Abstract of the lesson on the topic "Differentiation of sounds S-Sh"; for older preschool children. Tasks of educational areas

There are many ways to conduct a business conversation. To begin, consider the techniques used at the beginning of the conversation:

  • 1. Reception of tension relief contributes to the establishment of personal contacts. It is enough to say a few compliments, and alienation will quickly begin to disappear. A joke that brings smiles or laughter to those present also helps to defuse initial tension.
  • 2. The “hook” technique allows you to briefly state the situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and use this “hook” as a starting point for starting a conversation. A small event, comparison, personal experience, anecdotal incident or unusual question can also be successfully used for this purpose.
  • 3. Taking a direct approach means going straight to the point, without any introduction. Schematically, it looks like this: you briefly state the reasons why the interview was scheduled, quickly move from general questions to specific ones, and proceed to the topic of the conversation. This method is suitable mainly for short-term and not very important business contacts, for example, in communication between a boss and a subordinate.

Now consider the techniques that can be used at various stages of a business conversation:

  • 1. The method of wandering (from the word “strange”) lies in the fact that the familiar, ordinary is considered from an unexpectedly new perspective. This tactic is used when the conversation reaches an impasse due to the inability to find a mutually acceptable solution. The wandering tactic allows you to take a fresh look at the problem and thereby give a new impetus. further development negotiation process:
    • (A what if we...

give up our mutual claims?

turn to a third party to resolve the conflict situation?

2. The technique of putting forward unexpectedly new hypotheses, assumptions, just like the previous technique, is used in critical cases, when the conversation comes to a standstill, to get out of the current situation.

Let's imagine... And what if we assume... Let's think together what will happen if...

  • 3. Reception of the compositional construction of the dialogue based on the "law of the edge". Psychologists have noticed that the beginning and end of speech are best remembered. Therefore, the beginning and end of the conversation should contain strategically important information and comply with the principle of pleasure. This involves the adequate use of etiquette vocabulary and the expression of positive emotions in the final phrases: hope, satisfaction, confidence, etc. The optimism of the initial and final phrases, regardless of the actual result achieved, is also an important part of a modern successful speech strategy.
  • 4. Showing the vital practical significance of information is used when making proposals, discussing projects. At the same time, one must remember the need to illustrate statements and to maintain a sense of proportion.
  • 5. Reception of open, or supplementing, questions is used if it is important for the speaker to reveal the point of view of the addressee on a particular issue. Open questions are questions that are expected to receive detailed answers:

How do you think our interaction should be carried out?

What do you think about it?

Such questions are asked during the exchange of views to obtain any information from the partner. Acceptance of closed, or clarifying, questions, as a rule, is associated with the initial stage of a business conversation. Such questions suppress the interlocutor to a certain extent, emphasizing the leadership of the speaker. Often such questions are used in a series of so-called "machine-gun questions":

A. - Is this the firm "Satellite"?


A. - Did you receive our fax about changing your individual tax number?

B. - Yes.

A. - Have you prepared the necessary documents?


At the same time, you should avoid asking questions to which the interlocutor can answer “no”. If at the beginning of the conversation already sounded “no”, at the end of it, according to psychologists, it will be much more difficult to make a positive decision.

A productive dialogue cannot consist of closed questions and one-word answers. The assignment of speech initiative to only one side violates the principle of harmonization of dialogic communication.

The reception of partial consent is used for a “soft” objection to the interlocutor in order to give a constructive tone to the conversation. The use of this technique neutralizes the negative attitude of the objector. Trust in the competence of the addressee, his authority helps to maintain a benevolent intonation of the dispute.

You are absolutely right,


in the same time...

On the one hand, I agree with your arguments, but on the other hand

Of course, you are right, but as an expert, you understand that

Such a tactic is also called Socrates' technique, which at first agreed with the interlocutor, and then did not leave stone unturned from his statement. This form of objection, as it were, emphasized the impartiality and objectivity of the discussion of the issue and did not cause a negative reaction from the opponent.

Acceptance of reference to facts is a strong position in the dispute and requires serious preparation for using it. Facts, as you know, are the strongest arguments. Reliance on numbers of indicators, progress schedules, sales, etc. translates business negotiations into an interested dialogue in which leadership is retained by the more competent and prepared of the participants. It is easy to be persuasive if you have the necessary information, and vice versa, any rhetorical devices and tactics will be ineffective if there is no evidence base.

The art of business communication is the art of asking questions. In the form of a question in a business conversation, an objection, a request, an offer, an invitation, a refusal are clothed.

The interrogative form relieves pressure on the addressee, leaves him the right and freedom to choose a response remark (except for closed questions), its design, and allows him to intercept the speech initiative in the dialogue. The question is more likely to be answered rather than objected to. This creates a certain perspective of communication.

So, the question-statement states the solution of one of the aspects of the discussion:

So, I can proceed from what you take to supply equipment?

Relieve tension and defuse the situation with questions in which the speaker refers to the previous statements of the interlocutor:

I would like to dwell on your proposal again (on your vision of the problem).

Referring to your proposal for...

They activate the constructive activity of the interlocutor and emotionally soothe him with clarifications of his previous remarks:

Did I understand you correctly, do you have doubts about ...?

Did I understand you correctly. You are offering...?

The questioner leads the conversation. Possessing speech initiative, he directs him in one direction or another. During communication, speech communication between the speakers, not just an exchange of remarks takes place, a connection is established between them based on the principle of "mirror reflection". What does the phrase "ruined the mood" mean? We communicate not only information, but also make an emotional message during communication, which is absorbed and reflected by the interlocutor. If you radiate positive emotions, they come back to you during communication. Conversely, if you are irritated, even if this irritability is not fixed by your consciousness, you are programming conflict situation. Imitation is present in a person at the level of a reflex. Therefore, it is sometimes so difficult for us not to succumb to verbal aggression, not to become infected with irritation from another.

Imitation characterizes not only the emotional interaction of partners. During speech communication we tend to reproduce the data to us in matters of formulation and definition. Therefore, the questioner can influence the speech consciousness of the interlocutor with the help of evaluative characteristics:

A. How does your business survive?in an economic Cree zisa?

B.- In the context of the economic crisis all turned out. We are trying to expand the sales market, to work more.

A. - Think about whether you want to supportthe idea of ​​unification industrialists and manufacturers of domestic products to develop and implement their own policies based on the realities of our life?

B.- the idea of ​​unification support, of course, is possible, but we need to know who will represent this movement and what is its program?

As can be seen from the above passage, the answers repeat the wording and definitions contained in the questions. This is very important in terms of forming a certain opinion, so the questioner greatly influences the answerer.

When using the tactics of open questions, the change of communicative roles occurs naturally and it is not difficult to seize the speech initiative. It naturally flows from one negotiating partner to another.

It is much more difficult to seize the speech initiative if the opponent uses the tactics of closed questions following one after another, or turns the dialogue into a monologue. Intrusion into someone else's speech is perceived as tactlessness if carried out clumsily. The tactics of "machine-gun" questions involves monosyllabic "yes / no" answers, which a partner who wants to seize the speech initiative can continue, expanding them to a detailed replica:

A.- You are you a sales manager?

B.- Yes.

A.-This means that you are authorized to resolve the issue of concluding a barter deal.

B.- Yes, but I would like to know which firm do you represent and under what conditions do you want to close the deal?

Speech initiative is often easier to intercept than to retain. If several issues are considered in the main part of the negotiations, an experienced manager voluntarily transfers the speech initiative to a business partner using the so-called “tipping questions” such as:

- Do you think it is worth organizing an advertising company to support the event?

Then the speech initiative returns to the "leading" dialogue with the help of "closed" or clarifying questions.

A.- How much time will this take?

B.- Two weeks, I think.

A.- Will it require additional costs beyond what was planned?

B. - Yes, of course.

A.- Should we split them equally?

B.- I think so, although I need to decide this issue together with the rest of the board members.

The combination of psychological pause is effective. , having great importance to stimulate attention, with the technique of detachment, a brief digression from the topic or with the technique of comparison, comparison. The speaker in this case intercepts and retains the initiative by developing a new approach to solving the problem. A combination of tactics is generally more effective than the use of one technique. At the same time, one should not forget about the universal rule for using all speech and expressive means - about appropriateness.

Consolidation of "leadership" in business communication occurs not only due to the skillful use of speech means and tactics. A significant role in determining the "leader" of the conversation is played by the balance of interests and positions. So, in market relations, the position of the buyer will be stronger, and not the seller, so the speech initiative in itself does not determine the success of the negotiations.

Important stages of a business conversation, in which "leadership" is most important, are the beginning and end of the conversation. For the main part, leadership is sometimes consciously given up, especially if the partner reacts painfully to the interception of the speech initiative. Dale Carnegie rightly said: "Let your interlocutor do the talking most of the time." This means that the most far-sighted technique is the ability to listen and encourage the interlocutor to speak.

Differentiation of sounds [s] and [w] in speech ( senior group)

Target: clarify the correct articulation of the sounds "C" and "Sh". Exercise children in correct pronunciation and distinguishing the sounds "S" and "Sh" in syllables, words and sentences.

Develop phonemic awareness, diction, speech breathing, voice power.

Keep teaching kids answer the questions correctly, follow your answer and the answer of other children.

Cultivate attention and culture of verbal communication.

Equipment: pictures-symbols: big geese and goslings, a pump, a bicycle, traffic lights, dolls, toys, a letter

Lesson progress:

1. - One, two, three, four, five - start playing in a circle! A new day has come, let's meet it with a smile. I smile at you, and you smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly, affectionate.

Now we will have an interesting lesson: we will learn to distinguish sounds. A which I won't tell you and I'll tell you a story about them. You listen to me carefully.

“Summer has come. Petya and his family went to the village to visit their grandmother. In the yard, Petya saw geese with goslings. The goslings were so funny and funny that Petya wanted to stroke them. But as soon as he approached the caterpillar, as he saw a mother goose booing at him. She hissed menacingly: Sh-sh-sh. Petya was frightened and stepped aside, and thought to himself: “Wow, what an angry goose, take care of your goslings. Petya decided not to touch the geese anymore and went to the stream. Then he saw a boy with a bicycle. "What are you doing here?" Peter asked. “The wheel is flat, I want to pump it up,” the boy replied. He took the pump and Petya heard: S-S-S. It was the whistle of a cheerful pump. Petya helped the boy pump up a tire and they went for a bike ride together.”

So, children, what sound did you hear when the geese hissed menacingly at Petya? (Sh-Sh-Sh), what sound did you hear when the pump whistled? (S-S-S)

Today we will learn to distinguish the sounds S-Sh.

Say the sound Sh again. How are your lips positioned? Are the teeth visible? How is the tongue located?

Now say the sound C. How are the lips and tongue now?

Children, let's find out if the voice turns on when we make these sounds. (No)

The game "Big and small geese"

What song do the geese sing? (Sh-Sh-Sh). And the goslings? (Shhhh)

2. -And now we will play the game "Repeat and make no mistake". We pronounce clearly, we pronounce correctly.

“Sa-sha-sa-sha” - Sonya washes the baby (choral and individual repetition)

"Sha-sa-sha-sa" - a fox runs in the forest.

"Su-shu-su-shu" - I'm writing a letter.

"Shu-su-shu-su" - It was fun in the forest.

“As-ash-as-ash” - Lena has a pencil.

"Ash-as-ash-as" - In our group, the light went out.

3. -And now we will play the game "Be careful"

I will name the words. If in a word you hear a song of geese, then you will have to raise the red traffic light if you hear the song of the pump - blue.

Well done, have fun! Now let's take a break!


“We are tourists, we are on the road.
Have fun walking your feet
Easier - exhale,
Deeper - inhale.
The path is not close, not far.
A stream flows ahead.
Let's jump over quickly."

4. -Children, dolls of Light and Shura came to our lesson. They love to receive gifts. But they love unusual gifts. Sveta loves toys with the sound “S” in their names, and Shura loves toys with the sound “Sh”. So, who wants to please our guests? (Children take a toy, explain to whom they want to give it and why)

Well done, guys, pleased Sveta and Shura.

5. - They also brought us something (I take out a tongue twister from the envelope)

Children, Sveta and Shura want so that we can learn a funny tongue twister, listen:

"Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry." What sounds are there in this tongue twister?

Guys, the dolls really liked us and really liked how you did it. Did you like the lesson? What sounds did we learn to distinguish? What games did you like the most?

Topic: Differentiation of sounds S - Sh.


1. Learn to differentiate the sounds S-Sh.

2. Continue to work on development phonemic perception and analysis.

3. Continue to develop children's ability to divide words into syllables.

4. Exercise in use complex sentences with subordinate reasons (I will give it to the fox because ...).

5. Consolidation of education: a) possessive adjectives and b) nouns in D.p.

6. Development of children's ability to compose creative stories subject pictures.

7. Development of visual attention (perception of the image of an object in noisy conditions).

8. Consolidation of children's ideas about wild animals.

Lesson progress:

  1. L .: Guys, look carefully at the picture and answer the question? What season is depicted on it? D: Winter. L: How did you guess? D: There are no leaves on the trees, there is snow on the ground. L .: And now, try to see and name those who hid in the winter forest? D .: Squirrel, lynx, mouse ...

L: What kind of animals are they? D: Wild. L .: Who else lives in the winter forest? D: Magpie, crow, owl. How to call them in one word? D: Birds.

  1. L .: Guys, look at the flannelgraph. Who is pictured here? D: Wild animals. L: What do they lack? D.: Khvostov. L .: Here, listen to what happened with wild animals. One night there was a strong hurricane. The wind whistled and whistled. And in the morning, when the animals woke up, they did not find their tails. They decided that at night the wind tore them off and carried them through the forest. They gathered to look for their tails. Guys, let's help the animals! D: Let's go. L .: But the wind not only tore off the tails, but also hid them and told the animals the following: “Each of you must give the children their task, and if they cope with them, then the tails will return to you.”
  2. L .: And who we will meet first in the winter forest, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

Not a lamb and not a cat,

He wears a fur coat all year round.

Fur coat gray for summer.

For winter a different color. (Hare)

Hare: In winter, I sleep all day, eat at night, gnaw on the bark of trees. By the winter, my paws are overgrown with wool, they become wide and fluffy. On them I run in the snow, like on skis. Here is my assignment for you. The hare gives an envelope. Each of you, in turn, will do the following, choose one picture with your eyes, name it and determine the number of syllables in the word that he has chosen.

Words: icicle, sail, pear, stack, shower, juice, closet.

L .: Well done, guys, coped with the task. Now, let's look around, maybe we'll see something else. Oh what I found! Tail. Julia, who will you give it to? Julia: I will give the tail to the hare. Because it's a rabbit tail.

  1. L .: Try to guess who is next for us to meet?

He is a gray robber

He has no faith

He clicks with fangs

Who is this? (Wolf)

Wolf: Gray, angry, hungry, I wander in the winter.

I knock with my teeth, I hunt through the forest in search of prey. (The wolf gives the children a bag).

I have trouble. I don't know what to do.

L .: Guys, the wolf told me that he was going to the fox and the clumsy bear for his birthday. I bought them toys as a gift, but I don’t know which ones to give to whom. Take one toy. We will give the fox toys in the name, which sound C, and the bear - the sound Sh.

Toys: Owl, pig, elephant; cockerel, mouse, cat, horse.

D: The owl should be presented to the fox, because the word “owl” has the sound C in the name, and so on. L .: Guys, which of you will tell me where the sound C is heard in the names of these toys? D: At the beginning of words. L .: And where is the sound Ш heard in the name of these toys? D: In the middle of words.

Oh look at the tail. Sasha, who will you give it to? I will give the tail to the wolf because it is a wolf's tail.

As a reward, the wolf gives us a caterpillar.

  1. Now let's take a break!

We checked your posture

And your shoulder blades.

We're walking on toes

And then on the heels.

Let's go softly like foxes

And like a clubfoot bear,

And like a hare coward,

And like a gray wolf thief.

Here is a hedgehog curled up in a ball

Because he is cold.

The ray of the hedgehog touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

  1. L .: And now another riddle.

Behind the trees, bushes

Flashed like a flame

Flashed, ran...

There is no house, no fire. (Fox)

Fox: Of course, I'm a fox. I am cunning and dexterous. My fur is fluffy and red. I am a smart little fox and I like to compose different fables. I want you to tell me a "fable". (The fox gives the guys a basket with pictures.)

We sit in a circle. We take three pictures. And we write stories.

L .: Oh, the tail! Dima, who will you give your tail to? Dima: I'll give the tail to the fox, because it's a fox's tail.

The fox gives a chicken.

  1. L .: And here is our next guest.

Where does he live?

Most often.

The most, the most, the real

He walks there, he sleeps there.

He raises his children there.

Likes pears, loves honey

Has a sweet tooth

I can still say

He loves to sleep very much. (Bear).

Bear: I'm furry and big. I am brown bear. I love sweet food and good sleep. Here is my task (Takes out an envelope with strips of paper and rhymes). We sit down at the table. We draw as many sticks on a piece of paper as you hear words in a poem with the sound C:

Here is an old dog at home.

Lie down with your nose buried in your paws.

Quietly, peacefully he sniffs

Maybe dozing, maybe sleeping.

With sound Sh:

Misha's grandmother knits

warm mittens,

To warm your palms

Little bear.

L .: Well done, they coped with this task. And whose tail is this, Nastya? This is a bear tail. I will give this tail to the bear.

The bear gives strawberries.

  1. Under the green pine

A painted house has grown,

And a squirrel lived in it

The squirrel is smart.

Our squirrel master

I sewed a blouse - a fox,

And the bunny - slippers

For four paws.

Teddy bear undershirt,

Even the gray wolf

She made a hat and pants.

She dried the mushrooms

And she fed the animals.

White man can do everything

The squirrel is smart.

Belka: Come visit me.

I can even write poetry. I also composed for you and now I will read them to you.

I put a helmet in a bowl, etc.

L .: The squirrel, probably, deliberately rearranged the words in the rhymes to make us laugh. Let's fix it.

L: Oh, look what I found. To whom will you give the tail, Seryozha? Serezha: I'll give it to the squirrel, because it's a squirrel's tail.

Belka: Help yourself, dear guests. The squirrel treats everyone with nuts.

L .: Guys, what animals did we meet today? And what sounds did we learn to distinguish? Well done!

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between sounds С and Ш by acoustic and articulatory features.

Exercise in pronouncing words with sounds С and Ш of varying difficulty (in conjunction with consonants, with the presence of oppositional sounds in one word).

To consolidate the ability to use the power of the voice, voice modulation, fluency of speech.

Develop attention, memory, creative imagination, logical thinking.

Material: snowflakes, mirrors, tables of sounds С and Ш, mnemonic table, table "Power of voice".

Puppet theater mittens: dog, monkey, frog, bear, duckling. Spruce, pine, cones, rattles, cards (punched cards), envelopes, workbooks, pencils, a snowdrift of riddles.

Lesson progress

Organization of children

Guys, on this winter day we gathered to play, joke and speak beautifully.

So that we can understand each other

We must all know the rules of speech.

Give me a word:

Who wants to talk

He must ... (pronounce)

Everything is correct and clear

So that everyone was ... (understandable).

We will talk

And we will ... (pronounce)

So right and clear

So that everyone was ... (understandable)

Main part

articulation exercises.

Let's wake up the tongue with a charge!

(with mirror)

Smile - proboscis - tube. 5 p.

Tongue on the lower lip - (1-5) 5 p.

Slap on the tongue 6-8 p.

Bite your tongue 6-8 p.

Click 5-6 p.

"White the ceiling" 5-6 p.

"Swing" 5 p.

"Pendulum" 6 p.

"Slide - coil"

Refinement of the articulation pattern of oppositional sounds

We are now learning to distinguish between sounds: one of them is whistling (C), the other is hissing (SH).

How are they pronounced?

Intonation - expressive exercise

Snowflakes are always welcome in winter. Here they fall easily, beautifully and fall on your palm. How many rays! What an intricate pattern! Enjoy the snowflakes!

(Speech therapist distributes snowflakes to children)

Remember, we learned the poem:

(Mnemonic table on the board)

We will pronounce it differently, the hand with the snowflake is the conductor.

(Table with circles - "The power of the voice")

To the meadow, to the meadow

Quietly falling snow (quietly)

But suddenly a breeze blew -

Our snowball is spinning (louder)

All the fluffs are dancing

White snowflakes (loud)

(The speech therapist asks the child individually)

Breathing exercises:

Blow out the snowflake.

When a leaf falls - it's leaf fall,

Stones in the mountains are falling - this is a rockfall

And when it snows, it's ... (snowfall)

So let us have a snow blizzard!

Finger exercises:

Sit down guys. Look:

Oh, how much snow has fallen!

Maybe your hands are cold!? Warm them up.

(X - X - X breathing exercises)

Move your fingers, warm up!

a) "Fingers say hello"

b) "Rings"

c) "Palm up, palm down, put on the side and squeezed into a fist."

(Right, left, both)

d) “Twist and twirl” (At different paces they draw with their hands, with the eyes of “dynamic eights”)

Search for a relevant concept

I have a riddle for you. Guess:

"I come with gifts,

I shine with bright lights,

smart, funny,

On New Year I'm in charge

Let it be like a prickly hedgehog

But for the guys of all, I’m better!”

(Christmas tree)

Differentiation of sounds С and Ш by ear.

We recently had fun at New Year's Eve. Visiting the Christmas tree were fairy-tale heroes, animals. They also wanted to sing songs and dance.

Teach them to speak correctly:

(Individually, children demonstrate the position of the tongue to the sounds С and Ш, repeat the word with voice modulation)

Let's repeat with me:

Cheese, hat, snow, fur coat, sour cream, sugar, crumbs.

Well done!

A syllable is a rhythmic exercise with a melodic pattern.

(Children are given rattles)

We will sing with you a winter song with the syllable "LA", then with the syllable "SA" and "ShA".

(The melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is used)

And now we will have "Shipulki" and "Whistles" to play separately and together!

We'll have a whole orchestra! And I will be a conductor and I will show who will play now.

Differentiation of sounds C - W in words:

We will play the game "Where are the kids from?"

This basket contains cones.

Let's see what tree they grew on:

On the pine - cones, with the sound "C", and on the spruce with the sound "Sh".

Hang them on branches.

(Children sort cones with pictures with the sound "C" -

on a pine, with the sound "Sh" - on a spruce.)

Differentiation of sounds С and Ш on cards in words.

Guys, you received letters from Dunno. Help him figure out the pictures.

Think about how to pronounce the words - the names of the pictures? Count the parts of words, draw beads.

(Children work individually with cards, determining the number of syllables)

Clarification figurative meaning words.

Children, what can grow?

What grows in summer? (plants)

And in autumn? (puddles, mushrooms)

And in the spring? (the day when the night decreases, leaves, flowers)

And in winter? (icicles)

And we have grown a snowdrift with riddles.

Search for an appropriate concept with imitation of movements, pantomime.

Sasha will take the first lump of snowdrift.

(The speech therapist reads the brought riddle and invites the child to draw a guess. Perform with the children.)

The long-eared gray hare turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring, the bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens? (in winter)

He entered - no one saw,

He said no one heard.

He blew on the windows and disappeared

And a forest grew on the windows. (Freezing)

We are nimble sisters

Run fast masters

We lie in the rain, we run in the snow,

This is our regime. (Skis)

Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking my horse out.

For a rope - a bridle through the yard I lead him,

From the hill I fly on it, and I drag it back. (Sled)

He was a black cloud at first

He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring it completely disappeared. (Snow)

I was raised, made of snow,

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot

Eyes - coals, lips - knots.

Cold, big, who am I? (Snowwoman)

What is a table among the birches in the open air?

He treats birds with grain and bread in frost. (feeder)
