We gathered in the school yard. “The fact that we have gathered here is an emergency measure. No time for teachers to grow old

Songs about school appear in our lives before the first class. We hear songs about school on the first line on September 1, they are in children's films and books, they go with us through the school years, and we learn school songs and waltzes for graduation and last bell.

Songs of the first grader

Teach at school

Write different letters with a thin feather in a notebook

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Add two to four, read words syllable by syllable
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Good books to love and be educated
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Find east and south, draw a square and a circle
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
And never confuse islands and cities
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

About the verb and about the dash, and about the rain in the yard
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Strongly and firmly friends, cherish friendship from childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Song of the first grader

(their film "Different Fates")
(words and music by unknown author)

Load more of us
For some reason they did.
Today at school the first class -
Like an institute.
The teacher asks us
With task Xs,
Candidate of Sciences - and that
Crying over a task.

It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
Oh oh oh!

And we got in trouble -
essay again.
Leo Tolstoy at my age
Didn't write that.
I don't go anywhere
I don't breathe ozone.
I am at work

Load more of us
For some reason they did.
Today at school the first class -
Like an institute.
I go to bed at twelve
There is no strength to undress.
If only I could become an adult,
Take a break from childhood.


Words by K. Ibryaev
Music by Y. Chichkov

Crimson clusters of mountain ash sparkle.
Like hundreds of cheerful lights.
Today I don't go to school alone
And with my little sister.

Chorus: Sister Natasha is now a first-grader
Now she is a student.
And our whole street knows about it.
And our whole country knows about it.

And the people all around smile at her
And they wave at us as we go.
And I myself become like an adult
I'm taking my sister to school.

And a new dress and a new briefcase
It suits her very well, they say.
I'll be the first to open the school door for her
No wonder I'm the older brother!

Farewell first class

(their movie "First Grader")
(words by E. Schwartz, music by D. Kabalevsky, M. Ziv)

First class, first time
A year ago you accepted us.
We moved to the second
And we say goodbye to you.

Chalk, board, pictures, cards
They will move with us.
The desks will be a little higher.
They will grow up with us.

We loved each other
We stand behind our friends
And with me my girlfriend
Moves to the second.

And what about the teacher?
Will he leave us with you?
No, the teacher too
Moves to the second.

So, dear cheerful,
We walk in line
Together with the class, and with the school.
And with the whole native country.

First grade! For the first time
A year ago you accepted us.
We moved to the second
And we say goodbye to you.


Songs about school

School years

(from the movie "First Grader")

(words by E. Dolmatovsky, music by D. Kabalevsky)

On the first fine September day
Timidly I entered under the bright vaults.
First tutorial and first lesson -
This is how school years begin.

School years are wonderful
With friendship, with a book, with a song,
How fast they fly!
You can't bring them back.
Will they fly by without a trace?
No, no one will ever forget
School years.

Here on the chest a scarlet tie blossomed,
Youth rages like spring waters.
Soon we will join the Komsomol -
This is how the school years go.

Life is the most serious subject.
We will find joy, we will overcome adversity,
Red Square, spring dawn -
This is where the school years come to an end.

school waltz

(from the movie "First Grader")
(words by M. Matusovsky, music by I. Dunayevsky)

For a long time, friends are cheerful,
We said goodbye to school.
But every year we come to our class.
Birches with maples in the garden
They greet us with bows,
And the school waltz again sounds for us.

Here we are kids
With pencil cases and books
They entered and sat down in rows.
Here ten classes are passed,
And here we are the word - Motherland
First read in warehouses.

Smooth to the sounds of the waltz
I remembered the glorious years
Familiar and lovely places.
You with gray strands
Above our notebooks
My old teacher.

Winters have passed with springs,
It's been a long time since we've grown up
But we remember our school days.
They fly in the ways of the stars,
Float the seas formidable
Your beloved students.

But wherever we are,
We didn't forget you
Like a mother, sons do not forget.
You are our eternal youth
Simple and heartfelt
My first teacher!

fun school

one and a half«,

In other cases, it is written " one and a half«.

They lie on the table one and a half pie,

And we are all three friends here.

One and a half No pies on the table -

Well, you can't turn back.

TO one and a half those pies - cottage cheese

Not bad, I'd say...

But they ate one and a half pie,

And I just salivated.

One and a half We pies together

Fully ate and full

And I about one and a half those pies

I will dream even in my sleep.

Let the kids remember the rule firmly,

To never confuse even in old age:

In the nominative, accusative they write " one and a half«,

In other cases, it is written " one and a half«.

To never confuse even in old age:

In the nominative, accusative they write " one and a half«,

In other cases, it is written " one and a half«.

And where one and a half cans honey is worth,

I know, but I won't tell you.

One and a half cans not visible in closet

Search and I'll take a look.

TO one and a half banks one more seagull...

Find some honey first!

We are still one and a half cans find honey.

I'm holding my stomach from laughter!

One and a half banks full of honey

Could enjoy three days...

I to you about one and a half banks I will say:

They are in my stomach!

We wrote a song for the kids

To never confuse even in old age:

In the nominative, accusative they write " one and a half«,

In other cases, it is written " one and a half«.

From what, from what, from what
Are our boys done?
From freckles and crackers,
From rulers and batteries
Our boys are done.

From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From flowers and bells,
From notebooks and glances
Our girls are done.

From what, from what, from what
Are our boys done?
From springs and pictures,
From glass and blotters
Our boys are done.

From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From handkerchiefs and balls,
Of riddles and marmalade
Our girls are done.

Words by Y. Khaletsky

No time for teachers to grow old

Smoothly red leaves fly
In the blue squares of school frames,
First-graders leaf through the primer again,
There is no time for teachers to grow old.

There is no time for teachers to grow old.
There is no time for teachers to grow old.

The sun's ray jumps across our desks,
Cheerfully winking at us.
We are growing fast, which means -
There is no time for teachers to grow old.

No time to grow old, no time to grow old
There is no time for teachers to grow old.
There is no time for teachers to grow old.

Pulls us from the school threshold
To new construction sites, to starships.

White stone school

fine day,
fun day,
The sky is gold and blue.
White stone school
Among the trees and aspens.
Next to it is a grove, next to it is a field.
The hare and groundhog know:
If it's quiet in our school,
So there is a lesson.

How beautiful are kind words.

If school is changing
Immediately in the field and in the woods
Arrives by all means
Someone's loud voice.
The grove is close, the field is close.
The sun is in the blue sky.
How much laughter, how much squealing,
How much joy all around!

How beautiful are the bright words:

But the forest and the field darken.
The sunset burns in the distance.
If it's quiet at school,
So there are no kids in the school.
The wind does not move the leaves.
There is dew on the grass.
Tomorrow the school will hear again
Naughty voices.

How beautiful are the main words:

school polka

Good at school today
The hall is on fire.
We are on our cheerful holiday
We invite all friends.
Anyone can dance here
The dance is getting faster.
Who, guys, is timid there
Near the door? Chorus:
To make the holiday fun
Sing along, dear school,
Our cheerful laugh
Let it go the farthest.
Let both laughter and the word fly
Directly to Sverdlov Square,
For Okhotny Ryad,
Where the fires of the Kremlin are burning.

Look pioneers,
See all -
Between us officers
In combat glory.
Our Suvorov will pull up
Stronger strap.
Let me dance
Invite friend!

Who is not afraid of lessons
Who is the class proud of?
He knows how to have fun
Better a hundred times.
Our school holiday is in full swing,
Everyone started dancing.
We are all on a roll today
We have fun.

Jokes, sayings
Rolling around.
For fours and fives
We dance and eat.
Good at school today
The hall is on fire.
We are on our cheerful holiday
We invite all friends.
Our orchestra plays famously
For my guys.
And you won't say that it's quiet
Voices are ringing./

Play more friendly
Dance more merrily
Our cheerful laugh
Let it go the farthest.
Let both laughter and the word fly
Directly to Sverdlov Square,
For Okhotny Ryad,
Where the fires of the Kremlin are burning.

Two by two is four

Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
It's known to everyone in the whole world,
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
This is known to everyone in the whole world!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not three, not five - you need to know this!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not six, not seven - this is clear to everyone!

Three times three forever is nine
Nothing to do here!
And it's easy to count
What is five five!
Five five - twenty five!
Five five - twenty five!
Quite right!

Whom, friends, we don’t ask
Six eight - forty eight!
Six six - please consider
Always thirty-six!

Six six - thirty-six!
Quite right!

This never happens again

(words - M. Plyatskovsky, music - S. Tulikov)

Clouds look through the school window
The lesson seems endless.
You can hear how the feather creaks slightly
And the lines fall on the sheet.
First love ... Voiced years ...

Not repeating, not repeating
This never happens again!

Imperceptible look of surprised eyes
And the words are a little hazy.
After these words for the very first time
I want to turn the whole world upside down.

First love… Snow on the wires.
In the sky - a flashing star.
Not repeating, not repeating
This never happens again!
Not repeating, not repeating
This never happens again!

The song of rain rolls in a stream.
Green winds are blowing.
Jealousy for no reason, arguments about nothing
It was like yesterday.

First love ... Voiced years ...
In puddles of blue ice glass...
Not repeating, not repeating
This never happens again!
Not repeating, not repeating
This never happens again!

crane song

(from the movie "We'll Live Until Monday")
(words by G. Polonsky, music by K. Molchanov)

Maybe it's time to calm down
But I, a sinful deed, do not love
The saying that to have a tit
Better than being sad for the crane.
I stand, wave to him as a friend,
I want to think about him
As if he flies not to the south,
And in the valley of my childhood.

Let him circle over our school,
Grateful say hello
Let's see if it still works
Our old teacher or not.
We did not obey him, rake,
He was getting whiter...
I remember how he loved at Bernes
The song is all about the same cranes ...

I remember we fell silent in the middle of the lesson:
A white wedge floated in the window in the distance ...
Apparently, hope and reproach
Cranes serve man.

My teacher

(music - A. Varlamov)

A gentle call is calling for the desks,

The teacher starts his lesson

All the years we were taught to understand
Both difficult and easy subjects.
The teacher does not know how to get tired,
He checks notebooks before dawn.

My good teacher, why are you silent.
Tears suddenly flashed in his eyes.
You opened the world to us and wherever we lived,
School will always be in our hearts.

We were not tolerable sometimes,
It was as if a demon had entered our souls.
The teacher will quietly say: “It doesn’t matter.”
After all, my teacher is the best.
The years go by in rapid succession,
And it's time to say goodbye.
Teacher, we know what's wrong with you
It will be very difficult for us to part.


A gentle call is calling for the desks.
The merry laughter subsides for a while.
The teacher starts his lesson
And everything around seems to freeze.

Chorus(2 times)
And the school will always be in our hearts (3 times)

Learning should be fun

(from the movie "First Grader")
(words by K. Ibryaev, music by S. Sosnin)

On the road, girls! On the road, boys!
Step boldly along the ladder of knowledge!
Wonderful meetings and good books
There will be steps on it.

And song and song
We will need it along the way.
Learning should be fun
Learning should be fun!
Let's have fun learning
To study well!

On our ladder you will be able soon
Reach the inaccessible sea depth,
Get down to earth, climb mountains
And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the ladder,
But the cherished route has been precisely verified,
To make friends with an amazing miracle,
Which is called knowledge.

Our school country

(words - K. Ibryaev, music - Y. Chichkov)

Do not twist the motley globe -
You will not find on it
That country, a special country,
about which we sing.
Our old planet
All studied long ago
But this country is big -
Like a white spot.

Let this country
Trains don't go, trains don't go
Us moms for the first time
They bring you here by the hand.
In the country of this sonorous, cheerful
They greet us like newcomers.
This country will always be in my heart!

In a new class, like in a new city,
We come every year
Tribe of young dreamers
Restless people.
So, we fly and swim again
Through that boundless country
To unexpected discoveries
For my graduation spring.


Here we sometimes hear
In the quiet rustle of pages
The noise of distant new buildings,
Voices of flowers and birds.
The wind of wanderings turns the globe,
Waving us its wing
In that country, a special country,
about which we sing.


Songs of graduates

Graduation Song

(from the movie "Different Fates")
(words by N. Dorizo, music by N. Bogoslovsky)

You put on a festive dress,
In it now you are quite an adult.
Just yesterday you were a classmate
And today who will you become to me?

We want to leave school as soon as possible.
We don't think about it with you
That this minute does not return,
The hour will not repeat graduation.

From childhood, we were in a hurry to become adults,
School years rushed.
In order for us to cherish childhood,
We must break up with him forever!

I remember the past diligently
And I languish with an anxious thought:
Parting with childhood completely,
Maybe I'm breaking up with you too?

farewell waltz

(from the movie "Joke")
(words by A. Didurov, music by A. Flyarkovsky)

When we leave the schoolyard
To the sounds of an ageless waltz,
The teacher takes us to the corner,
And again - back, and again to him in the morning -

Meet, teach and part again,
When we leave the schoolyard.

The door is always open for us at school.
There is no need to rush to say goodbye to her!
Well, how to forget the loud ringing of drops
And the girl carrying the briefcase?

Let nothing happen again,
The door is always open for us at school.

Walk through the quiet school floors.
A lot has been lived and understood here!
There was a timid voice, the chalk in his hand trembled,
But you ran home with a victory!

And if suddenly luck is gone, -
Walk through the quiet school floors.

Thank you for the end of the lessons,
Although you wait with the hope of change.
But life is a special subject:

Will ask new questions in response,
But you must find a solution!


(words - B. Blagodatny, music - F. Klibanov)

Today is my graduation ball
With me waltzing circles.
Sunset and golden evening
And the time that runs, runs.

A little sad day and hour
Goodbye to all teachers
We say for the last time:
"Thank you! And goodbye."


Finished school last call

We don't go to school anymore
The long-trodden path
And don't forget these walls
That they were faithful help to us.

And after many, many years
We may not recognize each other.
Hello everyone, goodbye.
Let's capture the moment in the photo.

Finished school, last call
He does not want to say goodbye, he calls for a lesson.
And a photo for memory and a word I'm sorry.
Invite me to slow dance.

School, school, I miss you

Schoolyard and the laughter of girlfriends -
The purest, most sonorous
And run through the warm puddles
barefoot girls,
And they are already pumping others
Our school swings...
School, school, I miss you
How quickly we have grown up!

And notes with doves all fly to me from childhood,
They disturb my memory, there is no getting away from them.
I sometimes still meet my school friends,
It turned out to be painful. School, school, I miss you

We learned, we fell in love
We shared secrets with you
Those ten years have flown by
The farewell bell rang.
Opening doors in september
You are completely different guys
School, school, I don't believe
What has gone without a return


The bell is ringing for me,
On my soul is languor.
I am for a clean notebook
I'll be at home in September.
I'll write what I dreamed about
To everyone who was next to me
School, school, I miss you
For you and for the guys


School, school, I miss, I miss...

School, school, I miss, I miss...
It turned out to be painful. School, school, I miss….

parting waltz

(words - K. Vanshenkin, music - J. Frenkel)

Hear the spring winds blowing
It's time for us to part
This is where our final bell rang
This last lesson is over
This last school lesson is over.

You, completing the path,
Don't forget your own school.
The first fine September day
The first solemn school bell,
Class native, class native threshold.

We part to meet again
After all, love remains forever.
A year later, sonorous, like a stream,
Let the school bell ring
Let him ring the last school bell.

goodbye school

(words and music - A. Pautov)

The fast time of miracles is melting.

Don't be sad, smile goodbye
Remember these days, remember.
Wish your wishes come true
We wish you all a new meeting.

Friends break up
The memory remains in the heart.
Let's keep friendship
Goodbye, see you again.

We wish each other success
Goodness and love without end.
Our school echo
Remains in verses and hearts.

It's getting quieter in our classrooms
The fast time of miracles is melting.
Goodbye friends, goodbye
Goodbye, see you again.

Friends break up
The memory remains in the heart.
Let's keep friendship
Goodbye, see you again.
Let's keep friendship
Goodbye, see you again.

Song of parents of graduates

(words - E. Legoiko, music - R. Pauls)

Holiday, holiday we celebrate with the family,
Holiday, holiday holiday graduation!
Our school is in turmoil
Screams noise and even running around.

Grandmothers next to mothers
They are sad today.
And a little slyly, thinking,
Look at the adults.
Grandmothers next to mothers
They are sad today.
And a little slyly, thinking,
Look at the adults.

Our kids have grown up
And now they are graduates.
Look, here they are
They don't scream, and they don't seem to be naughty.


How quickly the years have gone by
Everyone is accustomed to, everyone has become nice,
They don't want to leave their childhood
Take it and return it!


Last call

(words and music - V. Baikov)

The first time we came to the first class,
We couldn't read or write
We carried flowers on a line,
Us nice shape put on.
First class is the first call
There were joys, there were hardships,
Our teacher and first lesson
Started like this, started like this
This is how the school years began.

Sometimes we didn't listen to you
And they ran away from the lessons,
You were angry with us for this,
But they forgave and understood everything.
We learned, we fell in love, we grew,
The days flowed like spring waters
And I just couldn't believe it
What will end, what will end
That the school years are over.

Oh, how quickly the years go by
Almost didn't have time to look back.
We will never forget
These are the days when we grew up.
Our last bell is ringing
And the school vaults say goodbye
But we still can't believe
What ends, what ends
That the school years are ending.

And May is a magician, see for yourself!

Sprinkled generously tender lilac

Lilac fragrant flowers!

    And circling in the dance poplar fluff,

And the May wind rustles the leaves.

And I want to say to us loudly, out loud:

“Oh, how wonderful it is to live in this world!”

    And then the students enter the classroom,

As ever, their faces are solemn.

Serious and important mischievous people,

They don't need to learn though.

    No need to pore over tasks,

Fear of failing a dictation

But today you need to sing songs,

And we have a reason to have fun.

Finished first grade today.

Entrance to the music "The bell rings"

    Where does school start?

From class?

From the first call?

From a piece of white chalk?

From the first letter?

From the first evaluation?

Since the first school break?

Or maybe from the first notebook sheet?

From a briefcase, paints, a diary?

From the board and desk?

From a primer?

Why, I don't know exactly

But I only know when:

Always at the beginning of September!

    Mom, and dad, and I are worried,
    Our family is worried all evening.
    Everything is ready for a long time - both the form and the bow.
    And miracle flowers adorn the sideboard.
    And mom is confused: “Is everything all right?” -
    And again on the form ironed the folds.
    And dad forgot completely from excitement -
    To the cat, instead of porridge, he thumped jam.
    I also worry, and even tremble,
    I go for mom and dad all evening:
    “Set an alarm so we don’t oversleep.
    For six hours or better for five.
    My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
    I think how to sleep tonight!
    After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
    Everything is changing tomorrow in our lives.”

    Do you remember, mothers, how you are us

Then they brought you to the first class for the first time?

Do you remember, dads, there are a lot of unrest

And tears ... that's even what happened!

    One month before the first day of September

The family forgot about sleep and peace.

Bought rulers, notebooks and pens

For a son, for a daughter, for a grandson, for a granddaughter.

They did not sleep in excitement all night until dawn:

Did they put it? And this? And this?

Flipping through textbooks, sadly sighed:

We didn't learn that in school.

What examples! What tasks!

We raise academicians, not otherwise!

    The bouquet was chosen, not too heavy,

And we went to school early in the morning.

And cameras flashed.

How beautiful were the guys!

It is impossible to forget that day and that hour,

When did your kids start first grade?

The song "March of the First Graders"

We gathered in the school yard
On the holiday of September
This day is merry.
We are no longer preschoolers
And we shout: "Hurrah!
Hello our school!

We got together for the first time
And now we are called - class!
We are now called - class!

This morning with us
In the clear blue sky
The sun is having fun.
And they chirp, pour
About the big holiday
Voiced tits.

And in the hands of bouquets, balls and ribbons.
We are no longer just boys and girls.
We got together for the first time
And now we are called - class!
We are now called - class!

We will now study
And dream about the future
And strive for the dream.
How to be an adult
How to fly to the stars
And how to be happy
We must learn.

And in the hands of bouquets, balls and ribbons.
We are no longer just boys and girls.
We got together for the first time
And now we are called - class!
We are now called - class!

    Everyone has only one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class,

And the first textbook, and the first lesson,

The first boisterous school bell.

(Bell rings, video )

    So I became a first grader

I put on a new uniform.

Became the happiest holiday

This first day of school.

Autumn smiled cheerfully:

"Good luck, students!"

In the yard, she hung bright flags of leaves.

I'll take a briefcase with notebooks

And I will enter my new class.

And with school orders

I will meet now.

I will be friends with the task book,

I will read many books.

I used to be just a boy

And now I'm a student!

And be proud of this title

I will with good reason!

    Here we entered the bright class,

And the study began.

We are students now

We opened the diaries.

Read the schedule

And we start learning.

    The first lesson is reading!

You can sit, lie

And - without leaving the place -

Run through the book with your eyes!

Hand in hand with mom, after - themselves.

Walking - it's a trifle,

Don't be afraid to take the first step!

    Stumbled once, twice...

And suddenly you

Read four letters in a row.

And you went, went, went -

And read the first word!

From word to word - as if over bumps -

Rush fun along the lines ...

How to run, jump...

How to fly!

    I know soon across the page

You will flutter like birds...

After all, immense and great,

Like the sky

World of Magic Books!

    How long have we been reading with difficulty:

"Do-mic, home ... Mi-sha is sweet,

Mi-sha is small ... Mi-sha broke the house.

How long have we been calling mom

And read aloud to mom:

"Ma-ma we-la ra-mu"

January passed, followed by February

And we overcame the primer.

Congratulated us tenth grade -

What an honor for us!

We decided to read a story about a squirrel to the guests.

And with excitement I read

What's in the cage bun lived!

Teacher: In our class, all the children not only learned to read, but also made friends with the magical world of books by visiting the school library. Here are the most active readers of our class: ... (Presenting books)

    Change, change!

Class, like a beehive buzzed.

Absolutely must be done

So many important things!

Exchange news.

Becoming with girlfriends in a circle,

Play football with friends

Eat a pie at the buffet.

Athletes run to the horizontal bar,

And the bastards fight.

The change is so instant

And the lessons are so long!


    The second lesson is Russian.

We are students now
We are not up to the party.
Hooks were put on the house -
First task!
Here we are with mom at the table
We sing together:
- We're going down
we are leading
we lead -
Pla-a-avno round off!
But nasty hooks
with pointed noses
From under my arm
They crawl out on their own!
We don't watch TV
We don't read stories
We've been sitting for three hours
we sit -
Pla-a-avno round off!
Evening. Late. Let's go to sleep
We fall asleep right away.
And in a dream
we are leading
we lead -
Pla-a-avno round off!

    Oh, and a difficult task -

Write the letters correctly.

The boys have a desire

Tell you about it.

They scold Mashenka

For small letters.

They scold, they groan.

The letters are tiny

In her notebook

They play hide and seek.

Here's an "o" tiny

So lurking

Like a bead

Rolled into the grass.

    They scold Ninochka

For long letters

Behind letters are different,

Curves, dirty.

And the letters-devils -

Well, not otherwise -

erased with an elastic band

They jump line by line.

    Yes, write letters -

A very difficult job!

Others out

They write easily and beautifully.

And whatever I do,

Obliquely and crooked.

Take a look, it happens

In other people's notebooks -

Words are like soldiers

They are at the parade.

And here…

Like a storm has passed

By page.

It's time, oh, it's time

And me to learn.

    Here the letters became friends, finally,

In the notebook appeared: "Well done!"

And I wrote a lot different words,

Ready for new learning adventures!

I learned and memorized the alphabet,

And got the first five!


A: Everybody knows:
Letter "I"
in the alphabet
And does anyone know
Why and why?
- Unknown?
- Unknown.
- Interesting?
- Interesting! -
Well, listen to the story.
Lived in the alphabet with us
Lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends
Where no one fights
There is a dispute there.

B: Only time
It's all about
It became
Because of the terrible scandal:
Letter "I"
Didn't line up
Letter "I"!

I: - I, -
The letter "I" said
I want,
To everywhere
I don't want to stand in line.
be wishing
In sight! -

D: They tell her:
- Stand up! -

I: Answers: - I will not go!
I'm not just a letter to you,
I am a pronoun.
Compared to me -
misunderstanding -
No more no less!

G: Here the whole alphabet came
In terrible excitement.

F: - Fu-you well-you! -
F snorted,
Blushing from resentment.
WITH: - Shame! -
Angrily S said.

IN : V shouts:
- I imagined!
Anyone could do that!
Maybe I myself - an excuse! -

P: P growled:
- Try,
Chat with such a special one!

b: - We need a special approach to it, -
Suddenly the Soft Sign mumbled.

Kommersant :A angry Solid Sign
Silently showed his fist.

AND: - Ti-and-she, letters! Shame on the signs! -
The only thing missing was a fight!

At A: We need to figure it out first.
And then fight!
We are a smart people!
Letter "I"
She will understand:

E: Is it a conceivable thing
Poke forward?
After all, no one in such a letter
Will not understand neither be nor me! -

Stamped feet:
- I don't want to hang out with you!
I will do everything myself!
Enough of my mind! -

ALL:- Fine,
I'm going to argue
If you can
By oneself
At least a line - Truth, Therefore, Yours!
I: - So I
Yes, I couldn't
I'm not anyone

AND .:..The letter "I" got down to business:
whole hour she

Z: And groaned
And sweated -
She was able to write

X: How the letter "X" will be filled:
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! -

ABOUT : Oh From laughter rolled!

A : And grabbed his head.

B: B Grabbed by the stomach ...

C: Letter "I"
Attached first,
And then how to roar:

Me: It's my fault guys!
I admit
Your fault!
I agree to stand up guys
Even from behind
Letters "U"!

YU: If he wants to - let him!

Completes the alphabet!

TO : It's not the right place at all.
The fact is that we are all together!

L: That everything -
From A to Z -
We lived like one family!

H : Letter "I"
Always was
Everyone and everyone is sweet.

ALL: But we advise, friends,
remember the place
Letters "I"!


A! Let's go through the alphabet together
B! We will sing it like a song.
IN! - We'll sing it merrily!
G! Louder than thunder, louder than thunder!

D! - Today is a musical day,
E! - We have vocal talent,
AND! - It was boring to live without knowledge!
Z! - Knowledge is our strength!

AND! - And the paths are open,
TO! - Who will make friends with the alphabet.
L! - Horse, llama, lily of the valley, spoon,
M! - Chalk, blizzard, subway, matryoshka.
N! - Sky, seine, thread, bride,
ABOUT! - Gadfly, cloud, orchestra!

P! - The parrot sings from the notes.
R! - A swarm of bees builds honeycombs.
WITH! - Dragonfly chirps in the garden,
T! - Dachshund paws stomping.

Wu! - Duck listens to records,
F! - Fantu is trying flamingos!
X! - The choir is not bad, the choir has a hearing!
C! - The king of beasts is his support!
Ch! - We honor him, he growls cleanly!
Sh! - He will replace six soloists!

SCH! - The song gives us a generous world.
E! - This day brought us together:
YU! - Comedians, optimists,
I! - Nursery garden artists

    There comes a change, all the boys are on the carpet.

Someone wanted to climb the wall, but rolled down the wall.

Who jumps briskly under the desk, someone is looking for his pencil case.

But it just means that our class is on the ears.

29 guys in the naughty class

29 guys shout loudly:

We have a lot of fun living here!(together).

    The third lesson is math!

To become a doctor, sailor or pilot
First of all, you need to know mathematics.
And there is no profession in the world ... You notice,

Wherever we need it - Arithmetic!
The country is both beautiful and strong in mathematics.
Work is in full swing everywhere here: everyone is counting something:
How much coal do blast furnaces need? How about chocolate for kids?
How many stars are in the sky? And the freckles on the noses?

    Come on, pencils aside!
    No bones. No pens. No chalk.
    Verbal counting! We're doing this thing
    Only by the power of the mind and soul.
    The numbers converge somewhere in the darkness,
    And the eyes start to glow
    And around only smart faces.
    Because we count in the mind!

    I sit and almost cry
    This is how the task was set:
    Anton has five apples,
    You need to take two of them.
    An example from the problem book.
    The compiler is a fanatic!
    He would look at Anton:
    Muscles are like concrete
    Himself the size of a tower ...
    Looks like I'll get two.

    Opened notebook

Briefcase in the snow.

And I can’t take my eyes off the top five!


With a dot.

red carrots,

The notebook is so elegant with it!

    Turn! Turn! We will make you happy now!

We have prepared funny ditties for you!

Those school ditties are the coolest!

We are seven-year-olds
We'll sing ditties to you.
We are at our favorite school
We live wonderfully.

    Oh, stomp, foot,
    Topni right,
    I came to school to learn
    Even though it's small.

    We are seven year olds
    We love to run and play
    We promise to learn
    On "4" and on "5".

    Mothers used to read to us
    About bunnies and about the fox,
    And now we read
    About love and about the moon.

    We love to solve problems
    Who is faster and who is ahead,
    And what are the tasks -
    The professor himself does not understand.

    We will overcome all sciences,
    Everything will work out for us
    Because our mothers
    They also study with us.

    First class is already over
    The clock ticked
    And now we guys
    Summer holidays.

    We'll take a break for the summer
    Let's gather strength
    And at the beginning of September
    Let's get together again.

    We sang ditties to you
    Is it good, is it bad.
    And now we ask you
    For you to clap us.

    The bell has rung! What is our lesson? The world!

Everything - from the old pine at the fence
To the big dark forest
And from the lake to the pond -
And also a bear, and an elk,
And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?
Even a fly - wow! -
I love silence on the lake
And in the pond reflections of the roofs,
I love picking blueberries in the forest,
I love the badger and the fox...
I love you forever,

Quests, questions, riddles...



Friends, I'll ask you a question, and you think about it,
One of two - yes or no - answer out loud!
... If you are full of resourcefulness, rhyme will help, but it
So cunning with us that it can be confusing at times.
Are you ready kids? Chorus: ... Yes!

Say welcome to the dawn
Does the mustachioed catfish sing? (No)
- And, cutting through the surface of the pond,
Can geese swim? (Yes)
- And if the sun warms the snow,
Will it turn to ice? (No)
- Answer, maybe mignonette
Bloom in the garden in winter? (No)

A crocodile to collect a bouquet
From white lilies maybe? (No)
- A camel is capable, give an answer,
Go three days without food? (Yes)
- In the end, it's time to ask
Did you like the game? (Yes)

The wolf lives in his hole
And the bugs live in the bark.
(All right).

2 . Ducks sleep at night
In a kennel or a booth.
(Not ducks, but dogs sleep in a kennel).

3 . In the spring from the den
Rhinos come out.
(Not rhinos, but bears).

4. For those who are unwell
Doctors are called.
(All right).

5 . Blizzards howl like wolves
In the winter month of April.
(April is not a winter month).

6 . Cream, butter and cottage cheese
Gives the kids a rhinoceros.
(Not a rhinoceros, but a cow).

7 . We play football well
We score goals often.
(Not pucks, but balls).

8 . To carry products from the market,
There is a wicker basket.
(All right).

9 . Sharp and red
Pine needles.
(Not red, but green).

10 . big and ripe tomato
The color is bright white.
(Not bright white, but bright red).

11 . birch leaf in summer
Absolutely pink.
(Not pink, but green).

12 . On a trembling aspen
Each leaf is bright blue.
(Not blue, but green in summer and yellow in autumn).

13 . Daily at five in the morning
It's time for you to go to school.
(Not at five, but at eight in the morning).

14 . New Year when they meet
People dress up a palm tree.
(Not a palm tree, but a Christmas tree).

15. For a deuce in a notebook, each father
The son is obliged to say: "Well done!".
(Not for a deuce, but for a ten).

16 . If someone suddenly drowns,
Throw him a grinding wheel.
(Not a grinder, but a rescue, inflatable one).

17 . From the finest clay
Everything is made by tires.
(Not from clay, but from rubber).

18 . Huge fish pocket under the beak
Has a skilled fisherman pelican.
(All right).

19 . Tigresses envy
The lush mane of a lioness.
(Lionesses don't have manes.)

SONG "Whether there will be more."

    The two girls said:
    - In our school the day was extended!
    - I love prolongation of the day
    Sign me up too! Recorded ... Here we are
    They took me to an extended class.
    There's an extended window
    Surprised Sun...
    And then an extended lunch -
    Borsch, whitened with sour cream
    And then - attention! -
    Party in the yard!
    And then - an extended period,
    To learn a lesson.
    Only the evening is very, very
    Was shortened that evening.

Teacher: In the extended day group, our guys visited different studios: theater, art, choreography and music. And this is what they did:

    Half a day I drew a handsome man - a horse.
    And everyone praised me for the drawing.
    First, my mother said a word to me:
    “Wonderful, Sashenka, a sheep came out!”
    But with the same drawing, I went to my dad.
    And dad said to me: “Great goat!”
    Then the little sister praised:
    "You made a very beautiful kitten."
    And my elder brother praised me:
    He yawned and said: “Not a bad crocodile!”

    Music studio performance

    Performance by students of the choreographic studio

    Taekwondo! Taekwondo!
    Here I am after
    Here I am before.
    The picture was taken by my mother...
    Everyone ran around the hall
    She told me how
    Fold your fingers into a fist
    And don't spread
    Dive under attack
    Also, straighten your knee.
    Also, run up the wall!
    Talked to me about the rear
    So that everyone around froze!
    Well, okay! Nothing
    The fact that there are only two pictures:
    Even the coach is shocked right!
    - What a cool mom!

    Dear guests in our class -

The most loved ones.

We would not have made it through the year without them.

They wanted to help us with everything.

They walked with us into the school world,

With us all sciences comprehended.

The first class was the hardest.

We're talking about you, parents!

    My dad is a craftsman
    Dad is not bored:
    My dad can do everything -
    Skillful fingers!
    I learned from my father
    I know all the tricks
    Even into the wall to the end
    I'm hammering nails!

    Mom is mine
    From warmth and affection
    I often fall asleep
    With my mother's fairy tale!
    If resentment burns me -
    Didn't solve the problem
    On my mother's shoulder
    I'll pay a little...

    I go to the pond with my grandfather,
    We have fishing there.
    Only the fish don't bite
    Which, of course, is a pity!
    Days four or five
    We don't bring fish...
    Grandma will say again:
    "And thanks for that!"

    My grandmother knows
    Lots of stories.
    Grandma teaches me
    Knitting skill.
    We cook dinner with her -
    Running out of time -
    Borscht, meatballs, vinaigrette,
    And more... lessons!

    Thank you dads

Thank you moms.

You studied with us according to a complex program,

You sometimes studied this with us,

That even high school students hardly know.

But we are only at the beginning of a long journey.

We have another 10 years to go and go.

You will quickly stock up on patience.

And study diligently with us again!



    But not only mothers are involved in raising children. This is the kind of dialogue that can be heard in the family between dad and son

    Were you, dad, a soldier?

    It happened, he once served.

    And what kind of troops?

    Was a paratrooper for two years.

    So he went skydiving?

    It was jumping, and a lot.

    Tell me, was it cool?

    Cool? Difficult... Yes, it happened.

But the paratrooper knows his business, he is always sure of himself!

    So, dad, were you brave?

    Bold? Yes, to some extent.

    I was not used to losing heart, although I fell from the sky.

    Well, then take a look at the diary, you must subscribe!


    Day after day flew by

Flickered like dreams
And no more than a week

Stays in the spring.
So the road has been

Called "First Class".
Here is the summer at the threshold -

Waiting for him, hurrying us.

    Summer is calling us somewhere -

Away from business and worries ...
It's over guys

Our first academic year.
He is both joyful and difficult

Was for each of us.
We will never forget

We you, our first class.

    We're breaking up today

But sometimes in autumn
Again, again, back to the class -

But now for the second.
We'll come, we'll come, we'll come

To our school - but for now

Let's celebrate our holiday together

ALL: Last call day.

    First grade! First grade!

A year ago you accepted us!

We moved to the second

And we say goodbye to you!

    Chalk, board, pictures, cards

They will move with us.

The desks will be a little higher -

They will grow up with us.

    We loved each other

We stand up for friends.

And with me my girlfriend

Moves to the second.

    What about the teacher?

Will he leave us with you?

No, the teacher too

Moves to the second.

    First grade! First grade!

A year ago you accepted us!

We moved to the second

And we say goodbye to you!

SONG "Cool you got"

We were preschool children and went to kindergarten

They drew and sculpted birds, fish and kittens.

A cheerful bell rang, and the hour of study has come.

In the first class of your favorite school you got and I got.

Books, copybooks, notebooks and a portfolio of five kilograms.

It seems that everything is in order with us, but moms are worried.

You will learn a lot -

Even what he didn't know.

So on the school road

You hit and I hit.

CHORUS: Cool you got into first grade, well done,

So I finally became a student.

Come on, take up your studies, don't be lazy,

Study for one five.

The class of the second worries will add -

This is a new chapter.

From tasks, examples, rules

Your head will be spinning.

We promise not to be lazy, and to comprehend science,

And diligently study, and get five.

Looking forward to

And we want to start

Multiplication and division

And learn English.

We will become stronger over the summer

And, of course, we will grow up.

And it will be easier to learn

All of us in the second class.

CHORUS: Cool you got into the second -

You are hero,

And let it be difficult for us sometimes,
get to work right away, don't be lazy,

Study for one five!

The teacher presents diplomas and medals to students, congratulates the children.

Teacher: Seeing you off today, I want to wish you

Rest for the summer plenty, run, jump, sunbathe,

And, of course, remember your friends more often.

Become stronger, taller, a little more serious,

And then it will be easy for you to continue the educational path.

Let's part for a while - the summer will fly by with an arrow,

And from the school threshold into the classroom we will step into the second!

A man with a badge, probably one of the representatives of the administration, is watching the gathering from the windows. An initiative group has settled down at the entrance, which brought a petition with them. In a couple of minutes, there is a whole queue of people who want to put their signature under it. While some are signing a document, others are simply waiting for some action to begin.

Did your daughter go to school? - a man in a down jacket addresses a spontaneous neighbor.

No, they left at home. Surprisingly: the first time I went to school in the morning with my wife, but without a child!

Not all of those gathered at the entrance are protesters. Some follow the children on the first day of school in the usual way. Seeing the crowd, one of these fathers turns to a bunch of parents for clarification. I hear the history of the conflict briefly recounted to him, adding at the end:

- And on New Year's Eve, when the school was empty, I dismantled the site! That's interesting, where does he do it?

Maybe he will show you? – asks his interlocutor.

Yes, maybe it will show...

Around the corner of the building, where, apparently, the director's windows are located, a cry is heard:

- Come out yourself!

By 8.47 there are more and more people. At 8:54 am, I walk past the line, where one of the people waiting asks:

So when does it all start? At nine?

Why at nine?

There is no exact answer to the question, what is the proposal for:

Let's throw snowballs at the windows!

Among those gathered are not only parents, but graduates and students of the school. In the crowd, I notice a girl wearing a red cap that says "Make 734 great again". One of the young mothers squints thoughtfully and says:

- I don’t remember if it was this one or not, but when I was studying, there was some kind of construction.

Many of those who came are waiting for the director. Others are sure that everything will end with the signature of the petition: "There will be no festivities and protests!"

Around nine, a crowd gathers at the entrance, where representatives of the initiative group of parents speak. The audience is informed that now Emil Ayupov, a member of the Governing Council of the school, is negotiating with the director. The question arises of how the conversation is going and what results have been achieved.

- Here he [Emil] will tell now!

Emil Ayupov himself comes out to the audience. He expresses his position that he is not satisfied with the way the director performs his duties, about the dismantling of the sports complex and about how this event could affect the students.

- The guys came, I'm not afraid of this word, to the ruins. Now the condition of children is even difficult to overestimate!

He proposes to break the complex of solving all problems into three parts. The most short-term goal is the return of the Reutsky sports complex. Then - the holding of the Governing Council, where the most pressing issues will be considered.

- Not some cloudless future, it is not clear how it affects our situation today, but those that are important for us and our guys today. And I ask you, the council of parent committees, to collect the wishes and questions that concern us now.

In the long term - holding consultations on the school development program, in interaction with the public, with the involvement of experts in order to maintain the former ideals of school development - continuous development and improvement. Outraged exclamations are heard from the crowd:

- With this director?

"Suitcase, station, Kemerovo!" - this phrase will sound loudly and more than once during the meeting.

Questions come from different directions:

– Where is the director, Emil? Where is the director?

- Yesterday, at the teachers' council, Sergei Alexandrovich very actively and repeatedly called himself "the captain of the team", "the captain of this ship." Why isn't he here? We don't understand.

He refused to come out.

- Can we invite him?

Requests "Let's not organize a spontaneous rally!" are confused with cries of "Down!", creating a cacophony of confusion, the same as the situation as a whole.

“Let's not organize a spontaneous rally,” one of the parents, standing near the center near the speakers, addresses the crowd. “If the complex is not restored within five days, we will apply to the prefecture for an organized rally.

In defiance of calls for a peaceful settlement, completely different proposals for resolving the conflict are being received.

- No, no, I do not agree with you, Timur! In fact, why are there so many people here? The dialogue has never been started and never will!

Realizing that it will not be so easy to completely suppress the desire for rebellion and dissolve the crowd, the representative of the "passive opposition" agrees.

- I agree, I agree. Tell me, all those present, if we apply for an organized rally, will you come?

In response, the crowd rushes through the repeated “Yes!”. Realizing that a spontaneous rally with a possible invasion of the school will not happen, one of the representatives of the "radical" parents asks:

- Okay, but now we can demand that the director come out?

Do we want it or not?

Unexpected information stuffing causes a new wave of indignation:

“They said the complex was beyond repair.

- That is, they So dismantled?!

While the crowd is indignantly discussing exactly how the structure was dismantled, the director, Sergey Moskalenkov, comes out of the school door. From all sides comes: “Shame! A shame! A shame!". The man in the front row pronounces this word especially clearly, looking the director straight in the eye. Emil Ayupov addresses the audience:

- We invited Sergei Alexandrovich, so let's listen to him!

- What's the agenda? - the director asks a question, for which he receives short description all requirements.

- A meeting of the council of parent committees was held, there is a protocol ...

- Can I see it?

- Anastasia, have you already provided the protocol?

- No. But that's not the point now.

There is a resolution...

- So you give a resolution! - Sergey Moskalenkov answers them.

The crowd asks:

- How did you explain to the children about the complex? Or do you not talk to the children at all, dismantled and that's it?

The reaction to this appeal is applause. When the director begins to talk about the fact that they talked to the children about what happened, some of the parents shout:

We don't believe, we don't believe!

- This complex is in a disassembled state. It is on the balance, and therefore it cannot be thrown away. Nobody threw it away! - Sergey Alexandrovich continues the explanation, - We have a lot of questions about this complex ...

- For example? For example? one of the women says.

“You were given the telephone numbers of the BION society, personally by Sergey Kondakov,” the mother standing next to her addresses the director.

- Negotiations are also underway with him ...

- Not true! Don't be fooled!

You didn't even call him once!

But the staff...

The staff didn't call either! So sorry, they are lying to you!

Every now and then someone from the crowd shouts: “Please, be quiet!”, but any new statement again causes indignation, screams and negotiations. "Stop lying! Stop lying!" The situation is getting more and more tense. The director speaks calmly, without raising his voice, and only one movement - the relentless fingering - betrays a hidden excitement.

- What was the purpose? Come and say what you want. Did you say? They said. We heard.

- This type: “You said, we heard you, go for a walk, I will do it my own way” - this is not a topic!

The director invites the audience to return to their work and disperse. At this moment, a young girl steps out of the crowd.

- The fact that we are gathered here - emergency measure, necessary measure.

She figuratively divides those standing at the school into supporters of emergency and non-emergency measures, more or less radical. She refers to herself as a “pacifist” and says that she personally does not question the authority of the director, that’s not why she came here.

- But the point is not that the complex was dismantled - this is a question under discussion. It's about how it was done. There is the concept of publicity, which is key in any social organism. And the school, of course, is a social organism.

The word is returned to the representatives of the initiative group, which says that the management situation that has arisen in the school needs to be changed. “The situation should not be changed, but returned!” some of the audience objected to her.

“Perhaps these methods are familiar to you and to other schools. For us - unusual and abnormal, unacceptable, - they turn to the director.

Parents insist on solving the problem within the time frame specified in the resolution. At the teachers' council, the teachers tried to convince the head of the school that, according to one of the speakers, how important it is for pedagogical process and development of schoolchildren this complex. The director, according to the woman, "very clearly made it clear to the teaching staff that the arguments given are not accepted."

This is your interpretation! There is a corresponding video! - Sergey Moskalenkov objects.

The crowd asks:

- Just tell me: will you restore the complex? Yes or no?

- I believe that there will be a complex that will correspond to ...

The director's attempts to finish the sentence are interrupted by the roar of the crowd. “Yes or no?”, “Yes or no?”.

- We will have a normal ...

- No! No!

– Give back our complex!

- Yes or no?

- I say again: there will be a complex that will comply with safety standards.

- ...That was! Thank you! We heard you! Our complex will be restored!

- No, I said that the complex will be delivered, the functionality will be provided.

A man comes out of the crowd and stands almost in front of the director.

“Either you restore the complex, or you won't be here.

A woman standing nearby steps between him and the director, trying to calm him down, and takes him aside.

After lengthy arguments, at one moment turning into screams and indignation of the crowd, with personal statements and assessments, the director shakes his head in displeasure.

This is not a constructive conversation!

“Since the charter was violated, there is such a clause that you should be fired,” says one of the mothers.

From the crowd comes a long "Hurrah!" and laughter. When the director tries to summarize what was said before and end the conversation, one of the parents takes the floor from him, passing the opportunity to speak to a new person - Artem Soloveichik. He is on “neutral territory”: he greets the director and “transmits great greetings and support from the entire pedagogical community of the country”, noting that this is due to the attitude towards the Tubelsky School:

“This is not just a school for this region, it is a school for the whole country.

Soloveichik himself was at the school this morning to understand how to raise children capable of self-determination.

- This aerobatics, which can be achieved.

On behalf of the audience, Emil Ayupov asks Artem Soloveichik to personally take part in solving this problem. “I heard you,” the guest answers them. The crowd reacts with happy whispers.

The representative of the “radical-minded” parents also speaks with a statement: “I no longer believe that a dialogue is possible!”. Echoing cheers from the cheerleaders. The text of the resolution is read out, which refers to the protests of parents against how the director runs the school: he does not ask the opinions of students, parents and makes important decisions on his own. In addition, another important topic for the school is touched upon - teachers.

Many of the teachers left the school or were fired after Sergei Alexandrovich became the principal. In the opinion of the speaker, the director literally conducts "psychic terror" and humiliates teachers. After reading the resolution, some of the parents exclaim: “Can I sign this too? I like this better!"

It can be seen that the problem of dismissal of teachers worries many. The speaker makes a remark: the letter is addressed not to the president of the country, not to the mayor and not to the minister of education, but to the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and the Congress of the Russian Intelligentsia, "the flower of the Russian intelligentsia."

Emil Ayupov takes the floor and sums up the results of the meeting - it's already 10 o'clock, and everyone is in a hurry to work. He calls for a return to the action plan drawn up and to apply measures only if the requirements are not met. But first of all, wait until the end of the negotiations and understand whether the parents and the director came to a common decision or not.

- I hope we can come to an agreement.

Music sounds. Children and parents gather in the school yard.

The course of the holiday

Fanfare sounds.

Leading. Hello, dear parents, students and guests of our holiday!

We are glad to see you again today. In all schools of our vast country, the school year begins on this day. And everything repeats itself: lessons, changes, control. But all worries will begin tomorrow, and today is a holiday! Holiday meeting with classmates and teachers after a long summer separation. On this day, all roads lead to school. Dressed up students, excited parents and teachers.

(words to the soundtrack of the waltz)

Leading. Education, hello! School hello!

Let's go on a journey to learn.

It is a holiday today! School holiday!

We welcome the school year!

Leading. Summer flew by like a comet

The leaves on the trees turned yellow

Vacation and summer are over

The birds just haven't flown yet

Leading. And in the school sunny yard

Fun today kids.

And the familiar school waltz sounds,

Invites us to the line.

Leading. School, you are hosting guests again,

Good, reliable and true friends!

Let it be warm and cozy

You within the walls of your school!

(the anthems of Russia and the Republic of Altai sound)

Leading. And who, if not the principal of the school, will make sure that the children are pleasant and comfortable to study and spend their leisure time in comfortable, updated over the summer, beautiful classes. The floor is given to the director of gymnasium No. 3, Honored Teacher of Russia Valentina Viktorovna Tehtiyekova. Valentina Viktorovna

The director is speaking.

Leading. When September is at the school threshold

Scatter delicate phlox petals,

Our hard road begins

As they say, from an untouched board.

Leading. To school, to school - the Motherland is calling

To school, to school - the wind sings to us!

Let it be good, let it be fun

Let it be a happy school year!

Leading. Dear guests are present at our holiday!

Presentation of guests. Their salutatory words are heard.

1st leader. Our school opened its doors
Come in, we are happy students!
Golden autumn meets you again.

And the path to knowledge will open to you.

2nd leader. Today young people

Welcomes the new school year.

In the morning on the sidewalks

Any street

Guys go in pairs

A bunch of chains.

1st leader. Schoolchildren go in a crowd

With briefcases in hand

Notebooks not touched

Purely in diaries.

They are in a hurry to call

And they are having fun.

And the adults from the windows

Looking with smiles

Work hard, the students are coming!

2nd leader. Today the doors are wide open in schools
Opened in the morning.
Summer is over, back to school.
The kid is walking.

1-leader. The floor is given to high school students, our hope and support in a hectic school life.

(high school students come out to the music from different sides)

Senior students: If you want to build a bridge,

Watch the stars move

Drive the machine in the field

Or drive the car up -

Good job at school

Study well!

Machinists and weavers

Tractor drivers and doctors

Lumberjacks and miners

astronauts and actors

Cooks and blacksmiths

Divers and singers

All once in the first class

Came for the first time.

We were all funny kids

When you first came to the first class

And, having received a notebook with pencils,

They sat down at the desk for the first time in their lives.

Again, for the first time, someone flips through primers,

And for some, the desk became cramped.

Welcoming a new day. We sadly say:

All our Septembers will remain in memory.

In them the sun shone in the autumn rain.

Far from school desks, we will repeat more than once:

“What a pity that ten years is so short.”

(High school students leave to the music. To which they went out.)

1- leading. Children of the seven-year-old

Today for the first time

All over the huge country

They go to first class.

In a big and bright school

The door is open for everyone.

You all came to study

You are students now!

2nd leader.

Let's hear what the new students have to say. The word is given to class 1.

(Grade 1 goes to school music)

Presentation by first graders.

1st leader.

On behalf of the parents, first-graders are addressed to you by ______________________________________________________________

Leaders together: Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Immediately congratulate each other on the holiday, pay tribute to the teachers. And don't forget the little ones.

2-leader. Dear first graders! You came to our gymnasium for the first time in the first grade. Not everything said here remains in your memory. But that person who for the first time will lead you along the difficult path of teaching will always be dear. This is your first teacher. The floor is given to the 1st grade teacher Zoya Andreevna Tomilova.

1st presenter. The bell rings.

Scattering cheerful laughter,

He yearned

In the summer hour for us.

Good day school

Dear school!

Good afternoon.

Our cozy

Light class!

1-leader. Again guys

You call at dawn



And you say:

"We're together again, kids!" —

And you will meet us

Like their own.

The bell rings. First grader and eleventh grader.


The school path begins

Life, believe me, each of us.

And what they dreamed about. Everything comes true!

We move from class to class.

We teach history and physics.

Every day we are moving forward.

At school, we all made friends with books,

There is no time to be bored for a whole year.


The tasks seem difficult to us:

Either a task or a big story.

Much effort needs to be put in

So that marks make us happy.

We are happy to learn and have fun,

We have friends in every class

On holidays and weekdays we will be together,

We can't live without school!

2nd leader.

The floor is given to the head teacher of our gymnasium Kazantseva Olga Mikhailovna.

1st presenter. Take a briefcase and walk merrily.

Some lazy people wake up late.

Do you think that there

The tram is ringing

But no - the lessons begin.

2nd presenter. The bell rings, and is cheerful and loud-mouthed,

And my heart is filled with joy,

And every time for each of us

Great lessons are about to begin.

1st leader.

Dear friends! Our holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge has come to an end.

1st presenter. We say goodbye to you and wish you success in work and study. Good luck!
(leave the line to school music)