Sailors at the Victory Parade 1945. First Victory Parade (52 photos). The commanders of the consolidated regiments were appointed

The parade was attended by 24 marshals, 249 generals, 2536 officers, 31,116 privates, sergeants. More than 1,850 units of military equipment passed through Red Square.

1. The Victory Parade was hosted by Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, not Stalin. A week before the day of the parade, Stalin called Zhukov to his dacha and asked if the marshal had forgotten how to ride. He has to drive more and more on staff cars. Zhukov replied that he had not forgotten how and in his spare time he tried to ride.
- Here's the thing, - said the Supreme, - you will have to accept the Victory Parade. Rokossovsky will command the parade.
Zhukov was surprised, but did not show it:

- Thank you for such an honor, but wouldn't it be better for you to host the parade?

And Stalin to him:

— I'm already old to receive parades. Take it, you are younger.

The next day, Zhukov went to the Central Airfield on the former Khodynka - the parade rehearsal was held there - and met with Vasily, Stalin's son. And it was here that Vasily marshal was amazed. He told me in secret that my father was going to host the parade himself. He ordered Marshal Budyonny to prepare a suitable horse and went to Khamovniki, to the main army riding arena on Chudovka, as Komsomolsky Prospekt was then called. There, the army cavalrymen arranged their magnificent arena - a huge, high hall, all in large mirrors. It was here that on June 16, 1945, Stalin came to shake up the old days and check whether the skills of a dzhigit had been lost over time. At a sign from Budyonny, a snow-white horse was brought up and Stalin helped to hoist himself into the saddle. Gathering the reins in his left hand, which always remained bent at the elbow and only half active, which is why the evil tongues of his party comrades called the leader “Sukhorukim”, Stalin spurred the restive horse - and he rushed off ...
The rider fell out of the saddle and, despite the thick layer of sawdust, hit his side and head painfully ... Everyone rushed to him, helped him up. Budyonny, a timid man, looked with fear at the leader ... But there were no consequences.

2. The Banner of Victory, brought to Moscow on June 20, 1945, was to be carried through Red Square. And the calculation of the flagmen specially trained. Banner Keeper at the Museum Soviet army A. Dementiev argued that the standard-bearer Neustroev and his assistants Egorov, Kantaria and Berest, who hoisted him over the Reichstag and seconded to Moscow, were extremely unsuccessful at the rehearsals - they had no time for drill training in the war. The same Neustroev, by the age of 22, had five wounds, his legs were injured. Appointing other standard-bearers is absurd, and too late. Zhukov decided not to take out the Banner. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, there was no Banner at the Victory Parade. The first time the Banner was taken to the parade in 1965.

3. The question arose more than once: why does the Banner lack a strip 73 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide, because the panels of all assault flags were cut to the same size? There are two versions. First: the strip was cut off and taken as a keepsake on May 2, 1945, by the former on the roof of the Reichstag, Private Alexander Kharkov, a Katyusha gunner from the 92nd Guards Mortar Regiment. But how could he know that it was this, one of several, cotton cloth that would become the Banner of Victory?
Second version: The banner was kept in the political department of the 150th rifle division. Mostly women worked there, who began to be demobilized in the summer of 1945. They decided to keep a souvenir for themselves, cut off a strip and divided it into pieces. This version is the most probable: in the early 70s, a woman came to the Museum of the Soviet Army, told this story and showed her shred.

4. Everyone saw footage of Nazi banners being thrown at the foot of the Mausoleum. But it is curious that the fighters carried 200 banners and standards of the defeated German units with gloves, emphasizing that it is disgusting to even take the shafts of these standards into the hands. And they threw them on a special platform so that the standards would not touch the pavement of Red Square. Hitler's personal standard was thrown first, the banner of Vlasov's army was the last. And in the evening of the same day, the platform and all the gloves were burned.

5. The directive on preparing for the parade went to the troops a month before, at the end of May. And the exact date of the parade was determined by the time required by the clothing factories of Moscow to sew 10,000 sets of parade uniforms for soldiers, and the timing of tailoring uniforms for officers and generals in the atelier.

6. To participate in the Victory Parade, it was necessary to pass a tough selection: not only exploits and merits were taken into account, but also the appearance corresponding to the appearance victorious warrior, and that the height of the warrior was at least 170 cm. It is not for nothing that in the newsreel all the participants in the parade are simply handsome, especially the pilots. Going to Moscow, the lucky ones did not yet know that they would have to do drill for 10 hours a day for the sake of three and a half minutes of an impeccable march along Red Square.

7. Fifteen minutes before the start of the parade, it began to rain, turning into a downpour. It cleared up only in the evening. Because of this, the air part of the parade was canceled. Standing on the podium of the Mausoleum, Stalin was dressed in a raincoat and rubber boots - according to the weather. But the marshals were soaked through. Rokossovsky's wet dress uniform, when dry, sat down so that it was impossible to take it off - he had to rip it open.

8. Zhukov's ceremonial speech survived. It is interesting that on its margins someone carefully painted all the intonations with which the marshal had to pronounce this text. The most interesting notes: “quieter, more severe” - in words: “Four years ago Nazi German hordes of robbers attacked our country”; “louder, with an increase” - on the boldly underlined phrase: “The Red Army, under the leadership of its brilliant commander, went on a decisive offensive.” And here: "quieter, more penetrating" - starting with the sentence "We won the victory at the cost of heavy sacrifices."

9. Few people know that there were four landmark parades in 1945. The first in importance, of course, is the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 on Red Square in Moscow. Parade Soviet troops in Berlin took place on May 4, 1945 at the Brandenburg Gate, was received by the military commandant of Berlin, General N. Berzarin.
The Allied Victory Parade in Berlin was held on September 7, 1945. It was Zhukov's proposal after the Moscow Victory Parade. A composite regiment of a thousand men and armored units participated from each allied nation. But 52 IS-2 tanks from our 2nd Guards Tank Army aroused universal admiration.
The Victory Parade of the Soviet troops in Harbin on September 16, 1945 was reminiscent of the first parade in Berlin: our soldiers marched in field uniforms. Tanks and self-propelled guns closed the column.

10. After the parade on June 24, 1945, Victory Day was not widely celebrated and was an ordinary working day. Only in 1965 did Victory Day become a public holiday. After the collapse of the USSR, Victory Parades were not held until 1995.

11. Why at the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, one dog was carried in the arms on a Stalinist overcoat?

During the Second World War, trained dogs actively helped sappers clear mines. One of them, nicknamed Dzhulbars, was discovered during demining sites in European countries in Last year war 7468 mines and more than 150 shells. Shortly before the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, Dzhulbars was wounded and could not pass as part of the military dog ​​school. Then Stalin ordered to carry the dog across Red Square on his overcoat.

The idea of ​​publishing and scanning the section of the book "Winners" ( Victory Parade June 24, 1945. - Moscow: Government of Moscow. Committee for Public and Interregional Relations, 2000. ) - S.V. Lyubimova, daughter of V.A. Lyubimov and the author of an essay about him -.

Although the original intention was tell about pupils of special naval schools and naval preparatory schools - participants in the Victory Parade, in the process of preparation, we decided to provide information about all the participants about whom at least something is known, both from the book and from Internet sources. About those who stood on June 24, 1945 in the ranks of the Consolidated Regiment of the Navy on Red Square. About those sailors who were present at the parade. Just over 160 participants... Out of over 1250! We will be grateful for the help, for additions.


During the Great Patriotic War, the USSR Navy led active and decisive fighting to destroy the forces of the fleet and transports of the enemy, reliably guarded military and national economic sea, lake and river transportation, assisted the Red Army groupings in defensive and offensive operations.
The Northern Fleet, in contact with the Allied navies (Great Britain, the USA), provided external communications, conducted active operations on enemy sea lanes. To ensure the safety of ship traffic in the Arctic, in particular along the Northern Sea Route, the White Sea Flotilla was formed. Many coastal bridgeheads and naval bases, which were threatened by capture from land, long time were held by the joint efforts of the ground forces and the navy. The Northern Fleet (commander A.G. Golovko), together with the troops of the 14th Army, fought on the distant approaches to the Kola Bay and Murmansk. In 1942, he was entrusted with the defense of the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas.
The Baltic Fleet (commander V.F. Tributs) participated in the defense of Liepaja, Tallinn, the Moonsund Islands, the Hanko Peninsula, the Oranienbaum bridgehead, the islands of the Vyborg Bay and the northern coast of Lake Ladoga. The fleet played important role V heroic defense Leningrad.
The Black Sea Fleet (commander F.S. Oktyabrsky, from April 1943 - L.A. Vladimirsky, from March 1944 - F.S. Oktyabrsky), together with the ground forces, carried out operations to defend Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk, participated in the defense North Caucasus.

On high-water rivers and lakes, river and lake flotillas were used to create defensive lines: Azov, Danube, Pinsk, Chudskaya, Ladoga, Onega, Volga, a detachment of ships on Lake Ilmen. The Ladoga flotilla provided communications through Lake Ladoga ("Road of Life") to the besieged Leningrad. The sailors of the Volga Flotilla made a great contribution to the defense of Stalingrad and to the provision of important national economic transportation along the Volga in conditions mine risk. In 1943, the Dnieper River Flotilla was recreated, and in 1944, the Danube River Flotilla. Dnieper flotilla, relocated to the river basin. Oder, took part in the Berlin operation. The Danube Flotilla participated in the liberation of Belgrade, Budapest and Vienna.
The Pacific Fleet (commander I.S. Yumashev) and the Red Banner Amur Flotilla (commander N.V. Antonov) in August-September 1945 participated in the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army, in the liberation of Korea, Manchuria, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
During the years of the Great Patriotic War The Navy sent about 500 thousand sailors and officers to the land fronts, where military sailors fought heroically in the Red Army, defending Odessa, Sevastopol, Moscow, Leningrad. During the war years, the fleet landed more than 100 operational and tactical naval assault forces. For outstanding military merits in the Great Patriotic War, more than 350 thousand sailors were awarded orders and medals, 513 people were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, 7 people - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded twice.


Command consolidated regiment

Victory parade. Build sailors of the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea Fleet, as well as the Dnieper and Danube flotillas. In the foreground, Vice-Admiral V. G. Fadeev, who led the combined regiment of sailors, Captain 2nd Rank V.D. Sharoiko, Hero of the Soviet Union Captain 2nd Rank V.N. Alekseev, Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant colonel of the coastal service F.E. Kotanov, captain 3rd rank G.K. Nikiporets. - Victory parade. Build sailors - photo | Military album 1939, 1940, 1941-1945

FADEEV Vladimir Georgievich

Genus. 10.7.1904 in Novgorod.
In the Navy since 1918. He graduated from the Naval College. M.V. Frunze (1926), navigational class of the SKKS Navy of the Red Army (1930), courses for destroyer commanders (1937), formation commanders (1938), academic courses for officers (1947) and the Naval Academy. K.E.Voroshilova. Member of the Civil War. Jung on the destroyer "Attentive", osc. naval crew, trawling detachment of the Black Sea Fleet. Watch officer of the minesweeper "Jalita", the cruiser "Comintern", the flag navigator of the gunboat division. From July 1931 senior navigator, senior assistant commander of the destroyer "Shaumyan", from March 1935 commander of the Shkval patrol ship, from November 1936 commander of the division of patrol ships, from May 1937 commander of the destroyer "Nezamozhnik", from October. 1937 division commander, minesweeper brigade. From Aug. 1939 commander of the defensive military region of the Main Base of the Black Sea Fleet. Rear Admiral (1940).
F. entered the Great Patriotic War in this position, solving the tasks of organizing the defense of the Main Base of the Fleet, ensuring an uninterrupted regime in its zone, carrying out sentinel service, escorting ships, delivering replenishment, ammunition, weapons and cargo to Sevastopol.

Rozanov, 1945, Novorossiysk (Photo from family archive V.F. Rozanov)

What can you say about your commander, Vice Admiral V.G. Fadeev?
- Fadeev was very open to the people. Very caring about the sailors, sincere person. It used to be that we would go on a mission, return, in two weeks, he would come to us by car at the pier, and immediately turned not to the commander of the boat, but to the sailors: “When were you in the bathhouse? How about food? First of all, he solved such issues. Well, he drove officers, quartermasters who were responsible for the supply of food, for the organization of healthcare. He was very demanding. He was our brigade commander, which included various divisions - large minesweepers, and our 1st Red Banner division "Sea Hunters". And then he already became the commander of the Sevastopol naval base, he was already a vice admiral.

The book "Experience in combating enemy mine weapons" in the OVR of the Main Base of the Black Sea Fleet is of great value, since on the basis of this experience the "Manual on minesweeping of non-contact mines" (Order of the Navy Naval Forces No. 0467) was developed.

The entire experience of the struggle was summarized directly by the organizer of the trawling, Rear Admiral Comrade. Fadeev Vladimir Georgievich, who first created mine defense against enemy non-contact mines.
The work done on PMO in the OVR of the GB Black Sea Fleet completely prevented the enemy’s attempt to block the main naval base of Sevastopol.
As a result of this, it became possible for our ships and boats to make 15,867 voyages to the besieged Sevastopol to ensure its defense. - Fadeev Vladimir Georgievich. - Memorial plaques of Sevastopol

Hero of the Soviet Union ALEKSEEV Vladimir Nikolaevich

Genus. 09/08/1912 in the village. Kimiltey Ziminsky district of the Irkutsk region. Member of the CPSU (b 1941. In 1932 he graduated from the Leningrad Marine College, was an assistant to the captain of the ship.
In the Navy since 1933. He graduated from the special courses of the command staff of the Navy. Navigator of the submarine "Sch-12: submarine division, flagship of the BTKA (Pacific Fleet). Illegally repressed in August 1938. Reinstated in the Navy in February 1939. Flight commander, detachment, chief of staff of the TKA division (05.39-04.1942). In 1944 he graduated Naval Academy.
In the Great Patriotic War from Jan. 1944 to May 9, 1945 in the Northern Fleet. During the fighting, the 3rd division of the torpedo boat brigade under the command of captain 2nd rank A. sank 17 enemy ships. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on November 5, 1944. At the Victory parade, - the chief of staff of the combined regiment. Captain 2nd rank, chief of staff of the Pechenga Red Banner Order of Ushakov 1st class. brigades of torpedo boats of the Northern Fleet.
After the war he continued to serve in the Navy. Commanded a formation of ships. Graduated in 1953 military academy General Staff. He was an assistant to the representative of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in the Romanian Army, commander of the Liepaja Naval Base, first deputy chief of the 1st Naval Staff, worked at the Academy of the General Staff. From Oct. 1986 Admiral A. retired. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1980).
Awarded with Orders of Lenin, October revolution, 5 orders of the Red Banner, 2 orders of the Patriotic War 1st class, orders of the Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces 3rd class", medals.
Died in July 1999.

The brightest memory of military operations is the attack of torpedo boats in the Barents Sea in 1943.
- This attack went down in the history of our fleet, - says the veteran. - A German caravan was going to the sea, and a command came to us: to attack! But the caravan is always protected by destroyers... Our commander was Captain second rank Alekseev (Hero of the Soviet Union Alekseev Vladimir Nikolaevich), and this is what he came up with. Each torpedo boat commander was given a course point to go to. The calculation was as follows: the boat goes to the right point, a torpedo attack follows, and the ship ends up in the very place where the torpedoes went. Gave a smokescreen. The Germans did not see us. Our boats emerge, throw torpedoes and leave. And so we laid down six units of the enemy fleet. This is the personal merit of Alekseev, because we did not lose a single boat! -Pigarev D.T. On torpedo boats. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1963.

DUBINA Alexander Davidovich

V.G. Fadeev (commander of the combined regiment), Captain 2nd rank F.D. Sharoiko (deputy regiment commander for political affairs), Colonel A.D. Dubina (deputy regiment commander for combat), Hero of the Soviet Union Captain 2 - rank V.N. Alekseev (chief of staff of the regiment), Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant colonel of the coastal service F.E. Kotanov (commander of the 1st battalion), guard captain of the 3rd rank G.K. Nikiporets (commander of the 1st company )

Genus 19(31).05.1887 in the village. Vervii of the now Letichevsky district of the Khmelnytsky region, Ukraine. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1933. Graduated rural school, four classes of a real school (extern), a naval rifle team in Oranienbaum (1909).
In May 1919, he volunteered to serve in the Black Sea naval crew in Nikolaev. IN civil war 1918-1920 c. As part of the 1st Communist Detachment, as an assistant to the head of a special detachment of sailors, he participated in battles against Denikin's army on the Southern Front. From Oct. 1919 to Dec. 1920 in stock. Dec. 1920 called again to military service and passed it on the Dnieper, then the Don flotillas. From sept. 1921 as part Naval Forces Black Sea - head of the training team at the naval crew, head. combat unit of the machine school, head of the combat unit of the training detachment. From Aug. 1923 to Apr. 1925 - company commander, assistant commander, commander of the Black Sea naval crew. From Apr. 1925 to July 1928 - commander of the combined training battalion of the training detachment of the MSChM. In July 1928 he was appointed commander of the Baltic naval crew. Dec. 1938 transferred to the reserve with the rank of brigade commander.
In Jan. 1945 called up and appointed head of the combat department of the Quartermaster's School of the Navy with the assignment military rank"Colonel". At the parade - deputy commander of the consolidated regiment of the Navy for combat units. "During the period of work at the school, he achieved positive results in improving military discipline and training cadets in combat. He worked a lot to prepare cadets to participate in the parade in Moscow," the award list says.
After the war he continued to serve in the same school.
Awarded 2 orders of the Red Star, medals.
Died 1947

To be continued.

Veryuzhsky Nikolai Aleksandrovich (VNA), Gorlov Oleg Aleksandrovich (OAG), Maksimov Valentin Vladimirovich (MVV), SWF.
198188. St. Petersburg, st. Marshal Govorov, house 11/3, apt. 70. Sergey Vladimirovich Karasev, archivist. [email protected]

On June 24, 1945, the historic Victory Parade was held on Red Square in Moscow. This event, friends, is dedicated to this photo selection.

1. Victory parade. Soviet soldiers with the defeated standards of the Nazi troops.
The march of the combined regiments during the Victory Parade completed the formation of soldiers carrying 200 lowered banners and standards of the defeated Nazi troops. These banners were thrown on a special platform at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum to the gloomy beat of drums. Hitler's personal standard was thrown first.

2. Victory Parade. Soviet soldiers with the defeated standards of the Nazi troops.

3. Group portrait of pilots - participants in the Victory Parade. From left to right in the front row: three officers from the 3rd APDD (long-range air regiment), pilots of the 1st Guards APDD: Mitnikov Pavel Tikhonovich, Kotelkov Alexander Nikolaevich, Bodnar Alexander Nikolaevich, Voevodin Ivan Ilyich. In the second row: Bychkov Ivan Nikolaevich, Kuznetsov Leonid Borisovich, two officers of the 3rd APDD, Polishchuk Illarion Semenovich (3rd APDD), Sevastyanov Konstantin Petrovich, Gubin Petr Fedorovich.

4. Ceremony of farewell to the soldiers of the Red Army with the Banner of Victory before it was sent to Moscow. In the foreground is the Soviet self-propelled gun SU-76. Berlin, Germany. May 20, 1945

5. Banner group of the combined regiment of the 1st Ukrainian Front at the Victory Parade. First on the left - three times Hero of the Soviet Union, fighter pilot Colonel A.I. Pokryshkin, second from left - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, fighter pilot Major D.B. Glinka. Third from left - Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Major I.P. Slavic.

6. Heavy tanks IS-2 pass through Red Square during the parade in honor of the Victory on June 24, 1945.

7. Solemn construction of the Soviet troops before the parade dedicated to sending the Victory Banner to Moscow. Berlin. May 20, 1945

8. IS-2 tanks in Moscow on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya) before entering Red Square during the parade in honor of the Victory on June 24, 1945.

9. Line of Soviet soldiers and officers at the Victory Parade in Moscow.

10. The head of the political department of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Major General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), the future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the Victory Parade. At the parade, he was the commissar of the combined regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front. Far left - the commander of the 101st Rifle Corps, Lieutenant General A.L. Bondarev, Hero of the Soviet Union.

11. Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov takes the Victory Parade in Moscow. Underneath it is a light-gray Terek horse breed named Kumir.

12. Pilots - Heroes of the Soviet Union - participants in the Victory Parade. 06/24/1945
Fifth from the right is Guard Captain Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov, commander of the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (personally shot down 41 enemy planes). While there is only one on his chest Golden Star, the second will appear in 3 days. Facts from his biography formed the basis of the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” (the prototype of the commander Titarenko (“Maestro”) and the Grasshopper). Sixth from the right is Colonel General, Commander of the 17th Air Army Vladimir Alexandrovich Sudets (1904-1981).

13. Victory Parade. The formation of sailors of the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea fleets, as well as the Dnieper and Danube fleets. In the foreground, Vice-Admiral V. G. Fadeev, who led the combined regiment of sailors, Captain 2nd Rank V.D. Sharoiko, Hero of the Soviet Union Captain 2nd Rank V.N. Alekseev, Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant colonel of the coastal service F.E. Kotanov, captain 3rd rank G.K. Nikiporets.

14. Victory Parade. Soviet soldiers with the defeated standards of the Nazi troops.

16. Victory Parade. Build tank officers.

17. Soldiers of the 150th Idritsa Rifle Division against the background of their assault flag, hoisted on May 1, 1945 over the Reichstag building in Berlin and which later became the state relic of the USSR - the Banner of Victory.
In the photo, participants in the assault on the Reichstag, who escorted the flag to Moscow from the Berlin Tempelhof airfield on June 20, 1945 (from left to right):
captain K.Ya. Samsonov, junior sergeant M.V. Kantaria, Sergeant M.A. Egorov, senior sergeant M.Ya. Soyanov, captain S.A. Neustroev.

18. Victory Parade. Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov accepts the parade of troops of the Army, Navy and Moscow garrison to commemorate the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War.

19. Hero of the Soviet Union Major General A.V. Gladkov with his wife at the end of the Victory Parade. The original title is "The Joy and Pain of Victory".

20. IS-2 tanks in Moscow on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya) before entering Red Square during the parade in honor of the Victory on June 24, 1945.

21. Meeting of the Banner of Victory at the airport in Moscow. The Banner of Victory is carried along the Central Moscow airfield on the day of its arrival in Moscow from Berlin. At the head of the column is Captain Valentin Ivanovich Varennikov (future first deputy chief General Staff Armed Forces of the USSR, General of the Army, Hero of the Soviet Union). 06/20/1945

22. Warriors carry the Victory Banner along the Central Moscow airfield on the day it arrives in Moscow from Berlin. June 20, 1945

23. Troops at the Victory Parade.

24. Guards mortars "Katyusha" at the Victory Parade.

25. A column of paratroopers and submariners on Red Square.

26. A column of Red Army officers with defeated Nazi banners at the Victory Parade.

27. A column of officers of the Red Army with defeated fascist banners at the approach to the Lenin Mausoleum.

28. A column of Red Army officers throwing fascist banners at the foot of the mausoleum of V. I. Lenin.

29. Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov GK welcomes the troops taking part in the Victory Parade.

30. A rally at one of the airfields near Berlin before the departure of the Victory Banner to Moscow for the Victory Parade.

31. German banners thrown Soviet soldiers on Red Square during the Victory Parade.

32. General form Red Square during the passage of troops on the day of the Victory Parade.

34. Victory Parade on Red Square.

35. Before the start of the Victory Parade.

36. Consolidated regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front during the Victory Parade on Red Square.

37. Tanks at the Victory Parade.

38. Solemn ceremony of handing over the Banner of Victory to the military commandant of Berlin, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General N. Berzarin to be sent to Moscow. 20 May 1945

39. Participants of the Victory Parade pass through Manezhnaya Square.

40. Consolidated regiment of the Third Belorussian Front, led by Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky.

41. Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Budyonny, Supreme Commander USSR Armed Forces Joseph Stalin and Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov on the podium of Lenin's Mausoleum.

On June 24, 1945, a legendary parade was held on Red Square in Moscow in honor of the end of the Great Patriotic War. The parade was attended by 24 marshals, 249 generals, 2,536 officers and 31,116 privates and sergeants. In addition, the audience was shown 1850 units of military equipment. Interesting Facts about the first Victory Parade in the history of our country are waiting for you further.

1. The Victory Parade was hosted by Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, not Stalin. A week before the day of the parade, Stalin called Zhukov to his dacha and asked if the marshal had forgotten how to ride. He has to drive more and more on staff cars. Zhukov replied that he had not forgotten how and in his spare time he tried to ride.
- Here's the thing, - said the Supreme, - you will have to accept the Victory Parade. Rokossovsky will command the parade.
Zhukov was surprised, but did not show it:
- Thank you for such an honor, but wouldn't it be better for you to host the parade?
And Stalin to him:
- I'm already old to receive parades. Take it, you are younger.

The next day, Zhukov went to the Central Airfield on the former Khodynka - the parade rehearsal was held there - and met with Vasily, Stalin's son. And it was here that Vasily marshal was amazed. He told me in secret that my father was going to host the parade himself. He ordered Marshal Budyonny to prepare a suitable horse and went to Khamovniki, to the main army riding arena on Chudovka, as Komsomolsky Prospekt was then called. There, the army cavalrymen arranged their magnificent arena - a huge, high hall, all in large mirrors. It was here that on June 16, 1945, Stalin came to shake up the old days and check whether the skills of a dzhigit had been lost over time. At a sign from Budyonny, a snow-white horse was brought up and Stalin helped to hoist himself into the saddle. Gathering the reins in his left hand, which always remained bent at the elbow and only half active, which is why the evil tongues of his party comrades called the leader “Sukhorukim”, Stalin spurred the restive horse - and he rushed off ...
The rider fell out of the saddle and, despite the thick layer of sawdust, hit his side and head painfully ... Everyone rushed to him, helped him up. Budyonny, a timid man, looked with fear at the leader ... But there were no consequences.

2. The Banner of Victory, brought to Moscow on June 20, 1945, was to be carried through Red Square. And the calculation of the flagmen specially trained. The keeper of the Banner at the Museum of the Soviet Army, A. Dementiev, argued that the standard-bearer Neustroev and his assistants Yegorov, Kantaria and Berest, who hoisted it over the Reichstag and seconded to Moscow, were extremely unsuccessful at the rehearsal - they had no time for drill training in the war. The same Neustroev, by the age of 22, had five wounds, his legs were injured. Appointing other standard-bearers is ridiculous, and too late. Zhukov decided not to take out the Banner. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, there was no Banner at the Victory Parade. The first time the Banner was taken to the parade in 1965.

3. The question arose more than once: why does the Banner lack a strip 73 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide, because the panels of all assault flags were cut to the same size? There are two versions. First: the strip was cut off and taken as a keepsake on May 2, 1945 by the former on the roof of the Reichstag, Private Alexander Kharkov, a Katyusha gunner from the 92nd Guards Mortar Regiment. But how could he know that it was this, one of several, cotton cloth that would become the Banner of Victory?
The second version: The banner was kept in the political department of the 150th Infantry Division. Mostly women worked there, who began to be demobilized in the summer of 1945. They decided to keep a souvenir for themselves, cut off a strip and divided it into pieces. This version is the most probable: in the early 70s, a woman came to the Museum of the Soviet Army, told this story and showed her shred.

4. Everyone saw footage of Nazi banners being thrown at the foot of the Mausoleum. But it is curious that the fighters carried 200 banners and standards of the defeated German units with gloves, emphasizing that it is disgusting to even take the shafts of these standards into the hands. And they threw them on a special platform so that the standards would not touch the pavement of Red Square. The first to throw was Hitler's personal standard, the last - the banner of Vlasov's army. And in the evening of the same day, the platform and all the gloves were burned.

5. The directive on preparing for the parade went to the troops a month before, at the end of May. And the exact date of the parade was determined by the time required by the clothing factories of Moscow to sew 10,000 sets of parade uniforms for soldiers, and the timing of tailoring uniforms for officers and generals in the atelier.

6. In order to participate in the Victory Parade, it was necessary to pass a tough selection: not only feats and merits were taken into account, but also the appearance corresponding to the appearance of the victorious warrior, and that the warrior was at least 170 cm tall. No wonder in the newsreel all participants in the parade are simply handsome especially the pilots. Going to Moscow, the lucky ones did not yet know that they would have to do drill for 10 hours a day for the sake of three and a half minutes of an impeccable march along Red Square.

7. Fifteen minutes before the start of the parade, it began to rain, turning into a downpour. It cleared up only in the evening. Because of this, the air part of the parade was canceled. Standing on the podium of the Mausoleum, Stalin was dressed in a raincoat and rubber boots - according to the weather. But the marshals were soaked through. Rokossovsky's wet dress uniform, when dry, sat down so that it was impossible to take it off - he had to rip it open.

8. Zhukov's ceremonial speech survived. It is interesting that on its margins someone carefully painted all the intonations with which the marshal had to pronounce this text. The most interesting notes: "quieter, more severe" - in the words: "Four years ago, the Nazi hordes of robbers attacked our country"; “louder, with an increase” - on the boldly underlined phrase: “The Red Army, under the leadership of its brilliant commander, went on a decisive offensive.” And here: "quieter, more penetrating" - starting with the sentence "We won the victory at the cost of heavy sacrifices."

9. Few people know that there were four landmark parades in 1945. The first in importance, of course, is the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 on Red Square in Moscow. The parade of Soviet troops in Berlin took place on May 4, 1945 at the Brandenburg Gate, hosted by its military commandant of Berlin, General N. Berzarin.
The Allied Victory Parade in Berlin was held on September 7, 1945. It was Zhukov's proposal after the Moscow Victory Parade. A composite regiment of a thousand men and armored units participated from each allied nation. But 52 IS-3 tanks from our 2nd Guards Tank Army aroused universal admiration.
The Victory Parade of the Soviet troops in Harbin on September 16, 1945 was reminiscent of the first parade in Berlin: our soldiers marched in field uniforms. Tanks and self-propelled guns closed the column.

10. After the parade on June 24, 1945, Victory Day was not widely celebrated and was an ordinary working day. Only in 1965 did Victory Day become a public holiday. After the collapse of the USSR, Victory Parades were not held until 1995.

11. Why at the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, one dog was carried in the arms on a Stalinist overcoat?

During the Second World War, trained dogs actively helped sappers clear mines. One of them, nicknamed Dzhulbars, discovered 7468 mines and more than 150 shells while clearing mines in European countries in the last year of the war. Shortly before the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, Dzhulbars was wounded and could not pass as part of the military dog ​​school. Then Stalin ordered to carry the dog across Red Square on his overcoat.

71 years ago, on June 24, 1945, the historic Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. This event, friends, is dedicated to this photo selection.

1. Victory parade. Soviet soldiers with the defeated standards of the Nazi troops.
The march of the combined regiments during the Victory Parade completed the formation of soldiers carrying 200 lowered banners and standards of the defeated Nazi troops. These banners were thrown on a special platform at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum to the gloomy beat of drums. Hitler's personal standard was thrown first.

2. Victory Parade. Soviet soldiers with the defeated standards of the Nazi troops.

3. Group portrait of pilots - participants in the Victory Parade. From left to right in the front row: three officers from the 3rd APDD (long-range air regiment), pilots of the 1st Guards APDD: Mitnikov Pavel Tikhonovich, Kotelkov Alexander Nikolaevich, Bodnar Alexander Nikolaevich, Voevodin Ivan Ilyich. In the second row: Bychkov Ivan Nikolaevich, Kuznetsov Leonid Borisovich, two officers of the 3rd APDD, Polishchuk Illarion Semenovich (3rd APDD), Sevastyanov Konstantin Petrovich, Gubin Petr Fedorovich.

4. Ceremony of farewell to the soldiers of the Red Army with the Banner of Victory before it was sent to Moscow. In the foreground is the Soviet self-propelled gun SU-76. Berlin, Germany. May 20, 1945

5. Banner group of the combined regiment of the 1st Ukrainian Front at the Victory Parade. First on the left - three times Hero of the Soviet Union, fighter pilot Colonel A.I. Pokryshkin, second from left - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, fighter pilot Major D.B. Glinka. Third from left - Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Major I.P. Slavic.

6. Heavy tanks IS-2 pass through Red Square during the parade in honor of the Victory on June 24, 1945.

7. Solemn construction of the Soviet troops before the parade dedicated to sending the Victory Banner to Moscow. Berlin. May 20, 1945

8. IS-2 tanks in Moscow on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya) before entering Red Square during the parade in honor of the Victory on June 24, 1945.

9. Line of Soviet soldiers and officers at the Victory Parade in Moscow.

10. The head of the political department of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Major General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), the future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the Victory Parade. At the parade, he was the commissar of the combined regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front. Far left - the commander of the 101st Rifle Corps, Lieutenant General A.L. Bondarev, Hero of the Soviet Union.

11. Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov takes the Victory Parade in Moscow. Underneath it is a light-gray Terek horse breed named Kumir.

12. Pilots - Heroes of the Soviet Union - participants in the Victory Parade. 06/24/1945
Fifth from the right is Guard Captain Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov, commander of the 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (personally shot down 41 enemy planes). While there is only one Golden Star on his chest, the second one will appear in 3 days. Facts from his biography formed the basis of the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” (the prototype of the commander Titarenko (“Maestro”) and the Grasshopper). Sixth from the right is Colonel General, Commander of the 17th Air Army Vladimir Alexandrovich Sudets (1904-1981).

13. Victory Parade. The formation of sailors of the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea fleets, as well as the Dnieper and Danube fleets. In the foreground, Vice-Admiral V. G. Fadeev, who led the combined regiment of sailors, Captain 2nd Rank V.D. Sharoiko, Hero of the Soviet Union Captain 2nd Rank V.N. Alekseev, Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant colonel of the coastal service F.E. Kotanov, captain 3rd rank G.K. Nikiporets.

14. Victory Parade. Soviet soldiers with the defeated standards of the Nazi troops.

16. Victory Parade. Build tank officers.

17. Soldiers of the 150th Idritsa Rifle Division against the background of their assault flag, hoisted on May 1, 1945 over the Reichstag building in Berlin and which later became the state relic of the USSR - the Banner of Victory.
In the photo, participants in the assault on the Reichstag, who escorted the flag to Moscow from the Berlin Tempelhof airfield on June 20, 1945 (from left to right):
captain K.Ya. Samsonov, junior sergeant M.V. Kantaria, Sergeant M.A. Egorov, senior sergeant M.Ya. Soyanov, captain S.A. Neustroev.

18. Victory Parade. Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov accepts the parade of troops of the Army, Navy and Moscow garrison to commemorate the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War.

19. Hero of the Soviet Union Major General A.V. Gladkov with his wife at the end of the Victory Parade. The original title is "The Joy and Pain of Victory".

20. IS-2 tanks in Moscow on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya) before entering Red Square during the parade in honor of the Victory on June 24, 1945.

21. Meeting of the Banner of Victory at the airport in Moscow. The Banner of Victory is carried along the Central Moscow airfield on the day of its arrival in Moscow from Berlin. At the head of the column is Captain Valentin Ivanovich Varennikov (future First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, General of the Army, Hero of the Soviet Union). 06/20/1945

22. Warriors carry the Victory Banner along the Central Moscow airfield on the day it arrives in Moscow from Berlin. June 20, 1945

23. Troops at the Victory Parade.

24. Guards mortars "Katyusha" at the Victory Parade.

25. A column of paratroopers and submariners on Red Square.

26. A column of Red Army officers with defeated Nazi banners at the Victory Parade.

27. A column of officers of the Red Army with defeated fascist banners at the approach to the Lenin Mausoleum.

28. A column of Red Army officers throwing fascist banners at the foot of the mausoleum of V. I. Lenin.

29. Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov GK welcomes the troops taking part in the Victory Parade.

30. A rally at one of the airfields near Berlin before the departure of the Victory Banner to Moscow for the Victory Parade.

31. German banners thrown by Soviet soldiers on Red Square during the Victory Parade.

32. General view of Red Square during the passage of troops on the day of the Victory Parade.

34. Victory Parade on Red Square.

35. Before the start of the Victory Parade.

36. Consolidated regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front during the Victory Parade on Red Square.

37. Tanks at the Victory Parade.

38. Solemn ceremony of handing over the Banner of Victory to the military commandant of Berlin, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General N. Berzarin to be sent to Moscow. 20 May 1945

39. Participants of the Victory Parade pass through Manezhnaya Square.

40. Consolidated regiment of the Third Belorussian Front, led by Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky.

41. Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Budyonny, Supreme Commander of the USSR Armed Forces Joseph Stalin and Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov on the podium of Lenin's Mausoleum.