A new section of ECAD on the map. When the ring closes

The main event of today's agenda was the opening of the second section of the Yekaterinburg ring road. This is the penultimate launch complex. In order to completely loop the highway, at the request of Yevgeny Kuyvashev, President Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Transport to allocate 8.5 billion rubles from the federal budget. This will allow to unite all federal and regional highways into single system, thanks to which Yekaterinburg will get rid of transit trucks, which pass through the city up to 80 thousand per day. The task is large-scale and attention to this project is also special, so today the Minister of Transport of Russia Maxim Sokolov specially flew to the opening.

The ceremony of cutting the ribbon this time was not limited. Immediately after, hundreds of Sverdlovsk residents got on bicycles. Together with everyone and the leader of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev. And the head of the Russian Ministry of Transport Maxim Sokolov gives the go-ahead to start. He just flew in from Moscow.

The Minister of Transport admitted that he did not expect such an opening of the road. Ahead of the participants of the bike ride - 11 kilometers of the new route. The construction of the second start-up complex of EKAD began three years ago. The work here was carried out around the clock, so it was possible to hand over the object a year earlier.

A new interchange in the form of a clover connected two previously constructed sections of the roundabout. Thanks to what now Ekaterinburg will get rid of transit trucks. They passed through the city up to 80 thousand per day.

The new highway is wide: three lanes in one direction, three in the other. The coating is crushed-stone-mastic asphalt concrete, it increases wear resistance and improves adhesion. Lanterns are installed along the road. There are 450 of them in total. Participants of the bike ride evaluate the work of road builders as "excellent".

Evgeny Kuyvashev, Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region: “A bicycle shows the quality of the road in the best possible way, therefore, if the cyclist is comfortable, then the motorist is doubly comfortable. Therefore, I think, the quality of the roads was checked for high level, and I am sure: the end of the second is the beginning of the third.

The construction of the third start-up complex of the EKAD will begin next year. This is a section of the highway from Polevskoy to the Chelyabinsk tract, it will close the "Yekaterinburg ring". From the very beginning, the federal government supported the project with the ruble, and now the Ministry of Transport of Russia has submitted a proposal to allocate 8.5 billion rubles.

Maxim Sokolov, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation: “As a rule, such large-scale projects - the construction of a road, taking into account the design - take at least four years, but Evgeny Vladimirovich set for us, and for the Ministry of Transport, and for the government of the Sverdlovsk Region, to implement the project of the next 14 kilometers of the road in next two years. I can say that this is possible with close cooperation.”

The road issue smoothly flows into the transport issue - at the Ural Locomotives enterprise. High-speed "swallows" are produced here. This electric train will soon run along the Moscow ring. The carriages have wi-fi, bicycle parking is equipped. The head of the Ministry of Transport, Maxim Sokolov, decided to conduct sea trials himself.

“Here is a controller with a thrust mode, pull it out smoothly. - You, most importantly, tell me how to slow down! - And brake in the other direction. "She's gone!"

Now 70 Ural swallows “fly” along the railway lines of Russia. Specialists in the control room monitor their route and technical condition online. This is possible due to the launch of a special program, in case of a malfunction, it gives an alarm signal.

Vasily Skvorchuk, head of department information technologies"Ural Locomotives": "We have a central telephone that any driver can call, and the dispatcher will help him with consulting help, solve this or that issue."

The development of the Ural transport is also discussed at a meeting with Maxim Sokolov. He will be presented with the project of the Yekaterinburg-Verkhnyaya Pyshma tram line. The route will be built jointly by combining the efforts of the two municipalities and the Ural mining and metallurgical company.

Sergey Shvindt, Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region: “11 kilometers is the territory of Yekaterinburg and seven kilometers is the territory of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, you can work on both sides simultaneously, so this project can be implemented in two years.”
Andrey Kozitsyn, General Director of UMMC: “If we implement this project, then we will actually solve the problem of moving labor resources, human resources through transport. Maybe I say rude words, but in life it’s like that. ”

They also talk about federal program"Safe and quality roads". It is designed for eight years and takes place in three stages. The first is about repairs. The Sverdlovsk region is actively involved in the "large-scale reconstruction", which is commendable, says Maxim Sokolov. So, according to plans, by 2025 the region will update almost one and a half thousand kilometers of roads.

Yana Yumakaeva

More than 2.1 billion rubles will be allocated in 2016 for the construction of the second start-up complex of the southern semicircle of the EKAD - the road from the entrance to the village of Medny to the Polevskiy tract. Significant budget investments, as well as the high pace of work of the contractor, will make it possible to commission the facility ahead of schedule - by the end of 2017. This was announced on June 29 by Vasily Starkov, head of the Sverdlovsk Region Road Administration, during an inspection of the road under construction by journalists and members of the public.

At present, the contractor (Trest Uraltransspetsstroy OJSC) is working on all sections of the highway under construction. Preparatory work 100 percent completed, 60 percent of the roadbed erected. “There are several narrow sections left - in the area of ​​​​the interchange with Novosibirskaya Street, where large earthworks are planned, as well as in two sections where it is required to rebuild power lines,” said the first deputy general director of the Uraltransspetsstroy trust » Mikhail Malinovskikh.

The overpass at the interchange at the intersection with the Polevskiy tract is located in high degree readiness. Here it remains to lay the coating, make markings, install a barrier fence, finish and paint the reinforced concrete and metal structures. It is planned that already in September of this year, a technical passage will be opened along the overpass for cars traveling along the Polevskiy tract.

Work is also underway on the bridge over the Shilovka River. Here it is necessary to perform finishing and painting of reinforced concrete and metal structures, install a barrier fence, apply markings.

Builders have also made significant progress in work on the first overpass at the intersection of the Yekaterinskaya Ring Road with the entrance to the Sverdlovsky landfill. At this facility, it remains to lay the coating, make markings, install a barrier fence, complete the finishing and painting of the structures. On the road, the construction of the top layer of the base from a coarse-grained asphalt concrete mixture (these works were completed at 3.7 kilometers of the road) and the construction of the lower layer of the pavement from the fine-grained asphalt concrete mixture (works were completed at 1.53 kilometers of the road) were started. It should be noted that in the course of construction for the production of geodetic marking works, the installation of constructs from inert materials, the contractor uses an innovative GPS-leveling system.

The project provides for the construction along the highway of two bus stops. A parking lot is also planned - with a toilet, a flyover and a gazebo. Along the entire length of the road, it is planned to install a parapet fence of the New Jersey type, and along the axis of the road and on the sides of the exits - electric lighting poles. It is planned to install noise barriers on some sections of the road and transport interchanges.

According to the state contract, the deadline for the completion of the facility and all overpasses was scheduled for 2018. However, the regional authorities managed to attract significant investments from the federal budget for the construction of the facility, so it will be possible to commission the facility by the end of next year. “In 2014-2015, about 1.5 billion rubles were allocated for the construction of the facility, of which about 1 billion are federal budget funds. This year it was possible to attract significantly more federal funds - an agreement was signed for the amount of more than 1.7 billion rubles. These funds will be used specifically for the construction of the EKAD. Taking into account regional funding, about 2.1 billion rubles will be allocated for the road this year. This will allow you to pass the road ahead of schedule. As a result, by the end of 2017, it will be possible to withdraw about 40,000 vehicles a day from city streets, reduce the number of traffic jams in the city, including on the routes that will be involved in the 2018 World Cup,” said Vasily Starkov.

We add that the cost of construction of the second start-up EKAD in accordance with the state contract is 6.28 billion rubles. According to Vasily Starkov, work is currently underway to correct the design documentation for the third launch complex of the EKAD. It is planned to complete the design by the end of 2016 - beginning of 2017. “Given the amount of funding allocated by the federation, it is possible to work at a high pace and soon begin the construction of this facility and “close” the ring road by 2020,” said Vasily Starkov.

Dmitry Chukreev, coordinator of the People's Control project of the United Russia party, highly appreciated the quality of the future road. “In the course of getting acquainted with the progress of construction work, it was possible to make sure that the work was in full swing, there were many workers at the facility, the overpass at the intersection with the Polevskiy tract was almost completed. It can be seen that the road is in a high degree of readiness. We did not have any questions or complaints during the construction. Therefore, we are confident that when this road is built and put into operation, it will serve the people of Sverdlovsk for a very long time. It is clear that each kilometer of this road will help the Sverdlovsk region in unloading existing roads,” said Dmitry Chukreev.

It should be noted that the construction of the southern semicircle of the EKAD is one of the most important road facilities for the Sverdlovsk region. Completion of the construction will allow to redistribute traffic flows and remove 60-80 thousand transit vehicles from the city limits per day, which in the future will have a positive impact on environmental situation In Ekaterinburg.

Also, the commissioning of EKAD facilities will complete the formation of the main interregional road corridors - federal highways will be interconnected (Perm - Yekaterinburg, the entrance to Yekaterinburg from the M-5 Ural highway, Yekaterinburg - Shadrinsk - Kurgan and Yekaterinburg - Tyumen). As a result, the speed of transit vehicles passing through Yekaterinburg may increase by 1.5-2 times. Thus, the implementation of this project will give a powerful impetus to the development of the region's economy - it will create new jobs, to a large extent will solve issues related to reducing the costs and prime cost of transportation and will lead to an improvement in other socio-economic indicators.

Recall that the construction of the EKAD began in 1994. The total length of the road will be 94.38 km. The facility is divided into six sections, five of which (58.7 kilometers) were commissioned between 1997 and 2011. The last section of the EKAD - the southern half-ring, 35 kilometers long, began to be built six years ago. The object is divided into three launch complexes.

The first start-up complex of the southern semicircle - almost a ten-kilometer section of the ECAD, connecting the Novomoskovsky tract with the entrance to the village of Medny - was planned to be put into operation in 2016. But thanks to the efforts of the regional authorities aimed at attracting federal funds for the development of the road network in the region, as well as thanks to the well-coordinated work of contractors, the facility was completed ahead of schedule - in December 2015.

The second launch complex began to be built in the fourth quarter of 2014. The length of this section of the ring road will be 11.3 kilometers, and taking into account four artificial structures (two overpasses at the intersection with the entrance to the Sverdlovsky training ground, a bridge over the Shilovka River and a traffic interchange at the intersection with the Polevskiy Trakt) - 18.2 kilometers.

The region's budget allocated more than 13.5 billion rubles for the construction, reconstruction and repair of highways. More than three were attracted from the federal budget.

With these funds, it was planned to overhaul 112 kilometers of highways, eliminate 250-kilometer tracks and lay over 15 new ones, including connecting six villages to the "mainland" within the framework of the FTP "Sustainable Rural Development for 2014-2020" . Subsidies for local roads were received by 57 municipalities - a total of about two billion rubles.

And this is without taking into account Yekaterinburg and others. major cities. Such significant funds have not been allocated to the territories over the past five years, the regional Ministry of Transport and Communications emphasized.

On most of the routes, work was carried out in the summer, which was felt by motorists: difficulties with traffic periodically arose on the Serovsky, Rezhevsky and Perm directions, on the road to Polevskaya.

At the end of October, the Ministry of Transport summed up the interim results: it was possible to remove the tracks on 294 thousand square meters, to repair 87 kilometers of regional roads, and by the end of the year 124 kilometers will be put into operation. The ministry noted that the laying of asphalt concrete can be carried out at air temperatures up to zero degrees, subject to certain requirements. Construction and reconstruction without the use of organic binders - all year round.

Some of the projects started in 2016 are long-term. In particular, in 2017 it is planned to commission an interchange at the intersection of the Yekaterinburg Ring Road (EKAD) and 2nd Novosibirskaya Street. The entrance to Krasnoturinsk will be opened in 2021, the connecting road in Volchansk - in 2020.

A significant part (almost 1.8 billion rubles) of the federal tranche was spent on the EKAD. Recall that out of 94.4 kilometers of the road, 58.7 were put into operation from 1997 to 2011. The last section - the southern half-ring - began to build six years ago. The object is divided into three launch complexes. The first one, connecting the Novomoskovsky tract with the entrance to the village of Medny, was completed ahead of schedule in December 2015. Now the construction of the second one is underway, from Medny to the Yekaterinburg-Polevskoy highway. Its length is 11.3 kilometers.

According to the state contract, the deadline is 2018, but significant budget investments and high rates of work will make it possible to do this by the end of 2017. As a result, it will be possible to withdraw about 40,000 cars a day from city streets, reduce the number of traffic jams, including on the routes involved in the 2018 World Cup, - says Vasily Starkov, head of the Sverdlovsk highway department.

The total cost of the second launch complex of ECAD is 6.28 billion rubles. The contract was concluded on the terms of PPP: the contractor will be paid for the work until 2020. By the same moment, it is planned to hand over the third launch complex 10.4 kilometers long, and the ring line will finally begin to live up to its name. In addition, the federal highways Perm-Ekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg-Shadrinsk-Kurgan, Yekaterinburg-Tyumen and the entrance from the M-5 Ural highway will be interconnected. The intensity of traffic through the capital of the Urals will eventually increase by 1.5-2 times, and up to 80,000 transit vehicles per day will be allowed to bypass.

No less large-scale work is being carried out in the regional center itself. The metropolis received 1.6 billion rubles from the federal and regional budgets this year. Of these, 600 million were replaced with asphalt on 17 streets, and most of them - a billion - were spent on reconstruction in the area of ​​​​the Central Stadium, re-laying engineering networks and tram tracks. The Repin-Malyshev and Lenin-Moskovskaya crossroads are already ready here. All private houses and barracks have been settled on Tatishchev, and communications will be laid out in their place. The renovation is scheduled to be completed in December 2017.

By the way

Under the terms of the tender, there should be toll collection points on the southern semicircle of the EKAD. In July 2016, the contractor even launched a survey of motorists on its website whether they are ready to spend 80-100 rubles for the opportunity to travel at a speed of more than 90 km/h. But this idea did not find a response among people.