Grand Theft Auto V game map with secrets and a military base. Grand Theft Auto V game map with secrets and a military base Where are the parts of the GTA 5 ship

GTA 5 Guide (100% Completion): Map Showing Part Location spaceship and parts of submarines.

GTA 5: Map, spaceship parts, submarine parts

To be able to collect spaceship parts, first switch to Franklin, then go to the desert with the "?" symbol. On the map - it is located next to Trevor's trailer. You will meet a specific person who will tell you a secret about the spaceship. Now you can collect them all over the map. They look like little boxes with diodes on them. In addition, a bright glow is characteristic around them, which makes them easier to detect. When you have collected everything, switch to Franklin and meet the person mentioned at the beginning to complete the task.

The pieces of the submarine will be available after the completion of the main site and the purchase of property in the northwest of the island by Michael. From now on, you will have access to the speed boat - when you get to it, sail to the green circle on the map, which shows the approximate location of the submarine. As soon as you get close, automatic sonar will activate, allowing you to find the blue part of the boat. To get it, simply dive into the water - Michael will have an oxygen tank so you won't have to worry about your time spent underwater.

The GTA 5 map is one of the main advantages of the game, which has been recognized as one of the best of all time, and that says a lot.

Wide seamless world is filled with a huge number of interesting places. Hundreds of hours will have to be spent on their full study, but the pleasure is worth it.

You can learn more about such locations, as well as other thematic information, from this article.

General form

The GTA 5 map rightfully deserves the title of "perfect", given the setting and experience of the previous parts. The developers knowingly created the fifth numbered part in the series for a long time. The game world turned out to be really saturated. In the south of the mainland there is a huge city of Los Santos, which was created under inspiration from a real prototype in the form of Los Angeles. This is a real criminal center, which absorbed some parts of the metropolis, but did not become an exact copy.

General view of the GTA V map

The creators have added many unique elements, which makes the settlement look quite fresh. The map in GTA 5 of the remaining parts is an underdeveloped territory with a variety of natural landscapes. Along the edges there are beaches, in the middle there is a hilly and flat relief with vegetation. Roads of various kinds cross the locations along and across.

Various secrets

Random events often appear on the map in GTA 5, which adds a lot of variety to the gameplay. Even when traveling on a mission or a regular walk, you can encounter an interesting mission that you want to complete. By default, this list includes the robbery of ATMs, shops and collection trucks, but more diverse events are also provided. It could be chasing a thief or helping a drunk girl. Most of them are concentrated in the center of Los Santos, in the northeast of the city, as well as a little beyond locality from the west side.

Collecting car robbery

You can often encounter them in the central sandy part, where the lake is located on the GTA map, as well as on the ring road. Unique vehicles can also be found in the vast game world. The four dots are centered on the sandy part of the lake location, which is marked yellow. Two towards the sea from the lake on the east side. One car can be found on the northwest coast opposite the small islands. In the same part, but already in the city, you can come across three unique types of equipment.

Other Interests

In GTA 5, the map provides extensive opportunities for exploration. At first, players will be interested in finding new parts and just traveling, but when it comes to a specific goal, it is better to use hints. For example, lovers of stunts on transport should know where they are best places for jumping. Most of them are concentrated in the central and southeastern parts of the city. There are also several places near the lake on the sandy location and the northern coast.

Tricks around the city by car

If a player wants to know where random encounters are located on the map in GTA 5, then it is enough to explore the center and northern part of Los Santos. There are just a huge number of them. Several can be found on the same side, but outside the city, as well as near the lake in the center of the map. These encounters allow you to receive a unique task from interesting characters. Often in such missions, an unexpected ending is provided, which can be considered an additional bonus. In total, there are 58 such tasks, and to complete the game 100%, you need to do at least twenty. For more convenience in orienteering, you can download a GTA 5 map with places of random meetings.

Remaining secrets

In GTA 5, the submarine parts map may be of interest only to those users who have already tried most of the activities and passed storyline. Basically, they are concentrated in the southeastern part of Los Santos near the port, but you will have to dive to the bottom to find them. The second accumulation in the water opposite the convex island part on the west coast, the rest in the north and northeast. A map of hidden packages will come in handy for those guys who are looking for interesting ways to get rich.

Submarine Parts Map

They are hidden in the water along the entire contour of the island, some places run together with the wreckage of a submarine. One package is in the center of the lake. Finding places where you can skydive will be more fun. There are thirteen such points in total, and four of them are located in the central part of the river, which enters the ocean from the western part of the lake. Two more locations in the city center, three locations from the northern part. The rest are scattered around the map. Fans of air tricks need to live in the central, northern, and northwestern parts of the city. It is here that there are fifteen missions to perform a wide variety of pirouettes in the air.

Traces of the presence of aliens

The spaceship in GTA 5 cannot be assembled as a personal vehicle, but collecting UFO wreckage is provided for those who wish to complete the game 100%. This activity can be considered one of the most difficult, because the particles are not large and are hidden in various places. It can be the interior of an old car, the roofs of a building, or the most inconspicuous nooks and crannies.

Map with spaceship wreckage

It takes a lot of time to collect them all, but this will be a good opportunity to distinguish yourself, because not too many players were able to find a spaceship in GTA 5. The map is extensive and should always be kept in front of your eyes. It is difficult to single out even approximate guidelines here. In the city of Los Santos, they are located closer to the center, north and southeast. A dozen parts are hidden outside the city from the northwestern part. About the same on the east side of the lake. The rest are evenly distributed throughout the territory of 108 square kilometers, which greatly complicates the task. To find all fifty will have to spend a lot of hours.

military shelter

Military base in GTA 5 on the map is located on the west coast and clearly stands out from environment. This is because there are no more buildings in the area and the massive complex immediately becomes a target. You can also find an object in the "Reconnaissance" mission, if you choose the passage option called "Sea Adventure". Other players should be aware that the entrance is on the southeast side of the complex. If you fly up from the air, then the player will begin to fire artillery. Military base in GTA 5 is enough interesting point, inside which there is a huge amount of combat vehicles.

Military base of Los Santos

For example, powerful flying vehicles like the Titan cargo plane, the P996 Lazer fighter and Cargobob helicopters, as well as the Buzzard. From cars, it should be noted the Crusader military jeep, the Barracks truck and the Rhino tank known from all previous parts of the series. Even just riding them will bring unprecedented pleasure. When storming the base, the main thing is to prepare enough. The character must be pumped, the supply of weapons is inexhaustible, but it is better to master some kind of helicopter and start shelling from the mountain. Just like that, no one will give the equipment into the hands of the player.

Collection spacecraft parts is the most interesting, large-scale and significant.

There are 50 parts in total in the game, they are small, luminous objects. As a rule, they are well hidden inside buildings, under vehicles, on rooftops or in some narrow nooks and crannies.

Before you can start collecting spaceship parts, you need to complete the mission " shame or glory» (Fame or Shame). After that, the side mission "Far Out", indicated by a green question mark, should open, a little east of the airport on the map. It's Franklin's mission with Omega the hippies.

After you collect all 50 ship parts for Omega, you will be given a very cool vehicle Space Docker with interesting sounds. This is the only time you can get Space Docker. If you leave it unattended without storing it in the garage, it will disappear forever.

Tips for help:
1. At night, the parts are luminous.
2. They also emit a low rhythmic hum which will aid in their detection.
3. You can look map with the location of parts of the spaceship at the very end of this article.

1 part.
Can be found at Los Santos Gas Company. Lies on a pipe. Use the ladder to get there.

2 part.
Located at the airport. Best found after Franklin buys the hangar to avoid the wanted level. The part is lying behind the hangar, near the garbage containers.

3 part.
Can be found in the docks at Elysian Island, underwater, in the middle of some metal frames and frames.

4 part.
Located off the coast of Murrieta Oil Fields, on a small rocky island.

5 part.
Can be found in El Burro Heights, look at the sewer under the freeway, a piece of spaceship is near the exit of water from it.

6 part.
Located in the Ranch (Dutch London Street), at the base of the Watt Tower sculpture. Enter the gate on the east side.

7 part.
Can be found in El Burro Heights, inside the green cargo container in the warehouse, which is closer to the wall, near the door.

8 part.
Located in Davis (South Los Santos), on the helipad of the Central Los Santos Medical Center. You can climb up the stairs located on the west side.

9 part.
Can be found in Strawberry (Olympic Highway). We go under the freeway and find a part of the spaceship in the homeless camp, near the sofa and opposite the green chair.

10 part.
Located in Vespucci (Palomino Avenue), between billboards on a pole, above the store. You can climb from reverse side.

11 part.

Can be found in Murrieta Heights (El Rancho Boulevard). Here the dam blocks the river, and part lies on the base of the dam. You need to go down the stairs.

12 part.

Located on one of the towers by the lake under the Vinewood Hills. It's a small white tower and is completely inaccessible from the ground, so you'll have to use air transport and parachute down there.

13 part.

Can be found in Tongva Hills Cave. Getting there is quite easy by parachute.

14 part.
Located in Textile City. There is Zimmet Alley near the factory, and this is where you will find your part of the ship, near the boxes, in a nook near the yellow wall with ads.

15 part.
Can be found in Downtown (Swiss Street), next to the Penris logo on the roof of a skyscraper.

16 part.
Located in Underground Tram Station. The part lies inside the tunnel, next to the working debris.

17 part.

Can be found on Richards Majestic, on the top level of one of the houses, next to the open blue shutters.

18 part.
Located in Burton (Las Lugunas Blvd.). Climb into the garden on the side of the road, part of the spaceship will lie in the middle of a triangle of three large round bushes.

19 part.
Also located in Burton (Carcer Way), in a pool without water on the roof of the motel. You can go up there by helicopter.

20 part.
Can be found at Los Santos Golf Club, in Rockford Hills. Find a pond with a small piece of land in the middle of it, there is a part of the ship.

21 part.
Found in the Land Act Reservoir, dive under the docks.

22 part.
Like the twenty-first part, you can find it on Land Act, but on opposite side. Lying near the leftmost concrete pipe that drains water.

23 part.

Can be found in Vinewood Lake, in the corner, on the same level as the dam.

24 part.
On the beach, in the Tataviuam mountains, near the edge of the bridge and the natural bridge.

25 part.
Can be found in Richman Glen (Dr. Harlow). Located at the foot of the oak, next to a small round area.

26 part.

It is located at the Galileo Observatory, closer to the huge telescope, almost on the corner of the building.

27 part.
Can be found near the house in Banham Canyon, almost on the edge near the cliff (behind the house), on a white slab.

28 part.

It is located near the wind farm. We jump into the water and dive into a cave, not far from the shore.

29 part.
Can be found near the Mount Haan road in the Grand Senora Desert. Part is located under the rocks, near the dirt road.

30 part.
In the vineyards of Marlow, in the Tongwa Hills area. Lies in the upper part of the slope, between two rows of the vineyard.

31 part.

Located at the foot of the waterfall, you need to dive under the water.

32 part.
Can be found in the Grand Senora Desert. Look for the sign "Welcome" with the head of a stranger, part of the ship nearby.

33 part.
Located in the Great Chaparral area, on the dilapidated porch of a dilapidated house.

34 part.
Can be found in the Grand Senora desert region. Hiding under a white and blue boat LS4145, which is drying on props.

35 part.
Located in the Grand Senora desert. Find the leftmost satellite dish (if you look at the map) - on the stairs leading to it, there is a part of the spaceship.

36 part.

Can be found in the Grand Chaparral area, under an old stone bridge on the Zancudo River.

37 part.

Like the 36th part, this one is located in the area of ​​the Zancudo River, but downstream, closer to the sea, on the coast, if you go down from the freeway.

38 part.
Can be found in the desert, Sandy Shores area (northeast of the airport), hiding in huge boulders.

39 part.

On the side of Mount Josiah, on a very narrow ledge, about in the middle. The best way to get it is by helicopter.

40 part.

Is in national park Senora, at the top of the painted area.

41 parts.
Can be found in the Alamo Sea, under water, in the bay, not far from the old diner, quite far from the coast.

42 part.

Located under the Calafia bridge, in the rocks.

43 part.

There is a barn at the end of the pier, where part of the ship is hidden.

44 part.

It is located under the Great Ocean Highway bridge that crosses the bay in the northwest of the map.

45 part.
Located in the town of Grapeseed, near the cowshed, on a ranch, in the open.

46 part.

Can be found on Paleto Beach. Part rests on a small peninsula, not far from the coast.

47 part.
Located on Mount Chiliad, can be found in a large barn (even a hangar), to the right of the road (if you go to its end).

48 part.

Can be found in the Paleto forest, under a fallen tree, which is near the culvert.

49 part.
In the Paleto Bay area, inside the fire tower.

50 part.

Paleto Bay, at Donkey Punch Farm. In a big old barn.

After completing the story mission, Franklin will meet an eccentric hippie with paranoid tendencies in the Grand Senora desert, who, using a strange device, is looking for aliens here.

Omega, and that is the name of our new acquaintance, claims that he was almost kidnapped by aliens who were going (well, who would doubt it?) To experiment on him, but their spaceship crashed. Now he wants to restore the crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft, for which he needs to collect the wreckage of a UFO. But that's bad luck - as a result of the accident, parts of the crashed spaceship were scattered throughout the state of San Andreas, and in order to fix the flying saucer, you need to find them all.

There is a total of 50 wreckage to be found, with the collection of crashed starship parts being mandatory to reach 100 percent in the game progress statistics. And if someone thinks that finding them will be easy, you can only wish him luck. However, the developers took care of the players, making the search a little easier - the fragments of the UFO have a slight pulsating glow, thanks to which they are clearly visible in the dark, and emit a quiet rhythmic buzzing sound when the character approaches.

You can also go looking for parts of the spaceship with Chop - this will simplify the task even more. Franklin's dog can search for hidden objects, including UFO debris, at a short distance, notifying the owner of the find with a loud bark. To increase the distance at which Chop can smell these objects, the dog needs to be trained using the iFruit mobile application by installing it on your smartphone or tablet. Nevertheless, it will take a very long time to search for the wreckage in an “honest” way - it is much easier to use our and the following tips by taking a helicopter and flying around the indicated places. In this case, the search will take one and a half, maximum two hours.

You can search for the wreckage of a spaceship with any of the .

Chip #1 - Gas Company

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