What is the symbol for the pharaoh's name? Ancient Egypt: symbols and their meaning. Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Symbolism of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt owes its highly developed culture to the Nile. Due to cyclical floods, a pronounced belief in the other world was formed in the country, the model for which was the natural cycle of the emergence, disappearance and rebirth of life.

The ancient Egyptians were an extremely life-oriented people who largely tried to supplant the thought of age and death. Instead, the idea of ​​life in the other world and rebirth was put in the foreground.

The thinking of the ancient Egyptian people was not rational - logical, but figurative - symbolic. There was a magical principle that all perfect, great things are reflected in something small, outwardly inconspicuous - both above and below, the macrocosm is equal to the microcosm. On this basis, the scarab beetle became a symbol of the rising sun, and the sky could be depicted as a cow. In the same way, it was possible, through symbolic actions and drawings, to influence important processes taking place in the world of the Gods and in the other world. The symbols themselves were attributed to their inherent inner strength, something like an essence or soul.

The ancient Egyptian religion contained a huge number of deities with diverse forms of manifestation. The gods - as, indeed, people - were supposed to have a large number various qualities character, so that the same deity could be depicted in all sorts of incarnations.

Symbols of life in ancient Egypt

Ankh since ancient times is in Egypt a symbol of eternal life in this andoutside world.

It is so connected with tradition that it was adopted by the Coptic Christians (an ethno-confessional group of Egyptian Arabs who profess Christianity, descendants of the pre-Arab population of Egypt) as a cross.

In many images, the Gods hold the ankh in their hand or pass it on to people. Here we are talking about the breath of life that has become visible, so to speak, about the divine spark, thanks to which life in general can arise. In addition, the ankh personifies the life-giving properties of the elements of air and water. The origin of its form has not yet been explained. Perhaps we are talking about a magical knot, where sexual relations also play a role. It is possible to interpret the shape of the cross as a combination of the cross of Osiris in the shape of the letter T with the oval of Isis into a key that reveals the secrets of life.

Ankh is one of the most important ancient Egyptian symbols with the meaning of "life" ("immortality"), also known as "crux ansat". The sign is very simple, but powerful.

It combines two symbols - the cross, as a symbol of life, and the circle, as a symbol of eternity. Their combination signifies immortality.

Ankh can be interpreted as the rising sun, as the unity of the male and female principles (the oval of Isis and the cross of Osiris), as well as the key to esoteric knowledge and the immortal life of the spirit.

In hieroglyphic writing, this sign symbolized "life"; it was also part of the words "well-being" and "happiness". The Egyptians believed that the image of the ankh prolongs life on earth. With the same amulet, they were buried in order to be sure that the dead were waiting for life in another world. It is this form, according to the ideas ancient world, had a key that could open the gates of death.

This symbol was also placed on the walls water channels in the hope that it will save from floods. Later, the ankh was used by sorceresses in rituals, divination, divination, healing and helping women in childbirth. During the hippie movement in the late 1960s, the ankh was a popular symbol of peace and truth.

It is impossible to enumerate all the meanings of a symbol. A sign of happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible vitality, eternal wisdom.

Such loop of life often worn by common people as an amulet, in the form of a knot. Like the ankh, it signifies eternity and immortality.

Tet sign, which was also called the "blood of Isis", was often given to the dead in the form of an amulet. It looks like an ankh, the handles of which are lowered down. In conjunction with the pillar of Djed on the walls of temples and in sarcophagi, it indicates the union of opposing forces and at the same time an ever-renewing life force.


And at the same time a hieroglyph denoting eternity. He is often depicted in wall paintings with divine animals.

This emblem in the form of an oval with a straight line at the end is often called a cartouche.Inside is a name written in hieroglyphs (for example,the name of the pharaoh), which the oval symbolically protects.

All Seeing Eye - Wadget

A painted image of an eye with a spiral line under it is, as a rule, the emblem of the falcon-headed sky god Horus, a symbol of the all-seeing eye and the unity of the cosmos, the integrity of the universe. According to ancient Egyptian myth, the lunar eye of Horus was torn out by Set in the battle for supremacy among the gods, but after the victory of Horus in this battle, it grew again. This myth has become the reason for the extreme popularity of the eye of Horus as an amulet to ward off evil. The eye was also often depicted or carved on Egyptian tombstones - to help the dead in the afterlife. The spiral under the eye (resembling a galaxy in shape) symbolizes energy and perpetual motion.

The Eye of Horus was also associated with healing, as ancient Egyptian physicians often viewed illness as analogous to the battle between Horus and Set.

In mathematics, the Eye had a curious function - it was used to represent fractions. According to one version of the myth, Set cut the eye of Horus torn out into 64 parts, so its incomplete image symbolizes some kind of a fractional number: pupil - 1/4, eyebrow 1/8, etc.


The scarab is one of the most popular Egyptian symbols. It is known that dung beetles, which include the scarab, are able to skillfully sculpt balls from manure, rolling them in front of them. This habit, in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians, likened the scarab to the sun god Ra (the dung ball in this allegory is an analogue of the solar disk moving across the sky).

The scarab was considered a sacred being in ancient Egypt; figurines of this beetle, made of stone or glazed clay, served as seals, medals or talismans, meaning immortality. Such amulets were worn not only by the living, but also by the dead. In the latter case, the beetle was placed in a sarcophagus or inside the mummy - in place of the heart, while sacred texts were written on the back, smooth side of it (often the thirtieth chapter of the book of the dead, convincing the heart not to testify against the deceased at the afterlife court of Osiris). Often, the scarab figurines depicted only the upper part of the beetle, without paws, and the even oval base of the figurine was used to apply various kinds of inscriptions - from individual names and moralizing aphorisms to whole stories about outstanding events in the life of the pharaohs (hunting, marriage, etc.)

Winged solar disk

According to the myth, Horus took this form during the battle with the evil god Set. On both sides of the disk there is an image of a snake, which means the balance of opposing forces. The whole composition symbolizes protection and world balance.

This sign was often depicted above the entrance to the tomb of the pharaoh; in this case, the disk in the center symbolized Horus, the wings - Isis protecting him, and the snakes - Lower and Upper Egypt.


Lotus flower, a sign of the sun, creativity and rebirth. Due to the fact that at night the lotus flower closes and goes under water, and in the morning it rises again to bloom on the surface, and this association arose. One of the cosmogonic myths says that at the beginning of time a giant lotus rose from the waters of chaos, from which the sun appeared on the first day of the existence of the world.

The lotus flower is also considered a symbol of Upper Egypt.

Feather Maat

The emblem symbolizes truth and harmony. Maat is the daughter and eye of Ra, the goddess of justice, truth and order. Together with her father, she participated in the creation of the world from chaos. Like its Greek counterpart, Themis, Maat is depicted blindfolded. The head of the goddess is adorned with an ostrich feather, which is her symbol and hieroglyph. According to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, in the afterlife, the heart of the deceased was placed on one side of the scales, and the statuette of Maat was placed on the other. If both objects were balanced, then this meant that the deceased was worthy of bliss in the fields of reeds of Iaru (otherwise, he was devoured by a monster with the head of a crocodile and the body of a lion). The figurine of Maat on his chest was an invariable attribute of the judge.


For the Egyptians, the cat was the earthly incarnation of Bastet - the goddess of solar warmth, joy and fertility, the protector of pregnant women and children, the keeper of the hearth and harvest. Bastet, who personified such qualities as grace, beauty, dexterity and affection, is considered the Egyptian analogue of Aphrodite and Artemis. Her sculptures and paintings were used to protect the house from evil spirits.

Naturally, cats were treated with great respect in ancient Egypt, and their murder was punishable by death. During life, this beast was an equal member of the family, and after death it was embalmed and placed in a sarcophagus, which was placed in a special necropolis.


The heron was considered a symbol of resurrection and eternal life (the prototype of the Phoenix bird) and personified Ben - one of the original, uncreated gods like Ra or Atum. According to the myth, at the beginning of creation, Benu appeared by himself on a stone that arose from water chaos. This stone - Benben - was one of the god's fetishes.


The goddess of fertility, water, wind and family fidelity, Isis, the alleviator of birth pains and the protector of children, was one of the most important and ancient goddesses Egyptian pantheon. Her cult as a mother goddess was also reflected in Christianity.

Isis was depicted as a woman (often winged), crowned with the hieroglyph "throne", or a falcon. Sometimes - in the form of a woman with cow horns and a solar disk on her head.

Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. Identified with such Greek goddesses as Demeter, Persephone, Hera.


An analogue of the Greek Helios, the supreme deity of the ancient Egyptian pantheon, the father of the gods. The title of the Son of Ra was also worn by all the pharaohs. The falcon was considered a sacred animal of Ra, in the form of which he was often depicted. Another option is a man with a falcon's head crowned with a solar disk or a double crown.


The sacred ibis bird symbolized Thoth - the god of science and magic, the inventor of astronomy, medicine and geometry, the author of the Book of the Dead. He also served as a heavenly chronicler and patron of the moon (the calendar was compiled on the basis of the lunar phases). Depicted as an ibis or a man with the head of an ibis crowned with a lunar disk. Approximately corresponds to the Greek Hermes.

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Pharaoh, the mediator between people and gods, was necessary for the prosperity of Egyptian society. In this article, we will tell you about his titles and various names.

An example of a king's title: Thutmose (1506-1493)

Horus, Strong bull, beloved of Maat; Two Ladies, Crowned with a uraeus, whose power is great; Golden Horus, whose years are beautiful; He who quickens the hearts; The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Great manifestation of ka Ra, the Son of Ra, Thutmose, who lives forever and ever and ever!

The numbers following the name of some rulers, such as Amenemhat IV, Thutmose III, Amenhotep II, Ramesses II, Ptolemy VIII and others, were not used by the Egyptians; they were introduced by modern historians to simplify the naming of these kings.

Since the end of the Old Kingdom, the pharaoh had a special title: it consisted of five parts, each of which was followed by a name that changed from pharaoh to pharaoh. Personal names could have common elements, but two different kings could not be called by the same title. Of this title, the last two names were most often used, which fit into the cartouche. Let's talk more about each of the parts of the title.

Gor (Ng)

This is the most ancient name of the king, used since the pre-dynastic era. It likened the pharaoh to the falcon-god Horus. The name that followed this title was often enclosed in a rectangle, which symbolized the fence of the royal palace.

Two Mistresses (Nbty)

This title provided the ruler with the patronage of two guardian goddesses of Upper Egypt (Nehbet from El-Kab) and Lower Egypt (Wajit from Buto).

Golden Horus (Hr nwb)

The history of the origin of this title is unknown to us. A later interpretation of it speaks of the victory of Horus over Set from Kom-Ombo (a city in Upper Egypt), which was called in ancient Egyptian, which explains the image of a falcon on a gold necklace.

King of Upper and Lower Egypt (nsw bjty)

The title informs about the power of the pharaoh over Upper and Lower Egypt.

This title can be substituted or combined with others: Lord of the Two Lands, Lord of Rites, or Perfect God.

Son of Ra

The pharaoh is proclaimed the son of the solar god Ra.

This title could be combined with the title of Lord of the Crowns.

Other names of the king

Cartouches originated from the sign "shen" (sn) depicting a rope tied with a ring. This is a symbol of the space through which the sun passes, that is, a symbol of the universe. To inscribe the name of the king in it, the Egyptians lengthened the sign so that it turned into

The full royal title was used in inscriptions on temples and in signatures to important state documents, and could be depicted both on steles and on papyrus. Much more common is an abbreviated title consisting of three parts: Horus, King of Upper and Lower Egypt and Son Ra.

Also, a number of special words and expressions were used to name the pharaoh. One of the most common is "king" (nsw). He was also often referred to as "lord" or "prince".

However, the most famous naming is, undoubtedly, "Pharaoh". This word comes from an expression that originally meant "great house", that is, the royal palace.

It was only in the era of the Middle Kingdom that the king began to be called pharaoh, and this expression crossed the borders of Egypt: it was noted first in the Bible, then in Greek texts, and is still used today. In those days, it was often enclosed in a cartouche.

And finally, the king was called "Majesty"; in the third person they spoke of him as “His Majesty”, and addressing him directly, they called him “Your Majesty”, since the appeal to “You” did not exist in Ancient Egypt. The pharaoh himself called himself "My Majesty."

It is known that the ancient Egyptians used verbal-syllabic writing. The signs of ancient Egyptian writing were called "hieroglyphs", that is, literally translated from Greek "sacred carved signs". One hieroglyph could convey a single syllable or a whole word. Moreover, the syllabic sign usually denoted a specific consonant in combination with any vowel or without it. Vocalization of many ancient Egyptian words is unknown; scientists use in these cases the so-called conditional reading, adding the vowel [e] to the syllables. Below are the ancient Egyptian names in hieroglyphic notation with their conditional reading and accepted Russian correspondences.

Names of gods:

Titles of pharaohs:

Names of kings and pharaohs:

Exercise 1. Read the name of the pharaoh:

Task 2. Write down the name of Pharaoh Menkheper-Ra.

1. In transcription, it denotes one aspirated sound.
2. Sometimes vowels could also be indicated in names by signs of consonants close in sound
3. The signs were ordered so that the entry looked beautiful: not necessarily one after another, small signs could be written out under others, as if filling together an invisible square.

Hint 1

7) Now we can write the name Menkheper-Ra using the signs in the cartouche in the following order: /rā-m-n-kheper/, that is, a disk - a chessboard - a wave - a beetle, which gives in transcription.

8) But then did we read the name of the pharaoh correctly in the first task? After all, the name of God is taken to the first place only in the record, and in pronunciation it is present at the end. And at the beginning of this entry is the name Amon (even without Ra). If read in inverted order, it turns out /t-u-t-ānkh-imen/, which already allows you to find out the name of the pharaoh.

The sign ankh (ankh) is a talisman, depicting a belt tied in a knot; its variant is presumably the cartouche containing the names of the pharaohs.
Indeed, Pharaoh Akhenaten is just known as the founder of the cult of the single god Aton-Ra, whose name is included in his own name (his former name is Amenhotep IV; Akhenaten literally "a spirit pleasing to Aton'). This cult replaced the previous cult of many gods , led by the supreme god Amon-Ra, another incarnation of Ra. Pharaoh Tutankhamun returned the cult of Amun-Ra.


The verbal-syllabic writing used by the ancient Egyptians is characterized by a variety of ways to convey sound. One hieroglyph could convey a whole word with its usual sound and meaning, or it could only convey a set of sounds according to the rebus principle (in syllabic reading). Syllabic signs are called conditionally: after all, they, being derivatives of hieroglyphs, could correspond not to one syllable, but to two or even three - in accordance with the word that the hieroglyph denoted. Moreover, vowels within syllables could change or be completely absent. Thus, in the system of phonetic signs there were monosyllabic, two-syllable and three-syllable signs; there were few monosyllabic ones - about three dozen; sometimes they are also called the "ancient Egyptian alphabet".

Thus, to convey the sound appearance of names, the scribe had a choice: he could use a fully decomposed spelling in one-syllable characters, or he could prefer a more compact notation, including two- or three-syllable characters. For example, the syllable in the name of the god Khepri is contained in the reading of the sign "beetle", and in the name of the pharaoh Akhenaten it is conveyed by a lined disk. The choice could also emphasize the meaning of the name: the scarab beetle was considered one of the incarnations of the god Ra (you can remember how it glitters in the sun). In the task, the sound also has other graphic incarnations: in the signs (‘life’) and (‘crown’), and the signs themselves as part of the titles “giving life” and “owner of the crowns” have a verbal character.

The problem seems to present two ways of transmitting the sound [u]: the chicken sign in the name Tutankhamen and the three strokes in the word ‘crown’ - . Obviously, the sign of the chicken is used as a syllabic sign, and the three strokes are most likely used as a semantic one, conveying plurality. This sign thus acts as a kind of determinative plural, which does not have its own reading, but prompts the reading of the main sign.

The Egyptian scribe chose the most suitable version of the record, focusing on the possibilities of the material. And most importantly - in accordance with the principle of Egyptian writing, which had to speak not only to the heart (it was considered the seat of the mind, not feelings), but also to the eye.

Doctors of Ancient Egypt were very "savvy" in terms of medicine. The surviving frescoes depict scenes of complex surgical operations on internal organs. According to some Egyptologists, they even managed to perform neurosurgical operations, which in our time are carried out only in the leading medical centers peace.

But paranormal researchers pay the most attention to the mysterious Egyptian priests. What they just do not attribute - up to the ability to spells to raise huge blocks of stone into the air, destroy enemies at a distance and revive the fallen warriors, previously turned into mummies. In their work, the Egyptian priests used all kinds of amulets and talismans, which will be discussed in this article.


The Coptic or Egyptian cross Ankh can be considered one of the most important symbols denoting life and immortality. This is a kind of key that seals the doors to the temple of Great Knowledge. It can be found on the walls of the Egyptian pyramids and other ritual structures, Ankh is also included in the system of ancient Egyptian writing. There was a belief that with the help of this symbol one can defeat natural disasters, in particular, stop the flood.

Used as an amulet, the Coptic Cross of the Ankh endows its wearer with the power of magic. It helps develop intuition and extrasensory perception. In a person who constantly wears this talisman, personal strength increases and the ability to predict increases. However, only those who are brave in spirit and pure in thought have the right to use the sacred symbol.

The Ankh amulet helps to reveal secret channels through which you can access the information accumulated by the ancestors. by the most best material silver is considered for its manufacture. Gold is also suitable if a person sets out to acquire not spiritual, but material goods. Wearing a talisman relies on the neck, on a cord made of genuine leather (a metal chain will not work).

Ba (strength)

This sacred object implies the qualities of a person, more precisely, his heart, soul and vitality. The central element of the composition is a falcon with a human head, whose wings are spread wide in different directions. The ancient Egyptians believed that the god Ba visited the body of a dead person. Therefore, narrow gaps were left in the sarcophagi, through which the soul had to penetrate.

Since the god Ba controls the life force of a person, the amulet with his image has similar properties. It can be used if there is a need to get rid of chronic illness, apathy and fatigue. The talisman will help the athlete during tiring workouts.

During the physical life of his body, Ba travels through the world of dreams, the soul, as it were, exists between the realm of the living and the dead. Therefore, the Ba talisman will be useful to a person practicing astral exit techniques or lucid dreaming. To feel its effect, it is not necessary to wear an amulet on the body. It is enough to put it under the pillow at night.


The sacred Ibis is a symbol of the patron saint of justice and wisdom - the god Thoth. However, it was the white bird, whose primary feathers were painted black, that had a sacral status. Herodotus writes that killing an ibis was punishable by death. According to legend, the god Thoth for some time lived among the ancient Egyptians in the guise of a white ibis and taught them the occult sciences. This deity is also credited with creating the famous divinatory deck of cards, the Tarot of Thoth.

The sacred ibis is considered the patron of intellectual pursuits and mental labor. Therefore, representatives of science and art can use it as an amulet. The talisman stimulates intellectual activity and helps its owner to reveal dormant talents and creative abilities. It can be made in the form of a small figurine made of porcelain or precious metal.


Wings of Isis is a figurine in the form of a woman with outstretched wings and a crown on her head. Instead of a crown, the head of the goddess can be decorated with a solar circle or gilded cow horns. Isis is one of the most significant goddesses of the ancient Egyptian pantheon. Interestingly, she patronized the oppressed sections of the population - artisans and slaves, as well as sinners. Isis was revered as a symbol of motherhood and femininity.

The talisman "wings of Isis" can have various uses. Firstly, the amulet helps to manage life processes, control ongoing events. Secondly, it protects its owner from "evil from within" - his own mistakes and oversights. And, finally, it will be useful for a pregnant woman who is carrying a child.

The statuette "wings of Isis" can be installed in your home to find happiness and family harmony. In this incarnation, the sacred object acts as a talisman against conflicts and disagreements. It is best placed in the hallway, in the living room or in the dining room where the whole family gathers.


One of the most revered animals in ancient Egypt was the cat. She was considered a symbol of cunning and intuition, grace, grace. The Egyptians endowed cats with the ability to clairvoyance (the ability to appear in the earthly and afterlife worlds), as well as reincarnation. It was in Egypt that all sorts of things began to emerge, for example, that they have 9 lives each.

As a talisman, the figurine of a cat is useful to a person whose life is full of all sorts of risky activities. Also figurine with the image of "fluffy" will be useful for people involved in physical activity. The bronze cat fulfills love wishes and helps to find your soul mate as soon as possible.

If you set out to attract good luck and material wealth, then get a cat made of silver. The same amulet helps its owner protect himself from damage and black magic. If your desire is to turn into a refined and sublime person, then you should give preference to a pendant in the form of a cat made of gold.

Frog Heket

This talisman was created in honor of the goddess Heket - a woman with a frog head. This is a very benevolent person who helped people safely come into this world. At will, Heket could transform into an amphibian, but most often she is depicted in an anthropomorphic form. Heket is considered a symbol of fertility. By the way, in some countries of central Africa, women still eat frogs today, because they believe that this will help them have numerous offspring.

As you probably already guessed, the Heket frog amulet can be used by women who want to get pregnant, or ladies who are already carrying a child. Fortunately, the frog does not have to be swallowed at all (such a delicacy is not to everyone's taste). You can simply buy a figurine in the form of a frog, made of faience or, if finances allow, of gold.


It is believed that Africans never experience problems with potency. But, in all likelihood, the ancient Egyptians preferred to play it safe with this issue. And as an aphrodisiac they had menat - a symbol of sexual energy, fertility and courage. As you can see, the item is a necklace with a phallic-shaped pendant. For its manufacture, bronze, copper or lapis lazuli were used.

Menat amulet is worn by both gods and goddesses. His practical use is to restore or maintain reproductive function. The ancient Egyptians generally believed that this symbol was able to instill the ability and desire to have sex even in a dead person. Tourists visiting Egyptian pyramids, one should be more careful walking past the tombs, on which the almighty symbol of the menat flaunts.

Pectoral (breastplate)

This is a very powerful item that can combine several magic symbols at the same time. The pectoral chest plate was placed on the mummy's chest to protect the deceased from the dangers that might lie in wait for him in the afterlife. The talisman was intended to ensure the speedy transition of the soul to the blessed kingdom of Osiris. The ancient Egyptians were very sensitive to the afterlife and sought to prepare for it in every possible way.

Of course, only the pharaohs and other local aristocrats could afford the most luxurious pectorals. So, for example, several pectorals were discovered at once in the tomb of Tutankhamun. These were gold plates adorned with obsidian, turquoise and other precious stones. On one of the tablets there was an image of the sacred falcon - the sun god Horus. Such a pectoral was supposed to provide the mighty earthly ruler with eternal life.

Feather of the Goddess Maat

The goddess Maat is revered as the patroness of harmony, justice and all-conquering truth. According to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, the soul of a deceased person in the afterlife appears before 42 judges. To determine the fate of the deceased, the soul was weighed on special scales, the counterweight for which was the ostrich feather of the goddess Maat. At the same time, the scales were held by the god Anubis with the head of a jackal.

Maat as a talisman can be used by people who have dedicated their lives to the fight against injustice and evil. For example, these can be human rights activists, peacekeepers, volunteers of the Red Cross and similar organizations. But keep in mind that the goddess Maat patronizes only crystal-clear honest people.

Do you wonder what happened to the soul of a man whom the court of 42 judges recognized as wicked and unworthy? No, he was not sent to hell or hellfire. Instead, the sinful soul was given to be eaten by a certain monster named Amtu, who had the head of a crocodile and the body of a lion.


So we got to the supreme representative of the ancient Egyptian pantheon - the god Ra. By the way, all the Egyptian pharaohs were revered as the sons of this deity, called to do the will of their great parent on earth. Most often, Ra is depicted as a falcon, over whose head the sun disk shines. You can also find the image of the symbol in the form of a male figure with the head of a falcon.

The use of the Ra talisman is simply comprehensive - it bestows on its owner the favor of the heavenly forces. The house in which such a talisman is located will bypass any disasters and wicked people. It protects from physical danger, disease, and grants material well-being. Palaces, temples and dwellings were decorated with similar signs. ordinary people seeking the grace of the gods.

According to ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Ra fought daily with a serpent named Apep, who sought to swallow the sun and permanently deprive the world of daylight. This explains the alternation of the cycles of day and night. Of course, Ra always won a victory over his opponent, but only in order to fight him again after dark.


The symbolic designation of this sign is the lotus flower. Sesen is a symbol of rebirth, creative energy. With the onset of night darkness, the lotus folds its petals and plunges under the water. As soon as sunlight illuminates the sky, the flower reappears on the surface. One of the ancient myths says that the sun itself arose from a giant lotus flower on the first day of the existence of the material world.

Talisman Sesen will come in handy creative people who are in a state of search, crisis. It will help to be reborn, to find new strengths and new ideas. The talisman is made in two versions - in the form of a lotus flower and the sun, half appeared above the horizon. It can be worn as a pendant or pendant.

A similar function is performed by the amulet "Sun with Wings", which is also called the "Winged Disc". This sign is still used by some esoteric communities, such as Freemasons, alchemists and Theosophists. The sun with wings, complemented by images of snakes, denotes the battle of light and dark forces, world balance. This sign can often be found above the entrance to the tomb of the pharaoh.


This amulet is subject to the most various areas human life. It is believed that he is able to attract material success, give courage to its owner, protect the lives of warriors and travelers. In addition, the scarab amulet gives courage to timid people, makes them more determined and self-confident. It also protects its owner from obsession and enemy spells.

The scarab beetle has a mystical connection with the sun. Therefore, for energy recharging, it must contact the daylight as often as possible. However, this does not mean that the owner of the talisman needs to walk under scorching sunbeams during daytime hours. It is enough to put the amulet on the windowsill - let it charge itself with solar energy.

Tiet (Knot of Isis)

Visually, this symbol resembles an inverted ankh. The amulet must certainly be painted red, as it is a symbol of fertility. It is dedicated to the goddess Isis, wife of Osiris. For the manufacture of the "knot of Isis" gold was most often used, and figurines of mahogany were also found in sarcophagi.

Like many other sacred objects of Ancient Egypt, Tiet was closely connected not only with the "earthly" kingdom, but also with the world of the dead. This sign is found on funerary fez. The Isis knot was used to gird the mummy of a deceased person. It was believed that this would help the deceased to quickly reach the final goal of the afterlife journey. The same knot adorned the clothes of priestesses and clergymen.

Tiet (Tet) is mentioned several times in the sacred Egyptian Book of the Dead. There are lines that can be translated into Russian as follows: "Let the blood of Isis protect from evil spirits." Ani's papyrus contains a magical formula that could be used to activate this amulet.

") is the left eye of the falcon-like god Horus, who was knocked out in a fight with the powerful Set. Ancient Egyptian healers used the symbol in healer practice. It was believed that any disease could be cured with it. This is probably due to the fact that, according to legend, a broken eye After some time, the mountain was reborn in its place again.

The wadget has several symbolic meanings. First of all, it is mysticism, mind, vigilance, knowledge, insight. Wearing the Eye of Horus amulet will help a person become more insightful, it is easier to comprehend the essence of things. He will gain the ability to reveal the intrigues and secret thoughts of ill-wishers.

By the way, the slightly transformed sign "all-seeing eye" has not lost its meaning in modern world. It is used by "freemasons" Freemasons, as well as representatives of some esoteric lodges. And, finally, the image of the eye of the "Architect of the Universe" can be found on reverse side dollar bill.


Few people know that the "ancestor" of the mythological bird Phoenix was the Egyptian heron. This bird is credited with eternal life and the ability to resurrect, with which God Benu awarded her. This Benu was a very influential god, because he was nothing more than the soul of Ra himself! And he showed himself to the world in the guise of a majestic heron.

The heron talisman will help a person who wants to "revive" cooled love feelings or a creative muse that has fallen asleep. But the abilities of the amulet are not limited to this. He cleanses a person from all kinds of filth and becomes. It can be seen as a symbol of the coming of spring and creative change.

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the symbol of the heron is also found. Travelers will like an amulet in the form of a bird clutching a stone in its paws. A heron bringing a snake will protect the house and offspring from negative energy. A bird standing on one leg attracts good luck and financial well-being.

One of the key regions whose culture left its mark on the entire civilization is Ancient Egypt. The symbols of this culture are still being studied, they are of great importance in understanding this vast civilization. It was located approximately within the borders of the modern state of the same name in northeast Africa.

History of Egyptian Symbols

Mythology is the main cultural component that Ancient Egypt is famous for. Symbols of gods, animals and natural phenomena are of particular interest to researchers. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to trace the path of the creation of mythology.

Written sources that could be trusted appeared later. What is obvious - a huge impact on the Egyptians natural forces. The same is observed in the formation of any ancient state. People who lived before our era tried to explain to themselves why the sun rises every day, the Nile overflows its banks every year, and thunder and lightning from time to time fall on their heads. As a result natural phenomena endowed with a divine beginning. So there were symbols of life, culture, power.

Moreover, people noted that the gods were not always favorable to them. The Nile could flood very low, leading to a lean year and subsequent famine. In this case, the ancient Egyptians believed that they had somehow angered the gods and sought to appease them in every possible way so that a similar situation would not happen again next year. All this played a big role for such a country as Ancient Egypt. Symbols and signs helped to understand the surrounding reality.

Symbols of power

The rulers of ancient Egypt called themselves pharaohs. The pharaoh was considered a god-like monarch, he was worshiped during his lifetime, and after death he was buried in huge tombs, many of which have survived to this day.

The symbols of power in ancient Egypt are the golden gartered beard, the staff and the crown. At the time of the birth of the Egyptian state, when the lands of the Upper and Lower Nile had not yet been united, the ruler of each of them had his own crown and special signs of power. At the same time, the crown of the supreme ruler of Upper Egypt was white and also had the shape of a pin. In Lower Egypt, the pharaoh wore a red crown like a top hat. Pharaoh Men made the Egyptian kingdom unified. After that, the crowns were, in fact, united by inserting one into the other, while retaining their colors.

Double crowns called millet - these are symbols of power in ancient Egypt, which have been preserved for many years. At the same time, each crown of the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt had its own name. The white one was called atef, the red one was called hedzhet.

At the same time, the Egyptian rulers surrounded themselves with unprecedented luxury. After all, they were considered the sons of the supreme sun god Ra. Therefore, the symbols are simply amazing. In addition to those listed, it is also a hoop on which a ureus snake is depicted. He was famous for the fact that his bite inevitably led to instant death. The image of the snake was located around the head of the pharaoh, the head is exactly in the center.

In general, snakes are the most popular symbols of pharaoh's power in ancient Egypt. They were depicted not only on the headband, but also on the crown, military helmet and even the belt. Along the way, they were accompanied by jewelry made of gold, precious stones and colored enamel.

Symbols of the gods

The gods played a key role for a state like Ancient Egypt. The symbols associated with them were associated with the perception of the future and the surrounding reality. And the list divine beings was huge. In addition to the gods, it included goddesses, monsters, and even deified concepts.

One of the main Egyptian deities is Amun. In the united Egyptian kingdom, he was the supreme head of the pantheon. It was believed that all people, other gods and all things are united in it. His symbol was a crown with two high feathers or depicted with a solar disk, because he was considered the god of the sun and all nature. In the ancient Egyptian tombs there are drawings of Amon, in which he appears in the form of a ram or a man with a ram's head.

The kingdom of the dead in this mythology was headed by Anubis. He was also considered the guardian of necropolises - underground cemeteries and crypts, and the inventor of embalming - a unique method that prevented the decay of corpses, was used in the process of burial of all pharaohs.

The symbols of the gods of Ancient Egypt were often very frightening. Anubis was traditionally depicted with the head of a dog or a jackal with a red collar in the form of a necklace. Its invariable attributes were ankh - a cross topped with a ring, symbolizing eternal life, was - a rod in which healing powers underground demon.

But there were also more pleasant and kind deities. For example, Bast or Bastet. This is the goddess of fun, feminine beauty and love, which was depicted as a cat or a lioness in a sitting position. She was also responsible for fertile and fruitful years and could help establish family life. The symbols of the gods of Ancient Egypt associated with Bast are a temple rattle, which was called a sistrum, and an aegis, a magic cape.

Healing symbols

With great attention in ancient Egypt treated the cult of healing. The goddess Isis was responsible for fate and life, she was also considered the patroness of healers and healers. Gifts were brought to her to protect newborns.

The symbol of healing in ancient Egypt is cow horns, on which the disk of the sun was held. This is how the goddess Isis was portrayed most often (sometimes in the form of a winged woman with a cow's head).

Also, the sistrum and the ankh cross were considered its invariable attributes.

Symbol of life

Ankh or - a symbol of life in ancient Egypt. It is also called for them it is one of the most significant and key attributes.

It is also called the key of life or the Egyptian cross. Ankh is an attribute of many Egyptian deities, with which they are depicted on the walls of the pyramids and papyri. Without fail, he was placed in the tomb with the pharaohs, which meant that the ruler would be able to continue the life of his soul in the afterlife.

Although many researchers associate the symbolism of the ankh with life, there is still no consensus on this issue. Some researchers argue that its leading meanings were immortality or wisdom, and also that it was a kind of protective attribute.

Ankh enjoyed unprecedented popularity in such a state as Ancient Egypt. The symbols depicting him were applied to the walls of temples, amulets, all kinds of cultural and household items. Often in the drawings, he is held in the hands of the Egyptian gods.

Nowadays, the ankh is widely used in youth subcultures, in particular among the Goths. And also in all sorts of magical and parascientific cults and even in esoteric literature.

Sun symbol

The symbol of the sun in ancient Egypt is the lotus. Initially, he was associated with the image of birth and creation, and later became one of the incarnations of the supreme deity of the Egyptian pantheon Amon-Ra. In addition, the lotus also symbolizes the return of youth and beauty.

It is worth noting that in general the cult of worshiping the daylight was among the Egyptians one of the most important and significant. And all the deities, one way or another connected with the sun, were revered more than others.

The sun god Ra, according to Egyptian mythology, created all the other gods and goddesses. The myth of how Ra was sailing in a boat along the celestial river was very widespread, simultaneously illuminating the whole earth with the sun's rays. As soon as evening comes, he transfers to another boat and inspects the possessions in the afterlife all night.

The next morning it floats on the horizon again and so a new day begins. This is how the ancient Egyptians explained the change of day and night during the day, for them the solar disk was the embodiment of rebirth and the continuity of life for everything on earth.

Pharaohs at the same time were considered the sons or vicegerents of God on earth. Therefore, it never occurred to anyone to challenge their right to rule, as everything was arranged in the state of Ancient Egypt. The symbols and signs that accompanied the main god Ra are the sun disk, the scarab beetle or the Phoenix bird, which is reborn from fire. great attention also given to the eyes of the deity. The Egyptians believed that they could cure and protect a person from troubles and misfortunes.

The Egyptians also had a special relationship with the center of the Universe - the Sun star. They rightly directly linked its impact on warmth, good harvests, and a prosperous life for all the inhabitants of the country.

Another interesting fact. The ancient Egyptians called the apricot familiar to each of us the star of the sun. Moreover, in Egypt itself, this fruit did not grow, climatic conditions did not fit. It was brought from Asian countries. At the same time, the Egyptians fell in love with the "overseas guest" so much that they decided to name this fruit so poetically, correctly noticing how its shape and color are similar to the sun.

Sacred symbols for the Egyptians

The fact that ancient Egypt and their significance, many scientists still argue. This is especially true of sacred symbols.

One of the main ones is naos. This is a special chest made of wood. In it, the priests installed a statue of a deity or a sacred symbol dedicated to him. It was also the name of a sacred place of worship of a particular deity. Most often, naos were placed in the sanctuaries or tombs of the pharaohs.

As a rule, there were several pumps. One wooden one was small, it was placed in a larger one, hewn from a single piece of stone. They were most widespread in ancient Egypt already in late period. At that time they were richly and variously decorated. Also, the temple itself or the sanctuary of some deity was often called naos.

Also sacred symbols Ancient Egypt - sistrums. These are percussion musical instruments that were used by the priests during the mysteries in honor of the goddess Hathor. Among the Egyptians, it was the goddess of love and beauty, who personified femininity, as well as fertility and fun. Modern researchers believe that Venus was its analogue among the Romans, and Aphrodite among the Greeks.

The musical instrument sistrum was clad in a wooden or metal frame. Metal strings and disks were stretched between it. All this made ringing sounds, which, as the priests believed, attracted the gods. In rituals, two types of sistrums were used. One was called iba. It was in the form of an elementary ring with metal cylinders in the center. With the help of a long handle, it was placed above the head of the goddess Hathor.

A more formal version of the sistrum was called the seseshet. It had the shape of a naos and was richly decorated with various rings and ornaments. The rattling pieces of metal that made sounds were located inside a small box. Seseshets were only allowed to be worn by priests and wealthy women from the upper classes.

culture symbol

The symbol of the culture of Ancient Egypt is, of course, the pyramid. This is the most famous monument of ancient Egyptian art and architecture that has survived to this day. One of the oldest and most famous is the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser, who ruled over 18 centuries BC. It is located in the south of Memphis and has a height of 60 meters. It was built by slaves from limestone blocks.

The pyramids built in Egypt are the most amazing wonders of the architecture of this ancient people. By right, one of them - the pyramid of Cheops - is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. And one more - the pyramids of Giza - one of the candidates to become the so-called "new wonder of the world."

Outwardly, these are stone structures in which Egyptian rulers, the pharaohs, were buried. From the Greek language, the word "pyramid" is translated as a polyhedron. Until now, among scientists there is no single time about why the ancient Egyptians chose this form for the tombs. Meanwhile, 118 pyramids have been discovered to date in different parts of Egypt.

The largest number of these structures are located in the Giza region, near the capital of this African state - Cairo. They are also called the Great Pyramids.

The mastabas were the forerunners of the pyramids. So in ancient Egypt they called "houses after life", which consisted of a burial room and a special stone structure, which was located above the surface of the earth. It was these burial houses that the first Egyptian pharaohs built for themselves. For the material, unbaked bricks were used, obtained from clay mixed with river silt. Massively they were built in Upper Egypt, even before the unification of the state, and in Memphis, which was considered the main necropolis of the country. Above the ground in these buildings there were rooms for prayers and rooms in which grave goods were stored. Under the ground - directly burial of the pharaoh.

The most famous pyramids

The symbol of ancient Egypt is the pyramid. The most famous Great Pyramids are in Giza. These are the tombs of Mikerin and Khafre. From the very first pyramid of Djoser that has come down to us, these pyramids differ in that they have not a stepped, but a strict geometric shape. Their walls rise strictly at angles of 51-53 degrees with respect to the horizon. Their faces indicate the cardinal directions. The famous pyramid of Cheops is generally erected on a rock created by nature, and placed exactly in the center of the base of the pyramid.

The Pyramid of Cheops is also famous for being the highest. Initially, it was more than 146 meters, but now, due to the loss of the cladding, it has decreased by almost 8 meters. Each side is 230 meters long and was built 26 centuries BC. According to various estimates, it was built for about 20 years.

It took more than two million blocks of stones to build it. At the same time, the ancient Egyptians did not use any binders, such as cement. Each block weighed about two and a half thousand kilograms, some reached a weight of 80 thousand kilograms. Ultimately, it is a monolithic structure, separated only by chambers and corridors.

Two more famous pyramids- Khafre and Mykern - were erected by the descendants of Cheops and are smaller in size.

The Pyramid of Khafre is considered the second largest in Egypt. Next to it is a statue of the famous Sphinx. Its height was originally almost 144 meters, and the length of the sides was 215 meters.

The smallest of the great ones in Giza. Its height is only 66 meters, and the length of the base is a little more than 100 meters. Initially, its dimensions were too modest, so versions were put forward that it was not intended for the ruler of Ancient Egypt. However, this has not actually been established.

How were the pyramids built?

It is worth noting that there was no single technique. It changed from one building to another. Scientists put forward various hypotheses on how these structures were created, but there is still no consensus.

Researchers have certain data about the quarries where stones and blocks were taken from, about the tools used in stone processing, as well as about how they were moved to the construction site.

Most Egyptologists believe that the stones were cut in special quarries using copper tools, in particular, chisels, chisels and picks.

One of the biggest mysteries is how the Egyptians at that time moved these huge stone blocks. Based on one fresco, scientists have established that many blocks were simply dragged. So, in the famous image, 172 people are pulling a statue of the pharaoh on a sleigh. At the same time, the sleigh runners are constantly poured with water, which performs the function of lubrication. According to experts, the weight of such a statue was about 60 thousand kilograms. Thus, a stone block weighing 2 and a half tons could be moved by only 8 workers. Moving goods in this way is reputedly most common in ancient Egypt.

The method of rolling blocks is also known. A special mechanism for this in the form of a cradle was discovered during excavations of ancient Egyptian sanctuaries. During the experiment, it was found that 18 workers were needed to move a stone block of 2.5 tons in this way. Their speed was 18 meters per minute.

Also, some researchers believe that the Egyptians used the square wheel technology.