Presentation of our attitude to the world. What surrounds us. Our relationship to the environment. Let there be no more wars and guns

"Cities of the world" - Examples of manifestation. Istanbul. Jericho is the most ancient city peace. Lesson plan: The village is a group form of settlement. Forms of rural settlement. Farm Farm. Group. Three stages in the development of urbanization: Damascus is the oldest capital in the world. Village Village Stanitsa Aul. Largest cities of the world: Levels and rates of urbanization.

"World of Nature" - Problematic issues: To teach to generalize, systematize ideas about the diversity of nature. Resources used: The world Natural history. Stages and terms of the project: Development of environmentally literate personality. Let's save wonderful world nature of the native land! Nuzhdina T.D. Encyclopedia for kids: Miracle is everywhere.

“How beautiful this world is” - After all, it is so warm in summer. I think so too. We saw a lot of wonderful things there. Buds appeared on the trees. Everyone is excited for spring! Snow began to melt in open places, streams flowed. But most of all I love summer weather. That's all I want to talk about beautiful world summer. The area suddenly changed dramatically.

"Global problems of the world" - What are the reasons that led to the aggravation of global problems? Generalization. War in Iraq. What are the predictions? The world has accumulated monstrous means of mass destruction. Analyze the diagram. What is used as the main energy carriers? nuclear mushroom(explosion). Energy; the oceans; food;

"Lesson War and Peace" - Defense of Smolensk. The role of landscapes in the description of the battle. Natasha Rostov. Napoleon. French crossing the Neman (beginning of the war). battle of Borodino. Vasily Denisov in a partisan detachment. Pierre at Bazdeev's Artist M.S. Rodionov. Summary of the lesson. L.N. Tolstoy "I tried to write the history of the people." What is War and Peace?

"Famous places of the world" - And the rock shot up to the sky. Our next stop is France. In 50 halls, objects from different eras are exhibited - from prehistoric times to the Byzantine period. Once the Bird of Darkness blocked the divine luminary. For example, the magnificent amphitheater in Epidaurus, which accommodated approximately 2,000 spectators. China.

Look at the photos and think about what groups you can divide what is shown on them:

Rice. 1. Objects of animate and inanimate nature and objects created by man

On the top line are wildlife objects- mushrooms, plants, animals, man.
In the middle line are inanimate objects- Sun, Moon, stones.
On the bottom line are man-made objects and not related to nature - cars, houses, various things.

Man has created a huge number of things during his existence on the planet, but let's first take a closer look at the man himself, that is, to each of us.

Match descriptions with pictures:

Rice. 2. Compliance task

Check if you did it?

Jumping from tree to tree - a squirrel.

Strongly bitten by a thief - a dog.

She bakes pies with nuts - a girl.

Composes songs - a boy.

Sees in the dark - a cat.

In winter in white, and in summer in gray - a hare.

Invents a game for the computer - a man.

How is a person different from an animal? A person can read, count and write, he composes poetry and songs, he invents airplanes and ships to fly and swim on them, he breeds new varieties of plants and animal species, he creates machines that help him to facilitate his work. Thus, a person creates something that does not exist in nature, and thereby changes it.

Review the drawings. What do you think the boy is thinking about in each of them?

Rice. 3. Human emotions

When is a person beautiful?

A person is beautiful when he smiles at other people, when he looks kindly at the world around him.

Rice. 6. Gloomy boy

If you are gloomy and unkind, then it is unpleasant for other people to look at you.

The great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "Everything in a person should be beautiful - both the soul, and the body, and thoughts, and deeds."

Which of the following must be in a person so that we can call him beautiful?

  1. Slenderness
  2. Kindness
  3. Responsiveness
  4. Agility Loyalty
  5. eye color
  6. Generosity
  7. nose shape
  8. Truthfulness
  9. Cloth

Of course, we choose:

  1. Kindness
  2. Responsiveness
  3. Loyalty
  4. Truthfulness

Because it is these features that help a person to be beautiful not only for himself, but also for the people around him.

Everyone wants to be beautiful. But does everyone understand what a truly beautiful person is? Many people buy beautiful clothes, shoes, jewelry. But is it always possible to call a beautifully dressed person truly beautiful? Is it possible to count handsome man rude, impolite, not respecting elders, not protecting nature around? Of course not.

Select the character traits that you do not like in people:

  1. talkativeness
  2. Kindness
  3. Cowardice
  4. Greed
  5. Courage
  6. Boastfulness
  7. Honesty

Of course, we all dislike talkative, cowardly, greedy, boastful, and lazy people.

Do you think a person can change and start treating others better? Of course it can. You just need to want it.

Let's match the phrases with the pictures:

Rice. 7. Polite phrases

You skip the teacher ahead and say "please".

Help grandma carry the bag and she will thank you with the word "thank you".

If you did something wrong, apologize. Say "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry."

Are you in a hurry? Say "let me pass."

When seeing someone off, wish them "good luck".

People should be kind not only to each other, but also to the world around them, to nature.

Choose what attitude each of us should have towards nature:

  1. Kind
  2. indifferent
  3. respectful
  4. caring
  5. Neat
  6. cruel
  7. Berezhnoe
  8. Careless
  9. arrogant

Of course, we will choose:

  1. Kind
  2. respectful
  3. caring
  4. Neat
  5. Berezhnoe

The science of ecology teaches respect for nature.

Ecology is the science of how to live in peace with nature without violating its laws.

Look at the rules of behavior in nature. Do you know them?

Rice. 8. Rules of conduct in nature

Let's try to live in such a way as not to harm nature, so that the land around us remains fertile, so that streams of clean water murmur around us, flowers bloom and birds sing.

  1. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: textbook. and slave. tetra. for grade 2 early school - M .: Education, 2006.
  2. Bursky O.V., Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S. The world around.- Balass.
  3. Vinogradova N.F. The world around us.- VENTANA-GRAF.
  1. Festival of Pedagogical Ideas ().
  2. There is no triplet ().
  1. With. 8-11, textbook Pleshakov A.A. The world around us
  2. With. 5-6 work. notebook textbook Pleshakov A.A. The world around us
  3. Think about whether you have the right attitude towards people and the nature that surrounds you.

I We give hearts to the planet, Dreams that carry light Let the children laugh And the dawn will shine in the morning. Everyone has their own worries, But our hearts' bridges Awaken something inside And you suddenly feel that you, Having created a pyramid of truths, Will open the gates of the soul, Drawing with a magic brush We are again kids in our thoughts. And again we are ready to create - After all, we are the conductor of creativity. Our work develops consciousness And we are a spring of mercy. And in essence, we have justice - One of critical tasks. And to knowledge, our inquisitiveness is a pledge for possible success. Goodness and beauty are inseparable. They will help us to understand, That developing, we must comprehend the Laws of love. Freedom is needed for discoveries, What is easy in friendship, And masses of fun events, But if the family is far away: It's so sad in the heart, But it's important Having lived the destined age On the way, don't break once And remember that you are a Human. But in the best aspirations And the goal for all people is the same To preserve and fill with meaning That Life that is given to us by God. (S.V. Borisova, N.V. Susina)

Spiritual traditions are traditions associated with religion. Prayer before class Going to church every Sunday Easter concert at the nursing home Ringing competition Collecting Christmas presents for the orphanage What other spiritual traditions do you know? For example, Orthodox traditions: ……………………………

In Rus', the older generation takes care of the younger generation. This is one of the most important spiritual traditions of our society. Let's think: what spiritual traditions exist and are passed down from generation to generation in families? Let's think: what spiritual traditions exist and are passed down from generation to generation in families?

Discussion at dinner of the events of the past day, summer trips by car to the sea, joint meals, discussion of plans, footprints of a one-year-old baby, growth marks of a child on the wall, children's drawings, reading books to babies at night, dad's fairy tales, Family birthday, celebration Easter, Christmas time; New Year's tradition homemade toys, culinary traditions - a variety of preparations for the winter, picking mushrooms, fishing, singing songs, grandmother's summer, a skating rink on the river, photos of butterflies, insects, Border Guard Day, cultivation indoor plants, a family dynasty is all family traditions.

The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not terrible. A family is strong when there is only one roof over it. What are these sayings about? Family is seven I. Even the wolf does not take a consonant herd. Holding on to each other, not being afraid of anything. Unbound sheaf of straw. Family traditions unite and protect people.

Spiritual traditions are values, ideals, life experience passed from one generation to another. The most important spiritual traditions of Russia include: Christianity, primarily Russian Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and secular ethics. Traditions (from Latin tradere, which means to transfer) - something that has great importance for a person, but not created by him, but received from his predecessors and will subsequently be passed on to younger generations. For example, to congratulate relatives and friends on their birthdays, celebrate holidays, etc. What are traditions? Value is any material or spiritual object that is of great importance for a person and society as a whole. For example, Fatherland, family, love, kindness, health, education, natural resources of the country, etc. - all these are values. How do you understand what value is? How do you understand the content of the term "Spiritual tradition"?

Lesson Peace.

Prepared by an elementary school teacher

Shurshina Olga Vladimirovna

MBOU secondary school No. 27


1.World is the universe, the planet, the globe.

2.World is friendship, the absence of war.

1. Peace on the planet - happy children!

2. Where there is peace, there is joy.

3. Peace and harmony is a big treasure.

Flag of Russia.

White is peace, purity of conscience.

Blue is the sky, fidelity and truth.

Red is courage, a symbol of life.

Dove of peace

This is a small bird

Lives in cities.

Pour crumbs for her -

Cooing and pecking.

Moms, dads, all adults! Hear the voice of your children:

Let there be no nuclear explosions forever, Block the way to war soon!

We need peace on the blue planet Both adults and children want it. They want to wake up at dawn Do not remember, do not think about the war.

We need peace to build cities Plant trees and work in the field. All people of good will want it. We need peace forever! Forever!

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

It was bequeathed to us to protect this world -

So unique at dawn

Since childhood, he is very dear to us and sweet,

We are responsible for the future of the world.

We will not let you become ashes and ashes

To what is called the beauty of the earth.

May the sky above the Earth be peaceful,

Let the sonorous childhood laugh forever !

Pacific is an international symbol of peace and disarmament.

World peace is my dream

Let people live as one family.

Let there be no more wars and guns

May the doors be opened in houses everywhere.

Love and trust is for me