Bodo Schaefer's success story. Listen to the audiobook "Bodo Schaefer - the first million in seven years" online Money is like a magnifying glass

Bodo Schaefer

The path to financial freedom

Translated from German by S.E. Borich according to the publication: DER WEG ZUR FINANZIELLEN FREIHEIT / Bodo Schäfer. - Actualisierte Neuausgabe. – München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2003.

© 1998 Campus Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main

© Translation. Decor. OOO Potpourri, 2006

Preface to the new edition

For many people, there is a gap between dreams and a sense of reality. And they think it's completely normal. To put an end to this misconception, in 1997 I wrote the book Path to Financial Freedom.

I wanted this book to touch the hearts of readers and show them the way to the riches that our life is fraught with, including money. I wanted to demonstrate in it that wealth is a right given to us from birth. A decent life in an environment of financial freedom is our natural destiny. In this new edition, I want to reinforce your belief in this possibility. Two major developments have taken place since the publication of the first edition.

First, we have witnessed another exchange cycle. The stock price collapsed, and then went up sharply, only to collapse again. This is a completely normal course of things, and such events have happened more than once. However, in the course of them, many people lose money because they are not familiar with the basic financial laws.

To better prepare people for future stock cycles, I have rewritten chapters 10 and 11. First, I showed in them how important it is to prepare in time for unfavorable years. It would be wrong to believe that we are constantly expected only Good times. Secondly, I provide a list of basic principles that investors need to know. Third, I challenge you to make important decisions that precede successful investment. Of course, handling money and securities is not difficult when the entire economy and stock markets are booming. But in life everything happens differently. Therefore, my advice is: learn to see the chances and opportunities not only in good times, but also in bad times. This book will help you with this. It is designed not only for periods of good weather and will accompany you all your life. Follow the truths in it, many of which are thousands of years old, and money will become a force that will keep you alive.

Something else has happened since the book was written. Obviously, in the first edition, I really managed to reach the hearts of many people. To date, more than 2.5 million copies of the book have been sold, it has been translated into about 20 languages ​​and has become one of the world's bestsellers of the last 50 years. However, for me, more than 36 thousand (!) Letters received from readers are of much greater importance. The success stories of these people are simply amazing. Since they took up the topic of money, amazing changes have taken place in their lives.

Most of these letters can be reduced to a simple and at the same time amazing thought. When the movement of money begins in your life, they often come to you so quickly and in such quantity that you involuntarily ask yourself: “Where were they before that?” I want this story to be repeated with you, and I will be glad to receive your letters.

Sincerely, Bodo Schaefer


Do you know what stops most people from living the life they dream of? Money, and only money. After all, money is a symbol of a certain attitude to life, a measure of the way of thinking. They do not appear in our lives by accident. Here we are talking, rather, about some form of energy. The more energy we invest in some really important things, the more money we have. Truly successful people have the ability to make money. Some keep them for themselves, others use them for the benefit of people. But they all know how to attract money to themselves.

Do you know when money is of particular importance? When they are not enough. If a person has problems with money, then he thinks too much about them. It is necessary to thoroughly understand this topic, and then money will be a good help to you in all life endeavors.

Each of us dreams of something. Everyone has ideas about how to live and what he deserves in this life. At the bottom of our hearts, we all believe that great things await us that will improve this world. But too often one has to watch how dreams wither away under the influence of everyday routine and life realities. Many people forget that a place under the sun was originally intended for them, believing that they do not have the strength to free themselves from everyday worries.

We often put ourselves in the position of the victim. We make compromises, and before we know it, life passes us by. Often people blame their financial situation for not being able to live the life they want.

For more than 10 years I have been dealing with the problems of money, success and happiness. During this time, I learned to look at money with different eyes. They can prevent us from reaching our full potential, or they can help us to do so.

There are several opportunities to earn your first million. They fit into the four strategies described in this book:

1. You save a certain percentage of your earnings.

2. You invest the money you save.

3. You increase your income.

4. You save a certain percentage of the increased income.

If you do this, then depending on where you are in your financial situation at the moment, in 15 to 20 years you will have one or two million. And it's not a miracle. If you want to make your first million faster (say, in seven years), then you will need to put more of the strategies in this book into practice. Each strategy you master will get you closer to your goal faster.

How to become a wealthy person in seven years? You obviously already guess that in this case we are not talking about some specific amount of money that you would like to have, but about the person that you should become.

Of course, the path to financial freedom will not always be easy. However, living in financial dependence is even more difficult. If you follow the recommendations in this book, you will surely reach your goal. In my seminars, I have led thousands of people on this path and constantly observe how the knowledge gained literally changes their lives.

Please do not think that just purchasing this book will help you achieve prosperity. Even if you read it, it does not mean that you will get rich. You must work hard on this book and assimilate its content deeply. Only in this case, it will help to discover the treasure that is hidden inside you.

Let's hit the road together. First, decide on your current financial situation. The following pages are devoted to introspection. Please read the book only after you have determined exactly what your financial situation is.

I sincerely hope that this book will not only make you rich, but also touch other deep and important strings in your soul. I do not know you personally, but I know that if you hold this book in your hands, then you are a very special person who is not content with the status quo. You are a person who wants to write his own story. You want to build your own future and get more out of life. I sincerely wish that this book will help you in this.

Also in 2000, Schaefer founded AHEAD Seminare & Coaching GmbH, which ceased to exist in 2007, and its remaining assets were distributed by liquidators among creditors. In addition, in 2006, together with Bernd Reintgen, they founded the company Reintgen & Schäfer invest GmbH in financial sales.

Bodo Schaefer has been married twice and has three children from his marriages.

Schaefer's theory

Bodo Schaefer comes up with a theory according to which each person independently determines for himself what level of financial well-being will be acceptable to him. Through all his books, interviews and speeches at training seminars, the idea that every person can become rich and independent if he changes his worldview. At the same time, Schaefer refers to such authoritative authors as Seneca, Benjamin Franklin, Dale Carnegie, Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Deepak Chopra and many others. In order to think about things differently, one must frequently revise one's beliefs - in this case, Schaefer bases his claims on Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

In his writings, Schaefer emphasizes the importance of using one's wealth for the benefit of those in need. In 2000, he founded the "Children - the foundation of our future" foundation, headquartered in Bergisch Gladbach, and is its director.

Main works

Schaeffer's most popular book is The Path to Financial Independence. In it, the author convinces the reader that there are no insurmountable obstacles to making dreams come true. The main idea of ​​the book "Money is good for women" is that a woman should not depend on a man in family life. You need to earn and distribute money yourself. In another book, Money, or the ABC of Money, the author gives advice to parents on preparing children for adult life: what should be done to stand firmly on your feet and achieve your goal. The book Breakthrough to Financial Success discusses the issues of self-confidence and great opportunities. The work is imbued with optimism and gentle humor. The book "The Laws of the Winners" is a financier's opinion, according to which each person should not be content with the small, and everyone is capable of becoming a leader. Strategies for achieving this goal are proposed.

The success of Schaefer's books is largely due to the catchy titles that attract the attention of the general reader. The books are written in a simple and easy language with a good deal of humour. Dry economic categories become clear ordinary person far from the world of business and finance. great attention Schaefer's books focus on the idea of ​​responsibility for others, using one's wealth to help those in need.


Influential German newspapers and magazines such as Die Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, FOCUS and others characterize Schaefer as an outstanding financial specialist and popularizer. Bodo Schäfer wrote an impressive number of books that became bestsellers in the early 2000s. and enjoy great success not only in Germany. Thus, the Australian publishing house CopyRight Publishing, presenting English translation book "The Path to Financial Freedom", speaks of it as a European bestseller, which has sold one and a half million copies.

Schaefer does not consider himself the founder new theory, but only a successor to the works of Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, Deepak Chopra and other authors. Thus, criticism of the views of these authors, apparently, can be redirected to Schaefer. In particular, one can redirect much of the critique of the manipulative type of communication by Carnegie.

Some critics accuse Schaefer of obtaining money through breach of trust, and fragments of his biography as the founder of a successful theory on the management of companies or the stock market are considered untenable and his knowledge irrelevant. So, in 2000, he sold his company Schäfer-Finanzcoaching GmbH for only DM 250,000, and shortly after the transaction, it went bankrupt and found DM 1.7 million in debt. Criticism of the activity was followed by his appearance in a German TV program in which he recommended the British service In addition, the assets of this company in the shortest time almost completely lost their value and a little later she declared bankruptcy, but it was known about her affairs with Schaefer and his recommendation additionally confirmed his contacts with her. Also, ARD magazine analyzed the pros and cons of Schaefer's claim about American oil tycoon Daniel S. Peña, who founded a consulting firm, and found the claim not credible. In August 1996, Schaefer worked for him as a translator for only seven weeks and then was fired by an American businessman.

Schaefer in Russia

Many of Bodo Schaefer's books have been translated into Russian and published in large numbers. Their author successfully conducted his training seminars in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg. The seminar, which took place on March 26, 2011 in Moscow, brought together more than 4,000 participants. Schaefer's books have received attention from Russian analysts and are cited in monographs.


  • The Path to Financial Independence: The First Million in Seven Years, St. Petersburg: Wisdom, 2002. ISBN 5-8318-0079-2
  • Money, or the ABC of money: Success and prosperity can be achieved effortlessly, St. Petersburg: Wisdom, 2002. ISBN 5-85991-051-7
  • How to learn to earn more: increase your annual income by 20 percent, M .: DILYA, 2006. ISBN 5-88503-433-8
  • Dog named Money, Moscow: DILYA, 2007. ISBN 978-5-88503-642-9
  • Money, or Laws of multiplication of money, M.: DILYA, 2007. ISBN 978-5-88503-644-3
  • Laws of the Winners, Minsk: Potpourri, 2007. ISBN 978-985-15-0732-6 , 985-483-641-X, 978-985-483-996-7
  • Kira and the Secret of the Bagel: Character Building in 7 Steps, Moscow: DILYA, 2008. ISBN 978-5-88503-731-0
  • How, by managing character, to manage success: 7 rules of a charming personality, M .: DILYA, 2008. ISBN 978-5-88503-740-2
  • Bodo Schaefer, Karola Ferstl, Money Good for Women, Minsk: Potpourri, 2008. ISBN 978-985-15-0382-3, 985-483-897-8, 985-483-893-5
  • Simple Leadership, Minsk: Potpourri, 2008. ISBN 978-985-15-0448-6, 978-3-89749-708-5
  • Endlich mehr verdienen. DTV, 2004, ISBN 3-423-34115-7
  • Ungetaufte Gedanken. Ahead Products, 2004, ISBN 3-926135-12-3
  • Praxis-Handbuch Marketing. Ahead Products, 2005, ISBN 3-936135-08-8
  • Praxis-Handbuch Positionierung. Ahead Products, 2005, ISBN 3-936135-05-3
  • Wohlstand ohne Stress. DTV, 2005, ISBN 3-423-34167-X
  • K(l)eine Rente - na und?. FinanzBuch Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89879-272-1
  • Mentale Alchemie, 2010, ISBN 978-3-936135-38-1


  • Uwe Kanning: Wie Sie garantiert nicht erfolgreich werden! Dem Phänomen der Erfolgsgurus auf der Spur. Lengerich: Pabst, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89967-388-3



  • Literature by Bodo Schäfer at the German National Library


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • September 10
  • Born in 1960
  • Born in Cologne
  • German writers
  • German financiers

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    Schäfer is a surname of German or Jewish origin. German surname 11th in the List of the most common German surnames. Etymology From German German. Schäfer Shepherd (from Middle Upper German schæfære) or from ... ... Wikipedia

Learn the basic rules of financial literacy. Get simple and affordable models for dealing with the money that comes into your life. See if your behavior patterns contribute to the creation of lasting wealth and life satisfaction.
The author sincerely hopes that this book will not only help you become rich, but will also touch you in the most profound way. If you hold this book in your hands, then you must be a very special person. A person who is not ready to be satisfied with what circumstances offer him, who wants to write the story of his life himself, to earn a million dollars. Such people create their future as an artist creates a work of art, and the author wishes from the bottom of his heart that his book will contribute to the creation of your masterpiece.

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You will learn 14 tips on how to increase your income by 20% in 3 months
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You will feel the power of long-term investments on the example of $100
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And finally, you will listen to 10 points of a short summary of the entire audio training, which will inspire you to follow the basic laws of money daily for your bright financial well-being.

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