It seemed to me that you need to have colossal knowledge. A complex sentence with several subordinate clauses outline of a lesson in the Russian language (Grade 11) on the topic. All separate members of the sentence

with several subordinate clauses

Option 1

I don’t remember where else we wandered that night, only I remember that I couldn’t get away from Sheva (Astafiev).

1) 3; 2) 4; 3) 2; 4) 5.

2. Which complex sentence has two subordinate clauses?

1) For a long time it was heard how he walked to where the light shines in order to tell strangers about his happiness (Bitter).

2) It seemed to me that you need to have a colossal store of knowledge in order to determine by compass and stars in which part of the vast ocean our ship is located (Arseniev).

3) The city, as it were, asked you where you were on winter days when the solemn buildings of the colonnade and arches were covered with frost (Astafiev).

4) And at the moment she spoke, it seemed to her that she saw what she was saying (Turgenev).

(1) If every person on a piece of his land did everything, (2) what he can, (3) how beautiful our land would be (Chekhov).

1) 1; 2) 2; 3) 3.

4. Indicate the type of subordination of subordinate clauses in the sentence:

I want you to hear how my living voice yearns.

2) parallel subordination;

3) homogeneous subordination;

In the camouflaged nest, I counted more than a dozen incubated eggs (1) and (2) to keep them cool (3) hurried to get out as soon as possible.

1)1,2; 2) 2,3; 3) 1,2,3; 4)1,3.

6. Find a sentence with a punctuation error:

1) When I see these distant, harsh, impregnable mountains, I want to climb them and see what world will open up to my eyes behind the mountains (Arseniev).

2) Everyone knows how easy it is to climb screes, and how difficult it is to go down them (Arseniev).

3) There are days when everything goes well, when life is clear, beautiful, simple (Aitmatov).

4) Everything that a person touches acquires something human.

Complex sentenceswith several subordinate clauses

Option 2

1. How many parts are in a complex sentence?

It was obvious that Savelitch had been right before me, and that I had needlessly offended him with reproach and suspicion.

1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 4; 4) 5.

1) Cultivate in yourself the ideals of the future, for this is a kind of Sun rays without the revitalizing action of which Earth would turn to stone.

2) The old man returned and said that he seemed to have figured out how to get to the other side unnoticed (Simonov).

3) Sometimes he recalled the story he had heard about how in the war soldiers diligently look for an occupation in order to more easily endure the danger (Bykov).

4) She began to recognize the mummers, admiring how well the costumes were made, how they went especially to the young lady and thanked everyone for having so amused her (Turgenev).

3. Indicate the main sentence in the complex sentence:

(1) If the problem was about a pool with pipes, (2) I imagined a pool behind a glass wall, (3) along which silent shadows glided (Kaverin).

1) 1; 2) 2; 3) 3.

4. Indicate the type of subordination of subordinate clauses in the sentence:

In order to survive in the war with the enemy, the city endured such trials that it had never known in many years (Sergeev-Tsensky).

1) consistent submission;

2) parallel subordination;

3) combined subordination;

4) homogeneous subordination.

5. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

I was so lost in my thoughts (1) that (2) I completely forgot (3) why I came here at this hour of twilight (Arsenyev).

1) It was necessary to stop the horse, since our direct road broke off and was already going down a steep slope overgrown with bushes (Chekhov).

2) As soon as the heat subsided, it began to get colder and darker in the forest so quickly that I didn’t want to stay in it (Turgenev).

3) The light of the moon turned out to be quite enough for the units to go where they were instructed, and then do what the cruel law of bayonet attacks dictated (Sergeev-Tsensky).

4) The blind man knew that the sun was looking into the room and that if he stretched his hand out the window, dew would fall from the bushes (Korolenko).

Complex sentenceswith several subordinate clauses

Option 3

1. How many parts are in a complex sentence?

There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through tangled forest thickets and sit down near the water itself, you will feel yourself in a separate world fenced off from the rest of the earthly space (Sergeev-Tsensky).

1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 4; 4)5.

2. Which complex sentence has three subordinate clauses?

1) A person is gifted with reason and creative power in order to increase what is given to him (Paustovsky).

2) You must stop talking immediately when you notice that you are annoyed yourself or the one you are talking to (Kaverin).

3) Natasha had not finished singing yet, when an enthusiastic fourteen-year-old Petya ran into the room with the news that mummers had come (L. Tolstoy).

4) Heat hangs in the air from which the leaf bends and the earth is covered with a crack (Chekhov).

3. Indicate the type of subordination of subordinate clauses in the sentence:

One could hear how the janitor was walking in the garden and how his wheelbarrow creaked (Sergeev-Tsensky).

1) consistent submission;

2) homogeneous subordination;

3) parallel subordination;

4) combined subordination.

4. Specify a sentence with parallel subordination:

1) Foma did not understand well when Yegor was joking and when he was serious (Gorky).

2) Despite the fact that Prince Vasily reluctantly and almost impolitely listened to the elderly lady, she smiled affectionately and touchingly at him and, so that he would not leave, took his hand (L. Tolstoy).

3) He is not a writer who has not added at least a little vigilance to the vision of mankind (Paustovsky).

5. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

This is the most important thing for understanding (1) what harms a person (2) and what benefits him (3) and how to act (4) in order to get happiness (Sergeev-Tsensky).

6. Find a sentence with a punctuation error:

1) She told him that if he is sick, then he must be treated.

2) She told him that if he is sick, he should be treated.

3) Life has become better, comrades, life has become more fun.




Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Students should know: - how subordinate parts are attached to the main one - what punctuation marks they are made out - know the types of subordination be able to: - put punctuation marks in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses - determine the type of subordination

Sequential submission Each subsequent part joins the previous subordinate part One of the main benefits of hunting is that it forces you to constantly move from place to place, which is very pleasant for an unemployed person, which 1 2 3

Homogeneous submission The subordinate parts behave in relation to the main one like homogeneous members. This is manifested in the fact that: - all clauses refer to the same word in the main part, - all clauses answer the same question, - all clauses are clauses of the same type, - usually join with the same unions and allied words I saw how the stars they began to fog up and lose their radiance, as a light sigh swept across the earth coolness, like, like 1 2 3

Parallel (heterogeneous) subordination Each of the subordinate parts depends on the main one, but at the same time they are explained different words in the main part there are various types of appendages. When the britzka drove past the prison, Yegorushka glanced at the sentries ... and remembered how a week ago he went with his mother to the prison church for the patronal feast. when like 2 1 3

Mixed submission parts join different ways When in the provincial town of S., passers-by complained of boredom…, the locals… said that, on the contrary, it was very good in S., that there was a library, a theater, a club in S., and that, finally, there were… interesting families with whom you can make acquaintances. when, what, what, what, with which

A comma is placed between subordinate clauses with consistent submission A little further on, the river probably merged with another similar river, because a hundred paces from the hill along its course a thick sedge was green, from which, when the britzka drove up, three snipes flew out with a cry.

The comma is not placed at the junction of the coordinating and subordinating unions or two subordinating unions if for subordinate clause the second part of the complex union follows - then, so, but my whole idea is that if vicious people are interconnected and constitute strength, then honest people need to do only the same.

A semicolon is placed between homogeneous clauses if they are very common or have commas inside. What was he thinking? That he was poor; that by labor he must secure both independence and honour; what could God give him mind and money ...

1. I can go to a cheerful garden where a dark row of old maples rises to the sky and poplars rustle dully. 2. And for a long time I will be so kind to the people that I aroused good feelings with a lyre, that in my cruel age I glorified freedom ... 3. When the house calms down, I hear how a dreary and evil harmonica breaks through a blizzard. 4. It seemed to me that you need to have colossal knowledge in order to determine by the compass and stars in which part of the vast ocean our ship is located.

4. He wanted to assure himself that there was no danger and that Cube's absence would be explained in time. 5. The bear fell in love with Nikita so much that when he went somewhere the beast sniffed the air anxiously. 6. He knew from experience that if the colonel fell silent, then it was useless to try to continue the conversation with him. 7. The blind man knew that the sun was looking into the room and that dew was falling from the bushes.

1. I can go to a cheerful garden, where a dark row of old maples rises to the sky and poplars rustle dully. 2. And for a long time I will be so kind to the people that I aroused good feelings with a lyre, that in my cruel age I glorified freedom ... 3. When the house calms down, I hear how a dreary and evil harmonica breaks through a blizzard. 4. It seemed to me that you need to have colossal knowledge in order to determine by the compass and stars in which part of the vast ocean our ship is located.

6. He wanted to assure himself that there was no danger and that Cube's absence would be explained in time. 5. The bear fell in love with Nikita so much that when he went somewhere, the beast sniffed the air anxiously. 6. He knew from experience that if the colonel fell silent, then it was useless to try to continue the conversation with him. 7. The blind man knew that the sun was looking into the room and that dew was falling from the bushes. 1. All the same, it seemed to me that he was not in his place and that he would have done well if he had gone to Petersburg again. 2. Therefore, it seems surprising that the light is quietly burning in the house, that small carpets drown out steps, that there are open books on the table. 3. To move forward, look back more often, otherwise you will forget where you came from and where you need to go. 4. In one of his letters, Kuprin wrote that when he left the regiment, he had neither scientific nor worldly knowledge.
1. All the same, it seemed to me that he was out of place and that he would have done well if he had gone to Petersburg again. 2. Therefore, it seems surprising that the light is quietly burning in the house, that small carpets drown out the steps, that there are open books on the table. 3. To move forward, look back more often, otherwise you will forget where you came from and where you need to go. 4. In one of his letters, Kuprin wrote that when he left the regiment, he had neither scientific nor worldly knowledge.

Work at home by N.A. Senina (2008/2007) p, exercise (p)

The snobbery of "professionals" has always amused me. The desire to maintain their "Ilitarity" of any social. groups through aggression (snobbery is one of the types of aggression) only says that there is no ground for "Ilitarity". Systematic education is not so many years old in the world. Moreover, it is rapidly becoming obsolete in its traditional form.

The popularity of lecture halls is due to the fact that people began to lose their fear of the "Great Knowledge" and began to seek to expand the scope of their capabilities, focusing on needs and curiosity. This happens because knowledge becomes available to anyone due to the development of communications, mainly of course the Internet.

Here it is important to note one important thing. People began to (finally) shift their attention from the idea of ​​"extensive professional training", as was the case in the scoop, to the idea of ​​" professional competencies". This led to the fact that representatives of education began to howl that the Soviet paradigm is so cool, and all sorts of garbage is being imposed on us from the West. One of the elements of Western culture is continuous lifelong education. It is impossible if you spend years of consistent education on each stage of education. Hence the “fragmentation.” In fact, non-fragmentary education does not exist simply because people's memory is not absolute.

At the same time, the idea of ​​professional competencies leads to the emergence of people who are able to function "from scratch and outside the group." The scoop was preparing cogs for the plant, unable to create something from scratch alone (in fundamental science too). Western types of knowledge consumption (horror, the word consumption met!) suggest that "I picked up competencies - I opened a business myself." These are opposite goals and, accordingly, opposite approaches.

It is foolish to limit yourself to one or another approach in education, so the popularity of "fragmented education" should be fully welcomed, as well as the existence of an excellent school of "systematic education". What to do if you are an engineer, and you need to understand accounting in order to open an IP? Go to lectures, courses, consultations and other "fragmentary" types of education. What to do if you are curious about something? Many children, fooled by their parents, go to receive higher education in some area just because they were visited by a fleeting curiosity, thereby ruining themselves and wasting time. Now, slowly and uncertainly, the function of vocational guidance (which has never been sufficiently developed in Russia) is also being taken over by popular lectures and other types of "fragmentary" education. So the opposition of these two approaches is the sheer stupidity of those who oppose.

1) Stop talking immediately when you notice that you are irritated yourself or the one you are talking to. (L. Tolstoy.) 2) For a long time it was heard how he walked to where the light glows in order to tell strangers about his happiness. (A. Chekhov.) 3) A person is gifted with reason and creative power to increase what is given to him. (A. Chekhov.) 4) Cultivate in yourself the ideals of the future, for these are a kind of sunbeams, without the animating action of which the globe would turn into stone. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin.) 5) The old man returned and said that he seemed to have figured out how to get to the other side unnoticed. (V. Arseniev.) 6) It seemed to me that it was necessary to have a colossal stock of knowledge in order to determine by the compass and the stars in which part of the vast ocean our ship is located. (A. Novikov - Surf.)

1. Get annoyed - verb. (What are you doing?) getting irritated.
The action of the subject.
2. N.f. - get annoyed.
3. Return, inconsistent view, non-transition, 1 ref.
4. Exc. inc., unit, current time, 2 l.
5. (What are you doing?)
1. Educate - verb. (What do you do?) educate. Day-
action of the subject.
2. N.f. -bring up.
3. Non-return, mismatch, transition, 1 ref.
4. Imperative inscription, plural, 2 l.
5. (What are you doing?)
1. Reviving - communion. Actions (what?) I revive-
current. Sign of an object by action.
2. Revive.
3. Valid, non-reverted, mismatched view, current time
4. Sing., cf., rod.p.
5. Actions (what?)
1. Colossal - adjective. Stock (what?)
lossal. Subject sign.
2. N.f. - colossal.
3. Qualities.
4. Unit, m.s., wine.p.
5. Stock (what?)
1. Knowledge is a noun. A store of (what?) knowledge.
2. N.f. -knowledge.
3. Nat., inanimate, cf., 2 cl.
4. Sing., rod.p.
5. Stock (of what?)
1. The most extensive - an adjective. Ocean (what?)
the most extensive. Subject sign.
2. N.f. - the most extensive.
3. Quality, simple. excel.
4. Sing., m.r., rod.p.

1. Narrative, non-exclamation.
2. Main part No. 1; adnexal - No. 2, 3.
3. A complex sentence with sequential subordination.
4. No. 2 - subordinate clause of purpose, No. 3 - subordinate clause (pronoun-correlative).

Task number 7

Arrange punctuation marks

In the morning it was raining, then stopping then turning into a drizzle. Since Tuesday, the weather has changed dramatically. From the linden alley, spinning and overtaking each other, yellow leaves flew and, getting wet, lay down on the wet ground. Despite the warm and even hot days in August, the onset of autumn is usually already. In the high sky, sparse clouds slowly stretched. Vronsky stopped the coachman before reaching the estate and, opening the door, jumped out of the carriage on the move. My grandmother worked tirelessly all her life. They both sat for five minutes quietly and without moving. Four months ago, in accordance with his instructions, I left the schooner. A few days later, young Dubrovsky decided to go into business. The falcons described beautiful circles, stopping in one place for a long time and fluttering their wings, vigilantly looking out for prey on the ground.

Other isolated members.

Specifying members of a sentence

1. Places (where? where exactly?), for example: Below, in the shade, the Danube rustled.

2. Time (when? when exactly?), for example: It was late autumn, on a cold gloomy day.

3. Mode of action (how? in what way?), for example: She mischievously, girlishly, looked up at him.

4.With words rather, rather, rather, for example: I immediately understood, or rather, felt the beauty of catching quails.

Explanatory terms

Join with words that is, namely, namely,(or \u003d that is), for example: We rode on our horses in a wagon, that is, in a covered bast wagon.

Affiliating Members

Join with words even, especially, for example, especially, in particular, especially etc., for example: I studied well at school, especially in mathematics.

Standalone add-ons

Includes prepositions apart from, besides, besides, over, except for and others, for example: Nothing was visible for a long time, except for the rain and the beach houses on the shore.

Task number 8

Arrange punctuation marks

The book will be published or rather reprinted this year. I got up early at dawn and immediately set to work. Many of our poets, such as Zhukovsky, were excellent translators. From the forest ravine came the cooing of wild pigeons or turtledoves. The summer sun was already shining up there. Early in the morning, fishermen gathered on the banks of the river. We talked very well in a friendly way. All the birds, even the sparrows, were quiet before the storm. I couldn't make out anything but the blurry swirl of the blizzard. It should be supplemented rather to clarify the data given in the article. I like the art of dance, namely ballet. A brother from the city brought many books, in particular, on gardening. Somewhere close behind a neighboring hill, booming bursts of waves are heard.

Task number 9(see answer key)

All separate members of the sentence
Arrange punctuation marks

In the morning at dawn, dew floods the grass. Landscapes are often painted with watercolors or water-based paints. The traveler let the fire burn out and habitually trampled the smoldering coals in the ground and went through the forest to the already green field, widely illuminated by the sun. Across the river, the evening star shone brightly in the rosy sky. In winter, more precisely in January, we arrived in the village. Like a real artist, I peer into the colors, trying to capture this wide canvas of the best of the paintings. But through the dust that covered his eyes, nothing could be seen but the brilliance of lightning. To the left, limp, wide, huge willows rustled, and among their boughs sat swaying rooks, soaked during the night. Despite being tired, I did not leave the upper deck. On one hill stood a tree, a very tall Christmas tree. Cranberries or cranes grow in swamps. Having left the gate, we turned to the right and wandered slowly along the road, soft and dusty from the sweltering heat. It has been raining all the time since September. The rain poured non-stop. Dubrovsky, a retired lieutenant of the guard, was Troekurov's closest neighbor.

Repetition. Punctuation marks in a simple sentence.

Control task No. 10(see answer key)

Arrange punctuation marks

In the dark distance, nothing is visible except sparkling lights. Animals, unlike birds, have a highly developed sense of smell or sense of smell. The compressed rye, weeds, wild hemp, in a word, everything turned brown from the heat. On his long, crane-like legs, he swayed in the wind like a birdhouse. This New Year's ball had, more precisely, could have had a special meaning in her life. Pine forest, stretching along the left bank of the river, is a favorite vacation spot for citizens. However, he is delusional. This summer I went to Tarusa, a quiet town on the Oka River. Frightened by our appearance, a flock of black ducks broke from the swamp. The boat pushed off from the shore slowly turned around and, picked up by the current, rushed down swiftly and easily, like a rested horse across an open field. Half an hour later, Andrei led them to the spring. It is cool and gloomy in all the rooms in the servants' room, in the hall, in the drawing-room. As a subtle politician, he knew the value of his every word. The sisters are like two drops of water. Strongly slowed down our movement head wind and fogs and frequent thunderstorms. According to forecasters, rain is not expected during the week. Finally we reached the pass. Many deciduous trees grow in our forests, such as birch, aspen, oak, linden. The lark comes to the warmth, the finch to the cold. Oblique rain, driven by a strong wind, poured like a bucket. Taiga is always full of life even in winter. As a rule, in these places there is a dry autumn. Firstly, you were late, secondly, you did not bring the work, and finally spilled ink on the drawing.

Difficult sentence

Compound sentence

1. Parts of a compound sentence are separated by commas, for example: There was a thaw at night, and frost hit in the morning.

2. Put a comma if one or more parts are one-part sentences, for example: Meanwhile, it was completely dawn, and it was necessary to go out to sea again.

The comma is not put:

1. If the parts have a common secondary term, for example: Shortly after sunrise, a cloud ran up and summer rain splashed.

2. If the parts have a common accessory part, for example: When the sun rose, the dew dried up and the grass turned green.

3. If the parts are united by a common introductory word, for example: In a word, the time has already expired and it was time to leave.

4. If the parts are interrogative or exclamatory sentences, for example: When will the delegation arrive and who will meet it?

Task number 11

Arrange punctuation marks

We would like to walk around the city, turning off the central avenue, but it is already evening and we have to go to the pier. All around us bumblebees buzzed and grasshoppers chirped. Autumn was approaching and it was quiet and sad in the old garden. Is there a swamp ahead and the path to retreat cut off? It was already dark and through the glass I could not see anything but raindrops crawling down. Apparently, the animals in these forests have hatched and the birds have disappeared. The air was soaring and the day promised to be unbearably hot. When the hunters approached the forester's house, it was already dark and the forest was filled with mysterious sounds. The shore was not visible from the bench, and therefore the feeling of infinity and grandeur of the expanse of the sea was even more intensified. IN blue sky Clouds float and migratory birds fly by. It was getting hot and I hurried to the table. When autumn comes, the wind rips off the last clothes from the trees and the rain taps against the window with the knuckles. Geraniums were blooming and lemons were green on the windowsill.

Complex sentence

1. The subordinate clauses are separated from the main comma, for example: The night was so black that in the first minutes, until the eyes got used to the darkness after the light, they had to grope for the way.

2. The comma is not put:

a) if a subordinating union or allied word is preceded by a coordinating union, for example: I was not with my mother and when she died.

b) if there is a NOT particle, for example: We got into the forest not when the rain ended, but when it was in full swing.

c) if the subordinate clause consists of one word, for example: Students were assigned an exam, but did not specify when.

d) if there are words before the subordinating conjunction especially, in particular particular and others, for example: Well in the forest in the spring, especially when the buds on the trees begin to bloom.

3. As a rule, a comma is placed once with complex unions since, due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, after, in order to, because, while, just as and others, for example: Many years have passed since he settled in these places. (but: sometimes the meaning depends on the meaning, for example: I have not parted with a kayak since I learned to row.)

4. In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by coordinating conjunctions, a comma is placed in the same way as with homogeneous members, for example: While in the hospital, he recalled how the Nazis attacked them suddenly, and how they were surrounded, and how they managed to get through to theirs.

5. Punctuation marks at the junction of two unions:

what if... what if...

what when... what when...

for example: He said that if he was free, he would come to me in the evening. We noted that when this artist appeared on the stage, there was silence in the hall.

6. A comma is not put if the subordinate clauses are homogeneous and are connected by coordinating unions, for example: It was obvious that Savelich was right in front of me and that I needlessly offended him with reproach and suspicion.


1. Sometimes the subordinating union is omitted in the 2nd part, for example: It's nice to hear how the blizzard gets angry and the wind howls through the old hollows.

2. A dash is placed in the presence of words this, here for example: That she is an honest nature is clear to me.

3. The colon is put (namely), for example: He warned about one thing: that everyone should arrive on time.

Task number 12

Arrange punctuation marks

It seemed to me that you need to have colossal knowledge in order to determine by the compass and stars where our ship is located, stuck in the ice. As the day faded, the forest became quieter and quieter. No wonder Saltykov-Shchedrin said that if literature falls silent for even a minute, this will be tantamount to the death of the people. The child was crying, but did not say why. It is so light around that it is difficult to guess whether morning is near or evening is still going on. He noticed that when the moon rose in the steppe, a new life began. While Petersburg was growing and decorating, Moscow was also changing in its own way. And one day in May, when the sky turned green from the cold, the great news came that we had won and the war was over. What matters is not what we say, but what we do. I love the forests near Moscow, and when they rustle merrily in the summer breeze, and when they are snow-covered, calmly sleeping under the moonlight. We knew that if today we do not overcome the mountain pass, we will never reach the top. He wished that the wind would not howl so gloomily and that the rain would beat not so angrily. I will come to Moscow soon, but it is not known when. Now, when people were talking nearby and the window was shining, he was no longer afraid, although the thunder still crackled and lightning streaked the sky. I have long noticed that when the breeze shakes the tops of the trees, then this has a special charm.

Associative compound sentence

It is put if the sentences are closely related in meaning and are not very common (= and), for example: Forests darken in the distance, ponds sparkle, villages turn yellow.


Set if simple sentences common, less closely related in meaning and have commas inside them, for example: Emerald frogs jump underfoot; between the roots, raising his golden head, lies already and guards them.

The colon is placed:

a) if the 2nd part reveals the content of the 1st (namely), for example: The weather was terrible: the wind howled, wet snow fell in flakes.

b) if the 2nd part indicates the reason for what is said in the 1st (because, since), for example: No birds were heard: they do not sing during the hours of heat.

c) if the 2nd part complements the content of the 1st (what, how), for example: People knew that there was a war going on somewhere very far from them.

d) sometimes words are omitted in the 1st part and saw, and heard, and felt, for example: I looked out the window: stars flared up in a cloudless sky.

A dash is placed:

b) if the 1st part indicates the time of what is said in the 2nd (when), for example: I was driving here - the rye began to turn yellow.

d) if in the 1st part there is an indication of the condition for performing the action (if), for example: Called yourself a loader - climb into the body.

f) if the 2nd part contains a conclusion, a consequence (so, therefore), for example: The snow was deep, but hard - the skis did not fail.

g) a quick change of events (and), for example: A ray of sun falls on the grass - the grass will flare up with emerald and pearls.

h) if the 2nd part enters into an accession relationship with the 1st (so, so, so), for example: Crooked streets, small wooden houses - such was a significant part of Moscow.

Task number 13 (see answer key)

Arrange punctuation marks

It's impossible to go out in the rain. I know in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. The finches arrived, the forest came to life. The forest lawn is all saturated with cold dew, insects are sleeping, many flowers have not yet opened their corollas. Grandfather turned out to be right by the evening a thunderstorm came. The rank followed him; he suddenly left the service. In winter, the farmstead became even more boring, with snowdrifts surrounding the buildings on all sides. The headman asked him for a document, the document was not found. The music still reached us; its sounds seemed sweeter and more tender; the fires lit up in the city and over the river. I raised my eyes high in the sky flying over the village of birds. The roads are covered with snow, now neither drive nor pass. The nightingale sang in the middle of May, spring will go more amicably. He thought, sniffed the smell of honey.

Complex syntactic constructions

Complex syntactic constructions include complex sentences with different syntactic connections, for example: To fully enjoy this picture, I went out into the field, and a wonderful sight presented itself to my eyes: all the boundless space around me looked like a snow stream, as if the heavens had opened up, scattered with snow fluff and filled the air with an astonishing silence.

Task number 14

Arrange punctuation marks

The woman went into the priest's house to ask for the key to the church, and holding a broom under her arm, she wanted to sweep the floor in the church and a can of oil, she wanted to fill the lamps, went out into the churchyard. As soon as the bright sun came out from behind the mountain and began to illuminate the valley along which we walked, wavy clouds of fog dissipated and this made it hot. An hour later it was possible to go blizzard calmed down the sky cleared up and we set off. Here the noise of the river was not heard, and since the songbirds flew away to warmer climes, there was an amazing silence, such silence when it seems that you suddenly went deaf. As a result of frequent bombings, the city was depopulated only by nature, as if indifferently looking at all the horrors of the war, clouds were still slowly floating somewhere and blue waves were carelessly splashing below.

Repetition. Punctuation marks in complex sentences.

Control task No. 15(see answer key)

Arrange punctuation marks

Dark clouds were moving in from the east, and moisture smelt from there. Suddenly a thick fog rolled in, as if it separated me from the rest of the world with a wall, and in order not to get lost, I decided to return to the path, which, for my reasons, should have been on the left. Seryozha looked around the fire more and more engulfed the school. A strong thunder struck and all the windows trembled. As darkness fell, my room seemed to become more spacious. When autumn comes, the wind rips off the last clothes from the trees and the rain taps on the window with knuckles. From the window mountains shine far away and the Dnieper is visible. He explained that if the fog rises in calm weather, one must definitely wait for a long rain. We drove past the pond on the muddy and sloping banks, ice edges were already visible. The water will subside immediately start excavation. In summer, starlings are difficult to see as they live in dense forests. Twilight was approaching and we had to hurry. The wind opened the door to the passage and it became audible how hollow water was roaring behind the Don.

Direct speech.

Punctuation marks

"P," - a. for example: “We are not as few as you think,” says

" P!" - A. Bazarov Pavel Petrovich.

A: "P." for example: Chichikov said: "I would like to buy peasants."

"P, - a. - P." for example: “Where are your three birches? Katya asked. -

" P? - A. - P?" Where is the lawn?

" P! - A. -P!"

"P, - a, - a." for example: “I came to command,” said Chapaev, “and

Don't mess around with paperwork."


1." P, - verb and verb: - ​​P. "

for example: “Twenty,” Verochka counted and added with a sigh: “How long.”

2. A comma and a dash are placed in the presence of replicas belonging to different persons, for example: Passing by, he shouted: “Cheer up!” “I'll try,” I replied.


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