M khovrino what is the name of the bus stop

Bus 154 - "VDNKh (southern) - Station Khovrino"

Distance between: VDNH (southern) → Station Khovrino is: ~ 0 km
along the route: ~ 0.8 km

Approximate travel time: ~ 10 min
Streets along which route No. 154 passes: Depovskaya street, Dmitrovskoe shosse, 800th anniversary of Moscow street, Beskudnikovsky boulevard, Angarskaya street, Station street, Taldomskaya street, Spring street, Signalny passage, Birch alley, Wilhelm Pieck street, Sergei Eisenstein street, Prospect Mira, Serebryakova passage, Longitudinal passage, 1st Crossroads
Districts of Moscow through which route No. 154 passes: Zapadnoye Degunino district, Dmitrovsky district, Beskudnikovsky district, Timiryazevsky district, Marfino district, Otradnoye district, Ostankino district, Rostokino district, Sviblovo district
Metro stations along the route: VDNH; Botanical Garden; Vladykino; ;
What buses and minibuses does this route intersect with: 13, 15, 73, 244, 834, 213m, 369m, 11, 17, 25, 14, 76, Sh1, 172, 286, 316, 317, 388, 392, 451, 499, 551, 576, 903k, 96m, 144m, 270m, 333, 56, 76, 93, 136, 803, 56m, 76m, 311m, 48, H6,

Route Bus 154 - Stops. Schedule

How to get there (optional)
VDNH (southern) - Station Khovrino

All Stops Bus 154

"St. Khovrino (settlement)”, Depovskaya street (to the center)

"7th bus depot", Dmitrovskoye shosse (to the center)

"Taldomskaya st.", street of the 800th anniversary of Moscow (from the center)

Institute of Eye Microsurgery, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (to the center)

"Music. school, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (to the center)

"Music. school", Beskudnikovsky boulevard (from the center)

Institute of Eye Microsurgery, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (from the center)

"Lower. Likhobory", Dmitrovskoe highway (from the center) (1)

"Shopping Center", Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (from the center)

Beskudnikovsky per., Beskudnikovsky boulevard (from the center)

"Rogachevsky per.", Beskudnikovsky boulevard (from the center)

"School No. 656", Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (from the center)

Apteka, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (from the center)

Beskudnikovo, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (from the center)

"St. Khovrino (high)", Angarskaya street (to the center)

Apteka, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (to the center)

"School No. 656", Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (to the center)

"Rogachevsky per.", Beskudnikovsky boulevard (to the center)

Beskudnikovsky lane, Beskudnikovsky boulevard (to the center)

"Shopping Center", Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (to the center)

"In-t Tsvetmetavtomatika", Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (to the center)

"In-t Tsvetmetavtomatika", Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (from the center)

"7th bus depot", Dmitrovskoe shosse (from the center) (4)

"Platf. Okruzhnaya, Station Street (from the center)

"St. Sophia Kovalevskoy, Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (to the center)

"St. Sophia Kovalevskaya, 800th Anniversary of Moscow Street (to the center)

"School them. L.M. Dovatora, Taldomskaya street (to the center)

Spring Street, Spring Street (from the center)

"Children's business", Taldomskaya street (from the center)

"Taldomskaya st.", Taldomskaya street (to the center)

"Metro Vladykino", Signalny proezd (from the center)

"Signalny pr.", Signalnyy proezd (from the center)

"Signalny pr., 35", Signalny proezd (to the center)

"Birch alley, 5", Birch alley (from the center)

"Guest. Baikal, Wilhelm Pieck Street (from the center)

"Film studio them. Gorky, Sergei Eisenstein Street (to the center)

Depot im. Bauman", Sergei Eisenstein Street (from the center) (1)

"Film studio them. Gorky, Sergei Eisenstein Street (from the center) (1)

"Guest. Baikal, Wilhelm Pieck Street (to the center)

"Metro Botanical Garden", Wilhelm Pieck Street (to the center) (2)

"Birch alley", Birch alley (to the center)

"Birch alley, 5", Birch alley (to the center)

"Signalny pr., 35", Signalnyy proezd (from the center)

"Signalny pr.", Signalnyy proezd (to the center)

"Metro Vladykino", Signalny proezd (to the center) (1)

"Guest. Voskhod”, Signalny proezd (to the center)

"Guest. Voskhod”, Signalny proezd (from the center)

"St. Boris Galushkin, Mira Avenue (to the center)

"Dmitrovskoe sh.", Station street (from the center)

Olonetskaya st., Birch alley (to the center)

Sberbank, Birch alley (to the center)

Sberbank, Birch alley (from the center)

Olonetskaya st., Birch alley (from the center)

Otradny pr., Birch alley (from the center)

"Platf. Okruzhnaya, Station Street (to the center)

"Metro Botanical Garden", Wilhelm Pieck Street (from the center)

VGIK, Wilhelm Pieck Street (from the center)

Otradny pr., Birch alley (to the center)

"St. Khovrino (k / st) ”, Angarskaya street (to the center)

"Metro VDNKh", Prospekt Mira (to the center) (2)

"Angarskaya street, 6", Angarskaya street (to the center)

"Birch alley", Serebryakova passage (from the center)

Lazorevy pr., Serebryakova passage (from the center)

Lazorevy pr., Serebryakova passage (to the center)

"Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 10", Beskudnikovsky Boulevard (from the center)

"St. Okruzhnaya, Station Street (from the center)

"Dmitrovskoe sh.", Station street (to the center)

"St. Okruzhnaya, Station Street (to the center)

"Metro Verkhniye Likhobory", Dmitrovskoe shosse (to the center) (1)

"Metro VDNKh", Prospekt Mira (to the center) (6)

"VDNKh (northern)", Longitudinal passage (from the center)

"VDNH (southern) (high)", Longitudinal passage (from the center)

"VDNKh (southern) (to / st, settlement)", Longitudinal passage (to the center)

Metro VDNKh, 1st Crossroads (to the center)

Depot im. Bauman, Longitudinal passage (to the center)

16:17 31.12.2017 -

On the express route from Moscow to Zelenograd, a stop at the metro station “ Khovrino ”, which opened to passengers on December 31. This was reported in the transport complex of the capital.

With the opening of the new metro station Khovrino ” from December 31, 2017, changes were introduced on bus routes No. 65, 200, 400e, 958.

Now buses number 400e "Zelenograd (Northern) - Metro "River Station " follow in both directions along Dybenko street, Lavochkina street and Festivalnaya street. An additional stop "Metro" is organized on the route Khovrino ” along Dybenko street in both directions.

Stop " 19th Quarter” for bus routes No. 200, 400e, 958 along Dybenko Street received a new name "Metro" Khovrino ” and rescheduled: when going to the metro "River Station "- 240 meters back, when moving to the Moscow Ring Road - 230 meters forward.

Stop "Dybenko Street" for bus route No. 65 along Zelenogradskaya Street in both directions, renamed "Metro" Khovrino ”.

tags: Zamoskvoretskaya Metro Zelenograd

"The construction is completed and we are opening the long-awaited metro station" Khovrino ”. Congratulations to all on the completion of construction and Happy New Year"Sobyanin said. According to him, the appearance of this station will improve transport accessibility for residents of the north of the capital, will reduce the load on the station "River Station " and relieve traffic on adjacent streets and highways.

As previously noted in the mayor’s office, after the opening of the station “ Khovrino ” 80 percent of the residents of the district of the same name will have a metro within walking distance. It is expected that about 60 thousand people will use it daily.

Initially, it was reported that the station was supposed to open on December 29, but its launch moved. The press service of the metro explained this step by the fact that commissioning work had not yet been completed at the station, ventilation and drainage systems were being tested, and passenger automation devices were being debugged.

One of the Khovrino subway exits, right now pic.twitter.com/DySyA9PJOm - No News (@hungry_moose) December 31, 2017

Station " Khovrino ” located on the western side of Dybenko Street, at the intersection with Zelenogradskaya Street. The station has two vestibules and two exits: one is on the western side of Dybenko Street, opposite house 42, and the second is on the western side of Dybenko Street, near Coastal passage. The vestibules are connected to the station platform by escalators.

Note that in the future next to the metro station it will be built new platform of Oktyabrskaya railwayKhovrino-2 ” and a bus station for interregional and international bus routes. It is assumed that the new transfer hub from the station "River Station " the main part of the routes from the Moscow region will move.

tags: Zamoskvoretskaya Metro Sobyanin

In the final hours of 2017, the Khovrino station of the Moscow metro opened for passengers. It will become the new terminus for the northern radius of the Zamoskvoretskaya Line instead of the River Station.

Khovrino is located on the western side of Dybenko Street, at the intersection with Zelenogradskaya Street and Coastal Passage. According to the project, it has two underground lobbies with an extensive system of exits to the surface. The southern vestibule is located opposite house 42 on Dybenko Street, the northern one is near Coastal passage. The commissioning of the station is expected in two stages - today both vestibules are launched, but with only three of the six entrances and exits to the surface: one from the north and two (on both sides of Dybenko Street) from the south. The second troika will be opened by the second one along with the transport interchange hub.

In 2017, the builders managed to come close to solving only the "minimum" problem - to make the entrances located closer to residential buildings accessible to passengers. The event was scheduled for December 29, but was delayed for several days, TASS reports. The readiness of ground services was so great that the employees of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans even managed to post announcements about changes related to the upcoming launch of the metro.

After the necessary tests of communication systems and live power supply, adjustment of passenger automation devices, training of personnel to work at the new station, as well as testing of life support systems, the Khovrino station was nevertheless recognized as ready for opening. To connect all systems, two weekends in a row - and December - the movement of trains from Sokol to Rechnoy Vokzal had to be completely stopped. They were replaced by compensatory buses.

In the most last days metro staff also carried out a run-in of trains along the new route. Although on the evening of December 28, all trains turned around through the "River Station".

According to the forecasts of transport workers, the new station will improve the accessibility of the northern regions of Moscow. It is designed to reduce the excess load in the area of ​​the Rechnoy Vokzal station by two and a half times and partially unload the Leningradskoye Highway, Festivalnaya, Belomorskaya and Smolnaya streets. However, the efficiency of its work could be much higher if a settling and turning area for buses were included in the station's launch complex. Such a measure would make it possible to shorten the routes of several routes instead of the River Station, reduce the intervals of movement on them, and also organize new public transport routes.

In particular, it was planned to reduce bus routes to Khovrino No. 400e And 958 . And the regional carrier has plans to transfer the final stop of the route from the Water Stadium to Khovrino № 440 next to Solnechnogorsk. The regular route from Sheremetyevo Airport, planned to serve the guests of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, should also end at the Khovrino terminus. However, there is no certainty that the planned transport interchange hub near the newly opened metro will be operational at least by the summer.

Even less is the degree of readiness to transfer to the railway. Contrary to the Moscow law on the naming of territorial objects, the location of the Khovrino metro station does not coincide with the location of the Khovrino station of the Oktyabrskaya railway. Therefore, for the transfer of passengers from electric trains to the metro, a new Khovrino-2 station is planned, the construction of which has not yet begun.

Due to the meager capacity of ground infrastructure, ground transport routes have changed only in that the stop "19th quarter" of bus routes №№ 138, 188, 200, 559, 673, 739, 745, 958 moved along Dybenko Street 240 meters to the north and received a new name "Metro" Khovrino "". Plus a semi-express route No. 400e, connecting Zelenograd with the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, when moving in both directions, began to pass along Dybenko Street and Lavochkina Street. At the same time, he began to stop at the new metro station. Promptly "moved" to new stops near the southern lobby and buses passing suburban routes №№ 344 And 368 . Stop "Ulitsa Dybenko" bus routes №№ 65, 188, 745, located on Zelenogradskaya Street, also received a new name "Metro" Khovrino "".

However, the backlog of ground infrastructure from the objects of the metropolitan metro that are being delivered at an emergency pace is a traditional phenomenon. Just a day before the launch of the Khovrino station, the first ground transport stop was launched at the one that opened back in March. Buses now stop here №№ 58, 103, 130, 187, 260, 908 , following in the direction of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Passengers will have to wait a few more months for a stop in the opposite direction.

Interestingly, the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station was opened exactly 53 years ago, on December 31, 1964. For more than half a century, it remained the terminal in the north of the "green" line of the Moscow Metro, becoming the object of urban folklore and literary works. So, one of the famous poems of the poet Miroslav Nemirov (1990) began with a quote from an autoinformer in the car: "The station" River Station ", the train does not go further."