Ranks in the Russian Navy in order: from sailor to admiral. Naval ranks and their classification

The list of military ranks is established by the law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service". They are divided into military and ship (marine).

Naval ranks are assigned to military personnel of the submarine and surface forces of the Military navy. Military applicable to ground, space and airborne forces.

Parts of the Navy

These include:

  • Coastal troops. They guard strategic areas of the coastal zone. military bases Russian Federation equipped with missile systems and artillery. They have torpedo, anti-aircraft and mine weapons.
  • Naval aviation covers his ships from air attack. It organizes reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, transportation and landing of detachments. Its formations are based in the Black Sea, Pacific, Northern and Baltic Fleets.
  • Marines was established in 1992. It is designed to protect naval bases, defend important coastal facilities, and participate in combat operations.

Each division has its own responsibilities, but the main functions they have in common:

  • protecting the country's sovereignty;
  • ensuring the safety of the population;
  • the use of force in the event of a threat from the sea side;
  • obedience to the orders of the commander-in-chief.

Junior ranks in the Navy

The first months in the service in the Russian Navy, soldiers are called sailors. Until 1946, they were called "Red Navy". This rank is equivalent to a private in the ground forces.

To the best sailors for excellent fulfillment of official duties and observance of discipline assign a senior sailor. They can replace squad leaders during their absence. The corresponding military rank is corporal.

The squad leader is a foreman of the first or second category. These titles have been used since 1940. In the ground forces, they are equivalent to a sergeant and junior sergeant.

The deputy platoon commander is called the chief foreman. Among the army servicemen, he corresponds to a senior sergeant. A rank above him is the chief ship's foreman.

Midshipman - this military rank is assigned to persons who remain in the service in the ranks of the Navy after the expiration of the established period. They study in schools or courses. Senior midshipman - one rank higher. The ranks are equivalent to a military warrant officer and a senior warrant officer.

Naval officers

The first rank of junior officers in the navy is junior lieutenant. At the end of the term of service and successful certification, they are transferred to lieutenants.

The next step is senior lieutenant. The rank corresponds to a cavalry captain, infantry captain or captain of the Cossack troops. The highest rank of junior officers is lieutenant commander.

A captain of the 3rd rank is sometimes called a "captri". Equivalent to a Major in the Army. Abbreviated name of the captain of the 2nd rank -"kavtorang" or "kapdva". Corresponds to the lieutenant colonel of the armed forces. Captain of the 1st rank or "kapraz" is equivalent to the rank of colonel, and can command ships.

Rear admiral - the first admiral rank, established on May 7, 1940. He serves as the Deputy Commander of the Fleet. A similar rank in aviation and ground forces is major general. Above are the vice admiral and admiral. Army servicemen lieutenant-general and colonel-general are similar to them.

The post of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is occupied by the Admiral of the Fleet. This is the highest active ship rank in the Russian Federation.


Shoulder straps of sailors without insignia. Senior sailors have one galloon - a transverse strip. The foreman of the second article has two yellow cloth galloons, the first article has three. The epaulettes of the chief foreman have one wide stripe. The chief ship foreman has one longitudinal galloon.

Shoulder straps of midshipmen are distinguished by small stars which are located vertically. The midshipman has two stars, the senior midshipman has three.

Junior officers wear a vertical yellow stripe on their shoulder straps - clearance. They are sewn with stars measuring 13 millimeters. The junior lieutenant has one star in the gap, the lieutenant has two stars on both sides of the yellow stripe, the senior one has one in the gap and two on the sides, the lieutenant commander has two on the line and two on the sides.

Shoulder straps of senior officers have two parallel gaps and stars measuring 20 millimeters. The captain of the 3rd rank has one star between the yellow stripes, the second - one at each gap, the first - one between the lines and one on them.

Officers top level wears epaulets with big stars and without light. A rear admiral has one star, a vice admiral has two, and an admiral has three. On the shoulder straps of the admiral of the fleet there is only one big star 4 centimeters in size.

Sleeve insignia

There are yellow stripes and stars on the sleeves of officers' tunics. The highest ranks have an embroidered anchor inside the star.

The number of stripes and width vary by rank:

  • a medium-sized band for a junior lieutenant;
  • medium and narrow - for a lieutenant;
  • two medium ones - at the senior lieutenant;
  • one narrow and two medium ones - for the captain-lieutenant;
  • three medium ones - for the captain of the 3rd rank, four medium ones - for the second, one wide - for the first;
  • medium and wide - at the rear admiral;
  • two medium and wide - at the vice admiral;
  • three medium and wide - at the admiral;
  • four medium and one wide - at the admiral of the fleet.

The procedure for conferring the next rank of the Navy

The law establishes the following stages of increase:

  • the minimum service life for obtaining the rank of foreman of the second article is a year;
  • a length of service of three years allows you to become a chief foreman;
  • the same number of years is necessary to be a midshipman;
  • after two years, you can get the rank of junior lieutenant, after three - lieutenant, and after another three - senior lieutenant;
  • four years of further service give grounds to qualify for the captain-lieutenant, and the next four - for the captain of the 3rd rank;
  • in five years you can become a captain of the 2nd rank.

For special achievements, it is possible to receive the next military rank ahead of schedule.


Below you can view in detail all the insignia of the Russian Navy in presentation format.

Regardless of the number of evaders, which is recorded annually after the end of draft campaigns, at all times there were enough guys who would like to devote their lives to the army craft. Usually there are two career trends. The first is to remain in the army under a contract after military service. However, under such a combination of circumstances, one cannot count on an officer's rank. An alternative is to enter a higher military educational institution.

It should be recalled that service in some power structures, equivalent to military service, is no less prestigious and desirable, but you can often get into such a structure after completing military service. Moreover, army everyday life in the elite troops is the key to any employment.

The navy in the dreams of young men occupies the same status as the airborne forces, special forces or MP. A dream can not only come true, but also lead to serious career growth if you fulfill a few not-so-difficult requirements.

  • Secondary education is considered mandatory. Graduate Diploma maritime school greatly increase the chances of being in the Navy.
  • Growth restrictions are positioned at around 165 centimeters. These are the minimum limits. When conducting a medical examination, a psychiatrist's conclusion on stress resistance and the absence of pathologies will be required.
  • The category of suitability, which the members of the draft board put in a personal file, cannot be lower than A2. That is, certain deviations are still allowed. In this regard, the severity is not the same as in the power units.

The next step, which can significantly bring the guy closer to serving in the Navy, is an application to the military registration and enlistment office. Nevertheless, the decisive moment will be the demand for young recruits, which is already determined at the distribution point. As they say in army slang, it all depends on the availability of a buyer.

The importance of the navy in the defense of the country

Even devoting an article to a question covering ranks in the fleet and in, one cannot do without mentioning the merits of this type of troops in the defense capability of the state. Considering the fact that the length of Russia's maritime borders is about 40 thousand kilometers, only a reliable powerful fleet can prevent a threat from the sea.

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Depending on the basing points, the Northern Fleet, the Black Sea, the Pacific, the Baltic and the Caspian Fleets are distinguished. The sovereignty of a country is a guarantee of the security of each of its citizens. The Navy has a fairly complex structure, it is represented by submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and marines. Each unit has its own personal task, military personnel wear a distinctive uniform, and there are also certain differences in ranks.

Military ranks in the Russian army

In the army there is a clear distribution of the rights and duties of all personnel. Moreover, a strict hierarchy is realized through military ranks. All these ranks can be divided into two types: military and naval. Moreover, military ranks are not necessarily assigned only in the ground forces. On the other hand, ship ranks are not only for those who serve on the ship.

The two types of ranks only differ in pronunciation, but general structure hierarchy is the same. So, we can distinguish non-officer and officer staff. Each military rank will correspond to a certain ship rank. Shoulder straps allow military personnel to observe subordination.

Naval ranks ascending

For greater clarity, one should not only list all ship ranks, but also draw an analogy with military ranks, since it is the latter that are studied in sufficient detail in the OBZh course of the elementary military training section. It becomes clear why confusion arises among the younger generation precisely when they try to arrange the hierarchical ranks in ascending order in the Navy, because at school there is no time at all for naval ranks with their shoulder straps.

The youngest rank that a sailor receives when enrolling in the service is a sailor. Since 1946, this rank has been renamed from the previously existing "Red Navy", which still corresponds to the ordinary in the ground forces. On the pursuit of a sailor, only the letter “F” flaunts, corresponding to belonging to the fleet.

Find out: What shoulder straps does a sergeant wear in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who is awarded this title

For excellent achievements in military service, a sailor may be promoted to senior sailor. They stand on the same level as the corporals and can be appointed to the post of squad leader. The epaulette of the senior sailor contains one metal strip or a golden cloth ribbon.

Increasing the rank in the fleet means conferring the title of "foreman of the 2nd article." The sergeant staff begins with him, and in military titles it is positioned as a junior sergeant. Two stripes on the chase are absolutely similar to the corresponding land rank. The difference is only in color.

The foreman of the 1st article in the Navy is equal to the sergeant. In the Navy, as in any ground forces, the rank of sergeant is assigned only to units from the entire conscripts. The candidate must have high moral principles, organizational skills, be theoretically savvy, and be an excellent student of physical and combat training. The foreman of the first article has three stripes on the pursuit.

The limit to which you can rise, being called up by conscription, is the chief foreman. It is this rank that goes in order of seniority, and not the foreman of the 3rd article, as some mistakenly think. The last title, by the way, is fictional.

The category of ranks of sergeants and foremen is closed by the chief ship foreman. His shoulder strap is marked with one wide and one narrow strip. With this rank, you can stay in the position of platoon commander. Ship ranks are found in the border service troops, which also belong to the Russian Navy.

So far, the ship ranks under consideration have at least somehow been consonant with land ranks. A purely marine term - midshipman means a rank that is assigned to a soldier after graduating from the corresponding school. On land, similar provisions apply to ensigns. The midshipman and senior midshipman on shoulder straps have two or three stars, respectively, located along.

Officer ranks begin with lieutenant. At this level of ranking, there are no differences, even shoulder straps are the same. Along the epaulette is a golden stripe, which denotes a group of junior officers. A junior lieutenant has one star, a lieutenant has two, and a senior lieutenant has three. Three stars are arranged in a triangle, two across the shoulder strap and one along.

Find out: What military ranks were in the USSR army until 1943

The naval rank, crowning the group of ranks of junior officers, in contrast to the combined arms rank "captain", is listed as a lieutenant commander. Two stars across the epaulet and two along give the right to receive the position of commander warship. The rank of captain-lieutenant is awarded to a senior lieutenant only after 4 years of service.

Ship ranks, as well as in the ground forces, are assigned according to how much the soldier has the ability and desire to take charge of the area entrusted to him. All ranks of the Navy are significantly different from similar land ranks. This is due to a number of events that took place in the history of Russia.

The main changes have been:

  • In 1917, in connection with the revolutionary events.
  • In the period 1922-1991 during the existence of the Soviet fleet.
  • At the time of the creation of the state of Russia.

All modern naval ranks can be divided into 4 general categories: conscripts, junior officers, senior officers, senior officer ranks.

Naval epaulettes were introduced in 1802. At this time, shoulder straps appeared on the shoulders of the sailors of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets.

In 1917, shoulder straps were abolished when the Soviet government abandoned the old imperial system. They were replaced with sleeve patches. The sailors had a long struggle for the right to wear epaulets on their shoulders, but in 1943 the epaulettes of the Navy again began to decorate the uniforms of the personnel of these types of troops.

Now the shoulder straps of all military personnel of the navy are black. The difference in ship ranks is in the location and number of distinctive signs on them.


IN Soviet times service in the ranks of the navy was 3 years, so many conscripts tried to avoid such a long service. They were hiding from the draft, just not to get into the fleet. Currently, the Navy is called to serve for 1 year, as well as in the ground forces.

However, due to the fact that in 2017 a decree was issued regarding military service in the ranks of the Navy, conscripts will no longer undergo it on ships and submarines. This is due to the fact that the Navy is moving to a contract basis.

In order to train personnel, more time is needed than allotted for conscription service. Conscripts will serve exclusively in the Coast Guard or in the Marine Brigade.

Naval ranks and epaulettes in the Navy are assigned according to a certain period of service. All conscripts getting to serve in these troops receive the rank of sailor, which corresponds to the rank of private in other types of troops. During the service, if the sailor proves himself, then he can be assigned the next rank in the sailor's career, senior sailor, which is in the ground forces.

Sailors can be:

  • radio technicians;
  • minders;
  • steering.

Naval ranks. What are naval ranks? From the lowest to the highest...

  1. In ascending order:
    Senior sailor
    Petty officer 2 articles
    Petty officer 1st article
    chief sergeant major
    Chief ship sergeant major
    Senior midshipman
    Senior Lieutenant
    Lieutenant Commander
    Captain 3rd rank
    Captain 2nd rank
    Captain 1st rank
    rear admiral
    Vice Admiral
    Fleet Admiral
  2. Navy personnel:

    1. Sailor
    junior military rank navy, corresponding to the rank of private in other branches of the military.

    2. Senior sailor
    Senior sailor is a military rank awarded for exemplary performance of official duties and exemplary military discipline to senior and best sailors who replace them during the absence of squad commanders.
    In the category of army servicemen, the rank of senior sailor corresponds to the rank of corporal.

    3. Foreman of the second article
    Petty officer#769; second#769;th article#769; military rank in the navy, in rank above the senior sailor and below the foreman of the 1st article, the youngest rank of the foremen. Introduced November 2, 1940.
    In the category of army servicemen, the rank of foreman of the 2nd article corresponds to the rank of junior sergeant.

    4. Foreman of the first article
    Petty officer#769; ne#769;first article#769; military rank in the navy, in rank above the foreman of the 2nd article and below the chief foreman. Introduced November 2, 1940.
    In the category of army servicemen, the rank of foreman of the 1st article corresponds to the rank of sergeant.

    5. Chief foreman
    Chief Sergeant#769; military rank in the navy, in rank above the foreman of the 1st article and below the chief ship foreman.
    In the category of army servicemen, the rank of chief foreman corresponds to the rank of senior sergeant.

    6. Chief ship foreman
    Chief #769; military rank in the Russian Navy and naval units of the Federal Border Service. In rank above the chief foreman and below the midshipman.
    In the category of army servicemen, the rank of chief ship foreman corresponds to the rank of foreman.

    7. Midshipman
    Midshipman is a military rank of military personnel in the Navy (Navy) of a number of countries. The rank of midshipman is usually awarded upon completion of the relevant schools (courses).

    8. Senior midshipman
    St # 225; chief midship # 769; chman is a military rank in the Russian Navy and in some other states, higher in rank than midshipman, but lower than officers such as junior lieutenant.

    Navy officers:

    1. ml. lieutenant
    Junior lieutenant#769;nt is the primary military rank of junior officers in the armies and navies of many countries.

    2. Lieutenant
    Leyten#769;nt military rank of junior officers in the army of many countries.
    The rank of lieutenant is awarded to junior lieutenants after the expiration of the established period of service with a positive attestation.

    3. Art. Lieutenant
    Senior lieutenant is a military rank of junior officers in the armed forces of many states, including Russia.
    Corresponded to the ranks of captain in the infantry, captain in the cavalry, captain in the Cossack troops and collegiate assessor in the civil service. Currently, the army rank of junior command staff, below the captain, above the lieutenant.

    4. Lieutenant Commander
    Lieutenant Commander is the highest of the ranks of junior officers in the Navy of some countries; in Germany and Russia corresponds to the captain of the army. In the old days, also an army military rank, below the rank of captain. Literally, deputy captain (as commander of a ship or company).

    5. Captain 3rd rank
    Kapita # 769; n 3rd rank in the Russian Navy is a military rank corresponding to the rank of major in the ground forces and aviation. Sometimes the abbreviated name captri is used.

    6. Captain 2nd rank
    Captain#769;n 2nd rank in the Navy Russian Empire, the USSR, the Russian Federation and some other countries, a military rank corresponding to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the ground forces and aviation. Sometimes the abbreviated name kavtorang, kapdva is used.

    7. Captain 1st rank
    Captain # 769; n 1st rank in the Navy of the Russian Empire, the USSR, the Russian Federation, the former republics Soviet Union military rank corresponding to the rank of colonel in the ground forces and aviation. Sometimes the abbreviated name kaperang, kapraz is used.
    In the navies

  3. In ascending order:
    Senior sailor
    Petty officer 2 articles
    Petty officer 1st article
    chief sergeant major
    Chief ship sergeant major
    Senior midshipman
    Senior Lieutenant
    Lieutenant Commander
    Captain 3rd rank
    Captain 2nd rank
    Captain 1st rank
    rear admiral
    Vice Admiral
    Fleet Admiral
  4. crucian carp
  5. In ascending order:
    Senior sailor
    Petty officer 2 articles
    Petty officer 1st article
    chief sergeant major
    Chief ship sergeant major
    Senior midshipman
    Senior Lieutenant
    Lieutenant Commander
    Captain 3rd rank
    Captain 2nd rank
    Captain 1st rank
    rear admiral
    Vice Admiral
    Fleet Admiral
  6. sailor, foreman, midshipman, captain, admiral
  7. What for you, you are land
  8. life captain, corporal. boatswain, pilot, helmsman, cormorant, bomber, torpedo....
  9. there is nothing to add and the second girl forgot about the admirals.
  10. Sailor
    Senior sailor
    Petty officer 2 articles
    Petty officer 1st article
    chief sergeant major
    Chief ship sergeant major
    Senior midshipman
    Senior Lieutenant
    Lieutenant Commander
    Captain 3rd rank
    Captain 2nd rank
    Captain 1st rank
    rear admiral
    Vice Admiral
    Fleet Admiral

Regardless of the number of evaders, which is recorded annually after the end of draft campaigns, at all times there were enough guys who would like to devote their lives to the army craft. Usually there are two career trends. The first is to remain in the army under a contract after military service. However, under such a combination of circumstances, one cannot count on an officer's rank. An alternative is to enter a higher military educational institution.

It should be recalled that service in some power structures, equivalent to military service, is no less prestigious and desirable, but you can often get into such a structure after completing military service. Moreover, army everyday life in the elite troops is the key to any employment.

The navy in the dreams of young men occupies the same status as Airborne, special forces or MP. A dream can not only come true, but also lead to serious career growth if you fulfill a few not-so-difficult requirements.

The next step, which can significantly bring the guy closer to serving in the Navy, is an application to the military registration and enlistment office. Nevertheless, the decisive moment will be the demand for young recruits, which is already determined at the distribution point. As they say in army slang, it all depends on the availability of a buyer.

The importance of the navy in the defense of the country

Even devoting an article to a question covering ranks in the navy and marines of Russia, one cannot do without mentioning the merits of this type of troops in the defense capability of the state. Considering the fact that the length of Russia's maritime borders is about 40 thousand kilometers, only a reliable powerful fleet can prevent a threat from the sea.

Depending on the basing points, the Northern Fleet, the Black Sea, the Pacific, the Baltic and the Caspian Fleets are distinguished. The sovereignty of a country is a guarantee of the security of each of its citizens. Navy has a rather complex structure, it is represented by submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and marines. Each unit has its own personal task, military personnel wear a distinctive uniform, and there are also certain differences in ranks.

Military ranks in the Russian army

In the army there is a clear distribution of the rights and duties of all personnel. Moreover, a strict hierarchy is realized through military ranks. All these ranks can be divided into two types: military and naval. Moreover, military ranks are not necessarily assigned only in the ground forces. On the other hand, ship ranks are not only for those who serve on the ship.

The two types of ranks only differ in pronunciation, but the overall structure of the hierarchy is the same. So, we can distinguish non-officer and officer staff. Each military rank will correspond to a certain ship rank. Allow military personnel to maintain subordination shoulder straps .

Naval ranks ascending

For greater clarity, one should not only list all ship ranks, but also draw an analogy with military ranks, since it is the latter that are studied in sufficient detail in the OBZh course of the elementary military training section. It becomes clear why confusion arises among the younger generation precisely when trying to arrange in ascending order of hierarchical ranks in Navy, because there is no time at all for naval ranks with their shoulder straps at school.

The lowest rank that a sailor receives upon enlistment is sailor. Since 1946, this rank has been renamed from the previously existing "Red Navy", which still corresponds to the ordinary in the ground forces. On the sailor's pursuit, only the letter "F" flaunts, corresponding to belonging to the fleet.

For outstanding achievements in military service sailor may be promoted to chief seaman. They stand on the same level as the corporals and can be appointed to the post of squad leader. The epaulette of the senior sailor contains one metal strip or a golden cloth ribbon.

Raising the rank in the fleet means conferring the title " foreman 2 articles". The sergeant staff begins with it, and in military names it is positioned as Lance Sergeant. Two stripes on the chase are absolutely similar to the corresponding land rank. The difference is only in color.

So far, the ship ranks under consideration have at least somehow been consonant with land ranks. Pure marine term - midshipman means the rank that is awarded to a soldier after graduating from the corresponding school. On land, similar provisions apply to ensigns. Midshipman And senior midshipman on shoulder straps they have two or three stars, respectively, located along.

Officer ranks begin with lieutenant. At this level of ranking, there are no differences, even shoulder straps the same. Along the epaulette is a golden stripe, which denotes a group of junior officers. A junior lieutenant has one star, a lieutenant has two, and a senior lieutenant has three. Three stars are arranged in a triangle, two across the shoulder strap and one along.

Naval rank, crowning a group of ranks of junior officers, in contrast to the combined arms rank " captain", means as lieutenant commander. Two stars across the shoulder strap and two along give the right to receive the position of commander of a warship. The rank of captain-lieutenant is awarded to a senior lieutenant only after 4 years of service.