Nobody believes them. "Time Travelers" tells about a terrible future. No one believes them at the Large Hadron Collider

The most accurate do not leave evidence of their stay, but among time travelers there are people who are not always careful - it was in their footsteps that scientists realized that teleportation exists. If you still have doubts, check out 15 most famous cases of time travel!

Cell phone in Chaplin's film

This phenomenon was recorded in a documentary about the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus". A woman walking by accident got into the frame, holding her hand near her ear as if holding mobile phone. Moreover, she also talks, although no one is observed next to her. But this is 1928!

Hipster in the 1940s

The photo with this man, whose identity has not been established, spread around the world. It recorded a group of people who were present at the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas. Most of the people in the picture practically merge together, but one of them is clearly not the same as everyone else. He is dressed in modern clothes, he is wearing trendy sunglasses and a camera that is definitely not from the 40s. These things simply did not exist at the time. Naturally, this picture was subjected to verification, but the experts did not find a photomontage.

TV presenter - time traveler

On the left is a photograph of an unknown man from the United States of the 19th century. On the right is a photo of the famous American TV presenter of the early 21st century, Conan O'Brien. The resemblance is striking! But that's not all. The press has repeatedly called the TV presenter a time traveler. His demeanor and appearance are strikingly different from anything they've seen before.

Time traveler in the open air

This picture was taken in 1917 in Cape Scott Park near Vancouver. Just look at how the young man in the middle is dressed: his rather modern shorts and T-shirt are clearly different from the prim attire of people from the last century!

Marilyn and the Time Traveler

It's hard to take your eyes off Marilyn, but try and take a closer look at the woman in the background. What is in her hands? Digital camera? Miniature video camera? Be that as it may, this technique simply did not exist at that time ...

Andrew Karlssin - a crook from the future?

This traveler was arrested in 2003 for stock exchange fraud. He claimed to be from the year 2256 and knew all the information about the market. With 800 dollars, he made 126 successful deals and for short term increased his fortune to 350 million! As experts say, without having accurate knowledge of how stock quotes will fluctuate, it is impossible to do this.

Flight through the years

Pilot Victor Goddard (pictured left) claimed to have had a time travel experience in 1935. Flying over an abandoned airfield in the Scottish Sandman, he flew into a strange yellow cloud. Getting out of it, Victor saw that the airfield below was full of planes and people dressed in obviously military uniform strange colors. Arriving at his airfield, he shared a strange observation with friends. Four years later, the previously abandoned airfield in Drem was again given to military pilots, and after some time they changed their uniform, giving out exactly the same one that Victor Goddard had observed in his strange flight through time.

Jay-Z, what fate?

Jay-Z is a fairly famous singer, and he is also the husband of the singer Beyoncé. There is nothing strange about him, and it would be difficult to suspect a time traveler in him. But maybe this picture taken in 1930 will convince you?

Through time through plumbing

Hakan's opportunity to travel back in time came when he crawled under a sink to fix a pipe. Yes, yes, you heard right! Arriving home, the man saw water on the floor. To fix the leak, he reached into the cabinet under the sink and saw a tunnel. At the end of it, as is customary, a light glimmered. Hakan was not afraid and decided to check what was there at the end. He got out in his own kitchen, however, 36 years later. There, Hakan met himself, 72, and filmed the same video with himself, showing the same tattoos.

Cell phone in 1938

A typical shot of a girl talking on a cell phone, isn't it? This photo was taken in 1938. And again, the time traveler was given out by modern technology beyond his years!

And again cellular communication!

This photo was taken in the early years of the 20th century. We can't see exactly what the man in the vest is pressing to his ear, but it's clearly some kind of portable device. How did she get there?

Nicolas Cage and you?!

Actor Nicolas Cage also turned out to be one of these time travelers. Doubt? Then take a look at the picture taken a hundred years before the birth of Cage! Now believe?

Smartphone and Mike Tyson

This photo was taken during a fight between Mike Tyson and Peter McNeely in 1995. In the front row, a person is clearly visible, filming what is happening on a smartphone or a miniature digital camera. However, this technique will appear on the market only a few years later.

Andrew Basiago

In 2004, Andrew Basiago, a Seattle lawyer, made a public statement that he was involved in a secret US government time travel program as a child. Most of the movements, according to the man, were carried out on the basis of the documents of the famous engineer Nikola Tesla. Andrew allegedly managed to visit the Ford Theater five or six times on the night that the assassination of President Lincoln took place. Each time he met his "copies" and changed the course of history.

The mysterious world in which we live has unusually complex properties that are still not fully understood. Can time change its direction, allowing us to penetrate into the past or the future? Do time travelers really exist? Can they change the past and then return to their era? At the moment, many facts have been discovered that indicate that it is real. This article describes some of them.

Mobile phone in 1928

In a video taken on the day of the premiere of the film "Circus", leading role in which Charlie Chaplin performed, an unusual woman was recorded. Judging by the material, she is holding something resembling a modern mobile phone near her ear. Now this does not surprise anyone, but in those days no one even heard of cell phones. It could be assumed that the woman made a journey into the past.

George Clark, who first noticed this in a year of studying the material, did not find a convincing explanation. A version was put forward that this is not a phone, but a hearing aid. Although in those days there could not be hearing aids of such a small size either.

Opening of the South Fork Bridge

It happened in 1941. The picture showed people watching the opening of the bridge in. Among them was an unusual-looking man, as if he had traveled into the past. He was dressed in a university T-shirt, which had no analogues at that time, as well as a fashionable sweater. The young man's sunglasses were of a modern design. In addition, the camera that this man had with him was very different from the 1940 models.

The photo was carefully examined, during which it turned out that it had not been subjected to any processing, that is, it recorded a real event with real people. Isn't this proof that time travelers exist?

Swiss clock in the tomb

They were discovered in China while filming a documentary in a tomb that had been empty for four centuries. The case back of the watch was engraved with "Swiss". Which time travelers left the Swiss watch in the ancient tomb has not yet been established. The fact that in the 17th century a similar clock mechanism of such miniature dimensions could be created is out of the question.

in France

There is another story about time travel. In 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol conducted excavations at the French castle of Château Gaillard, during which they discovered something unusual.

At a depth of 2.5 meters, iron objects were found, which are the protective armor of a warrior. A buried skeleton of a horse was found nearby. Coins found in the same place indicated that these finds date back to the reign of Richard I the Lionheart.

Archaeologists were shocked after the fragments were carefully removed and cleaned from the soil. It turned out that the metal elements are parts of a knight's bicycle, which had been in the ground for almost nine centuries.

All fragments are well preserved, this is explained by the fact that before burial they were processed with melted wax. In addition, it was found that the bicycle parts are made of steel.

programmer from the future

Another case that could be proof that time travelers exist. In 1897, a man was detained in a Siberian town; he alerted the law enforcement officers with his unusual outfit. During the interrogation, Sergei Krapivin told about himself, which surprised everyone present a lot. It turned out that his year of birth is 1965. He was born in the city of Angarsk. The profession of a PC operator was not familiar to anyone around.

Krapivin could not tell anything about his appearance here. He only noted that before the arrest he felt severe pain in his head, which led to loss of consciousness. When he woke up, he saw around him an unfamiliar area.

It was not possible to establish how this person ended up in the past. The doctor, who was called to the station, considered Krapivin crazy and sent him to a lunatic asylum.

Case after the storm

A mysterious incident happened to a resident of Sevastopol, a retired military sailor Ivan Zalygin, after which he began to study the facts that help a person make a journey into the depths of time.

This story took place at the end of the 80s of the last century, Zalygin at that time served as deputy commander of a diesel submarine. One of the training trips ended with the fact that the boat was in the maelstrom of a lightning storm.

After the command to take the surface position, the sailor on duty discovered a rescue boat, in which there was a barely alive frostbitten man. He was dressed in the uniform of a Japanese military sailor during the Second World War. In addition, documents issued in 1940 were found with him.

The incident was reported to the base command. By order, the boat headed for the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was waiting for the rescued person. All crew members took this event for 10 years.

Zalygin described another amazing incident that happened in the Carpathians. Chaban and his fifteen-year-old son were in the summer camp. One evening, the father suddenly disappeared right in front of his son, who immediately began to call for help. But in less than a minute, the father appeared in the same place, as if out of thin air. As it turned out, a bright flash arose in front of the man, from which he lost consciousness. Waking up, the man found himself in an unfamiliar area with huge houses and cars scurrying through the air. The shepherd became ill again, and he ended up in the same place where he had disappeared from.

Guest from the Titanic

In 1990, in the North Atlantic, the crew of a Norwegian fishing trawler spotted a human figure on an iceberg. Rescuers took on board a young lady who was wet and very cold.

As it turned out, the woman's name is Winnie Coates, and she ended up in the middle of the ocean after the crash of the ship on which she traveled. The victim said that it is urgent to save the people who survived. This story surprised the captain very much, since there were no reports of a ship that was in distress.
In response to a question about the name of the ship, the woman showed the remains of a wet ticket from Southampton to New York. It had the date 1912 on it, and the ship was called the Titanic.

First of all, the captain thought that the woman had suffered severe stress and is just delirious. In Oslo, a team of doctors was called to her, the victim was placed in a psychiatric hospital. But after all the studies, it turned out that the victim is mentally absolutely healthy and adequate, she has a well-developed intellect, memory and attention.

During her stay at the clinic, some more details came to light. Winnie Coates, 29, was traveling with her two sons, her husband was supposed to meet them in New York, but the ship sank, and she ended up on an iceberg.

The woman's story has been carefully documented. It turned out that her ticket was genuine, and her clothes corresponded to the fashion of the early twentieth century. Somewhat later, her name was found in the list of passengers of the sunken ship. At the time when Vinnie Coates was discovered, she should have been 107 years old.

For ten years, the woman was monitored by psychiatrists who could not classify her condition as a mental illness and logically explain her behavior.

For a long time, scientists have been trying to solve the problem of time travel, but perhaps someday fantastic stories from films and books will turn into everyday reality for us.

In the history of mankind, there are many documented facts that testify to the real existence of such a phenomenon as the movement of living and inanimate objects in time. Ancient Egyptian annals and chronicles of the Middle Ages, documents of modern and recent times tell about the appearance of strange people, mechanisms and machines.

The Tobolsk archives contain the case of a certain Sergei Dmitrievich Krapivin, detained on the policeman's street. The guards seemed suspicious appearance and the unusual behavior of a middle-aged man. The detainee was immediately taken to the police station. During the interrogation that followed, the police were quite surprised by the information that Krapivin shared with them. According to him, it turned out that he was born on April 14, 1965. in the East Siberian city of Angarsk (the history of Angarsk began in 1945). It seemed very strange to the policeman and Krapivin's occupation - a PC operator. The detainee could not explain how he ended up in Tobolsk. According to the man, before that he had a severe headache, and then he lost consciousness. Waking up, Sergei Dmitrievich found himself in a completely unfamiliar place, near a small church.

A doctor was summoned to the suspicious man, who examined and listened to Krapivin, after which he admitted that he had a quiet insanity. At the insistence of Dr. Sergei Dmitrievich, they placed him in the city house of sorrow ...

Military sailor in and the legendary city of Sevastopol Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin for fifteen recent years studies the phenomenon of movement in time. The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after one mysterious case, of which he became a witness and participant in the late 1980s. Then Ivan Pavlovich served on a diesel submarine as its deputy commander.

During the next training trip, the submarine, which was in the neutral waters of the La Perouse Strait, fell into a terrible thunderstorm. By order of the commander, she surfaced, and the sailor on duty immediately reported that he saw an unidentified floating craft right on the course. It turned out that this is a rescue boat, on board of which there was a half-dead frostbitten man, in the form of a Japanese military sailor from the Second World War. During the inspection of the personal belongings of the rescued, the submariners found an award parabellum and documents issued to the Japanese sailor on September 14, 1940 (

All this was reported to the base, and the command ordered the boat to go to the South Sakhalin port, where counterintelligence officers were already waiting for it. The crew members of the submarine gave the GRU officers a non-disclosure agreement for the next ten years.

Soviet pilots who temporarily fell into the past

In 1976 Soviet Air Force pilot V. Orlov told that he saw military ground operations under the wing of his MiG-25, which seemed very strange to him. Scientists checked the descriptions of the pilot and realized that we are talking about the Battle of Gettysburg (USA), which took place in 1863.

In 1985, while flying over Africa, another military pilot saw instead of a desert savannah with many trees and grazing lawns ... dinosaurs.

In 1986 Soviet pilot A.Ustimov, performing the task, realized with amazement that he was flying over the territory ancient egypt!.. According to the pilot, he saw one completely built pyramid and the foundations of others with human figures swarming nearby.

Soviet tankers capture a Napoleonic soldier

In the card index of I.P. Zalygin there is an incident that occurred in 1944. next to the Gulf of Finland. A certain Vasily Troshev, who fought on the North-Western Front in the 3rd Panzer Army, told about him. There were battles for the liberation of Estonia. The reconnaissance tank division, commanded by Captain Troshev, accidentally stumbled upon a group of strangely dressed cavalrymen in the forest: such a uniform could only be seen in a history textbook. At the sight of the tanks, the unusual cavalrymen fled in panic. After a short pursuit, our fighters detained one of the horsemen, who, as it turned out, spoke French. Knowing about the Resistance movement, our tankers decided that in front of them was a member of this movement.

The cavalryman was taken to the army headquarters. Found an officer who once taught French to interrogate the "partisan". In the very first minutes of the conversation, both the translator and the staff officers were completely bewildered, since the man claimed that he was a cuirassier of the Napoleonic army. The remnants of his regiment retreat from Moscow for two weeks and try to get out of the encirclement, but a couple of days ago they got lost in heavy fog. The cuirassier confessed that he had a cold and was very hungry. When asked about the year of his birth, he said: 1772...

The next morning, the mysterious prisoner was taken away in an unknown direction by specially arrived special officers ...

How time travel works

IP Zalygin believes that there are a number of places on the planet where temporary displacements occur quite often. These places are located in areas of large geological faults, which are characterized by periodic and powerful energy emissions. The nature of these energies is not well understood today, but it is during their releases that space-time anomalies take place.

Temporary movements are by no means always irreversible. It happens that people who got into a different time manage to return back. In Zalygin's "collection" there is a case that happened in the early 1990s on the foothills of the Carpathian plateau with a local shepherd. The man and his fifteen-year-old son were then in the summer camp. One evening the shepherd suddenly disappeared right in front of his son. The frightened teenager began to scream, calling for help, but a minute later his father reappeared in the same place. He was very frightened and did not close his eyes until dawn. Only in the morning the shepherd decided to tell his son about his strange adventure. It turns out that at a certain moment he saw a bright flash in front of him and for a short time lost consciousness. The man woke up in some completely unfamiliar place: huge houses resembling pipes rose around him, incomprehensible fantastic machines scurried in the air. The shepherd even thought that he had died and ended up in the afterlife, which, in principle, could look like anything. However, then the man became ill again - and after that, fortunately, he found himself in a familiar pasture ...

Russian scientists have been struggling to solve the problem of temporary displacements for a long time. Needless to say, learning to travel like this would be great. But first you need to scientifically substantiate this phenomenon and understand what time is after all ...

Video: Time Travelers of the Soviet Union Period

Is there a more exciting subject for science fiction books than time travel? For example, I adore the writers Oscar Wilde and Ray Braedbury precisely for their unique ability to see the future and describe travel in it in the most talented way. Not everyone can do that! But, as you know, time travelers, if they exist, like to move not only into the seductive future, but also into the past.

The most accurate do not leave evidence of their stay, but among time travelers there are people who are not always careful - it was in their footsteps that scientists realized that teleportation exists. If you still have doubts, check out 15 most famous cases of time travel!

Cell phone in Chaplin's film

This phenomenon was recorded in a documentary about the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus". A woman walking by accidentally got into the frame, holding her hand to her ear as if she were holding a mobile phone. Moreover, she also talks, although no one is observed next to her. But this is 1928!

Hipster in the 1940s

The photo with this man, whose identity has not been established, spread around the world. It recorded a group of people who were present at the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas. Most of the people in the picture practically merge together, but one of them is clearly not the same as everyone else. He is dressed in modern clothes, he is wearing trendy sunglasses and a camera that is definitely not from the 40s. These things simply did not exist at the time. Naturally, this picture was subjected to verification, but the experts did not find a photomontage.

TV presenter - time traveler

On the left is a photograph of an unknown man from the United States of the 19th century. On the right is a photo of the famous American TV presenter of the early 21st century, Conan O'Brien. The resemblance is striking! But that's not all. The press has repeatedly called the TV presenter a time traveler. His demeanor and appearance are strikingly different from anything they've seen before.

Time traveler in the open air

This picture was taken in 1917 in Cape Scott Park near Vancouver. Just look at how the young man in the middle is dressed: his rather modern shorts and T-shirt are clearly different from the prim attire of people from the last century!

Marilyn and the Time Traveler

It's hard to take your eyes off Marilyn, but try and take a closer look at the woman in the background. What is in her hands? Digital camera? Miniature video camera? Be that as it may, this technique simply did not exist at that time ...

Andrew Karlssin - a crook from the future?

This traveler was arrested in 2003 for stock exchange fraud. He claimed to be from the year 2256 and knew all the information about the market. Having 800 dollars, he made 126 successful transactions and in a short time increased his fortune to 350 million! As experts say, without having accurate knowledge of how stock quotes will fluctuate, it is impossible to do this.

Is Vladimir Putin a time traveler?

Vladimir Putin is subject not only to space, but also to time! Look at these decorated Soviet soldiers of the 1920s and 1940s - and you will understand everything yourself!

Flight through the years

Pilot Victor Goddard (pictured left) claimed to have had a time travel experience in 1935. Flying over an abandoned airfield in the Scottish Sandman, he flew into a strange yellow cloud. Getting out of it, Victor saw that the airfield below was full of planes and people dressed in clearly military uniforms of strange colors. Arriving at his airfield, he shared a strange observation with friends. Four years later, the previously abandoned airfield in Drem was again given to military pilots, and after some time they changed their uniform, giving out exactly the same one that Victor Goddard had observed in his strange flight through time.

Jay-Z, what fate?

Jay-Z is a fairly famous singer, and he is also the husband of the singer Beyoncé. There is nothing strange about him, and it would be difficult to suspect a time traveler in him. But maybe this picture taken in 1930 will convince you?

Through time through plumbing

Hakan's opportunity to travel back in time came when he crawled under a sink to fix a pipe. Yes, yes, you heard right! Arriving home, the man saw water on the floor. To fix the leak, he reached into the cabinet under the sink and saw a tunnel. At the end of it, as is customary, a light glimmered. Hakan was not afraid and decided to check what was there at the end. He got out in his own kitchen, however, 36 years later. There, Hakan met himself, 72, and filmed the same video with himself, showing the same tattoos.

Cell phone in 1938

A typical shot of a girl talking on a cell phone, isn't it? This photo was taken in 1938. And again, the time traveler was given out by modern technology beyond his years!

And again cellular communication!

This photo was taken in the early years of the 20th century. We can't see exactly what the man in the vest is pressing to his ear, but it's clearly some kind of portable device. How did she get there?

Nicolas Cage and you?!

Actor Nicolas Cage also turned out to be one of these time travelers. Doubt? Then take a look at the picture taken a hundred years before the birth of Cage! Now believe?

Smartphone and Mike Tyson

This photo was taken during a fight between Mike Tyson and Peter McNeely in 1995. In the front row, a person is clearly visible, filming what is happening on a smartphone or a miniature digital camera. However, this technique will appear on the market only a few years later.

Andrew Basiago

In 2004, Andrew Basiago, a Seattle lawyer, made a public statement that he was involved in a secret US government time travel program as a child. Most of the movements, according to the man, were carried out on the basis of the documents of the famous engineer Nikola Tesla. Andrew allegedly managed to visit the Ford Theater five or six times on the night that the assassination of President Lincoln took place. Each time he met his "copies" and changed the course of history.

Time travel is a favorite subject of science fiction writers and the dream of their fans. However, there are those who claim that they actually came from the future - some are fleeing from the special services, some are trying to warn humanity about the impending disaster. told the stories of the most odious guests from the future.

Soldier from 2036

In 2000, the story of John Titor, who supposedly arrived from the year 2036, captured the minds of Americans. He registered on one of the resources and talked about his experience, casually demonstrating his time machine.

Titor admitted that he was a soldier who was sent back in time to deliver the IBM 5100 computer to scientists. The programmers of the future must fix bugs in it that will cause problems in 2038. However, Titor decided to temporarily stop in 2000 to talk with his family, collect photographs lost in a future war and prevent the coming catastrophe - the Third world war.

Titor suggested learning basic weapon skills and having everything ready to "leave the house in ten minutes and never return there." He even assembled a team of volunteers ready to go with him to 2036. “I do not set myself the goal of being believed,” Titor explained. - I'll tell you a little secret: no one loves you in the future. We consider you to be a generation of lazy, self-centered and utterly ignorant sheep. I think this should worry you more than my person."

Titor appointed a global catastrophe for 2015. It should have started with nuclear strike Russia on the United States that collapsed during the civil war of 2005. The cause of the war was the conflict between Arabs and Jews. As a result, almost the entire world would have to lie in ruins: Russia and Europe would have disappeared from the face of the planet, and only a few military bases remained of the United States.

Titor finally disappeared from the Internet in 2005, when one after another his predictions turned out to be false. In 2008, private detectives determined that neither John Titor nor his family existed. the only person The one who confirmed Titor's existence was his lawyer, Larry Haber. Some fans still believe in the reality of Titor, and unfulfilled predictions are explained by a temporary paradox: since he told about them, they did not happen. The Habers, on the other hand, were simply friends of the guest's family from the future, with whom he stayed, - therefore, he accessed the Internet from their computer.

Nuclear strike on the bitcoin rich

In 2003, a story appeared on the entertainment resource Weekly World News about the arrest of an unusually successful economist. Someone named Andrew Carlssin allegedly made $350 million in two weeks on a risky investment with just $800. Such an exceptional case could not fail to attract the attention of the policemen who arrested the newly-minted rich man. During interrogation, he did not reveal fraudulent schemes, but admitted that he came from 2256. This was told to journalists by a source in the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Under interrogation, Karlsin admitted that he was too carried away: he planned to invest in both successful and unsuccessful business projects, but “it was too difficult to resist the temptation,” so all of his 126 investments brought him instant profit. According to journalists, they could not find any data about him until December 2002, as if before that Karlsin really did not exist.

For his release, he promised the government to tell the whereabouts of bin Laden and reveal the secret of the AIDS cure, but flatly refused to admit where the time machine was located and explain its device, as he was very afraid that the unit would fall "into the wrong hands." He was refused to be released from prison until an unknown well-wisher paid a bail of one million dollars for him. Karlsin was released, in April 2013 he was supposed to appear in court, but disappeared on the way to the hearing.

The story was picked up by many world media: publications about Karlsin appeared in The New Yorker, The Scotsman. But most of all, the mysterious story of Andrew Karlsin surprised not newspaper readers, but employees of the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Journalists literally tortured them with requests to comment on the “time traveler”. The refusal of the special services to comment on the Karlsin case only incited conspiracy theorists, who are sure that the authorities are simply hiding the truth.

His prophet was also found on the entertainment resource. In August 2013, a user under the nickname Luka_Magnotta wrote an appeal to the Americans with a request to abandon bitcoin. According to him, the use of cryptocurrency can lead to nuclear war, and he arrived from 2026 to warn humanity about this and force them to stop in time.

Luca said that in his time, dollars familiar to people had already disappeared. After the cost of bitcoin reached a million dollars, humanity became disillusioned with other currencies and abandoned them: "Now all wealth exists in only two forms: bitcoins and land." The population, according to him, is suffering from hunger, since all the money is concentrated in the Citadels - completely robotic fortress cities where the cryptocurrency rich live. But the availability of money does not guarantee a comfortable life: at least every fourth bitcoin owner is tortured to find out his password.

Not everything is fine with politics either: most governments have been destroyed, as people prefer to hide income and stop paying taxes. Russian hackers stole 60 percent of Africa's wealth in two days, after which the Civil War, which only two of the richest countries, Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

Luca claimed he was planning a nuclear apocalypse to end the dominance of the bitcoin rich. With the help of 20 nuclear submarines, he is going to kill all underwater Internet cables and launch missiles into densely populated areas. He ended his story with a request to nip bitcoin in the bud because “he knows how this will all end.”

Magnotta's prediction was remembered in November 2017, when bitcoin reached the ten thousand dollar mark, as the "guest from the future" predicted.

The future is hazy

The latest fashion among self-proclaimed time travelers has been the display of photographs from the future. Guests from other times prefer to do it on YouTube-ApexTV channel dedicated to the paranormal. Only since the beginning of 2018, three time travelers have already shown their pictures: from the year 6000, 10000 and 2118. All photos are similar in one thing: for some reason they are not clear.

An alien from the year 6000 explains the blurry image by the fact that when traveling in time, they are distorted. He was also lucky that the same did not happen to his insides: according to him, scientists have observed this as well. He stated that he was born in the 20th century and participated in experiments in the 1990s, when researchers sent several people into the future, in different periods. He is forced to hide his name and face and change his voice to avoid being caught by the mysterious "they".

Frame: ApexTV / YouTube

According to the "guest from the future", this will be the world in a hundred years.

After 40 centuries, according to him, everyone will be able to teleport and move in time. But don't worry about time paradoxes: travelers will be invisible and will not be able to interfere with the course of history (how he was able to star in the video, he does not explain). The world will be ruled by artificial intelligence, devoid of emotions, it will also reduce people in size so that they take up a minimum of space and consume fewer resources.

A man who visited the year 10,000 attributed the fuzziness of the image to “a change in the electromagnetic properties of the Earth,” which caused cameras to work differently. According to him, while studying in America in 2008, he met a professor who offered him to fly into the future. After some hesitation, he made up his mind. According to him, in the future, grass grows everywhere, and skyscrapers are so high that their tops are not visible behind the clouds. All cars fly through the sky, and aliens walk on the ground. People also learned to fly, and the time traveler suggested that nanotechnology helps them in this. Soft robots and holograms were everywhere. He really wanted to fly into the future again, but when he came to the professor the next day, he was not at home, and the time machine disappeared without a trace.

Alexander Smith, who moved from 1981 to 2118, and then to 2018, that the government seized the original image from the future, and only a poor quality copy remained with him. According to him, he is wanted, so he lives in hiding and hides his real name. As for the future, the robots told him that "intelligent aliens will come to Earth in the middle of the 21st century." Smith called global warming the most terrible danger to humans and asked the inhabitants of 2018 to think about the environment “at least for the sake of their children and grandchildren.”

On the same channel, several interviews have already been released with a guest from 2030 under the pseudonym Noah. He even passed a polygraph test, and he passed the test with honor: to a direct question whether he was a guest from the future, he answered “yes”, and the polygraph showed that this was true.

Noah looks about 20 years old, but says that he is twice his age and retained the appearance of a young man thanks to the "secret medicine". According to him, scientists have learned to travel in time already 15 years ago, but hide it from the public. And only in 2028 the government will allow anyone who wants to go to the past or the future. Then humanity will go to Mars.

Frame: ApexTV / YouTube

According to him, by 2030, humanity will learn how to treat many forms of cancer, robots will run the house and almost everyone will have some kind of Google-glasses of the same power as today's computers. Bitcoins will finally come into circulation, but traditional money will not disappear either. Because of global warming in the USA the climate will become hotter, and in Europe - colder. He also said that the US president would be re-elected for a second term, but refused to provide evidence so as not to “cause a temporary paradox.”