Terrible mysteries of mankind. The most mysterious secrets of the world that have been unraveled. Ayud Aluminum Wedge

The world is full of mysteries and secrets. Some of them have been unraveled. But there are also such, reasonable explanation, which has not yet been found. Below is a list of ten unsolved mysteries of the world.

D. B. Cooper is the pseudonym of an unknown criminal who on November 24, 1971 hijacked a Boeing 727 with 42 passengers on board, flying from Portland to Seattle. After receiving a $200,000 ransom, he released the passengers, forced the pilots to take off, and bailed out. Despite an extensive investigation by the FBI, it was not possible to obtain any information about the whereabouts of the perpetrator, his real name and further fate. Of the ransom received, only $5,800 was found on the banks of a river in Washington state.
There are several theories regarding the circumstances of the crime and further fate D. B. Cooper. According to the FBI, Cooper died after the jump, but no physical evidence was found to support this theory. This terrorist attack remains the only unresolved case of air piracy in American history aviation.

The Taman Shud case is an unsolved criminal case involving the murder of an unknown man who was found dead on December 1, 1948 on Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. There were no visible wounds on the body of the deceased. In addition, an autopsy showed that before his death he was completely healthy. In the men's pockets, they found a bus ticket, chewing gum, cigarettes, coins, matches, and several other items. The greatest resonance was caused by a piece of paper discovered with him, torn from a copy of a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”). The investigation has so far failed to establish either the identity of the deceased, or to accurately determine the method of his killing.


One of the unsolved mysteries of the world is "Atlantis" - the legendary island, perhaps a civilization (an archipelago or even a continent), the existence and location of which are uncertain. The lost city became known thanks to the mentions and comments of the ancient Greek historians Herodotus, Posidonius, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Proclus. According to the records of the philosopher Plato, Atlantis was located west of the Pillars of Hercules, opposite the mountains of Atlanta, and was swallowed up by the sea in one day (probably by an earthquake or tsunami) around 9500 BC. e. However, most modern historians believe that Atlantis is a typical philosophical myth.

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious, undeciphered book written in the 15th century (1404–1438) by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unfamiliar alphabet. The thickness of the book is 5 cm, it contains about 240 pages, measuring 16.2 by 23.5 cm. During its existence, the manuscript was intensively studied by many professional cryptographers, including those recognized all over the world, and none of them managed to decipher a single word . There is a theory that this book is just a collection of meaningless random characters that make no sense, but there are those who believe that the manuscript is a ciphered message.

In sixth place in the ranking of unsolved mysteries of the world is the signal "Wow!" - a strong narrow-band space radio signal recorded by Dr. Jerry Eyman on August 15, 1977 while working on the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. The anomaly lasted 72 seconds and never happened again. There are many versions explaining the origin of the signal. The most interesting of these is the theory that the signal was sent from an alien starship that was moving.

"Taos rumble"

"Taos hum" - unsolved anomalous sound phenomena coming from the desert near the city of Taos, New Mexico, USA. The sound is similar to the movement of heavy equipment on the highway, although there are no major roads in the area of ​​​​the town. It is interesting that only local residents hear it and extremely rarely visitors. The scientists who investigated it failed to find the source of the hum.
Similar phenomena have been known since the early 60s of the XX century and have been observed almost all over the world, but they are most often heard in North America, Europe and Australia. Sometimes "noises" are accompanied by other sounds, hissing, whistling, etc. With prolonged listening, they can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, indigestion and other unpleasant sensations.

The Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) is a mysterious animal or group of animals supposedly living in the mysterious Scottish lake Loch Ness, the depth of which in some places reaches 250 meters. Numerous eyewitness accounts describe this mysterious creature as an animal 40 feet long, with four fins and long neck with small tubercles, which from time to time appears on the surface of the lake. There are several theories explaining the nature of the alleged animal, one of them says that the Loch Ness Monster is nothing more than a plesiosaur that has survived to this day. Today, scientists can neither confirm nor deny its existence.

Amelia Mary Earhart is an American pilot, journalist, and poet. The first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932. In 1937, while trying to make a round-the-world flight, Amelia went missing in the central part of Pacific Ocean near Howland Island. Despite an immediately organized search and rescue operation, for which the US government spent about $ 4 million (the most expensive and massive operation in the history of the US Navy), no trace of either the aircraft or the pilot was found. The search for the famous female pilot continues today, but the mystery of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, her navigator and the plane remains unsolved to this day.

Jack the Ripper is the nickname of an unknown serial killer (or killers) active in the Whitechapel area of ​​London in the second half of 1888. His victims were prostitutes from poor neighborhoods, mostly middle-aged, whose throats were slit by the killer before opening the abdominal cavity. The cutting out of some organs from the bodies of the victims was explained by the assumption that the killer had some knowledge of anatomy or surgery. However, all the names, the exact number of victims, as well as the identity of Jack the Ripper are still a mystery.

The first place in the list of unsolved mysteries of the world is occupied by the Bermuda Triangle - geographical area an area of ​​4 thousand km. sq. V Atlantic Ocean. It is believed to be the site of many (over 100) unexplained disappearances of ships, yachts and aircraft. To explain the mysterious accidents, most put forward various hypotheses from unusual weather phenomena, magnetic anomalies, giant rogue waves, to abductions by aliens or the inhabitants of Atlantis. The most famous case related to the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These aircraft took off on December 5, 1945 from the US Naval Forces base in Fort Lauderdale and did not return back. Their wreckage has never been found.

History's biggest mysteries can leave the greatest sleuth scratching their heads. You will most likely go crazy if you think about it too much. However, a little secret never hurt anyone, right? So, sit back, we are going to tell the most amazing secrets known to mankind. While some of these mysteries are notorious and others are too obscure, they are all curious. Think you can figure out these mysteries? Check out these 17 of history's biggest mysteries.


1. Roanoke colony.

In 1587, 121 colonists led by John White arrived on Roanoke Island in what is now North Carolina to establish a colony. However, due to tensions with the native population, John White returned to England to demand reinforcements. When he returned a few years later, the settlement disappeared without any sign of a struggle, and was never found. The settlement became known as the lost colony and none of its members have been found.

2. Moving stones.

Stones of the Death Valley up to 320 kg in size. mysteriously gliding over the surface of the earth without any noticeable external forces acting on them. While some researchers believe that a combination of natural events such as wind and ice cause these rocks to "float", others dismiss this theory, pointing out that the rocks do not follow a predictable path and change direction abruptly.

3. Taos Hum.

The low-pitched sound, which is often described as something like a diesel engine idling in the distance, is heard in many places around the world, especially in the US, UK and Northern Europe. The name comes from the small town of Taos, New Mexico, where in 1997 Congress commissioned researchers to identify it. However, its source remains a mystery.

4. Signal "Wow!".

August 15, 1977 year dr Jerry R. Eman discovered a strong narrowband radio signal while working on the SETI project at the Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope. After considering how closely it matched the expected interstellar signal signature, he circled it on a computer printout and wrote a comment next to it. Although it lasted a full 72 seconds, it was not found again.

5. Ball lightning.

This is an unexplained atmospheric phenomenon, usually associated with thunderstorms, which consists of spherical objects. Due to its rare and fleeting nature, it was almost impossible to study. The best documented case occurred in 1984 when ball lightning about 10 cm in diameter entered a Russian passenger plane and "flew over the heads of the stunned passengers before exiting the plane almost silently."

6. Accidental fire.

Although seemingly inexplicable and spontaneous combustion of human living tissue has been recorded many times throughout history, no conclusive research has been done on the topic due to lack of evidence. However, some of the most common explanations include static electricity, concentrated gas, and elevated level blood alcohol.

7. Tunguska meteorite.

In 1908, a blazing fireball descended from the sky and devastated a vast area near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Siberia. It is estimated that the explosion was equal to more than 2000 atomic bombs blown up in Hiroshima. Although scientists think it was probably a meteor, the lack of evidence has led to much speculation from UFOs to Tesla's experiments. To this day, no one knows exactly what caused the explosion.

8. Bermuda Triangle.

The area of ​​water between Florida and Puerto Rico has been responsible for the inexplicable disappearance of numerous ships and aircraft. Many explanations have been put forward over the years, including bad weather, changes in electromagnetic activity, and methane gas bubbles.

9. Loch Ness monster.

It's true that many believe that "Nessie" is a hoax, but several photos and even a videotape from 2007 lead some people to believe in this creature. It even appeared on some sonar. Unfortunately, however, the data and footage do not prove its existence. So, for now, it remains one of the most famous examples of cryptozoology in history.

10. Atlantis.

Plato describes Atlantis as huge naval force, which conquered most of Europe and Africa around 9,000 BC. However, failing to invade Athens, she sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune". Despite numerous efforts to search for the remains of the city, nothing has been found.

11. Voynich manuscript.

A medieval document written in an unknown language, its contents remained a mystery for hundreds of years. While the prevailing theory is that it served as a pharmacopoeia, the cryptic illustrations have fueled many other theories about its origins and content.

12. El Chupacabra.

Literally translated to "Goat Vampire", the name comes from the alleged attacks on and bleeding of animals, especially goats.

13. Bimini Road.

In 1968, an underwater mountain form was discovered under Lake North Bimini in the Bahamas. Although some scientists believe that this is an example of a natural process, the unusually symmetrical arrangement of the stones has led to speculation that they are the remains of some long-lost civilization.

14. Mothman.

This legendary creature was reported to have been sighted in the West Virginia area around October 15, 1966 and December 15, 1967. Since there were no more sightings after the collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 15, legend has it that the two events were somehow connected. Biologists, however, have suggested that this creature was actually a crane.

15. Lady Grandmother.

A mysterious woman in a brown coat and a scarf on her head appeared in numerous photographs immediately after the Kennedy assassination. Her name came from Russian grandmothers - who wore similar scarves. It's hard to tell from the photos, but it looks like she's taking pictures. Despite the FBI publicly asking her to turn over the footage, she never did.

16. Zodiac.

The serial killer who killed at least 5 people in Northern California in the 1960s is notorious for taunting police with cryptic letters containing information he fed while revealing his identity. Although Arthur Lee Allen was the prime suspect, all evidence indicated that he was not the killer. To this day, the killer has not been identified.

17. Jack the Ripper.

A serial killer who terrorized the East End of London at the turn of the century. The murders were quite macabre and usually included the dismemberment of prostitutes. Despite modern methods police, still no one knows who the Ripper is.

We present the TOP 10 facts and phenomena, the existence of which is not in a hurry to reveal to people. Modern science finds it difficult to explain these mysteries of the Earth. Often they are simply consigned to oblivion so as not to violate the established system of knowledge. Due to secrecy, many facts often acquired inaccuracies over time, which does not detract from the main essence of these phenomena.

1. Underwater city in the Yucatan Bay

In 2000, a group of scientists from Cuba and Canada discovered large formations at a depth of 640 meters, resembling a sunken city covered with a layer of sand. A deep-sea submersible photographed many stone buildings at the bottom of the Yucatan Bay off the coast of Cuba.

The data obtained spoke about the man-made nature of the emergence of the city. Fragments of buildings indicated a clear layout. The sunken city is spread over an area of ​​almost 13 square kilometers. With the help of an underwater robot in 2004, images of the pyramids were obtained, with finks, buildings from blocks and a network of roads.

A version has been put forward that the underwater city (some suggest that it is) connected Cuba and latin america. Scientists cannot understand what happened in the past. It is assumed that the age of buildings under water is 6000 years. However, for such a period of time, the underwater city could not dive so deep.

2. Clayfigurine 2 million years old

In 1889, in the city of Nampa, Idaho, while drilling a well, they found a skillfully made small clay figurine depicting a man. The figurine was taken from a depth of 97 meters.

The researchers had no doubts that the clay figurine was made by human hands. That's just the soil that the drillers got was from the Pliocene period - the beginning of the Pleistocene, that is, about 2 million years ago.

Scientists cannot explain, using modern scientific concepts, who lived in America and made a clay figurine 2 million years ago.

3. Aiuda aluminum wedge

In 1974, an aluminum wedge was found in Romania next to the bones of a mastodon in a layer of soil that was at least 11,000 years old. On the banks of the Mures River, 2 km. from the city of Ayud, they discovered this strange artifact at a depth of 10 meters. It looks like it's part of some kind of mechanism and is mostly aluminum.

However, aluminum became known to modern mankind only in 1808. Who made this aluminum wedge over 10,000 years ago? Some scientists speculate that the aluminum wedge could be the leg of the lander. In shape, it is similar to a similar part in modern spacecraft. This version leads to the conclusion that alien beings visited the Earth during that period.

4. Lolladoff plate

An amazing artifact was discovered in India after the end of World War II by Polish professor Sergei Lolladoff. A 12,000-year-old stone disc depicting a "flying saucer" and a humanoid creature opened the way to a mystical story.

Lolladoff's plate, as the mysterious disk was later called, could belong to a group of living beings, about which scientific world try not to mention. Scientists have not been able to determine who - long millennia.

5 .The remains of giants are found in different parts of the Earth

In 1895, during mining in Ireland near the city of Antrim, a mummified giant 3.7 meters tall was found. Photos giant man were published in the English magazine The Strand in December 1895. It was especially striking that there were 6 fingers on the giant's right foot.

In 1947, an article appeared in a newspaper in Nevada (USA) about an amazing archaeological find of 32 underground caves. They were found on the border between Nevada and California. Dr. Bruce Russell found the remains of ancient 2.5-3 meter giants in prehistoric costumes sewn from the skin of unknown animals inside the caves.

The scientist believes that a serious catastrophe drove the giants into the caves. There they found a lot of tools, including household dishes and stoves. The remains of dinosaurs, mammoths and saber-toothed tigers have been discovered. It is reported that subsequently all the finds were stolen by scientists who defended Darwin's theory of evolution.

6. Moving stones

This is one of the most mysterious phenomena for which science cannot find an explanation. In California (USA), stones crawl along the bottom of the dried-up Lake Racetrack Playa, located in Death Valley. Many studies have been carried out, different versions have been put forward. Supernatural forces, electromagnetism, the action of winds, icing on the surface of the lake and others.

None of the versions could not fully explain the reason for the movement of stones. The weight of the stones reaches hundreds of kilograms. Some moving rocks sometimes change trajectory. Sometimes the sliding rocks in Death Valley turn over.

Scientists have noticed that the stones come into motion every 2-3 years. Traces on the clay surface of the lake remain visible for about 3 years. Many measurements were taken, dissertations were defended, hypotheses were put forward, but the stones continue to live their lives and slide along the bottom of the lake, perplexing scientists.

7 Image Of A 7,000-Year-Old Spaceship

In Japan, an ancient painting on stone was discovered in one of the caves. Scientists have dated the period of its occurrence to more than 5 thousand years BC.

How could the ancient Japanese know what a space rocket looked like? Perhaps they were watching the arrival of the aliens. Image spaceship in Japan, 7000 years old, put before modern science a question that has not yet been answered.

Source 8A 300-million-year-old metal bolt

In 1998, Russian scientists explored the area southwest of Moscow (in the Kaluga region) in search of meteorite fragments. They found an ancient stone that contained a metal bolt. The age of the stone, according to geologists, is about 300 million years.

Scientists call such artifacts "inappropriate", because their appearance in that period of time, science cannot explain.

At the time, according to modern scientists, life was just beginning to appear on Earth, there were no dinosaurs yet. Moreover, a person with the knowledge to make an iron bolt 300 million years ago does not fit into all theories of science at all.

9 Ancient Astronomical Stone Clocks

Egypt is home to perhaps the oldest astronomical structure in the world. It was created from stones in the Sahara Desert and is called Nabta Playa, after the name of the area.

Scientists suggest that the ancient astronomical clock was built 1000 years before the creation of Stonehenge, that is, about 7 thousand years ago. The ancient settlers made a circle of huge stones on the shore of the lake with astronomical purposes.

It is surprising that primitive people at that time possessed knowledge of astronomy sufficient for the construction of such clocks. Archaeologists believe that the relic at Nabta Playa helped people determine the summer solstice. In winter, the inhabitants left these places due to the rise in the water level in the lake. Thus, the determination of the summer solstice was important for the start of the migration.

About 25 thousand years ago, the eastern Sahara region was not suitable for human life. However, about 10 thousand years ago, due to the shift of the monsoon zone, the climate here became more humid. This made Nabta Playa a suitable place for people and from the seventh millennium BC. large settlements began to appear here. Archaeological finds speak of the development of crafts and religion.

10. Inexplicable patterns on the ground

Unusual strange lines have been discovered in the Chinese desert in Gansu province. The coordinates of a strange pattern on the ground can be viewed on Google maps: 40°27’28.56, 93°23’34.42

Almost nothing is known about this unusual huge mosaic pattern on the ground.

According to unofficial records, a strange drawing appeared in China in 2004. Historically, due to the great closeness of the PRC, controlled by the Communist Party, apparently it is not possible to obtain information from official sources. It is worth noting that these patterns on the ground are located next to the famous Mogao Caves, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Who created an extraordinary pattern on the earth, given its enormous size and irregularities earth's surface? Is this creation modern humanity? Or left artifacts of past or foreign civilizations? There is no answer to this question even today.

You can see other strange objects nearby on the map

Similar figures can be seen if you enter other coordinates 40°27'10.64, 93°44'33.79

The presented mysteries of the Earth are only a small part of those secrets that can turn the development of mankind in the other direction. After all, they change our view of science, the knowledge of mankind, the very essence of human life on Earth and its connection with the Universe.

The manuscript, written in an unknown language, was found by scientists. No one has yet been able to decipher and understand the text of the book. Only its name is known - the Voynich manuscript. A huge amount of research and page analysis has been done. Scholars have determined that the manuscript was written approximately between 1444 and 38. But the language in which the manuscript was written could not be understood. Most likely, this is an artificially made language that was invented specifically in order to encrypt the book. At the same time, the language has its own specific structure.

Sculpture Kryptos

It is located in Langley, Virginia. At the moment, the sculpture adorns the central office of the CIA. Its peculiarity is that no one can decipher the message that is written on the sculpture itself, and after all, twenty years have passed since the sculpture was installed. The best experts in the world, who are familiar with symbols and hieroglyphs, are working on its decoding. And for all the time they deciphered only three sections. But there are a hundred of them in total.

Phaistos Disc

It was found by scientists and is somewhat reminiscent of a fascinating story about the adventures of Indiana Jones. The disk was discovered in Phaistos (whence its name came from) in the ruins of a Minoan palace. It is believed that the disk depicts an unknown form of hieroglyphs dating back to the second millennium BC. The disc is made of baked clay and the symbols are reminiscent of the hieroglyphs that were used in ancient Crete.

The riddle of a simple shepherd

In England, in the county of Staffordshire, there is the most common monument to a shepherd, dating back to the eighteenth century. But the inscription on it is not so common, at least for scientists who cannot decipher it. It looks like this: DOUOSVAVVM. For two hundred and fifty years now, this symbol has been an incomprehensible mystery, however, like its author. Scholars believe that the symbol may be a clue to the location of the Holy Grail, and that it was made especially for the Knights Templar. Be that as it may, even Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens could not comprehend the secrets of this symbol.

Mysterious death and the case of "Taman Shud"

This mysterious story took place in Australia, where the body of an unknown person was actually found. It happened in 1948 in Adelaide. A key was found in the dead man's pocket, and with it a note with the words "Taman Shud". As it turned out later, these are the last lines of Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat. Shortly after this, scientists found a copy of his collection, which contained a mysterious code. It is believed that it was someone's message, but no one could decipher it, however, as well as unravel the circumstances of the mysterious death.

"Big Ear"

On August 15, 1977, Dr. Jerry Eyman registered the "WOW" signal. The signal was captured in Ohio by a radio telescope called the Big Ear. Jerry was working on a program to search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Interestingly, the signal was never deciphered.

What do you know about the Zodiac?

It turns out that this is a serial killer from San Francisco, who was considered one of the most dangerous at that time. His letters have been found. There are four in total. One of them was deciphered, but the other three do not have a clear decoding, and to this day, scientists are puzzling over this riddle. It is also interesting that they could not find the Zodiac, and his identity was not established.

Monument of an unknown author in the USA, Georgia, city of Elbert

This is a granite monument, on which there are inscriptions on different languages world, there are only eight of them. On its top are inscriptions in four ancient languages: Ancient Egyptian, Sanskrit, Akkadian and Greek. There are no encryptions, unknown hieroglyphs and other symbols on it, but the identity of the author who built this monument is still unknown. However, the origin and purpose of the monument also remain a mystery.

Go on a treasure hunt!

Three encrypted Bale cryptograms found. It is believed that they contain information about the treasure, more precisely about its location. One day, a company of gold miners led by Thomas Bale left this cryptogram behind. The treasure that is hidden should contain gold, silver and various other valuables. The total amount of the entire treasure is approximately thirty million dollars. There is an incentive to solve the encrypted code.

There are a lot of ancient structures on Earth and most of them are unsolved mysteries. Scientists have not yet found answers on how they were built by people who have neither knowledge nor knowledge. technical means. Each of us at least once thought about the origin of life on Earth, about the first ancient civilizations that inhabited the planet many centuries ago.

Showing interest in the questions of the universe, a person often doubts: “How accurately are the ancient sources translated, to which the same Bible refers? Are scientists' guesses correct? Someone unconditionally believes everything, accepting information without a shadow of a doubt, and some perceive the facts as a collection of ancient myths. Today, many different sources are available to people, where they talk about civilizations, the level of which exceeds the current level, and everywhere there are references to their contacts with alien intelligence. Let's get acquainted with the most famous mysteries of the most ancient civilizations that existed on Earth.

The very first civilizations - the time of birth

  1. Sumer is considered the most ancient civilization, formed at the end of the 6th millennium BC in Mesopotamia or Mesopotamia.
  2. 5-6 millennium BC The beginning of the civilization of Ancient Egypt.
  3. In Asia, the Indian (Harappan) civilization appeared in the Indus River valley - the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. Later, the Gupta state appeared, public entities China, the Kingdom of the Great Mongols, the Delhi Sultanate.
  4. Greece - 2-3 millennium BC
  5. Ancient Rome - 1-2 thousand BC
  6. Civilizations that inhabited the American continent were discovered - scientists suggest that they originated 4000 years ago. But finds made by archaeologist Simpson at the primitive Calico site point to a figure of 200,000!

Unsolved mysteries of antiquity today

Periodically around the world, during the study of ancient civilizations, new archaeological finds appear, which instead of answers increase the number of questions. Many unearthed artifacts defy scientific explanation, but the circumstances of the incident are not in doubt. There are a myriad of unimaginable facts, and here is a short list:

  • Ica stones with images of a man next to dinosaurs;
  • 250 millionth age prints of bare feet of a person;
  • Majestic Pyramids scattered all over the planet. In addition to the well-known buildings of Ancient Egypt, pyramids were discovered in the Crimea, at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Japan, in Europe and China. A huge pyramid at the bottom raises a lot of questions bermuda triangle, built from an unknown material similar to crystal and glass. The inexplicable technologies of the ancient Egyptians are still beyond human understanding and remain a mystery full of mysteries and questions.
  • Drawings of organ transplant operations;
  • Megaliths of Peru, which still occupy the minds of scientists with fantastic and incredible technology;
  • The oldest maps with a detailed accurate description of the coast of Atlantis;
  • Mayan pyramids;
  • Lemuria;
  • Hittites;
  • Fenugreek;
  • Hyperboria;
  • Atlantis;
  • Aztecs;
  • Teotihuacan;
  • Olmec sculptures;
  • Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

Let's learn about the most famous mysteries

Mysteries of Sumer civilization

6000 BC no one knows where the people came to the Southern Mesopotamia - the secret of its appearance is covered with a veil of centuries. But there is evidence that their level of social life reached incredible heights. The first city-states were Ur, Ushma, Lagash, Uryuk, Kisi, Eridu. People were technically literate and their inventions were: arithmetic, beer, ternary counting system, wheel, cuneiform, lunisolar calendar, baked brick. The Sumerians built ziggurats, knew how to build furnaces for the production of bronze, they own the discovery that a circle has 360 degrees, and 60 seconds is a minute. Parallel to this, in other places on the Earth, ancient people still mooed, collected roots and counted on their fingers.

Megalithic city of Machu Picchu

The amazing and mysterious history of the Inca city, included in the list of 7 new wonders of the world, is filled with unsolved mysteries. What is hidden from us? Until now, there is no data on the time of death of the last citizen of the lost Machu Picchu, located in the Peruvian mountains. For more than 300 years, no one even had an idea about the mysterious settlement! Not a single inhabitant of the city left written evidence of its existence - the abandoned settlement was discovered only at the beginning of the 20th century, although myths about the "hidden" city of the Incas have long been circulated among archaeologists. Legend has it that Hiram Bingham, who had been looking for the city for many years, was shown the way by an Indian boy from a family guarding the lost Machu Picchu for just 1 piece of 30 cents.

This is how the mythical citadel was discovered, which knew the rise and fall ancient civilization Incas. No one ever found out why the Incas needed to build a city on such a hill in the mountains of Peru, how many generations lived at an altitude of 2057 meters in this fortress, far from the state center of the Incas. Houses were built from perfectly crafted stone slabs, and the Incas had a tradition of creating a new city in the form of various creatures. It is believed that Macha Picchu from a height resembles a condor - what exactly did the Incas want to show their gods? During the excavations, 173 skeletons were found, but it is surprising that 150 belonged to women! No valuables or jewelry were found. Scientists have discovered another Bingham burial - the tomb of the high priest, where the remains of a woman with syphilis, a couple of ceramic objects, the skeleton of a small dog and clothes made of wool were buried. An amazing fact is that the city was built without the use of any adhesive mixtures like cement, and, despite frequent earthquakes in these parts, Macha Picchu stood without moving for many centuries.

Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids

Even today, scientists are excited by the absolutely precise engineering idea that made it possible to build powerful structures. Every section of the pyramids was investigated up to a centimeter, but historians give a meager amount of exhaustive explanations of how the construction took place and for what purposes. How could the illiterate ancient Egyptians erect a pyramid consisting of 2.3 million stone slabs, the total mass of which was 4 million tons!! At the same time, they were fitted to each other perfectly precisely with the help of a hitherto unknown coupling solution. From an engineering point of view, the pyramids are perfect structures, and there are no answers to a lot of questions. Even today, despite the century of technological progress, new building technologies, it is unlikely that it will be possible to repeat the experience of the ancient Egyptians.

Here are some more interesting riddles:

  1. How was the nearly seamless surface achieved? To achieve this, laser technologies are required - from which extraterrestrial worlds they appeared in Ancient Egypt? And how to dispute the obvious that something like machine grinding of stone was carried out in some rooms of the pyramids?
  2. The very base of the pyramid was calculated to a centimeter! How? What devices?
  3. The hundred-meter descent into the tunnel was perfectly smooth. The descent itself was cut into the rock at an angle of exactly 36 degrees, but there were absolutely no torches during the work. The error in the dimensions of the descent is a few millimeters - how is it possible to maintain the ideal accuracy of the angle of inclination without professional devices?
  4. The pyramid is aligned to the cardinal points with a tiny error. Who gave the Egyptians such knowledge in the field of astrology?
  5. The most complex internal structure of the pyramid, the dimensions of which are close to a 48-story building, is riddled with mysterious ventilation ducts, doors, shafts - they could only be cut through with a saw with a tip of ultra-strong diamond.

Secrets of the city of Teotihuacan

This is the first American city where the development of technology has reached incredible heights. Almost nothing is known about this city today. Who built the city, who the inhabitants were and what language they spoke, what was the organization of the society - all these are secrets. At the very top of the Pyramid of the Sun, an amazing artifact was found - embedded mica plates.

Why was mica used, which is not suitable as building material? But it is an excellent shield from radio waves and electromagnetic radiation! The meaning of this action of the inhabitants of Teotihuacan is still a mystery.

Atlantis - a myth or a lost civilization?

There is a number of evidence that there were highly developed civilizations on Earth, one of which is Atlantis. Even Plato wrote that its capital was a complex consisting of fortress walls, gardens, sports facilities, canals located in a ring around the temple of Poseidon - its dimensions were 22.5 km in diameter. There is evidence that either a comet of this size fell to Earth in the Atlantic region, but so far no underwater civilization has been found.

The prototype for the legend of Atlantis could be the rapid rise in the level of the Black Sea, which probably occurred 8 thousand years ago. It is assumed that during this Black Sea flood, in less than a year, the sea level rose by 60 meters due to the breakthrough of the Bosphorus by Mediterranean waters. The flooding of large areas of the Northern Black Sea region could, in turn, give impetus to the spread of various cultural and technological innovations from this region to Europe and Asia.

Maya civilization

Scientists have not solved the riddle of the ancient Mayan culture until today. How and why were pyramid-resonators with sound effects created? If you clap your hands or walk inside the pyramids of Chichen Itza, then the sound is converted into the voice of a bird that is sacred to the Mayans - kaztel. How could the ancient builders study and calculate the acoustics of the rooms and the thickness of the walls so that people could easily communicate at a distance of about 100 meters, being in different temples? Why did the people of the tribe follow Venus, named Kukulkan, what signs did the planet give them? There is a version that the Maya were the first in the history of mankind to notice raging volcanoes in space and discovered the evaporation of the seas and oceans on Venus. But where did they get this knowledge from, after all, in fact, all the water on Venus quickly disappeared! An accurate astronomical map, the ancient Mayan calendar, which is more accurate than the current one - how could almost primitive people create these unique things? The remains of ancient cultures of civilizations indicate that people communicated with extraterrestrial civilizations. But what happened to the tribe around 600 AD, why did they suddenly abandon their homes and leave their acquired territory? As if someone from above revealed great knowledge to them and ordered them to leave in an unknown direction.

Pyramid of El Castillo (Kukulcana) in the ancient city of Chichen Itza on the Mexican island of Yucatan

Twice a year, on the day of the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun casts a mysteriously bizarre shadow resembling a gigantic snake that slides down from a 25-meter pyramid. If you turn the pyramid, even a small fraction of a degree in the other direction, there would never be an effect! This says only one thing: the construction was clearly verified by topographers and astronomers. The pyramid is called Kukulkan - the Mayan god, the progenitor of all life on Earth. From all sides, the pyramid is equipped with stairs with 18 spans and 91 steps in each, leading to the top, and if they are summed up with a cut-off top-step, you get the number 365 - exactly the number of days in a year. Researchers claim that this pyramid is a calendar. Who taught the Mayan tribe to calculate the time of harvest and sowing? Each building of the tribe is a real architectural masterpiece! A Mayan manuscript has been preserved, where the exact movements of the planets in the sky were recorded, and scientists are sure that this is a diary of observations of Venus. If all the Mayan structures on Chechen Itza were built for the purpose of observing Venus (this is evidenced by the windows in all the buildings, located exactly so that the planet was visible), then the question arises - what made them so interested in it?

Just imagine for a second that representatives of ancient civilizations chose a completely different path of development than you and I, and acquired the knowledge of how to carry multi-ton blocks over long distances, how to control other types of energy or soften stones, like plasticine for modeling incredible structures. Study, be surprised, build your own scientific theories - maybe they will be the only true ones and reveal many mysteries of ancient civilizations.