1. What suit was the horse? (Crow)
2. Who took the horse? (Miller)
3. What nickname did Filka have? ("Well you")
4. What did Filka do with a piece of bread after he hit the horse? (thrown into the snow)
5. What happened in nature after that? (Snowstorm and severe frost)
6. How many years ago was the same frost? (One hundred)
7. Where did Grandma Filka send in search of conscience? (Out of malice)
8. What did Filka Pankrat advise? (Invent a cure for the cold)
9. How much time did Filka Pankrat give? (Hour and a quarter.)
10. What did Filka come up with? (to break the ice on the river)
11. What role did the magpie play in saving the people? (Called a warm wind)
12. What did Filka carry to the wounded horse after reconciliation? (a loaf of fresh bread)