Mikhail Rozanov photos. Mikhail Rozanov. Area of ​​scientific and practical activity

A large-scale personal exposition of works by Mikhail Rozanov opens within the framework of the Fashion and Style in Photography - 2013 festival, exactly answering its main theme "Beauty: myths and sources of inspiration". Rozanov, one of the few photographers of the generation of the 90s, developed his own, absolutely recognizable style, having absorbed the traditions of Russian constructivism of the early twentieth century and St. Petersburg neo-academism of the late twentieth century.

Mikhail Rozanov (b.1973) studied at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University and graduated from the New Academy of Arts (St. Petersburg). In the famous squat of Timur Novikov at Pushkinskaya 10, the taste and style of the future photo artist was formed.

Since the age of 21, Rozanov has been participating in Russian and foreign exhibitions, shooting for leading publications such as Vogue, Wallpaper, Maxim, Playboy. Rozanov's works are in the collections of the Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin, State Russian Museum, Museum "Moscow House of Photography", State Museum Architecture them. Shchusev, the ROSPHOTO Museum and Exhibition Center, the collections of Deutsche Bank, Bin-Bank, Goldman Sachs, Capital Group and others. The photographer constantly collaborates with the Aidan and Pobeda galleries. Since 2010 he has been teaching at the Faculty of Photography of the British high school Design in Moscow.

Rozanov's photographs are exclusively black and white, minimalistic and sophisticated, as if following the motto of the modernist architect Mies van der Rohe "less is more" (less is more). It is architectural images that have become one of the most expressive aspects of the photographer's work - he shoots Moscow architecture of the 1930s (these pictures make him similar to Alexander Rodchenko in terms of emotional angles), glossy surfaces of skyscrapers, industrial structures (flyovers, factories, bridges) and classic Roman buildings .

Industrial photography, which has been one of the priority Soviet genres since the 1920s, is experiencing a new flowering in Rozanov's work. Turning to industrial motifs, he takes into account both the Soviet heritage and the traditions of Russian cosmism, which raised the concept of the “noosphere” to its shield, denoting a new geological stage in the history of the Earth, determined by human activity. The Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works, the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant, the Samara Oil Refinery and other industrial facilities captured by the photographer are both the result of the development of technical aesthetics and part of nature - objects visible from space.

Nature in Rozanov's photographs looks like on x-rays or on the pages of a herbarium. Butterflies, dragonflies, sea shells, fish and flowers evoke the legacy of Karl Blossfeldt, a German sculptor and photographer active in the 1920s, whose exhibition runs alongside Mikhail Rozanov's "chosen one". Blossfeldt believed that the main teacher of a person who connected his life with art should be nature.

The world is changing every second. To keep up with the times, to be effective, you need to study all the time. People attend trainings where they acquire the necessary knowledge, develop skills, draw resources to create a new model of themselves.

Mikhail Rozanov is a psychologist, coach, business coach, author and host of trainings and seminars. He simply talks about the complex, motivates, reveals the secrets of doing business, effective communication with partners.

Biographical information

Mikhail was born in the city on the Neva in 1971. He received his piano education in 1984. He taught himself to play the guitar. Mikhail was destined for a military career. In 1986, he came to study at the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School. In 1988 he entered the Higher Naval Engineering School. F. Dzerzhinsky. Until 1994 he worked in St. Petersburg, lived in Severomorsk.

In 1995 he founded his first business. Late 90s to 2009 Mikhail worked in the Training Company, which he founded himself.
In parallel with professional achievements, Mikhail improved his knowledge in various psychological planes.

In 2000 Rozanov attended lectures and seminars with D. Percy, studied under the personnel management program. Mikhail was interested in the issues of effective business management and enterprise development.

In 2004 he received a certificate with the right to conduct business trainings. A coaching certificate was obtained a year later at a Don Beck seminar.

In 2006, he completed several programs at M. Erickson University. Rozanov was awarded certificates in system, managerial and transformational coaching. He mastered the techniques of working with existential problems.

In 2008, the president of the "International Association of Natural Healers" presented Mikhail with a certificate of individual training.

The Rozanov Training Center opened its doors in 2010. At the same time, V. Tolkachev's certificate was received as a talented psychologist. Since 2011, the psychologist has been a hypnotherapist. This is evidenced by a certificate from the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association.

The psychologist is fond of Eastern philosophy and martial arts. In 2014, he opened the Musubi club, where people can practice aikido.
Sphere scientific interests concerns the problems of developing personal characteristics, the basics of doing business, learning how to effectively manage personnel, using the basics of neurolinguistic programming in training, using hypnosis techniques, studying the phenomenon of chronic stress syndrome and its impact on mental health.

Mikhail Rozanov is a psychologist who is a teacher at the Higher School of Economics at the faculties of training management, personnel management. He owns the development of a training program for business coaches.

The psychological workshop in St. Petersburg has been successfully operating for over 10 years. Direction of activity: development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the personal and professional qualities of employees, assistance in solving conflict situations in production.

More than 800 trainings and seminars were held in the center. Individual consultations are also held here. The psychologists of the Center are constantly trained, improve their professional skills, a unique three-month course "Quantum Neurolinguistic Psychology" is conducted. Mikhail Rozanov became interested in this topic back in the 90s. The result of the work was the birth of the program. Its essence is to teach a person to make an independent life choice .

Courses and seminars currently

The Rozanov Training Center offers a program for women called Elegant Life Management. The purpose of the course is to teach the fair sex to communicate with men in the same language. It can be difficult to convey a thought to a loved one due to the difference in the perception of information. This results in misunderstanding and cooling in relations.

The inability to communicate with the opposite sex is the scourge of the new generation. The psychologist offers to teach ladies how to use their femininity in a cozy, friendly atmosphere, help to cope with emotions, direct energy in a constructive direction.

Women are taught to use NLP methods to find contact with a man they like, to attract his attention. In the process of training, a girl learns to understand the signals of her body, to feel true needs, to use emotional and mental resources to the fullest.

For the fair sex, a master class "The Art of Being Happy" is offered. The training covers issues from different areas of life:

  • how to meet a decent man and build strong long-term relationships;
  • why it is not possible to leave a neurotic relationship and where to find a resource to leave;
  • how to motivate a husband or partner;
  • what to do to love yourself;
  • how to combine work and remain satisfied with life;
  • how to increase self-esteem and get rid of expectations.
In the process of training, trainers work with false beliefs, irrational ideas that prevent you from living a happy life. Women acquire effective interaction, receive support from other participants.

The big course "Turn on your purpose" includes 3 blocks:

  • health problems;
  • lack of wealth:
  • relationships with loved ones.
The purpose of attending the training is to reveal the true deeds and talents, to find out one's destiny, to learn how to manage oneself in moments of life's difficulties, to acquire the skills to realize and monetize talents.

Participants pass the first two modules within 3 days, the third - within 2 months. The last block is worked out independently under the guidance of the curator. Meetings take place 2 days once a month.

In addition to training for women, Rozanov actively promotes business training. Corporate and individual training is expected. Programs are compiled at the request of the organization.

Mikhail Rozanov practices informal meetings with the public, organizes coaching sessions. Through psychological games and exercises, it forms communication skills that help to become successful not only in business, but also in relationships with people in general. According to Rozanov, non-standard thinking develops if a person is inspired by some kind of activity.

By using psychological techniques, a sense of inspiration can be felt in almost any situation. This skill is taught in training. Immersion in a state of inspiration is good for the psyche as a whole. A person gets rid of apathy, anxiety, receives a charge of positive energy, gets rid of addictions.

There is a video on the Internet where famous psychologist advises girls and women on building relationships, success. An interesting and useful video on how to become happy can be seen here:

The training programs can be found on the official website www.mikhailrozanov.ru.


Mikhail Rozanov is a psychologist whose professionalism has been confirmed by thousands of clients. You should sign up for his seminars and courses in advance. The workouts are very powerful. Participants learn to use their abilities as rationally as possible. They acquire knowledge that helps to achieve success in the professional field, thereby improving the quality of life.

Question to the reader

Would you like to attend a training at the Michael Center? What knowledge do you lack to feel happy man? Do you think attending trainings helps to master the necessary skills? We are interested in your opinion.

Professional coach and business coach, practicing psychologist since 1997.

The best coach in Russia personal growth and management technologies according to 18,000 participants who have changed themselves.

Area of ​​scientific and practical activity:

  • Psychology of personal development;
  • Business psychology and business process management;
  • Psycholinguistics;
  • Hypnotherapy;
  • Psychology of stress (chronic fatigue syndrome).

Higher education teacher Economic School(MIPK) SPbGUEF at the faculties:

  • Training management;
  • Personnel Management;
  • Presidential Program:
    • author of the training program for business trainers:
      • "Training management";
      • developed for the Higher School of Economics (MIPK) of St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
    • author unique programs in the field of personal development;
    • book author:
      • "The key to a dream, or How to set your mind for good luck";
      • "Vitamin for the Mind".
  • 2nd dan Aikido Yoshinkan.

Born in Leningrad.

  • In 1984 he graduated from a music school in piano (he mastered the guitar on his own).
  • In 1986 he entered the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School (LNVMU).
  • In 1988 he was admitted to the Higher Naval Engineering School. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He served in Severomorsk, then in St. Petersburg. In 1994 he left the service.
  • In 1995, he organized his own business, becoming the founder of a security company.
  • He received his basic psychological education at the Russian State Humanitarian University(Moscow).
  • Received business education and competencies in the field of human resource management at the Academy Humanities education(Saint Petersburg).
  • From 1999 to 2009 he was a co-founder and lead trainer of the First Training Company of St. Petersburg (PTK).
  • In 2000, he completed a full training course for managers with a well-known master in the field of training programs - Denis Percy.
  • In 2004, he received a business coach certificate from Milton Erickson University (Canada).
  • In 2005 he received a certificate of a coach in the field of management (leading doctor Don Beck is a world expert in the study of "Spiral Dynamics" - the latest trends in the evolutionary development of people, companies, countries).
  • In 2006, he received a certification from Milton Erickson University (transformational coaching, systems coaching, core values ​​coaching, managerial coaching).
  • In 2008, he completed an individual training course and received a certificate from the President of the "International Association of Natural Healers" Professor Dr. Shashikant S. Seth.
  • In 2010, he founded a training center - "Mikhail Rozanov Development Center".
  • In 2010, he completed training and received a certificate at the Academy of System Cognition V.K. Tolkachev at the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • In 2011, he completed training and received a certificate at the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association.
  • In 2014 he founded a martial arts club - "Musubi", according to Aikido Yoshinkan.
  • By the end of 2014, he had conducted more than 950 trainings and seminars.

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

  • Professional coach and business coach.
  • Practicing psychologist since 1997.
  • Area of ​​scientific and practical activity:
    • Psychology of personal development;
    • Business psychology and business process management;
    • Psycholinguistics;
    • Hypnotherapy;
    • Psychology of stress (chronic fatigue syndrome).
  • Lecturer at the Higher Economic School (MIPK) of St. Petersburg State University of Economics at the faculties:
    • Training - management;
    • Personnel Management;
    • Presidential Program.
  • Author of the training program for business trainers "Training Management", developed for the Higher School of Economics (MIPK) of St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
  • Author of unique programs in the field of personal development.
  • Author of books:
    • "The key to a dream or how to set your mind for good luck";
    • "Vitamin for the Mind".
  • 2 dan Aikido Yoshinkan.

Born in Leningrad.

  • In 1984 he graduated from a music school in piano (he mastered the guitar on his own).
  • In 1986 he entered the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School (LNVMU).
  • In 1988 he was admitted to the Higher Naval Engineering School. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He served in Severomorsk, then in St. Petersburg. In 1994 he left the service.
  • In 1995, he organized his own business, becoming the founder of a security company.
  • He received his basic psychological education at the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow).
  • He received business education and competencies in the field of human resource management at the Academy of Humanitarian Education (St. Petersburg).
  • From 1999 to 2009 he was a co-founder and lead trainer of the First Training Company of St. Petersburg (PTK).
  • In 2000, he completed a full training course for managers with a well-known master in the field of training programs - Denis Percy.
  • In 2004, he received a business coach certificate from Milton Erickson University (Canada).
  • In 2005 he received a certificate of a coach in the field of management (leading doctor Don Beck is a world expert in the study of "Spiral Dynamics" - the latest trends in the evolutionary development of people, companies, countries).
  • In 2006, he received a certification from Milton Erickson University (transformational coaching, systems coaching, core values ​​coaching, managerial coaching).
  • In 2008, he completed an individual training course and received a certificate from the President of the "International Association of Natural Healers" Professor Dr. Shashikant S. Seth.
  • In 2010, he founded a training center - "Mikhail Rozanov Development Center".
  • In 2010, he completed training and received a certificate at the Academy of System Cognition V.K. Tolkachev at the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • In 2011, he completed training and received a certificate at the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association.
  • In 2014 he founded a martial arts club - "Musubi", according to Aikido Yoshinkan.
  • By the end of 2014, he had conducted more than 950 trainings and seminars.