The area of ​​Russian cities in ascending order. The largest cities in Russia in terms of population. The largest city in the world

Russia is great and multifaceted. Most big cities Russia has always been her heart, just as the village was her soul. Even medieval travelers called Rus' "Gardarika" - "the land of cities."

The country, like the whole world, has not escaped the process of urbanization, during which megacities appeared. Below is a list of the largest cities in Russia by population today.

Capital Russian Federation Moscow, which is typical for most countries, simultaneously tops the top 10 largest cities in Russia. Officially, the population of the city is slightly over 12 million people, but experts believe that in practice this number is much higher.

Except for the period 1712-1918. Moscow has always been the capital of the states located on the territory of present-day Russia. Over the years of its development, Moscow has become a metropolis. Even after many surrounding areas have been included in Moscow, the capital is the most populous city in Russia. One Moscow district in terms of the number of inhabitants exceeds any city in the Moscow region.

The capital is the center of historical monuments, the main of which is the Kremlin. This is the sacred center of Russia, which has seen key moments in the history of the country.

Not inferior in antiquity to the Kremlin and the walls of the Novodevichy Convent. Moscow museums are worth a visit in their own right. The life and work of the largest Russian masters of culture are connected with Moscow, and this also enhances the historical flavor of the city.

If all Russian millionaires want to be called some kind of capital, then St. Petersburg is almost officially recognized as the cultural capital. However, the city, located in the north-west of the country, was also the political capital of Russia, taking away the palm from Moscow for two centuries.

The founding date of St. Petersburg was 1703, when Peter the Great laid the foundation stone for the Peter and Paul Fortress. St. Petersburg was built for many years according to a rather primitive, but existing plan, so it still amazes with the severity of its lines, despite the difficult terrain.

The concentration of historical and architectural monuments, among which the Winter Palace and the Hermitage located in it, St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Peter and Paul Fortress stand out, has no analogues in the world.

The northernmost city in the world with a population of 5.2 million people also attracts tourists with museums, theaters and surrounding palace complexes.

St. Petersburg is not a frozen monument. It houses the authorities of the North-Western District of the Russian Federation, factories of heavy and light industry and more than a hundred universities.

The former Novo-Nikolaevsk is the youngest Russian city with a population of over a million. It was founded in 1893, and received city status ten years later. By its existence and rapid development the metropolis on the Ob River owes the Great Siberian Route.

Due to its short history, third in population (2016) locality The country cannot boast of an abundance of monuments of architecture and antiquity. It is famous primarily as a transport, industrial and scientific center. Founded in 1957, Akademgorodok became scientific center world importance.

The city has a metro, and the unique metro bridge across the Ob is the longest in the world.

Novosibirsk is also famous for the Opera and Ballet Theatre, for which the largest building in Russia was built, and the zoo, where you can see species that have not been preserved in nature.

The capital of the Urals stands out among the cities with a million inhabitants for its compactness - only 15 km wide and 20 km long. Ekaterinburg was founded in 1723. Half a century later it became the most important communication point for the European and Asian parts of Russia.

However, the one and a half million Ural city is not alive by transport alone. After the revolution, Sverdlovsk became a powerful industrial base. Local factories produce a huge range of industrial products.

There are about 600 architectural monuments in Yekaterinburg, most of them are located in the Historical Center. The museums mark such milestones in history as the death of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the beginning of the political career of the first President of Russia B. Yeltsin.

Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan

Located at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga, the city of Nizhny Novgorod with a population of 1.27 million was founded in 1221. From the walls of his Kremlin during the Great Troubles, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky left for Moscow.

After the affairs of the military, Nizhny Novgorod moved on to partly peaceful affairs. Before the revolution, the local fair thundered all over Europe, and the military factories built under the USSR made a great contribution to the Great Victory.

Now the famous GAZ, an aircraft plant, a shipbuilding plant and large enterprises in other industries are operating in Nizhny Novgorod. Developing in the spirit of the times modern technologies– there are branches of the largest IT companies in the city.

In addition to the Kremlin, historical sights include the Art Museum, the house-museum of A. M. Gorky and the A. Pushkin Museum. There are three academic theatres. An interesting sight is the Chkalov Stairs. The descent, named after the pilot, is the longest in Russia and bypasses the Odessa Potemkin Stairs in terms of height difference.

Kazan divides its history almost in half into Tatar and imperial parts. Even before the conquest by Ivan the Terrible, Kazan was the capital, which is very uncharacteristic for Russian megacities. Accordingly, and appearance Kazan combines the features of two cultures. The main attractions of Kazan, in addition to the Kremlin, are mosques and Christian churches.

Kazan is developing very dynamically. Behind last years many interesting architectural and sports facilities were built. These are the Millennium Bridge, the Pyramida entertainment complex, the Rubin Stadium and whole line facilities built for the Universiade.

Chelyabinsk, Omsk

The eighth largest Russian metropolis in terms of population is located in the Urals, on the Miass River. Chelyabinsk went through approximately the same path of development as Yekaterinburg: from a transport hub to a commercial and industrial center. Already by the end of the 19th century. he received the name "Gate to Siberia", becoming a powerful crossroads of trade routes.

The 20th century, despite the negative upheavals, continued the vector of the city's development. Not only new enterprises have appeared here, but also scientific and cultural institutions. However, the current Chelyabinsk does not cause reverence among tourists. The city looks unkempt and dirty even in the very center. Problems with landscaping are recognized even by local authorities.

Omsk is located at the confluence of the Ob with the Irtysh at the point where the Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the Irtysh. This favorable location attracted the attention of Russian explorers, but only in 1716 a full-fledged settlement was organized here.

However, the second of the largest cities in Siberia did not receive such rapid development as other advantageously located settlements. It rather remained a military settlement interspersed with civilian enterprises. Industry began to appear only during the years of Soviet power, and then it became the scourge of Omsk.

The largest oil refinery in Europe is located here, which does not add to the cleanliness of the atmosphere, and a number of other polluting enterprises.

Nevertheless, Omsk residents also find good features in their city. They see the sun for over 300 days a year, comparable to Cyprus and Spain. There are as many as 10 bridges across the Irtysh in the city. The main architectural monument, the Assumption Cathedral, is very beautiful in the evening illumination.

Samara - a pearl on the Volga

At the confluence of the Samara and the Volga there is a large industrial centre with a population of just over a million people. The city, founded at the end of the 16th century, is the seventh largest city in Russia in terms of population. At first it was a county, then a provincial center.

Before the revolution, Samara developed as a place of trade and a transport hub, and under Soviet rule it became a powerful industrial center. The city (then Kuibyshev) acquired such importance that in 1941 it became the reserve capital of the USSR. Modern Samara has overcome the recession of the end of the last century. The military-industrial complex and enterprises of the aerospace industry are gradually reviving.

Description of the sights of Samara is replete with the definition of "the most". Samara railway station is the highest in Europe. The embankment is the longest, and Kuibyshev Square is the largest.

Architectural researchers distinguish 5 stages of development in the city, from ancient city to "Cosmic Kuibyshev". Among the monuments, the memorial complex of the Soyuz rocket stands out. Yu. Gagarin went into space on this carrier, assembled in Samara.

Closes the list of the most populated cities in Russia Rostov-on-Don. The decree on the establishment of a customs house at the current place of Rostov was signed on December 15, 1749. The port, protected by a fortress, quickly gained trade momentum. Numerous immigrants came here, whose descendants still give Rostov a unique flavor.

Modern Rostov is very beautiful. In addition to almost 500 architectural monuments, the largest zoo in Europe, many beautiful parks and fountains have been created. Embankment them. Ushakov is considered a separate attraction. The Rostov Cathedral, the building of the City Duma and the house of A. Solzhenitsyn are considered architectural monuments.

Above are the largest cities in Russia by population. However, an important caveat must be made. The number of inhabitants is only one of the criteria for assessing the size of the city.

Most Big city Moscow region in terms of the number of inhabitants - Balashikha - in area is three times smaller than Khimki.

So to the general question, what is the largest city in Russia, anyone will confidently answer - Moscow. However, if you ask the average person to name the largest cities in Russia by area, then the top three, in addition to the usual Moscow and St. Petersburg, is unlikely to include Volgograd, which does not even fall into the top ten largest cities in Russia in terms of population.

Several cities at once claim to bear the honorary title of the third capital of Russia. It is not clear, to be honest, what exactly is honorable or beneficial in this, because the city automatically recognizes the superiority of Moscow and St. Petersburg in all areas. Yes, the reality is exactly that, but our cities could not reach for the two capitals, but immediately adopt, say, the European experience.

Maybe for foreign tourists coming to Russia, there is some charm in this label, and it's all about their wallets? We do not have any special deductions from the federal budget for this title ... Be that as it may, some time ago there was a serious struggle for the status of the third capital, and disputes do not subside to this day.

Now the brand "Third Capital" belongs to Kazan. The city wrested it from Nizhny Novgorod and other less successful competitors. But times are changing. In recent years, there have often been proposals to move the capital of Russia somewhere in the Urals or Siberia, so that soon the struggle for the right to carry the banner of the third capital may again become relevant.

And what do you think about this? Let's vote, because we have so many cool applicants!


Everything is clear with Kazan. The capital of Tatarstan, an ancient but modern city, which Putin himself called the third capital! True, sometimes there is such a thing ...


The third largest city in Russia, the capital of Siberia (although Krasnoyarsk would argue here), which in 100 years has turned from a provincial provincial town into a metropolis. True, in 1993 Rutskoi and Khasbulatov wanted to set up their temporary capital here, but the people of Novosibirsk are not to blame for this!


Capital of the Urals rich history, a permanent contender for the title of the third capital, the city in which the first president of Russia matured!

Nizhny Novgorod

The capital of the Volga region... True, this is the only million-plus city in Russia that is losing its population, but Nizhny Novgorod will still never recognize the superiority of Kazan!

Velikiy Novgorod

One of the oldest cities in Russia, once a rich center of international trade, which remained independent even during the Horde occupation of Rus', has now turned into a backwater (although it is the capital of the region). The status of the third capital of Veliky Novgorod was proposed by Nikita Mikhalkov himself.


Samara during the years of great upheaval was already (in fact) the temporary capital of Russia and the USSR. Another city, the inhabitants of which could not help but be dismayed by the fact that Kazan outran them.


Ah, Omsk! Kolchak used to sit here, and now Dvorakovsky was barely kicked out... But maybe the status of the third capital will help this beautiful Siberian city to revive?


The city-skrepa, which, after the annexation of the Crimea to Russia, received a unique status: along with Moscow and St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, in terms of legislation, is an independent region - a city of federal significance.


Another city that the center willingly spends money on. The city that rose from the ashes Chechen wars and acquired important political significance, each time guaranteeing the incumbent president and the ruling party an excellent result in the elections.

Great, but we need another option for fans of the Soviet Union!

Maybe Ruzaevka in Mordovia?

Or Naberezhnye Chelny in Tatarstan? But then the whole Kazan will be bombed ...

Let it be better Volgograd! Moreover, I have not been there yet and can not judge biased. And especially for fans of the USSR, we will also rename it to Stalingrad, it’s not a pity!

So, let's practice choosing!

UPD: There will still be a second round. Kazanians, with the active support of the Tatarstan media, tried very hard and forced, but still did not have time until midnight, and the voting results turned into a pumpkin!

At 0:05 Moscow time it was like this:

As you may have guessed, Kazan and Yekaterinburg are going to the final! I hope that Yekaterinburg residents will also wake up by the second round, and an exciting fight will await us.

Which city is worthy of the title of the third capital of Russia?

Velikiy Novgorod

83 (2.5 % )


79 (2.4 % )

70 (2.1 % )


687 (20.6 % )

1576 (47.3 % )

In every country in the world - a huge number of cities. Small and big, poor and rich, resort and industrial.

All settlements are remarkable in their own way. One is famous for its landscapes, the other is famous for entertainment, the third is for history. But there are also cities that are famous for their area. So, here are the largest cities in the world by area.

The largest city in the world

This title belongs to the city of Chongqing, it is located in the central part of China, and its area is 82,400 square meters. km, although this includes not only the territory of the city itself, but also the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory subordinate to the city. According to official figures, the city occupies an area 470 km long from east to west and 450 km wide from north to south, which corresponds to the size of a country like Austria.

Chongqing is administratively divided into 19 districts, 15 counties and 4 autonomous counties. According to 2010 data, the population is 28,846,170 people. But more than 80 percent of the inhabitants live in rural areas; only 6 million people live in the city itself.

Chongqing is one of the ancient cities in China, with a history of more than 3,000 years. In the late Paleolithic era, primitive people already lived here. This is due to the fact that the city was founded on the spot where the Jialingjiang River flows into the full-flowing Yangtze.

The city is surrounded by three mountains: Dabashan in the north, Wushan in the east and Dalushan in the south. Because of the hilly landscape of the area, Chongqing was nicknamed the "mountain city" (Shancheng). It is located at an altitude of 243 meters above sea level.

The largest cities in the world

Often the degree of urbanization reaches the point that expanding cities are so closely intertwined with industrial, transport and cultural ties and merge into one. Such a cluster of "merged" cities is called an urban agglomeration.

One of the largest is the New York agglomeration, formed around one major city, the core of New York. Its total area is 30,671 sq. km, the population is almost 24 million people. The Greater New York agglomeration also includes Northern New Jersey, Long Island, Newark, Bridgeport, the five largest New Jersey cities (Newark, Jersey City, Elizabeth, Paterson and Trenton) and six of the seven largest cities Connecticut (Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury).

Largest cities by area in North America

But New York is not the largest city in North America, or even in its own country. The total area of ​​the center of the largest agglomeration is only 1214.9 sq. km, it consists of 5 districts: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island. The population does not exceed 8.5 million people. Therefore, New York ranks only third in the list of the largest cities by area in North America.

Second place goes to Los Angeles - the city of angels, located in the south of California, its area is 1302 square meters. km. The city is the center of Greater Los Angeles - an agglomeration with a population of over 17 million people. It is also better known as the center of the film industry and entertainment in the field of music and computer games.

The largest city in North America by area is Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. The area of ​​the city is almost 1500 sq. km, and 9 million people live in this territory, it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. The city was built in a seismically hazardous zone, and earthquakes occur here quite often, which leads to low buildings and, accordingly, its length and area.

Once on the territory of the modern Mexican capital there was a settlement of the Aztec tribe, called Tenochtitlan. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors founded new town from which Mexico City grew.

Largest cities in South America

One of the largest cities in terms of area is Sao Paulo, its area is 1523 sq. km. But it is the third largest city in South America. It is located in the southeast of Brazil along the Tietê River. With a population of 11.3 million, it is the most populated city in the Western Hemisphere.

Sao Paulo is a city of contrasts, on the one hand it is the most modern city in Brazil, built up with glass and concrete skyscrapers (this is where the tallest building in the country is located - the Miranti do Vali skyscraper). On the other hand, the city traces its history back to the 16th century, and many “echoes of the past” have been preserved on its territory - ancient buildings, museums, churches, which are harmoniously combined with modern buildings.

Second place belongs to the city of Bogota - the capital of Colombia. Most Big City country, its area is 1,587 sq. km. Bogotá was founded by Spanish colonizers in 1538. The city is located on the site of an Indian fortress called Bakata and became the capital of New Grenada, this is the name Quesada gave to the conquered territory. In 1598, Bogotá became the capital of the Captaincy General of Spain, and in 1739 of the Viceroyalty of New Grenada.

This is a city of futuristic architecture, combined with colonial-style churches and insignificant historical buildings, inhabited by an unfavorable contingent: homeless people, thieves and robbers. Bogota and its suburbs are home to 7 million people, which is one sixth of the total population of Colombia. But Bogota is only the second largest city in South America.

The palm is occupied by Brasilia. The area of ​​the capital of the Republic of Brazil is 5802 square meters. km. True, it became the capital quite recently - on April 21, 1960, becoming the third capital of the country, after Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. The city was specially planned and built in the central part in order to use inactive areas, attract population and develop distant areas. The capital is located on the Brazilian plateau, far from the main political areas.

The construction of the city began in 1957 according to a unified plan focused on progressive construction technologies and the foundations of modern urban planning. It was conceived as an ideal city. In 1986, the city of Brasilia was named a "patrimony of mankind" by UNESCO.

The largest cities in Europe by area

London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, England, as well as the largest city in the British Isles. The metropolis has an area of ​​1572 sq. km. They fit 8 million people. City of fog London plays a major political, cultural and economic role in the life of the UK. The city has Heathrow International Airport, a major port on the Thames, attractions: among them is the complex of the Palace of Westminster with a clock tower, the Tower Fortress, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral.

London from a bird's eye view

But London ranks only third in the list of the largest cities in Europe. The second place is firmly entrenched in the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. Its area is 2510 sq. km, with a population of 12 million people, according to official figures. This is the largest city not only in Russia, but also in Europe, it is also among the top ten cities in the world in terms of population.

The city is not only the political and administrative, cultural and tourist center of the country, but an important transport hub for the whole country. The city is served by 5 airports, 9 railway stations, 3 river ports.

Istanbul is the largest city in Europe. One of the largest cities on the planet and the largest city in Turkey. Istanbul - the former capital of the Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman Empires. The city is located on the banks of the Bosphorus. Its area is 5343 sq. km.

Until 1930, the internationally accepted name of the city was Constantinople. Another name, which is still used in the title of the Patriarch of Constantinople, the Second Rome or New Rome. In 1930, the Turkish authorities ordered that only the Turkish version of the name Istanbul be used. Russified version - Istanbul.

Africa's largest cities by area

Cape Town, a city in the southwest of South Africa ( Republic of South Africa) - its area is slightly inferior to the area of ​​Moscow and is 2,455 sq. km. It is located on the coast Atlantic Ocean, on the peninsula at the Cape of Good Hope, near the foot of the "Table Mountain". This city is often called the most beautiful city in the world and the most touristic in South Africa due to its amazing nature.

Tourists choose it for its beautiful beaches and surfing. The city center is home to Old Dutch mansions and ornate Victorian buildings.

The largest city in Africa is Kinshasa - the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, its area is almost 10 thousand square kilometers. Until 1966, this city was called Leopoldville. The population of Kinshasa is over 10 million people. But 60 percent of the city is sparsely populated countryside which is located within the city limits. Densely populated areas occupy a small part of the territory in the west of the city. Nevertheless, Kinshasa is the third largest city in the world by area.

The city is located on the Congo River, along its southern coast, stretching for a long distance. Opposite is the city of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo. This is the only place in the world where two capitals different countries directly facing each other on opposite banks of the river.

Kinshasa is also the second most French-speaking city in the world, behind only Paris. But judging by the rate of population growth, after some time it can overtake the French capital. This is a city of contrasts. Here, wealthy areas with skyscrapers, shopping centers and cafes coexist with slums of shacks and shacks.

The largest cities by area in Australia and Oceania

Sydney is Australia's largest city. Its area is 12,145 sq. km. The population of Sydney is approximately 4.5 million people.

By the way, the city is the capital of New South Wales. Sydney was founded in 1788 by Arthur Philip, who came to the mainland with the First Fleet. This place is the first colonial European settlement in Australia. The city itself was named by the colonists in honor of Lord Sydney, who at that time was the Minister of the British Colonies.

The largest cities by area in Asia

One of the largest cities is the city of Karachi with an area of ​​3527 sq. km. There were settlements on the site of modern Karachi during the time of Alexander the Great. The ancient port of Crocola was located here - Alexander the Great set up camp before going to Babylon. Next was Montobara, Nearchus sailed from here after research.

Later, the Indo-Greek seaport of Barbaricon was formed. In 1729, the fishing town of Kalachi-jo-Gosh became a significant trading center. After 110 years there was a long period of British colonization. Local residents fought against the European invaders, but only in 1940 they were able to become part of an independent Pakistan.

Shanghai occupies almost twice as much territory as Karachi, its area is 6340 sq. km. It is the third largest city in China and the most densely populated, with a population of nearly 24 million people. One of the largest ports in the world is located here, and in general the city is recognized as the largest trading center. The dynamically developing city boasts its ancient history, it is also the first city in China to which European culture came.

Territory of another Chinese city Guangzhou little more area Shanghai, and is 7434.4 sq. km on land and 744 sq. km at sea. It is the capital of Guangdong Province. With a population of over 13 million, Guangzhou is the fourth largest city in China after Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin. It has more than 2000 years of history, and it was from here, from Canton (this was the former name of the city of Guangzhou) that the famous "Silk Road" began. Ships with outlandish Chinese goods - silk, porcelain and the like - departed from its trading port.

The largest city by area in the world

This is Beijing - the capital of the "Celestial Empire", its area is 16,800 square kilometers, and its population is 21.2 million people. The city is political and educational center China, yielding an economic role to Shanghai and Hong Kong. In 2008, the Summer Olympic Games were held here.

Beijing has almost always been the seat of many emperors in its 3,000-year history, and has retained its status as the center of the country to this day. Imperial palaces, tombs, temples and parks have been preserved here. It honors ancient Chinese traditions, regularly restoring ancient buildings, along with sprawling new districts and skyscrapers. Beijing is also considered the safest city in the world. On the Know Everything website, you can also read an article about the most populated cities in the world. And the list of the largest cities by area does not always coincide with the list of the largest cities by population.
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Hello, dear readers of the site "I and the World"! We are glad to welcome you again! What do you think is the largest city in the world and what is its name? In our new article, we want to talk about cities and present the top 10 largest in the world in terms of area and population.

10th place - New York - 1214.4 sq. km

America starts the list. If you look at the population for 2017, then the city is small - 8,405,837 people. Quite young, about 400 years old.

In what is now New York there were Indian tribes. Arrows, dishes and other Indian attributes are found here. Throughout the 19th century, emigrants from different countries came here, due to which it grew. It includes several islands, the largest of them is Manhattan. People of almost all religions live in it, but Christians predominate.

We give 9th place to Mexico City - 1485 sq. km

The population of the capital of Mexico is 9,100,000 people. Mexico City was founded by the Aztecs in 1325. According to legend, the God of the Sun commanded them to come to this place.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Mexico City was the most beautiful in the Western Hemisphere, until it was destroyed during the reign of Cortes, but soon rebuilt again. It is located at an altitude of more than 2000 km above sea level and is surrounded by mountains.

London is in 8th place - 1572 sq. km

London is the capital of Great Britain and the largest city in the country. It was founded in 43 AD. e. There are now 8,600,000 people living in London.

The terrible plague of the 17th century claimed about 70,000 lives. This is a place of remarkable historical and architectural monuments: the Tower, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and others.

We put Tokyo in 7th place - 2188.6 sq. km

But the population is quite large - 13,742,906 people. Tokyo is one of the modern cities and the capital of Japan. Even after living here for a month, you will not see all the sights.

The main part is solid concrete and wires. Tokyo has been inhabited by human tribes since the Stone Age. For several years from 1703 to 2011, Tokyo suffered many earthquakes, and as a result of one of them, 142,000 people died at once.

On the 6th place - Moscow - 2561.5 sq. km

Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation, located between the Oka and Volga rivers. 12,500,123 people live here. In terms of length, Moscow is quite long - 112 km. It is an important tourist center of Russia.

The age of the city is still not exactly known, but there are facts that the first settlements appeared on this territory around 8 thousand years BC. e.

Middle of the top - Sydney - 12144 sq. km

The development and history of Australia began from a small settlement. The navigator Cook landed here 200 years ago. Sydney is the largest metropolis and the capital of the state of New South Wales.

4,500,000 people live in the capital. The city is spread in one of the most beautiful bays in the world, where business skyscrapers coexist with cozy beaches, which are always full of tourists.

On the 4th place - Beijing - 16808 sq. km

Beijing is the capital of China People's Republic. Huge and bustling, it has a population of 21,500,000 inhabitants.

In the 13th century, it was almost completely burned by Genghis Khan, but rebuilt 43 years later in a different place. Here is a famous architectural monument - the Forbidden City - the residence of the rulers.

At the beginning of the 20th century it was occupied by the Japanese. After Russia's victory in World War II and the fall of Japan, the capital became free again.

We give 3rd place to Hangzhou - 16847 sq. km

The city has 8,750,000 inhabitants. The metropolis is famous for its tea plantations and natural beauty.

Previously, it was the capital of China, and now a major religious center. In the 19th century, as a result of the uprising, it was partially destroyed and restored in the 50s, where industry began to flourish.

The weaving of folk products, the collection of tea leaves and the production of bamboo products are still manual.

In second place - Chongqing - 82300 square meters. km

Chongqing is the largest city in the world in terms of population - about 32 million people live here. The largest population density is 600 people per sq. km. km.

The metropolis arose 3,000 years ago and at that time was the capital of the kingdom of Ba. Now it is a huge industrial center. There is a large base for the production of cars - 5 factories and 400 - for the production of parts for cars. Real estate construction here is proceeding at such a rapid pace that 10 years of construction for Moscow is 1 year for Chongqing. Old buildings are being demolished very actively, in place of which skyscrapers appear. It is more business than architectural. And the main attraction is the flyovers that entangled the whole city.

We give 1st place to the unusual city of Ordos - 86752 sq. km

Ordos is a ghost town. Where is the strange metropolis, the largest in terms of territory, but empty? In China, they began to build it 20 years ago for people involved in the extraction and sale of coal.

A large city was built with museums, theaters, a stadium. There is everything for the life of a city dweller. But almost no one wanted to move here. Over the past few years, people have increased to 300,000. In a huge settlement, there are so few inhabitants that even in broad daylight, the streets are completely empty.

Beautiful, abandoned houses, museums, cinemas. There are even unfinished buildings - there is no one to build for anyone. Everywhere is clean and tidy. And silence! A metropolis inhabited by "ghosts". There are several in China.

Also, there are cities beyond the Arctic Circle and living there is quite cold. The largest "cold" city is located in Russia - this is Murmansk - 154.4 square meters. km. It is quite small in size and has a population of 298,096 people.

We have shown you a rating of major cities in the world in the photo and with a description. Ten different metropolitan areas, with different amount residents, with different lengths and architecture. 2018 will be a new year for everyone and everything, and our ranking may change. In the meantime, if you liked the information, share it with your friends.

In Russia today there are about a thousand cities. All of them radically differ in area and in the number of residents.

The smallest city is Chekalin. It is located in the Suvorovsky district of the Tula region and has been known only since the end of the 19th century, but is, nevertheless, one of the historical cities of Russia. Interestingly, before the revolution in the city of Likhvin, Kaluga province (that was the name of the city until 1944, which received its name in honor of the partisan Alexander Chekalin), there were about 1,700 people.

According to the 2010 census, only 994 people live in the city. Despite such a number of indigenous people, the settlement still holds the name of the city. The status of the city was preserved due to the fact that during the reporting activities on the liquidation of small towns, a list with cities that begin with the letters Ch, Sh and Sh was lost.

The largest city in Russia by population


The population is more than 15 million people.
Naturally, in terms of population, the largest city in our country is the capital. Much more people live in this metropolis than in a number of European countries, for example, than in Finland and Norway combined. And approximately the same number of inhabitants are located in the Czech Republic and Belgium. And this is only according to official data.

More than 15 million people live in Moscow. Such a number, by the way, is typical for such a not so small country as Kazakhstan. According to experts, at the same time, only about 10 million people have a residence permit in the capital, another million live with temporary registration. The rest are registered foreigners, visitors (migrant workers, guest workers, students) and illegal immigrants. The influx of people to Moscow is constantly observed, mainly residents of other regions come to the capital - Russians, and residents of other countries, come here in search of work. It is worth noting that still more than 90 percent of the population of Moscow are Russians.

Saint Petersburg

The population is over 5 million people.
Fits three times in the northern capital less people than in the capital. The cultural center of the country is inhabited by approximately 5 million people. The five millionth resident of St. Petersburg was born in September 2012. In addition, Peter is the fourth largest city in Europe. By the way, there are more Russians in the northern capital than in Moscow.

The number of people living in other cities of Russia, which can be called large, ranges from 1-1.5 million people.


The population is more than 1.5 million people.
The city is quite young. It appeared just over a hundred years ago. The number of people living in the largest city of Siberia has already exceeded 1.5 million people. By the way, Novosibirsk is one of the few world record holders for turning a small town into a millionaire city. And in the 21st century, it became the first city in Russia (of course, after the two historical capitals), in which the population exceeded one and a half million. Despite the remoteness from the capital, the city of Novonikolaevsk, as Novosibirsk used to be called, is home to more than 80 representatives different types nationality. These are, including Germans, Tatars, Kazakhs, Finns, Koreans and Poles.


The population is about 1.4 million people.
Yekaterinburg has every chance to remove its predecessor from the pedestal. In the capital of the Urals, according to data for 2012, almost 1.4 million people live. The first five largest cities in Russia are closed by Nizhny Novgorod with a population of about 1.3 million people.

It is worth noting that Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Samara and Kazan were among the million-plus cities. More recently, Perm was in the ranking, however, the city has lost honorary title millionaire. Its place was empty for a relatively short time, Krasnoyarsk became a city with a million inhabitants.

The largest cities in Russia by area


The area is 3605 square kilometers.
Sochi is still a record holder among cities in another "nomination". It is the longest city in Russia. The capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches stretches along the Black Sea coast for 145 kilometers, and the lion's share of the distance, namely 118 kilometers, is the beach strip. The resort capital is divided into Central, Khostinsky, Lazarevsky and Adler regions.