Speech and non-speech sounds. Subject. Voiced and voiceless consonants

, Correctional Pedagogy

What are the sounds?

Sounds is all that we hear around us.
There are many of them and they are all different.
Even when it is very quiet, they are still present around us, you just need to listen well. We can recognize familiar sounds by closing our eyes, or we can remember and imagine them without even hearing them. This is due to the fact that we have auditory memory.

Sounds happen speech, non-speech And musical.

speech sounds are the sounds human speech what we are talking about.
(say your name, then sing it on one note, down the triad from sol mi to example: Misha, Mi-shen-ka)

Non-speech or noise - this is the sound of rain outside the window, clapping, coughing, buzzing of a bumblebee, squeaking of a mosquito, rustling of leaves and other sounds of nature, human labor. buzz like a bee, etc.)

The game "Recognize by voice"

Vanya, you are in the forest now.
We call you: "ay"!
Well, close your eyes, don't be shy

Noise sounds are used in music to create sound effects.
In order to depict how a stream flows, or thunder rumbles, noise tools are used:
Ratchets, drums, cymbals, spoons.
The rustle of trees can depict maracas (give an example of playing these musical noise instruments)

musical sounds

Musical sounds differ from noise sounds in that they can be played or sung.
They have a tune.
Musical sounds differ in timbre - the color of the sound.
The human voice is also a musical instrument.
By altitude sounds are:
High and low
By volume :
Loud and quiet
By duration:
Long and short
By timbre:
Sharp and soft, melodious and hoarse and others. (Play examples on the button accordion).
Unlike musical sounds, in noise cannot be determined
their height.

Without melody, music is unthinkable.
Musical instruments are able to convey a lot of different shades in music.

The human voice is a magical instrument

He can sing high and low sounds. Children have thin high voices. In men they are booming and low, while in women they are gentle and melodic. (examples listen to a high female voice - soprano, a male low voice - bass)

The change of seasons is the rhythm of the planet

In any music, apart from the melody, rhythm is important. Everything in the world has a rhythm.
Our heart is a heart rhythm, there is a brain rhythm, there is a daily rhythm - morning, afternoon, evening and night.
Rhythm translated from Greek means "dimension" - this is a uniform alternation, repetition of short and long sounds.
Play examples of different rhythms (lullaby, march, waltz)
Smooth rhythm gives music lyricism.
Intermittent rhythm - creates a feeling of anxiety, excitement

Metronome - the source of rhythm in music

Music without rhythm is perceived as a set of sounds and not a melody.
Metronome - this is such a device with which you can set the rhythm, and he will knock it out like a "loud clock".
It helps the musician to keep a certain rhythm for a long time.
If the musician does not get into the rhythm, then the listener has a feeling of discomfort. (Listening to the metronome)

Means of musical expression in music

In addition to melody and rhythm in music, it is important timbre, fret, dynamics, pace And size.
Timbre is the color of the sound.
Each human voice has its own timbre of voice. Thanks to the timbre, we can distinguish the voice of a person or a musical instrument without seeing it, but only hearing it.
Dynamics is the power of the sound of music.
A piece of music can be played loudly "forte", or softly "piano"

Children stand in a circle and choose the leader. He stands in a circle, everyone walks in a circle holding hands with the words:

Vanya, you are in the forest now,
We call you: Ay,
Come on, close your eyes, don't be shy,
Who called you find out as soon as possible!

The teacher points to one of the children, he says "Vanya!"

Scale: major, minor

Tempo: fast, slow

In music, there are two contrasting modes - major and minor.
Major music is perceived by listeners as light, clear, joyful.
Minor - both sad and dreamy. Sing the Sun a major triad, show a picture of the sun,
Sing a cloud - show a picture of rain or clouds.
Sing the song "Chizhik-Pyzhik" (distribute, among the number of children, cards where a cloud is drawn - meaning minor, and a card with the sun that draws major)

Chizhik-pyzhik, where have you been?
I lived in a cage all winter
Where did you soak the beak?
I drank some water in the cage.
What have you lost weight?
I've been sick all winter
Why is a cell bad?
After all, bondage is so bitter.
Chizhik, do you want to join us here?
Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes!
Come on, chizhik, fly out!

Tempo is the speed at which a piece of music is played. The pace is slow, moderate and fast.
To indicate the tempo, Italian words are used that are understood by all musicians in the world.
Fast pace - allegro, presto; moderate pace - andante; slow adagio.

Play a carousel game(fixing the concept of pace)

Barely, barely, barely, barely,
and then, then, then.
Everyone run run run run
Hush hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel.
One, two, one two.
Here the game is over.

Natalia Chernyshova
Abstract of the lesson on teaching literacy "Speech and Not speech sounds» (preparatory group)


Subject. Speech and non-speech sounds.

Target: give an idea of sounds speech as a building material for words, to compare with non-linguistic sounds;

learn to hear sounding word, set the sequence sounds in a word; promote the development of phonemic awareness.

Equipment: subject pictures, toys, cards - diagrams.

Lesson progress:

caregiver A: Now, all the attention is on me. Take each other's hands. Smile at each other.


1. CONVERSATION. (Toys take an active part in the conversation - Mishutka and Pinocchio)

Mishutka and I ran into a problem. Everything is made up of something. Paper book. Brick house. Vegetable Salad. We even know what speech consists of. Really guys? Of what? (From suggestions.)

Do you know what the offer is? (From words.)

But what are words made of?


On this lesson we will learn, what is building material for words.


What do you think, Pinocchio, what do words consist of? (from letters)

And what do you think, Mishutka, what do words consist of? (I don't know)

And what do you think, children, what do words consist of?

Words that we see in books, newspapers, on signs are made up of letters. But what are the words that we pronounce and hear consist of? And this is what we now find out. Let's play a game of silence.

A game "Silence".

All we hear is sounds. They are all different, and we distinguish them from one another.

(children close their eyes, in silence the teacher imperceptibly creaks with a chair, rings a bell, stamps his foot, etc. the children will find out which object he published sound)

What did you hear?

Which sounds can you hear in the street, in the forest?

A conversation about different sounds that we hear in the world around us (a cow mooing, a rooster singing, a cuckoo crowing, a woodpecker knocking, a crow croaking, etc.)

We are surrounded by many sounds: the rustle of leaves, the creak of a door, the ticking of a clock, the ringing of a telephone, the rustling of leaves underfoot, etc. d. it non-speech sounds. You can't build a word with their help.

(the second time the children close their eyes, in silence the teacher says sounds: [b], [o], [y], [c] children will learn that these sounds said the teacher)

Now I'm talking and you hear too sounds. This human speech sounds. Only sounds human speech have magic force: if they become in a certain order, you get a word.

What do I say:, [M], [O] (sounds)

And now I will build these sounds in a certain okay: , [O], [M].

What happened?

What does this word mean?

We will conditionally denote square sound.

How many sounds in the word som? (the teacher stretches each sound: s-s-s-s o-o-o-o m-m-m-m.)

So, how many squares will there be on the diagram? (three)

We got sound model of the word som.

The development of articulatory sensations in order to consolidate ideas about speech organs. (mirror work)

(The teacher organizes the observation of such basic speech organs: tongue (tip, middle and back, teeth (upper and lower, hard palate. Each child looks in the mirror).

What helps pronounce speech sounds?

sounds [b], [P]. We uttered them with tight lips.

Look in the mirror. Speak sounds [d], [t], [l], [n]. We pronounced them by pressing the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth.

Look in the mirror. Speak sound [r]. When pronouncing this sound tongue trembles.

Look in the mirror. Speak sounds [x], [g], [k]. These sounds formed deep in the mouth, using the back of the tongue.

Physical education minute "Vanka - stand up".

We kick top - top,

We clap hands - clap!

We are eyes in a moment,

We shoulders chik-chik!

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

One - sat down, two - got up,

Everyone raised their hands to the top.

Sit down - get up, sit down - get up,

Vanka - standing up as if they had become.

Let's try to quantify sounds in the next word.

Who is in the picture? (cat)

In order to find out the quantity sounds in a word. It must be pronounced, while it is necessary to pull each sound.

(Some sounds cannot be pulled. The teacher shows how to emphasize "length" such sounds: k-k-k-k o-o-o-o t-t-t-t.)

That's right, we got sound model of the word cat.

Work on compiling sound patterns of words: ball, wasp, bow.


A game "Catch sound» .

Everyone has a picture on the table. The teacher asks the children to show pictures in the title of which the first sound [m].

What did you do to determine the first sound? (pronounced the word, pulled the first sound.)

Physical education minute (at the choice of children)

Working with pictures.


What is in this picture? (CHAIR)

Under them sound models. How many sounds in each model?

How are these words similar? What is the difference?

The words sound similar. They differ only in one sound and represent different things.


1. Conversation.

What are words made of?

What can you say about sounds? (We hear and pronounce them)

As we agreed to designate sound?

A game "Make no mistake".

I call sound, and you are the words that begin with it.

What should be done in order not to make a mistake? (say the word)

6. Bottom line classes

What new did you learn about lesson?

Internet - a lesson on teaching literacy, grade 1. Lesson “Sounds. Vowels and consonants "(the material is designed for several lessons)

We have eyes and ears, what do we need them for? That's right, eyes - to see, ears - to hear.

Look what you see?….

Now imagine that you were on this street ... What would you hear? …

All around us you can hear different sounds.

Close eyes. You can't see anything, but you can hear everything. What do you hear? (Someone is making noise outside the door; a car is heard from the street; the telephone rang ... and so on.)

Sounds are what we hear and can pronounce. Sounds are made by animals, birds, nature, transport. And we can make sounds like clapping our hands, stomping our feet, snapping our fingers.

Let's play the game "Guess the Sound".

Sounds happen non-speech And speech . All the sounds we talked about are non-speech sounds...

Let's look into the apartment and to my mother in the kitchen ... What non-speech sounds would you hear? ....

Non-speech sounds These are the sounds of nature, the sounds of the surrounding world.

speech sounds Only the person speaks when he speaks. These are the sounds of our speech.

A long time ago, in the old days, people spoke many words in a different way, not in the way we speak now. For example, we say hand, and in the old days they said hand, We are speaking eyes, but before they said eyes, lips - mouth, finger - finger, voice - voice.

Then, in the old days, people composed many fairy tales. And I'll tell a story.

“They lived in the same kingdom - there were very interesting inhabitants.

These residents had magical invisibility caps. When the inhabitants put on an invisibility hat, they could not be seen, they could only be heard, they were called SOUNDS. When they took off their hats - invisible and they were seen and heard, they were called LETTERS.

They lived together. But once, they had a big holiday, and there was a concert on this holiday. When they sang together, they made beautiful songs. But when the soloists began to perform (the soloist sings alone), not everyone was able to sing. Some sang the melody beautifully, while others did not succeed, they only got a hiss, or only a whistle, or grunting, growling, grunting, but there was no song. At first there was a big scandal, everyone started quarreling among themselves that some spoil the song. Then they decided to reconcile, because they learned that only those who have a VOICE, a voice, can sing. They were named vowels.

The icon has a circle, like a mouth that sings.

They are easy to count.

There are exactly six vowels:

A-O-U-E-S-I - my vowel sounds.

They began to think, how to call the rest who cannot sing? They were asked: “Do you agree that you can’t sing? "They answered sadly:" Yes, consonants ... "So they decided to call them - CONSONANTS. They live together with vowels consonants.

There is a dash on the badge, like a closed mouth - a barrier.

In order for the inhabitants to immediately recognize the vowels, they decided to live in a red castle. And the consonants built other castles for themselves.

Vowels stretch in a sonorous song, I can cry and scream,

They can cradle the child in the crib, but do not want to sit and be silent.

And the consonants agree to rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss, but they don't want to sing.

So, when pronouncing vowel sounds air passes freely through the mouth, nothing interferes with us, neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue. Vowel sounds you can pronounce it long, sing it.

Let's do some research...

Let's sing 1 verse of the song "Antoshka". Now listen to how the sound A sings this song. (We sing this song, but instead of words, only the sound A):

Here the sound Oh ... .. sings this song. Now show me how U, I, Y, E will sing.

Let's go visit the consonant sounds. Let's try to listen to them as they tried to sing. For example, K, Sh ...

Yeah, consonants can't sing. Think of words that fit these sounds.

B - bay; B - grumbles; Mr. cackles; D - hollow; Zh - buzzes; Z - rings; K - groans; L - babbles; M - hums; N - whines; P - puffs; R - growls; C - whistles; T - rumbles; F - snorts; X - grunts; Ts-tsekochet (like a grasshopper); Ch - snorts (like a train); Sh - hisses; Sh- clicks.

Please note that the sound should be one, without assistants. You can’t add other sounds, for example: WOULD ... MI ... You only need to say B, M.

Exercise 1. Look at the picture, those items that begin with a vowel sound, put in a red box, consonants in blue.

Task 2.

Task 3. Name the first sound in the words: bed, lamp, chandelier, square, echo. What is the last sound in the words: fox, tiger, phone, soap, needles.

Task 4. What sound is in all words: roll, sea, rocket, drawing, wing, armchair? ([R]).

Task 5. What is shown in the pictures?

Sometimes words are pronounced the same, have the same sounds, but mean different things.

Task 6. It also happens vice versa, one object, but several names. For example, cheerful - funny, actor - artist.

Task 7. Draw a diagram of the word "stork". Define syllables.

Have you noticed that the word has two vowels and two syllables? And this is no coincidence.

There are as many syllables as there are vowels!

And here is our city of sounds…. See what sounds more?

Stressed and unstressed vowels

Vowel sounds are not always pronounced the same way. Watch the words: "STORK" and "ALBATROS".

Ask with surprise: "Is this a stork?" Yes, it's Aist!

Is this Albatros? Yes. it's albatros!

What is the first sound in the first word? What is the first sound in the second word? ... That's right, the sound [a]. But, is it pronounced the same way? ... No, in the word "stork", the sound [a] is pronounced with force, with emphasis.

A syllable that is pronounced with an accent is called stressed syllable, a vowel with an accent - stressed vowel, and the amplification of the voice itself - accent.

Vowel sounds without stress are called .... unstressed.

Emphasis is very important. What is in the pictures?

There is a castle and a castle here. Sometimes the meaning of the word, its meaning, depends only on the stress .

To determine the stress, you can ask with surprise about this word, for example, “Is this a castle?”, “Is this a fox?”. OR stretch the word like chewing gum ... Zaaaamok, foxaaa,

Task 8. Name the stressed vowel. To find a stressed syllable, vowel, "ask with surprise" or stretch the word: school, drawing, mom, map, street, girl, flower.

Task 9. Tell me everything you know about the word, spend sound analysis words…

Phonetic word analysis plan:

1. Say the word. If necessary, specify the meaning of the word.

2. Say the word as they shout at the stadium, and find out the number of syllables, mark with arcs.

3. Stretch the word. Recognize and mark the stressed syllable.

4. Say the word, highlighting the first sound; describe and describe. Then the second, third, etc.

5. "Read" according to the scheme and check if the word turned out.

Hard and soft consonants

Meet ... these are the gnomes Tom and Tim ...

What 1 sound do you hear in the name Tom [t]? This solid consonant . Tom is just as hard and always chooses things that start with hard consonants: likes Tomato juice, wears a Coat, likes blowing Bubbles.

What 1 sound do you hear in Tim's name? [t`] And this m soft consonant . And Tima herself is as soft as the first sound in her name, and loves everything that begins with a soft consonant sound. For example, he eats Tim - Meatballs, eats Honey with pleasure, draws only with a Brush.

Compare the words in the pictures...

Name the first sound in the words: bow and bandage. What did you notice?….

Consonants in Russian are hard and soft!

The sound [b] in the word “bow” is hard, and in the word “bandage” [b`] is a soft consonant sound.

We will denote a solid consonant sound as follows:

And a soft consonant sound as if adding another mattress.

Observe the first sounds in the words:


Task 10. Define the first sound in words and characterize this sound (what it is): cow , linden, birch, crow, dog, mountain ash, bird cherry, cedar, mosquito, larch.

Task 11. "Transformation". Replace syllables with a hard consonant with syllables with a soft consonant paired with it and vice versa.

/va - .., tu - ..., ry - ..., neither - ..., me - .., le - ... /

And you know that...

Always soft sounds: [th '], [h '], [u '].

Always solid sounds: [w], [w], [c].

Voiced and voiceless consonants

You know that the sounds that surround us are quiet and loud. For example, the sound of an airplane engine and the rustle of leaves. These sounds are different in terms of sound strength, do you agree?

It turns out speech sounds, consonants are also voiced and deaf ....

Listen to the poems and find words that differ in one sound:

It was a hot day outside. Everyone hid from the sun in the shade.

A ripe ear rustled from the wind, as if the field sang in a voice.

We whitewashed the ceiling and sawed firewood.

… One sound can change the meaning of a word! That is why we should try to speak clearly and distinctly.

How to determine? Put your hand to your throat and make a sound. If the vocal cords vibrate, then it is a ringing sound. If not, then deaf. Check - say the sounds [b], [p], [m], [x]. Were you able to notice?

Voicedness or deafness can be defined differently. Cover your ears with your palms and pronounce a consonant sound. Did you hear a voice or noise? If a voice is heard, then the sound is sonorous, if the noise is deaf.

The task "Transformation of sound". Turn a voiced sound into a deaf one:

Daughter - (point), heat - (ball), barrel - (kidney), slide - (crust), goat - (spit), firewood - (grass), guests - (bones), year - (cat).

Learning the tongue twister...

A mouse in the corner has gnawed through a mink, dragging a crust into the mink of bread. But the crust does not climb into the mink, the mink is great for the crust.

Pay attention to for grade 2 to consolidate knowledge

Program content:

to consolidate the ability to distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds;

repeat the pronunciation and articulation of sounds [a], [o], [y], consolidate the ability to distinguish sounds in words;

learn to invent words with these sounds;

fix the letters A, O, U;

develop auditory and visual memory, perception, thinking, speech, fine motor skills;

to cultivate the ability to listen and hear the teacher, to correctly perform tasks.

Methods and techniques: verbal (questions, explanation), visual (multimedia, showing articulation), game (D / and “Wonderful bag”, “Recognize the sound », « Find the sound at the beginning of the word”, “Name the extra word”, “Find the place of the sound in the word” ) , practical (exercises).


demonstration material: signs-symbols of sounds, dolls, subject pictures; Handout: cards of sound series, bones, sticks, cords; TSO: multimedia, laptop.




Topic: “Speech and non-speech sounds. Sounds [a], [o], [y]. Letters A, O, U.Program content:

to consolidate the ability to distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds;

repeat the pronunciation and articulation of sounds [a], [o], [y], consolidate the ability to distinguish sounds in words;

learn to invent words with these sounds;

fix the letters A, O, U;

develop auditory and visual memory, perception, thinking, speech, fine motor skills;

to cultivate the ability to listen and hear the teacher, to correctly perform tasks. Methods and techniques: verbal (questions, explanation), visual (multimedia, showing articulation), game (D / and “Wonderful bag”, “Recognize the sound», « Find the sound at the beginning of the word"Name the extra word""Find the place of the sound in the word") , practical (exercises). Equipment:

demonstration material: signs-symbols of sounds, dolls, subject pictures; handout: cards of sound series, bones, sticks, strings; TSO: multimedia, laptop.

Lesson progress:


Listen... how much different sounds emit living and inanimate objects around us! (Children listen to the recording of sounds with their eyes closed). - What did you hear? What are these sounds: speech or non-speech? What other non-speech sounds can you name? (Sparrows are chirping outside the window, a car engine is humming somewhere nearby, water is making noise in the tap in the kitchen, a cat is purring on the sofa) - Well done. So what are non-speech sounds? (these are the sounds of nature)

Right, non-speech sounds are the sounds of nature, the sounds of the surrounding world.

What are speech sounds?

Right, when a person speaks, he also speaks various sounds. These sounds are called speech or speech sounds.

slide 2. Look at the slide. Let's remember the rule about sounds: We pronounce and hear sounds.

slide 3. The game "Find out the sound"(by articulation).Look at our helpers. Guess what sounds we're talking about today? (by symbol cards). What are these sounds, vowels or consonants?

Why are these sounds called vowels? (They can be sung, pulled, shouted. When we pronounce these sounds, the air freely comes out of the mouth. Neither lips, teeth, nor tongue interfere with it). How do we represent vowel sounds? (red box)

So, when pronouncing vowel sounds air passes freely through the mouth, nothing interferes with us, neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue. Vowel sounds you can pronounce it long, sing it.

The game "Recognize the sound" (by symbol cards).- You have cards with sound rows on your tables, read them.

Phys. minute. "Who is more attentive"(I pronounce the sound without a sound, and you out loud. A - clap, O - a belt on my hands, U - sit down)

The game "Find the sound at the beginning of the word" slide 4.What do you see here? How to call in one word?Name only those fruits whose names begin with the sound [a].

slide 5. slide 6. What is on this slide?Name: 1. The season that begins with the sound [o]. 2. The season that ends with the sound [o]. slide 7.

slide 8. What do you see here?Find animals whose names begin with the sound [y]. slide 9.

Game "Name the extra word" slide 10-15.Look carefully. What do you think is missing here? Why?

Game "Find the place of the sound in the word" slide 16.Let's remember where the sound can be in the word? (at the beginning, middle, end of a word)Determine the location of the sound [a] in the following words: poppy, stork, cat, ointment, T-shirt, March, arch. Determine the location of the sound [o] in the following words: ice rink, wasps, juice, windows, moth, mole, coat. Determine the location of the sound [y] in the following words: duck, cloud, pipe, ay, flour, snail, heap, iron, I carry.
slide 17. Come up with names for the guys on the sounds [a], [o], [y].

Now let's label the sounds with letters.

slide 19-20. Sound and letter A.

Subject. Speech and non-speech sounds.


    Develop hearing, auditory attention, memory.

    Learn to distinguish and distinguish non-speech sounds.

    Development of understanding of instructions from 3 parts.

    Correction of auditory attention and fine motor skills.

Equipment: a set of rattles, things that make sounds, a screen, “Magic Thread”, mirrors, a game “guess the object by sound”

Course progress.

I Org. moment. Repetition of a chants from previous lesson.

II Actualization of knowledge. What exercises does he remember, what are the names of the organs of speech. Repeating the exercise to show the picture: “smile”, “tube”, “window”, “shovel”, “pancake-needle”, “watch”, “snake”, “swing”.

III Continuation of the fairy tale "About the cheerful tongue."

Nails, hammer and pliers -

Carpenter's essentials.

The hammer knocks: "Knock - knock!"

Tongue he best friend. (Exercise "hammer")

Here's a can of paint next to it.

The fence needs to be updated.

The brush began to dance,

Our fence is unrecognizable. (Exercise "painter")

Our tongue finished the job,

He can safely rest.

I walk with the horse

I'll play the harmonica for her. (Exercise "horses", "accordion")

I drive football

And I'll score a goal.

Very difficult task

Drive the ball into the goal. (Exercise "football")

The sun hid behind the mountain.

The tongue went home.

He locked the door,

He lay down in bed and fell silent. (Exercise "slide", "crib")

IV Conversation about the sounds that surround us. Listen and say what they hear outside the door, outside the window on the street, in the classroom.

    showing things that make sounds. Guessing the sound coming from behind the screen. The answers are complete “I hear a glass ringing, paper rustling, a coin clinking, etc.”

    Working with rattles. Guess which cereal is rattling. Showing, listening, remembering. Children guess in which jar, which cereal.

V The game "execute the command."

Take a book, open it and put a pencil on top.

Take the pen, go to the window, put the pen on the windowsill.

Take a pencil, stand up, show them the window and put it in your pocket, etc.

VI Game "Who called?" (toy sound)

VII Game "Guess the object by sound"

VIII Conversation about what he saw. What did you hear, what were the sounds.

VIII Outcome. These were all non-speech sounds made by different objects. If many sounds merge, then noise is obtained, the noise often interferes with hearing well and concentrating.