How to solve the 13th task of the exam. Preparation for the exam in mathematics (profile level): tasks, solutions and explanations

The lesson discusses the decision of the 13th task of the exam in computer science

13 topic - "Amount of information" - is characterized as tasks advanced level complexity, execution time - about 3 minutes, maximum score — 1

when working with text

  • By using K bit can be encoded Q=2K various characters:
  • Q- power of the alphabet
  • K Q character options
  • 2 - binary number system (data is stored in binary form)
  • N = 2 i

  • I, you need to multiply the number of characters N by the number of bits to store one character K:
  • I
  • N— message length (number of characters),
  • K is the number of bits to store one character.
  • These two formulas use the same variable:
  • Q=2K I=N*K

    Consider an example using two formulas at the same time:

Message volume - 7.5 KB 7680 characters. What is the power of the alphabet?

✍ Solution:
  • Let's use the formula:
  • I = N*K;
    I- message size = 7.5 KB;
    N- number of characters = 7680;
    K- the number of bits per 1 character

  • Let's find the number of bits required to store 1 character (first we convert the value to bits):
  • \[ K= \frac (7.5 * 2^(13))(7680) = \frac (7.5 * 2^(13))(15 * 2^9) = \frac (7.5 * 16 )(15) = 8 \]

    those. K = 8 bits per 1 character

  • Next, we use the formula:
  • Q=2K
    K- the number of bits to store one character from Q character options (= 8)
    Q is the cardinality of the alphabet, i.e. number of character options

  • 8 bits per character allows you to encode:
  • 2 8 = 256 different characters
    256 characters is the power

    Answer: 256

Measuring the amount of information
when working with various systems

  • By using K bit can be encoded Q=2K different (numbers) objects of some system:
  • Q- the total number of objects in some system, data about which is stored in a computer or transmitted in a message,
  • K- the number of bits to store one object from the total Q,
  • 2 - binary number system (data is stored in binary form).
  • * other designations are also accepted: N = 2 i

  • To find the information volume of a message I, you need to multiply the number of objects in the message - N- per number of bits K to store a single object:
  • I- information volume of the message,
  • N— the number of objects in the message
  • K- the number of bits to store one object of the system.

The production has an automatic system for informing the warehouse about the need to deliver certain groups of consumables to the workshop. The system is designed so that through the communication channel to the warehouse the conditional number of consumables is transmitted(this uses the same, but the minimum possible number of bits in the binary representation of this number). It is known that a delivery request has been sent 9 groups materials from 19 used in production. Determine the amount of sent message (Give your answer in bits)

✍ Solution:
  • Let's use the formula:
  • K- the number of bits for storing one material group number
    Q- total number of numbers for different groups of consumables = 19

  • to store the number of one group, a bit is required:
2 5 < 19 =>5 bit
  • Degree 4 we are not satisfied, because 2 4 = 16 , and groups 19 .
  • Next, we use the formula:
  • I = N*K;
    I- message size = ? bit;
    N— number of transmitted group numbers (= 9);
    K- number of bits per 1 number (= 5)

  • Let's find the information volume of the message:
  • I = 9 * 5 = 45 bits

    Answer: 45

    Solving tasks 13 USE in computer science

    USE in Informatics 2017 task 13 FIPI option 1 (Krylov S.S., Churkina T.E.):

    7 33 -character alphabet. In the database for storing information about each user, the same and the smallest possible integer is allocated byte bit. In addition to its own password, additional information is stored in the system for each user, for which an integer number of bytes is allocated; this number is the same for all users.

    To store information about 60 users needed 900 byte.

    How many bytes are allocated to store additional information about one user?
    In response, write down only an integer - the number of bytes.

    ✍ Solution:
    • Let's decide on a password first. According to the formula Q = M N we get:
    33 = 2N -> N = 6 bits per 1 character
  • The password consists of 7 characters:
  • -> 7*6 =42 bit just for a password
  • Since all user data is stored in bytes, we take the nearest number greater than 42 and multiple 8 :
  • 48/8 = 6 42 bits ~ 6 bytes
  • Now let's find how many bytes are allocated to store information about one user:
  • 900 bytes / 60 (users) = 15 bytes per user
  • Get the amount of memory to store additional information:
  • 15 bytes (to store all information) - 6 bytes (to store the password) = 9 bytes for more information

    Result: 9

    A step-by-step solution to this 13 task of the exam in computer science is also available in the video lesson:

    USE 2017 collection of D.M. Ushakov "10 training options…" option 1:

    The cable network holds a vote among viewers on which of the four films they would like to watch tonight. The cable network is used 2000 Human. Participated in the voting 1200 Human.
    What is the amount of information ( in bytes) recorded by an automated voting system?

    ✍ Solution:
    • Since the numbers of the four films are stored in computer system, then you can find the number of bits needed to store the movie number:
    Q = 2 k -> 4 = 2 k -> k = 2 bit
  • Since all 1200 people will vote for one of the films, respectively, the same amount of memory (i.e. 2 bits) must be allocated for each vote.
  • Find the number of bits needed to store all 1200 votes:
  • 1200 * 2 = 2400 bits = 2400/8 bytes = 300 byte

    Result: 300

    USE 2017 collection of D.M. Ushakov "10 training options ..." option 6:

    When registering in a computer system, each user is given a password consisting of 15 characters and containing only characters from 12 -character set A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N. In the database for storing information about each user, the same and the smallest possible integer is allocated byte. In this case, character-by-character coding of passwords is used, all characters are encoded in the same and the minimum possible number. bit. In addition to the password itself, additional information is stored in the system for each user, for which 12 bytes per user.

    Determine the amount of memory ( in bytes) needed to store information about 30 users.
    In the answer, write down only an integer - the number of bytes.

    ✍ Solution:

    Result: 600

    An example of solving this USE task is available in the video tutorial:

    USE 2017 collection of D.M. Ushakov "10 training options ..." option 10:

    Rehearsal exam at school 105 Human. Each of them is assigned a special number that identifies him in the automatic system for checking answers. When registering a participant to record his number, the system uses the minimum possible number of bit, the same for each participant.

    What is the amount of information in bits, recorded by the device after registration 60 participants?

    ✍ Solution:

    Result: 420

    An example of solving this USE task is available in the video tutorial:

    13 task. Demo version of the exam 2018 informatics:

    10 characters. Capital letters of the Latin alphabet are used as symbols, i.e. 26 various symbols. In the database, each password is stored with the same and the smallest possible integer byte. In this case, character-by-character coding of passwords is used, all characters are encoded in the same and the minimum possible number. bit.

    Determine the amount of memory ( in bytes) needed to store data about 50 users.
    In the answer, write down only an integer - the number of bytes.

    ✍ Solution:
    • The main formula for solving this problem is:
    • Where Q is the number of character variants that can be encoded using N bit.

    • To find the number of bits required to store one password, first you need to find the number of bits required to store 1 character in the password. According to the formula we get:
    26 = 2N -> N ~ 5 bits
  • The password consists of 10 characters. This means that a bit must be allocated to the password:
  • 10 * 5 = 50 bits total per password
  • Since password information is stored in bytes, we translate:
  • 50 bits / 8 ~ 7 bytes (we take the nearest number greater than 50 and a multiple of 8: 57/8 = 7)
  • Now let's find how many bytes are allocated to store information about 50 users:
  • 7 bytes * 50 (users) = 350 byte

    Result: 350

    Detailed solution for task 13 USE demos 2018 look at the video:

    Solution 13 of the USE task in informatics (diagnostic option examination work, USE simulator 2018, S.S. Krylov, D.M. Ushakov):

    In some country, the license plate consists of 7 characters. Each character can be one of 18 different letters or decimal figure.

    Each such number computer program is written as the minimum possible and the same integer number byte, while character-by-character coding is used and each character is encoded by the same and the minimum possible number bit.

    Determine the amount of memory in bytes, assigned by this program for recording 50 numbers.

    ✍ Solution:
    • Since the number can contain either one letter from 18 , or one digit from 10 , then only one of the 28 characters:
    18 + 10 = 28
  • Let's determine how many bits are needed to store one character in a number, for this we use the formula N = 2 i:
  • 28 = 2 i => i = 5
  • Since the total number of characters in the number is 7 , then we get the required number of bits for storing one number:
  • I = 7 * 5 = 35 bits
  • Since the number is allocated the same amount of storage byte, then convert to bytes:
  • 35 / 8 ~ 5 bytes
  • The problem asks how much memory is required to store 50 numbers. We find:
  • I=50*5= 250 bytes to store 50 numbers

    Result: 250

    Video analysis:

    Solution 13 of the USE task in informatics (control version No. 1 of the examination paper, Simulator 2018, S.S. Krylov, D.M. Ushakov):

    Rehearsal exam passed 9 flows by 100 person in everyone. Each of them is allocated a special code consisting of a stream number and a number in the stream. In coding these participant numbers, the checking system uses the minimum possible number of bit, the same for each participant, separately for the number of the stream and the number in the stream. In this case, to write the code, the minimum possible and equally integer number is used. bytes.
    What is the amount of information in bytes written by the device after registration 80 participants?
    Give your answer only as a number.

    ✍ Solution:
    • The code consists of two components: 1. stream number (in bits) and 2. sequence number (in bits). Find the number of bits needed to store them:
    1. N = 2 i -> 9 = 2 i -> i = 4 bits (2 3 100 = 2 i -> i = 7 bits (2 6
  • Total we get 4 + 7 = 11 bits for one code. But by condition, an integer number of bytes is allocated for storing the code. So let's translate the resulting result into bytes:
  • 11/ 8 ~ 2 bytes (one byte is not enough, 8
  • Since we need to get the amount of information after registration 80 participants, we calculate:
  • 2 * 80 = 160 byte

    Result: 160

    Video analysis of the task:

    Solution 13 of the USE task in informatics (K. Polyakov, v. 4):

    Message volume - 7.5 KB. This message is known to contain 7680 characters. What is the power of the alphabet?

    ✍ Solution:
    • Let's use the formula:
    I - message size N - number of characters K - number of bits per 1 character
  • In our case N=7680 characters for which I = 7.5 KB of memory. Let's find the number of bits required to store one character (first converting Kbytes to bits):
  • I = 7.5 KB = 7.5 * 2 13 bits

    \[ K = \frac (7.5 * 2^(13))(7680) = \frac (7.5 * 2^(13))(15 * 2^9) = \frac (7.5 * 16 )(15) = 8 \]

  • 8 bits per character allow you to encode:
  • 2 8 = 256 various characters
    (according to the formula Q = 2 N)

  • 256 characters is the power
  • Result: 256

    Video analysis of the task is presented after the next task.

    Message encoding (text):

    Solution 13 of the USE task in informatics (K. Polyakov, v. 6):

    The power of the alphabet is 256 . How many KBytes of memory is required to save 160 pages of text containing on average 192 characters on every page?

    ✍ Solution:
    • Let's find the total number of characters on all pages (for convenience, we will use powers of two):
    160 * 192 = 15 * 2 11
  • According to the formula Q = 2n find the number of bits required to store one character (in our case Q=256):
  • 256 = 2 n -> n = 8 bits per character
  • Let's use the formula I=N*K and find the required volume:
  • \[ I = (15 * 2^(11)) * 2^3 bits = \frac (15 * 2^(14))(2^(13)) KB = 30 KB \]

    I= 30 KB

    Result: 30

    See a detailed analysis of text encoding tasks: from 1 to 2100), month number (number 1 to 12) and the number of the day in the month (number from 1 to 31). Each field is written separately from other fields using the minimum possible number of bits.
    Determine the minimum number of bits required to encode one record.

    ✍ Solution:
    • Formula needed Q = 2n.
    • Let's calculate the required number of bits to store each item of the entire record:
    1. 2100 choices: 2100 ~ 2 12 -> n = 12 bits 2. 12 choices: 12 ~ 2 4 -> n = 4 bits 3. 31 choices: 31 ~ 2 5 -> n = 5 bits
  • Let's find the total number of bits for the entire record:
  • 12 + 4 + 5 = 21

    Solution 13 of the USE task in informatics (K. Polyakov, v. 33):

    The car number consists of several letters (the number of letters is the same in all numbers), followed by three digits. At the same time, they use 10 digits but only 5 letters: N, O, M, E And R. Must have at least 100 000 various numbers.
    What is the minimum number of letters that should be in a car number?

    ✍ Solution:
    • Formula needed Q = m n.
    Q - number of options m - cardinality of the alphabet n - length
  • Let's compose the right side of the formula, based on the data of the task conditions (an unknown number of letters (out of five options) and three numbers (out of 10 options)):
  • 5 ... 5 10 10 10 = 5 x * 103
  • This result must be at least 100000 . Substitute the rest of the data in the formula:
  • 100000
  • From here we find the smallest suitable x:
  • x= 3 : 5 3 * 1000 = 125000 (125000 > 100000)

    Result: 3

    We offer you to watch the video analysis of the task:

    Solution 13 of the USE task in informatics (K. Polyakov, v. 58):

    When registering in a computer system, each user is given a password consisting of 9 characters. Used as symbols uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet (in it 26 characters), and decimal digits. The database stores information about each user with the same and the smallest possible integer number of bytes. In this case, character-by-character coding of passwords is used, all characters are encoded with the same and the minimum possible number of bits. In addition to the password itself, additional information is stored in the system for each user, for which 18 bytes per user. Allocated in the computer system 1 Kb to store information about users.

    What is the maximum number of users that information can be stored in the system? In your answer, write down only an integer - the number of users.

    ✍ Solution:
    • Since both uppercase and lowercase letters are used, we get the total number of character options for encoding:
    26 + 26 + 10 = 62
  • From the formula Q = 2 n we get the number of bits required to encode 1 character of the password:
  • Q = 2n -> 62 = 2n -> n = 6
  • Since the password has 9 characters, we get the number of bits to store 1 password:
  • 6 * 9 = 54
  • Let's translate into bytes (since, by condition, passwords are stored in bytes):
  • 54 / 8 = 7 bytes
  • 18 bytes are allocated for storing additional information. Let's get the number of bytes to store all the information for one user:
  • 18 + 7 = 25 bytes
  • According to the condition, 1 Kb is allocated for storing information about all users. Let's convert this value to bytes:
  • 1 KB = 1024 bytes
  • Get the possible number of users:
  • 1024 / 25 = 40,96
  • Let's drop the fractional part: 40
  • Result: 40

    Watch the video with the solution of the task:

    USE. Russian language.

    Task 13. How easy is it to do?

    Task number 13- one of the most difficult. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to know a lot of rules for continuous, separate, hyphenated spelling of words. In addition, there are many words that you just need to remember. So there are difficulties.

    I offer the easiest way to complete this task.

    Algorithm for completing task No. 13

    Continuous, separate, hyphenated spelling of words

      Read the assignment carefully. It is necessary to find a sentence out of five proposed, in which the highlighted words are written together or apart. Even if the books you study mostly suggest finding conjoined writing words, an exam is an exam, you need to be prepared for anything. So it is with a careful reading of the task that its implementation begins.

      In each sentence, eliminate words that are spelled with hyphen. Most often it is:

      Words with suffixes SOMETHING, OR, SOMETHING and prefix CFU

      Words anyway, exactly the same.

      Adverbs with a prefix BY and suffixes OMU, HIM, SKI, LI:

    in our opinion, in fox.

      adjectives denoting colors, flavors(bright red, sweet and sour)

      cardinal directions: southwest.

      Words with roots floor: start at L(half a lemon) with a vowel(half an apple), capitalized(half of Europe).

      Adjectives formed from homogeneous members, between them you can put the union AND(magazine-newspaper - that is, magazine and newspaper)

      The first step has been taken. There will definitely be a word in a sentence that is written with a hyphen. Therefore, the number of proposals is reduced.

    As if

    In view of

    Keep in mind


    In continuation

    Due to




    That is

    In order to


    Regardless of


    As if

      The third step is the most responsible. You need to clearly distinguish between words spelled together or apart.

    To - what would

    Same - the same

    Also - the same

    But - for that

    Why - from what

    Because - from that

    Because - by that

    And - at what

    About (= o) - to the account (in the bank)

    Remember: if a logical stress falls on a word, you highlight it with intonation, it is pronounced firmly, with some slowing down of intonation, and most importantly, you can imagine something concretely, then this word is spelled APART.

    If none of the above is present, then this is an ordinary union, it is written ONE.


    TO should I give you a birthday present? (The emphasis falls on the word, we present the gift that we want to buy).

    We met, TO discuss current affairs. (The word is pronounced quickly, as if casually, we cannot imagine anything, saying the word TO)

    FOR THAT I received five assignments.

    He prepared for a long time BUT passed the exam well.

    Remember: if after SO SAME There is HOW AND, then it is always written separately. (The work was done AS QUALITY AS ALWAYS.)

    Word SO it is written together, if this is an ordinary introductory word, something is summed up. ( SO, the work was completed before the holiday)

    If we have an adverb and a union, then it is written separately, you can ask a question How?(So he spent all his free time (HOW did he spend it? - SO).

    Remember that negative adverbs are always written together: nowhere, not at all, not at all, nowhere, nowhere etc.

    These are the main cases to remember first.

    All rules are on this site. Pay special attention to the tables with the spelling of adverbs, memorize the words.


    Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    Everything was (AS) THE SAME, (THAT) IS has not changed at all.

    (WHAT) WOULD arrive on time (AT) THE MEETING, we left early in the morning.

    (SOME) WHERE (IN) DALI could see the lights of the huts.

    He disappeared (SO) AS suddenly as he appeared.

    (And) SO let's start with the fact that I (IN) THE END met you.


      We find sentences in which words are written with a hyphen. This is the first and third SOME WHERE, STILL. We exclude them. There are 3 offers left.

      We find such words, in the separate spelling of which you have no doubt. This THAT IS(the first sentence, however, it has already been excluded)

      There are 3 sentences left in which the words can be spelled correctly, thinking about their meaning.

    2 sentence: where did we go? - TO MEET(for example, for a long-awaited meeting). That is, we clearly imagine the meeting that our heroes are going to. We write apart. Word TO here it is written together, since the lexical meaning in the word "What" No).

    4 sentence - easy, it has AS WELL AS, so I write the word separately.

    Remains number 5 is the correct answer: SO- introductory word FINALLY- adverb, when?

    Do more tasks, and you will definitely succeed

    Good luck!

    Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna

    For the correct completion of the thirteenth task of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, graduates can receive one primary score. To do this, write out two words from the sentence that satisfy the condition. The task contains only such parts of speech as conjunctions, particles, prepositions, pronouns, adverbs and allied combinations. It is important to be able to distinguish between the meanings of homonymous words, which will help the theoretical material below.

    Theory for assignment No. 13 USE in the Russian language

    Spelling of different parts of speech

    SlitnoApartThrough a hyphen
    UnionsBecause, because, because, because, because, but, why, also, too, moreover, moreover, as if, as if, so that, then so that, ifAs if, that is, since, if, as if, or, due to the fact that, then ... then,
    Allied combinationsDue to the fact that, due to the fact that,not that... not that
    PronounsNobody', nothing',From someone, from somethingSomeone (-someone, -or, -someone, something)
    Not who, not what, not whatwith no one, with no one,
    the same as; the same, the same, the same
    AdverbsFrom everywhere, from now on, in part, in general,Tirelessly, side by side, eye to eye, in general, so far, abroad, abroad, everything is the same, exactly the sameSomehow (something, -something, something, something),
    soon, in an undertone, alone, in advance, at first, at first, at first, little by little, completely, why, then, immediately, immediatelyRussian, I think
    hare, firstly,
    barely, barely, barely, today or tomorrow,
    de jure, de facto
    PrepositionsAs a result, due toDuring, in continuation, in conclusion, in contrast, in order, in force, in measure, in the form, in the field,Because of, from under, over
    towards, aboutthroughout, with respect to, except for,
    like, followingon account,
    over, instead of,not to mention
    inside, in view
    regardless of
    ParticlesEven, really, reallyWhether, would,Anyway, let's
    just what for

    Derivative prepositions / nouns with a preposition

    derived prepositionNoun with preposition
    -during the winter- in the course of the river = in the fast flow of the river
    -in two hours
    In continuationIn continuation
    Answers the questions “How long? When?"An adjective or participle can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    - for a whole week-in the sequel of the movie = in the long-awaited sequel of the movie
    - for two months
    Due toIn consequence, in consequence
    Can be replaced by the preposition "because of"; answers the question "Why?"An adjective or participle can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    - due to illness- in the investigation of the case = in the long investigation of the case
    -to the investigation of the case = to the sensational investigation of the case
    TowardsFor a meeting
    Can be replaced by the preposition "to"; answers the question "Where?"
    - towards him- to meet a friend = to a long-awaited meeting with a friend
    In view ofKeep in mind
    Can be replaced by the prepositions "because of" and "because of"; answers the question "Why? From what?"Set expression
    due to bad weather
    AboutTo account
    Can be replaced with the preposition "o (about)"An adjective can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    - make arrangements for a trip-to the fund's account = to the fund's bank account
    Can be replaced with the preposition "like"I mean the geometric term
    - like lunch
    FinallyIn custody
    Can be replaced by the words "completing, in the end, in the end"An adjective can be placed between a preposition and a noun.
    -in custody = in strict custody
    FollowingTrack to track
    It means "where"Meaning "for"
    -we watched the departing train-Children follow each other

    It is important to remember the spelling of the following words: in connection with, in contrast to, after (= behind), in the middle, near, instead of, throughout

    Derived prepositions / gerunds

    Conjunctions/pronouns with a particle

    UnionPronoun with particle
    Can be replaced by unions "in order to, in order to"; "would" can not be removed from the phraseCan be replaced by a noun; "would" can be rearranged
    -I came to tell you = I came to tell you-I asked what else I should read = I asked what book I should read = I asked what else I should read
    Also, alsoSame, same
    You can replace the union "and", putting it at the beginning of the sentence; "same" can not be removed from the phrase"yes" can be rearranged
    - I also saw this movie = and I saw this movie-I have also read this book = I have read the same book
    ButFor that
    Can be replaced by the union "but""that" can be replaced by a noun, adjective or adverb
    - we rarely see each other, but often call each other = we rarely see each other, but often call each other- don't take on things you don't like = don't take on things you don't like
    Can be replaced by the words "to sum up, therefore"It means "very"
    - so, we can say that = summing up, we can say thatWe were tired and so hungry that we decided to stay at a hotel.
    BecauseFrom that
    Meaning "because"Can be replaced by a noun with a preposition
    -it happened because = it happened because-from what he will do = from the act that he will do
    Moreover, andAt the same time, at what
    Can be replaced by the words "in addition", "at the same time""volume" can be replaced by an adjective
    -it works quickly and also qualitatively = it works quickly and also qualitatively-that building has a beautiful garden = a tall building has a beautiful garden

    Task execution algorithm

    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language.
    3. Write down the correct answer.

    Analysis of typical options for task No. 13 USE in the Russian language

    The thirteenth task of the 2018 demo

    1. (FOR) BECAUSE L.N. Tolstoy, his relatives could guess (ON) HOW hard his brain is working now.
    2. From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright.
    3. (B) SUBSEQUENTly, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting "Bogatyrs", in which V.M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civic understanding of Russia.
    4. The physical properties of interstellar gas essentially depend (FROM) WHAT it is in relative proximity to hot stars or, (IN) REVERSE, is sufficiently remote from them.
    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
      • (FOR) BECAUSE L.N. Tolstoy, his relatives could guess (ON) HOW hard his brain is working now.- FOR THAT we write separately, since this is a preposition with a demonstrative pronoun; HOW we write together, since it can be replaced by the pronoun HOW.
      • (C) SUBSEQUENTLY, scientists found that magnesium plays important role in the regulation of the level of potassium in the body, and ALSO (SAME) regulates the work of the adrenal glands.- AFTER we write together, since this is an adverb that can be replaced by an adverb THEN; We ALSO write together, since it is impossible to omit the particle SAME without losing the meaning.
      • From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright .- AS if we are writing separately, since the particle can be omitted without loss of meaning; IMMEDIATELY we write together, as it can be replaced IN THE SAME INSTANT.
      • (B) SUBSEQUENTly, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting "Bogatyrs", in which V.M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civic understanding of Russia.- AFTER we write together, since we can replace THEN; We write the SAME separately, since it is possible to omit the particle without losing the meaning.
      • The physical properties of interstellar gas essentially depend (FROM) THAT whether it is in relative proximity to hot stars or, (IN) REVERSE, is sufficiently remote from them.- FROM THAT we write separately, since this is a preposition and demonstrative pronoun, which can be replaced by a noun; On the contrary, we write together, as it can be replaced with an adverb OPPOSITE.
    2. Write down the correct answer: subsequently, also.

    The first version of the assignment

    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
      • We decided to go (IN) THIS alley, BECAUSE (BECAUSE) it is quiet: there is no traffic here at all.- both words are written separately; “because” is a union, and “for this” is written separately, since this is not an expression of a consequence and is the word “lane”.
      • (C) DEPENDING on the situation of communication, people behave (ON) DIFFERENTLY.- “depending on” is always written separately, and “differently” is hyphenated.
      • (NOT) ALWAYS we understand the meaning of toponyms, (FOR) OFTEN sounding strange to the ear of a modern person.- "not always" is never written together; “often” is written together, but the task says that both words in the sentence should be written together.
      • (THIS) HOUR, he strives to achieve his goal at WHAT (WHAT) IS POSSIBLE.- it is written together “now”, replaced by the combination “at the moment”; but "by all means" is always written separately.
      • Set an alarm clock, (WHAT) WOULD NOT oversleep and get up (FOR) EARLY.- “to” is written together, as it is replaced by the combination “in order to”. “Early” is an adverb that is always spelled together.
    3. Write down the correct answer: to, early(Remember to write your answers without spaces or punctuation marks on the exam).

    The second version of the assignment

    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
      • Nobody travels THIS path, BECAUSE the road here is in disrepair.-"On this path" - separately; can be replaced, for example, with the combination "the old way". "Because" - again, separately.
      • (TO) THE MEETING we were late, although (FROM) DUE TO the snowfall we left the house an hour earlier.-“For a meeting” - separately, since you can replace “for a business meeting”, or “for an important meeting”, and “because of” is written with a hyphen, as it indicates the reason.
      • AND(SO), (C)CLOSING let me thank you for your cooperation.- “So” is written together, but “in conclusion” - separately.
      • (B) DUE TO the unstable political situation, the trip to Egypt, which we (IN) HURRY planned, had to be postponed.- “In view of” is written together - it is replaced by the word “because of”; "hurriedly" - an adverb, written together.
      • (B) GAVE from civilization you AS (IF) are aware of all the imperfection of our modern world.- "away" is written together (replaced by "far"), but "as if" - always separately.
    3. Write down the correct answer: I mean, hastily.

    The third version of the task

    Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    Task execution algorithm:
    1. Read the assignment carefully.
    2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
      • WHAT (WHATEVER) they say about Russia abroad, but the country has long been (NOT) THE same as it was in the 90s.- “Whatever” and “not that” are written separately: in the first case, “would” can be rearranged - “whatever they say about Russia”, and in the second it is simply impossible to write together.
      • I tell you the SAME thing that Andrei, WHAT (WOULD) you have the same information.- “The same” is written separately, but “in order to” is written together, we replace it with “in order to”.
      • (APPOINTINGLY) Alexei did not hear what I answered him, (FOR) BECAUSE he repeated his question.- “Apparently” - an adverb that we write with a hyphen; “because” is merged as part of the union “because”.
      • Pushkin (THAT) HOUR became addicted to billiards, although he did not become a serious player (SO).- "Immediately" - an adverb, written together; "So and" are written separately.
      • My sister sang (B) HALF A VOICE, I THAT (SAME) began to quietly sing along.- The last sentence remains; "in an undertone" is always written together; We also write “too” together - we replace it with the union “and”.
    3. Write down the correct answer: in an undertone, too.

    USE. Russian language.

    Task 13. How easy is it to do?

    Task number 13- one of the most difficult. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to know a lot of rules for continuous, separate, hyphenated spelling of words. In addition, there are many words that you just need to remember. So there are difficulties.

    I offer the easiest way to complete this task.

    Algorithm for completing task No. 13

    Continuous, separate, hyphenated spelling of words

      Read the assignment carefully. It is necessary to find a sentence out of five proposed, in which the highlighted words are written together or apart. Even if the books you study mostly suggest finding conjoined writing words, an exam is an exam, you need to be prepared for anything. So it is with a careful reading of the task that its implementation begins.

      In each sentence, eliminate words that are spelled with hyphen. Most often it is:

      Words with suffixes SOMETHING, OR, SOMETHING and prefix CFU

      Words anyway, exactly the same.

      Adverbs with a prefix BY and suffixes OMU, HIM, SKI, LI:

    in our opinion, in fox.

      adjectives denoting colors, flavors(bright red, sweet and sour)

      cardinal directions: southwest.

      Words with roots floor: start at L(half a lemon) with a vowel(half an apple), capitalized(half of Europe).

      Adjectives formed from homogeneous members, you can put a union between them AND(magazine-newspaper - that is, magazine and newspaper)

      The first step has been taken. There will definitely be a word in a sentence that is written with a hyphen. Therefore, the number of proposals is reduced.

    As if

    In view of

    Keep in mind


    In continuation

    Due to




    That is

    In order to


    Regardless of


    As if

      The third step is the most responsible. You need to clearly distinguish between words spelled together or apart.

    To - what would

    Same - the same

    Also - the same

    But - for that

    Why - from what

    Because - from that

    Because - by that

    And - at what

    About (= o) - to the account (in the bank)

    Remember: if a logical stress falls on a word, you highlight it with intonation, it is pronounced firmly, with some slowing down of intonation, and most importantly, you can imagine something concretely, then this word is spelled APART.

    If none of the above is present, then this is an ordinary union, it is written ONE.


    TO should I give you a birthday present? (The emphasis falls on the word, we present the gift that we want to buy).

    We met, TO discuss current affairs. (The word is pronounced quickly, as if casually, we cannot imagine anything, saying the word TO)

    FOR THAT I received five assignments.

    He prepared for a long time BUT passed the exam well.

    Remember: if after SO SAME There is HOW AND, then it is always written separately. (The work was done AS QUALITY AS ALWAYS.)

    Word SO it is written together, if this is an ordinary introductory word, something is summed up. ( SO, the work was completed before the holiday)

    If we have an adverb and a union, then it is written separately, you can ask a question How?(So he spent all his free time (HOW did he spend it? - SO).

    Remember that negative adverbs are always written together: nowhere, not at all, not at all, nowhere, nowhere etc.

    These are the main cases to remember first.

    All rules are on this site. Pay special attention to the tables with the spelling of adverbs, memorize the words.


    Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

    Everything was (AS) THE SAME, (THAT) IS has not changed at all.

    (WHAT) WOULD arrive on time (AT) THE MEETING, we left early in the morning.

    (SOME) WHERE (IN) DALI could see the lights of the huts.

    He disappeared (SO) AS suddenly as he appeared.

    (And) SO let's start with the fact that I (IN) THE END met you.


      We find sentences in which words are written with a hyphen. This is the first and third SOME WHERE, STILL. We exclude them. There are 3 offers left.

      We find such words, in the separate spelling of which you have no doubt. This THAT IS(the first sentence, however, it has already been excluded)

      There are 3 sentences left in which the words can be spelled correctly, thinking about their meaning.

    2 sentence: where did we go? - TO MEET(for example, for a long-awaited meeting). That is, we clearly imagine the meeting that our heroes are going to. We write apart. Word TO here it is written together, since the lexical meaning in the word "What" No).

    4 sentence - easy, it has AS WELL AS, so I write the word separately.

    Remains number 5 is the correct answer: SO- introductory word FINALLY- adverb, when?

    Do more tasks, and you will definitely succeed

    Good luck!

    Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna