Higher education teacher education. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. The qualification "Teacher of higher education" (520 hours) is awarded. To enroll in the program, you must fill out the registration form, and we will contact you as soon as possible

Today, the state concept of "research and development" is being actively discussed and vigorously implemented.

universities." Its essence is that in the system higher education priority attention must be paid to the development of scientific work in innovative directions, to the maximum increase in the scientific potential of teachers and the wide deployment of research work, primarily of economic and practical usefulness. Therefore, teachers should be primarily aimed at attracting students to scientific research - joint or even independent. Namely, “scientific indicators” (the number of publications and patents, grants and awards, the citation index in peer-reviewed journals, primarily in foreign ones, the level of equipment of laboratories and the volume of research funding, the number of laureate employees Nobel Prize etc.) are the main indicators of the "ratings" fashionable in our time to determine the prestige of universities.

This concept is directly related to the expansion of funding for the purchase of the latest scientific equipment and the modernization of the laboratory base, the creation of "business incubators" and special interdisciplinary research groups, and the invitation of prominent scientists from abroad to lead Russian research teams. It is proposed to attach particular importance to the expansion academic mobility students and teachers, first of all - sending masters and post-graduate students abroad. At the same time, the structure of higher education management is changing: the organization and control of scientific research, the preparation of reports on their conduct and results, on scientific articles and monographs, on grants and awards, the calculation of the Hirsch index of each teacher, and so on, are coming to the fore.

Without detracting from the significance of the scientific component in the functioning of the university and the professional activities of each teacher, I would like to focus on one more aspect of the life of universities. Unfortunately, there is somehow too little talk about it today, its significance is involuntarily or opportunistically left in the shade, somehow underestimated, and even gradually, but steadily declining. It would seem that we will talk about a banal, but fundamental and eternal truth: the university is first of all


home for high school There has always been and always remains the task of providing a quality education to all students and training them as good specialists. And not only single promising research scientists who are able to generate new ideas and move science forward, but also a significant number of ordinary practical workers for, if you like, routine, but absolutely necessary effective activity in various fields the life of society. For only a sufficient mass of high-class professionals, engaged in the most diverse - bright creative or rough everyday - work, constitutes that "intellectual capital",

which acts as a guarantor of a successful and dynamic administrative, political, economic,

financial, scientific, technical, social, cultural development of the country.

Such professionals cannot be formed in university classrooms and laboratories on their own, spontaneously and automatically. This process requires huge efforts, high professionalism and creativity, humanity and patient attention from all university staff. But to ensure the effectiveness of this process is the direct responsibility, first of all, of university teachers, assistants, associate professors, professors who work directly with students. Especially with beginners: on how

quality and personality-oriented will be subject-based education at the beginning of the university path; further fate both as a practitioner and as a research scientist.

Consequently, in order to effectively train high-quality specialists, higher education must first of all take care of the formation and maintenance of a highly qualified teaching staff. In particular, without solving the problem of training teaching staff of a high level, it is impossible to speak seriously about the formation and development of research universities.

What content is invested today in the concept of "modern highly qualified teacher of higher education"? Of course, he must constantly improve his professional level, keep abreast of new achievements in "his" field of knowledge, follow new scientific articles and monographs, both Russian and foreign. He must actively engage in his own research work, systematically publish in journals, report on forums and put into practice his scientific results. This is necessary because without effective scientific research work By and large, it is practically impossible (with the rarest exceptions) to really effective teaching work. (And, purely pragmatically, because without scientific results and publications, there is little chance of successfully getting re-elected to next term. It is no secret that when making personnel decisions in universities, first of all, it is not pedagogical abilities and achievements, not methodological developments and educational developments that are taken into account, but “a list of scientific papers” and “citation index”).

However, it would be the deepest delusion to consider a university teacher simply as a scientific worker. For this is, first of all, a teacher, a teacher who teaches and educates the younger generation. Of course, the creativity of a researcher requires a lot of hard work and serious mental effort - it’s not at all just persistently “talking” with sheets of paper in the library, patiently looking for an explanation for some fact, or painfully thinking over the plan of an experiment in the laboratory. But the process of familiarization with the knowledge of a student audience, heterogeneous in intellectual potential and creative inclinations, in professional dedication and personal interests, in psychological characteristics and academic discipline, is far from the same as the process of participation in the development of fundamental or applied science. It also requires completely different abilities and even a special talent.

The teacher must have deep and versatile knowledge in his subject area, be aware of the latest scientific achievements - this is an axiom. But it is also an axiom that the teaching of any discipline is the most complex sphere of human activity, where excellent knowledge of the content of the subject and one's own achievements in creative research by themselves do not at all guarantee success. Everyone can turn to their student past - and easily remember both those teachers (often without high scientific ranks), to whose classes everyone went with joy and impatience, and those teachers (who sometimes had high scientific merits), whose classes were held in a bored half empty auditorium. Indeed, in order to ensure success, it is not enough for a teacher to be a scientist - one must also deeply master the entire technological complex of methods for transferring knowledge and organizing educational process. It is necessary not only to know perfectly what to teach, but also to be able to teach well.

In the newfangled terminology, this could be called teacher's competence.

The teaching process requires constant thinking about the methods of presenting knowledge, trying out various explanations and choosing the best one, and selecting methodological "highlights". Constantly accumulating and comprehending your teaching experience, enriching it with discussions with colleagues, a creative teacher continuously collects material for the realization of his dream - for the formation of his own teaching style. The results of such activities are worthy of publications and discussions at conferences, because they really represent scientific research on the theory and practice of the pedagogical process of higher education. Indeed, does work on a truly original, perfectly satisfying “own” course for students, on “one’s own” methodology, on “one’s own” textbook require less talent, strength, perseverance, creativity, and patience than working on a scientific article or monograph? There is no doubt that the development of author's courses of lectures, the creation of new methodological developments, writing modern textbooks and teaching aids, especially in new areas of science and technology, is a relevant, serious and respected work, a major contribution to education and science, to the development of the whole society.

Therefore, it is necessary in every possible way to support an active exploratory interest in all aspects of teaching work among all teachers, and the public attitude towards pedagogical creativity should be the same as towards scientific creativity.

The importance of involving students in research work is undeniable. However, it is quite obvious that participation in research, which is really a real scientific work, and not an imitation "business game" in science, is unthinkable without deep initial subject preparation, without creating a solid professional groundwork - mastering a proper, sufficiently rich stock of fundamental, basic knowledge. . (Of course, there are cases when junior students, even schoolchildren, and even people without education, made discoveries: insight can visit anyone. But you should not rely on happy, but rare exceptions.) So, the key to successfully attracting students to serious scientific research is largely is the quality of that "knowledge" foundation, which should be laid in the first courses of the university. And this can be provided only by highly qualified teachers in all respects.

How are things going with the teaching staff in our higher school? I would like to draw attention to several aspects of this very serious issue.

The most important of them is how to replenish the teaching staff of the university with creative, creative young cadres. No one “from outside” will send teachers “from God” to the university, he himself must grow and prepare them for himself. Even S.I. Gessen, as one of the three most important, key principles of higher education, singled out “the ability of the university to replenish itself through the training of teachers and scientists.” Indeed, where, other than in the very technical university, is it possible to educate a new replenishment of teachers, for example, for the department "Cold stamping of metals"? That's why the formation of a young professionally competent and pedagogically trained teaching staff is the most important, system-forming function of all universities, the only one that can provide a reliable basis for the further progressive development of the entire system of training specialists with higher education for the country.

But how do we usually form this shift? Teaching positions in university departments are filled mainly by young people, who are traditionally selected from among those who have studied in graduate school and successfully defended dissertations. Each of them really received an extensive store of knowledge in their scientific specialty, and proved to be a promising researcher. However, the vast majority of them are completely unaware of either the psychology and pedagogy of higher education, or the general principles, modern methods and practical methods of effective teaching, in fact, they do not have the skills of real pedagogical and educational work with students.

In other words, in their mass they do not even master the basics of what is called "pedagogical skill", without which it is impossible to teach effectively. And therefore, he must be purposefully and in advance to teach. But in our graduate school they don’t teach anything like that: no special preparation for teaching activities is not provided (since a three-year period is hardly enough to complete a dissertation work), but included in the postgraduate syllabus « teaching practice” (only 50 hours!) is often formal and unsystematic, or simply a fiction.

The widely held opinion seems to be deeply erroneous that any intelligent young researcher, after 3-4 years of teaching at a university, will independently learn everything necessary "by trial and error" and automatically become a good teacher. It is difficult to agree with this point of view. But even if we agree with this, isn't it too inhumane to prepare for several shifts of his students the role of "guinea pigs" for the teacher's self-formation? Will we not lose promising young people during the years of such an experiment, to whom a skillful approach was not found, who did not receive the necessary attention and proper training? Of course, someone who is unwilling or unable to teach will still not be able to initiate the mysteries of this skill. But those who feel called to pass on their knowledge to young people should be helped more painlessly (both for him and for his students) to overcome the thorny path of becoming a teacher.

It is impossible not to mention one more aspect of the expediency of pedagogical training of graduate students, which is relevant in connection with the task of humanizing education that is being actively discussed today. We are very reluctant to admit that among those who have completed postgraduate studies (and even among the “successfully defended ones”) there is a significant group of those who, being undoubtedly competent specialists, are unable to independently continue deep scientific research, actively generate new ideas, and publish innovative works. It's not their fault, each person has his own place in science.

But many of these young people, having a very high level of professional qualifications, show a serious interest in teaching and would be ready to engage in it with enthusiasm. The creation of a well-thought-out system of pedagogical training for graduate students will open up a real opportunity for each of them to really strengthen their desire to become a teacher, prepare for this specific activity and then go to work that is important for society. Or it will serve as a kind of filter that will allow you to realize in time that this is not his business.

The pedagogical training of graduate students will allow universities to replenish their teaching corps with young personnel, which is especially important for its rejuvenation and overcoming the sad consequences of the "external and internal brain drain" that took place. This will require a major review and modification of the postgraduate curriculum. Twenty years ago, a step was taken in the right direction: universities were allowed to open the “Teacher of Higher School” program, studying in which graduate students could, in parallel with working on their dissertations, master the basics of pedagogical excellence. However, this move was neither widely adopted nor really followed up.

Meanwhile, today this issue is of particular relevance. And in order to consolidate the system of preparing graduate students for full-fledged pedagogical work, it would make sense to establish that a young person applying for a teaching position cannot participate in competitive elections without presenting a document on pedagogical education.

The other side of the question raised above about the teaching staff concerns teachers of older generations already working in universities. Undoubtedly, most of them are people with great experience and rich work experience, with deep professional knowledge, who have made a serious contribution to science, through whose hands more than one generation of students has passed. (Let's not dissemble - in our universities there are

and those who are formally serving "teaching service", and those for whom teaching is simply contraindicated - but we are not talking about them.) However, the work of a teacher requires constant and systematic mastering of more and more new knowledge in his subject area, tracking the latest scientific

achievements, development of numerous modern methods, methods, technologies, teaching aids. It must be admitted that for a number of university teachers, pedagogical and subject “baggage” was formed quite a long time ago, in a certain sense it is outdated, and it is far from always possible and time to maintain it fully on the level of today's requirements and new realities. This is not the fault of the honest

teachers - this is the specificity of the teaching profession.

The system of advanced training of university teachers should correct the situation. Such a system existed and functioned successfully in Soviet higher education, but, unfortunately, was later destroyed by educational reformers. If we

higher education - we must revive this system, create a new scheme of its work, introduce new content into it. It should contribute to the maximum to ensure the absolutely necessary quality of the educational environment - the constant improvement of the pedagogical and subject level of workers in higher education. Therefore, it is advisable to briefly list the areas that should be included in the program of this system.

IN modern conditions the most important role plays student-centered learning, and this assumes that the teacher has the necessary knowledge in the field of psychology and a variety of psychological tools. Modern teacher higher school is familiar with the scientific specifics of the process of learning and cognition, is sociable, ready and able to listen and understand young people, is able to find an approach to each individual student and establish contact with the whole audience, manage it. All the like psychological aspects In the past, in the days of the “class-lesson system”, very little attention was paid to teaching, many teachers have a rather vague idea about all this.

Today we are watching whole line challenges dictated by a sharp increase in the amount of information to be assimilated and comprehended by students, the emergence of specific administrative requirements for their “knowledge, skills and abilities” and the transition to the “competence-based paradigm” of education, a change in the understanding and assessment of both the “quality” of a particular graduate and the quality the work of an individual teacher and the university as a whole. The ability to adequately respond to these challenges is largely determined by the teacher's acquaintance with the general fundamental provisions of didactics, his awareness of the specifics of the learning process at a modern university, mastery of project methods, the ability to find, create and use the necessary pedagogical techniques. Higher education pedagogy is called upon to provide the necessary specific knowledge on all these issues, which can and should be applied in practical work with students. And it is a pity that a significant part of the teaching corps is actually not familiar with the basic provisions of this science and, moreover, is very skeptical about the need to get acquainted with them.

Teaching any subject at a university of the 21st century is already unthinkable without a full mastery of modern information and computer technologies. educational technologies. This is no longer about technical "computer control", not about the ability to use the simplest programs and options. On the agenda is the active involvement of a computer, the Internet, electronic and multimedia products for conducting classes, checking learning outcomes, developing students' skills for self-acquisition of knowledge, active implementation distance learning, the use of interactive teaching methods, etc. We all remember how, about 30 years ago, university professors took courses in "computer education"; now it's time to make another one, new step forward.

Pedagogical activity is a great and difficult art, a kind of "one-actor theater", and each lesson is a kind of master class. And therefore, the teacher should, if possible, master the elements of acting, oratory, rhetoric, literacy and techniques of Russian speech, tactics of tolerant discussion. And, of course, every teacher should expand their cultural horizons, be a real intellectual, citizen and humanist.

Within the framework of professional development, it is necessary to pay Special attention professional, scientific growth of the teacher. It is necessary to allocate special time for the completion of a dissertation or monograph, for the design of a scientific publication or textbook. But it is also important for the teacher to master new practical methods of teaching a particular, “own” discipline. Here, the focus should be placed primarily on stimulating one's own approaches and developments in teaching, on searching for original methodological findings, on discussing and publishing them. The methodology of teaching science is, by and large, an integral part of science itself, because without education, propaganda, popularization, and dissemination, science cannot exist and develop. It is not for nothing that the programs of many international conferences, along with "scientific" sections, almost always include separate sections on teaching methods.

Finally, it is necessary to specifically emphasize the need to get acquainted with the goals and objectives of educational work with students, mastering modern methods of its organization. Quite recently, the very word “education” was declared almost abusive in our country, but life itself has convincingly demonstrated what catastrophic consequences this led to. And therefore, the teacher should not only transfer to his students a certain amount of knowledge, introduce them to independent work, thinking and search, but also help them become people of the 21st century, citizens of our Motherland, members of the labor collective. This is especially difficult and especially important task- which was well expressed by I. Kant: "Two human inventions can be considered the most difficult: the art of managing and the art of educating."

The problem of improving the qualifications of our teachers of older generations requires great attention and delicate approach. Life is moving forward at a fantastic pace, the guidelines and values ​​of specific knowledge are changing, new facts, directions and even sciences are being discovered, previously unknown methods and technologies of education are emerging. And in order to teach our students at a level corresponding to today's conditions and requirements, it is necessary to interest teachers in mastering pedagogical knowledge and in introducing pedagogical innovations and create all the opportunities for this.

Discussing further development higher education, we must always anticipate what kind of specialists and in what quantity will be needed. The expansion or reduction of the number of students, the opening of new and the closure of no longer needed areas of training depends on this. But there are "eternal" professions; These include the teaching profession. The implementation of the program of pedagogical training for postgraduate students and the creation of an effective system of advanced training for practicing teachers will provide our higher school with a real opportunity to prepare for itself the necessary elite scientific and pedagogical personnel. The task of systematic and purposeful formation of such personnel, finally, should be included in the list of priorities of the state policy in the field of education.

Faculty teacher education(FPO) Moscow State University implements two additional educational and professional programs and , the purpose of which is a comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic and information technology preparation for pedagogical activity in secondary and higher education.

Students of Moscow State University and other universities of Moscow who wish to receive a pedagogical qualification of a teacher in addition to their main specialty are enrolled in the "Teacher" program high school. It is also possible to train secondary school teachers.

The program "Teacher of Higher Education" is designed to prepare undergraduates, graduate students (adjunct students) for pedagogical activity, as well as to improve the skills of specialists with higher professional education and conducting scientific and pedagogical work.

Normative labor intensity of the program "Teacher" and "Teacher of higher education" - 1400 hours and 1080 hours respectively. Training takes place on a modular system in accordance with individual plans students and lasts at least four semesters. Leading specialists from Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Education and other universities are involved in lecture courses. In addition to the compulsory disciplines, students have the opportunity to independently choose several additional psychological, pedagogical and general education courses.

The flexible structure of education allows not only a conscious approach to the choice of disciplines studied, but also to improve their general educational and professional level, and therefore become more competitive in the labor market.

Training is carried out in the evening in the second educational building of Moscow State University on the Lenin Hills. Successfully completed the curriculum and defended final work receive a state diploma of additional (to higher) education with the qualification "Teacher" or "Teacher of higher education".

Faculty address: Leninskie Gory, 1, building 52, 2nd educational building, room 5-A (2nd floor, entrance from the northern vestibule)
Tel. 939-42-76, 939-32-81

The curriculum of the educational program "Teacher" (for students) includes the following disciplines:

  • Mandatory psychological and pedagogical courses
  • Required Special Items
    • Teaching methodology (subject)
    • History and methodology (of the subject)
    • Scientific Foundations school course(subject)
    • Practicum (on the subject)
  • Additional psychological and pedagogical disciplines (optional)
  • General education and optional disciplines (optional)
    • History and methodology of science in the context of world history
    • Culturology
    • religious studies
    • The Art of Public Speaking
    • Intensive foreign language courses (English, French and German languages)
    • social forecasting
    • mentality and speech etiquette
    • Methodological foundations translation from foreign languages
The curriculum of the educational program "Teacher of Higher Education" includes the following disciplines:
  • Human psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • History, philosophy and methodology of science (according to the Ph.D. minimum program of the pedagogical branch of sciences)
  • Information technologies in science and higher education
  • Pedagogy and psychology of higher education
  • Technologies of professionally oriented education
  • Methodology and technology of teaching in higher education
  • Forms and methods of activating educational and research activities*
  • Foreign language(according to the program of the candidate's minimum corresponding to the branch of science)
  • Modern techniques disciplines of the scientific industry*
  • Training of professionally oriented rhetoricians, discussions
  • Critical thinking in the context of higher professional education*
  • Organizational foundations of the higher education system
  • Methods of education and methods of pedagogical influence in the student environment *
* Discipline at the choice of faculty within the above cycle.

Undoubtedly, the key figure in any educational process is the teacher. It is the teacher who plays the leading role in the formation of professional qualities and the development of the student's personality. Therefore, in modern conditions, in connection with the well-known changes in the Russian higher education, special high demands are made on teachers. We see the activity of a university teacher in the interaction of a teacher and a student on high level interpersonal relationships, which are aimed at personal growth both participants in this process.

A teacher of a modern university is not only a specialist with the necessary knowledge and skills, but also a teacher capable of solving complex pedagogical problems at a high level, in a complex and creative way. However, the tasks cannot be solved only by means of pedagogy or methods of teaching specific disciplines. M.I. Dyachenko and L.A. Kandybovich note, “that a teacher of higher education is characterized by a combination of pedagogical and scientific activity. “The harmonious combination of scientific and pedagogical work in the activities of a teacher contributes to the success of teaching, increasing creativity in it. The participation of a teacher in research work increases the effectiveness of his teaching activities, contributes to his growth as a scientist, enhances his creative potential.

Only the combination of pedagogical and research work can most fully

reveal the professional skills and talent of a university teacher. Research work fills inner world teacher, develops his creative potential, increases the scientific level of studies. In the same time pedagogical work contributes to a deep generalization and systematization of the material, a more thorough formulation of the main ideas and conclusions, to the formulation of clarifying questions and even the generation of new hypotheses.

The professionalism of a higher education teacher lies in the effective implementation of a system of professional knowledge and skills:

Special (knowledge of the theory of their science and practical skills to apply them in teaching practice);

Psychological and pedagogical (knowledge of the psychological and didactic foundations of teaching the chosen discipline, knowledge and accounting psychological characteristics students and their own personality traits, patterns of students' perception of content);

Methodical (possession of methods, techniques and means of reporting scientific information students).

Organizational (possessing the ability to carry out the optimal organization of one's own activities and manage the activities of students).

Methodological work, as a component of the professional activity of a teacher in higher education, we consider an important factor in the management of the educational process. Since the good organization and effectiveness of methodological work can significantly affect the quality and final results of training.

N.V. Nemova defines methodological work as “the activity of training and development of personnel; identification, generalization and dissemination of the most valuable experience, as well as the creation of their own methodological developments to ensure the educational process ".

Methodological work is “a special set of practical measures based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience and aimed at a comprehensive increase in competence and professional excellence each teacher "(V.P. Simonov).

IN AND. Druzhinin defines methodological work as "a system of interacting structures, participants, conditions and processes, as well as directions, principles, functions, forms, techniques, methods, measures and activities aimed at a comprehensive improvement of skills, competence and creativity pedagogical and leading workers educational institution, and ultimately - to improve the quality of education in a particular institution.

The main goal of each teacher of higher education as a methodologist is to create conditions conducive to improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process, the education and competence of graduates.

The teacher must have the basics of scientific-methodical and educational-methodical work in higher education, such as structuring and psychologically competent transformation of scientific knowledge into educational material, methods and techniques for compiling tasks, exercises, tests on various topics, the systematics of educational and educational tasks.

The methodological work of a teacher of higher education is inextricably linked with research, that is, scientific activity.

Scientific activity is an intellectual activity aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge to solve technological, engineering, economic, social, humanitarian and other problems. Scientific activity is expedient, i.e. always has a target. It takes place in a system of certain social relations and conditions and is focused on achieving a practically significant result. Its key feature is its inherent intellectual character.

Taking into account the specifics of the scientific activity of a teacher of higher education, his self-development in scientific activity is based on the peculiarities of development modern science(tendencies towards integration and differentiation, towards strengthening the role of science in society); scientific creativity of a teacher of higher education, which is aimed at training new researchers; the predominance of a scientific orientation in the professional activities of a teacher, high scientific productivity; intensive constant mental cognitive activity, which gives the university scientist creative longevity; constructive and gnostic components in the structure of the scientific activity of the teacher, and in the structure of his personality on non-discursive heuristic thinking, the integrity of the intellect and the long-term preservation of intellectual functions; professionalism of the teacher in the field of scientific research; design activities of university teachers, which is aimed at organizing not only their own scientific work, but also the scientific activities of students, which helps the teacher to plan collective research in the future, to anticipate their results.

The research work of a higher school teacher may include: preparation and defense of a dissertation by a teacher; writing monographs, textbooks; patenting scientific works; preparation of reports for scientific events; scientific articles; scientific editing of textbooks, monographs, scientific articles; writing responses to copyright applications for inventions; participation in research work of the department, planned scientific programs and competitions; participation in scientific projects jointly with other research organizations and institutions; preparation of creative materials; preparation of projects for participation in competitions, tenders, etc.

The results of the research work, including the theoretical and experimental studies, are the basis for teaching disciplines and educational and methodological work in the areas of professional activity of teachers of higher education.

Thus, a teacher of higher education is a teacher, methodologist, scientist, researcher. The content of the professional pedagogical activity of a teacher of higher education includes pedagogical, research, methodological, managerial, educational activities. A teacher of higher education is characterized by a combination of pedagogical and research activities. The professional pedagogical activity of a teacher of higher education requires constant self-improvement, i.e. raise professional competence, development of professionally significant qualities in accordance with modern requirements and personal development program.


1. Druzhinin, V.I. Methodical work in an educational institution. - Kurgan: IROST, 2011.- 138s.

2. Dyachenko M.I., Kandybovich L.A. Psychology of higher education: Textbook for universities. - Minsk: Publishing House of BGU, 1981. - 383p.

3. Nemova, N.V. Control methodical work at school / N.V. Nemova- M.: September, 1999.- 176p.

4. Simonov, V.P. Pedagogical management: 50 know-how in the management of pedagogical systems: tutorial/ V.P. Simonov. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1999.-427p.

5. Federal law Russian Federation No. 127-FZ of August 13, 1996 "On Science and State Science and Technology Policy"

6. Fokin Yu.G. Teaching and upbringing in higher education: Methodology, goals and content, creativity: a textbook for universities / Yu.G. Fokin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 224 p.

Course Description:

We invite teachers, lecturers and others teaching staff those wishing to acquire new competencies, and other interested persons to master the new specialty "Teacher of Higher Education".

Under high school narrow sense refers to educational institutions implementing higher education programs. According to federal law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, these include training programs for bachelors, specialists, masters, as well as training for highly qualified personnel in graduate school, postgraduate studies, internships, residency and internship assistantships. Its task is to train qualified personnel for all sectors of the economy, scientific and technical activities and the sphere of culture.

Higher education is the transfer of systematized knowledge and skills based on the latest scientific, technical and cultural achievements to students. practical work which in the future should allow them to solve the tasks assigned to them at a high professional level. It also contributes to the formation of an active and free personality, thus being one of the most important channels of social development. The basis of training in higher education is the educational standards of the appropriate level of education.

Specialized training of teachers for work in higher educational institutions involves the formation of their competencies in the methodological justification and implementation of all types of educational, scientific and educational work, the use of pedagogical skills to mobilize students' independent work, the development of students' sustainable learning skills, research work and creative thinking. In addition to the direct implementation of educational programs, higher education teachers should contribute to the creation of new knowledge, the development of sciences and arts, advanced training, retraining and additional training of specialists.

According to the professional standard approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 8, 2015 No. 608n, and qualification characteristics, the teacher educational organization higher education, it is necessary to have a higher education corresponding to the profile of the disciplines taught by him. In the absence of pedagogical education, it is desirable for him to undergo professional retraining in the field of pedagogy.

The content of the educational program of professional retraining for teachers of higher education

The program of professional retraining for teachers of higher education meets the qualification requirements and takes into account the requirements educational standards higher education in pedagogy.

The content of the course includes the study of the theoretical foundations of pedagogy and psychology of higher education, pedagogical skills and technologies of professionally oriented education, regulating the activities of legal acts, obtaining the skills to develop and conduct theoretical and practical classes, apply information technologies for scientific, pedagogical and educational work, analysis of typical mistakes and solution of emerging problems.

Advantages of distance professional retraining courses at SNTA

The course of professional retraining for teachers of higher education is conducted remotely. Residents of any region of Russia can pass it without visiting the academy, all they need is a computer and access to the Internet.

Distance technologies make it possible to apply an individual approach to each student, to supplement the course with special disciplines, taking into account his professional needs and the required amount of study hours. Due to the ability to successfully combine training and main work, he can quickly apply new competencies in practice.

Training is possible in a mode convenient for the listener. Access to educational and teaching materials provided around the clock educational portal academy. If necessary, consultations of leading experts can be held via videoconferences. Intermediate and control tests are conducted online, and the diploma is sent to your home by courier service.


Received documents:

Important! The diploma does not specify the form of study (full-time / part-time).

Entry conditions:

Education in the direction of "Teacher of Higher Education" makes it possible to obtain a diploma of retraining. Also, for certain areas and specialties, the issuance of additional documents is provided if they are required by departmental regulatory legal acts: certificates, books, etc.

In order to become a student of the academy, you must meet several requirements and perform some actions:

  • Have a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education in the specialty
  • Apply for training under the program of professional retraining or advanced training in the direction of "Teacher of higher education" in electronic format:
    - by email,
    - via the feedback form on the site,
    - or call the free 24-hour phone;
  • Provide documents confirming the identity and the existing level of education;
  • After signing the contract, complete a distance learning course;
  • Pass the final test and receive a diploma of retraining or a certificate of professional development under the program "Teacher of Higher Education".

The target audience:teachers of higher educational institutions that implement higher education programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.

Professional retraining under the program "Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education" (520 hours) provides an opportunity to master the competence of a teacher of higher education and obtain a diploma of the established form with the qualification "teacher of higher education", necessary for the implementation of pedagogical activities in educational organizations.
In accordance with the current legislation, professional retraining is necessary for those who occupy a position in an NGO that does not correspond to the specialty specified in the diploma. In addition, professional retraining with the qualification of "higher school teacher" will be useful to everyone who has a diploma of professional retraining, which gives the right to conduct a new type of activity in the field of education, and wants to have the qualification of "higher school teacher" in order to increase their competitiveness in labor market.
Professional retraining under the program "Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education" (520 hours) is addressed to:

  • Teachers of higher educational institutions who do not have the appropriate qualifications.
Issued document: Diploma of professional retraining with qualification.
  • Section 1. Pedagogy
    • Pedagogy as a science
    • Development and formation of personality
    • The problem of the content of education in the pedagogical process
    • Innovations in education
    • System-activity approach in education
    • Education in the pedagogical process
    • The Family as a Subject of Pedagogical Interaction and the Sociocultural Environment of Education
  • Section 2. Psychology of vocational education
  • Section 3. Psychodidactics
    • Psychodidactics and educational practice
    • Classification of research methods used in psychodidactics and educational practice
    • Learning and cognitive development of the individual, taking into account genotypic and environmental characteristics
    • Diagnostics of personality creativity
    • Modern concepts of education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: types, types of education, technologies
    • GEF OO: developmental learning technologies
    • Innovations in Education: Experimental Models and Practical Implementation
    • Independent work listeners
  • Section 4. Methodology of pedagogical activity
    • Education as a phenomenon and process
    • Object, subject and tasks of pedagogical science. The categorical apparatus of pedagogy
    • Scientific research in pedagogy
    • Pedagogy in the system of human sciences
    • Methodological culture of the teacher
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 5. Organizational bases of vocational education
    • The concept of management in education
    • Humanitarian methods of management in the educational process
    • State-public education management system
    • Functions of pedagogical management
    • Program-targeted approach in the management of the educational process
    • System approach in education
    • Educational organization as a pedagogical system and object of management
    • Student team as an object of pedagogical management. Student government
    • The teaching staff from the standpoint of management
    • Managerial culture of the teacher and leader
    • Interaction social institutions in the management of educational systems
    • Advanced training and certification of teaching staff: requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 6. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
    • Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as a science
    • Classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
    • Psychometric requirements for diagnostic methods
    • Visualization of data and conclusions of psychological and pedagogical research
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of interpersonal relationships and communication abilities
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 7. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education: Design and Organization of the Educational Process
    • Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (FSES HE; FSES 3+ and FSES 3++)
      • Lesson 1. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (FSES HE; FSES 3+ and FSES 3++).
      • Lesson 2. Standard of professional activity "Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional professional education."
    • The specifics of the work of the curator of a group (course) of students in higher education programs
      • Lesson 1. Supervision as a type of professional and pedagogical activity of a teacher.
      • Lesson 2. Normative and methodological support of the curator's labor actions in the activities of the teaching staff of higher education organizations.
      • Lesson 3. Social and pedagogical support for students in higher and secondary vocational education programs in educational activities and professional and personal development.
    • Designing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
      • Lesson 1. The main educational program of higher education: modernization on the basis of pairing the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education with professional standards.
      • Lesson 2. Features of taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard normative document in the development of additional professional programs.
      • Lesson 3. Student team as an object of pedagogical management. Student government.
      • Lesson 4. Working with gifted students: individual educational route, NIRS, exhibitions, competitions.
    • Organization of the educational process in the system of vocational education
      • Lesson 1. Organization of the educational process in the system of higher professional education.
      • Lesson 2. The system of extracurricular work on the formation of professionally significant competencies of students.
      • Lesson 3. Organization of student research activities using information technology.
    • Independent work of students
      • Lesson 1. Psychological support of the professional activity of a teacher of a higher educational institution.
  • Section 8. Innovative models and technologies in vocational education
    • Theoretical basis innovative processes in vocational education
    • Innovative technologies in vocational education
    • innovative educational projects, criteria for evaluating their effectiveness
    • Classification of pedagogical technologies in vocational education
    • Modeling of innovative processes in vocational education
    • Features of the formation and development of innovative educational systems
    • Implementation innovative technologies in the educational practice of a professional school
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 9 Conflict Management
    • Diagnostic methods conflict situations in OO
    • Conflicts in OO: models for solving situational problems
    • Education of a tolerant personality in an educational organization
    • Conflict Resolution in OO: Models, Principles, Ways and Methods
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 10. Legal norms of pedagogical activity
    • Legal aspects of state policy in the field of education
    • Features of the legal regulation of labor relations in the field of education
    • Legal regulation of property relations in the education system
    • Legal regulation of managerial relations
    • The concept and features of the legal regulation of the activities of an educational institution
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 11 Information Technology
    • Introduction to information technology and its evolution
    • hardware platform and software information technologies
    • The main features of information processing in the word processor MS Word
    • Extended information processing capabilities in MS Word word processor
    • Processing and formatting information in MS Excel word processor
    • Analysis of information in MS EXCEL word processor
    • Creating presentations using MS PowerPoint
    • Network technologies for information processing. Internet
    • Independent work of students
  • Section 12. Workshop on solving professional problems
    • Professional task in the educational process. Types and types of professional tasks
    • Psychological and pedagogical interaction as an integral part of solving pedagogical problems
    • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as an integral part of solving pedagogical problems
    • Technology of pedagogical support for children different ages as a condition for the success of solving professional problems
    • Designing professional self-development and self-education of a teacher
    • Forecasting and designing the educational process. Organization of the educational environment to solve the pedagogical problem
    • Professional Deformations of the Personality and Psychotechnologies to Overcome Them
  • Section 13. Inclusive education at the university
    • Organizational and methodological aspects of the use of distance learning technologies in the practice of inclusive education in higher educational institutions
      • Lesson 1. Organizational and methodological aspects of the use of distance learning technologies in the practice of inclusive education in higher educational institutions
    • Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive higher education for students with disabilities and disabilities
      • Lesson 1. Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive higher education for students with disabilities and disabilities
      • Lesson 2. General and specific features of the educational process for students with various pathologies in the implementation of federal state educational standards of higher education
    • Development of adapted educational programs of higher education
      • Lesson 1. Development of adapted educational programs of higher education
    • Independent work of students
      • Lesson 1. Strategies, forms and methods of rehabilitation of students with handicapped health and disability, mastering basic professional educational programs in accordance with GEF
      • Lesson 2. Features of the organization of educational activities for people with disabilities (FSES of higher education)