A small cup and a delicious porridge. Methodological development for a reading lesson in a correctional school (grade 6) topic: “riddles

When the mood is bad and problems with appearance- it's time to cleanse the body of toxins, gentlemen! And as it turned out, nothing else will do it better than ordinary porridge. Any cereal is fiber saturated with organic substances. Porridge is especially useful for the elderly, expectant mothers and those whose work takes place in harmful conditions, because all pesticides, heavy metals and other "garbage" attract organic matter.

If there are no medical contraindications, then all cereals are useful to the body, but some more, some less. It is difficult to overestimate buckwheat porridge: it improves digestion due to pectins, and is a storehouse of iron, and is beneficial for the pancreas and liver. Buckwheat is low-calorie and very quickly absorbed, so for dinner such a porridge is just a fairy tale. The best thing is not to cook, but to steam buckwheat, pour boiling water over it, wrap it up and put it in a warm place. Such porridge will always be crumbly and as useful as possible, cleansing the body of harmful excess heavy metals.

Rice porridge is especially valuable if it is made from brown, wild, or long Central Asian rice. If your job involves the risk of lead or arsenic poisoning, then rice is just what the doctor ordered. The rice diet is very effective. Before cooking, the cereal must be thoroughly washed: firstly, it is not known where it “was lying” and how many hands it passed through, and secondly, water washes away starch, speeding up the cooking process.

Oatmeal, sir! Very useful, especially for the female body. Oatmeal reduces the risk of cancer, helps the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the occurrence of stomach ulcers and gastritis. Groats are rich in vegetable proteins and fats and contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP. All these beneficial substances increase immunity, fight depression, strengthen bones, maintain blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on the condition of women's skin.

Millet porridge contains elements that strengthen tissues, so this cereal gives additional strength to the body. Copper gives tissues additional elasticity, silicon helps form bones and teeth, fluorine is also responsible for teeth, manganese contributes to normal metabolism. Millet is rich in iron, therefore, as a remedy, it is suitable for a good complexion and healthy blood circulation.

Semolina, of course, is the most stupid in the cereal family, because it contains the least amount of vitamins. But for people with sick intestines and stomach, semolina porridge is just right, because. very easy to digest due to the lack of fiber. Semolina is nothing more than peeled grains of wheat. It is in the shell of wheat that contains the most vitamins, so there are very few of them in semolina. But after cooking, almost all of them remain in the porridge due to quick cooking.

Barley porridge is almost twice as high as other cereals in the content of phosphorus, which helps to increase the speed and power of muscle contractions. That is why barley is so necessary for athletes and people involved in physical labor. Porridge helps in the normalization of brain function and a balanced metabolism. If barley is soaked for 2-3 hours, then it will take less time to cook it.

Corn porridge will perfectly cleanse the body of toxic compounds of fluorine and chlorine and of organic mercury contained in the substance that is used to process grain. Vitamins of groups A, B, E, PP, silicon and iron - this is what corn grits are useful for. It is recommended for intestinal and cardiovascular diseases.

There are no hard limits for cereal-based diets. Any porridge goes well with soft and sheep cheese, cheese, milk. For sweetness, you can add dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits, apples, honey. Let's eat porridge, it's healthy! Where is my big spoon?

Methodical development to a reading lesson in a correctional school (grade 6)

PURPOSE: Acquaintance with Russian riddles.

Development of thinking, the ability to think logically, find answers

in analogies.

Education of love for the Russian word.

Equipment. Chalk, board, cards with riddles.

During the classes.

  1. Org. Moment.

  2. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

  3. Poll house. tasks.
Read the proverbs and sayings about autumn that you have prepared.

Students read prepared proverbs and sayings.

Teacher's conversation.

Guys, in the past lessons, we got acquainted with oral folk art. These are fairy tales, epics, proverbs, sayings.

And now we will get acquainted with the wonderful world of riddles.

Russian riddles are very diverse both in content and in origin. At the core ancient mysteries lay the desire of man to know the world. Thunder, lightning, rain, rainbow, starry sky - all this was incomprehensible, frightened, pleased, or suppressed with its greatness, everything had to be given some explanation. And the inquisitive mind of man tried to artistic images imagine the essence of these phenomena of reality.

In riddles, people seem to bring natural phenomena closer to themselves, comparing them with everyday concrete things. For example, what a rainbow is, people could not explain before, but it reminded them of a beautiful rocker.

And so a riddle was born:

Beautiful rocker

It hung over the river.

Who is familiar with the word rocker?

Children give their answers.

Now look at the board, read what a yoke is, look at the picture depicting a yoke. A yoke is an arched stick for holding buckets.

A riddle is a kind of game that makes surrounding people, things, animals, etc. its subject. And at the same time, a riddle is a purely poetic intricate description of an object or phenomenon, the purpose of which is not only to test a person’s ingenuity, but also to instill in him a poetic view of the world around him.

Every riddle has a clue.

There is a riddle written on the board.

small cup,

The porridge is sweet.

To get the porridge
I have to break the cup.

Read the riddle.

What helps solve the riddle?

We see that the proposed object is compared with a cup in its rounded shape, that it is edible (sweet porridge). In order to get this edible, it is necessary to break the shell, the shell. In the last lines of the riddle, there is a hint that helps you quickly find the answer. (Nut)

And now let's solve riddles together, finding the answer in the riddle itself.

The teacher distributes squats on which riddles are written.

Picked up a card with the number 1. Read the riddles.

The teacher calls the student, who reads the riddles written on the card aloud one by one. After reading the riddle, the guys collectively or with the help of the teacher find the answer

Card #1

In the middle of the yard

fork front,

broom behind. (cow)
-Patch in front

back hook,

middle back,

And it has bristles on it. (piggy)
- no windows,

without doors

Full of people. (cucumber)
Now take a card with the number 2. Read the riddles. Name riddles in which the action of a guessed object or phenomenon helps to find a clue.

Card #2

I'm spinning, spinning, and I'm not lazy

Spin even the whole day. (Yula).
Walks in the summer, rests in the winter. (bear)

Name riddles in which the action of a guessed object or phenomenon helps to find a clue.

And now, take the card with the number 3

The named student reads the riddles written on the card number 3

Card number 3

The yellow hostess came from the forest,

I counted all the chickens and took it with me (fox)
-Dark cotton is floating somewhere,

The lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain (clouds)

Read riddles in which both appearance and action help to find the answer.

That's right guys. You did a good job. And now let's rest.

Physical minute.
Relax, now let's get back to work. We have determined how you can find the answer in the riddle, and try to guess the proposed riddles yourself.

Red, but not a girl,

Green, but not grass. (Carrot),
-Not a tailor, but walks with needles all his life. (Hedgehog)
So today we guys got acquainted with one of the ancient genres of oral folk art - riddles. We have determined that the clues are hidden in the riddles themselves. Guessed objects are similar in appearance, or objects perform the same actions, or one object is opposed to another.

And at runtime homework you will take a direct part in oral folk art. And the task is to come up with a riddle from our modern reality. If you can't come up with a riddle yourself, then pick it up in the library.

When the mood is bad and problems with appearance - it's time to cleanse the body of toxins, gentlemen! And as it turned out, nothing else will do it better than ordinary porridge. Any cereal is fiber saturated with organic substances. Porridge is especially useful for the elderly, expectant mothers and those whose work takes place in harmful conditions, because all pesticides, heavy metals and other "garbage" attract organic substances.

If there are no medical contraindications, then all cereals are useful to the body, but some more, some less. It is difficult to overestimate buckwheat porridge: it improves digestion due to pectins, and is a storehouse of iron, and is beneficial for the pancreas and liver. Buckwheat is low-calorie and very quickly absorbed, so for dinner such a porridge is just a fairy tale. The best thing is not to cook, but to steam buckwheat, pour boiling water over it, wrap it up and put it in a warm place. Such porridge will always be crumbly and as useful as possible, having cleansed the body of the harmful excess of heavy metals.

Rice porridge is especially valuable if it is made from brown, wild, or long Central Asian rice. If your job involves the risk of lead or arsenic poisoning, then rice is just what the doctor ordered. The rice diet is very effective. Before cooking, the cereal must be thoroughly washed: firstly, it is not known where it “was lying” and how many hands it passed through, and secondly, water washes away starch, speeding up the cooking process.

Oatmeal, sir! Very useful, especially for the female body. Oatmeal reduces the risk of cancer, helps the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the occurrence of stomach ulcers and gastritis. Groats are rich in vegetable proteins and fats and contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP. All these beneficial substances increase immunity, fight depression, strengthen bones, maintain blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on the condition of women's skin.

Millet porridge contains elements that strengthen tissues, so this cereal gives additional strength to the body. Copper gives tissues additional elasticity, silicon helps form bones and teeth, fluorine is also responsible for teeth, manganese contributes to normal metabolism. Millet is rich in iron, therefore, as a remedy, it is suitable for a good complexion and healthy blood circulation.

Semolina, of course, is the most stupid in the cereal family, because it contains the least amount of vitamins. But for people with sick intestines and stomach, semolina porridge is just right, because. very easy to digest due to the lack of fiber. Semolina is nothing more than peeled grains of wheat. It is in the shell of wheat that contains the most vitamins, so there are very few of them in semolina. But after cooking, almost all of them remain in the porridge due to quick cooking.

Barley porridge is almost twice as high as other cereals in the content of phosphorus, which helps to increase the speed and power of muscle contractions. That is why barley is so necessary for athletes and people involved in physical labor. Porridge helps in the normalization of brain function and a balanced metabolism. If barley is soaked for 2-3 hours, then it will take less time to cook it.

Corn porridge will perfectly cleanse the body of toxic compounds of fluorine and chlorine and of organic mercury contained in the substance that is used to process grain. Vitamins of groups A, B, E, PP, silicon and iron - this is what corn grits are useful for. It is recommended for intestinal and cardiovascular diseases.

There are no hard limits for cereal-based diets. Any porridge goes well with soft and sheep cheese, cheese, milk. For sweetness, you can add dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits, apples, honey. Let's eat porridge, it's healthy! Where is my big spoon?