Naval cadets. African cadets of Sevastopol. Graduates will go to fight the pirates

Broadsword - contact blade cutting and stabbing weapon with a long straight single-edged blade. The naval broadsword has been used since the 16th century as a boarding weapon. A boarding broadsword is a long-bladed cutting and piercing weapon with a straight wide blade without fullers, having one-sided or one-and-a-half sharpening. The handle is wooden or metal with a guard such as a shackle, cross, shield. Unlike combat broadswords, which had metal or wooden scabbards, boarding broadsword scabbards were usually leather. The blade was up to 80 cm long and about 4 cm wide.

On the introduction of daggers and broadswords for military personnel of the Navy

Put into service for everyday wear:

1. Dagger for the command staff of the Navy;

2. Broadsword for cadets of naval schools of the Navy.

Minutes of the meeting of the Politburo #20, 1940


The naval cadet's broadsword of the 1940 model was introduced as a piece of equipment by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy No. 574 of 1940.

The broadsword was ordered to be worn by cadets of naval schools in all cases when they were outside the territory of the school and the ship. The broadsword was worn on an appropriate strap worn on the waist belt on the left, slightly behind the slot in the left pocket. With an overcoat, the broadsword is worn over it, with flannel and uniform shirts - along the sash of trousers on top of the valve.

In after war time cases of the use by cadets of naval schools, while on leave, of broadswords in conflicts with civilians have become more frequent. Since 1958, the broadsword has become the subject of uniform equipment only for assistants Naval ensign on solemn occasions and as an item of equipment for persons on a daily outfit during service (on duty in a company, orderly). In 1975, the naval cadet broadsword as an item of equipment was completely canceled. All surviving broadswords up to this point were destroyed in the established order.


The scabbard is made of wood covered with a shiny black lacquer. The metal parts of the scabbard and guard are made of blued steel. The handle is wooden. The blade of the broadsword is without fullers, almost straight. The blade bears the designation of the manufacturer - the letters "IMZ" in an oval and the year of issue - "1945".

Fountains were one of the main attractions of the school. Photo from

We come to the fleet as romantics. Romantics at this moment, as they say, are full of pants. After that, for a couple of years we are at war with the naval foolishness, smoothly turning into complete idiocy. Then slowly but surely it dawns on you that it is useless. Because if it is a struggle, where is the result? So the future naval officer already in the third year of the naval school begins to relate to what is happening with humor. If there is no sense of humor, you can safely write off to a civilian. But that's if it works.


I kept a diary in the Kaliningrad Higher Naval Bursa all five years of study. Now I enjoy reading it. It's outsourcing in the army and navy today. And in our time - all by themselves, with their skillful hands. Here are some entries from my diary:

Today is a normal, unremarkable day. It is already dark, sleet is falling to the ground outside the window - more precisely, a hybrid of snow and rain. This is bad - it means that now a shovel in hand and plow like dad Carlo, who, however, was unemployed.

That is, this is the fourth course, a year later - officer epaulettes. And you shovel snow with a shovel or disperse puddles with a broom, and not only during tidying up, but also instead of lectures. Because the main thing in the fleet is that there should be no puddles on the parade ground of snow.

Yesterday after lunch, on a large tidy, they collected dandelions on the Field of Fools (this is a large lawn - our object of tidying). The authorities don't like them."

That is, several dozen midshipmen (cadets of the fourth and fifth courses), the future elite of our Armed Forces, are frantically destroying dandelions at the tidying site so that the lawn is uniform, like everything else in the Navy, green! Because otherwise it is simply impossible to ensure the high combat readiness of the USSR Navy.

Well, it is clear that cadet hands are not for boredom. Construction and other work in our bursa, in my opinion, took much more time than classes.

Yesterday I went to dance at the school. They were at the Ocean Cafe. This is a building with a significant memorial plaque on which is engraved in gold letters:

Cafe "Ocean"

Designed and built

GSS Vice Admiral Pilipenko V.S.

Captains of the 1st rank (three surnames)

Captains of the 2nd rank (two surnames)

Midshipmen (five surnames)

Cadets (four surnames)

For some reason they forgot to write my last name. Very surprised."

In fact, in the cafe "Ocean" the choice of dishes was not rich. Kefir, milk, cookies and gingerbread. But tired of bigos (stinky sauerkraut with something remotely resembling meat) and barley porridge (we called it RBU - after the name of the rocket launcher), the cadets were happy about this. So the queues were huge.

Since then I hate gingerbread. And porridge, of course, not to mention bigos. Yes, GSS is a Hero Soviet Union.


We will soon begin construction of Glyba-78. This painting is 120 by 15 m. Giant, in the style of Siqueiros. True, he worked with the help of a crane and a spray gun. Well, we are simpler - we have a brush and calloused hands. It's enough".

The head of the KVVMU, Admiral Vladimir Pilipenko, had a passion for gigantomania. He was especially proud of the fact that the parade ground in the school was larger than Red Square in square footage (for which several buildings had to be demolished). And around the parade ground there were paintings on the marine theme: “The battle of an aircraft carrier strike group with an enemy submarine”, “Amphibious assault landing with the support of aviation”, “Ships in wake formation”, etc. The size of the paintings - hundreds square meters. The largest is 120 by 15 m (it could not stand the gusts of wind and soon collapsed).

The paintings were painted on slate slabs, which were previously boiled in oil, and then covered with a primer. The process was led by at least a captain of the 2nd rank, who, after the completion of construction, received another star.

There was a large clock on the main tower, in the building where the bursa duty officer and the banner of the school were located. Every half an hour they loudly played the melody “You, a sailor, are beautiful by yourself ...” The inhabitants of the surrounding quarters were very unhappy, but they could not defeat the admiral, and even the Hero of the Soviet Union ...

And Pilipenko (at school he was called Hero, Barin, Boss) loved fountains. One (square) was located in front of the main entrance to the school and beat three meters higher than the Peterhof "Samson". The second (round) - in the school square. In the center of the fountain was a statue of Neptune holding both hands on the horns of a 1905 mine. I remember when I was still a candidate for cadets, that is, I was just taking exams, two applicants from Belarus walked past the fountain. And one of them said to the other:

- In, looking, at the mine ўpyardolіў.

We called the fountain simply: "Neptune raping a mine."

Yesterday things went like this.

13.30. Finished writing a memorandum for the diploma.

13.50. Chubarov (teacher) comes in and asks if I'm ready to defend myself. I answer: "Always ready."

15.15–15.45. I'm defending myself. Even less than 25 minutes. Rated "excellent". I had just entered the classroom when Vanya, Yura, Lyokha and Seryozha grabbed me and carried me to Swan Lake. Valerian ran alongside with my Zorkiy. At the very beginning of the bridges leading to the island with a lighthouse (1.5–2 m high), they shook me together and threw me into the water on the count of three. Valerian took pictures... The rest of the day was dried by the first term. In the evening I went out to the city, bought two cakes - in the camera and on the table.

There was such a tradition in the bursa. The graduate who was the first to defend his diploma was thrown into the fountain with Neptune or into Swan Lake (there was such a thing at the school) immediately after passing and right in the form. In 1978, I turned out to be such a graduate in our class.


In the session, a benevolent, serene mood reigns in the school. Even discipline loosens its iron grip a little these days. An officer can walk past a cadet smoking in the wrong place and not reprimand him. The officer on duty at the school, bypassing his possessions, discovers at night in the Lenkommante a cadet chiseling granite of science (there are fanatics in any business) and does not send him to sleep, but only, leaving, tightly closes the door behind him.

If you think that the political technologists of the 1990s invented the "carousel" in the elections, you are deeply mistaken. We mastered this scheme in the school in the first year. The cadet quietly takes from the table not one ticket, but two. He passes the second one through the class attendant to the next classmate who is taking the exam. He takes a ticket from the table, but answers the one in his pocket and for which he managed to prepare for the answers. And so on. So that the teacher is not too attentive, beer is poured into the decanter (a mandatory attribute on the table) instead of compote.

There is another way to help the cadet in answering difficult questions. For example, when we passed the TUZHNK (the theory of the structure and survivability of a surface ship), on the inside of the door in the office where the exam was held, they hung a battle sheet, on which the following was inscribed in large font, visible from any end of the room, by Yura Nesterov:


If you love your mom and want to meet her on vacation, you should know that:

- the Admiralty coefficient expresses the dependence of the speed, displacement of the ship and power;

- pitching is the oscillation of the vessel relative to the equilibrium position ... "

Not a single teacher even noticed that it was not a battle sheet, but a banal cheat sheet. Maybe because we replenished the decanter with beer regularly?


Today I was approached by the head of the Naval Tactics Department Captain 1st Rank Smyshnikov. He asked for an invitation card to dance for his daughter. Gave me two tickets. I think now I won’t have problems with the offset in tactics. ”

Girls entered the dance school only by invitation cards. I handed out tickets to those who wished (at least at the artillery faculty), since I was deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee. Teachers came often, someone took tickets for their daughters, someone for the daughters of relatives and friends. So I passed tests and exams at that satisfying time with a bang.

By the way, about Vitaly Vasilyevich Smyshnikov. Tall, thin, strangely throwing out his legs when walking. Underground nickname Camel (Camel). It really looked like a ship of the desert. And not only gait, but also the profile of the face. At the lecture:

- Comrade cadets, today my daughter will come to the dance, I ask you to give her maximum attention.

- Comrade captain of the 1st rank, is she pretty?

- Naturally. She does look like me!

And I also have a special cadet terminology in my diary. Who served in the school, he will understand who did not wear shoulder straps - that is not necessary. But I think it's interesting. For example, “to sit until the green grass” is if you are not given a dismissal from the winter period until March 1. “Sit until the green Christmas tree” is the same, but from autumn to the New Year. "Karas" is a freshman. "Karasi" - socks, as a rule, not washed, that is, very fragrant. “Hose, pretend to be a jacket or a shovel” is a state in which a cadet happens very often. It is impossible to explain this state. Hence the concept of "hose" (on foreign languages does not translate).

“Ax, plywood” is an insult close to the concepts of “nerd”, “idiot”. "Concentrate" - fall asleep at the lecture. "Zek" - deputy platoon commander. "Komod" - squad leader. "Politician" - a cadet who was delayed on leave for violations of military discipline. "Olympian" - a cadet who was delayed sending on leave for a deuce in physical education. "Akademik" - a cadet who was delayed in being sent on vacation for a deuce in exams. "Proletarian" - a cadet flying past the ticket office, for example, expelled from the ranks of those leaving for a haircut, flared trousers, etc. KVN is a club of those who never quit. “Team“ Wow ”is a group of cadets trying to wash off the stain of violators of military discipline with rough physical labor.

And, finally, one more entry in the diary, explaining why we always remember the service in the Navy and consider these years to be the best in life.

An interesting speech today was made by one captain of the 2nd rank:

- In the fleet you will plunge into a magnificent atmosphere. Humor, even if a little rough, will always help you.

I remember once we were returning from military service. Went across the English Channel. More precisely, they didn’t walk, but hung on the spot - the storm was hellish. And on this stormy day, I turned 33 years old, like Christ. I was on watch. Carried the "dog", by the way. And so, having gone into the wardroom after the watch, I saw a huge cake-pie, freshly baked, fragrant. Two lieutenants held it in their hands, because it would instantly fly off the table - our destroyer rocked so.

A metal tube protruded from the cake, and a map of the area we were in, beautifully drawn by a ship's artist, was inserted into the slot on it.

Do you know what happiness is? He must be tested. This is not forgotten. I remember very well that everyone ate this cake and said: “How good, Vitya, that you were born on such a day when you really want to eat ...” That's right, my friends! Learn to see a drop of humor in everything - and then it will be easier for you to serve.

As the turbulent 50s passed, the Soviet Union politically and especially militarily opposed almost the rest of the world. At this time, the culmination of the "cold war" between the military-political blocs of a number of countries of the world fell. In a tougher confrontation were the NATO bloc and the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact.

In 1956, bloody events took place in Hungary. Soviet tanks restored the so-called "constitutional order" in the Hungarian people's republic. I remember these events well, since in 1956 I graduated from the Batumi Naval School in Georgia with a military specialty - anti-aircraft defense of the USSR Navy. And just at that time, part of our sailors-cadets was sent for military training in the city of Sevastopol. Our 4th Guards Anti-Aircraft Battery was located not far from Severnaya Bay. Almost every day we were engaged in combat training, studying the regulations, materiel and rules of combat firing. And, finally, an order was given to urgently redeploy to conduct live firing in the area of ​​Cape Feolent. Then, according to "rumors", we were to go on a special mission with military equipment to one of the world's hot spots. No one doubted that it would be Hungary.

Before conducting combat firing at "live" targets on the water and in the air, commanders of warships repeatedly visited us Black Sea Fleet and pilot officers, who were to be directly involved in live firing. These were quite young officers who had already undergone combat "baptism" during the years of the Great Patriotic War, as well as in numerous hot spots on the planet in which the USSR officially or unofficially took part.

Our commander gathered the entire staff of our 4th Guards Anti-Aircraft Battery for a meeting with pilots and sailors. At these meetings, the combat operation for accurate shooting at targets was discussed.

A combat military aircraft under the control of an officer must drag a target behind it, which our anti-aircraft guardsmen were obliged to hit with a live projectile accurately and at the same time not hit the aircraft and not shoot it down. The pilots were psychologically sure that if they personally talked with the soldiers, sergeants and battery officers, then for sure the firing would go well and they would be alive and unharmed. The same thing happened with officers-sailors, who, with their warships, dragged behind them "combat targets" in the form of special shields.

And so, early in the morning, our battery of 4 guns at Cape Feolent took up a combat position. Soon we heard the rumble of an engine and saw an airplane in the air at a considerable height, and behind it, at a distance of 100-150 meters, a combat target in the form of an elongated oval "pencil case".

Everyone quieted down, tensed up, peering at the flying plane, and waited for the “fire” command. The tension increased to the limit, the nerves could not stand it, the shells were put into automatic delivery trays into the barrel of an anti-aircraft gun. All that was needed was the command "get ready" and then "fire." We all thought of the hero pilot who flew the plane and knew that live rounds would soon follow. We, battery cadets, were not worried about the fate of the aircraft, but for the life of the pilot, who told us before the flight: “Boys, I hope for you. We will meet again on the ground and drink on this occasion 100 grams of combat.”

As it always happens, the "fire" command came unexpectedly. Each battery fired a shot, everything was covered with red dust, obscured the sun, the plane, the target on which they fired. The ground literally trembled underfoot, dust flew high into the sky and did not settle for a long, long time. We all listened to the rumble of the plane, then we saw it too - the pilot walked in a circle above us, shaking his wings, and there was no target behind him, we hit it from the first shots. The combat mission was completed. We also hit a sea target, which this time was dragged along by a warship designed specifically for this.

In the evening, high-ranking officers-pilots and officers-sailors arrived to us and thanked us all from the bottom of their hearts. It was nice that for the first time we went through a combat “baptism”, shooting not at the enemy, but meaning him. Similar shootings for six months army service the fleet had more than enough. In general, we were satisfied; the only thing that upset us was that they took off our naval uniform and changed into army uniform, and it turned out that we turned from midshipmen into foremen. Just at that time, the fleet's air defense was being reorganized, and someone from above decided to dress everyone in combined arms uniforms. Many then regretted that they had to part with the marine form, marine training and maritime fate.

Being on military training, we, cadets, with pleasure examined the hero-city, the city of Russian glory Sevastopol. Everything here reminded of the strength, spirit and power of the Russian people, Russian weapons. And we were proud of this, since everyone was brought up on patriotism for the Motherland, on love for their Fatherland. Each of us wanted to serve, to serve honestly, with skill and anywhere in the world. We had no questions - where to serve, we had only one answer - where the Motherland sends, we will serve there.

We all had a heroic mood. True, it was somewhat upset by the fact that a year before our stay in the city of Sevastopol there, in Inkerman Bay, on October 29, 1955, for some unknown reason, the famous flagship of the Black Sea Navy, the battleship Novorossiysk, exploded and sank to the bottom. . Hundreds of sailors died with him, and, according to eyewitnesses, for almost three days and three nights the sailors still alive knocked on the armor of the Novorossiysk from the inside, reporting that they were alive and asking for help. They were unable to help. Soon, on the northern side of the Sevastopol Bay, a mass grave was dug by excavators, where all the dead sailors were buried. Many of those sailors were young, inexperienced guys in the sea, transferred to the battleship from Germany due to the reduction in numbers there. Soviet troops. Soon it will be 50 years since the death of the legendary battleship, but the reasons, unfortunately, have not yet been established. In later years, already as a student and then as an intelligence officer, I often visited this tragic place, which was surrounded by sea buoys. For many years, a single red star was attached to this grave. The local authorities were going to erect a monument to the Novorossiysk sailors, but I did not see him there.

Our military training ended, and we all returned to our native penates - the Batumi sailor. Six months later we met again. There was a lot of talk about who, where and how he served. Someone was in Batumi, someone was in Poti, and someone was on the warships of the Black Sea Fleet. Every evening we had conversations and ended, as a rule, well after midnight. We were then a little over twenty years old and each of us was assigned one way to serve the fleet. And we were all ready for this difficult service.

For almost five years, we were brought up by experienced sailors who went through the war, not only the Great Patriotic War, but also the war in Korea, in other "hot spots" of the world, where our troops took part in military operations. All this was called in those years a business trip, and some of these business trips did not return at all, and if they did return, then only in “zinc coffins”. It is sad to realize this, but we were young and everyone was sure that this would never happen to him. We were brought up in love for the sea, the Motherland, the Navy, the Soviet Union, and we were proud of all this, wherever the fate of each of us threw.

In those years, no one talked about nationality. We were Soviet cadets, Soviet sailors, Black Sea sailors, Batumi sailors. They served together, lived peacefully, loved sea romance, helped each other as much as they could.

A real maritime friendship was formed, regardless of whether you were Russian, Avar, Georgian, Ossetian, Tatar, Udmurt, Chechen, Azerbaijani, Latvian or Lithuanian. We were a single maritime power, a single maritime family, a single Soviet Union.

Soon the command of the Batumi Naval School read out an order that each of us was awarded the rank of lieutenant of the Navy, and soon the places where we were to serve in the sea were determined.

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As you know, Sevastopol is not only a naval base, but also a long-standing forge of personnel for the Russian Navy. Here is the Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P. S. Nakhimov (CHVVMU) - one of the most famous naval educational institutions in Russia.

One of the best naval schools

Founded back in 1937, ChVVMU has produced thousands of officers with higher naval education. Among them are 15 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 5 Heroes of Russia, as well as Russian Defense Minister Marshal Igor Sergeev. Until 2014, the school functioned as an academy in the military education system of Ukraine, but after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, a decision was made to restore the Russian Naval School in Sevastopol on the basis of the Ukrainian Academy. Most of the cadets and teachers of the school took this event positively - after all, the prospects for service in the Russian Navy cannot be compared with service in the Ukrainian Navy, which are in a deplorable state. The only thing I had to change learning programs, but this also benefited the cadets - in Russian naval educational institutions they take the educational and educational process much more seriously.

Few people know, but foreign military personnel are also trained at the Black Sea Higher Naval School. In June 2016, the first graduation of the revived ChVVMU took place. In the solemn formation of cadets there are not only Russians, but also Africans. The natives of distant Equatorial Guinea were trained at the school according to the programs of secondary military education. Seventeen black cadets went to ChVVMU "inherited" from the Ukrainian period in the history of the military educational institution. The fact is that they were admitted to the school during the entry of Crimea into Ukraine, and completed a training course designed for 4 years and 10 months already in Russia. Cadets from a small African country received diplomas of mechanics, miners and gunners. They are to serve in Naval Forces ah Republic of Equatorial Guinea.

Graduates will go to fight the pirates?

There used to be a military partnership between Equatorial Guinea and Ukraine, including in the field of training, but now, apparently, African country reoriented in this regard to Russia. The population of a small country located in the west of Central Africa is just over 704 thousand people. However, it has one of the strongest navies in Africa. Thanks to oil revenues, Equatorial Guinea has managed to invest heavily in the development of its own armed forces and, in particular, the navy, which is designed to protect the republic from encroachments on oil resources. There really is a need for this - the coastal waters of West and Central Africa are teeming with pirates, who are not inferior in their activity to Somali ones. Therefore, the knowledge that cadets from Equatorial Guinea receive in Sevastopol is likely to be extremely in demand in a real combat situation.

Previously, the Soviet Union was the main exporter of weapons to Equatorial Guinea. After its collapse, the country continued to cooperate with Ukraine and Bulgaria. So, in Nikolaev they designed, and in Varna they built the frigate "Wele Nzas". According to the Ukrainian project, the amphibious frigate Capitán de Fragata David Eyama Angue Osa was also built in Bulgaria. Corvette "Bata" was also designed in Nikolaev, and launched in the Bulgarian Varna. That is, it was Ukraine that actually laid the foundations of the modern naval forces of Equatorial Guinea. Therefore, there was nothing surprising in the fact that the cadets of this country went to receive a naval education in Sevastopol. When Crimea was reunited with Russia, the command of the Equatorial Guinean Navy decided that the cadets would continue to study at a Russian military university. The cadets themselves were also not opposed, especially since the Russian military education continues to be highly rated throughout the world.

Chief of ChVVMU captain of the first rank Alexander Grinkevich told the press that more than 50 cadets from Equatorial Guinea, as well as cadets from Angola, are being trained at the school. The educational institution is looking forward to further cooperation with the Naval Forces of these African states. This is quite realistic, especially considering that Angola is also one of Russia's traditional military partners on the African continent. The expansion of Russian military-industrial exports to African countries will inevitably lead to an increase in the demand of African states for the availability of specialists trained to service complex Russian-made equipment.

Partisans of the "Third World" were trained in Crimea

By the way, in Soviet time it was in the Crimea that the famous training center for the training of foreign military personnel was located. The 165th training center for the training of foreign military personnel was located in the village of Perevalnoye, not far from Simferopol. For a long time it was one of the most secret military educational institutions in the Soviet Union. In 1965-1980. participants of national liberation movements from all over the world - future partisans - were trained here. In 1980, the training center was transformed into the Simferopol Military Joint School, where they began to train officers for the armies of states friendly to the Soviet Union. In 1992 the school was disbanded.

For twenty-seven years of existence, 16 thousand people have been trained in the training center and school. Military specialists were trained here for such famous organizations as the African National Congress of South Africa and the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Mozambican FRELIMO and the Angolan MPLA, the Namibian SWAPO and the PAIGC from Guinea-Bissau. The first cadets in 1965 were just partisans from Guinea-Bissau. Seventy-five young people aged 16 to 35 completed the full course of training.

After being based in 1980 training center a school was created, it began to accept cadets from Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea, Mongolia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Lebanon, India, Nicaragua, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Libya and a number of other states. The main task was to train officers of the ground forces for the armies of the above states in the most popular specialties - tankers, artillerymen and anti-aircraft gunners, signalmen, motorists, as well as advanced training for existing officers of foreign armies, including in rather big military ranks.

Thus, the Crimea has a rich tradition of training foreign cadets. It is possible that they will continue in the future as the prestige of Russian military education in the world remains very high.

"Army General Khrulev"

In his book "General of the Army Khrulev" the famous Soviet writer Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Vasilyevich Karpov says: “I can’t leave this life without objecting to anotherinjustice. I mean some disrespect for the quartermaster service. It is believed - this is such a service - as it is impossible to get out of the water dry, so in supply affairs it is impossible to remain uninvolved in fraud. I am a combat officer who went through the ranks and in battle from private to colonel, I saw, I know, I felt the good deeds and care of the quartermasters both in peacetime and in wartime. Therefore, I have every reason to tell the truth about this difficult and multifaceted service, without which no army can exist. It is indecent, insulting and, most importantly, unfairly the above insulting opinion about the home front workers. It’s not good, it’s dishonorable to talk about them like that!”

The need to train specialists in economic services was recognized quite a long time ago, however, a coherent system of special education in the interests of the rear of the Navy dates back only to 1938. It is known that in the pre-revolutionary Russian fleet, all combat officers, in the order of their service in junior ranks, served on the ship as an auditor who was in charge of ship management, guided by some theoretical information received at training in the Marine Corps.

With the beginning of the program for the construction of powerful naval forces of the Soviet Union, the need arose for the training of highly qualified cadres of commanders-economic managers of the Navy. Onefrom the first conscious and justified decisions of the newly created independent People's CommissariatThe Navy was ordered to form a naval school named after M.V. on the basis of a separate preparatory battalion. Frunze in Old Peterhof of the Naval Economic School. By the end of October 1938, the minimum necessary educational and material base was created, and scheduled classes began on November 1. The date of November 8 was approved by the People's Commissar of the Navy as the school's annual holiday.Colonel Andrei Andreevich Polyanin, an active participant in civil war, commander of a separate preparatory battalion of the VMU im. M.V. Frunze.

In 1940, after the Finnish company, the school was relocated to the city of Vyborg, where it was located most of the time of its functioning (until 1956).

It was here, thanks to the energy and perseverance of the command, headed by the newly appointed head of the school, Captain 2nd Rank Arkady Varfolomeevich Katsadze, an experienced sailor and educator, highly trained teachers - graduates of the Military Economic Academy and officers from the fleets, demanding and attentive commanders of cadet units, not only due working atmosphere, but also that special aura that allowed long time to train highly qualified personnel who love the fleet and their specialty.Graduates for a long time retained the spirit of fidelity to theirAlmamaterand the enduring state of naval friendship. Evidence of this are the regularly held traditional meetings of graduates and solemn and mourning events on the memorable days of Russia's military glory.

In April 1941, the first release was made in the amount of 109 people. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the school quickly switched to a wartime organization. The third course was released ahead of schedule (81 people), according to the plan of the head of the garrison of Vyborg, emergency units were allocated to protect the area to ensure the mobilization deployment of the front. Soon, due to the deteriorating situation on the border with Finland, the school was relocated first to the village of Znamenka, and then to Leningrad. , where it was placed on the funds of the VMIU evacuated by that time. F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

Captain 2nd rank A.A. Katsadze was appointed assistant commander of the Leningrad naval base, Rear Admiral Yu.P. Panteleev on internal defense of the maritime defense sector of the city. “The main forces here,” the admiral later recalled, “were the naval crew, the quartermaster and border naval schools ... The senior combatant commander in this sector was Captain 2nd Rank Katsadze, a very energetic combat sailor. He was a good help…” . The school became part of the 1st Combined Naval Defense Battalion of Leningrad.

In accordance with the combat order of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front No. 00244 dated September 9, 1941, signed by K.E. Voroshilov, A.A. Zhdanov and I.S. Isakovfrom the VMHU, a naval cadet battalion of 348 people was formed.

Colonel Andrei Stepanovich Dementyev, head of the military department of the school, became its commander, Georgy Matveyevich Suzdalov, senior political instructor, and chief of staff, lieutenant commander Alexei Kirillovich Boev, became its commander. Company commanders were appointed senior lieutenant Anatoly Ivanovich Stavrovsky, quartermaster 2nd rank Nikolai Andreevich Prudko and quartermaster 3rd rank Efim Abramovich Bernshtein. On the night of September 11, the battalion was alerted and sent at the disposal of the commander of the 8th Army, Major General Vladimir Ivanovich Shcherbakov, to the newly formed, so-called Oranienbaum bridgehead.

The Admiralty gates are open,
Cadets clearly beat off the step,
A company followed a company in Oranienbaum -
At that time, the enemy was rushing to Leningrad ...

(K. Platonov)

In the Oranienbaum Logistics Department, the cadets were given army uniforms, allowing them to leave only a vest and a wide naval belt with a badge. But many managed to keep their peakless caps by hiding them in gas mask bags. By order of the head of the garrison, the battalion was sent to the second line of defense. But this did not last long. The battalion was in the operational reserve of the army for only three hours. The enemy fiercely rushed to Leningrad. The 291st Wehrmacht infantry division, which called itself “the hero of the capture of Paris and the storming of Libau,” was stopped at the turn of the Gostilitsky highway. The political report of the battalion commissar Yevstafyev stated that “the cadets and commanders of the battalion, acting together with 11, 48 and 191 rifle divisions to defeat the bands of Nazi hordes in the areas of Bolshie Iliki - Razvilka - a grove near the road to Razvilka - Old Peterhof - a crossing at English Palace, showed themselves selflessly devoted to the cause of Lenin-Stalin, the people of the great Motherland of the Soviets. There are many examples of heroism in the fighting of the battalion. Courage, heroism ... in the defense of the grove near the Fork and in the battle for the crossing at the English Palace ... allowed the battalion to fulfill the assigned tasks with honor ".

Combat operations of quartermasters are described in the books of G.G. Polyakov "Naval cadet battalion" and "On three fleets", L.D. Kaidalov "From Oranienbaum to Baikonur", in articles and memoirs of I.T. Iokhin and S.P. Kruzhilin. Subsequently, the Leningrad poet Nikolai Brown wrote memorable lines:

“Business executives walked under the bullets,

We went with the sailors on a par.

Quartermasters drowned in water

And burned more than once in the fire.

And we have been in such a mess,

What seemed to be neither give nor take.

Braces of our stripes

They began to cast gold.

A heavy price was paid for the victory in the battles near Leningrad. 51 people from the battalion died a heroic death, many were wounded and shell-shocked. In early December, on the basis of the decision of the People's Commissariat of the Navy to resume training, the cadets were returned to the school and evacuated to Moscow.. In the most difficult winter conditions, a foot crossing was made directly through the war zone along the route Lake Ladoga - Novaya Ladoga - Pashsky Perevoz - Efimovskaya station, where the personnel were loaded onto a train and taken to Moscow.

Among the exhibits of the museum of the 286th school of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg, there is a front-line notebook of Leonid Evgenievich Balakhonov, who, unfortunately, recently left us. It is impossible to read the stingy lines of a 19-year-old youth without excitement, like reports on every day of the transition ... As early as January 19, 1942, classes were resumed at the funds of the former Moscow Institute of Soviet Cooperative Trade on Volokolamsk Highway. In May of the same year, the third graduation of the school took place - 148 people, and then another 27 people from among those who returned after treatment. In the order of the People's Commissar of the Navy, Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov dated May 19, 1942, No. 84, on congratulating graduates, it was noted: “In fierce battles with the Nazi invaders on the outskirts of the city of Lenin, you showed the ability not only to successfully master military knowledge, but also to skillfully apply them in the fight against the enemy ... I wish you and continue to fight just as fearlessly in the ranks of the Navy for the liberation of our land from fascist evil spirits ... Remember that the exact and steady implementation of orders and existing legal provisions, thrift, accounting and control should be your inviolable commandment in work on ships and in parts of the Navy ".

In 1942, the first award for participation in hostilities at the Oranienbaum bridgehead took place. Orders of the Red Banner were awarded to Lieutenant Commander A.I. Vostrikov and cadet S.D. Vasilevich (posthumously), orders of the Red Star - paramedic quartermaster of the 3rd rank E.P. Domashninov, quartermaster technicians of the 1st rank I.A. Sokolov, N.I. Gruzdev and A.F. Shokhin, quartermaster technician 2nd rank I.D. Vakhrameev, sanitary troopers A.N. Pavlova and E.D. Kernina (posthumously).

Alexander Ivanovich Vostrikov, being the head of communications of the battalion, after wounding his commander and chief of staff, took command of the unit and achieved well-deserved recognition with his skillful actions. Subsequently, he fought in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and near Novorossiysk, became an honorary citizen of the city of Temryuk. Former commander 83 separate brigade marines F.M. Monastyrsky in his book "The Land Washed with Blood" wrote: "... our glorious combat commander Vostrikov, the commander-fire, who knew no fear and barriers, is capable of amazing feats of arms."

At the beginning of 1942, by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy dated July 30 No. 00268, 150 second-year cadets of August 1941 recruitment were sent to the North Caucasian Front, where, as part of 62 separate naval rifle brigadetook part in bloody battles near Mozdok and Ordzhonikidze. We have the recollections of the direct participants in the events - graduates of 1945 Viktor Ivanovich Pankov and Evgeny Ivanovich Selifanov - about the combat everyday life of that time.

But even in the terrible military hard times, the school continued to train personnel. In April 1942, advanced training courses for command personnel were restored, which trained about 700 commanders of the quartermaster service during the war years. In November 1942, the fourth graduation took place, the so-called normal wartime (with a training period of 1 year 2 months) numbering 49 people. In 1943, preparatory courses for students were opened at the school. It is interesting that among the students of the VMCU was the future submarine admiral, commander of the Northern Fleet, Hero of the Soviet Union Arkady Petrovich Mikhailovsky.

On October 9, 1943, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the school was awarded the Battle Banner of a military unit, which was a convincing confirmation of its military merits. During the war years it was a fighting school. Combat awards serve as clear evidence of the recognition by the Motherland of the contribution of the personnel of the VMHU to the Great Victory of our people over fascism. During the four war years, they were awarded orders: Lenin - 6 people, Red Banner - 12 people, Red Star - 34 people, Patriotic WarIdegree - 5 people, Patriotic WarIIdegree - 4 people, "Badge of Honor" - 4 people, Glory - 1 person. More than 250 people were awarded medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Cities".

Since 1943, the school has become known as the Quartermaster's School of the Navy. At the end of the summer, it moved to the building of the student hostel of Moscow State University on the street. Stromynka, 32. In February of the following year, it was headed by an experienced sailor, Captain 1st Rank Ivan Grigoryevich Karpov.

He went through a good naval school on battleships, destroyers and minelayers, commanded ships, evacuated the command of the Hanko naval base on the Marty mine in December 1941, and headed the Astrakhan naval base for more than a year. With his arrival at the school, the emphasis in training cadets was placed on preparation for ship service. Internships on warships of the active fleets tempered the will of future officers, enriched them with much-needed experience.

In August 1944, the fifth graduation (224 people) took place, the last under a reduced wartime program, and on October 6 the school was returned to Vyborg.

Since April 1945, Captain 1st Rank Yuri Samoilovich Sider-Brock, who previously served as Deputy Chief of Logistics of the Northern Fleet, Head of Logistics of the White Sea Military, and then of the Caspian Flotilla, became the head of the school. His authority as an officer and specialist was indisputable. Six issues of quartermasters tremblingly keep a good memory of their commander and mentor, who gave them a start in life. On August 31, 1945, the “B” course was graduated (199 people) - the first post-war graduation of commissary service officers who completed a full course of study in a three-year program. Most of the young officers were sent to the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Flotilla, where battles with Japan were still ongoing. A year later, the seventh graduation took place - the largest graduation in the history of the school - 295 people. The eighth, ninth and tenth editions were held in 1948-1950.

In 1951, Rear Admiral Fyodor Vasilievich Budanov took command of the school. He was an authoritative admiral with extensive experience in serving on ships and in parts of the fleet. In the mid-1930s, he headed the first submarine coastal base in the Northern Fleet, then commanded the departments of the main military port in Murmansk, was deputy chief of logistics for the Northern Fleet, led the rear of a number of flotillas and naval bases, and before being appointed head of the Quartermaster's School for three years he served as the chief of logistics of the 8th Navy in Tallinn.

Until 1956, our school had the status of an independent naval educational institution and regularly supplied the Motherland with highly trained and dedicated personnel who loved the fleet and their profession. There were 16 issues with a total number of 2765 people. These were officers who forged victory in the fleets and fronts of the Great Patriotic War, who successfully mastered a new business - providing for the strategic nuclear missile fleet of the USSR, which entered the expanses of the World Ocean for combat service and made a worthy contribution to strengthening the military power of the country.

But, following the principles military reform(known as Khrushchev), in 1956 the Quartermaster's School of the Navy was disbanded and, as a cadet battalion, merged into the Quartermaster's School of the USSR Ministry of Defense.The last of the sets made in Vyborg was already released in Kaliningrad and today marks the 50th anniversary of this event.

Returning once again to the history of the school's stay in Vyborg, it should be noted that it was here that a special atmosphere of solidarity between the pupils of the Quartermaster's School around their own was formed and preserved.Almamater. This is recognized not only by graduates of the school, their fighting girlfriends and children, but also by students of other universities, participants and witnesses of traditional meetings of classmates. To our great regret, subsequent generations of rear officers succeeded in preserving the close connection between the naval quartermasters-vyborgzhans only occasionally and not to the full extent.

Four years later, the Kaliningrad School ceased to exist, and the training of logistics specialists was transferred to the Yaroslavl Military Financial School, where maritime specialty received representation in the cadet company.

In the same capacity, she moved to Volsk, where in 1964 she began to function. military school rear. Gradually, the specialties that previously existed in the Quartermaster's School of the Navy "bud" or disappeared. So, financiers for the fleet began to be trained in Yaroslavl, fuelmen - in Ulyanovsk, and the training of skipper service specialists was completely stopped.

In 1971, the Volsk Military School received the status of a higher one with a 4-year term of study. For the fleet, they began to train logistics specialists with the qualifications of an engineer-economist.The company of sailors was expanded to a battalion of 4 companies (up to 100 people in a company on each of the courses). High-quality selection of cadets, the prestige of the naval specialty and long-term traditions allowed the naval cadet battalion to regularly be among the leaders in education, sports, and amateur arts.

In connection with the opening of a branch, and then an independent home front school in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1975-1976. the naval battalion, the department of logistics of the Navy and naval disciplines, as well as a number of teachers from other departments specializing in the training of naval logistics officers, were gradually transferred there. In 1981, the battalion was reorganized into the Faculty of Logistics of the Navy (the head of the faculty is Captain 1st Rank Igor Ivanovich Orlov), and since 1987 the training period has been increased to five years.

From 1997-1999 Gradually, the training of logistics specialists to fill primary officer positions on ships, in military units (formations) and organizations of the Navy again began to be carried out in Volsk, where the Faculty of Logistics of the Navy is currently an educational and scientific unit of the Higher Military School (Military Institute). The radical reduction in the combat strength of the Navy has led to a significant decrease in the number of faculty (less than 200 people, and in the first year - only 30 people), and its graduates are less and less going to serve on ships. Now the faculty is in search of solutions to the problems of transition to new educational programs training of specialists or bachelors. We believe that in this difficult time, they would be very useful for the qualities that their predecessors, graduates of the Navy Quartermaster's School, possessed in full: steadfastness, adherence to principles, honesty and decency, devotion to the fleet and love for their specialty. Convincing confirmation of this is the active life position and practical deeds of the naval quartermasters, who formed their own veteran organization.

In May 1967, the initiative group of the third graduation of the VMHU, chaired by Colonel Ivan Tikhonovich Iokhin, began to implement the decision made by the veterans - to install a monument at the site of the battles of the naval cadet battalion at the expense of voluntary financial contributions from fellow soldiers.

It was called "Anchor" and after five months of hard work, a group of activists was solemnly opened in the presence of Lieutenant General V.I., commander of the 8th Army during the war years. Shcherbakov, head of the school captain 1st rank A.V. Katsadze, commander and commissar of the naval cadet battalion of captains 1st rank A.I. Vostrikova and G.M. Suzdalov, the command of the Leningrad naval base, fellow soldiers and veterans, cadets of naval schools and students of sponsored schools. On a pink slab of Karelian granite, 51 names of the dead soldiers and commanders are engraved in gold. Above, next to the image of the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", there is an inscription: "At this turn in the fall of 1941, as part of the 8th Army, fierce battles were fought and fierce attacks of the enemy, who were rushing towards Leningrad, were fought by cadets and officers of the VMHU of the Navy."

In 1970, the monument was reconstructed according to the project of the architects Tsitsin and Kukushkin with the participation of the former cadet of the Moscow Art Academy, Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Efimovich Komarovsky. The work was carried out by the Lendorstroy organization. The reopening of the monument took place on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Great Victory and gave impetus to a sustainable tradition of annual visits to the Yakor monument, included in the Green Belt of Leningrad Glory, by veterans, cadets and schoolchildren. This tradition is still alive today.

In 1972, under the chairmanship of Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Tolochko, the Council of Veterans of a separate cadet battalion was formed, which was reformed in 1988 into the Council of Veterans of the VMHU - IntU of the Navy. The Council was headed by Colonel Korney Semenovich Zima, and since 1999 its chairman has been Major General of Aviation Yevgeny Petrovich Dyakov. Gennady Mikhailovich Orekhov, Gennady Vasilyevich Khripunov, Vladimir Ivanovich Karelin, Vasily Pavlovich Prisyazhnyuk, Boris Venediktovich Chigir, Evgeny Nikolaevich Volkov, Albert Ivanovich Bondarenko, Anatoly Borisovich Polyansky, Vladimir Alexandrovich Povartsov and others are actively working on the board.

Aksakovskaya Gymnasium No. 11 in Ufa (Director - Nasima Rafailovna Ganeeva) and School No. 286 of the Admiralteisky District of St. Petersburg (Director - Sergey Anatolyevich Lobov, teacher-organizer of OBZH Sergey Andreevich Filimonov) closely cooperate with the veteran organization. With the energy and efforts of the latter, the school museum “We Remember” was opened in 2006, where exhibits are collected that tell about the heroic chronicle of the defenders of Leningrad, the actions of the cadet battalion and the history of the school.

Opening of the monument to the fallen soldiers and workers of the military port on the territory of school No. 286 in St. Petersburg

And on September 8 of this year, on the day of the 67th anniversary of the beginning of the Leningrad blockade, a monument to the fallen soldiers and workers of the military port - the rear of the Leningrad naval base was solemnly opened on the school grounds. Previously, it stood in New Holland and, at the request of the veteran organization, it was installed where the solemn and mourning events of VMHU veterans now begin - IntU of the Navy and guests dedicated to the Great Victory and others anniversaries military glory of Russia. Thank you very much management and teaching staff schools for attention and sensitivity to veterans.

With a special feeling of gratitude and appreciation, we turn to the personnel of the training military unit, which is located on the basis of the former IntU of the Navy. The command of the detachment headed by one of the best officers of the Navy - holder of the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" and Honor, Honored Military Specialist Colonel Valery Nikolaevich Polyakov, military personnel and civilian personnel always warmly and hospitably welcome us, constantly organize and provide anniversary events school veterans. I bow to you for this and thank you very much.

Over the seven decades of the existence of the school and the maritime training units of other universities that took over from it, the Motherland has received thousands of highly qualified specialists from various logistics services of the Navy. Many of them have reached significant heights in their careers. The highest officer ranks were awarded to Vice Admiral V.D. Sabaneev (graduate of 1947), Lieutenant General V.G. Titov (1952), Major General A.M. Afanasiev (1947), V.A. Belov (1947), E.P. Dyakov (1948), Rear Admiral A.A. Kashcheev (1958)

For the first time, a graduate of the Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics in 1976, Vice Admiral V.F. Popov. The rear of the fleets was headed and is headed by graduates of the Volsky and Gorky VVUT, Vice Admirals E.Ya. Serba, A.V. Baglaev, E.O. Rassolov, Lieutenant General V.V. Machalnik, Rear Admirals Yu.V. Bailo and A.E. Belkin, Rear Admirals N.N. Sych, N.A. Lazarev, B.P. Poskrebyshev, S.B. Sergeev, Yu.N. Personal.

Many of the graduates of the school set foot on the pedagogical path, giving their rich experience to the young shift. Among them are D.E. Jerusalem, V.G. Gak, V.S. Povarov, S.G. Tveryanovich, A.I. Kharitonov, M.I. Ptichkin, G.M. Orekhov, L.S. Plotnikov, G.G. Dolgov, O.P. Chupans, D.P. Khomyakov, P.A. Zolotarev, S.T. Odintsov, V.A. Chistikhin, V.A. Povartsov, A.P. Polikarpov and others.

There are also well-known writers among our milieu. This is Yu.V. Davydov, N.N. Molchanov, M.M. Barinov, A.A. Gusev, G.G. Polyakov, S.P. Kruzhilin.

V.I. became honorary citizens of their regions. Karelin, G.M. Orekhov.

We have someone and something to be proud of. It is impossible to enumerate all those who put their souls into the holy cause of serving the Motherland and the fleet in the quartermaster's field. God grant that their efforts and energy do not go to waste, but return a hundredfold for the good and benefit of the Motherland.

From family archive descendants of a graduate of the VMX-IntU of the Navy

Hello! My Dad - Grigory Oizerovich Maisky was just in the 1st graduation of the school in 1940-41. I have collected some photos of my Father, where he is in a sailor's uniform. A general photo of the cadets of the school - you have it on your site. When I saw your site, I was simply stunned - I immediately recognized in the first row - the seventh from the left - my Father! And here are some more photographs - where my Father is with his wife, our Mother - Polina Arkadyevna Maiskaya - she worked in the 50s as the head doctor of the polyclinic of plant 35 in Rost (Murmansk), and then from 1961-98 - a general practitioner, and then a cardiologist at the Polyclinic N2 in Leningrad, as well as family photographs of the Father with his eldest son Oleg (he graduated from LCI and worked as an engineer, and then as a realtor), father-in-law Arkady Lvovich Gilshtein (he worked as the chief accountant at Lenfilm in the 50s) and mother-in-law Riva Isaevna Gilshtein (she worked as an accountant at a book base on Vasilyevsky Island in Leningrad). photograph of my son Grigory - grandson of Grigory Oizerovich Maisky.

And a few more words. My Father - Grigory Oizerovich Maysky was friendly with Ivan Iokhin. They were even wounded on the same day. According to the Father's story, Jochin was dragging a reel with a communication cable on his back, and my Father was walking beside him with a rifle in guard. From the bushes someone shouted: "Stop, who's coming ...?" There, in theory, there should not have been any of ours. They lay down. They shouted in response: "Who is there?" In response, silence ... They shot into the bushes .... Silence ... They combed the bushes - no one .... Then they continued to move .. And at that moment there was a howl and they were covered with a mine explosion. Both of them were seriously wounded. Father was wounded in the leg by a fragment of a mine - he carried this fragment near his thigh all his life and was shell-shocked - he lay unconscious in the hospital at the Admiralty for about a week or more. He got to the hospital after he and Yochin was pulled out by one of the cadets from the battlefield. And in the Admiralty, my father was identified - the former teacher of the school Anatoly Ivanovich Stavrovsky - he came to the hospital on some business, and walking along the corridor he recognized my father. His name was Anatoly. Apparently, they named me Anatoly in his honor. My father talked a lot: about cadets' life, about boat trips along the Saima Canal under the command of boatswain Skok from the famous cruiser Askold, when they entered the former Finnish islands, with abandoned houses and household utensils ... about cadets' summer practice in 1941 and transition to Odessa on the mother ship "Neva", the former "Belfast" .. about the transition from besieged Leningrad to Moscow in early December 1941 - where at the Pasha station (I can be inaccurate - sorry, I’m still writing from my childhood memories) the cadets were announced that the train would not go further due to the railway station occupied by the Germans in front, and then, having appointed the elders, they We covered several kilometers off-road on foot until we arrived at our own... My father was very worried when Vanya Iokhin tragically died in 1968. It was only known - that he, while on vacation and riding a boat, leaned over the side, fell into the water and he felt bad with his heart in the water and he died tragically. The Pope maintained close relations with Vladimir Bazonov, Leonid Balakhonov, Efim Bernstein. They often called each other, went together to the annual meetings at the "Anchor".

Thank you very much for your site! I think you can't even imagine - what a great job you are doing and what value your site represents for current and future generations of relatives, friends and young cadets!
Sincerely, Anatoly Maisky