The newest planet in the solar system. How many of them. Prospects for the discovery of a new planet

In 2006, Pluto was stripped of its status as the ninth planet. solar system thanks to the efforts of one astronomer - Michael Brown. Together with his colleagues, he discovered, and then other dwarf planets far beyond the orbit of Neptune. Thus, he proved that Pluto is not remarkable and big enough to be called a full-fledged planet. However, now Brown and our compatriot Konstantin Batygin are claiming that the new Planet 9 is already almost open ... and that all that remains is to see it.

Yes, yes, no one has yet seen the “almost open” ninth planet of the solar system! In fact, its discovery is the fruit of long observations of the orbits of other planets. According to Kepler and Newton, the place of each planet in the solar system is determined by its characteristics, mainly by mass. And if the orbit does not correspond to the parameters of the planet or is generally anomalous, then it is influenced by some other, no less massive object. The first planet discovered by mathematical equations, and not live observations, was - in 1846 it was found at a place calculated by the French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier.

Moreover, the planets can influence each other very actively - in the past of the solar system they traveled hundreds of millions of kilometers, approaching and moving away from the Sun. The gas giants were especially distinguished here. In young planetary systems, they absorb all the embryos of the planets and hang close to the star - as close as Mercury. Because of this, they become very hot and become unstable. Scientists call such planets "hot Jupiters" or "hot Neptunes" - depending on their mass and size.

Troubled History of the Solar System

However, Jupiter, the largest and most influential planet, changed everything in the solar system. Initially appearing at a distance of 5 to 10 from the Sun, it provoked active collisions of scattered material in the protoplanetary disk around the star. This gave impetus to the creation of other gas giants, such as Saturn or Neptune, at distances equally close to the Sun.

However, the newly formed planets behaved "ungratefully", following the laws of gravity - they pushed their "parent" closer to the Sun, into the modern orbit of Mars. Thus, Jupiter invaded the inner part of the solar system. In other planetary systems, this part is the most saturated with matter and space objects. But the heavy tread of the mass of Jupiter scattered the embryos of planets and asteroids there, throwing them into the nuclear furnace of the Sun or throwing them to the outskirts of the system in the zone of modern and.

If not for Saturn, which connected Jupiter with an orbital resonance and did not bring it into a modern orbit, the gas giant could completely ruin the solar system, throwing out 99% of the planetary matter from it. However, his travels did not go unnoticed - so Neptune and Uranus changed their orbits, forming most of the long-period comets.

Ultimately, an unusual balance reigned in the solar planetary system - gas giants that form near the star ended up on the outskirts, and "solid planets" like the Earth migrated closer to the Sun. However, some astronomers believed that another planet was needed to achieve such a balance - and one massive enough to influence the large Neptune and Uranus. It, Planet X, was searched for by many astronomers for a century and a half - and it seems that Brown and Batygin finally got close to it.

History of the search for planet X

After Le Verrier calculated Neptune from perturbations in Uranus's orbit, astronomers found that even its presence did not explain the features of the ice giant's orbit. For some time they tried to find another planet that could influence the last large objects of the solar system - however, they managed to find only Pluto, which, by mass and direction of the orbit, could not disturb larger bodies in any way. The issue of Uranus-Neptune anomalies was finally resolved by "", who measured the mass of Neptune in 1989 and thereby found that there are no contradictions in the orbits.

By that time, the power of telescopes had grown significantly, which allowed astronomers to look into the depths of the solar system. Many trans-Neptunian objects have been discovered - dwarf planets and large asteroids, whose closest orbital point is further from the Sun than Neptune. So, in 2005, the already mentioned Eris was discovered, the second largest dwarf planet after Pluto. And in 2003 they found an object with diameters over 2 thousand kilometers, which moves away from the Sun at a distance of 1.4 × 10 11 km - further than any large trans-Neptunian object! It soon acquired a whole family of "sednoids", isolated trans-Neptunian objects with similar characteristics.

The ninth planet - where and why?

Observing the newly discovered planetoids, astronomers C. Trujillo and S. Sheppard, colleagues, discovered an interesting pattern. Most of them have elongated, comet-like orbits that briefly come "close" to the Sun, at a distance of 40 to 70 astronomical units, and then move away for hundreds or even thousands of years. And the larger the object, the stronger its removal. In addition, the sednoids deviated from the Sun in the same direction.

Such a coincidence could be an accident, if we are talking about simple comets - over the billions of years of the history of the solar system, they were scattered by all the major planets, especially the already mentioned "travelers" Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. However, for such a coincidence in the deviations of large objects, a very big planet, whose orbit would reach the Oort cloud.

Here Brown and Batygin distinguished themselves - by comparing the orbital characteristics of sednoids, they found mathematically that the probability of their random coincidence is only 0.007%. Scientists went further and compiled a computer model aimed at finding the characteristics of the planet, capable of changing the orbits of bodies located beyond Neptune. The data they received in January 2016 became the basis for the announcement of the pre-opening new planet solar system.

Characteristics of Planet X

In his interviews, Brown claims that the probability of finding a new planet is 90%. However, until it is actually discovered, with the help of a telescope, it is too early to talk about the final discovery. Nevertheless, the calculated characteristics of Planet 9 have been published - they will be used in future searches.

  • The orbital parameters of Planet X will be mirrored to those of the sednoids - the planet's orbit will still be elongated and inclined relative to the plane of the main planets of the solar system, but directed in the opposite direction. Accordingly, the perihelion of the planet - the point of maximum approach to the Sun - will be 200 astronomical units at the nearest point, and the aphelion - the maximum distance - will reach 1200 astronomical units. This is even more than Sedna! A year on Planet 9 will last up to 20,000 Earth years, which is how long it may take to complete the entire orbit.
  • Like Neptune and Uranus, Planet Nine will be an ice giant - a ball of ice, rock and various gases, heavier than hydrogen and helium. However, its final consistency is unknown. The path through the solar system, on which Planet X collected its material, was very long - accordingly, its composition may differ from the forecasts of scientists.
  • A planet far from the Sun is difficult to detect - this requires telescopes operating in the infrared spectrum, or powerful optical devices that can capture even the smallest sun glare on a surface. On infrared telescopes, work will move faster, but errors are possible - and on optical telescopes, the result will be reliable, albeit at the cost of time. The WISE Infrared Orbiting Telescope, which conducted broadband surveys in 2009, has yet to detect Planet X, although it has provided fairly detailed images.

    Therefore, Brown, Batygin and other astronomers plan to find it using the Subaru telescop in the Hawaiian Islands, which is considered one of the largest and highest quality in the world - the diameter of its main mirror exceeds 8 meters! In addition, it is capable of operating both in the optical and in the infrared ranges of light. But even with such a tool, it will take scientists at least 5 years to put an end to the issue of Planet X.

    Caltech scientists Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin have provided evidence for the existence of a giant planet in the solar system, located even further from the Sun than Pluto.

    The researchers reported that they have not yet been able to see it through a telescope. According to them, the planet was discovered when studying the movement of small celestial bodies in deep space. The mass of the celestial body is about 10 times the mass of the Earth, but scientists have yet to verify its existence.

    Institute astronomers have only a rough idea of ​​where the planet might be in the starry sky, and no doubt their suggestion will launch a campaign to find it.

    "There are many telescopes on Earth theoretically capable of finding it. I really hope that now, after our announcement, people around the world will start looking for the ninth planet," said Michael Brown.

    Elliptical orbit

    According to scientists, space object is about 20 times farther from the Sun than Neptune, which is 4.5 billion km away.

    Unlike the almost circular orbits of other planets in the Solar System, this object is supposed to move in an elliptical orbit, and a complete revolution around the Sun takes from 10 thousand to 20 thousand years.

    Scientists have studied the movement of objects consisting mainly of ice in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto is in this belt.

    The researchers noticed a certain location of some bodies in the Belt, in particular such large objects as Sedna and 2012 VP113. In their opinion, this can only be explained by the presence of an unknown large space object.

    "All the most distant objects move in the same direction on an inexplicable trajectory, and we realized that the only explanation for this is the existence of a large, distant planet that holds them together as they orbit the Sun," Brown said.

    Planet X

    The idea of ​​the existence of the so-called Planet X, located on the periphery of the solar system, has been discussed in scientific circles for more than 100 years. She is remembered and then forgotten.

    The current speculation is of particular interest because of the study's lead author.

    Brown specializes in finding distant objects, and it was his discovery of the dwarf planet Eris in the Kuiper Belt in 2005 that caused Pluto to lose planetary status a year later. Then it was assumed that Eris is slightly larger than Pluto, but now it has become clear that it is slightly smaller than it.

    Researchers studying distant objects in the solar system have been speculating for some time on the possibility of a planet the size of Mars or Earth due to the size and shape of the planets in the Kuiper Belt. But until you can see the planet through a telescope, the idea of ​​​​its existence will be perceived with skepticism.

    The study by Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin was published in the Astronomical Journal.

    MOSCOW, March 17 - RIA Novosti, Tatyana Pichugina. The ninth planet from the Sun will be discovered in the next decade, according to American astronomers. It moves in an elliptical orbit in the Kuiper Belt, a little-studied region far beyond Neptune. The new data leaves little doubt that a super-Earth exists in the solar system.

    Who draws the orbits

    Man has been studying the solar system for more than a millennium, but there are still enough white spots. For example, in the 1980s, astronomers were enthusiastically looking for Nemesis - a dark star, partner of the Sun. She was supposed to call ecological catastrophe on Earth 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs died.

    Pluto used to be considered the ninth planet of the solar system, but in 2006 it was deprived of this status, reclassified as a dwarf planet, in fact, an asteroid. The initiator was the American astronomer Michael Brown from the California Institute of Technology (USA). All this he described in the book "How I killed Pluto and why it was inevitable."

    The search for a killer star ended in nothing, but ten years later they proved the existence of the Kuiper belt - an area where icy fragments of matter left after the formation of the solar system are concentrated. The largest are about nine hundred kilometers. In total, about two thousand celestial bodies were discovered there.

    Brown purposefully explores the Kuiper belt, looking for other trans-Neptunian objects - that is, those that are further from the Sun than Neptune. He discovered 27 celestial bodies, including the dwarf planets Sedna and Eridu.

    Among the trans-Neptunian objects there are anomalous ones, whose orbits are very elongated: their major semi-axes extend over 250 astronomical units (distances from the Sun to the Earth), however, the points of the orbits closest to the star are in the same region. To explain this oddity, Brown, along with his Caltech colleague Konstantin Batygin, put forward a hypothesis in 2016 about the existence of another planet in the outskirts of the solar system.

    © CC0 / nagualdesign / CaltechSome bodies in the far Kuiper belt have elongated orbits, with perihelia concentrating in one place. The dotted line indicates the orbit of the hypothetical planet ninth predicted in 2016

    © CC0 / nagualdesign / Caltech

    Some bodies in the far Kuiper belt have elongated orbits, with perihelia concentrating in one place. The dotted line indicates the orbit of the hypothetical planet ninth predicted in 2016

    Out of competition

    Significant forces were thrown in search of a new planet, amateur astronomers were connected - to no avail. Nevertheless, the hypothesis was not discarded, on the contrary, now it seems even more reasonable. “We were worried that there would be a simpler or more natural explanation for the anomalies we see in the data, and that the Planet Nine hypothesis would soon be irrelevant. But this did not happen. The hypothesis has stood the test of time quite successfully,” writes Konstantin Batygin in his blog.

    There are only two alternative versions that explain the anomalies in the orbits of the most distant Kuiper belt objects. The first is observational error. A new one by Brown and Batygin, published in January in The Astronomical Journal, is devoted to its analysis. Scientists have calculated the probability with which the orbits of these bodies look exactly as they are seen now, thanks to an error. The result is only two tenths of a percent. Conclusion: the observed oddities are statistically significant.

    Another alternative is the existence of another massive disk in the solar system, consisting of icy planetesimals - the remnants of a protoplanetary disk whose gravity pulls the orbits of trans-Neptunian objects in the same way as an entire planet would. But, notes Michael Brown, this scenario is even more complex.

    Super-Earth in the solar system?

    The results of two years of searching for the ninth planet are summed up by Brown and Batygin, prepared jointly with colleagues from the University of Michigan for the journal "Physics Reports". Scientists reanalyzed all the facts, refined the characteristics of a hypothetical planet, performed numerical simulations and provided convincing evidence of its existence.

    The ninth planet is two times smaller in all respects than it seemed three years ago, explains Batygin. The semi-major axis of its orbit is approximately 400-500 astronomical units, the eccentricity is 0.15-0.3 (an indicator of the contraction of the ellipse), the inclination is 20 degrees. The best simulation results are obtained when the mass of the planet is five times that of the Earth. In any case, ten Earth masses is the ceiling. For comparison: Neptune is 17.2 times heavier.

    Judging by the characteristics, the ninth planet is very similar to a super-Earth - a special class of exoplanets often observed around other stars. Perhaps this celestial body did not really form here, but was captured by the Sun at the moment of approach to another star system. However, it is too early to raise the question of the origin of a hypothetical planet.

    Scientist: there is a chance to see "planet X"The United States announced the discovery of a new planet in the solar system. It is impossible to see it from Earth - there are no such telescopes. But a station has been launched into space that will help to see "planet X", astronomer Vladislav Shevchenko told Sputnik radio.

    Wanderer's shelter

    The magnitude, or brightness, of the new member of the planetary family is very small - 24-25 magnitudes. This is at the limit of the capabilities of earth technology. The object could have been detected by the Pan-STARRS telescope scanning the entire sky. However, there is a difficulty - the most distant point of the orbit of the celestial body, possibly intersects the plane milky way where there is a high concentration of stars. Against their background, it is difficult to distinguish anything.

    Voyager 2 sent data back to Earth from interstellar space ... a story that went beyond the heliosphere. Voyager 1 left the limits solar systems in 2012. Both devices were launched in 1977. Scientists have discovered the smallest planet in the solar system ... to be reclassified as a dwarf planet, so far the smallest in solar system”, - quotes the European Southern Observatory the words of lead researcher Pierre Vernazza. Astrophysics... shapes under the influence of gravity. Now five bodies are recognized as dwarf planets solar systems, several dozen more are waiting for confirmation of this status. Artyom Gubenko Roman... Scientists have discovered the most distant object in the solar system ... discovered the most distant object ever observed in solar system, is the dwarf planet 2018 VG18, named Farout (“Remote”). Message about... moving much farther and slower than any other observable object solar systems, so it will take several years to fully determine its orbit, ”quotes ... The second man-made device went into interstellar space ... the apparatus went beyond the heliosphere. The device has not yet left solar a system whose boundary is considered to be the outer boundary of the Oort cloud. "Voyager 2 ... him," NASA notes. NASA: Voyager 1 finally left the limits solar systems NASA also said they could still make contact... Scientists announce the discovery of the most distant dwarf planet ... Astronomers discovered in solar system the most distant dwarf planet. Her discovery is reported on the website ... From the Alley of Cosmonautics at VDNKh, “orbits of the planets” were stolen for 5.5 million rubles. ... a criminal case on the theft of the metal structures of the monument with planets solar systems on the Alley of Cosmonautics, RBC was told in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... ”, the press service explained. About that monument with planets solar systems was damaged, it became known on October 14. Stolen parts of a metal structure...

    Society, 05 Sep 2017, 22:52

    Flying high: the best pictures from the Voyager spacecraft 40 years ago, as part of the American NASA project, Voyager 1 was launched into space - the first device that flew beyond solar systems. Since 1998, Voyager has been the furthest artificial object from Earth - its real-time location is available on the NASA website. The best pictures taken from the station are in the RBC photo gallery Anna Kim Astronomers have discovered a new dwarf planet in the solar system ...discovered a new dwarf planet, which became the third farthest object solar systems. The planet, indexed 2014 UZ224, was described by the Minor Planet Center... with a diameter of approximately 530 km. For comparison: the diameter of the largest dwarf solar systems- Pluto - is 2600 km, and the diameter of its largest satellite Charon ... Scientists have discovered the closest potentially habitable planet to Earth ... a study according to which the star Proxima Centauri, closest to our solar system, there is a planet that could potentially be habitable According to ... the most nearby planet outside solar systems that will ever be found, because there is no star closer to solar system than this one,” said the presenter... Scientists discover first tailless comet ... allow scientists to answer questions related to formation and evolution solar systems writes Reuters. A comet called C/2014 S3 is different from... . Most comets are made of ice and form elsewhere solar systems. Presumably, after the birth of C / 2014, S3 was thrown into the cloud ... in solar system. Now scientists are trying to figure out how many more "Manx comets" are in space. C/2014 S3 was opened using automatic systems ... Scientists admit the existence of the ninth planet in the solar system ... their work has been published in the Astronomical Journal. Scientists have found that in solar system there may be another planet, the mass of which is ten times ... the sun's planet solar systems- Neptune. "A large area of ​​our solar systems will remain unexplored,” said one of the participants in the study, astronomer Michael Brown. planets in solar system 8 left... NASA has published a color video from the other end of the solar system ... NASA released a color video from the other end solar systems. Recorded from the New Horizons probe over Pluto. “But ... perhaps they didn’t expect: he recorded the first frames from the edge of our solar systems", - the message says. LORRI cameras were used to record the video...”, the message says. Pluto Through Stained Glass: Video from the Edge solar systems In July 2015, NASA released the first images of Pluto's surface... Titanium propylenes: raw material for plastic found on Saturn's moon ... , this is the first time a plastic raw material has been found at any site solar systems apart from the earth. . The presence of this component in the lower part of Titan's atmosphere... fuel. On the satellite of Saturn, they are formed due to the fact that solar light contributes to the breakdown of methane (the second largest component in the atmosphere ... Scientists: Voyager has finally left the solar system ... the Voyager 1 probe, launched by NASA in 1977, finally left the limits solar systems. It is reported by The Daily Tech. . To this conclusion, the researchers ... 2013, however, this was not enough to go beyond our solar systems: the satellite hit the transition zone called "heliopause", which is the last ... -1 "- an automatic probe weighing 723 kilograms. Was launched for research solar systems and its environs on September 5, 1977. He was the first space... NASA caught the solar system by the tail: it is shaped like a clover ... there is a slowdown sunny wind. "Explorer of interstellar boundaries" IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) is a US research satellite designed to study the territory solar systems and interstellar space. It was launched in October 2008. and a year later discovered an inexplicable high-energy radiation at the edge solar systems.

    Society, 20 Mar 2013, 00:00

    Mankind has gone beyond the solar system for the first time ... people, for the first time went beyond solar systems. Reported by the American Geophysical Union. . Evidence of exit solar systems are the characteristics of hydrogen and helium obtained... still a zone outside solar systems. Voyager 1 is an automatic probe weighing 723 kilograms. Launched for research solar systems and its environs on September 5... MESSENGER interplanetary probe discovers ice in Mercury craters ... there are "pockets" at its poles, into which it almost never gets solar light. Scientists have suggested the presence of water at the poles of Mercury ... the orbit of Mercury. This planet is one of the most difficult objects to reach. solar systems: in order to move from near-Earth to near-Mercurian orbit, you need to extinguish a significant ... NASA managed to see how a black hole tore apart a star the size of the Sun ...torn apart. Astrophysicists were able to fix the phenomenon only because Solar system accidentally got in the way of the flow of energy produced by the flash. "Death ... The world's first nanosatellite will look for extraterrestrial life in space ... possible signs of life on so-called exoplanets beyond solar systems. This is reported by the British media. . They are working on the creation of the ExoPlanetSat satellite ... years ago and designed to search for planets. ExoPlanetSat running on solar batteries, will shoot a star at the moment when in front of her ... Predictions for the future of astronautics: the colonization of Mars and star Wars ... forever in its cradle on Earth, but will settle throughout solar system. The launch of the satellite and the first steps in space exploration assured ... the Moon, Venus, Mars, the moons of Jupiter and even went beyond solar systems, met with aliens and managed to take part in star wars. The main thing ... to hope for a meeting with living beings of unearthly origin within solar systems unrealistic, but humanity wanted to believe that Mars is inhabited. Indeed, after...

    Society, 03 Feb 2011, 11:58

    Astronomers discover Earth-like planets ... Earth-like planets in other solar systems. Planets roughly the size of our Earth are located in system, consisting of a star and six planets ... the shapes of the orbits of these planets; estimate the number of planets in multistellar systems. The mission of the device will last for about two more years. North Pole The moon is the coldest place in the solar system The coldest place in solar system, the temperature of which has ever been measured by a spacecraft, found on ... , "temperature conditions on the Moon are among the most extreme in all solar system"." At the height of the day, the temperature at the [lunar] equator can rise to ... at the poles, due to this, there is a slight shift in the angle of incidence solar rays - by about three degrees during the year. "And this...

    Society, 14 Sep 2009, 16:20

    Scientists: There may be thousands of planets in the galaxy "for life" ... scientists. According to staff at University College London, outside of our solar systems there may be thousands of moon-like planets on which existence is possible ... colleagues managed to find new way discovering planets beyond our own solar systems- the so-called exoplanets. Scientists have been recently engaged in the search for exoplanets, actively competing ... Australian scientists arranged SMS-correspondence with aliens ... Gliese 581d is the closest Earth-like planet beyond solar systems. The expected delivery time is approximately 20 years, and there is no ... planet," said Hello from Earth project spokesman Wilson de Silva. System space SMS-mail was developed in preparation for the National...

    Society, 06 Feb 2009, 11:03

    The scientist counted the number of extraterrestrial civilizations ... the University of Edinburgh. Thanks to the fact that in last years outside solar systems more than 330 planets were discovered, scientists were able to compile a more accurate one ... on ours, built solar systems, based on our knowledge of the so-called exoplanets - planets that are outside our solar systems. He then applied... NASA explores the boundaries of the solar system ... into space, a spacecraft designed to find out what is happening at the borders solar systems, according to the Associated Press. The Ibex apparatus (short for "Explorer of interstellar boundaries .... At the point of collision of interstellar matter and sunny wind passes the boundary, which is called the heliopause. She is the one who protects solar system from cosmic radiation. Region ... in 1977. and their main goal was to study other planets solar systems. However, unlike Voyager, Ibex will not leave the limits ...

    Society, 06 Sep 2008, 15:04

    NASA sponsors search for extraterrestrial life NASA Announces Fellowship to Find Planets Beyond solar systems(exoplanets) and traces of life on them, reports Reuters. . In the announcement... a star comparable to the Sun. Since 1994 astronomers have discovered outside solar systems already more than 300 planets, most of which are unsuitable for maintenance ... The smallest planet in the solar system has become even smaller Observational data spaceship Messenger revealed the smallest planet solar systems, Mercury, has become even smaller, reports the BBC. . Photo analysis, ... these elements were knocked out of the surface of the planet sunny wind - a stream of charged particles that bombards solar system. Mercury is the closest planet to... Meteorite will tell about the emergence of life on Earth ... a rare meteorite with which scientists hope to understand how Solar system reports the BBC. . The Natural History Museum in London acquired from ... a rare meteorite, with the help of which scientists expect to understand how Solar system reports the BBC. Meteorite "Ivuna" weighing 705 grams fell ... Tanzania. "Ivuna" consists of the same substances from which it was formed Solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Of the 35,000 known meteorites... The planet Pluto has gained a new status ... . This is what Pluto, previously considered the ninth planet, will now be called. solar systems reports the BBC. . Almost two years have passed since ... our solar system there could be more than 50 planets. To prevent this, the members of the IAU made the historic decision to consider that in solar system ... , located even further from the Sun in the Kuiper belt at the boundaries solar systems. According to tradition, the celestial bodies of this belt receive mythological names. Committee... Fastest spinning object in space discovered An amateur astronomer from the UK has discovered the fastest rotating astronomical object in solar system, reports the BBC. According to Richard Miles, the author of the discovery...

    Astronomers have discovered a mini-copy of the solar system At a distance of 5 thousand light years from our solar systems astronomers have discovered a star that is half the size of the Sun, and ... from a friend exactly two times smaller than in our system, i.e. researchers speak of almost complete proportionality. Observation of this stellar system and the planet began back in 2006. The lens effect increased the brightness...

    Society, 23 Sep 2007, 15:03

    Scientists discover warm patches on icy Neptune Scientists have found that on Neptune, one of the coldest planets solar systems, where the average air temperature is 320 degrees below zero according to ... the Sun, lasts 165 Earth years. Neptune gets 1/900 part sunny Water found on a planet outside the solar system ... that life exists not only on Earth. . On a planet outside solar systems found water. Scientists from the US National Aeronautics Administration Center... and Uranus. This is the second time water has been discovered on the planet outside solar systems, reports the BBC. Prior to this, American scientists found signs ... scientists hope that on other, "colder" planets beyond solar systems conditions could have developed similar to those that allowed life to arise on ... Astronomers have discovered a planet suitable for life ... an exoplanet (that is, a celestial body orbiting a star outside solar NASA will send Dawn into space to study asteroids ... NASA has decided to resume the program to study the two largest asteroids solar systems- Ceres and Vesta. Previously, preparations for the flight of the Dawn apparatus were suspended ... it is believed that the asteroids Ceres and Vesta formed in different parts solar systems about 4.5 billion years ago, and their study will help ... manned flights and for unmanned cargo flights. Systems ships will be built on the basis of already tested projects and technologies ... A satellite to Pluto was launched from the US spaceport ... non-flying weather.. The spacecraft's destination is the most distant planet solar systems- Pluto. The distance to it is 4.8 billion km. Like... apparently not the last planet in solar system. So, according to American scientists, they managed to discover the tenth planet in system- this statement was made by the representative ...

    Remember all sorts of conspiracy theories about, but it turns out that another planet still exists. Well, at least with a probability of 99.993.

    And here's how it happened.

    Astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena reported the discovery of an object the size of Neptune, which is 10 times heavier than the Earth, outside the orbit of Pluto. The authors published the results of the search for Planet X in The Astronomical Journal, and Science News briefly talks about them.

    The planet revolves around the Sun in an elongated orbit (and in a plane inclined relative to the Earth's orbit) with a period of 15 thousand years. Its chemical composition is similar to those of the gas giants Uranus and Neptune. According to Brown and Batygin, the object was knocked out of the protoplanetary disk near the Sun 4.5 billion years ago.

    The nearest distance between the Sun and the detected object is 200 astronomical units (this is seven times the distance between Neptune and the star). The maximum removal of Planet X is estimated at 600-1200 astronomical units, which brings its orbit beyond the Kuiper belt, in which Pluto is located.

    The referent of the work of scientists in The Astronomical Journal was the planetary scientist Michael Brown, who, together with colleagues in 2003, discovered the dwarf planet Sedna, which makes a complete revolution around the Sun in 11.4 thousand years. The specialist was optimistic about the chances of the discovery of Planet X by Brown and Batygin.

    Scientists have discovered a new planet by analyzing data on the gravitational perturbation it exerts on other celestial bodies. As Brown and Batygin note, astronomers will believe in their discovery when they can observe the planet through a telescope. To do this, they reserved time at the Japanese Subaru Observatory in Hawaii.

    Confirmation of the existence of a celestial body will take five years. If discovered, the object could become the ninth planet in the solar system. The error probability Brown and Batygin estimate at 0.007 percent. Earlier searches for Planet X in the solar system led scientists to discover Neptune (in 1864) and Pluto (in 1930).

    Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin, Photo by Popular Science

    But back in 2012, according to the calculations of an astronomer from Brazil, there is a rather large space object beyond the orbit of Neptune, which can be recognized as the ninth planet.

    With such an assumption, an astronomer from the National Observatory of Brazil Rodney da Silva Gomes made. He drew attention to the deviation from the given calculations of the orbits of six Kuiper belt objects, among which the contender for the title of a dwarf planet is Sedna.

    According to him, there are several explanations for the unusual behavior of some objects in the belt. The simplest is the existence of a large body, a planet that changes their orbits with its gravity.