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Consulting agencyFocus2 move sums up the results of 2017. Was the number of cars sold calculated using the annual report? the most famous brands. The positioning among the top 10 best-selling cars of 2017 is not much different compared to last year, although there are a number of unexpected lucky ones.

The final event of 2017 was the record sales of the Ford F-Series pickup truck, more 1 million cars for 12 months of 2017! The exact amount was 1.076.551 pieces. Well deserved second place. Growth compared to the year before last 2016 amounted to 8.7% And 990.205 units sold.

Crossovers like the Honda CR-V and Volkswagen Tiguan also showed what urban SUVs are capable of. And they are capable of a lot! 5,6 and 7th place, respectively. The RAV4 has been sold worldwide in numbers 807.401 pcs., Honda CR-V in volume 748.048 units, Volkswagen Tiguan was sold in a year just over 703 thousand

But the leaders are still cars. The fourth and third places are occupied by such mastodons as ( +21.7% ) and Volkswagen Golf ( -3.5% ), 819 And 952 thousand pieces sold respectively.

Well, according to the established tradition, it takes the first place. Despite a drop in sales by 6.6% , from 1.3 million to 1.2 million this year, no one could challenge the leadership of the Japanese model.

A large rating study also made it possible to find out the overall clinical picture in the new car market. The global car market continued to grow at a rate of about 2% . At the end of the year, about 94.5 million cars .

On closer examination, there is a certain dissonance in the overall picture. The fact is that according to consulting reports, almost all segments of car sales lost compared to the previous year. Then it’s strange how it turned out to show growth at the end of the year? It's all about SUV sales, which have grown at an astonishing rate, plus 12% . It was they who pulled the entire sector into positive figures.

As suggested by the consulting agency, SUVs will become the best-selling models, but until then, the leaders will remain unchanged for some time.

Recall that at the end of the year, Russia increased by 11.9% . The Russian market ranks fifth in Europe and is predicted to have a good future for at least the next calendar year.

Our top 10 best-selling cars in 2017 in Russia will tell you about a dozen cars, among which there are cheaper and more expensive cars.

10 Toyota RAV4

This car is a compact crossover. It began to be produced in Japan in 1994. He did not leave the automotive market in 2017 either. Now the fourth generation of this model of cars is traveling on the roads, which premiered in 2012, and sales began in 2013. The fuel consumption of this model is from 5.5 l / 100 km. Of the pleasant details: heating the entire surface of the windshield and a panoramic view system (PVM).

9 Lada XRAY

This car is a compact high hatchback, made in the style of an SUV, as well as a compact crossover. This model began to be produced in Russia in 2016. The tank volume of this car has 50 liters. The creators have prepared their four-wheeled offspring for travel: Lada XRAY is able to develop good speed on the highway, not blunder in the maneuvers of tight city roads and not get lost in front of a dirt road, snow and road bumps.

8 Renault Captur

This car is a compact crossover. This model was introduced in 2016. Such a car is assembled in Brazil and Russia. This car is based on the Renault Duster. Thanks to the efforts of the creators, Renault Kaptur was prepared for various road and climatic conditions that it may encounter in different regions of Russia.

7 Renault Duster

This car is a compact crossover. This model was developed in France. Renault Duster has been produced since 2009. The carrying capacity of this vehicle is 510 kg. Renault Duster tank volume is 50 liters. The interior of this car pleases with comfort. For have a nice trip There is a cruise control system. There is also a parking distance control system.

6 Volkswagen Polo

This compact car from the German automaker Volkswagen has been produced since 1975. Now on the roads you can already see the sixth generation of this model of cars. There are several varieties of this car, which differ from each other in bodies.

5 Hyundai Creta

This car is a mini crossover. Produced since 2014. This car is assembled in India and Russia. Fuel consumption of the Hyundai Creta is 7.5 l/100 km. This car has six gears. Its six-speed gearbox is compact, light, smooth and quiet.

4 Hyundai Solaris

This is a subcompact car. Produced since 2011. The creator of this car is the South Korean company Hyundai Motors. This car is based on the fourth generation Hyundai Accent. Changes in it made it possible to create a car adapted to the climate of Russia. The tank capacity of the Hyundai Solaris is 43 liters. The fuel consumption of this car is 4.8 l / 100 km. A comfortable interior will make you feel comfortable even on long trips.

3 Lada Vesta

This is a compact car that has been produced since 2015. In the model line of the automaker, Lada Vesta acted as a replacement for the Lada Priora car family. Lada Vesta is produced in Russia. This car was designed by Steve Mattin. The tank capacity of the Lada Vesta is 55 liters. The fuel consumption of this car is 6.1 l / 100 km. Up to 100 km / h, this car accelerates in 11.2 seconds.

1 Kia Rio

The Kia Rio was developed in South Korea. These cars have been on sale since 2000. Now there is already the fourth generation of Kia Rio. The fourth generation of this car has been produced since 2016. The tank capacity of the fourth generation Kia Rio is 50 liters. Fuel consumption for Kia Rio when driving in the city is 7.2 l / 100 km. Acceleration from 0 km / h to 100 km / h takes this car 10.3 seconds.

When choosing a car for themselves, people rely on many different criteria. As a result, each person has his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal car. Cars are not cheap, and when traveling and traveling, people trust them with their own safety, so you should be responsible and thoughtful when choosing a car. If you pick a good option cars, then every trip will be a joy for you.

The Russian Federation is one of the most favorable markets for the sale of a wide variety of products. Many novice businessmen who are just deciding on the choice of direction are interested in the best-selling goods in Russia. After all, not always only popularity plays a role. The success and profitability of the project is affected by competition and other factors. In the age of high technology, you can buy anything without leaving your computer screen. The following describes the top best-selling goods in Russia, which are not only popular with consumers, but are also an excellent object for making good profits.

Responsible Choice

It was thanks to demand and fashion trends that the best-selling goods in Russia appeared (2016). Statistics show that, as a rule, start-up entrepreneurs prefer to work only with a certain category of products, most often it is no more than a couple of categories. On the one hand, this is correct, since the sphere of influence and the necessary knowledge should relate to a small area. With a huge assortment, it is quite difficult to track the popularity of a particular product. Each organization should have a top best-selling product, and the rest should only give a person a choice and show diversity. That is, if one direction was initially chosen, then gradually the business can be supplemented with related elements.

In the event that electronic space is chosen as the field for implementation, you can experiment. On the Internet, you can implement almost anything at the moment. However, no matter what method for doing business and distribution channel is chosen, it is still necessary not to miscalculate with the object. Properly chosen direction and scope will reduce risks and ensure fifty percent success. The top 10 best-selling goods in Russia in this case will certainly come in handy.

It is also important to understand how this or that will be bought in a period of economic instability. After all, during the crisis, the rating of the best-selling goods in Russia has changed somewhat. For example, it has become more elite products. This is due to the fact that the wealthy segments of the population, worrying about their condition and managing their money wisely, preferred to save or invest their finances in things. These include precious metal items, antiques and art. In this way, the rich protect their wealth from inflationary processes.

The top best-selling goods in Russia left the objects designed for the middle price segment. The people who prefer them have found themselves in a rather distressed situation and therefore began to switch to something that is of lower quality. These products also come at a reduced cost. For this reason, you need to be careful enough about the goods in this category, because in the event of a crisis, they will immediately lose their demand.

It can be concluded that, since social inequality in our country excludes middle class, and the bulk of the population either skims the cream or is below the poverty line, then you need to focus on such a market. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, elite goods can simply not be financially overpowered, and entry into this market is quite difficult. The sale of cheap products, of course, will quickly capture its audience and gain popularity. But at the same time, the minus of doing such a business is high and fierce competition. In this case, more well-known organizations and Chinese Internet sites will pull the blanket over themselves. And although the best-selling product in Russia (2016) is any gadget, it is almost impossible to snatch your market share in this area.

Clothes, shoes and accessories

The top of the best-selling goods in Russia in 2016 is headed by this group. This is not surprising, since the protection of the skin and the desire to express oneself are in the list of human needs almost in the first place. It doesn’t matter how clothes are sold, in a store or via the Internet, there will always be a buyer for them. You can create an assortment for different price categories. Thanks to this maneuvering, you can always adapt to the circumstances and find your target audience.

Selling goods in this category via the Internet, you may encounter a number of difficulties, but they are overlapped by a number of advantages. Twelve percent of customers become buyers of clothes, shoes and accessories through the World Wide Web. This business is a very good idea for women. The main thing when selling through electronic resource- This is a worthy design and content of the site. The photos should represent the item as accurately as possible. This will help prevent unsatisfied reviews and return problems. For a client, buying things on the Internet is always a pig in a poke. It is never possible to predict which product real life. For consumers, the Internet is a very convenient platform in terms of search. For example, in order to purchase your favorite thing, it is not necessary to go around a bunch of stores. All you need to do is type in the required phrase into the search engine. But this works mostly only for well-known brands.

In any case, clothes and shoes are the best-selling goods in Russia. Statistics show that twelve percent of customers are buyers of these products on the Internet. Other sources say that the most popular purchase among the fair sex is a dress. All this confirms the success of the business in this industry.

Event Tickets

The 10 best-selling goods in Russia continue tickets. After all, if earlier resellers were engaged in such a business, now it is more and more legal and simple. A person, as in the previous case, does not need to go anywhere in order to purchase the coveted ticket. All it takes is a couple of mouse clicks. In times of the development of Internet technologies, even such a service as selling tickets is not a problem.

Entering this market is very difficult. The reason for this is high degree competition. The problem also lies in finding potential partners. They must be directly the organizers of the events. But a serious attitude and determination will help overcome difficulties, because efforts will pay off over time. Not without reason, the best-selling goods in Russia include Internet tickets.

Cosmetics and perfumery

Continuing the topic of sales in the Internet space, we can say about the popularity of cosmetics and perfumes. The boom on them especially grows on the eve of the holidays. Many prefer to purchase this product, thus, only because of its cheapness. This is basically a conservative psychotype of buyers who, having chosen one brand, remain faithful to it for many years. And of course, do not forget about the huge savings in time and effort. The success of a business in this area depends very much on the quality of products and the way they are promoted. In this market, companies of well-known and trusted brands mainly have their stable target audience. Cosmetics and perfumery is what immediately comes to mind when choosing a gift. In the electronic space, about ten percent of users order these products.


People will always get sick, which is why the best-selling non-food items in Russia are medicines. This is evidenced only by a huge number of pharmacies, which are located literally at every step. When purchasing this product of the pharmaceutical industry, a person relies on trust. And even despite all the harm that pills, herbs and dietary supplements can cause to the health and vital functions of the body, they are in demand and occupy their niche.

If a person is engaged in a business related to pharmaceuticals, then he must be confident in the reliability of suppliers, as well as the quality of the drugs sold.


The best-selling product in Russia (2017) is lighting devices powered by diodes. This year, it was this product that became a breakthrough. This is largely due to the fact that it is more economical. Such devices consume many times less electricity, while its consumption is such that the service life is much longer than that of conventional lamps. And again, the unstable economic situation played its role, as people are trying to save their money, trying to save even on small things. The LED business is very lucrative. However, the attractiveness of this area is also its disadvantage, because competition grows instantly.

Printed publications

Although now electronic technologies are being introduced into all spheres of human activity, electronic books have not been able to replace printed publications. A person's desire for knowledge and self-education is an integral part of his life. This business is very successful due to its payback. After all, cheating on books can be almost fifty percent. Even under this condition, people will buy printed publications. They are one of the best-selling products in the electronic space. The popularity of books is confirmed by the fact that people read everywhere, even in public transport. But the search for the necessary literature is a very laborious task, so the Internet is very useful in this sense.


The rating of the best-selling goods in Russia could not do without this category. She takes her leadership positions quite justifiably. Indeed, without many goods, a person cannot imagine his modern life. Some prefer simplicity and cheapness and choose online stores. But most often people are afraid to miscalculate and choose well-known resources, so it is quite difficult to break into this market in the electronic space.

Most Russian residents still prefer to purchase equipment personally. Indeed, at the same time, a person can evaluate the quality of the purchased goods at least visually, that is, determine the model and make sure that there are no defects. But from this, the attractiveness of products in this area does not become lower. The most popular are small household appliances, such as irons, blenders, juicers, meat grinders. Beauty products occupy their niche in this sector. These include razors, hair dryers, epilators, electric shavers. Equipment for cars has its own segment - radios and navigators. The competition in this business is very strong, so it is difficult to break through with your home appliances project.


The best-selling products in Russia are largely related to home improvement and human environment environment. Therefore, furniture is popular among the population. If people do not buy it during the repair process, then they periodically update their homes with such elements. If we talk about the Internet space, then the popularity of this product is somewhat lower. Few people have the imagination developed enough to imagine and visualize objects in their head. Sometimes it is quite difficult to estimate the dimensions of various objects, especially in order for them to fit perfectly into the room space. Moreover, a person often relies on his tactile sensations, and since in the course of his life he will constantly have to collide and touch pieces of furniture, touches should evoke pleasant feelings.

The situation is different when people choose a model personally, but order it via the Internet. But the success of such a project depends on the promotion of an online store. After all, sometimes analogues of models of well-known companies are made by underground organizations. In this case, a fake may not be of very high quality. In any case, both those who want to save money and those who prefer proven brands make up a huge segment of the furniture market.


This product is distinguished by the fact that it is popular with people at different stages life cycle. They are relevant for both children and older people (although their acquisition is declining during this period). In the Internet space, only five percent of Internet users prefer to buy these products. This segment is due to only one reason - it is a wide assortment choice. The Internet is the place to buy something out of the ordinary.

A separate niche is occupied by handmade toys, which most often become not children's fun, but the subject of expensive collections. The advantage of this sector is that these products can be designed for different segments of society and social groups. Therefore, the business associated with toys will pay for itself. After all, it may involve the sale of goods, both cheap and more rare and elite.

power tools

This list, which characterizes the best-selling goods in Russia, is completed by power tools. They again continue the line of goods for the home. The range of consumers for these products is somewhat narrowed, because the main segment of consumers is the male part of the population. However, among it there are those who prefer to save money, and those who want to have a quality tool in their arsenal. But since it is not possible for everyone to purchase original equipment of well-known brands, many online stores successfully use this by selling goods of a low price category. This does not mean that they are of poor quality. Even a Chinese fake can last a long time. Among the Russian audience, the popularity of this product is due to the mentality and craving of men for the work process. This explains the popularity of power tools in the country.

Chinese fakes

Although the top of the most purchased goods in Russia has been completed, I would like to tell you about another group. But these are not goods made using high-tech Chinese brands, but counterfeits produced by underground firms. Their popularity is due to the ridiculous price. Not less than important point is that the Chinese have successfully noticed the psychotype of their client. They successfully manipulate the essence of people through the replica of famous brands. A person, seeing a familiar name, immediately draws attention to it.

But although everyone knows the low quality of these products, this is not always the case. There are things that are done very well. This is due to the fact that some organizations locate their enterprises in China because of cheap labor. Local craftsmen adopt the technology and distribute it to others. Of course, their target audience is very wide, since only a small percentage of Russian residents live luxuriously. Most of the population wants to buy more profitable, while adhering to a harmonious ratio of "price - quality".

When choosing a new smartphone, many of us rely not only on the parameters of the gadget and its appearance, but also on reviews about a particular model. You can also take into account the popularity indicator, because the fact that a particular smartphone was purchased by thousands of users says a lot. What kind of smartphones can be called best selling to date? Let's try to understand this issue using the example of the online store.

Fresh smartphone, sales of which are already breaking all records. Xiaomi is called ChineseApple, because it produces really high-quality gadgets, but at the same time they cost much cheaper than apple products. For several years, the manufacturer has achieved impressive results and reached the 3rd place in the world in sales of smartphones. Previously, Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 and Xiaomi Redmi 2 were already recognized as the best-selling in their time, and Redmi Note 3 is waiting for the same.

At a price of 12,500 rubles, the smartphone turned out to be premium in terms of performance. The first thing that catches your eye is metal case, which gives solidity to the device. On the back panel you can see Fingerprint's scanner, and it is not found in every model in this price range. High performance is provided here 8-core processor at 2 GHz, spare RAM 2 or 3 GB Depending on the version, the built-in memory can be 16 or 32 GB. The manufacturer supplied the smartphone with good cameras of 13 and 5 megapixels, as well as capacious 4000 mAh battery. The screen is another forte smartphone: with a diagonal of 5.5 inches, the resolution is 1920 * 1080, which provides high density pixels and picture clarity. You can find more detailed information about this model and the line of Xiaomi smartphones, as well as place an order on the website of the online store.

Another Chinese smartphone that is different low price and presentable appearance , and the combination of price and features makes the gadget one of the most popular and sold at the moment. Performance here is provided by a 4-core processor with a frequency of 1.3 GHz, 1 GB of RAM, 8 GB of main memory, there is a slot for memory cards. These characteristics will be enough to work with most standard applications, and many games will work without problems.

The smartphone is equipped with a 4.7-inch IPS screen with a resolution of 960 * 540, 8 and 0.3 megapixel cameras. Battery capacity is 3000 mAh This, with the given device parameters, ensures high autonomy. Complements the list of advantages of a smartphone metal back panel, which does not give out the budget of the model.

The model also belongs to Chinese production, and the love of domestic users has earned due to the ratio of price and quality. At a cost of about 10,300 rubles, you can get a nice productive gadget that, in terms of speed and quality, is not inferior to phones of well-known brands, while costing many times more. Note that the larger version MEIZU M2note also popular among those who love smartphones with a screen of 5.5 inches. The mini version is slightly smaller, the screen has a 5-inch diagonal, has HD resolution, boasts protective glass.

Smartphone available in different colors: in addition to the usual white and gray, there are also blue and pink options. A 4-core processor provides fast work, and since in stock 2 GB RAM, you can simultaneously run heavy applications, open several tabs in the browser, without fear that the gadget will slow down. In stock, the smartphone has 16 GB of memory, expandable up to 128 GB. Cameras 13 and 5 MP allow you to create photos of excellent quality, and a 2500 mAh battery is responsible for autonomy. The device weighs only 131 grams, and it looks very nice, because in the design the manufacturer copied Apple products.

Apple iPhone 5S

There are those users who prefer products with a name, choosing smartphones from Apple. These gadgets combine thoughtful design, high quality and user-friendly interface, which is why all other manufacturers are guided by the company's smartphones. These gadgets are good, but new models cost quite a lot, but when new items are released smartphones of the past and the year before last are significantly cheaper becoming available to a wider category of users. The golden mean in terms of value for money is called the iPhone 5S, which today is considered one of the best-selling.

A stylish 4-inch smartphone today can be bought from 17,000 rubles. For this money, the user receives not only the famous logo on the back, but also more than a productive gadget. It is equipped Apple A7 processor, has in stock 1 GB of RAM, main memory 16, 32 or 64 GB, there is no possibility to expand it. The IPS display pleases with a traditionally high-quality image with a density of 324 ppi, 8 and 2 megapixel cameras take photos, which are then not ashamed to be printed and pasted into a photo album, there is support for LTE, Fingerprint's scanner. The minimum thickness is 7.6 mm, while the weight is 112 g. The weak point is the battery life.

Inexpensive smartphone from a well-known company. The gadget will cost a little more than 10,000 rubles, and at the same time it will please with proven quality and excellent performance. The previous two smartphones of the Galaxy S2 and S3 series received a huge success and were sold in huge numbers. Galaxy S4 success repeated and multiplied.

The smartphone is released in two versions: with a 4-core processor and a frequency of 1.9 GHz, as well as with an 8-core processor, where the frequency of four cores is 1.2 GHz, and the remaining four are 1.8 GHz. By the way, at the time of release, the Galaxy S4 became the first 8-core smartphone. The flagship model, a couple of years after the release, has become much more affordable, while meeting all the requirements of the modern user. RAM reserve - 2 GB, the main one is 16 GB, there is support for memory cards. 5 -inchAMOLED display has a resolution of 1080 * 1920 pixels, protected by glass Corning Gorilla Glass 3, the image is sharp and clear. There are 13 and 2 megapixel cameras and a 2600 mAh battery, there are supportLTE, there is also the ability to control a smartphone with gloves.

The flagship smartphone from ASUS, which was released in the middle of last year, and since then has been in great demand among users. Zenfone 2 received a traditional design element for the entire line - a strip with concentric circles under the screen. Otherwise, this is a classic monoblock with one important feature - the presence of two radio modules. Today, you will not surprise anyone with a phone with two SIM-cards, but they usually work in such a way that during a conversation on one number, the second is not available. In this device, everything is completely different - two numbers are active at once.

The smartphone is equipped with a 4-core processor, and the stock RAM is 2 or 4 GB, depending on the selected version. Built-in memory here is 16 or 32 GB, and it can be expanded by another 128 GB. The model came out immediately in 4 different versions, and the differences are not only in the amount of memory, but also in the screen parameters: with a diagonal of 5.5 inches, the resolution can be HD or Full HD. The cameras in all versions are the same at 13 and 5 megapixels, and the battery has a capacity of 3000 mAh, there is a fast charging function and support for LTE. The price starts from 11,800 rubles.

The most budget smartphones
are also in great demand, and a vivid example of Lenovo A606, the price of which is about 5,400 rubles. It is generally difficult to find fault with a device with such a price, and in this case, the gadget received all the necessary parameters for its comfortable use.

Performance is provided by a 4-core processor with a frequency of 1.3 GHz, 1 GB of RAM, 8 GB of built-in memory, it is possible to add another 32 GB to them. The IPS-screen has a diagonal of 5 inches and a resolution of 854 * 480 pixels, which means that a demanding user, if desired, will be able to see individual pixels, but in general, the image is decent. The 2000 mAh battery is enough for 14 days standby, 12 hours of talk time, and with medium loads, the smartphone will last a day, which is a standard indicator.

This smartphone belongs to the middle price category, but it has whole line features that distinguish it from a number of similar devices, and it was they who brought the huge popularity of the model. Gadget received water protection, metal frames and glass panels, as well as powerful 20 megapixel camera.

The rest of the smartphone also turned out to be very worthy: a 4-core processor with a frequency of 2.2 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal memory. With the performance of the gadget, everything is in order, as well as with the quality of the pictures. 3000 mAh battery enough for relatively long time battery life, and the screen with its Full HD resolution allows you to enjoy a high-quality picture, but at some angles the colors change a little.

Expensive flagship smartphones are also popular, and the Galaxy S6 is one of them. A year has passed since the release of this device, and the conclusions can already be safely drawn: for example, the gadget has actually become the most popular Android smartphone in Russia, overtaking the Galaxy S5 and Sony Xperia Z3. The high cost limits the range of users, but the model sells very well.

The filling of this smartphone is the most modern, and the stylish design gives out the premiumness of the device. High performance is achieved thanks to 8-core processor with a maximum clock frequency of 2.1 GHz. stock RAM - 3 GB, the main one can be 32, 64 or 128 GB. Cameras 16 and 5 MP are equipped with many different useful functions, thanks to which the resulting images are of high quality. 5.1 inch SuperAMOLED display with a resolution of 2560 * 1440 pixels allows you to get the highest quality image, because pixel density here 577ppi. The screen of the smartphone was recognized as one of the best, but this is not all the advantages of the gadget. It supports operation in LTE networks, it has a built-in moduleNFC and infrared, I have an opportunity wireless charging, fast charging and extreme power saving.

Almost the latest smartphone from Apple, except for the latest iPhone 6 SE. The iPhone 6s is exactly the gadget with which all modern smartphones are compared, and which many people want to get their hands on. According to the totality of characteristics, the device turned out to be what we need. He is thin, stylish, dressed in aluminium case, equipped with a 4.7-inch screen and fingerprint sensor.

Responsible for performance Apple A9 processor, which manages to quickly and easily cope with any tasks. Internal memory from 16 to 128 GB. 12 and 5 MP cameras allow you to take amazing photos High Quality, which captivates Apple products, is also present live photo mode is an interesting tool that allows you to record a couple of seconds before the snapshot is taken. Company worked on autonomy, and the model can last up to 10 days in standby mode, and up to 50 hours in music listening mode. It turned out to be an excellent gadget from all sides, the only drawback of which is the high price.