The meaning of breathing. Respiratory system. §39. Vital capacity of the lungs. Breathing regulation. Respiratory diseases What does not let food into the larynx

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Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of any organ is useful both for ordinary person as well as for the doctor. For an ordinary person, knowledge of the structure of the larynx (larynx - translated into Latin language), in addition to the pharynx - helps to understand how the voice appears, why it changes during puberty.

Anatomy helps to understand what happens when a person coughs or enters the respiratory tract foreign body.

Few people know that there is a nasal part of the pharynx, oral and laryngeal parts of the pharynx.

The laryngeal part of the pharynx, starts from the entrance to the larynx to the entrance to the esophagus. On the anterior wall of the laryngeal part of the pharynx is the entrance to the larynx.

The anatomy of the pharynx consists only of the muscular component, arteries, veins and nerves. For a doctor, the anatomy of the pharynx and other structures that are included in the concept of "throat" helps in the treatment of various ENT diseases, during surgical interventions.

Knowledge of the anatomy of the pharynx and other structures allows not to disturb the blood and venous vessels, nerves during tracheotomy or other operations. After all, if the innervation of an organ is disrupted, then it will no longer be able to perform its functions.

Where is the larynx located?

The larynx is located in the anterior region of the neck. Relative to the spine, it is at the level of 4-7 vertebrae of the neck. On the front side, it is covered with sublingual muscles.

It is important to know! The thyroid gland is adjacent to the organ from the sides, and the laryngeal part of the pharynx, which passes into the esophagus, is behind.

When a person swallows, the epiglottis is displaced by the supra- and hyoid muscles. The structure of the larynx of a man differs from that of a woman (it is much larger in men).

The basis of the body is cartilage, which are attached by ligaments and muscles.

Knowing where the larynx is located helps to correctly perform a conicotomy, cricoconicotomy, and tracheotomy.

These medical manipulations are aimed at resuming the respiratory function of a person when a foreign body enters.

Feedback from our reader - Alina Epifanova

I recently read an article that tells that frequent COLDS, THROATS, RUNNING NOSE are indicators of a failure in immune system. And with the help of the natural elixir "ZDOROV", you can strengthen the immune system, protect the body from viruses. Speed ​​up the healing process by several times.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed changes within a week: constant headaches, weakness, drowsiness, nasal congestion, and a lump in my throat disappeared. The cold doesn't bother me anymore. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

In this case, a person cannot cough up a foreign body and begins to suffocate, asphyxia occurs, which leads to loss of consciousness and death.

Organ functions

There are several functions of the larynx: protective and vocal. The protective function is to warm and moisten the air that passes from the lower pharynx into the trachea. In addition, the air is cleaned of dust and gaseous impurities are neutralized.

Larynx prevents foreign particles from entering the trachea by contracting the epiglottis. When a foreign body enters, a spasm of the glottis occurs and a cough is caused, sometimes a gag reflex is observed.

This is due to the fact that the reaction to coughing and vomiting (the respiratory and vomiting centers are very close to each other) are located in the brain column.

For the treatment and prevention of sore throat with tonsillitis (tonsillitis), pharyngitis, colds and flu, our readers successfully use effective method based on natural ingredients. We talked to people who really tried this method on themselves and decided to offer it to you.

The vocal function is carried out by the release of air from the lungs to the outside, which leads to the vibration of the vocal cords and the appearance of a certain sound. Sound is formed through the passage of resonant cavities.

The first resonant cavity includes the space under the epiglottis, the Morganian ventricles, the oral part of the pharynx, the nasal part of the pharynx, the mouth and nose. To the second - the lungs and bronchi.

Regarding the mutation of the voice that occurs in the puberty period, we can say the following: the larynx becomes more powerful, the ligaments increase, the voice changes. This phenomenon is more typical for boys, lasts from several months to one year.

To prevent food from entering the larynx, the epiglottis closes the entrance to it when swallowing, be it saliva or food. It all happens reflexively ( unconditioned reflex), in case of violation of innervation, saliva may enter the larynx, which causes a cough.


According to the anatomical structure, the larynx looks like a complex mosaic of cartilage and ligaments, but together it is an important organ with which a person can speak.

There are two types of cartilage:

unpaired: thyroid, also include the cricoid and epiglottic cartilages; paired: arytenoid, horn-shaped, wedge-shaped will also be included here.

The thyroid cartilage anatomically resembles the appearance of a shield. Consists of the upper thyroid notch, it is perfectly felt if touched through the skin (the so-called indentation of the larynx).

The thyroid cartilage has an opening through which the laryngeal artery passes. Where there is thyroid cartilage, the thyroid gland is located anatomically.

The cricoid cartilage looks like a ring, consists of a plate and an arc. The epiglottic cartilage (epiglottis) is located behind and below the root of the tongue.

The arytenoid cartilage is a paired cartilage. Cartilage anatomy includes a base with an articular surface and an apex. In the upper part there is a mound, and in the lower part there is a scallop, below which there is an oblong fossa where the vocal muscle is attached.

In addition, the muscular, vocal processes are distinguished, the vocal cord and the muscle of the same name are attached to the latter. The cartilages of the larynx are connected by ligaments and joints. Distinguish: thyroid-hyoid membrane, median, lateral thyroid-hyoid ligaments.

The thyroid cartilage is connected to the epiglottis by the cricoid joint and ligament. The joint has a cricothyroid articular capsule, which, when attached, forms the carob-cricoid ligament. As a result, the thyroid cartilage can move up and down. Because of these actions, the vocal cords are stretched.

On the side of the cricothyroid ligament there is a fibrous-elastic membrane. The connection of the cricoid and arytenoid cartilage occurs through the cricoarytenoid joint, the articular capsule and the cricoarytenoid ligament.

The structure of the human larynx also includes muscles:

muscles that cause motor function larynx; muscles that involve individual cartilages of the larynx.

The second group of muscles helps to change the position of the epiglottis during swallowing and breathing.

Anatomy of blood supply: the larynx is supplied with blood by the superior and inferior laryngeal arteries. The innervation of the larynx is carried out by the nerves of the same name. Anatomy of the lymphatic drainage: lymph is diverted from the larynx to the anterior and lateral cervical lymph nodes. The innervation of the larynx is carried out by the nerves of the same name.

Do you still think that it is impossible to get rid of constant colds and sore throats?

Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you know firsthand what is:

severe sore throat even when swallowing saliva… hacking cough… constant sensation of a lump in the throat… hoarse voice…. chills and weakness in the body… stuffy nose and expectoration of mucus… loss of appetite and strength…

Now answer honestly to yourself the question: does it suit you? How much effort, time and money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the situation will worsen. And everything can end badly...

It's time to finally put an end to this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish the exclusive methodology of Elena Malysheva, in which she spoke about the methods of treatment and prevention of diseases of the THROAT and COLD. Read article->

Irina Koval

The throat is a human organ that belongs to the upper respiratory tract.


The throat helps move air to the respiratory system and food through the digestive system. Also in one of the parts of the throat are the vocal cords and the protective system (prevents food from getting past its path).

Anatomical structure of the throat and pharynx

The throat contains a large number of nerves, the most important blood vessels and muscles. There are two parts of the throat - the pharynx and the larynx. Their trachea continues. The functions between the parts of the throat are divided as follows:

The pharynx moves food into the digestive system and air into the respiratory system. The vocal cords work thanks to the larynx.


Another name for the pharynx is the pharynx. It starts at the back of the mouth and continues down the neck. The shape of the pharynx is an inverted cone.

The wider part is located at the base of the skull for strength. The narrow lower part connects to the larynx. The outer part of the pharynx continues the outer part of the mouth - it has quite a lot of glands that produce mucus and help moisten the throat during speech or eating.

The pharynx has three parts - the nasopharynx, the oropharynx and the swallowing section.


Uppermost part of the throat. She has a soft palate that limits her and, when swallowing, protects her nose from food entering it. On the upper wall of the nasopharynx there are adenoids - an accumulation of tissue on the back wall of the organ. The Eustachian tube connects the nasopharynx with the throat and middle ear. The nasopharynx is not as mobile as the oropharynx.


Middle part of the throat. Located behind the oral cavity. The main thing that this organ is responsible for is the delivery of air to the respiratory organs. Human speech is possible due to contractions of the muscles of the mouth. Even in the oral cavity is the tongue, which promotes the movement of food into the digestive system. The most important organs of the oropharynx are the tonsils, they are most often involved in various diseases of the throat.

Swallowing department

The lowest part of the pharynx with a speaking name. It has a complex of nerve plexuses that allow you to maintain synchronous operation of the pharynx. Thanks to this, air enters the lungs, and food enters the esophagus, and everything happens at the same time.


The larynx is located in the body as follows:

Opposite the cervical vertebrae (4-6 vertebrae). Behind - directly the laryngeal part of the pharynx. In front - the larynx is formed due to the group of hyoid muscles. Above is the hyoid bone. Laterally - the larynx adjoins its lateral parts to the thyroid gland.

The larynx has a skeleton. The skeleton has unpaired and paired cartilages. Cartilage is connected by joints, ligaments and muscles.

Unpaired: cricoid, epiglottis, thyroid.

Paired: horn-shaped, arytenoid, wedge-shaped.

The muscles of the larynx, in turn, are also divided into three groups:

Four muscles narrow the glottis: thyroid-arytenoid, cricoarytenoid, oblique arytenoid and transverse muscles. Only one muscle expands the glottis - the posterior cricoarytenoid. She is a couple. The vocal cords are tensed by two muscles: the vocal and cricothyroid muscles.

The larynx has an entrance.

Behind this entrance are the arytenoid cartilages. They consist of horn-shaped tubercles that are located on the side of the mucous membrane. Front - epiglottis. On the sides - scoop-epiglottic folds. They consist of wedge-shaped tubercles.

The larynx is divided into three parts:

The vestibule - stretches from the vestibular folds to the epiglottis, the folds are formed by the mucous membrane, and between these folds is the vestibular fissure. The interventricular section is the narrowest. Stretches from the lower vocal folds to the upper ligaments of the vestibule. Its very narrow part is called the glottis, and it is created by the intercartilaginous and membranous tissues. Subvoice area. Based on the name, it is clear what is located below the glottis. The trachea expands and begins.

The larynx has three membranes:

The mucous membrane - unlike the vocal cords (they are from a flat non-keratinizing epithelium) consists of a multinucleated prismatic epithelium. Fibrocartilaginous sheath - consists of elastic and hyaline cartilages, which are surrounded by fibrous connective tissue, and provides the entire structure of the larynx. Connective tissue - the connecting part of the larynx and other formations of the neck.

The larynx is responsible for three functions:

Protective - in the mucous membrane there is a ciliated epithelium, and there are many glands in it. And if the food got past, then the nerve endings carry out a reflex - a cough, which brings the food back from the larynx into the mouth. Respiratory - associated with the previous function. The glottis can contract and expand, thereby directing air currents. Voice-forming - speech, voice. The characteristics of the voice depend on the individual anatomical structure. and the state of the vocal cords.

In the picture the structure of the larynx

Diseases, pathologies and injuries

There are the following problems:

Laryngospasm Insufficient hydration of the vocal cords Tonsillitis Angina Laryngitis Laryngeal edema Pharyngitis Laryngeal stenosis Paratonsillitis Pharyngomycosis Retropharyngeal abscess Scleroma Parapharyngeal abscess Injured throat Hypertrophied palatine tonsils Hypertrophied adenoids trachea Asphyxia Tuberculosis of the larynx Diphtheria Acid intoxication Alkali intoxication Phlegmon

Associated problems that cause a sore throat:

Smoking Inhalation of smoke Inhalation of dusty air ARI Whooping cough Scarlet fever Influenza

To determine the exact cause of pain and irritation in the throat and to prescribe the appropriate treatment, consult a doctor immediately.

So, through the nasal openings, but simply the nostrils, the air enters nasal cavity, which looks like a cave with ledges, recesses and all sorts of other corridors and nooks and crannies and is divided into two parts by bone and cartilage nasal septum.

The walls of the nasal cavity are braided with a dense network of blood vessels, covered with mucus and thin fluctuating hairs, scientifically called cilia. Surely you have seen them - in some males, these hairs stick out directly from the nose. ;)

Why do we need all these "bells and whistles"? - you ask. Well, think for yourself: the air can be cold or hot, it can contain all sorts of unnecessary microbes, harmful substances and other bad things. And if all this muck gets inside, believe me, it will not lead to anything good! But, on the way of all this disgrace, our nose-border guard proudly stands! See what happens: cold air, getting into the nasal cavity, is heated by the heat of the blood vessels, and hot, on the contrary, giving them some of the heat, cools down. All sorts of microbes and dust stick to the mucus, are enveloped in it, and are expelled from the nose with the help of vibrations of cilia hairs. (Oh, how ornate the description of snot turned out :)!).

As a result, passing through the nose, the air becomes clean, not very cold or hot, i.e. just what our bodies need. Here is such a climate control, ladies and gentlemen, we have with you, and more abruptly than any modern car!

By the way, and sneezes our body in order to clean the nasal cavity from dust and particles that cause irritation of the mucous membrane. What we actually do when we sneeze is a sharp inhalation of air, which we exhale almost immediately and A-A-A-A-CHEE! Be healthy! By the way, the droplets of water flying apart at the same time move at a speed of about 150 kilometers per hour!

Let's continue. Air enters from the nose down the throat where the paths of the digestive and respiratory systems cross. If you are a trainer, you can certainly consider this in detail by sticking your head into the mouth of a lion or tiger. So, in the end, food goes from the pharynx to the stomach through the esophagus, and the air goes further through larynx and trachea. Well, in order for food to get where it needs to, i.e. into the esophagus, with each swallowing, the opening of the larynx is covered by a special cartilage-valve called the epiglottis. Fortunately, this happens automatically, and every time we swallow we don't have to remember to close the windpipe and open the "nourishing" one. True, occasionally this automatic mechanism fails us, and food gets "in the wrong throat" ....

Well, then, the air from the throat enters trachea, which looks like a corrugated tube. The trachea, like a tree, begins to branch: it divides into two tubes - bronchi that enter the lungs. We have two lungs in our chest. They are a bit like cones: the upper part is narrowed, and the lower part is wider. The right lung consists of three, and the left of two lobes, because the third lobe does not fit in any way, because the heart should still be there! The bronchi entering the lungs also branch, forming branches and twigs from smaller bronchial tubes. All bronchial branches end in bubbles, which are very similar to balloons and are called alveoli. In general, if you turn the apple tree upside down, then this is what it will turn out to be. By the way, there are about 700 million alveoli, each of which has a diameter of 0.2 and a wall thickness of 0.04 mm.

instruction card

1. Card number 1

Which do you know the human respiratory system? You have lists of organs on your desks. Underline those that, in your opinion, can be attributed to the respiratory system.

nasal cavity - stomach



Brain - trachea

Bronchi - ribs

Diaphragm - lungs

2. Card number 2

Respiratory system

Respiratory tract Lungs

Upper Lower

  1. Table
Respiratory organs and their functions

Name of bodies

Functions performed






^ 4. Terminological dictionary

Airways These are the organs through which air enters the lungs.

Larynx(lat. larynx) is an organ that connects the pharynx to the trachea and contains the vocal apparatus. It is located at the level of 4-6 cervical vertebrae and is connected by ligaments to the hyoid bone. From above, the larynx is connected to the pharyngeal cavity, from below - to the trachea.

Epiglottis - elastic cartilage of the larynx. It has the appearance of a thin sheet-plate. It is located immediately after the root of the tongue. Covered with mucous membrane.

Trachea- windpipe, direct continuation of the larynx. It looks like a tube 11-13 cm long, consisting of 16-20 cartilaginous semirings connected by dense fibrous connective tissue. The trachea is lined with a mucous membrane.

Bronchi- branches of the respiratory throat in humans. The division of the trachea into two main bronchi occurs at the level of the IV-Vth thoracic vertebrae. The right main bronchus is thicker, shorter, more vertical than the left.

Alveolus- the end part of the respiratory apparatus in the lung, having the shape of a bubble. The alveoli are involved in the act of breathing, carrying out gas exchange with the pulmonary capillaries.

Pleura is a smooth shell. The outer pleura lines the walls of the chest cavity, the inner one covers the lung and its anatomical structures (vessels, bronchi and nerves). Pleural cavity - slit-like space between the outer and inner layers of the pleura surrounding each lung.

  1. Research on the patency of the nasal passages.

  1. An experiment to elucidate the role of the epiglottis.

  1. The study "How sounds are formed."

  1. Fizminutka.

  1. Card #3(on the mark "3") Sign the respiratory organs, indicated by numbers.

  1. Knowledge Assimilation Test(to the mark "4")
on the topic "The structure of the respiratory system"

  1. Does not pass food into the larynx.

  2. Do not allow the trachea to narrow.

  3. Purifies the inhaled air from dust and microbes, warms it.

  4. Superficial layer of the airways.

  5. Lines the outer surface of the lungs.

  6. The main organ of the human respiratory system.

  7. Inside contains the vocal cords.

  8. The longest part of the airway.

  9. The path of inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi.

Code for answers.

A) mucous membrane E) epiglottis

B) lungs G) larynx

C) bronchi C) cartilaginous semirings

D) trachea I) pleura

D) nasal cavity

10. Crossword(to mark "5")

Crossword on the topic "Respiratory system"


1. Children's infectious disease;

4. Lymphatic formations of the pharynx;

8. Infectious disease of the lungs;

9. Airways leading to the lungs;

11. X-ray examination of the lungs;

12. Part of the upper respiratory tract connecting the nasal cavity with the pharynx;

13. Lung disease, more common in smokers.


2. Disease of the pharyngeal tonsils;

3. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;

5. An organ connecting the larynx with the main bronchi;

6. Pulmonary vesicle;

7. Pulmonary or parietal membrane;

10. Upper respiratory tract intersecting with the digestive organs

A) Thyroid B) Epiglottis

B) cricoid D) wedge-shaped

2. Pressure in the pleural cavity relative to atmospheric:

A) Above B) Equal to atmospheric

B) Lower D) Inhale higher, exhale lower

3. The maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after the deepest breath:

A) Tidal volume B) Reserve volume

B) Vital capacity D) Dead space

4. Humoral regulation of respiration is associated with the level of concentration:

A) oxygen B) nitrogen

B) Carbon dioxide D) Nitric oxide (IV)

5. The center of respiration is located in the brain:

A) Intermediate B) Oblong

6. You can speed up or slow down respiratory movements due to impulses that occur in the brain:

A) cerebellum B) oblong

B) in the bark hemispheres D) average

7. Pleura is:

A) The epithelial lining of the lungs

B) Connective tissue lining of the lungs

B) the contents of the lungs

D) Inner epithelial lining of the trachea

8. Choans are:

A) nasolacrimal canal

B) Osteo-cartilaginous septum of the nasal cavity

B) Internal openings through which the nasal cavity communicates with the nasopharynx

D) The mucous membrane of the upper nasal passage

9. The gates of the lungs are:

A) apex of the lungs

B) The base of the lungs

C) The entry point of the bronchi, nerves and blood vessels

D) A thin layer of elastic fibers

10. The function of the pleural fluid is that it:

A) Improves gas exchange in the lungs

B) Protects the lungs from microorganisms

C) prevents the alveoli from collapsing

D) Reduces friction during respiratory movements

Part B. Your attention will be presented with tests on the above topics for establishing sequence, correspondence, as well as multiple tests with three correct answers.

1. The functions of the nasal cavity are:

A) Air purification from dust and microorganisms

B) Gas exchange

C) Warming and humidifying the air

D) Sound formation

D) Location of the taste analyzer

E) Location of the olfactory analyzer

2. Determine the sequence of passage of air through the respiratory tract during inspiration:

A) Bronchi D) Trachea

B) Larynx D) Nasal cavity

C) Nasopharynx E) Lungs

4. Determine the sequence of the exhalation mechanism:

A) Inhibition of the inspiratory center

B) Stretching of the lungs

B) excitation of the expiratory center

D) Excitation occurs in the receptors of the walls of the alveoli

D) exhale

E) Relaxation of the respiratory muscles, lowering the ribs

G) Reducing the volume of the chest

5) Digestion. Metabolism.

Part A.Thematic tests within the framework of the school curriculum will be presented to your attention. Each test consists of several answer options. You need to choose only ONE correct answer.


On the topic "Respiratory system".


A) in the pleural cavity negative pressure, below atmospheric

B) when you inhale, the volume of the chest increases, and the diaphragm rises

C) when you exhale, the volume of the alveoli increases

D) the abdominal muscles take part in the increased inhalation

D) the centers of inhalation and exhalation are located in the medulla oblongata

    Compare judgments:

1. does not let food into the larynx

2. prevents the trachea from narrowing

3. cleans the air of dust and germs

4. all lungs are covered

6. site of gas exchange between lungs and blood

a - bronchi

b - trachea

c - alveoli

g - epiglottis

d - cartilaginous semirings

e - pleura

and - mucous membrane

h - nasal cavity

    Determine the path of air during inhalation:

    Terminological dictation:

respiration, larynx, alveoli, lung gas exchange, epiglottis.

    Finish the sentence:

A) The smallest bronchi end with microscopic air-filled pulmonary vesicles - ...

B) The component of air necessary for breathing is ...

C) Large paired cone-shaped organs that exchange gases between the inhaled air and blood - ...

    Additional rating:

    How does pulmonary tuberculosis manifest itself? What is this disease expressed in?

    What is the difference between biological and clinical death?


On the topic "Respiratory system"


    Choose the correct sentences:

A) air enters the larynx from the nasal cavity

B) the lungs are covered with pleura

C) when exhaling - the volume of the chest decreases

D) bronchi terminate in alveoli

E) gas exchange occurs in the trachea

    Compare judgments:

1. cartilaginous half rings

2. air heating

3. network of branching tubules

4. Expansion of the chest cavity

5. nasal cavity covered

6. thyroid cartilage is located

a - bronchi

b - trachea

c - exhale

g - larynx

d - inhale

e - pleura

g - mucous membrane

h - nasal cavity

    Determine the path of air during exhalation:

A - lungs - bronchi - trachea - larynx - nasal cavity

B - nasal cavity - trachea - larynx - bronchi - lungs

B - nasal cavity - larynx - trachea - bronchi - lungs

G - nasal cavity - larynx - bronchi - trachea - lungs

    Terminological dictation:

nasopharynx, bronchi, respiration, trachea, pleura.

    Finish the sentence:

A) The largest cartilage of the larynx is...

B) Cartilaginous semirings connected by ligaments - ...

B) Breathing rate - ...

    Additional rating:

    How does lung cancer manifest itself? What is this disease expressed in?

    What is lung capacity? What does this indicator say?

Answers to test on the respiratory system.

I option

    A, B, D, D

    1 - g

2 - d

3 - h


5 B

6 - in

The larynx is a tube of cartilage that performs the function of voice production.

Alveoli - vesicles located at the ends of the bronchioles and performing the function of gas exchange.

Lung gas exchange is a processoxygen supply into the lungs.

The epiglottis is the cartilage of the larynx that protects the airways from food.

    A - alveoli

B - oxygen

B - lungs

    1) Tuberculosis is a disease of the respiratory system, the causative agent of which is Koch's wand. It can enter the body through the respiratory tract, along with food,when talking, coughing and sneezing the patient. The symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis are prolonged With , sometimes with appearing at later stages,weakness, night sweats and significant weight loss.Prevention of tuberculosis treatment - fluorography.

    Death is the cessation of vital activity of the whole organism from the cessation of breathing to cardiac arrest, but as long as the brain is working, there is an opportunity to return all other organs to normal functioning. This process, when everything is reversible, is called clinical death. It lasts several minutes. Biological death is associated with the death of the whole organism, including the cessation of the vital activity of the brain. And this process is irreversible.

II option

    B, C, G.

    1 - b

2 - h

3 - a

4 - d

5 - w

6 - g

    Nasopharynx - a small cavity that smoothly passes into the oral part of the pharynx.

Bronchi - a network of branching tubules of small diameter.

Respiration is the process of exchanging gases between the cells of the body and the environment.

Trachea - cartilaginous semirings interconnected by ligaments, contributes to the self-cleaning of the lungs, thanks to the ciliated epithelium.

The pleura is the membrane that covers the lungs.

    A - thyroid

B - trachea

B - vital capacity (VC)

    1) Cancer is a neoplasm of the epithelial tissue of the bronchi, which grows and develops into a tumor. It is expressed in the depletion of the body and its further death. Symptoms of lung cancer can be human smoking, human papillomavirus. The method of diagnosing cancer in the early stages is fluorography.

2) VC - an indicator of human respiration, this is the volume of the maximum amount of air that can bebe picked up inlungsafter maximumexhalation. This indicator depends on gender, age, height, degree of training of a person. If a person has a small VC - the air penetrates deeply, but only remains in the airways, this indicates underdeveloped respiratory muscles. With high VC - ventilation of the lungs is carried out with deeper breathing.