Events dedicated to memory and grief on June 22. Events dedicated to the Day of Memory and Sorrow were held in the libraries of the Sergach Central Library Library. Organizing Committee of the international action "Candle of Memory"

May rural library

An hour of memory for children from 7 to 12 years old "This is how the war began" was held in the May Library.

Librarian Mykolaichuk Yu.N. she told the children about how the Great Patriotic War began, how our Soviet people defeated Nazi Germany, and also about the great cost and huge losses that the Great Victory was won.

During the hour of memory, poems and songs about the war were heard. A book exhibition "Time is running out, memory remains with us" and a quiz on a military theme were organized for the participants of the event.

At the end of the event, the librarian lit a candle of memory and all those present observed a minute of silence for those who fought and gave their lives for our freedom.

The event was attended by 14 people.

Mirnovskaya rural library

On June 22, on the Day of Sorrow and Memory of War Victims, the librarian of the Mirnovsky rural library Kosenkova Natalya Nikolaevna, together with the administration of the Mirnovsky village council and the House of Culture, held an hour of memory "Strong Army - strong Russia!!!". Natalya Nikolaevna held a presentation of the book-illustrated exhibition "There was a war ... There was a Victory ..." dedicated to the heroism of Russian soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. During the presentation, the librarian read a few lines from Peter Sinyavsky's poem "When the War Ends" and "Soldier's Memory" lines that accurately convey the pain and severity of the trials that our country withstood with honor, that the feat of soldiers who fought to the death will never be forgotten for your homeland. Also, for the attention of the guests who came to the event, an information stand “Where there is memory, there is a tear” was designed.

Pobednenskaya Rural Library

June 22 marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the most terrible and bloody war in the history of mankind - the Great Patriotic War. On this day, Russia celebrates the Day of Memory and Sorrow. This is one of the saddest and most tragic dates in the history of our country. The head of the Pobednensky Library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva, held an hour of remembrance “We will not forget that fateful date”, which was attended by students of the Pobednensky school attending a summer school camp. The children heard a story about the first minutes of the war, about the heroic defenders of the Brest Fortress, about children who, by the will of fate, ended up at the front. The children examined with interest the exhibits of the museum room of the Pobednensky Library, reminiscent of terrible time and listened with excitement to excerpts from A. Gotovchikov's book "One Potato - Two Potatoes" about children of the war years and unimagined stories of those whose childhood fell on the years of the Great Patriotic War. We again remembered those who saved our Fatherland from destruction, brought freedom to the peoples of the world, and defended our father's house. I would like to believe that the grain of memory dropped today in children's memory will give good shoots. The event was attended by 17 people.

June 22 marked one of the saddest dates in the history of Russia - the Day of Memory and Sorrow - the day the Great Patriotic War began. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. On this day, 76 years later, national flags were flown at half mast throughout the country. In the libraries of the Centralized Library System of the Sergachsky District, commemorative meetings and actions were held in memory of those who died in those cruel years.

A reminder of those terrible war days were the exhibitions of literature designed in the Central Library. S. I. Shurtakova: “ Best Books about the war”, an exhibition-memory “We remember in order to live”, a photo exhibition “A soldier looks from a photograph” (photographs of the wartime from the personal archives of our readers). All day long, discussions and reviews of literature “Remember the life of those who defended ...” were held at the exhibitions, poems and songs about the war sounded. In the summer reading room on June 23, an hour of patriotism "Bitter Poetry of War" was held, the participants of the event themselves read their favorite poems about the war, among which were poems by Sergach poets - I.G. Somov and N.M. Mishukov.

On June 22, in the Central Children's Library, throughout the day, conversations were held with readers of different ages on books about the war and an oral survey among the children: what is the date of June 22, 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began, how long the war lasted, what they read about the war. An exhibition was arranged in the reading room of the Central Children's Library creative works students of the children's art school "Little Heroes big war". The works are based on works about the Great Patriotic War. Readers got acquainted with the exhibition, and some of the guys took books about children who were heroes of the war.

In the Bogorodsk rural library-branch there was a lesson of courage "This is how the war began." The event began with a demonstration of an excerpt from the film "Liberation" followed by a story about the difficult military trials in the history of our country. Librarian N.A. Murakhtanova told the teenagers that the war is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is 900 days besieged Leningrad, this is a feat of heroes Kursk Bulge, this is the storming of Berlin, this is the memory of the heart of the whole people. We remembered the events of the war years and those people who won peace on earth for us. The children read poems about the war by K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, M. Jamil, Yu. Drunina and others, drew drawings on military topics. On June 22, the day of remembrance and mourning, the children together lit "candles of memory" and laid flowers at the obelisk.

On June 22, in the Sosnovskaya rural branch library, patriotic hour"In that harsh 41st." Head of the library L.A. Maslova told the children attending the summer health camp at the KFOR about the history of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The children got acquainted with the books about the war, which the library has, looked at the photographs of the burial place of fellow villager Samoilov I.V. on German soil, sent by search engines. In 1941, a native of Sosnovka was taken prisoner and soon died of his wounds.

In the Klyuchevskaya city library-branch that day, an hour of memory “They fought for their homeland” passed. The children were told how the war began, how many soldiers, women, children and the elderly died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and were tortured to death in concentration camps. Introduced to the literature about the Great Patriotic War. The children took part in the "Candle of Remembrance" action. Flowers were laid at the monument and candles were lit. They honored the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.
The Achkina rural library, together with the rural recreation center, held the "Candle of Memory" campaign for students in grades 5-9. Together with the children, the workers of the Palace of Culture and the librarian commemorated the fallen soldiers of the village during the Second World War with a minute of silence at the obelisk, laying flowers at the monument and solemnly lighting candles of memory. After that, the children in the library, together with the librarian, read stories about Aleskseev's war and, in conclusion, watched the feature film "A Girl from the City".
On June 22, the Kochko-Pozharskaya Library, together with the staff of the KFOR, held a “Day of Memory and Sorrow”. The librarian introduced the children present to the history of the beginning of the war. Conducted a literature review of the war. The children got acquainted with the books of S.Alekseev, A.Mityaev, V.Kunin, Yu.Bondarev... Then the children went down into the field, picked wildflowers and all together went to the obelisk. At the obelisk, they remembered the names of those who did not return from the battlefield. Read poems about war. They laid flowers at the monument.

On June 20, the librarian of the Pozharsky rural library-branch with the children of the school health camp held a patriotic hour "Let there always be sunshine." O.A Sapunova told the children about how much grief the war brought to our people, about the severity of the trials that fell on children's shoulders in those years ... The children learned about the hard working days of teenagers in the rear, about their courage in partisan detachments and at the front. We heard poems about the war, watched video clips. To the sounds of a metronome, they honored the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence. At the end of the event, we prepared flowers, made them with our own hands and laid them at the monument. The children were offered books with stories about the war by S. Alekseev. A memo about the children of the war "Glorious Names of Heroes" was drawn up.

On June 22, the inhabitants of the village of Yanovo, adults and children, came with flowers to the Soldier ... To commemorate on this holy Day of Memory and Sorrow the Yanovites who did not return from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War ... The village librarian N.A. Rakova told about the participation of her fellow villagers in that terrible war, about the legendary countryman - Hero Soviet Union Guards Major General Matvey Stepanovich Batrakov. And then, in solemn silence, verses dedicated to the memory of the fallen Yanovites sounded ... “So that that war is not forgotten. After all, this memory is our conscience ... ".

The Andreevskaya Library together with the SDK held a literary and musical evening "June 22 - Day of Memory and Sorrow" for the residents of the village of Shemeneevka. The verses “Enemies burned their own hut”, “Stockings” were sounded; songs "Katyusha", "Great-grandfather", "Platoon" and others. Performed dances of the war years. Residents of Shemeneevka warmly thanked all the participants with tears in their eyes, because they had not had such an event for so long.

In total, more than 300 people took part in the events.

In preparing for this memorable day, it is important not to forget about the details. First of all, it is important to decide on the venue. Choose a venue, set up a stage, decorate it in accordance with the event. Decide on music and time of day. Also, do not forget about the weather conditions, which can be quite unpredictable. You can also place several outlets with memorable souvenirs. To do this, you can attract local craftsmen, as their author's fakes will be more interesting and symbolic.

Presenter, Presenter, musical groups, performers, invited guests, Mayor of the city (if we are talking about a school, then the director).

Music sounds. Leaders appear on the stage.

June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock
Kyiv was bombed
We were announced
That the war started.

This day has become a reminder to the world of those horrific events that began on that fateful morning. You should never forget about the heroism, the feat of those great people who fought not for medals, but for their country. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! We are starting our event dedicated to the day of memory and sorrow.

War is merciless, war is bloodthirsty,
War breaks hearts
War leaves scars and grief
Nobody wants a war...

Today, it is worth honoring the memory of those who fell for our Great country, and saluting those who are still alive. June 22, 1941, was the shortest night in the history of our country, a night saturated with courage and pain.

(The first verse of the song "Dark Night" plays in the background)

The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives. Tens of thousands of families have lost loved ones. Thousands were permanently disabled. In total, including the soldiers, during all the time of these tragic events, about 27 million of our compatriots died. Children, old people, women, soldiers gave their lives so that you and I could live under this clear sky.

- Only in concentration camps about 18 million people were tortured;
- Every month, about 52,000 people died from hunger and cold in the rear;
- 1710 cities were destroyed.

(Other facts related to VVO can be cited)

Remember, never forget
Days past, and the exploits of the experienced,
So many lives were taken by the war
On earth and in souls, pain and wounds.

It is hard to imagine what horror the soldiers had to go through, young boys who had just finished school. These people have become an example, the pride of the people. Their exploits inspired poets, writers and artists. They say that the song helped the soldiers in battle, raising their spirits.

(The hosts leave, the performer appears on the stage and sings the front-line song "Blue Handkerchief")

The Mayor of our city decided to share this day with us today (he rises to the stage. After the Mayor's speech, the presenters return.

The worst thing is that children took part in the events of the past days. Defenseless, very tiny little men who managed to say goodbye to childhood, who took up arms in order to protect the most intimate thing that they had.

Today, the children are safe, but they also decided to pay tribute to those who defended our country.

(Children enter the stage different ages and are reading. It will be more interesting and better if they are dressed in a soldier's uniform, the old model)

Dead heroes say
Lines, particles of the soul,
Letters from the front
Letters that are always alive.

(The presenter reads out one of the letters included in the book “Dead Heroes Speak.” If you wish, you can choose a letter from the hero of your city, at the end, say a few words about the courage, heroism, spiritual strength of the person who wrote this letter)

Every news from the front, every note, every letter was a ray of hope or a harbinger of trouble. And how many letters did not reach the addressees, or came with many years of delay.

We must honor all these courageous people who never returned home with a moment of silence.

(A moment of silence is announced)

They say that in those war years,
Despite the ferocity of the war,
They danced to the guitar, button accordion,
Our warriors, grandfathers, sons.

(A dance group appears on the stage and dances "Smuglyanka")

Few people know, but about 80 thousand officers during the war were women. Generally, in different time of these terrible events, from 600 thousand to 1 million representatives of the weaker sex, if it is appropriate to call them that, fought on the front line.

All German soldiers were afraid of Russian snipers, as they shot without a miss. The sisters of the Red Cross, on themselves, pulled out the wounded, covering them from bullets with their bodies. And how many enemy planes our pilots were able to shoot down, how many they could endure and survive, only God knows.

(The song "The Ballad of Military Pilots - Night Witches in the Sky" is performed)

So few of them are left among us,
But still alive, we are proud of them,
The world owes you, the whole country,
We strive to be like you.

Friends. Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer Veterans, but these heroes, like their deeds, are eternal! Now, on this stage, I am pleased to invite those who fought for our country.

(Veterans take the stage. You need to agree with them in advance what they will present to the public. These can be front-line stories, a song. Be sure to take care of flowers and gifts for them)

Not many people know that during the Great Patriotic War, dogs fought side by side with people. About 60 thousand dogs were involved in hostilities. They delivered battle reports. Approximately 700 thousand seriously wounded, they managed to pull out of the battlefield. With the help of sapper dogs, 303 cities were cleared of mines and about 4 million units of enemy mines were neutralized.

Dogs protected from the cold and guarded the territory. In some cities, monuments were erected in honor of these four-legged heroes.

Even with such help, unfortunately, not many managed to return from the war, but many had families. And now, on this stage, I would like to invite grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children, great heroes of our city.

(Relatives of non-returning heroes rise to the stage. It is important that each of them hold a portrait of their mother, father, grandfather, grandmother in their hands. To begin with, it is better that they talk a little about their heroic ancestors, and then read on)

As mentioned today, the song has saved many times. One of the popular songs of those years was the well-known "Katyusha", and our event would not have been possible without it.

(A musical ensemble, a group, or maybe just a performer enters the stage, and the song “Katyusha” is sung)

Leading (Reads a note from "Dead Heroes Speak", you can choose any other text from the book):
Tomorrow I'll die, mom.

You lived 50 years, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live in order to smash the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I didn't say anything. I know that my friends, the partisans, will avenge my death. They will destroy the invaders.

Don't cry mom. I'm dying knowing that I gave everything to win. It's not scary to die for the people. Tell the girls: let them go partisan, boldly smash the occupiers.

Our victory is not far off!

This note was written by the partisan Porshneva on November 29, 1941. She was not afraid of death, she believed in victory, in her people, in her country.

In our hearts forever, forever
We are grateful for the victory
That morning the war began
For peace our soldiers fell.
So let's not forget friends
That day, that hour, that eternal moment,
What were they all fighting for?
Thank you for life and peace!

(In the background, "Farewell of the Slavyanka" begins to play)

Thank you for spending this time with us.

Nobody is forgotten! In the heart forever!

Author: Ermoshina Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher primary school, MOU "Gymnasium No. 7", Podolsk
Description: Suggest material that can be used class teachers all levels of education, subject teachers in the preparation of the holiday dedicated to the Victory Day.
Target: to instill in children a sense of personal empathy for those who fought on the fronts during the Second World War and served the Motherland in the rear, a sense of pride in their country, the generations of our ancestors who lived in it and their native people.
Tasks: consolidation and deepening of knowledge about the life of our people during the Great Patriotic War, the development and education of patriotic feelings on the examples of the heroism of the soldiers of our army, the courage and courage of the people.

Event progress.

It is advisable to invite high school students to the roles of leaders.
1st presenter
We remember the war not then,
To once again boast of victory.
We just conjure everyone and everything:
This cannot happen again...
2nd leader.
June 22, 1941. Behind the exams, the guys dream of how they will live after school.
(Peaceful sky, prom, children dance "Random Waltz")
Against the backdrop of music, the dreams of 1941 graduates resound.
- I'm going to go to medical institute I want to become a pediatrician.
- My dream is to become an engineer...
- And I'll be a math teacher...
- I want to be a builder...
- I dream of entering the theater ...
And I dream about love...
1st presenter
June! Then you didn't know
Walking from school evenings
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war!
And it will end only in the 45th, in May ...
2nd host
Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed...
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left!
(Levitan's voice: "Attention! All radio stations are working.")
B. Akudzhava "Ah, war ..." high school guys read.
Ah, the war, what have you done vile?
Our courtyards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
On the threshold barely loomed
And the soldiers went after the soldier.
"Goodbye, boys! Boys!

Oh, war, what have you done?
Instead of weddings - separation and smoke.
Our girls dresses are white
They gave it to their sisters.
On the threshold barely loomed
And the soldiers went after the soldier.
Goodbye girls! Girls!
Try to get back!"
1st presenter.
A. A. Surkov "Black clouds are creeping"
Black clouds roll in
Lightning in the sky scurries
In a cloud of flying dust
The trumpets sound the alarm.
Fight a gang of fascists
The homeland of the brave calls...
A bold bullet is afraid
Does not take a bold bayonet.
The planes took off.
The tank formation moved
With a song infantry companies.
We went out to fight for our country.
(The song “Holy War” sounds. The guys leave in formation.)
2nd host.
- Tell me, have you ever seen hand-to-hand combat? Not in reality, but maybe in a dream? Whoever says that it's not scary in war knows nothing about war!
(Soundtrack: shooting, planes, explosions. There is a fight.)
Well comrade, after the fight,
Exhaling powder smoke,
Look at the blue sky
Clouds float overhead.
(The song “Nightingales, do not sing more songs ...” sounds)
1st presenter
In the battle near Orel, near Warsaw,
In the fierce fire of batteries
I felt left and right
Support of trench friends
And, saw someone bolder
And much older than me
I don't feel sorry for myself
Went straight into the rain of fire.
(Staging of an excerpt by B. Vasilyev “He was not on the lists”.
On the stage - one wounded soldier, the second enters with a machine gun, wearily sits down next to the wounded.)
The recording of the poem "Wait for me" sounds.
(The song "Dark Night" sounds.)
2nd host
The night rumbles. Another roll. In the distance, a huge fire is fanned by a huge glow. They brought the colonel to the dugout. The last minutes are counted down. What does he resurrect in his heart, Foreseeing cruel separation? Favorite region? Family faces? House?
He didn't say a word about it.
- Fire... in the name of the Motherland... forward!
And, dying, an adamant warrior
Commands. And in the hour of death leads
To victory he steel battalions.
(The song "Combat" sounds.)
1st presenter(N. Serdyuk “What does a soldier dream about?”)
What does a soldier dream of
Far from home?
Only the night closes eyelashes
A young guy.
The girl-joy is dreaming
With clear eyes
The one that is truly waiting for a soldier
Days and nights.
Dreaming of a house at a crossroads
The shadow of a dense garden
Dreaming of a white birch
Near the window
Mother in a chintz scarf
At the porch of the native ...
Father's land soldier dreams
Far from home.
2nd host
Front songs majestically
Anthems have been ringing for many years
Above the earth where glory shines with the sun
Combat battles and victories.
And they ring, where are the obelisks
Drenched in rainbow colors...
Front songs without registration
For a long time they live in people's hearts.
(Fragments of songs.)
1st leader.
Soldiers are returning from the war.
Steppes, steppes - waving a distant wing ...
The mother of a soldier is waiting at the hut,
And the soldier sleeps forever.
(The song "Cranes" sounds - background)
2nd leader.
A family lived in Ukraine, which gave the country sons.
She sent all eight sons, blessing, to defend the Motherland. They did not disgrace the honor of their widowed mother, who endured a lot of suffering.
Ivan, Peter, Konstantin and Fedor selflessly fought in the Kerch-Feodosia region at the end of December. In the ensuing struggle, Ivan and Peter fell. During the liberation of Kyiv, Fedor died, and during the liberation of Donbass, Konstantin died a heroic death.
Vasily fought heroically, first defending the Caucasus and then Stalingrad. He was seriously wounded during the Kursk operation. He was demobilized and returned to hometown but died due to complications from his injuries.
His brother Tikhon also fell victim to a severe wound and died in the hospital.
Anatoly fought courageously and died during the liberation from the blockade of Leningrad.
Of the eight brothers, only one Stepan managed to escape from the fascist hordes. He pursued the enemy to their very lair - Berlin.
1st leader.(E. Martynov "Mother got old ..." excerpt)
Mother has aged for many years,
And there is no news from the son and no.
But she keeps waiting
Because he believes; because mother...
2nd host
The dead heroes say - as if eternal fires are burning
Dead heroes speak. Listen! the heroes say.
(The voices of the heroes in the recording sound.)
“... Without feeling fear, without feeling tired in my hands, I will beat the enemy and to the last drop of blood I will be devoted to my Motherland!”
"... We will die, but we will not surrender!"
“... There is no need to cry. Be proud and remember me, mom!”
“...Victory will be ours! Farewell, Motherland! Your son..."
“...Oh, how I want to live, live!”
“... Through the holes in the tank, I see the street, green trees, flowers in the garden are bright, bright. For you, the survivors, after the war, life will be as bright, colorful as these flowers, and happy. It’s not scary to die for her ... "
1st presenter(A. Nikolaev "1418 days" excerpt)
Before our Motherland, we will be considered glory,
All those who are related to her by their own blood
There was a great war, there was a bloody war - 1418 days.

She rewarded us with a front-line community,
There was no community stronger and dearer,
Courage was tempered under fires, bullets - 1418 days.

How much grief our generation endured.
Every day we lost front-line friends,
Think about it every day, the day of remembrance is 1418 days.

2nd host(R.I. Rozhdestvensky "Requiem" excerpt)
Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember!
About those who will never come again - remember!
People! As long as hearts are knocking - remember!
At what cost is happiness won
Please remember!
Meet the quivering spring, people of the Earth!
Kill the war, curse the war, people of Earth!
Carry the dream through the years and fill it with life ...
But about those who will never come again, I conjure - remember!
1st presenter
Bow down and young and old
In honor of those who are for happiness,
He gave his life for life.
Let's honor all the dead with a moment of silence.
(Moment of silence.)
2nd host
Overshadowed by the blaze of the victory banner,
The tired soldier sat down on the steps of the Reichstag.
He took off his cap, like a worker after work,
Wiping hot sweat off his forehead.
He put down the machine gun, shook off the dust from the tunic,
"From the pouch he poured a pinch of shag ...
Looked again, as over the enemy's capital
In the spring wind our banner shines,
The cigarette rolled up, puffed calmly
And he said: "So any war will end."
1st presenter(A. T. Tvardovsky “On the day the war ended”)
The day the war ended
And all the trunks fired at the expense of the salute, -
At that hour I was alone at the celebration,
A special moment for our souls.
The gun barrels are still warm,
And the sand did not absorb all the blood,
But the world has come - breathe in, people,
Crossing the threshold of war.
(The song "Victory Day" sounds.)
2nd host
Names... Names... Names...
All those who have gone into the sacred flame.
But the war of veterans still overtakes,
Remaining with us.
1st presenter
Look at the eternal flame -
He is in hearts restless and young.
Eternal feat and eternal pain,
And the singed strings ring...
Memory! We are forever faithful to her.
Dear, stern faces...
And the war must not be repeated! -
(Sounds like Song of a Soldier.)