Tyumen Theological School. How do your pupils spend their leisure time?

Yumen Orthodox Theological School is an institution of professional religious education of the Tobolsk-Tyumen diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchy. In March 2009, the School passed state licensing and received the right to conduct educational activities on 2-year programs of professional (spiritual) education. The recruitment of pupils is carried out on the basis of 9 classes. For 2 years of study, students of the School learn the program of 10 and 11 classes of complete secondary secondary school, receive a state-recognized certificate of secondary (complete) general education, and also learn professional educational program by profession "clergyman" with the qualifications of sexton, reader and bell ringer and receive a diploma of professional religious education.

For implementation educational process The school has the necessary number of textbooks, educational and visual aids, office equipment, items of technical equipment. The school has its own computer class.

In order to improve the educational level in general education subjects from 2008-2009 school year an agreement on the provision of educational services was concluded with the NOU "Tyumen Orthodox Gymnasium".

During the academic period, teachers and students of the school take an active part in the church and educational life of the city of Tyumen and the region - in various congresses, conferences, competitions, round tables, make missionary trips to rural parishes of the Tyumen deanery, hospitals, nursing homes and orphanages, conduct tours of the Holy Trinity monastery and school.

The school publishes a student newspaper "Dobroslov" twice a year, in which pupils put their poems, notes about student life, semester essays, reflections on various events in church-state and cultural life.

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius of Tobolsk and Tyumen, every year the Tyumen Orthodox Theological School hosts Parent meeting. Parents of students are told about the internal routine and rules of the school, they are offered lectures on the Orthodox upbringing of children, Orthodox culture, healthy way life. Parents noted the undoubted benefits of such meetings, allowing them to correct the actions of the school mentors and the parents themselves in the implementation of the educational process. In order to improve discipline and academic performance, a Parents' Committee was created.

During the academic year, the school choir regularly participates in worship services in the churches of the Holy Trinity Monastery and other churches in the city. The choir of students of the school is included in the programs of regional and city events, in Christmas, Easter and other concerts of the Tyumen deanery and "Young Orthodox Siberia", the choir also participates in vocal competition"Dmitrievskaya Saturday".

Education in the Tyumen Orthodox Theological School is carried out according to full-time within 2 years. The School accepts young men of the Orthodox faith aged 14 to 21 with a basic general education (9 grades).

Pupils of the school for 2 years of study learn the program of 10th and 11th grades of the secondary school. The volume of taught secular disciplines and the quality of their teaching correspond to the level required for admission to secular higher educational institutions.

The following subjects are studied at the Tyumen Diocesan School:

Fundamentals of the Orthodox Faith;
- Introduction to biblical history Old and New Testament;
- Introduction to liturgy;
- History of the Orthodox Church;
- Church Slavonic language;
- Church singing;
- Workshop on the Church Slavonic language;
- Practical liturgy for sextons and ringers.


Males of the Orthodox confession are accepted on the basis of the main general education(9 classes) at the age of 14-21 after entrance examinations on a competitive basis. The term of study is 2 years. Acceptance of documents and entrance exams from August 1. Enrollment - 19 August.

Applicants must arrive at the school accompanied by their parents or legal representatives. Parents must have their passport with them. Legal representatives - a passport and a document on the basis of which they represent the interests of the applicant. Upon admission to the school, the applicant draws up all the documents personally.

For admission to the school, applicants must provide:

1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
2. Certificate of education
3. Recommendation of the ruling bishop or parish priest, certified by the ruling bishop
4. Birth certificate
6. Certificate of baptism
8. Certificate of family composition
9. Medical policy
10. Medical card from the school (f.026 / y)
11. Medical certificate of health (f.086 / y)
12. Certificate from the neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensaries
13. Certificate of preventive vaccinations
14. 2 photos 6x9 cm
15. 7 photographs 3x4 cm (black and white with a corner for the draft board)
16. Certificate of military registration (if any)
17. Petition addressed to the Rector of the School
18. Autobiography
19. A copy of the passport of one of the parents
20. TIN (copy).

Applicants take entrance exams:
– Russian language (exposition);
- Mathematics;
– Church Slavonic (reading);
- Knowledge of prayers: initial - "To the King of Heaven" according to "Our Father"; morning - “Rising from sleep”, “God, cleanse me a sinner”, Guardian Angel; evening - “Eternal God”, “Good King Good Mother”, Guardian Angel; Mother of God - “Our Lady, Virgin, rejoice, “It is worthy to eat”, “Choose Governor”, ​​“Not imams of other help”; The creed, the 50th psalm and the life of his heavenly patron.

Enrolled upon arrival to study to have:
1. Dark trousers (preferably two).
2. A T-shirt to wear under a uniform tunic.
3. Dark socks.
4. Dark sandals or light shoes, moccasins (so that the feet are comfortable during 6-7 indoor lessons).
5. Sportswear for training in the gym and on the street.
6. Clothes for military training in the spring - waterproof shoes (boots), windbreaker, jacket, pants.
7. Swimming trunks, cap and rubber slippers for the pool, swimming goggles
8. Face and bath towel.
9. Personal hygiene items - soap, shower gel, shampoo, washcloth, toilet paper, nail scissors or tweezers, comb.
10. Notebooks, stationery.
11. Money for a haircut.
12. Clothes for working obediences.

Tyumen Theological School

– Father Tikhon, a new academic year is starting at your theological school. Tell us about how the admission of applicants to Tyumen religious school.

– 27 applications were submitted to the Admissions Committee. The bulk were applicants from our diocese, many children came from the Khanty-Mansiysk diocese, there are applicants from Kazakhstan, Krasnoyarsk, Yamal, Sverdlovsk region, Khakassia. Regional geography is represented very widely. Admission of applicants took place in two streams. The first ended on August 19, 18 students were enrolled. By August 30, seven more petitions had been filed. Total Selection committee enrolled 25 people for 1 course. Of course we have a lot of work to do.

as is usually the case with a new technique. The guys come very heterogeneous in their mass - both in terms of academic performance and behavior. Speaking of behavior, I mean that many people do not have the basic skills of self-service, cultural behavior, they do not have sufficient upbringing.

All this is to be corrected in the educational process of the 1st half of the year. Separately, I want to say about the performance. This year, six good students came to us, and most of the applicants confirmed the satisfactory level of their certificates. We divided the course into 2 classes in order to provide differentiated training for better preparation for the Unified State Exam.

– What goals do you set for yourself, carrying out the educational process in the theological school?

– Traditionally, in the Filofeyevsky school, as in any other theological school in Russia in the last 200 years, a two-fold goal is set: to educate and educate a person. It is clear that at the present stage these goals are being concretized. We put high-quality, competitive education at the forefront. But we do not need an educated and knowledgeable immoral savage. A young person must be formed as a moral person, having an Orthodox worldview, which will help him make the right choice in various, sometimes difficult life situations. Therefore, the entire educational process in the school is subordinated to this goal: this is a strict daily routine, higher requirements for discipline than in ordinary secular schools, this is an intense academic life.

– Your educational institution gives a complete secondary education along with the spiritual? How do you manage to combine the two programs?

– Indeed, in two years our pupils master two programs: general education and spiritual. There are no problems here, the schedule combines both secular and spiritual disciplines. Of course, the guys are somewhat busier with their studies than their peers in the world, but is that a bad thing? The educational standard in secular disciplines is fully maintained, the quality of preparation for USE high. From the first week of study, we are introducing additional classes in the Russian language and mathematics for 1st and 2nd year students. Later, from week 2, on the 2nd year, individual additional classes in other subjects are added. This is, in fact, tutoring within the walls of the school. We have been conducting such classes for the fifth year now, and the result is obvious. If in 2009 we passed the Unified State Exam with an average score of 45.5, then in 2012 - with a score of 59.7. In all four years, our graduates have always overcome the minimum threshold in the main subjects, all received certificates. And this year's graduates pleased us with high scores, for example, in physics, the Russian language, mathematics, history, social science, chemistry, and biology. Four people scored in these subjects from 72 to 90 points. All this allowed almost all graduates to enter prestigious universities for state-funded departments.

- Where do graduates go?

– Seven people wished to continue their spiritual education at the Tobolsk Theological Seminary. This is a third of graduates. The rest went to secular universities. First of all, this is the Tyumen State University: faculties of physics, chemistry, law. This and others Tyumen universities: construction academy, academy of culture and arts, oil and gas university, agricultural academy. All were admitted to state-funded places. Among our graduates of last year there are also students medical academy. In other cities, too, there are our "state employees": in Irkutsk state university at the Department of Political Science, Nizhnevartovsk State humanitarian university and other universities in Russia, including in Moscow.

In general, we maintain warm relations with graduates even after they graduate. For some who are in dire need of housing, we provide the opportunity to live and eat while studying at Tyumen universities within the walls of the college dormitory.

How do your pupils spend their leisure time?

Every month we have an academic day. These days we try to take the children to nature or to a sanatorium - to the pool. We often go to the drama theater - we have our own drama circle. We often travel to holy places. The choir of the school constantly makes missionary trips to Tyumen region. We also have an information technology circle, the pupils themselves publish the Dobroslov newspaper. Well, in general, the guys do not get bored, every day is busy with studies, obediences, singing. Many people spend their evenings in the gym.

– Do you accept applicants during the academic year?

– This issue requires an individual approach in each case of admission. Enrollment is possible with the blessing of the Archbishop of Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitri.

Interview with archimandrite
Tikhon (Bobov), rector
Tyumen Theological School
hosted by Sergei Makhonin,

Tyumen Orthodox Theological School, educational institution of the Tobolsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

School at the Tyumen Trinity Monastery

Theological school

Along with the revival of monastic life in the Trinity Monastery in the city of Tyumen, the revival of the theological school under him began. In the same year, the construction of the school building at the Exaltation of the Cross Church began, in the year it was completed, and in September the first students appeared within the walls of the newly opened theological school.

In order to improve the educational level in general subjects since / academic year, an agreement was concluded on the provision of educational services with the NOU "Tyumen Orthodox Gymnasium". In March 2009, the school passed state licensing and received the right to conduct educational activities on 2-year professional (spiritual) education programs.

The school accepts applicants on the basis of 9 classes. Along with receiving secondary education, students study the spiritual disciplines and at the end of the two-year period of study receive certificates of complete secondary education and diplomas in the profession of "clergyman".




  • Tikhon (Bobov), archim., Tyumen Orthodox Theological School in the context of reforming the system of spiritual education, page of the Diocese Project, July 14, 2011:
  • Makhonin S., Tyumen Theological School, interview with Archimandrite Tikhon (Bobov), rector of the Tyumen Theological School // Orthodox Enlightener, September 2012:

Used materials

  • Tikhon (Bobov), archim. 250 years of the Tyumen Theological School// Orthodox educator, October 2011.
  • Information note from the official website of the Tobolsk-Tyumen diocese:

Tobolsk Diocesan Gazette, 1897, No. 18, unofficial department, p. 431.