Intellectual tests and their varieties. Intellectual tests and their varieties The above is not a team game

1. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

2. Insert the missing letter.

3. Emphasize the excess.

Alexander Napoleon Wellington Nelson Hannibal

4. Insert the missing number.

8 12 10 16 12 __

5. Emphasize the excess.

yal pack boat rickshaw barque junk

6. Emphasize which of these animals exists in nature, as opposed to mythological ones.



7. Insert the word missing in brackets.

gang (. . . . .) taz

8. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Key: part of the face decoration.)


11. Emphasize the excess.

13. Underline the extra dominoes.

14. Insert the word in brackets, which may be preceded by any of the letters on the left.

hello (pat) steering wheel

com (. . .) port

17. Emphasize the excess.

accelerator: village, container, slope, track, bargaining, sulfur, kart, court, river, salo

18. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: drink.)

MOLO (. . .) NICK

19. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in brackets.)

20. Underline which of these cities is not in the US.


21. Insert the missing number.

22. Underline the excess.

23. Insert the word missing in brackets.

depth (bandage) bow

separation (. . . .) sleeper

24. Insert a word that means the same as the two words outside the brackets.

transfer (. . . . . .) detention

25. Underline which of the five numbered shapes fits the empty space.

26. Underline which animal, in the names of which the letters are rearranged, has less than four legs.



27. Insert the number missing in brackets.

28. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: chemical compound.)

KO (. . . .) N

29. Underline the excess.

837 612 549 422 342

30. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

31. Fill in the missing number.

32. Insert the word missing from brackets.

15 (trouble) 62

33. Emphasize the excess.

chair bed folding bed table ottoman

34. Insert the missing number.

35. Insert the missing letter.

36. Emphasize the excess.

9 25 36 78 144 196

37. Insert the missing letter.

7 15 32 __ 138 281

39. BZBV corresponds to Kutuzov, as BDIV corresponds to ... (to whom?)

40. Fill in the missing number.


1. Insert the missing letter.

2. Emphasize the excess.

Mozart Bach Socrates Handel Beethoven

3. Insert the missing number.

4. Underline which of these cities is superfluous.

Oslo London New York Cairo Bombay Caracas Madrid

5. Replace the letters in these words that are the names of animals. Underline which animal is the largest.


6. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Key: time interval.)

CHELO (. . .) SEL

7. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

8. Insert the word missing in brackets.

help (care) death

talent (. . .) offering

9. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

10. Insert the missing number.

11. Underline which two shapes break the general order.

12. Insert the missing letter.

13. Insert the missing number.

14. Insert the word in brackets, which can be preceded by any letters on the left.

15. Insert the word missing in brackets.

ball (imp) order

under (. . .) cat

16. Insert the missing number.

17. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

18. Find the missing number.

19. Underline the word on the bottom line that matches the words on the top line.


tiger grace fairy tale moment fear machine

20. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: tree)

21. Emphasize which of the following is not a team game.


22. Fill in the missing number.

23. Underline the excess.

24. Insert the word missing in brackets.

apologist (spider) corn

crimping (. . . .) training

25. Insert a word that means the same as the two words outside the brackets.

bump (. . . . .) bruise

26. Which of the five numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box).

27. Insert the word in brackets, which can be preceded by any letters on the left.

28. Insert the missing letter and number.

29. Insert the number missing in brackets.

30. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: tool.)

O (. . . . .) Pb

31. Which of the six numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in brackets.)

32. Underline which of these numbers does not fit with the others.

625 361 256 197 144

33. Fill in the missing number.

34. Underline the excess.

antithesis positron decimeter danger unicorn

35. Fill in the missing number.

36. Insert the missing letter.

37. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: mountain.)

TU (. . .) NIK

38. Fill in the missing number.

28 33 31 36 34 __

39. Fill in the missing number.

40. If DGJ + JAE + BHF = DDAB and = GA , why is ?

I. cognitive processes.

These tests will help you examine your intelligence quotient, memory, attention and thinking properties; determine the abilities, skills and characteristics of your cognitive processes.

1. IQ test.

Intelligence is a person's ability to think, understand, be able to adapt to a new situation, to solve non-standard problems.

You can check your IQ using the Eysenck test.

1. Insert the missing letter.

2. Emphasize the excess.

      1. Mozart Bach Socrates Handel Beethoven

3. Insert the missing number.

17 19 _ 20 15

4. Underline which of these cities is superfluous.

      1. Oslo London New York Cairo Bombay Caracas Madrid

5. Replace the letters in these words that are the names of animals. Underline which animal is the largest.








6. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Key: time interval.)

          PERSON(...) SEL

7. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

8. Insert the word missing in brackets.

help (care) death

talent (...) offering

9. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

10. Insert the missing number.

11. Underline which two shapes break the general order.

12. Insert the missing letter.

13. Insert the missing number.

    Insert the word in brackets, which can be preceded by any letters on the left.

AT ()

15. Insert the word missing in brackets.

Ball (devil) order

under (...) cat

16. Insert the missing number.

17. Which of the six numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

18. Find the missing number.

17 33 8 5 29 12 13 10

19. Underline the word on the bottom line that matches the words on the top line.

      1. race jock sprout

tiger grace fairy tale moment fear machine

20. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: tree)

21. Emphasize which of the following is not a team game.





22. Fill in the missing number.

26 38 18 22

23. Emphasize the extra

24. Insert the word missing in brackets.

apologist (spider) corn


25. Insert a word that means the same as the two words outside the brackets.

hillock() bruise

26. Which of the five numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box).

27. Insert the word in brackets, which can be preceded by any letters on the left.

WITH(. . .)

28. Insert the missing letter and number.

29. Insert the number missing in brackets.



30. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: tool.)

31. Which of the six numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in brackets.)

32. Underline which of these numbers does not fit with the others.

625 361 256 197 144

33. Fill in the missing number.

9 3 15

6 6 __

34. Underline the excess.

All of us have watched films more than once, where, according to the plot, the heroes need to defuse explosives, which were planted by ruthless terrorists. Viewers just freeze at the screens when these fearless guys decide which wire to cut: only one of the three wires can turn off the timer. Thus, there is a choice: red, yellow or blue. A mistake costs a life. And the timer inexorably counts the moments. It's no secret: a sapper can make a mistake once. The problem of terrorism is currently very relevant. Everyone is now interested in this issue. Valery Rudenko offers an exciting puzzle game in the form of a container. There is an infernal machine with a timer. In order for the neutralization to occur, the timer must be stopped, and to solve this problem, you need to open the container. But everything is not so simple: the container has a secret. On its cover there is a lock in the form of several levers. It is they who must be arranged in the prescribed order in accordance with the cipher. It would seem that this is complicated - after all, the cipher is known! However, in order to properly place the levers, you need to use your mental abilities. Moreover, they should be at a fairly high level. If the solution is found correctly, the player will be able to open the container and turn off the timer - thus he will "warn the explosion." The sides of the container are transparent, the timer is clearly visible through them: it can be replaced by an ordinary hourglass or water clock. In the course of the game, the emotional intensity gradually increases. The player is trying to open the tank, and in the meantime the sand is pouring and pouring without stopping. Nerves fail, and the person begins to worry, to hurry. If you do not have time for a certain period, then the sand will spill out completely. The puzzle lock can be easily reprogrammed to various levels of difficulty (according to different ages). Thus, in order to artificially create another problem, it is enough just to rearrange the levers to an arbitrary initial position, start the timer and slam the container lid. The clock starts counting down. Consequently, every time the sequence in which it will be necessary to install the levers of the cipher will be different, and the game will not have time to get bored with monotony. Timers can be set to a variety of time intervals.

Chapter 2


Before we begin to discuss in detail the problems of intelligence development, let's take a look at our own brain.
Brain human is 1.1 - 1.4 kg of nerve cells, a special mass of pink. Nerve cells represented mainly by neurons, which in reality have a gray color, and white glial cells. The pink color of the brain comes from the blood vessels present there. The brain can be compared to a large walnut that has been placed in the skull. The skull appears to us as a large single hard bone. But in reality, it consists of 23 separate bones that are very tightly connected to each other. The junction is a zigzag seam. The bones of the skull of a newborn do not adjoin so tightly, and this, in turn, allows the head to grow. Gradually, the bones fuse together. 8 bones located in the upper part of the head form a strong cranium. It also protects the brain that is inside it.
The brain is connected to spinal cord. The spinal cord is a rather voluminous bundle consisting of nerve cells: a kind of white cord with a diameter of about 1 cm. It is located inside the entire spinal column. Part spinal cord includes 31 - 33 segments. Nerve cells located throughout our body are directly connected to the spinal cord, which presents the information received from them to the brain.
The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system person.
The brain is "dressed" by three shells. Near the skull is a hard shell, the basis of which is connective tissue. This is followed by the arachnoid membrane, tightly enveloping the brain. The choroid completes everything, exactly copying each groove of the brain. The space between the arachnoid and choroid is filled with clear cerebrospinal fluid. This system acts as a kind of shock absorber.
As a result of numerous studies of the brain and its functions, physiologists have divided it into many sections, giving each a specific name.
After the cervical section of the spinal cord, a section begins, which was called the brain stem. Actually, this department is considered the beginning of the brain. The stem part consists of the medulla oblongata, pons, cerebellum and midbrain.
The medulla oblongata is responsible for important regulatory functions of the brain. It is here that the centers that regulate blood pressure, heart rhythm, breathing and swallowing are located. Interestingly, many processes can be controlled quite consciously. Let's take the function of breathing as an example. At an unconscious level, this process is controlled by the medulla oblongata. But as soon as we think about how we breathe, we ourselves begin to consciously regulate this function of the body. We can start to breathe deeper or more often, hold our breath.

A) Belova Anastasia Vladimirovna, 25 y.o., teacher

B) Rasskazova Natalya Anatolyevna, 27 y.o., housewife

C) Smirnov Leonid Sergeevich, 31, driver

  1. Insert the missing letter.

Answer: A) e; B) e; C) e. answer: E

  1. What word is missing?


Answer: A) Socrates; B) Socrates; B) Socrates. answer: Socrates

  1. Insert the missing number.

Answer: A) 16; B) 19; C) 15. answer: 16

  1. What word is missing?

Saint Petersburg

Answer: A) St. Petersburg; B) St. Petersburg; In Saint-Petersburg. Answer: Madrid (equidistant in latitude)

  1. Which of the following animals is the largest? (Write your answer using the correct letters in the word)

Answer: A) Elk; B) Tiger; B) Moose. answer: moose

(Keyword: time span)


Answer: A) century; B) century; B) age. answer: age

Answer: A) 6; B) 6; C) 6. answer: 6



Answer: A) a gift; B) flowers; B) a gift. answer: gift

  1. Insert the missing number.

Answer: A) #; B) 32; C) 36. answer: 39

  1. Choose from six numbered shapes the one that completes the row.

Answer: A) 4; B) 4; C) 4. answer: 4

  1. Each of the six faces of the cube has its own pattern. By "rotating" the cubes shown in the figure, what will you find out - the same cube is shown on the right and left, or different cubes?

Answer: A) different; B) different; B) different. answer: different

  1. Insert the missing letter.

Answer: A) #; B) #; C) O. answer: H

  1. Insert the missing number.

Answer: A) #; B) 3; C) 8. answer: 5

  1. Choose from six numbered shapes the one that completes the row.

Answer: A) 4; B) 2; C) 4. answer: 4

  1. Insert the word missing in brackets.


AT (. . .) CAT

Answer: A) #; B) #; To battle. answer: fight

  1. Insert the missing number.

Answer: A) #; B) #; C) 23. answer: 33

  1. Which word on the bottom line matches the words on the top line.



Answer: A) car B) moment; In the moment. answer: fairy tale (all four words can be used with the prefix under)

  1. Insert a word that ends the first and begins the second.

(Keyword: triumph)

Answer: A) feast; B) feast; B) feast answer: pir

  1. Which of the following games is not a team game? (Write your answer using the correct letters in the word)


Answer: A) #; B) #; B) shooting. answer: shooting

  1. Insert the missing number.

Answer: A) 2; B) 3; C) 5. answer: 2

  1. Insert the word missing in brackets.



Answer: A) port; B) pearl barley; IN) #. answer: port

  1. Insert the word missing in the brackets that means the same as the two words outside the brackets.

Hump ​​(. . . . .) BLUE

Answer: A) #; B) bump; B) bump. answer: lump

  1. Each face of the hexagonal cube has a special pattern. If you start rotating these cubes, what will it become clear - the same cube is depicted on the right and left, or different cubes?

Answer: A) the same; B) the same; B) different. answer: one.

  1. Insert the word missing in brackets, which may be preceded by any letters on the left.

Answer: A) who; B) #; B) boron answer: move

  1. Insert the missing number and letter.

Answer: A) #; B) #; C) 117. answer: 662=

  1. Insert a word that ends the first and begins the second.

(Keyword: weapon)

O (. . . . .) Pb

Answer: A) #; B) a gun; B) a gun. answer: gun

  1. Choose from six numbered shapes the one that completes the row.

Answer: A) 1; B) 1; C) 2. answer: 1

  1. What is the excess number?

Answer: A) #; B) #; C) 35. answer: 35

  1. What word is missing?





Answer: A) meridian; B) photon; B) photon. Answer: Meridian

(different vowels in first and last syllable)

  1. Insert the missing number.

Answer: A) 21; B) #; IN) #. answer: 23

  1. Insert the missing letter.

Q N E R Z U K?

Answer: A) c; B) #; C) O. answer: c

  1. Insert a word that ends the first and begins the second.

(Keyword: mountain)

TU (. . .) NIK

Answer: A) peak; B) peak; B) peak. answer: peak

  1. Insert the missing number.

28 33 31 36 34 ?

Answer: A) 39; B) #; C) 39. answer: 39

  1. Insert the missing number.

16 32 8 48 32 40

Answer: A) #; B) #; IN) #. answer: 25

  1. If DGJ+JAE+BHF=DDAB and F*C/J=GA, then what is A/G equal to?

Answer: A) 2; B) #; IN) #. answer: 2

Three people participated in the testing

A) Belova Anastasia Vladimirovna, 25 years old, teacher

B) Rasskazova Natalya Anatolyevna, 27 years old, housewife

C) Smirnov Leonid Sergeevich, 31 years old, driver

They were given 30 minutes to answer 40 questions. Summing up, the results were obtained

Candidate A IQ = 142 Candidate B IQ = 118 Candidate C IQ = 126

Below is an IQ table for some social groups:

1. Administrators and professionals of the highest

qualifications 153

2. Professionals less highly qualified 132

3. Highly qualified specialists, 117

4. Qualified specialists 109

5. Specialists secondary qualification 98

6. Unskilled workers 87

7. Temporary workers 82

8. Patients in mental hospitals 57

Once again, I hasten to remind you that IQ is simply a numerical result obtained by the subject when performing this test. And no more!!! Even test scores are affected environment, which leads to their inconstancy, variability. Even special coefficients are introduced. Understanding this led to a change in the main goal of testology. If earlier the results of measurement on intellectual tests were most often used for the distribution of subjects into categories and for long-term forecasts, now among Western psychologists there is a rejection of the tendency to “stick labels”. Rigid, invariable classification of individuals according to the results of intellectual tests had severe negative consequences, since low IQ left a stamp of inferiority on the child, changed the attitude of others around him, and thereby contributed to the preservation and even strengthening of unfavorable conditions for development. At present, progressive testers see the benefit of tests in the possibility of changing the achieved level of some intellectual skills and abilities. As for predictions based on test results, now intellectual tests are most used for predicting school achievements.

It should be noted that for correct assessments and forecasts of school achievements, test results must be supplemented with information from other sources - observations of behavior, biographical data, analysis of teaching methods, etc.

Each of the 8 given tests contains 40 tasks; each test is a single unit and can be used and scored independently of the other 7.

Each test consists of several series of problems of various types, with the easiest problems at the beginning and the most difficult ones at the end, although it should not be assumed that the level of complexity increases evenly. Each test must be timed, preferably by a different person than the one solving the test, with each test limited to a thirty minute time limit. Therefore, 30 minutes after the start of solving the first task, work with the test should be stopped.

The score, of course, is the number of correct answers given during that time.

The answers are given at the end of the test suite, along with an explanation of why that particular answer is correct.

The score for the test must then be used to derive the CI using the tables in the "Converting Scores to CI" section.

With the remaining 7 tests, you should work in exactly the same way. The 8 individual CI scores can be averaged to determine a better score than 1 test can give.

It is advisable to do no more than 1 test per day.

Another option for using tests to determine CI is to test 8 various people or give 2 tests to 4 people, etc.

Instruction. “Each test contains 40 tasks. You have limited time to answer all questions, so work as quickly as possible. Do not sit too long on any issue, you may have chosen the wrong path to solve, and you will do the next task better.

On the other hand, don't give up too easily, most problems can be solved with a little patience. Use only your common sense to decide when to abandon an unsolved problem. And remember that in general, the complexity of the tasks increases towards the end of the test. Any person is able to correctly solve a certain number of tasks, but no one is able to correctly solve all problems in the allotted time.

Your answer in each case will consist of singular, letters or words. You can choose from several suggested options or come up with the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided.

If you can't answer a question, don't guess, but if you have an idea but aren't completely sure it's actually the right answer, point it out anyway.

There are no "tricky" questions in tests, but you will always have to consider multiple ways of approaching a problem. Make sure you understand what is required of you before you begin to solve the problem. You're wasting your time if you jump straight to the solution without trying to figure out what the problem is.

For some problems, there are alternative answers that really satisfy all the requirements that the reader may accidentally stumble upon. In this case, the reader may consider his answer correct.

Note. The dots indicate the number of letters in the missing word. So, for example, (....) shows that the missing word consists of 4 letters.

Test 1

2. Emphasize the excess.


3. Find the missing numbers.

7, 10, 9, 12, 11,__ , __

4. Emphasize the excess.


5. Underline the word that is not a car brand.


6. Insert the word missing in brackets.



7. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second:

CT (...) HER

8. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the free space in the square? (Write her number in the box.)

9. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the free space in the square? (Write her number in the box.)

11. Emphasize the excess.

12. Fill in the missing numbers.

13. Insert the missing letter. J K N S __

14. Insert a word that can be preceded by letters on the left.

15. Choose the words in brackets.

D + (cereal) \u003d (small muscle contractions)

17. Underline the word on the bottom line that matches all the words on the top line:


wave, water, stick, bird, fear, macaque

18. Which of the 6 numbered pieces fits the free space in the square? (Write her number in the box.)

(Keyword: fate.)

20. Emphasize someone who is not a famous poet.


22. Complete the word in brackets.


23. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.

WOOD (....) FAKE

24. Emphasize the excess.

25. Underline which of them is not a famous composer.


27. Which of the 5 numbered figures is suitable for an empty space?

28. Which of the 5 numbered figures is suitable for the free space? (Write her number.)

29. Insert the word missing in brackets: CANDY (TENT) BORTNIK


30. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: three-dimensional geometric figure.)

31. Which of the 5 numbered figures is suitable for the free space? (Write her number in the box.)

32. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty square?

34. Underline which of these cities is superfluous. CANBERRA,



37. Insert the word in brackets that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: place of duty.)

AVAN (....) NICK

8 10 14 18_____ 34 50 66

39. Insert the next letter in the row.

B D B E B F B I B M B __

2 7 24 77________

Test 2

1. Insert the missing number.

2. Which of the 6 numbered groups fits the empty space in the square? (Write her number in the box.)

3. Emphasize the excess.


4. Insert 2 missing numbers.

6 9 18 21 42 45 – – __

5. Emphasize the excess.


6. Underline which of the cities is not in Europe.




8. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: drink.)

9. Which of the numbered figures is suitable for an empty square?

A G F L S __

14. Insert the word in brackets, to which you can attach any of the letters on the left.

15. Insert the word missing in brackets. AUTO (....) CRANE

16. Which of the 6 numbered figures fits the empty square?

18. Emphasize the excess.


19. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second.

20. Underline a name that is not an island.


21. Insert the missing number.

22. Underline the excess.

23. Insert the word missing in brackets.

14 (RUNNING) 62


25. Finish the following.

SWAZILAND 271864539 VISA 8792 FOX 6854 FOREST _

26. Insert the missing letter.

M P K S I Y _

27. Which of the 5 numbered shapes completes the top row?


BN (....) ML

30. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second.

31. Which of the 5 numbered figures is suitable for an empty space? (Write the number in the box.)

33. Emphasize the excess.


35. Insert a number and a letter in the last domino of this category.

36. Underline the word that ends the sentence.

"Appetite is to food as lust is to: food, sex, strength, gluttony, drunkenness."

37. Insert a word in brackets that means the same as the two words outside the brackets.

TWO (....) TWO

38. Underline the word that ends the sentence.

"A palimpsest is to a palindrome what erasure is to: repetition, reversal, digression, contraction, diminution, resale."

39. Insert the missing letter.

40. Insert the number that completes the series.

7 9 40 74 15 26 __

Test 3

1. Insert the missing number.

2. Emphasize the excess.


3. Insert the missing number.

4. Emphasize the excess.


5. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty space? (Write the number in the box.)

6. Underline which of these animals, in whose names the letters are mixed, is the smallest.


7. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.


8. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second.

EZ (...) LAD

9. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

10. Insert the missing letter.

L M N K R Z F __

11. Insert the missing number.

12. Emphasize the excess.

13. Insert the missing number.

14. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for a free square? (Write the number in the box.)

15. Put in brackets a word that can be preceded by any of the letters on the left

16. Insert the word missing in brackets. ALLO (PAT) RUDDER


17. Insert the missing number.

18. Emphasize the excess.

prickly pear, degassing, station, wintering, native, police

19. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second.

UNDER (....) IKA

20. Underline the word that is not a male name.


21. Insert the word missing in brackets.



22. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.

24. Emphasize the excess.

25. Insert the letter that ends the row.

two D four T three __

26. Insert the missing letter.

27. Which of the numbered figures completes the top line.

28. Insert the word missing in brackets.


TAL (....) FRAME

29. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: part of the face.)

30. Insert the missing number.

31. Underline the word that is different from the rest.


32. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

35. Fill in the missing letters.

36. Underline the name that completes the fourth line:

- Zhanna loves Kostya;

- Grisha loves Inna;

– Iraida loves Roman.

Who does Inna love - Tolya, Grisha or Zhenya?

37. I arranged to meet my girlfriend on Sundays at noon. The first time she came at 12.30, the next time at 1.20, then at 2.30, and then at 4.00. What time will she come next?

38. Which of the 6 numbered figures is the next figure in the row?

39. Underline the excess.


40. Fill in the missing numbers

Test 4

1. Insert the missing number.

2. Emphasize the excess.

Byron, Shelley, Keats, Chamberlain, Chaucer

4. Insert the missing number.

4 9 17 35 – – 139

5. Underline the city that is superfluous here.


6. Underline the word that is not the name of the hockey team.


7. Insert the word missing in brackets.



8. Insert the missing number.

9. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square?

10. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Key: rigging.):

MA (....) TH

11. Underline which 2 of these figures do not form a pair.

D Y F M – – P M T

13. Insert the missing number.

14. Insert the word in brackets, which may be preceded by any of the letters on the left.

15. Find words that mean the same as the words in brackets.

C + (set of rules) = (part of a limb)

16. Insert the missing number.

17. Emphasize the excess.


18. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: verbal information). CON (....) IL

19. Emphasize which of them is not a movie star. ANDBOR, ORLEIT, PRALM, ADROB, ANOFD

20. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets:


21. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

22. Underline which of these words is not a female name.


23. Insert the missing number.

24. Emphasize the excess.

25. Insert the number missing in brackets.

26. Complete the next match with one of the five numbered shapes. (Underline the correct figure.)

27. Insert the missing letter.

28. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

30. Which of the 6 numbered figures is next in this row? (Underline the desired shape.)

32. Emphasize the excess.


33. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: mode of transportation)

ONE (...) UN

34. Insert the missing letter.

35. Fill in the missing number.

36. Fill in the missing letters.

37. Insert a word that ends the first and begins the second. (Key: coin.)

PRO (....) HEP

38. Underline the phrase that ends the sentence.

Michael bought the castle; Boris bought a hook; Leonid bought the book. Which pair should be next: Joseph and the pipe, Gerasim and Mumu Taras and the cradle, Karl and the Clarinet, or Leopold and the mouse?

39. Insert the letter that ends the row.

V Y F F P __

40. Fill in the missing number.

Test 5

2. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

3. Emphasize the excess.


4. Insert the missing number.

5. Emphasize which of these animals is superfluous.


6. Underline which of these cities is in England.


7. Insert the word missing in brackets.


8. Insert the number missing at the top of the picture.

9. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

10. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: flower.)

FAST (....) EP

11. Underline which of these figures do not form a pair.

12. Insert the word in brackets, which may be preceded by letters on the left.

13. Insert the missing letter.

M N L P Z __

14. Choose words that mean the same as the words in brackets.

O + (wave) = (shape)

15. Which of the 6 numbered figures are suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

16. Insert the missing number.

17. Underline the word on the bottom line that matches the words on the top line.


dust, lily, mouse, head, ode, fool

18. Underline which of the following is not an animal.


19. Insert the missing number.

20. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: triumph.)

21. Emphasize the excess.

22. Insert the word missing in brackets.

OL (CASE) 76

23. Underline which city is not in England.


24. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.


25. Which of the 5 numbered figures is suitable for an empty space? (Write the number in the box.)

26. Fill in the missing number.

28. Insert the word missing in brackets.



29. Which of the 5 numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

30. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: part of the face.)

31. Insert the missing letter.

32. Emphasize the excess.


33. Insert the missing letter.

in 4 th 2 n 3 __

34. Insert the missing number.

35. Fill in the missing number.

36. Underline which of the 4 numbered shapes fits the empty space.

37. At a seance of spiritualism, the medium summoned Brezhnev, Godunov, Yezhov and Zhdanov. Who will he call next: Stalin, Trotsky, Ibarruri, Khrushchev or Mao Zedong?

38. Emphasize the excess.

739, 1341, 522, 1862

40. Fill in the missing number.

Test 6

1. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

2. Insert the missing letter.

3. Emphasize the excess.


4. Insert the missing number.

8 12 10 16 12 __

5. Emphasize the excess:


6. Emphasize which of these animals exists in nature, as opposed to mythological ones.


7. Insert the word missing in brackets.

GANG (...) TAZ

8. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Key: part of the face decoration.)

STEAM (....) TAB

9. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

10. Insert the missing number.

11. Emphasize the excess.

12. Insert the missing letter.

13. Insert the word missing in brackets.


COM (...) PORT

14. Underline the extra dominoes.

15. Insert a word in brackets, which may be preceded by any of the letters on the left.

16. Insert the missing number.

17. Emphasize the excess.


18. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: drink.)


19. Which of the 6 numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in brackets.)

20. Underline which of these cities is not in the US.


21. Insert the missing number.

22. Underline the excess.

23. Insert the word missing in brackets.



24. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.


25. Underline which of the 5 numbered shapes fits the empty space.

26. Underline which of the animals, in whose names the letters are rearranged, has less than four legs.


27. Insert the number missing in brackets.

28. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: chemical compound.)

29. Underline the excess.

837 612 549 422 342

30. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

31. Fill in the missing number.

32. Insert the word missing in brackets.

15 (TROUBLE) 62

33. Emphasize the excess.


34. Insert the missing number.

35. Insert the missing letter.

36. Emphasize the excess.

9 25 36 78 144 196

37. Insert the missing letter.

38. Fill in the missing number:

7 15 32 – – 138 281

39. BZBV corresponds to Kutuzov as BDIV corresponds to ... (to whom?).

40. Fill in the missing number.

Test 7

1. Insert the missing letter.

2. Emphasize the excess.


3. Insert the missing number.

17 19 – – 20 15

4. Underline which of these cities is superfluous.


5. Replace the letters in these words that are the names of animals. Underline which animal is the largest.


6. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Key: time interval.)


7. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

8. Insert the word missing in brackets.



9. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

11. Underline which two shapes break the general order.

12. Insert the missing letter. D Y M T __

13. Insert the missing number.

14. Insert the word in brackets, which can be preceded by any letters on the left.

15. Insert the word missing in brackets.



16. Insert missing number:

17. Which of the 6 numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

18. Find the missing number.

19. Underline the word on the bottom line that matches the words on the top line.


tiger, grace, fairy tale, moment, fear, machine

20. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: tree.)

21. Emphasize which of the following is not a team game.


22. Fill in the missing number.

23. Underline the excess.

24. Insert the word missing in brackets.



25. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.


26. Which of the 5 numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

27. Insert the word in brackets, which can be preceded by any letters on the left.

28. Insert the missing letter and number.

29. Insert the number missing in brackets.

30. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: tool.)

31. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty square? (Write the number in brackets.)

32. Underline which of these numbers does not fit with the others.

625 361 256 197 144

im20434. Emphasize the excess.

antithesis, positron, decimeter, danger, unicorn

35. Fill in the missing number.

36. Insert the missing letter.

37. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: mountain.)

TU (...) NICK

38. Fill in the missing number.

28 33 31 36 34 __

39. Fill in the missing number.

40. If DGJ + JAE + BHF = DDAB,

and FxC/J = GA, then what is A/G equal to?

Test 8

1. Insert the missing letter.

2. Emphasize the excess.


3. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

4. Insert the missing number.

5. Emphasize the excess.


6. Put in their places the letters in these words, which are the names of various vehicles. Which one is different from the rest?


7. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.


8. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: military fortification.)

KOM (..e.) FIR

9. Which of the 6 numbered shapes fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

10. Insert the missing number.

11. Emphasize the excess.

12. Insert the missing letter.

13. Insert the missing number.

14. Insert the word in brackets, which may be preceded by any of the letters on the left.

15. Choose the word in brackets.

C + (battle) = (refusal)

16. Insert the missing number.

17. Underline which of the words on the bottom line matches the words on the top line.


rain, bone, animal, light, paper

18. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: beep.)

Sun (....) ET

19. Which of the 6 numbered figures fits the empty square? (Write the number in the box.)

20. Underline which of these cities is not in Italy.


21. Fill in the missing number:

22. Underline the excess.

23. Insert the number missing in brackets.

24. Insert a word that means the same as the 2 words outside the brackets.


25. Which of the 6 numbered figures is suitable for an empty space?

26. Insert the missing letter.

27. Fill in the missing letters.

28. Insert the word missing in brackets.



29. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Key: physical characteristic person.)

ON (....) OK

30. Underline the number on the bottom line that matches the numbers on the top line.

283 488 137 381 242

31. Fill in the missing number.

32. Fill in the missing number.

5 6 7 8 10 11 14 __

33. Underline which of the words in the bottom line matches the words in the top line.


weather, grace, start, book, snake.

34. Insert the number missing in brackets:

35. Insert a word that ends the first word and begins the second. (Keyword: fate.)

36. Which of the 6 numbered figures fits the empty circle? (Write the number in the circle.)

37. Underline the excess.

38. Fill in the missing number.

8 24 12 – – 18 54

39. Underline which word ends the following sentence.





40. Fill in the missing number.

260 216 128 108 62 54 – – 27

Answers and clarifications

Test 1

1. 14. (The numbers increase by 3 each time.)

2. Office. (People don't live in offices.)

3. 14 and 13. 2 alternating rows of numbers are given, increasing by 2 each time.)

4. Whale. (Mammal, the rest are fish.)

5. Ruslan. (“Volga”, “Zhiguli”, “Moskvich” and “Chaika” are car brands, “Ruslan” is an aircraft brand.)

6. Hole. (The word in the middle has the same meaning as the 2 words on each side.)

8. 5. (Shapes decrease from left to right.)

9. 3. (Each line contains a circle, a square, a rhombus; the pictures alternate vertically and horizontally. Therefore, the missing figure should be a square with vertical and horizontal lines inside.)

10. 32. (The first number is multiplied by the second to get the third: 1x2 = 2; then the third is multiplied by the third to get the fourth, etc. 4 x 8 = 32, so 32 is the missing number. Another option is possible: 8. (The numbers on the left are equal to the product of 4 and the number opposite.)

11. 5. (Bold lines rotate counterclockwise, circles rotate clockwise, and two dashes are before the circle, except for the fifth figure, where they are located after it.)

13. F. (In the alphabetical sequence, 2 and 3 letters are skipped alternately.)

15. Rye and shiver. (Rye is a cereal, and trembling is small muscle contractions.)

16. 6. (Each number in the bottom row is half the sum of the two numbers above that number.)

17. Stick. (All of these words may be preceded by the prefix "re".)

18. 3. (In each row and column there are three types of faces (round, square, triangular), noses - black, white and speckled, eyes - white, black or one black, the other white, and also one, two or three hairs, so the missing face should be a square with a black nose, three hairs, and eyes, one black and one white).

20. Ulanova. (Poets: Blok, Pushkin, Yesenin, Nekrasov.)

21. 6. (Add the numbers at the ends of the long arrows and subtract the numbers at the ends of the short arrows from the sum.)

22. TREPANG. (Substitute 4 letters outside the brackets for the sixth, fifth, third and second missing letters.)

24. 5. (At each turn, the circle and square change places; in the latter case, this does not happen, so 5 is an extra figure. The arrow and the question mark remain in their places.)

25. OTHELLO. (Composers: Mozart, Strauss, Verdi.)

26. G. (The letter in the second column is always as many letters below the letter in the first column as the letter in the third column is above the letter in the first column. M is 4 letters below Z, and G is 4 letters above Z.)

27. 2. (Since a square with a circle inside becomes a circle with a rotated square inside, then a triangle with a square inside becomes a square with a rotated triangle inside. The hatching goes from inside to outside. The three rectangles outside go down, and those that were shaded , become black, and those that were black become shaded.)

28. 2. (The main figure is rotated 90°. The shaded and white areas are reversed, and the figure in the center itself is rotated 90°.)

29. SNOW. (The word in brackets is formed from the second and third letters from the end of the word before the brackets and the same letters of the word after the brackets.)

31. 3. (All figures have either 3 lines with a right angle, or 6 lines without a right angle.)

32.1. (Each row and column has a round, square and linear torso; round, square and linear feet; round, square and triangular heads; lowered down, raised up or horizontal arms. Therefore, the missing little man must have a linear torso, round feet, square head and hands down.)

33. 10. (The number in the last column is equal to the sum of the numbers in the first two columns minus the number in the first column. 13 + 8 - 11 = 10)

34. New York. (Not a capital city.)

35. 18. (Three numbers outside the triangle are multiplied by each other, and the result is divided by 10.)

38. 26. (There are 2 alternating rows starting with the first two numbers, with each element formed by doubling the previous number in its row and subtracting 2x2 + 24 = 28; 28 - 2 = 26.)

39. N. (The number of letters between B and each subsequent letter is always simple: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13. Between B and H 13 letters.)

40. 238. (Each element of the series is formed as follows: the number 3 is raised to the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth powers, and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are subtracted from the result, respectively.)

Test 2

1. 24. (Numbers increase by 4 each time.)

2. 3. (The number of dots decreases by 1 in either direction.)

3. Herring. (The only fish among mammals.)

4. 90 and 93. The series is formed by alternately adding and doubling the previous number; so 45 x 2 = 90 and 90 + 3 = 93.)

5. Apollo. (The only Greek god, the rest are Roman.)

6. Washington. (Athens, Moscow, Milan, Krakow are in Europe.)

7. Tutu. (The middle word has the same meaning as the words around the edges.)

9. 5. (The figures in the bottom row are the same as in the top row, only black and white are reversed).

10. Sh (G is the third letter after A, Zh is the fourth letter after G, L is the fifth after Zh, S is the sixth after L, and Sh is the seventh after V.)

11 39

12. 4. (1 and 3 form a pair of the same - 2 and 5. In each pair, one figure is rotated 90, with the black and white parts swapped. Figure 4 does not correspond to this.)

13. 22. (To get the bottom number, the top number is doubled, and 1, 2, 3, and 4 are subtracted from the result for the first, second, and third and fourth dominoes. 13 x 2 = 26; 26 - 4 = 22.)

15. Stop. (The word in brackets serves as a bridge between the word before the brackets and the word after the brackets; it can end the first word and start the second.)

16. 4. (There are three types of head, body, and tail shapes, as well as 1, 2, and 3 whiskers. Each type only appears once in each row and column.)

17. 13. (To get the number in the center, add the first and last numbers in the row.)

18. Gong. (In all other words, the last 2 letters are consecutive letters of the alphabet. The word "gong" does not have this.)

20. Sparrow. (Islands: Cuba, Ireland and Capri.)

21. 16. (Take the top number, divide it by the right one and double the result.)

22. 2. (1 and 5 are identical, the same is 3 and 4.)

23. Toad. (The numbers refer to the corresponding letters of the alphabet, i.e. 4 is G - the fourth letter, etc. These letters are then substituted for the numbers and read in reverse order.)

24. Horse. (A trotter is a horse; in addition, a horse is a sports equipment.)

25.785. The numbers after the word "Swaziland" correspond to the letters in this word. The words "visa", "fox" and "forest" are formed from the letters in the word "Swaziland", and the numbers after them are the numbers corresponding to these letters in the original word, only after the word "visa" 1 is added to each digit, after the word " fox" - 2, and after the word "forest" - 3.)

26. G. (The number of letters in the alphabet that are between consecutive letters is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, and the direction alternately changes back and forth in the alphabet (i.e. from A to Z and from Z to A. Alternate explanation: alternating letters go down two places in the alphabet and two up; the sequence M, K, I results in Zh as the next letter.)

27. 2. (The original circle is halved, and the square is rotated 45° and placed on top of the semicircle. Similarly, the large square is halved and a rectangle is obtained. The rhombus is rotated 45° and placed on top of the rectangle. In addition, the hatching of the original figure is removed on the second figure , and vice versa.)

28. WOLF. (The letters before brackets are the letters that in the alphabet immediately precede the first two letters in the word inside the brackets, and the letters after the brackets are the letters in the alphabet immediately after the 2 letters of the word inside the brackets. B comes before C, N - before O, M - after L, and L after K.)

29. 1. (Each cross outside the square has a value of plus 1, inside - minus 1; in the bottom row: +3 - 1 \u003d \u003d +2. Therefore, the answer will be two crosses inside the square.)

31. 2. (She has no right angles.)

32. 2. (All rows and columns add up to 30; 12 + 16 = = 28, so add 2 to get 30.)

33. Steamboat. (The remaining 3 words in colloquial speech are associated with three nationalities: German pedantry, English care, Japanese mushroom, and the steamer is not.)

34 52 for one.)

(The numbers increase by 1 each time; the letter lags behind the previous one in the alphabet by the number of letters, equal number letters above it. Therefore, Zh is 4 letters behind G, L is 5 letters behind Zh, and S is 6 letters behind L.)

36. Sex. (Voluptuousness is sexual appetite.)

38. Turning over. (A palimpsest is a manuscript whose original text has been erased so that it can be used again; a palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same both forward and backward, such as ORDER.)

39. I. (Letters numbered sequentially are numbers 2, 5, 10, 17 and 26. These numbers are the squares of the first 5 digits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), from which 1 is subtracted each time. Square 3 is 9 ; 9 + 1 = 10, and the tenth letter is I.)

40. 5436. (There are 2 alternating rows. Starting respectively with 7 and 9 and going through 1 digit. In the first row, 7 is squared and the number preceding 7 is subtracted from the result, i.e. 7 squared minus 9 is 40. Similarly, 40 squared minus 74 equals 1526. In the second row, 9 is squared and the number preceding 9 is subtracted from the result, i.e. 7 (9 squared minus 7 is 74. To obtain the missing number, 74 is squared and from the result subtract 40 to get 5436.)

Test 3

1. 5. (Each time 5 is subtracted from the number.)

2. Sleigh. (They don't have wheels.)

3. 74. Each number is equal to twice the preceding number plus 1, 2, 3, and finally 4; so 35 X 2 + 4 =74.)

4. Spider. (He has 8 legs, and the rest have 6.)

5. 4. (In each group - 3 figures: a circle, a square and a triangle; one of them is black, the rest are white.)

6. Mouse. (Other animals: bison, kitten, cow, giraffe.)

9. 6. (The sector is rotated 90° counterclockwise in each column and in each row.)

10. D. (There are two alternating rows: in the first row you go through 1, 2, 3 and so on letters forward, in the second through 1, 2, 3 and so on letters back. Going through 3 letters back from Z, you get D.)

11. Each number is equal to the previous one, multiplied by 2, minus 1; so 17 X 2 = 34 and 34 - 1 = 33.

12. 4. (White ovals have adjacent arrows pointing to the right or up; black ovals have adjacent arrows pointing to the left or down. Oval 4 is black, but its arrow is pointing up.)

(Upper numbers increase by 2, 3, 4, 5, lower numbers by doubles, i.e. 4, 6, 8, 10.)

14. 1. (There are three outlines of heads, three types of noses, mouths and eyebrows; each occurs 1 time in each row and in each column.)

16. Bor. (The word in brackets serves as a link between the word before the brackets and the word after the brackets; it can end the first word and begin the second.)

17. 19. (To get the third number in each row, subtract the second from the first.)

18. Police. (In all other words, the first two letters are consecutive letters of the alphabet; this is not the case for police.)

20. Maria. ( Male names: Robert, Venedikt and Basil.)

21. Owl. (The word in brackets is formed by the third and second letters of the words outside the brackets.)

23 97

24. 4. (Identical figures: also 2 and 3.)

25. R. (D is the first letter in the word "two", T is the third letter in the word "four", and R is the second letter in the word "three". The number of the letter is thus always 1 less than determined by the word .)

26. I. (The lower letters are 4, 6, 8, and 10 letters higher alphabetically from the upper letter.)

27. 2. (3 identical small figures below the large figure become main figure, and initially the main figure turns into 3 small figures, which are now transferred to opposite side. Three small figures on the right, on the left and on top of the main figure change positions. Pieces that are black or white in the first drawing remain black or white in the second.)

28. Lama. (The word in brackets is formed from the second and third letters of the words outside the brackets, taken in reverse order.)

30. 20. (The number in the last column is formed by subtracting from the number in the second column of the number X. X - the number by which to multiply the number in the first column to get the number in the second column. 4 x 6 = 24; 24 - 4 = 20.)

31. Germany. (All other words are associated with the names of the seas: Coral Sea, North Sea, Sea of ​​Japan.)

32. 6. (In each row and each column there are three types of bodies (round, square and triangular), three types of heads (also round, square and triangular), three types of tails (straight, wavy and ringlet), three types of legs (linear, black, and white. Also, torsos can be white, black, or shaded. Therefore, the missing figure is 6.)

34. 14. (There are 2 rows: one of even numbers, the other of odd numbers. The elements of each row increase by 2 and change positions, i.e. move up and down.)

(Letters at the top are alphabetically 3 behind each other, and at the bottom by 4 in reverse order.)

36. Tolya. (The first groups of names of lovers are 3, 5 and 7 letters behind each other; Ira and Tolya continue this series: between I and T - 9 letters.)

37. 5.50. (The first time she was late by 30 minutes, the second time by 30 + 50 minutes, the third time by 30 + 50 + + 70 minutes, the fourth time by 30 + 50 + 70 + 90 minutes and finally by 30 + 50 + 70 + 90 + 110 min.)

38. 1. (The arrow, the triangle, and the black and white squares rotate each time by 90°. The cross and circle move in the same way, but change places each time.)

39. NIVOERINNIERIROEA (Hermes, Zeus and Apollo are Greek gods, Venus is a Roman goddess. The names of the gods are encrypted and can be revealed if only letters preceded by vowels that do not form parts of their names are considered.)

(The series starts with 1/2. Subsequent values ​​are added by adding 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Each result is divisible by 1x1, 1x2, 1x2x3, 1 x 2 x 3 x 4.)

Test 4

1. 12. (Numbers decrease by 6 each time.)

2. 2. (Arms raised up, lowered down, at shoulder level, head white, black or shaded in each row of the column.)

3. Chamberlain. (He is not a poet.)

4. 69. (Each number is equal to twice the previous one and 1 alternately added to or subtracted from the result.)

5. Quebec. (The rest are all about the same latitude. Quebec is much further north.)

6. Ararat. (“Torpedo”, “Dynamo”, “Tractor” and “Spartak” are hockey teams, “Ararat” is only football.)

7. Bacon. (The word in the middle has the same meaning as the two words outside the brackets; bacon is lard, and so is sleuth.)

8. 64. (One of the numbers opposite each other is the square of the other; 8 squared is 64.)

9. 5. (The number of lines inside and on the rocket stabilizers decreases from the beginning to the end of the row.)

11 2 and 4

12. Y. (There are 2 alternating rows of letters; 2 letters are skipped in each; skipping Z and I, we get Y.)

13. 79. (The difference between the two numbers in each pair is always 21, the bottom number is always greater. So 58 + 21 = 79.)

15. Charter and joint. (C + charter = joint.)

16. 4. (In each row, the second number is subtracted from the first and multiplied by 4: 7 - 6 \u003d 1; 1 x 4 \u003d 4.)

17. Bazaar. (All other words can be formed from the letters of the word "organization".)

19. Marple. (Movie stars: Brando, Taylor, Fonda and Bardo.)


21. 1. (There are three fuselage shapes, three kinds of wings, one, two or three seats in the cockpit, and the wings are white, black or shaded. Each shape occurs only 1 time in each row and in each column.)

22. Lazy. ( Women's names- Daria, Maria, Ekaterina.)

23. 21. (2 numbers from the top are multiplied and the bottom number is subtracted from the result. 9 X 13 = 27; 27 – 6 = 21.)

24. 4. (1 and 5, 2 and 3 are complementary to each other in triangles that are white in one figure and black in the other. 4 does not match this pattern. Also, in those figures, two sides (to the right and left of the arrow ) complement each other; in 4 they are the same.)

25. 88. (The number in brackets is 4 times the difference between the numbers outside the brackets.)

26. 4. (The large figure is turned over and placed on top of the small figure; the small figure becomes large, and the large figure becomes small; the shaded figure becomes one-color, and vice versa.)

27. I. (Letters in the second column are formed by going up alphabetically by 2, 3 and 4 letters, respectively, relative to the letters of the first column. Letters in the third column are formed by going up alphabetically relative to the letters of the second column, respectively, by 3, 4 and 5 letters 5 letters from 0 is AND.)

28. 4. (There is one car with solid wheels, one with white wheels and one with a cross on wheels in each row and each column. There may be 1, 2 or 3 slots on the hood. There may be a door and a window, only a door or none either. Maybe a crank and a wing, or neither. The answer fits that set of features.)

29.682. (The number in brackets is equal to half the sum of the numbers outside the brackets.)

30. 1. (The large square is rotated counterclockwise by 45° each time. The cross and circle are rotated by the same angle, but clockwise.)

31. 9. (The number in the third column is formed by adding the numbers in the first and second columns and subtracting the number from the last column. 6 + 8 - 5 = 9.)

32. Kubrick. (In all other words, the first and last letters follow each other alphabetically. In the word "kubrick" they are the same.)

34. T. (Letters read clockwise form the word "prisoner".)

35. 89. (All numbers outside are divided in half and the results are added.)

(Top 2 letters are skipped each time. Bottom 3, 4 are skipped.)

38. Taras and cradle. (The number of letters in the names is 6, 5, 6. The next one should also have 5 letters. The number of letters in the objects is 5, 6, 5; the next one should again have 5 letters. The combination “Taras and the cradle” satisfies this pattern.)

J. (Each letter in the series is behind a certain number of letters alternately from the beginning and from the end of the alphabet. This number starts at 3 and increases by 2, 3, 4, 5, and finally by 6.)

40. 112. In every domino, the bottom number is obtained from the top number by squaring it, dividing by 2, and subtracting the top number from the result.

Square 16 = 256; 256: 2 = 128; 128 - 16 = 112.)

Test 5

1. M. (Going through 2 letters alphabetically.)

2. Shakespeare. (Everyone else is an artist.)

3. 4. (Arrows rotate 90° clockwise in each row and column and lose one feather each time.)

4. 75. (Each number is equal to twice the previous one and 1 alternately added or subtracted. Thus 37 is equal to twice 19 minus 1, and 75 is equal to twice 37 plus.

5. Dolphin. (Dolphin is a mammal, the rest are fish.)

6. Manchester. (Other cities: Berlin, Madrid and Athens.)

7. Titanium. (The word in the middle has the same meaning as the words on the right and left. Giant is titanium, titanium is heater.)

8. 469. (Starting from 4, each digit is doubled and alternately subtracted or added 1.)

9. 4. (Ears: round, square or triangular, parting: left, right or in the middle. Each of the signs occurs 1 time in each row and column.)

11. 2 and 5. (1 and 3, 4 and 6 form pairs, since one figure from another can be obtained by turning 90 °; this is not possible for 2 and 5.)

13. Ch. (Each letter alternately goes up and down the alphabet, and the number of skipped letters doubles each time, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. The sixteenth letter from Z is Ch.)

14. Shaft and oval.

15. 2. (The chimney can be left, right, or middle and can be white, black, or shaded. The upper room can have 1, 2, or 3 windows, and the door can be left, right, or middle. Each sign occurs 1 time per each row and column.)

16. 3. (Multiply the numbers in the first two columns and divide the product by the number in the fourth column to get the number in the third column. 5x6: 10 == 3.)

17. Ode. (All of these words may be preceded by the word "kol".)

18. Cocoa. (Other words: crocodile, cricket and shark.)

19. 14. (Multiply the numbers inside the circles and divide by the number on the left.)

21. 5. (There are two pairs of drawings: 1 and 3, 2 and 4. One figure is obtained from the other by turning through 180 °. 5 does not correspond to this scheme.)

22. FAITH. (The letters before the brackets, in reverse order, are the last 2 letters of the word in brackets. The seventh and sixth letters of the alphabet, in reverse order, give the first 2 letters of the word "case", and the sixth and third letters of the alphabet, in reverse order, give first 2 letters of the word "faith".)

23. Glasgow, which is located in Scotland. (Other cities: Cardiff, London, Liverpool and Oxford.)

24. Skat. (A slope is a slope, and a slope in colloquial speech means a tire.)

25. 4. (She, like the rest of the figures, has 4 straight lines.)

26. 63. (Each number is doubled, and 1 is added to the result. 31 x 2 \u003d 62; 62 + 1 \u003d 63.)

(Starting with G and Y, the letters form rows in which the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd letters are skipped. The two rows at the top and bottom of the domino change positions as follows: G, E, Z, L and Y, L, O, T.)

28. Opal. (The word in brackets is formed from the first 2 letters, taken in reverse order, of the words outside the brackets.)

29.6. (Each triangle can be white, shaded, or with three lines inside. It can contain a square, a circle, or a horizontal eight. Opposite the bracket, it can have a cross, an oval, or nothing. In addition, the bracket can be on any from its sides.Therefore, the missing triangle can be established.)

32. Shooter. (All other words have 3 vowels.)

33. U. (Each letter is removed from the previous one by a number, twice more indicated between these letters; so Y is the eighth (2 x 4) letter from B, and Y is the sixth (2 x 3) letter from H.)

34. 11. (The sum of the numbers in each of the three squares is 20.)

35. 35. (The number in the third row is formed by subtracting from the number in the second row twice the number in the first row.)

36. 3. (When moving from the first picture to the second, the four pictures in the corners of the square are flipped one position clockwise, and the square is placed inside the diamond; the pictures in the corners of the diamond are rotated one position counterclockwise, and the diamond moves inside the square Position of the diamond in the square for the third figure is reversed again, and the clockwise rotation of the patterns in the corners is performed again.)

37. Ibarruri. (The initial letters of the surnames of these people are shifted two positions in the alphabet: B, D, E, F, so the letter I will be next.)

38. 1862. (All other numbers are the third powers of 9, 11, 8, to which 10 is added.)

39. 1560. (The numbers below are obtained from the squares of the numbers 24, 32, 40, i.e. from three numbers, each of which is 8 more than the previous one. 3, 4 and 5 respectively 2 40 - (5 x 8) = 1560.)

40. 216. (Each of the numbers outside the triangle is almost a square. Thus, 848 is equal to the square of 29 plus 7; 967 is equal to the square of 31 plus 6; 489 is equal to the square of 22 plus 5. Multiplying 7 x 6 x 5, you get the number in the triangle, i.e. 210. 680 = 26 + 4; 738 = 27 + 9; 582 = 24 + 6; 6x4x9 = 216.)

Test 6

1. (In each row there is a circle, a square and a triangle, both as an internal figure and as an external one.)

2. F. (Letters go alphabetically through three positions.)

3. Nelson. (He is the only admiral among the generals.)

4. 20. (Alternately doubling and subtracting 4 or halving and adding to 4.)

5. Rickshaw. (The rest are vessels of various types.)

6. Kangaroo. (Neither a dragon, nor a sphinx, nor a griffin exists in nature.)

7. Gang. (A gang is a gang, and a gang is the same as a basin.)

9. 6. (In each column, the black, white, and shaded areas move one square.)

10. 8. (Numbers opposite each other form pairs in which one number is 2 times larger than the other. Doubling 4, we get 8.)

11. 3. (In all other pictures, the circle is one step behind the black triangle clockwise. In figure 3, it is one step behind the black triangle.)

12. U. (The letters in the second column are in the alphabet relative to the letters of the first column in the third, fourth and fifth places, respectively; the letters in the third column are in the sixth, eighth and tenth places relative to the letters in the second column. In other words, they are 2 times further from the letters of the second column than from the letters of the first.)

14. Last. (The difference between the top and bottom numbers in the rest of the dominoes is increased by 1, i.e. it is equal to 1, 2, 3, 4; in the last domino it is increased by 6. 7 - 1 = 6.)

16. 17. (Upper numbers increase by 4, middle by 5, lower by 6.)

17. Bargaining. (All other words can be formed from the letters of the word "accelerator".)

19. 2. (There are three nose, ear, eye, and 1, 2, or 3 hair shapes in each row and each column. Each shape occurs only once in each row, and a suitable combination gives the missing profile.)

20. Madrid, which is located in Spain. (Other cities: Chicago, Boston, and Washington.)

21. 7. (Add the numbers at the top left and right and divide by 3. 16 + 5 = 21; 21: 3 = 7.)

22. 3. (Only she doesn't have a vertical line.)

23. Loupe. (The word in brackets is formed by the fourth and third letters from the end of the words outside the brackets.)

24. Drive. (The drive to the police is detention, and in the mechanisms, the drive is the transfer of energy.)

25. 3. (Figures with a straight line are shaded at the top, the rest at the bottom.)

26. Albatross. (Others: tiger, rat, mammoth and jaguar.)

27. 350. (Add 2 numbers outside brackets and divide in half.)

29.422. (All other numbers are divisible by 9.)

30. 1. (In each row there is one white frame, one shaded and one black. Above the frame, as well as inside it, there are three types of figures. Inner figures are black, white and shaded. The missing pattern is found if you notice what signs are not on the first two figures in the first row.)

31. 22. (Multiply the number in the first column by the number in the second column and subtract the number in the second column from the product. 12 X 2 = 24; 24 – 2 = 22.)

32. Riding. (Letters are taken corresponding to their serial number (i.e. A \u003d 1, B \u003d 2, etc.) in reverse order.)

33. Folding bed. (The rest have four legs.)

34. Multiply the numbers to the right and left of the triangle and divide the result by the number below the triangle. 8 x12 = 96; 96:24 = 4.)

35. C. (Each letter in the third column is located 2 times further from the letter in the second column than the letter in the second column is from the corresponding letter in the first column. Between O and C - 2 letters, and between C and C - 4.)

36.78. (All other numbers are squares.)

37. Sh.

38 67

39. Christopher Columbus (Write numbers from 0 to 9 over the first 10 letters of the alphabet; the letters BZBV correspond to the number 1812 associated with M.I. Kutuzov. The letters BDIV correspond to 1492 - the year when America was discovered by Columbus.)

40. 1152. (Multiply the number below by the square of the number on the left and divide by the number on the right.)

1. E. (Each successive letter jumps back two positions in the alphabet.)

2. Socrates. (The rest are composers.)

3. 16. (The numbers alternately increase or decrease by +2, -3, +4, -5; 19 - 3 \u003d 16.)

4. Madrid. (Each of the other cities is located about 10° south of the next.)

5. Elk. (The elk is larger than the leopard, saiga, skunk, tiger, zebra, and rabbit.)

7. 5. (The black area rotates 90° each time.)

8. Gift. (The word in brackets has the same meaning as the words outside the brackets. Talent is a gift, a gift also means an offering.)

9. 4. (Spirals have one turn, one and a half turns and half a turn, and the pattern of each spiral occurs only 1 time in each row and in each column.)

10 39

11. 5 and 6. (The star rotates each time one position to the right (clockwise), the cross and circle move each time one position counterclockwise. If 5 and 6 are interchanged, they will satisfy these conditions.)

12. Ch. (The letters in this row are the fourth after each of the first 5 vowels; Ch is the fourth letter after U.)

13. 256. (The numbers at the top of each domino are doubled each time, at the bottom they are squared. Square 16 = 256.)

16. 5. (Each number in the bottom row is equal to the sum of the numbers in the top and middle rows minus 1. 5 + 1 - 1 = 5.)

17. 1. (There are 2, 3, or 4 wheels in each row and column; black, white, or shaded front; long, short, or medium pipe; 1, 2, or 3 stripes. Cab has 1, 2, or 3 windows. This determines what the skipped locomotive should be.)

18. 33. (The numbers in the middle row are formed by adding the number in the left row with twice the number in the right row. 13 + 20 = 33.)

19. Fairy tale. (All of these words may be preceded by the prefix "under".)

21. Shooting. (Rugby, football and polo are team games.)

22. 26. (Add the top and bottom numbers and subtract the right and left numbers.)

23. 2. (Only the second figure does not have a single closed part surrounded by curves or straight lines.)

24. PORT. (The word in brackets is formed from the second and third letters of the words outside the brackets.)

25. BONE. (In colloquial speech, a bump is called both a bruise and a bump.)

26. 3. (It has curved lines, the rest do not.)

(The numbers increase by 4 each time, and the letters, respectively, are the fourth, eighth, twelfth.)

29 662

31. 4. (The figure in the rectangle can be a triangle, a semicircle or a wave and can be white, black or shaded. The circle at the top can be right, left or in the middle, and the three arrows can be located in three directions. Therefore, the missing figure should be a shaded a semicircle with a circle in the left corner and one arrow to the right and two to the left.)

32. 197. (All other numbers are squares, 197 is not.)

33. 24. (Subtract the sum of the numbers in the first two columns from their product. (6 x 6) - (6 + 6) = 24.)

Or 18. (The first number plus twice the second.)

34. Unicorn. (In all other words, the first and last vowels are the same.)

35. 23. (Double the previous number and subtract 2, 3, 4, etc. 2 X 14 = 28; 28 – 5 = 23.)

Or 22. (Add the previous two numbers, subtract 1 from the result.)

36. C. (There are 2 rows starting with B and H respectively; in each, 2 letters are skipped to get the next letter. Skipping 2 letters after U gives C.)

38. 39. (The numbers alternately increase by 5 and decrease by 2.)

39. 25. (Each of the triplets is formed by squaring one of the numbers and dividing it by 2; the remaining 2 numbers, when multiplied, give the same result. Half the square of 32 is 512, which is 16 x 32. Half the square of 48 is 1152, which is 8 x 144. Half the square of 40 is 800, which is 32 x 25, so the missing number is 25.)

40. G. Answer 2 is also allowed. (Corresponding letters and numbers:


4 6 9 1 5 8 2 7 0 3.)

Test 8

1. G. (Letters jump three positions up the alphabet.)

3. 2. (The black line rotates 90° clockwise each time.)

4. 21. (Each number is equal to half of the previous one plus 10. Half of 22 is 11; 11 + 10 = 21.)

5. Denmark. (The only monarchical country.)

6. Sleigh. (Unlike a kart, a taxi, a scooter, or a wagon, the sleigh does not have wheels.)

7. Plank. (The plank is the same as the rake, and also means the limit of possibilities.)

9. 6. (The figures in the third row are formed from large parts of the figures in the second row and a small part of the figure in the first row. Hatching alternates in rows.)

10 35 X 2 = = 38; 38 – 3 = 35.)

11. 4. (1 and 5, 2 and 3 form pairs. They are rotated 180° relative to each other. The black and white parts are reversed. 4 does not fit this scheme.)

12. K. (The letters in the second column are the third, second and fourth letters relative to the letters in the first column. In the third column these numbers are tripled, i.e. these are the ninth, sixth and twelfth letters, and the order of counting alphabetically is reversed. The twelfth letter from C in reverse order is K.)

13. 47. (Divide the top number in half and add the bottom number.)

15. Fight and crash. (S + fight = failure.)

16. 4. The difference between the first 2 numbers is squared, and the third number is obtained. 6 - 4 = 2, square 2 is 4.)

17. Bone. (All of these words may be preceded by a "di" prefix.)

19. 1. (There are three kinds of torso, which can be white, black, and shaded; three kinds of neck, which can be straight, curved, or curved; three kinds of head: round, square, and triangular; three kinds of tail: up, down or horizontally. Each of these details occurs only 1 time in each row and in each column, and this determines the combination of details of the missing dragon.)

20. Madrid. (Other cities: Pisa, Milan, Florence.)

21. 35. (Multiply the 3 numbers outside the triangle and divide by 2.)

22. 3. (There are more than four closed areas in Figure 3.)

23. 219. (The number in brackets is 3 times the difference between the numbers outside the brackets.)

24. Lightning. (Lightning is an electrical discharge and also a type of fastener.)

25. 1. (The minute hand moves back 5 minutes each time, and the hour hand moves forward 2 hours each time.)

26. P. (Letters in 3 rows, read in reverse order, form the words: term, grog and prok.)

(The letter above is the fourth letter in relation to the previous one, below it is also the fourth, but in reverse alphabetical order. The fourth letter before H is Y.)

28. Taboo. (The word in brackets is formed by the penultimate 2 letters of the words outside the brackets.)

30.381. (All other numbers are divisible by 3.)

31. 27. (Multiply the top and bottom numbers and divide by 4.)

32 15

33. Start. (All other words may be preceded by the prefix "pro".)

34 408

36. 2. (In each row 1 of the rings is white, 1 is shaded, 1 is black; 1 triangle in the middle is white, 1 is shaded, 1 is black; a segment sticking out of the triangle is alternately attached to each of the sides; 2 figures outside the ring occupy one of three positions.The combination of these requirements gives the correct solution.)

37. 9. (9 is not a prime number: it is divisible by 3.)

38. 36. (The numbers are alternately multiplied by 3 and divided by 2. 12 x 3 = 36.)

39. ANLIZV. ("high is to "low" as "up" is to "down". The letters in these words alternate with other letters.)

40. 29. (The numbers form 2 alternating rows. The 1st row begins with 260; the number in it is equal to the previous one, reduced by 4 and divided by 2. 62 - 4 \u003d 58; 58: 2 \u003d 29. Another series is formed by dividing half the previous number.)

Converting points to CI

To obtain your CI, mark the number of points scored on the graphs placed on the next page. Draw a straight vertical line until it intersects with a slanted line. The point on the vertical axis corresponding to the intersection point will show your KI. As an example, each graph illustrates a score of 10 corresponding to an IQ of 100. The scores are accurate within the following limits: