Basic FAQ for newbies on IG and WB. Basic FAQ for newbies on IG and WB Mount and Blade right to rule

Among fans of computer games, the game from the TaleWorlds Mount studio is quite popular. and Blade: Warband. How to become a king in this game? The question that arises almost immediately, because one of the main changes in the gameplay was the ability to lead your own state. But first we need to say a little about the game itself.

When did Mount & Blade appear?

The first part of Mount & Blade was released in 2008. This was a solid RPG with elements of strategy, the possibility of mass battles and normal graphics. However, there were still a lot of shortcomings in the game that the developers wanted to fix in order to win the love of the players even more. In fact, the game is a journey into the world of fictional Calradia. The player will have to roam the game world, fight robbers, participate in tournaments, hire warriors to join his squad. And in general, to do everything that a brave and skillful warrior is supposed to do.

Mount & Blade: Tournament Age

So, after 2 years, a completely updated version of the game was released, in which a lot of delicious features were added. The graphic component has undergone very serious changes, a new faction has been added, the map has been enlarged. All this has allowed a game like Mount & Blade: Warband to become a masterpiece. Becoming king is the most interesting and exciting change in the game. After all, before the players could only serve the king of another state, but they themselves would never be able to achieve such power. The new update made the game doomed to success.

Mount and Blade Warband: how to become a king in the game

Thousands of players on the very first day of the release of the game began to play the game in the hope of gaining full power and eventually uniting all of Calradia under their banners. But how do you become king in Mount and Blade? It turned out that it is not so easy at all, it takes many hours to obtain such a high rank. So, let's look at the main steps for recognizing the royal title:

1) Create your character by giving Special attention characteristics of leadership and persuasion, because these are the most important qualities for a future head of state.

2) In battles, win some fame, collect a normal army and go to the service of any king.

3) Continue to increase your renown, complete quests and increase your troops.

4) Having collected a large army, renounce your ruler and capture any of his castles.

5) Name your state and send an ambassador to those factions that have reacted well to your rebellion. Most likely, these kings recognize your right to be the ruler. Keep sending ambassadors with a high persuasion skill until you are recognized as the king of the new state.

But this is not all the possibilities of Mount and Blade Warband. How to become a king differently? We have considered the military-diplomatic method of seizing power. The second way is to marry the king's daughter. To do this, you need to improve your relationship with the royal family, increase your fame by participating in tournaments and battles, increase your honor and your friendly relations with the faction you need. If you can achieve all this, then after the wedding you will be recognized as king. Do not rush to propose a hand and heart, but first, become the most famous and respected person in the state.

How to assert your right to power

In fact, after the coronation, you are just starting your journey in the game. This is another plus of Mount and Blade Warband. How to become a king is one thing, but to stay and rule successfully is quite another. After the coronation, start gathering an army. Remember: the king needs a large and strong army, otherwise you risk being defeated by enemy kings or lords. Conquer cities, win over friendly lords and increase your influence throughout Calradia. Mount&Blade: Warband is a wonderful PC game that gives you complete freedom actions.

All users and avid gamers are interested in the Mount and Blade Warband game, how to become a king. If they have already managed to familiarize themselves with the mechanics and assemble their strong squad, this task comes to the fore. Only here to carry it out in a couple of minutes will not work. We'll have to look for ways to recognize their greatness among the lords and ordinary citizens. The long way to the throne and crown is worth the effort, because it will bring glory, satisfaction for one's pride.

Game Description

If the player first installed Mount and Blade Warband, how to become a king, he should not be interested. He is an ordinary subordinate of one of the five kings who jointly divide the territory of Calradia into states. The player will have to conquer each territory in turn in order to become the overlord and complete the campaign. A notable feature is the presence of your own detachment and the ability to participate independently in battle. The hero must be equipped in armor, equipped with weapons in order to have an advantage over enemies in a fight. The siege of the fortress is similar to a medieval assault, because it is this period of history that the developers took as a basis. There is the possibility of diplomacy, intrigue, rebellion and much more. Success can only be achieved by studying every single aspect of the game.

Kingdom of Swadia

The general map of the peninsula of Calradia is divided into five separate countries. One of them is Swadia, which attracts users with its open spaces. The ruler of these lands has the most soldiers, gold and resources. That is why gamers are looking for a way in Mount Blade Warband, how to become the king of Swadia. Unfortunately, such a function is not provided, because the inhabitants will never call the conqueror with such a title.

Persistent gamers tried to experiment with mutinies, when a property is attacked and a letter is sent to the king. The overlord either gives up lands or comes out to fight you. It was verified that even with superior forces, it would not be possible to achieve the surrender of the throne. The assassination of the king will also not help to achieve recognition from the citizens, then the Swadia idea will have to be abandoned. This state is conquered by other methods, and the result is impressive even without a nominal title.

Founding your own kingdom

If you do not know how to become a king in Mount and Blade Warband, then you should pay attention to the possibility of founding your own state. From this begins the road to the crown in any case. Before you found a power, you need to understand that you will immediately find yourself under the gun of powerful neighbors. It is recommended to do this only when the gamer is confident in his abilities.

It is possible that five large states of Calradia will decide to attack at once. They cannot allow the expansion of a new country at the expense of their territories, because this will lower their rating and deprive them of income from the conquered lands. In this case, the created power will upset the diplomatic balance, and so that alliances are not concluded, the neighbors will launch an attack. The last argument in this case will be strength. Due to the small starting area, they will consider you easy prey.

If these arguments do not seem formidable, then start creating your kingdom in Mount Blade. It is enough to renounce your master and start conquering territories. After that, we will have to focus on popular recognition.

The first way to become king

According to ancient customs, marriage to a royal daughter guarantees a future right to the throne. The problem is that they don't even catch the eye of ordinary knights. From this came the legend that beautiful ladies waiting for a marriage proposal do not exist in Mount and Blade Warband. How to become a king in this hopeless situation, the players do not understand, but in fact, daughters exist.

Look for bards in the taverns of cities and learn the craft of reciting poetry. During the dialogues, the minstrels will tell you that you cannot see the royal daughters on a normal day. The only suitable moment for this is a holiday. She will appear only if the lady's opinion of the player is 10 or higher. The next time you visit the city, a sign "try to visit the lady" will appear. A nanny will meet at the threshold and refuse you because of a recent date at the holiday.

This character will reveal the secret about another suitor of Milady. He must be challenged to a duel and defeated. Then comes a series of standard actions to win the girl's heart, and then the wedding itself. After that, in the cities of the player they will call “Your Majesty” and “Our King”.

The second way to get the title

If a gamer is looking for a way to become king through conquest in Mount and Blade Warband, then fighting for his own state is ideal for him. It pays to be prepared for the dangers mentioned above, but if the player considers himself ready, then renounce patrons and look for an easy-to-loot castle.

It is best to choose a territory on the outskirts, so as not to defend yourself from all enemies at once. Then the decision to become king is announced, and companions gather in the taverns of the city. These men will play the role of heralds and tell the citizens of Calradia about the new king.

Upon returning, each of them will bring +3 units of the right to the throne. At fifteen, the lords will go over to your side. Then we begin to conquer small states and try to gain 30 units of the right to the throne. If this can be done, then people will recognize you as king, and the lords will begin to address "Your Majesty."

Assault on the crown

by the most fast way to create a huge state and achieve the title is a betrayal of one's faction. There are simply no easier options on how to become a king in Mount and Blade Warband (codes excluded). The secret lies in finding the bastard and conquering the small castle of the faction to which you obey.

Further, under the command of this false ruler, smash the territory of the country step by step. Before starting, it is recommended to assemble a detachment of two hundred pumped knights and be sure to have a wife. Then the siege of the castle and any battle will seem like a joke.

When the faction is weak enough, assemble a fest where it will be possible to arrange a massacre. The battle will be one of the most difficult in the entire campaign, but if you win, all cities will automatically go to the player.

Then collect companions and send them to other lands in order to increase the right to the throne. The defeated faction should leave one city and make peace with them. Gradually, all the lords will run under your command, and then you can complete the conquest that you have begun. After being recognized by the king, great opportunities open up for further action, and everyone will be able to choose their own path.

Codes in the game

In Mount Blade, cheat codes cannot be entered directly through the console. You need to download additional files, allow the use of passwords in the start menu. Now in the game you can activate various auxiliary functions with special combinations. For example, in the stats window, press CTRL+X, and 1000 experience points will be added for the hero. The same combination with an open inventory adds 1000 gold.

The use of codes is not limited in any way, and the number of introductions depends only on the gamer himself. The player also has the opportunity to give control of the character in battle under the control of the computer, stun enemies, instantly upgrade the squad. The list does not end there, because different sets of cheats carry a different functionality.

If you have already figured out how to become a king in Mount Blade, then it's time to focus on the main points. First of all, it concerns finances. If you follow the second method (creating a state), then a pumped squad can take much more money than will bring taxes. Regulate trade, rob caravans along the way and expand your empire.

It is also important not to lose sight of the influence on the lords. If in battle they are captured by the player, then it is better to let them go. The authority among your subordinates will increase, and it will be possible to lure enemy nobles. They will return dissatisfied with the king, and with the help of companion connections, you can win them over to your side. The more lords, the easier it is to rule a new country, and the amount of income will increase significantly. Win fame and prestige with a reasonable approach, because the game allows you to do this.

Mount blade: how to become a king?

Mount Blade is a medieval-style computer game. Here you can ride and fight on horseback, conquer castles and even become kings. Many players dream of being at the head of a castle, but not everyone knows how to become a king in Mount Blade.

Transformation into a king

There are several ways to become king.

Method 1 - Capturing the fortress

If you want to become a king in the game, then you need to follow a few steps by opening the character control console:

  1. Renunciation of an oath. In order to become a ruler, you must voluntarily renounce the oath that you made to your ruler.
  2. Rights to the throne. To obtain the status of king, you must have more than 30 rights to the throne. Rights can be obtained by sending your partners to different lands in order to convince the local population that you are the king.
  3. Choice of opponent. Choose the weakest opponents, which will allow you to quickly capture their lands and get the coveted throne. Capture as much land as possible. This is done so that their trust points go into the red. After that, seizing the land from you will not be difficult. This way you will get a large number of points and experience.
  4. Advisor. Equally important is the appointment of an adviser who will conduct all your affairs. This hero can be selected from your allies.
  5. The name of the kingdom. Also don't forget to come up with a name for your new kingdom.
  6. Vassals. In order for your state to get stronger, you need to enlist the support of several vassals (the more the better). Most the best option is to negotiate with vassals who attack your castle. Promise them gold or something.

Method 2 - marriage

If you do not want to attack anyone, you can go the other way. You need to find the king's daughter and marry her. This way you will automatically become a king.

To do this, you need to find out where the princess lives: go to taverns and communicate with the locals. In addition, learn a poem - so that the princess has a good opinion of you.

You won’t be able to meet her just like that, this is possible only at a holiday. After you meet the lady, there will be an inscription in her city: "Pay a visit to the lady", but this does not mean that you will immediately get to her. You will meet with the nanny, who will hint to you that another gentleman is courting the princess. You need to challenge him to a duel. Only then will you be able to meet the King's daughter.

Method 3 - Property of Pendor

In addition, you can use the Property of Pendor mod (download link -, gather an army and seize the state. It is worth noting that this mod completely changes the gameplay. It is suitable for more advanced players.

By installing this mod, you will create your hero, then your state and go from a simple mercenary to a king.

It is worth noting that this method is similar to the first, but in the course of the game new opportunities open up.

Establishment of a kingdom Mount and Blade- this is a very quick and simple thing, but keeping this very kingdom afloat - whole science! The best way to create a kingdom is with the help of a mod. You can create a kingdom in absolutely any environment and version of M&B, but if you create in , you will have much more features, which, unfortunately, are not in the simple Mount and Blade. There are several ways to create your kingdom in Fire and Sword:


To mutiny is the surest way to try to arrange civil war, overthrow the king from the throne and take his place. To start a rebellion, you need to find a contender for the throne. Usually such people travel around the cities in search of support. Pretenders for the throne must be sought in the throne rooms. After you agree to help the pretender win back the throne, an internal war will begin in the faction and, depending on the relationship with the lords of the current faction, you will be able to lure them to your side, which will improve the military situation in your favor. In fact, from the rebellion to the very end, you are the marshal of the rebel troops and after the faction is completely captured, the pretender to the throne will disappear and become a full-fledged king, and you will become his right hand.

Territory capture

The second opportunity to create your own kingdom is to capture the fortress. Starting from version Mount and Blade: Warband such an opportunity arose. Just capture a castle or city and the war will begin.

Poaching Lords

When the kingdom has already been created, it's time to start strengthening. It is unlikely that at the beginning many lords will agree to go over to the side of your kingdom, so you will have to use the services (not playable characters). Among all, there are 6 heroes of noble birth, who, when receiving an estate, will not spoil your reputation in the eyes of other lords. noble birth:

  1. Alaen
  2. Baheshtur
  3. Firentis
  4. Lezalit
  5. Mateld
  6. Rolf

Of course, not all of them will be friends with each other and this will have to be fought. Lords, like, just won’t go to you (as already mentioned above); first you need to have at least good relations with the lord and a couple of free villages. When you speak to the lords, ask questions about the king and politics. You need to offer the lord something that is not in his kingdom (you will see everything during the dialogue). You can talk with the lords if there is no one nearby and you are one on one with him. Never ask the lord to give an answer right away, as this is an 85% chance of failure. Intrigue him with your conversation and do not ask for an answer. Believe me, in a week or two the lord himself will come to you to take the oath. Keep in mind that persuasion skill, personal relationships, and the right to the throne affect luring people to your side.

Right to the throne

Well, the last very important aspect of the kingdom is the right to the throne. This indicator is very important when creating a kingdom, and the higher it is, the less often other kingdoms will attack you, it will be easier to make peace and lure the lords to your side. You can get the right to the throne when making peace, sending diplomatic envoys to neighbors or.