Differentiation part in phrases. Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group “Differentiation - (consolidation of the past). “By the stream”

The game "In the corner of Bookvoed"

Letters are scattered on the tables, from which it is necessary to form words.

Find the letter you need, write it down in the prepared diagram from left to right. Then read the resulting word (rook, tiger).

The first letter is in the upper right corner. Write it down.

The second one is in the lower left corner. Write it down.

The third letter is in the upper left corner. Write it down.

The fourth letter is in the lower right corner. Write it down.

Read what words you got. Do a word analysis. What colored pencils do you need?

How many vowel sounds are there in a word? Name it. How many consonants are there? How much solid? Name it. How many soft ones? Name it.


Pronounce syllables with these sounds in different variations.

Pronounce words with ch and t sounds.

Grandchildren, wolf cubs, hares, badgers, rabbits, jackdaws, cloud, piglet, chiseled, clean, sharpened, flying, forelock, four, stool, leaf, ditties, trumpeter, pound, excellent, Tanechka, mast, dream, mail, wheelbarrow, cloud, little thing, twig, thread, window leaf.

Pronounce words with the sounds Ch and T.

Teacher, pulling, crackling, tractor, pulling, repairing, guarding, flowing, birdie, first aid kit, flowing, teaching, treating, being silent, pumping, lowing, printing, screaming, reading, sneezing, growling, sticking out, answering.

Say a couple of words.

Cup - heavy seagull - lazy

Champ - yelp grandchildren - ducklings

Krucha - rabbits are twisting - kittens

Mooing - bridge grumbling - twirl

Tank - dripped barrel - duck

Bangs - heifer hare - kitten

Overnight - voucher twine - darkness

Soaked - smoky baked - wicker

Chuk - bale chizhik - hums quieter - flies

Rubber - iron shoulders - whips sharpen - roll

Closet - tulip bunny - sheepskin umbrella - cobweb

Why - then blacken - endure

Swing - wanted blackness - tightness

Treatment - weaving a shank - a teremok

Black - dark black-headed - dark-headed

Evening - black-haired wind - dark-haired

Kalach - chew doctor - take

Kumach - catch cry - submit

Crush - weed pull - pull

Ball - mighty knead - bend

Beam - hide the dregs - five

Game - drink stove - sing

Sword - to have a stove - Petka

lie down - crate river - radish

cherish - turn white bake - sing

Make suggestions.

Hot iron. Warm oven. Dark clouds. Alien kitten. dark closet. Cast iron boiler. Heavy bag. Woven twine. The birds are flying. The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs. The owl hides during the day and hunts at night. Evening came, the wind died down. Clouds floated across the sky. Clouds - four things. The ball is hit, but it does not cry, it just jumps even higher.


Knocking, strumming, walking the whole century, not a person. (Watch.)

He walks, cuts the wave, grain flows from the pipe. (Combine.)


1. Differentiation of isolated sounds Tb - Ch.

differentiating isolated sounds Th - H, it is recommended to use pictures-symbols: Th - the hammer knocks, H - the locomotive is moving.

2. Repeat direct syllables with the sounds Th (T) - Ch.

cha - cha te - cho te - che tu - chu ti - chi

cha - cha cho - te che - te chu - tu chi - ti

3. Repeat the reverse syllables with the sounds Tb (T) - Ch.

at - ach ot - very ut - take into account - ych yat - cell
it - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's - it's

4. Repeat the syllables where the sounds Th (T) - H are between

atya - acha atyo - acho ate - ache ati - achi

ocha - ocha ochi - ocho ote - oche ochi - ochi

utya - ucha utyo - ucho ute - uchu uti - teach

ytya - ycha ytyo - ycho yte - yche yti - ychi

itya - icha ityo - icho itite - iche ityu - ichu

5. Repeat the syllables where the vowels are between consonants

mi Th (T) - Ch. Tich - tech - tech - tyuch - tyach

6. Repeat direct syllables with a confluence of consonants.

honor - honor - honor - honor - honor

7. Repeat reverse syllables with consonants.

acht - pt - ucht - ycht - icht - echt - echt - yucht - yacht

8. Repeat the words where the sounds Th (T) - H are at the beginning


the - than the bale - Chuk tick - chick

thai - secret tea - tea tuk - Chuk

tube - chubik of those - Czech talk - choke

closely - honestly dough - honestly

9. Repeat the words where the sounds Tb - Ch are in the middle of the word.

petka - stove notes - nights

10. Repeat the words where the sounds Th - Ch are at the end of the word.

knead - pull the ball - pull

scare - scarecrow mark - sword

11. Repeat the words where the sounds Tb (T) - H are in one

12. Repeat phrases.

pumpkin filling thin T-shirt dark cloud

Mitiny boots duck testicle dark night

Vovochka birdie aunt suitcase dark glasses

13. Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Katya has a ball. Ninochka sees a butterfly.

Four words. Pupil Pe.tya buys textbooks. The girls go to the post office. The kitten wants to catch a butterfly. Katya gives the dog a bone. There are dark clouds in the sky.

Five words. Mommy buys a blouse for her daughter Tanechka. Nikita and Anton are repairing a wheelbarrow. Petya and Tanya are baking donuts. Katya buys five packs of cookies. The cat Timofey is sleeping on the stove. Anya's dog barks at the booth.

Six words. On thin twigs, the spider has a cobweb. Aunt Katya buys glasses in optics.

Seven words. Vitya and Mitya are eating donuts in the shade. Mitya and Vovochka are drinking tea with cookies.

14. Repeat and solve riddles.*

Runs, runs - Knock, knock -

Won't run out. Don't be bored.

Flowing, flowing. They go, they go

Won't leak. (River) And everything is here and there. (Watch)

15. Repeat the verses*

Mitya has five kittens, my, my chimney sweep

And all the kittens want to eat. Clean, clean, clean, clean.

E. Spivak Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

K. Chukovsky

Clouds are rushing, clouds are winding; Invisible moon Illuminates the flying snow; The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy. A. Pushkin

16. Listen to stories. Name words with sounds Тъ (Т)

Ch. Retell the stories.

Who is mooing?

A. Khmeleva

  1. Is it a whale? - Keith.
  2. Is the whale mooing? - Doesn't moo.
  3. And who is mooing? - The bull mooing.

I am reading

A. Khmeleva

I have a book. I am learning letters from this book. This is the letter a, this is y, this is and. And above this letter are two dots. This is the letter y. I am reading:ay, wah, Subject, aunt, duck, cloud.

17. Repeat tongue twisters.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves. Water flows, and the stove bakes. Dimochka is fixing Ninochka's shoes.

Tanechka is by the stove, Vanechka is on the stove.

Vitya reads, Mitya dreams.

Weavers weave fabrics, But they won't weave much. A. Khmeleva

The weaver weaves Tanya New fabrics. Then he will tie fabrics of Tone and Manet. A. Khmeleva

Granddaughter Theme - in a T-shirt, Daughter Tanya - in a skirt.

The girls Anya, Manechka and Tanechka have butterflies in jars.

Petya has "five" in reading, he will teach Katya to read. A. Khmeleva

Dima has a kitten, Fimochka has a duckling; Kitten - at Dima, Duckling - at Fima.

Poems for the differentiation of sounds "Ch" and "Th"

The little boy sighs HARD:

A CUP fell off the table...

Hands hang like WHIPS...

Come on, buddy, straighten your SHOULDERS!

We teach Tuzik not to CHAMP

And don't yelp at the kids!

The cow has a calf,


To our lazy


On a bar ON HEAVED

I'll throw a scarf BEAUTIFUL!

I'm in the rooms

He carried apples soaked!

Explains GekU CHUK

How to use the IRON!

Said sits down on the CHURBAN,

Sayd takes off his TURBAN.

It's time to be HONEST:

In our closet CLOSELY!

At the trumpeter a long time ago

From the branches in the room is dark ...

It's dark, of course, but the trumpeter

Doesn't want to cut off branches!

What's hurting you, brother?

Yes, I'm sick in the car!

Mom will crush the dough -

Children will play BALL!

Mom will bake a cake -

Children will sing songs!

They began to call Kashtanka Aunt ...

The aunt knew the tricks CLEARLY!

To water dill and RADISH,

For water I go to the RIVER!


The whole EVENING whistles the WIND!

In girls and boys

No coats... WIND, hush!

Darkness wants to HAVE

Heroic Shield AND SWORD!

Black grouse with grouse

Grated cheese on a grater!

Readers, read!

Dreamers, dream!

Teachers, teach!

Silent people - shut up!

The slide is COOL, COOL, COOL ...

Temochka pedals TURN ...

COOLER slides did not meet!

It was easier to race in an open field!

Am I a cute bull?

Scratch my side!

Help me, spider

Weave a collar!

Yes, do not consider it heavy -

It's almost rubbish!

At the clean aunt

Cleanliness is on point!

Read the telegram in the mail!

Do not read - upset me!

You boss, don't be bored

No ink, no printing!

The seal floated downstream

Express your respect

Calf, calf,

Duck, duck!

Wipe, chicks,

Beak about towels!

Clean your shoes

For Temochka and Timochka!

How diligent are the siskins!

Damn, draw drawings!

Night sometimes in the closet

Dark as a suitcase!

Shine a candle

Turn on the lights!

Children, be quiet, don't shout!

Phones, shut up!

Don't tweet! Don't sneeze!

Duck and ducklings on the river

The teacher once met

The duck screamed:




Your attention is invited to a manual aimed at developing the ability to differentiate the sounds of T-Ch by children 5-8 years old.

This notebook presents a system of exercises for differentiating sounds T-CH. Differentiation of sounds T-Ch is carried out according to the traditional scheme. First, children are offered speech material and game exercises for the differentiation of difficult sounds in syllables, then in words, phrases, tongue twisters, sentences, poems, texts.

The material collected in the notebook helps to make work with preschoolers exciting and varied. In the course of all game exercises, not only the ability to differentiate sounds is worked out, but work is also carried out to develop all components of the speech system (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech, coherent speech). It also allows you to pay attention to the development fine motor skills, mental processes, social-personal and communicative development of the child's personality.

The work in this notebook helps to prevent dysgraphia in a timely manner. Depending on the complexity of the child's speech defect and the stage of corrective work, games and tasks can be used by a speech therapist in combination.

The manual is intended for speech therapists of preschool and school educational institutions, educators of correctional groups, parents.

Differentiation of sounds H - T`

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in syllables

Exercise 1. Say (read) the syllables.

Cha - cha at - ach cha - atya

Cho - cho ot - och ocho - ote

Chi - ti it - ich I'm teaching - iron

Che - te et - ech ichi - iti

Chu - tu ut - uch eche - ete

Exercise 2. Game exercise "Say the opposite"

Ti - ..., che - ..., cha - ..., etc.

Exercise 3 Game exercise "Sound track" (Appendix, sheet 1). Help the squirrel to reach the oak. “Jump” with the finger of your right (left) hand in circles, saying the songs of the squirrel: cha-cha-cha-cha, etc.

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in words

Exercise 1."Couples". Say the words in pairs.


cup-heavy rock-roll grandchildren-ducklings

lazy seagull grumbling-twirling rabbit-kittens

slurp-yelp moo-bridge twist-twist

cho - those, che - those

cistern-drip cask-duckling bunny-kitten

bangs-chick read-cauldron black-dark

clear-aunt combed-hewn

dark twine

chu-tu, chi-ti

Chuk-bale rubber-iron closet-tulip

chizhik-shoulders-scourge bunny-umbrella

bellows-flies sharpen-roll sheepskin-cobweb

che - those

why-then swing-wanted treatment-wattle

black-dark evening-wind blacken-tolerate

blackness-crowding stalk-teremok kalach-desire

ah - ah

trumpeter - cut down jump - look for kumach - catch cry - send a doctor - take

och (och) -ot, uch-ut, yach (yach) -yat

pound-weed beam-dregs

pull-pull mighty-bend

ball-knead harness-five

ich (ich) - itch, ech (ech) - et

game-drive stove-Petka protect-whiten
sword-speech-look leak-put on
bake-sing river-radish bake-sing

Exercise 2. Say (read the words).

Teacher, pulling, crackling, tractor, pulling, repair, guard, flow, birdie, first aid kit, flows, teach, heal, be silent, pump, low, print, scream, read, sneeze, growl, hang around, answer, miss, honor, slurp, grumble, tea drinking, viscous, flair, jaw, repair, clean, clean, celandine, reader, a little, smell, print, be silent, receive, wet, sharpen, mosque, leak, birdie, roach, chick, reading, confluence.

Exercise 3 Game exercise "Call me affectionately." Name the word affectionately so that the sound Ch appears in it.

Wind - breeze, boat - ...., duckling - ..., heifer - ..., boiler - ..., ticket - ..., panicle - ..., wicker - ..., iron - ..., tulip - ..., teremok - ..., telephone - ..., suit - ..., five - ..., shadow - ..., tube - ..., cart - ....

Exercise 4 Game exercise "Sound track"

Help the hare to get to the prize as soon as possible. "Jump" with your finger in circles and name the pictures. (Appendix, sheet 2)

Exercise 5 Game exercise "Teremok". Help the hare to go to the tower. Move from one bump to another by the arrows, naming the pictures. (Appendix, sheet 3)

Exercise 6 Game exercise "Find the word" (development of positional analysis skills)

Name the picture highlighting the sound H or T`. In what house will we place this picture? (Appendix, sheet 4)

Exercise 7 Game exercise "Third extra"

Name the picture, choose an extra one, explain why you decided so. (Appendix, sheet 5)

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in phrases

Exercise 1. Repeat (read) the phrases.

A wheelbarrow is rolling. The calf is mooing. The teacher is reading. Hot iron. Heavy pack. Close closet. Five checks. Braided twine. Dark night. Sharpen the sword. Warm kalach. Receive change. Weed lentils. Bend the key. Five textbooks. Tight shelf. Warm kettle. To drink tea. Use the stove.

Exercise 2. Game exercise "Count". Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Name who you met in the clearing, count. Say a lot with the word. (Appendix, sheet 6)

Exercise 3 Game exercise "Tell me a word"

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in tongue twisters

Exercise 1. Repeat (read) speeches

Ti - chi - ti - chi - we lost the keys.

Cha - cha - cha - cha - oh, how hot the stove is!

Te - che - te - che - I dream of kalach.

Chu - tu - tu - chu - I'll turn off the light now.

Cho - cho - cho - cho - my left shoulder hurts.

Chu - chu - chu - chu - I'll light a candle now.

Cha - cha - cha - cha - a candle is burning.

Chi - ti - chi - ti - we sat down around the candle.

Ti - chi - ti - chi - they began to eat kalachi.

Ti - chi - ti - chi - kalachi from the oven.

Ech - et - ech - et - do you want to sit with us?

Tim - chom - tim - chom - we will treat you with kalach.

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in sentences

Exercise 1. Repeat (read) the sentences.

The theme is cleaning shoes. Petya is sitting on the stove. A tulip has four stamens. The bird flew out of the cage. A night light glows in a dark room. There was almost no water left in the kettle. Tema fixed the cast-iron boiler for my aunt. It is necessary to send a checkmark by mail. The children enthusiastically threw the ball. The kids wanted to swing on the swings. A black cloud is crawling across the sky. Evening came and the wind died down. The girl lost her umbrella. The owl hides during the day and hunts at night. Subject in the dark stumbled upon the stove. The ball rolled into the closet. Chapa's dog barked at rabbits and ducklings. A soldier was cleaning a cauldron of barley porridge. The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs. A woodpecker hammers trees, but he does not cripple them, but only heals them.

Exercise 2 . Repeat (read) couplets.

    Grandfather Ilyich is not at all away

Help us build a house.

    Oh, we froze on the river

Let's sit on the stove.

    I had a chick

Looking sadly from under the bangs.

    Bug and spider

Sat together on a branch.

    Following the duck, the duckling swims

He rows quickly with his paws.

Exercise 3 Game exercise "Sound track". - Help the hare to get to the prize as soon as possible. “Jump” with your finger in circles pronouncing the sentence: “The hare bent down on the phone. The hare jumped from the phone to the seagull. etc. (Appendix, sheet 2)

Exercise 4 Game exercise "Teremok". Help the hare to get to the tower. Move from one bump to another along the arrows, pronouncing the sentence: “The hare jumped on the clock” or “The hare jumped on the bump with the clock” (improving the ability to use prepositions in speech). (Appendix, sheet 3)

Exercise 5 Game exercise "Turtle".

Help the turtle get to the island. Walk only on the pictures, in the name of which you hear the sound Ch, you can’t step on the pictures with the sound T`. (Appendix, sheet 7)

Exercise 6 Game exercise "Timka and Chapa".

Help Timka and Chapa get ready for the road. Put items with the sound T` in Timka’s cart, and items with the sound Ch in the name of Chape’s suitcase. For example: “Iron. In the word iron I hear the sound T`. I'll put Timka's iron in the cart." “Timka has an iron, a notebook, etc.” in the cart. (Appendix, sheet 8 - 9)

Exercise 7 Game exercise "Fun train". (development of syllabic analysis skills).

Help the passengers to take their seats. In the first car there will be a passenger whose name has one syllable, in the second - two, in the third - three, and in the fourth - four syllables. Name the passenger by dividing the word into syllables with the help of claps. Lead the path to the trailer with the required number of windows. For example: "The ball. The word ball has one syllable. The ball will go in the first trailer. (Appendix, sheet 10)

Exercise 8 Game exercise "About"

Can you name what is next to the iron?

What is next to the dress?

What is next to the painting?

What is next to the light bulb?

What is next to the tulip? (Appendix, sheet 5)

Exercise 9 Game exercise "Grasshopper". (Development of spatial orientation skills, formation of the ability to use prepositions in speech)

At the beginning of the game, the child puts a grasshopper figurine on the “picture”. Then he listens to the speech therapist's instructions, for example: “The grasshopper took 2 steps up, one to the right. Where did the grasshopper jump? The child gives the answer: "The grasshopper jumped on the rook." The therapist may then ask the following questions:

What is standing to the left of the grasshopper?

What's under the grasshopper? Etc. (Appendix, sheet 5)

Exercise 10 Game exercise "Who is behind whom?" (development of visual perception, improve the ability to use the preposition "for" in speech)

Guess who's following who? For example: "The kitten is following the swallow" etc. (appendix, sheet 11)

Exercise 11 Game exercise "Kitten stargazer". (Use of the preposition HA; agreement of adjectives with nouns, formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes).

Look at the stars in the sky with your kitten. An example of an answer: “The kitten (stargazer) saw a telephone on a yellow star, and a telephone on a yellow star.” (Appendix, sheet 12)

Exercise 12 Game exercise "Make an offer"

Make a sentence about Katya and Vita according to the diagrams, based on the pictures. For example: Katya ... ball. Katya is rolling the ball. (Appendix, sheet 13)

Exercise 13 Game exercise "Tell me a word" (enrichment of the verb dictionary)

What can a bee do? (sting, fly, buzz, circle, collect nectar, etc.)

What can a doctor do? (treat, give injections, take temperature, give medicine, write a prescription, etc.)

What can a boy do? (play, run, jump, help, clean, repair, etc.)

What can a bell do? (grow, bloom, decorate, delight, smell, wither, etc.)

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in poems

Exercise 1. Say (read) poems.

Why are you here, birdie?

To the fontanel, where is the water pouring?

    I came for a drink

Wash little chicks!

At this hour on all clocks

Quiet time Quiet time

Arrows walk on toes

At this hour, quiet hour.

A spider from a long thread

Weaved a web on the branches.

The bug is gaping

Will get to him in a net.

Spider thread though thin

But will not release the bug.

Long-legged stork

Lost my way in the evening.

The firefly lit the lantern,

Helped me find the way home.

F. Bobylev


A bee flew to us.

At the window glass

Spinning, trying

Yes, it doesn't work!

I want to be friends with a bee

I'll open the window for her:

Fly away to freedom

Bring honey on your paws.

V. Stepanov


I wanted turtles

Wash your shirt.

I tried to remove it through the legs.

Wait, - the hedgehog laughs, -

Try it over your head

But both did their best.

Maybe better through the ponytail?

It's been a happy rain.

Very happy turtle

The shirt was clean.

F. Gurinovich

Joy in the forest

Great joy in the forest:

Bunny on the violin sings!

He made the violin himself

He taught himself to play.

He taught himself to play.

All the hares sat down under the sticky,

They began to sing along to him.

I. Muraveyka

Exercise 2. Recite a poem with an assistant. (Working with a su-jok ball, finger gymnastics)

Differentiation of sounds Т`-Ч in texts


Now I will show you something. Here are three eggs. Of course, you think that the testicles of a bird? And I thought so when I saw four of these eggs in the leaves. I did not meet the bird, and it was curious to know whose testicles these were.

Three days later I was back at that place. There was no bird again, but the testicles were lying. They were swollen, and in one there was a hole: a bird's nose was about to stick out.

The hole enlarged, and a dark snake crawled out of the testicle. That's the bird! So I did not distinguish a bird's egg from dinner.

I took three eggs. Here they are. Very similar to birds, it is not easy to distinguish them.

(According to N. Sladkov)

Exercise 2.


A spider weaves a cobweb. Thread by thread, cell by cell, he wove a cobweb. He wove, and he hid himself: "If a fly gets into a big web - we hire."

A titmouse bird flew. I hit the web of a spider. Thread by thread, cell by cell - the whole web was torn apart and flew away.

The web twitches - the spider thinks: "The big fly got caught."

The spider looks - no flies, no cobwebs.

(N. Dilaktorskaya)

Exercise 3 Speak (repeat) texts

Chip poet

Spider Chip wants to be a poet. “You just need to feel exactly which words to combine, and the verse is ready,” thought the spider. Chip dreams of writing poems about sticky leaves coming out of the buds in spring, about what light webs spiders weave, what songs small birds sing.

Chip really wants to write a lot of poetry, and the boys and girls will read them and notice how many miracles there are in the world.

(Alifanova E.A., Egovora N.E.)

Exercise 4. Task 1. Tell a story with pictures.

Boots for a spider.

Once upon a time there was a tiny spider web
. An autumn breeze came and blew off the cobwebs. Sitting under a bush, sad. It's cold for him. A bird flew past and dropped . I wanted to open . He went to the box, climbed on it, then got down. Pulled the ribbon, can't open it!

Jumped out of the box

Grasshopper - grasshopper, help open the box? - said .

They began to pull the ribbon together - it doesn’t work!

Has flown up. Flew around the box. Went over the box. It flew out of the box. Sat on a box.

Butterfly butterfly, help open the box! - said .

The three of us pulled the ribbon - the box does not open!

Has flown up.

Bee - bee, help open the box! - said .

The four of us pulled the ribbon and opened the box! And there -
! They began to measure: - large, - small, - a little bit too big. He began to try on a bag of shoes. Shoes came up: warm, soft, comfortable. Now the spider is not afraid of the autumn breeze!

(Rachkova E.A., Mikhailova E.V.)

Task 2. Count the shoes on the paws of the spider (Appendix, sheet 14)

Task 3. Color the shoes with colored pencils. Tell us what kind of shoes you got.

List of used literature:

    Alifanova E.A., Egorova N.E. Logopedic rhymes and miniatures. Moscow, 2001, p. 76-79

    Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. – Ed. School. TM, LLP Publishing house "Biopolis", St. Petersburg, 1996, 208 p.;

    Gerasimova A., Zhukova O., Kuznetsova V. Speech therapy encyclopedia of a preschooler, Ed. house "Neva", St. Petersburg, 2004, p. 598-607

    Board game "Five puppies" - logopedic lotto for children 4-7 years old

    Electronic Pedagogical Library /

Grandchildren, wolf cubs, hare cubs, badgers, rabbits, galcha-ta, cloud, piglet, chiseled, clean, sharpened, flying, forelock, four, high chair, leaflet, ditties, trumpeter, pound, excellent, Tanechka, mast, dream, mail, wheelbarrow, cloud, little thing, twig, thread, window.

Teacher, pulling, crackling, tractor, pulling, repairing, guarding, flowing, birdie, first aid kit, flowing, teaching, treating, being silent, pumping, lowing, printing, screaming, reading, sneezing, growling, sticking out, answering.

Cha - cha

cup - hard to swing - grandchildren roll - ducklings seagull - lazy grumble - twirl rabbits - kittens champ - yelp moo - bridge steeply - twist

Cho-te, cho-te

tank - bang drip - heifer barrel - duckling read - cauldron hare - black kitten - dark clear - aunt combed - hewn overnight - voucher twine - dark soaked - sweeping baked - wicker

Chu-tu, chi-ti

chuk - bale siskin - quieter mooing - rubber flies - iron shoulders - whips sharpen - roll closet - tulip bunny - umbrella sheepskin - cobweb

Che - those

why - then blacken - endure the swing - they wanted blackness - crampedness treatment - wattle shank - teremok black - dark black-headed - dark-headed evening - black-haired wind - dark-haired


kalach - wish a trumpeter - cut down a kumach - catch a doctor - take a jump - look for a cry - send

Pts (och) - ot, uch - ut, yach (yach) - yat

pound - weed pull - pull the ball - crush the beam - the dregs are mighty - bend the harness - five

Ich (ich) - it, ech (ech) - et

game - drive the stove - take care of Petka - turn white the sword - have a speech - look to leak - put on the oven - sing a river - bake a radish - sing to lie down - a crate

Exercise. Name the items in the pictures.

Hot iron. Warm oven. Dark clouds. Alien kitten. Dark closet. Cast iron boiler. Heavy bag. Woven twine. The birds are flying. The boys are driving a wheelbarrow. There are bricks in the wheelbarrow. A woodpecker hammers trees, but he does not cripple them, but only heals them. The birds are waiting for the sun, the birds are singing songs. The ball is hit, but it does not cry and just jumps. The owl hides during the day and hunts at night. Evening came and the wind died down. Clouds floated across the sky. Clouds - four things.


Knocking, strumming, walking the whole century, not a person. (Watch.)

He walks, cuts the wave, grain flows from the pipe. (Combine.)

On the way, on the way, I roll merrily. And read me from the end - I will sharpen the knife. (The wheel is a touchstone.)

Exercise. Complete sentences with pictures. Speak (read) sentences.

a butterfly flew.

Alien in the yard .

Rolling with bricks.

There is in the mail

Exercise. Make sentences with pictures.


Five boys, five closets.

The boys dispersed into dark closets.

Each boy in his closet.


A cloud of iron, And a cloud has a handle.

This cloud is in order

I went around the garden bed.

(Watering can.)

Badger Grandmother

I baked pancakes

Treated two grandchildren -

Two pugnacious badgers.

And the grandchildren did not eat,

With a roar, saucers knock.

Well, how many badgers

Waiting for supplements and silent?

(T. Belozerov.)

Many students in the class -

Lenin's grandchildren.

October school

Songs sound.

Where are the five-pointed

Are the stars on fire?

On the chest of schoolchildren,

With us, in October.

These bright stars

More every day.

Well we are learning

We grow bold.

(3. Aleksandrova.)

Exercise. Learn poems by heart.

Our Tanya

Our Tanya is crying loudly, -

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river!

(A. Barto.)

Who wants what

Wants your kite

Soar into the sky to the clouds.

The acorn wants to become faster

A mighty tree.

Wants a field, wants a garden

Sunny weather.

Peacefully, they want to live together

Peoples on earth.

(S. Pogorelovskiy.)


Now I will show you something. Here are three eggs. Of course, you think that the testicles of a bird? And I thought so when I saw four of these eggs in the leaves. I did not meet the bird, and it was curious to know whose testicles these were.

Three days later I was back at that place. There was no bird again, but the testicles were lying. They were swollen, and in one there was a hole: a bird's nose was about to stick out.

The hole enlarged, and a dark snake crawled out of the testicle. That's the bird! So I did not distinguish a bird's egg from dinner.

I took three eggs. Here they are. Very bird-like, not easy to tell apart . (According to N. Sladkov.)


A spider weaves a cobweb. Thread by thread, cell by cell, he wove a cobweb. He wove, and he hid himself: "If a fly gets into a big web - we hire."

A titmouse bird flew. I hit the web of a spider. Thread by thread, cell by cell - the whole web was torn apart and flew away.

The web twitches - the spider thinks: "The big fly got caught."

The spider looks - no flies, no cobwebs. (N. Dilaktorskaya.)




It was a warm spring. Misha was bored sitting at home. He took the net, called the Beetle and went to the meadow. And there flowers grew and butterflies flew: white, yellow, black. Misha ran across the meadow and caught butterflies with a net. And the Beetle ran after the boy. Fun boy, fun Bug.


There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had a chicken. The hen laid an egg. The egg is not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat, beat - did not break. Baba beat, beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the pock-marked hen cackles:

Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman, I'll lay an egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one.


The black cat sat down

On the oven.

And softly sang

Yurochka song:

“Here the cockerel woke up,

The hen got up.

Get up my friend

Get up, my Yurochka.

By the river there is a lamb in rings, And the river said to the girl:

Rings do not fall into the river. "Don't cry about your ring,

And the girl had a ring - Touch the sheep for the ring

The ring fell into the river. And you'll get your ring."


Black ink, Rook blacker than night, With blackened dog

Black stockings, black bug, the boy popped in,

Black gloves, Bird's black beak, Her he is through a stick

Black glasses. Black worm. Taught to jump

Night butterfly

With a little black wing, Sitting on a bench, In a little rhyme,

Squirrel tame Black paws But he will teach

Above the black hole. The ball moves. Distinguish the sound "h".

By a wonderful Christmas tree In the night, not bricks A seagull warmed up a kettle,

Frequent needles, Babbling on the stove. Invited eight gulls.

Frequent needles Chatter on the stove Everyone flew in for tea!

At a wonderful fir-tree In kalachi dough. How many seagulls - answer!

Cha - cha ach - at cha - cha - cha

Cha - cha yach - yat cha - cha - cha

Cho - cho at - ach cho - cho - cho

Cho - cho yat - yach cho - cho - cho

Chi - ti och - ot chi - ti - chi

Ti - chi ich - it ti - chi - ti

Chu - tu ut - uch chu - tu - chu

Chu - chu et - ech chu - chu - chu

Jaw, repair, clean, clean, celandine, reader, a little, smell, seal, be silent, pump, receive, heal, teach, wet, sharpen, mosque, leak, birdie, roach, chick, teaching, reading, confluence.

A wheelbarrow is rolling. The calf is mooing. The teacher is reading. Hot iron. Heavy pack. Close closet. Five checks. Braided twine. Dark night. Sharpen the sword. Warm kalach. Receive change. Weed lentils. Bend the key. Five textbooks. Tight shelf. Warm kettle. To drink tea. Use the stove.

The theme is cleaning shoes. Petya is sitting on the stove. A tulip has four stamens. The bird flew out of the cage. A night light glows in a dark room. There was almost no water left in the kettle. Tema fixed the cast-iron boiler for my aunt. It is necessary to send a checkmark by mail. The children enthusiastically threw the ball. the children wanted to swing on the swings. A black cloud is crawling across the sky. The girl lost her umbrella. Subject in the dark stumbled upon the stove. The ball rolled into the closet. Chapa's dog barked at rabbits and ducklings. A soldier was cleaning a cauldron of barley porridge. My aunt has kittens, ducklings, calves, hares. In the evening, in the dark, Tanechka and Olechka lost their way and ran into a fence. It is necessary to heat the oven and bake cookies for the guests. Drink, children, warm milk and eat cookies. Go to the closet and take some flour and tea. The teacher told the students to prepare an essay on a free topic for Monday.

At this hour Gold will not buy Honor.

On all hours Honest honor is not

Quiet time, give in.

Quiet hour. He needs honor

Arrows go light.

On socks Happy to sell her

At this hour, dishonest,

Quiet hour. But, as everyone knows,

The dishonest have no honor.

Why are you here, birdie?

To the fontanel, where is the water pouring?

I came for a drink

Wash little chicks!

TOPIC: Ch-T differentiation*

Plan - a summary of an open speech therapy lesson with a group of second grade students

(impaired reading and writing due to phonemic underdevelopment of speech)


Educational: clarify the articulation of sounds [h '], [t '], develop phonemic awareness, operations of sound-letter analysis, exercise in the correct correlation of sounds with letters when writing and reading words, phrases, sentences; word formation; enrich and activate vocabulary; clarify the idea of ​​the basic units of the language - syllable, word, phrase, sentence, text; fixing spelling rules.

Correction - developing: develop auditory and visual memory, mental operations (analysis, analogies, generalizations, comparisons).

Educational: cultivate love and respect for nature, interest in mother tongue and speech therapy.

Equipment: individual mirrors, cards with letters h, t everyone has it; audio cassette “Sounds of the forest”; ball, rows of words (task No. 6), printed according to the number of students; an image of a clearing with daisies, images of insects (a bee, a bug, a grasshopper, a butterfly) with the names of the games written on the back; assignments for establishing simple analogies, printed according to the number of students, envelopes with a set of words for making sentences.

During the classes.

1. Orgmoment. Checking readiness for the lesson. Name educational supplies with the sound [h '] (pen, textbook); with the sound [t '] (notebook, rod).

2. Topic message. Why did I ask you to name words with the sounds [h '], [t ']?

On the board and in notebooks we write down the date and the theme “ Distinguish h - t". Today in the lesson we will go on a journey, and where - you yourself will guess when you listen to these sounds (listening to the audio cassette “Sounds of the Forest” 1-2 minutes).

Where did we end up? (In the woods). How did you guess? We listened to sounds.

It was speech or non-speech sounds? Why do you think so?

3. Refine articulation of sounds. Sometimes non-speech sounds are very similar to the sounds of our speech. The song of a bird may resemble some kind of sound: [t'-t'-t']. Move the mirrors towards you and get ready to repeat the sound [t ’] correctly: smile, close your teeth, relax your tongue, lower its tip to the lower teeth, press the middle of the tongue at the top, and the edges of the tongue to the upper molars. We exhale sharply so that the tongue bounces off the palate. Describe the sound [t ‘]: consonant, deaf, soft (has a hard pair [t]). Guys, have you forgotten that we are in the forest? How should you behave here?

There is one sign that will remind you of this (hold your index finger vertically to your lips, say [h ']). Look in the mirror, get ready to repeat this sound: slightly push your lips forward, round, bring your teeth together, relax your tongue. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the tubercles behind the teeth, but do not press.

Lower the middle of the tongue to form a recess, press the lateral edges to the upper molars. Exhale air. Describe the sound [h ']: consonant, deaf, always soft.

Conclusion: the sounds [h ‘] and [t ‘] are close in sound. When we pronounce them, the organs of speech occupy a similar position. But these are different sounds, and in writing they are indicated by different letters.

4. Associating sounds with letters. Show the letter corresponding to the sounds in the syllables: cha, cha, those, che, chu, chi, tu, ti, at, ach, ut, uch.

5. Repetition of rows of syllables with throwing the ball.

Every bird in the forest has its own song. Let's try to repeat after them: those - those - che,

che - che - those, those - che - those, chi - ti - ti, chi - ti - chi, etc.

6. Reading rows of words with a task. Now we will go to the forest clearing, and we will go along the path, as long as the chain of words that we will read. We read in whole words and try to remember them:

night - nights - siskins - live - burn - speech - speeches - balls - crush - wash - dig - spell - part.

Close card. Remember the name of the birds, parts of the day. Explain the meaning of the penultimate word. Why is “b” written in the words “night” and “speech”?

poems - quiet - sneezed - read - teach - knock - purely - often - parts - lead - guests - a handful.

Name the word that answers the question Which?

We went to a forest clearing (image on the board). And then there are the forest dwellers. Guess who they are:

a) From a branch to a path, from grass to a blade of grass

A spring jumps - a green back.

b) The housewife flew over the lawn.

Pat the flower and share the honey.

c) Flutters from flower to flower, gets tired - rests.

d) I am not a simple cow, I do not give milk.

From flower to flower I fly, at the points of the back and sides.

We attach images of a grasshopper, a bee, a butterfly and a bug to the daisies. We repeat the words again. What do they have in common? (can be called in one word, all words have a sound [h ’]).

8. Word formation. Correlation of sound and letter. Forest dwellers invite us to play. Each of them brought a game.

The first game is played by the insect whose name has the longest word (grasshopper). The student who correctly identified the word turns the picture over and reads the name of the game: “Do not mix up the letters!” The grasshopper asks to name the cubs of birds and animals and write down these words. But first, let's show the letters (h or t):

at the hare - (hares) at the wolf - (cubs)

in squirrels - (squirrels) in magpies - (sorochata)

in a cat - (kittens) in a duck - (ducklings)

What letter will we write after h? Why? What birds and animals (of those named) do not live in the forest?

9. Simple analogies. Correlation of sound and letter.

The next game is for an insect, in the name of which the sound [h '] is the second in a row (bee). Read title from reverse side pictures: “Which word is suitable?” speech material printed according to the number of students

butterfly grasshopper

fly chirp, catch, jump

siskin dandelion

bird stem, plant, ground

Read the two words on the left. How are they related? Read the word on the right. Associate it in meaning with one of the words below as the first with the second.

Write these two words in your notebook:

grasshopper - jump, dandelion - plant.

10. Fizminutka.

In the clearing, as if in a fairy tale, daisies grew together

(slowly get up from a sitting position).

As the breeze blows - the stalk will bend

(tilts to the sides, hands up).

Lean down to the ground, and not just once, but as many as three (tilts down).

He will look around and stretch to the sun (hands on the belt - turns, hands up - stretch).

11. Compilation of phrases.

The third game is for an insect, in the name of which [h '] is the third in a row (bug).

We read the title: "The word is lost." Guess it:

dark, stormy, big… What is this? (cloud) what kind of cloud?

Name only one word with the sound [t'].

Write "dark cloud". We got a phrase - two words related to each other. Find the main word, put a question from it to the dependent.

Similarly, we make phrases: pure, deep, transparent... What is this? (river) what kind of river? Pick up a word with the sound [h ‘].

12. Making proposals. Work with text.

The last game of the butterfly ("Collect the offer").

From what it is possible to "collect" the offer? What does the offer express?

How to show on the letter its beginning and end? Each student has

on the table is an envelope with a set of words for making a sentence

(h, t omitted).

Make up a sentence by putting the words on the desk,

fill in the missing letters. After verification

The teacher writes the sentences in a notebook.

The task is performed with musical accompaniment.


https://pandia.ru/text/78/007/images/image004_45.jpg" width="152" height="114 src="> 2 Pair to pair. Read the first couple of words. How are they related? Read the word to the right above the line. Associate it in meaning with one of the words below in the same way as the words of the first pair .

A) butterfly grasshopper

fly chirp, catch, jump

b) siskin dandelion

https://pandia.ru/text/78/007/images/image006_39.jpg" width="149" height="112 src=">

G) forget speak

remember to chat, be silent, sing

e) treat learn

https://pandia.ru/text/78/007/images/image008_30.jpg" width="211" height="150 src="> Rays.

1. Where did the rays of the sun go? (on a long journey)

2. What did they bring to the leaves, flowers and herbs? (heat and light)

3. Where did the buds and buds burst? (on cherries and bird cherry)

5. Where did the little ray look? (to the yard)

6. Who walked there? (Petya and Tyoma)

7. What did the ray do? (begins to play with children)

11. Read the proverbs by filling in the missing letters :

1) U*enye is light, and ignorance is *mma.

2) Repetition - ma * y * enya.

3) Treat the *teacher like a parent*.






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