I will solve the exam chemistry new demo. Changes in the demonstration versions of the exam in chemistry. The duration of the exam in chemistry

USE result in chemistry not lower than the minimum established number of points gives the right to enter universities for specialties where the list of entrance examinations includes the subject of chemistry.

Universities do not have the right to set a minimum threshold for chemistry below 36 points. Prestigious universities tend to set their minimum threshold much higher. Because in order to study there, first-year students must have very good knowledge.

On the official website of FIPI every year are published USE options in chemistry: demonstration, early period. It is these options that give an idea of ​​the structure of the future exam and the level of complexity of tasks and are sources of reliable information in preparing for the exam.

Early version of the exam in chemistry 2017

Year Download early version
2017 variantpo himii
2016 download

Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2017 from FIPI

Task variant + answers Download demo
Specification demo variant himiya ege
Codifier codifier

There are changes in the USE options in chemistry in 2017 compared to the KIM of the last 2016, so it is advisable to train according to the current version, and use the options from previous years for the diverse development of graduates.

Additional materials and equipment

For each option examination work The exam in chemistry includes the following materials:

periodic system chemical elements DI. Mendeleev;

− table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water;

− electrochemical series of voltages of metals.

It is allowed to use a non-programmable calculator during the examination work. The list of additional devices and materials, the use of which is allowed for the Unified State Examination, is approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

For those who want to continue their education at a university, the choice of subjects should depend on the list of entrance tests in the chosen specialty
(direction of training).

The list of entrance examinations in universities for all specialties (training areas) is determined by the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Each university chooses from this list those or other subjects that are indicated in its admission rules. You need to familiarize yourself with this information on the websites of selected universities before applying for participation in the Unified State Examination with a list of selected subjects.

control measuring materials
for holding in 2018 a unified state exam
in chemistry

1. Appointment of KIM USE

The Unified State Examination (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of the secondary general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The USE is conducted in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Control measuring materials allow you to establish the level of development of the Federal component by graduates state standard secondary (complete) general education in chemistry, basic and specialized levels.

The results of the unified state exam in chemistry are recognized educational organizations middle vocational education and educational organizations of higher professional education as the results of entrance examinations in chemistry.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM USE

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

The basis of approaches to the development of KIM USE 2018 in chemistry was those general methodological guidelines that were determined during the formation of examination models of previous years. The essence of these settings is as follows.

  • KIM are focused on testing the assimilation of the knowledge system, which is considered as an invariant core of the content of existing programs in chemistry for general education organizations. In the standard, this system of knowledge is presented in the form of requirements for the preparation of graduates. These requirements correspond to the level of presentation in the KIM of the content elements being checked.
  • In order to enable a differentiated assessment educational achievements graduates of the KIM USE check the development of the main educational programs in chemistry at three levels of difficulty: basic, advanced and high. Educational material, on the basis of which tasks are built, is selected on the basis of its significance for the general education of secondary school graduates.
  • The fulfillment of the tasks of the examination work involves the implementation of a certain set of actions. Among them, the most indicative are, for example, such as: to identify the classification features of substances and reactions; determine the degree of oxidation of chemical elements according to the formulas of their compounds; explain the essence of a particular process, the relationship of the composition, structure and properties of substances. The ability of the examinee to carry out various actions when performing work is considered as an indicator of the assimilation of the studied material with the necessary depth of understanding.
  • The equivalence of all variants of the examination paper is ensured by maintaining the same ratio of the number of tasks that test the assimilation of the main elements of the content of the key sections of the chemistry course.

4. The structure of KIM USE

Each version of the examination work is built according to a single plan: the work consists of two parts, including 40 tasks. Part 1 contains 35 short answer items, including 26 items basic level complexity (the serial numbers of these tasks: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 26) and 9 tasks advanced level complexity (the serial numbers of these tasks: 27, 28, 29, ... 35).

Part 2 contains 5 tasks high level complexity, with a detailed answer (the serial numbers of these tasks: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40).

Every year, demo versions of the USE of the current year are published on the official website of FIPI.

On August 21, 2017, draft documents regulating the structure and content of the KIM USE 2018 were presented (including demo version of the exam in chemistry).

There are documents that regulate the structure and content of KIM - a codifier and a specification.

Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2018 - demo version with answers and criteria from FIPI

Demo version of the exam 2018 in chemistry Download demo 2018
Specification demo variant ege
Codifier codifier

Total tasks - 35; of them according to the level of complexity: B - 21; P - 8; AT 6.

Maximum primary score for work - 60.

The total time to complete the work is 210 minutes.

Changes in KIM USE 2018 in chemistry of the year compared to 2017

The following changes have been made in the 2018 examination paper compared to the 2017 paper.

1. In order to more clearly distribute the tasks for separate thematic blocks and content lines, the order of the tasks of the basic and advanced levels of complexity in part 1 of the examination paper has been slightly changed.

2. In the examination paper of 2018, the total number of tasks was increased from 34 (in 2017) to 35 by increasing the number of tasks of part 2 of the examination paper from 5 (in 2017) to 6 tasks. This is achieved by introducing tasks with a single context. In particular, tasks No. 30 and No. 31 are presented in this format, which are focused on checking the assimilation of important elements of the content: “Redox reactions” and “Ion exchange reactions”.

3. The grading scale for some tasks has been changed in connection with the clarification of the difficulty level of these tasks based on the results of their completion in the 2017 examination paper:

Task No. 9 of an increased level of complexity, focused on checking the assimilation of the content element “Characteristic Chemical properties Not organic matter» and presented in a format for establishing a correspondence between reacting substances and reaction products between these substances, will be evaluated with a maximum of 2 points;

Task No. 21 of the basic level of complexity, focused on checking the assimilation of the content element “Reactions redox» and presented in the format to establish a correspondence between the elements of two sets, will be evaluated by 1 point;

Task No. 26 of the basic level of complexity, focused on testing the assimilation of the content lines "Experimental Fundamentals of Chemistry" and " General representations on industrial methods for obtaining the most important substances ”and presented in the format for establishing a correspondence between the elements of the two sets, will be assessed by 1 point;

Task No. 30 of a high level of complexity with a detailed answer, focused on checking the assimilation of the content element “Redox reactions”, will be evaluated with a maximum of 2 points;

Task No. 31 of a high level of complexity with a detailed answer, focused on checking the assimilation of the content element "Ion exchange reactions", will be evaluated with a maximum of 2 points.

In general, the adopted changes in the examination work in 2018 are aimed at increasing the objectivity of testing the formation of a number of important general educational skills, primarily such as: apply knowledge in the system, independently assess the correctness of the implementation of educational and educational and practical tasks, as well as combine knowledge about chemical objects with an understanding of the mathematical relationship between various physical quantities.

Structure of KIM USE 2018 in chemistry

Each version of the examination work is built according to a single plan: the work consists of two parts, including 35 tasks.

Part 1 contains 29 tasks with a short answer, including 21 tasks of a basic level of complexity (in the version they are present under numbers: 1–7, 10–15, 18–21, 26–29) and 8 tasks of an increased level of complexity (their ordinal numbers: 8, 9, 16, 17, 22–25).

Part 2 contains 6 tasks of a high level of complexity, with a detailed answer. These are tasks numbered 30-35.

It is advisable to start preparing for the Unified State Examination 2018 in chemistry for 11th grade graduates by familiarizing yourself with the demo versions of KIM published on the official website of FIPI. Also open bank assignments FIPI contains examples of real options included in tests for exams.

Demo version of the exam in chemistry FIPI 2018 assignments with answers

USE 2018 chemistry demo Download demo 2018
Specification demo variant ege
Codifier codifier

Total tasks - 35

Maximum primary score for work - 60.

The total time to complete the work is 210 minutes.

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and examination USE work 2018 in chemistry in general

Answers to tasks of part 1 are automatically processed after scanning of answer forms No. 1.

Answers to the tasks of part 2 are checked by the subject commission. For the correct answer to each of the tasks 1–6, 11–15, 19–21, 26–29, 1 point is given.

The task is considered completed correctly if the examiner gave the correct answer in the form of a sequence of numbers or a number with a given degree of accuracy. Tasks 7–10, 16–18, 22–25 are considered completed correctly if the sequence of numbers is correctly indicated.

For a complete correct answer in tasks 7–10, 16–18, 22–25, 2 points are given; if one mistake is made - 1 point; for an incorrect answer (more than one mistake) or its absence - 0 points.

Tasks of part 2 (with a detailed answer) provide for checking from two to five elements of the answer.

Tasks with a detailed answer can be completed by graduates in various ways. The presence of each required element of the answer is estimated at 1 point, so the maximum score for a correctly completed task is from 2 to 5 points, depending on the degree of complexity of the task: tasks 30 and 31 - 2 points; 32 - 4 points; 33 - 5 points; 34 - 4 points; 35 - 3 points.

Part 2 assignments are checked on the basis of element-by-element analysis of the graduate's response in accordance with the assessment criteria for the assignment.

On November 14, 2016, approved demo versions, codifiers and specifications for control measuring materials for the unified state exam and the main state exam in 2017, including those in chemistry, were published on the FIPI website.

Demo version of the exam in chemistry 2017 with answers

Task variant + answers Download demo
Specification demo variant himiya ege
Codifier codifier

Demo versions of the exam in chemistry 2016-2015

Chemistry Download demo + answers
2016 ege 2016
2015 ege 2015

There were significant changes in KIM in chemistry in 2017, so demo versions of past years are given for review.

Chemistry - significant changes: The structure of the examination paper has been optimized:

1. The structure of part 1 of the KIM has been fundamentally changed: tasks with a choice of one answer have been excluded; tasks are grouped into separate thematic blocks, each of which contains tasks of both basic and advanced levels of complexity.

2. Reduced the total number of tasks from 40 (in 2016) to 34.

3. The assessment scale has been changed (from 1 to 2 points) for completing tasks of the basic level of complexity, which test the assimilation of knowledge about the genetic relationship of inorganic and organic substances (9 and 17).

4. The maximum initial score for the performance of the work as a whole will be 60 points (instead of 64 points in 2016).

USE duration in chemistry

The total duration of the examination work is 3.5 hours (210 minutes).

The approximate time allotted to complete individual tasks is:

1) for each task of the basic level of complexity of part 1 - 2-3 minutes;

2) for each task of an increased level of complexity of part 1 - 5–7 minutes;

3) for each task of a high level of complexity of part 2 - 10-15 minutes.