White coated tongue causes in adults. What diseases can speak white plaque on the tongue

White coating on the tongue in adults is a common occurrence. And at least once in a lifetime, each of us has experienced something like this. But a thin or dense film can be of any shade. Pink, red, brown, green coating on the tongue is not uncommon. Many start to panic when they see this on their tongue. We suggest not to worry and find out why there is such a thing as white coating on the tongue, and what are the reasons for its appearance in adults.

Why does plaque appear on the tongue

Plaque on the root of the tongue appears due to the active activity of microorganisms. In the oral cavity healthy person useful, opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms live (yes, the latter also exist, though in small quantities). When exposed adverse factors opportunistic and pathogenic actively multiply. Moreover, the conditions are suitable: a stable temperature, high humidity and food residues are always available on the surface of the tongue, gums, and teeth.

note ! Normally, a translucent film of a white tint is found on the tongue of a healthy person. This is fine. The color of plaque on the tongue, thickness and brightness depends on the season of the year. The most high density summer, and the least noticeable plaque or it is not at all in the fall. In winter, natural deposits are slightly yellow.


Plaque on the tongue - white, yellow, black or another shade - is easy to identify. The active growth of microorganisms gives a vivid picture:

  • dense or thin film on the surface of the cheeks, tongue, gums. Depending on the causes, deposits are found only on the tip or root of the tongue, the lateral parts of the organ, a certain area of ​​​​the gums, or the entire mouth is affected. The shade is also different. And brown coating on the tongue is not uncommon;
  • bad smell. A yellow coating on the tongue of a child or newborn with little or no odor. In an adult, a dense film, especially located at the root, has a putrefactive, fishy or curd smell. This may mean that the inflammation is in the active phase and the help of a specialist is immediately required;
  • swelling and redness. Brown plaque on the tongue or deposits of a different shade during, or other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, are accompanied by tissue edema. Therefore, the patient has difficulty breathing, swallowing, fever.

The color of the coating on the tongue. Isn't it just white?

Yes, the film in the oral cavity is found in different shades. For example, blue or purple based on the root of the tongue indicates stagnation of blood in the tissues of this area. Appearance blue color- one of the signals of typhus and dysentery, an occasion to consult a doctor. But only by color it is difficult to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, go to a specialist and undergo an examination.


A white film or yellow coating on the tongue has different reasons. The problem occurs when:

  • infectious or bacterial inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. Toxins of causative agents of diseases reduce local defenses, slow down the regeneration of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the gums and tongue. Often white plaque with, children have;
  • congenital pathologies of the intestine. With the defeat of the digestive department drops sharply. Therefore, bacteria in the oral cavity actively multiply, a black or brown film appears;
  • helminthiases. Infection is accompanied by a yellowish film in the oral cavity. If you have a similar symptom, be sure to visit the therapist's office and take a course of anthelmintic therapy;
  • drinking a lot of coffee. If you are an experienced coffee lover and drink more than 5 cups of the drink per day, then do not be surprised by black or brown films in your mouth and on your teeth;
  • smoking. Smokers often have a dense yellowish coating of resins on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, which stimulate the appearance of the film. In this case, one cannot do without help and ultrasound of the digestive system;
  • acceptance of certain medicines(antibiotics, hormonal or B vitamins).

There are a lot of reasons and only a specialist is able to diagnose and fix the problem.


As mentioned above, white plaque on the tongue has various reasons. For quick and effective therapy, diagnosis, doctors use:

  • visual examination of the oral cavity. A thin film is the beginning of the disease. A thick layer of any shade is an advanced stage. Examples can be seen in the photo.

Color and location play an important role. Black plaque on the tongue occurs with severe, Crohn's disease or fever with intoxication. The condition requires urgent care. Brown coating on the tongue occurs in alcoholics, with pathology of the blood and kidneys. Launched and also give a dense film of this shade. Green coating on the tongue occurs in patients with liver, with or stones in the gallbladder;

Note! It is impossible to determine the cause of film formation by color alone. Therefore, do not self-medicate, go to an appointment with a therapist or ENT.

  • biochemical blood test. The analysis shows the presence of inflammation in the body (leukocyte level), problems with fat or protein metabolism (abnormalities of bilirubin and other substances);
  • mucosal culture. After 4-5 days, the doctor receives data on microorganisms and fungi that have settled on the root of the tongue and gums. The analysis is informative, indicates the onset of tonsillitis, and other infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. They often give a dense coating, which has a different shade (usually yellowish, grayish or white).


White or yellow coating on the tongue in adults is the cause of psychological and physical discomfort. After diagnosing and identifying the causes, the doctor selects ways to solve the problem.

Green plaque on the tongue is eliminated with:

  • choleretics and cholekinetics. Medicines help if plaque is caused by gallbladder problems. The first group establishes the synthesis of the secret, prevents the formation of stones. The second category removes bile, does not allow stagnation and accumulations. The first results are noticeable after a week of regular use;

Note! Choleretics and cholekinetics are strong drugs. And you can’t take them yourself if you notice a black coating on the tongue. Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. He also prescribes the duration of the course and the daily dosage. Therefore, do not self-medicate.

  • drugs. If the tongue is covered with a white coating due to development, then a course of drugs will solve the problem in 2-3 days;
  • antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Inflammations of an infectious and bacterial nature - frequent appearance of white plaque. It is worth drinking pills for 5-7 days - and the problem is solved.

We solve the problem by folk methods

Treatment of plaque in the tongue can be non-traditional. Many folk ways and simple recipes promise to save everyone from such a nuisance.

The red coating on the tongue will recede after:

  • rinsing with a decoction of parsley seeds. For 500 grams of water, take 1 teaspoon of seeds. Boil the broth over low heat in a water bath until boiling. Rinse 3-4 times a day. The color of plaque on the tongue will fade after the first session, and the problems will completely go away in 3-4 days. The decoction is hypoallergenic. This means that it is possible to treat a white coating on the child's tongue in this way. And there will definitely be no harm;
  • Oak bark. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Rinse your mouth with a strong decoction 4-5 times a day.

Advice! Oak bark is very bitter. Therefore, to treat the problem in a child, use other herbs. Gentle chamomile, sage or peppermint are ideal.

It would be useful to drink a course of vitamins or a strengthening collection. Herbal teas based on ginseng, rosehip, lemongrass are not only pleasant to the taste, but also excellent prevention of deposits on the root of the tongue or gums. There are a lot of recipes for vitamin preparations on the Internet, and it is not difficult to find something to your taste.

Preventive measures

Plaque and bitterness in the mouth bring a lot of trouble, psychological discomfort. Is it possible to prevent white coating on the tongue? Yes, and it's easy to do:

  • follow the hygiene of the oral cavity. Use high-quality toothbrushes not only for the dentition and gums, but also for the tongue and cheeks. Special rinses and dental floss will maintain a healthy environment, eliminate pathogens;
  • visit the dentist's office not only when the tooth hurts, but also for prevention purposes. The doctor will assess the condition of the dentition and oral cavity, notice in the early stages the onset of the inflammatory process on the gums.

Note! The longer you put off a visit to the dentist with an obvious problem or caries, the greater the chances of getting a white coating on the mucous membranes. And the treatment of a neglected problem is more expensive than prevention or correction in the early stages.

  • nibble on an apple or carrot. Solid food cleans the teeth of small plaque, freshens breath and strengthens the gums. If you eat at least one apple or carrot a day, then a gray coating on the tongue will not appear.

As you can see, the rules are simple. Their execution does not require much time, and the habit of properly and regularly caring for the oral cavity will relieve plaque and unpleasant odors.

The state of the tongue almost always unmistakably indicates the state of the human body, especially the digestive organs. It is not for nothing that doctors, when examining a patient, first of all ask to show the tongue. Wet, pink, soft, movable tongue indicates that the person is healthy. Various changes, such as dryness, thickening, discoloration, the appearance of plaque, will tell an experienced doctor a lot.

Of course, if from time to time its surface is covered with a very thin, transparent, white coating, through which the pink surface is clearly visible, then there is nothing to worry about, it happens to everyone. Such a small coating is usually odorless and may vary depending on the time of year. For example, in summer it is more pronounced, and in winter it can turn a little yellow. In addition, smoking, certain foods, and drinks can affect the shade.

Such a raid is often observed in adolescents entering puberty, or is caused by a hormonal surge. You can get rid of it with the help of careful oral hygiene. But today we will not talk about it, the natural manifestation of a healthy body. We will talk about pathological conditions in which a white coating appears on the tongue, we will find out and discuss the reasons for how to treat this condition. Such a raid, of course, is different from a “healthy” one. And what exactly, I'll tell you now:

When does plaque speak of pathology?

In the presence of pathologies in the body, plaque changes. From thin, white, almost transparent, it can become gray, yellow or green, and sometimes even black. As you know, the darker the plaque, the more serious the existing disease.

Thin layering can sometimes indicate an acute respiratory disease. A yellow, dense, abundant layer, through which the surface is not visible, indicates the presence of chronic diseases or serious viral infections. Moreover, plaque can cover the entire surface of the tongue or only some of its parts.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color, density, and also the type of plaque. For example, it can be dry or wet, it can be cheesy or greasy. It can be soft, easily removed or dense, difficult to separate. An experienced doctor pays attention to all this during the diagnosis.

When layering appears on the surface of the tongue, it is said that the tongue is coated. So, it can be taxed due to a variety of diseases. Most often this is observed with the development of an infectious process, or in the presence of diseases of the digestive system. Let's talk about this in more detail:

Infectious diseases:

Scarlet fever - layering is white, dense, with a gray tint, in addition, swelling of the tongue is observed. These symptoms persist from the very beginning of the disease. Pass by the end of the first week. After that, the tongue becomes red, becomes dry with a shiny surface.

Diphtheria - layers appear at the very root. They are a white, dirty film. When trying to eliminate it, the patient feels pain.

Dysentery is a disease characterized by the occurrence of erosions. The tongue is covered with a white, very dense coating.

Cholera - the main symptom of this dangerous disease is severe dehydration of the whole organism. Because of this, the layers on the surface of the tongue become languid gray, almost black.

Candidiasis (thrush) - with this disease, the surface of the tongue is lined with a white curdled coating. After its removal, pain may be felt. If you do not take measures for treatment, white cheesy deposits spread over the entire surface of the pharynx, making it difficult to breathe.

Gastrointestinal tract:

Gastritis - the entire surface of the tongue is lined with whitish layers with a gray tint. Only unaffected are side surfaces and the end itself. At the same time, there is a taste of bitterness, dryness in the mouth.

Peptic ulcer - deposits are also whitish-gray, dense, poorly removed mechanically. Deposits are located on the back surface, closer to the pharynx.

Oncology - Cancer of the stomach “covers” the tongue with a very thick, dense white coating, which consists of mucous deposits mixed with microflora.

Diseases of the liver, gallbladder cause yellow, with different shades, deposits on the front of the tongue. Plaque becomes more intense during periods of exacerbations.

Other causes of white plaque

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, the appearance of white deposits may indicate the development of psoriatic erythroderma. At the same time, the surface is covered with round white-gray foci, similar to peas.

Pale color, dry tongue, warn of dehydration. Well, in the event that its swelling is observed, the surface is covered with white, dense, thick deposits, cracks, one can indicate the presence of radiation sickness.

If you suspect that something is wrong with the body, if the tongue is covered with a thick coating, especially in the morning, or does not look like it usually does, be sure to seek medical advice. Early detection of the disease, timely diagnosis, contribute to successful treatment and rapid recovery.


It is important to understand that white plaque is not a disease, and therefore there is no special treatment for this condition. Since the reason for its appearance in each case may be different, then the therapy will differ. It is determined by the doctor. Removing plaque from the tongue in order to reduce the number of bacteria in the oral cavity is a daily hygiene procedure. This measure will prevent bad breath, caries, tonsillitis, gastrointestinal diseases and even heart disease. Use a toothbrush to clean the plaque from the tongue.

Type in your mouth 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and begin to dissolve it for 15-20 minutes. This will remove toxins from the salivary glands. Don't swallow oil. Then spit out the oil and rinse your mouth.

During a night's rest, the function of the salivary glands is reduced, so in the morning the tongue is covered with plaque - the result of bacterial activity and the cause of unpleasant, stale breath. When is a white film a pathology and should action be taken? What to do with yellow, green, brown, gray deposits? The article provides answers to these and other questions.

What deposits are the norm

When health is in order, the white film is not thick, the pink surface of the tongue shines through it, it retains its natural flexibility and mobility.

Bad breath is negligible, the film is easy to remove when brushing your teeth in the morning. Its hue is different different time of the year. For example, in summer it is yellowish, but remains light.

A significant film thickness indicates a chronic nature.

A change in white to gray is the transition of the disease to an acute or chronic stage.

A thick coating on the tongue surface is a dysbacteriosis, although this disease is not mentioned in the International Classification of Diseases. For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, means are not required to restore the balance of the intestinal microflora. The intestines are able to repair themselves if conditions are created.

A thick white film is formed when the body is intoxicated with an infectious disease, the temperature rises to high values.

Lingual plaque changes color from white to green with mycotic, candidal, yeast damage to its surface, which may be associated with long-term use of antibiotics, steroid drugs, immunosuppressants.

The tongue becomes dry with fever, diabetes, decreased levels.

Uneven spotty color - a fungal infection (stomatitis), the mucous membrane is also affected, ulcers form.

Mottled film that resembles a pattern geographical map, a slight burning sensation is also felt - the causes are unknown. Plaque appears at any age. It is believed that the spots are not dangerous, they spontaneously pass.

Yellow plaque - viral hepatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, the presence of stones, damage to the biliary tract.

A yellow or green tint is a sign of stagnation or excess bile.

Yellow color at the base is a sign of jaundice.

Modified: 11/11/2018

White dots, spots or a dense film located on the surface of the tongue are a very ambiguous symptom. First, they vary appearance. Secondly, some of the formations cause pain, while others are completely painless. Many people mistakenly believe that the absence of pain means the absence of something serious. However, this is not always the case.

Of course, there are quite harmless explanations for the white coating on the tongue. For example, moderate dehydration or mild digestive disorders. However, in some cases, the white surface of the tongue may indicate a precancerous condition. This article is for anyone who has found strange spots on their own or their child's tongue. Consider the most common causes of white plaque on the tongue and under the tongue in adults and children, and give recommendations on what to do in such cases.

White coating on the tongue: when is the norm, and when is the pathology

It should be noted right away that the presence of a white coating on the tongue is always not the norm. Thus, the body signals about any violations or changes that have appeared in it. And some of them can be absolutely harmless, while others become a signal to see a doctor as soon as possible.

What diseases does a white furred tongue in adults speak of?

A group of disorders with a favorable prognosis

  • Spots on the tongue of smokers

White plaque on the mucous membranes of the cheeks and on the tongue may appear due to regular irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with tobacco smoke - a typical symptom of heavy smokers. The spots appear slightly denser than the surrounding tissue and may rise above a "clean" surface. A plaque that occurs for this reason does not cause any harm. But in some cases, development under a white film is possible.

  • Cold

There is an opinion that before a person gets sick with catarrhal disorders, his tongue is covered whitish coating with barely noticeable spots and blisters.

  • Diseases of the spleen

If the spots are located exactly on the left side of the tongue, they indicate violations in the functionality of this organ.

  • Gastrointestinal Disorders

One white diffuse spot in the middle of the tongue indicates digestive disorders, most often in the liver and pancreas.

  • Candidiasis in the mouth

A fungal disease caused by yeast fungi - candida. The second name for the disease is thrush. White coating on the tongue is the most common symptom of thrush. It quickly disappears, like other symptoms of the disease, after correct therapeutic regimens, including antifungal drugs. A characteristic symptom of thrush is separability of a white film on the tongue, under which point ulcerations are found.

  • Stomatitis

Generalized inflammation of all surfaces in the oral cavity, including gums, cheeks, tongue, lips, throat, with a favorable prognosis. One of the first characteristic features this condition is the appearance of ulcers on the tongue, cheeks, lips, palate and so on. On the tongue, in addition to white plaque, small ulcers of various sizes, from 1 to 10 mm in diameter, are found, often bleeding. Stomatitis often affects children, even infants.

Group of disorders with a cautious prognosis

These suspected diseases require immediate medical attention.

  • Lichen planus

A special risk group for this disease includes individuals suffering from hepatitis C, more often women over 40 years of age. Six various forms lichen planus can be diagnosed in the mouth with symptoms ranging from white round spots to erosive ulcers. White spots on the tongue, characteristic of this disease, as a rule, do not cause discomfort. While erosions are accompanied by a burning sensation and can be very painful.

  • Leukoplakia

The disease may begin as a single white spot on the tongue that does not cause pain. Leukoplakia refers to disorders that precede a precancerous condition.

Local irritants play important role in the development of the disease. The most common cause of the progression of leukoplakia is tobacco smoking, especially depending on the number of cigarettes smoked. In addition, passion for too hot or too spicy food, frequent alcohol consumption can serve as an irritant.

There are five different types of leukoplakia with specific symptoms. The main symptom of Plan leukoplakia, for example, is the development of heterogeneous white spots on the tongue of varying transparency and diffuse borders.

  • Migratory atrophic glossitis

The spots on the tongue are numerous, smooth, red with a white border, reminiscent of the islands of an archipelago. For such a comparison, the disease was called geographical language.

The disease is diagnosed quite often - among 1-3% of the population. Geographic tongue is not associated with malnutrition, but rather a disorder of unknown origin. Presumably, this disorder is based on psychosomatic causes. Symptoms usually disappear on their own over time.

  • precancerous condition

If the white coating on the tongue is raised above the surrounding surface, it forms slit-like spaces, then such symptoms may indicate a dangerous precancerous condition.

White coating under the tongue

Given the increased contact of the lower surface of the tongue with the sublingual space and proximity to the ducts of the salivary glands, white coating or spots under the tongue appear quite rarely. This is possible in some cases.

  • Multiple ulcerations in the oral cavity associated with bacterial or viral infection in organism.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain of various etiology and genesis. It is worth emphasizing that diseases that affect must be taken very seriously. Therefore, at the first detection of white spots under the tongue, especially in a child, you need to see a doctor urgently, within a few hours.

White coating on the tongue of a baby - should I see a doctor?

White dots on the tongue in babies is a common condition. Since oral candidiasis often occurs in newborns. Their immunity is still too weak, and pathogenic yeasts easily inhabit their mucous membranes. The spots resemble a curdled structure, and can cover the inside of the cheeks, soft palate and tongue. The spots do not acquire definite shapes, they are arranged asymmetrically. Children suffering from thrush lose their appetite, calmness and sleep. If it is not possible to get immediate pediatric advice, you can try to treat white spots with a solution of soda: 1 teaspoon of soda dissolved in 1 liter of water.

How to get rid of white plaque on the tongue at home

If you find any open wounds or ulcers on the surface of the tongue, you should immediately consult a doctor. In other cases, tongue hygiene is just as important as daily brushing.

The tongue plays the role of a certain filter at the time of chewing food, so its pollution occurs even more often than teeth. Microorganisms developing on its surface often become a source of infection when they enter the gastrointestinal tract.

The formation of white plaque on the mucous membrane of the tongue is the result of various pathological processes in the human body, primarily affecting the digestive system. In order to effectively get rid of it, it is necessary to find out the reason for its formation.

What does the white coating mean?

Normally, the mucous membrane of the tongue is clean, it has a pink color and should not contain deposits or inclusions. There are several main conditional groups of pathological causes that lead to the formation of a plaque on the white tongue.

  • Pathology of the digestive system.
  • Pathology of various organs and systems not related to the problems of the digestive system.
  • Infectious diseases with predominant localization in the oral cavity.

The tongue is coated with a white coating in various diseases with certain features. Depending on the type of pathological process, plaque can have different intensity, localization and consistency.

Causes of plaque associated with the pathology of the digestive system

What diseases of the digestive system cause white plaque on the tongue:

  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach that can occur with reduced or increased acidity. In the case of a decrease in the functional activity of the stomach, the plaque is uniform, while the dry tongue has a smooth surface. With increased acidity, against the background of white plaque, roughness of the tongue develops.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach - the formation of a mucosal defect, usually against the background of increased acidity, is characterized by desquamation (desquamation) of the epithelium of the tongue, which is manifested by the appearance of islands of white plaque and roughness.
  • Peptic ulcer of the duodenum - the formation of a defect in various parts of the mucous membrane; characterized by the fact that a white coating is accompanied by a slight burning sensation, which usually increases in the evening.
  • Reflux esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus that provokes regurgitation (reverse reflux) of the contents of the stomach. With reflux, a white coating is almost always accompanied by heartburn (a burning sensation behind the sternum caused by irritation of the esophagus by acidic stomach contents).
  • Enteritis and enterocolitis are inflammatory processes of various origins (infections, insufficient activity of the digestive glands, malnutrition), in which white plaque appears on the base of the tongue, and teeth marks can be seen on its lateral surfaces.
  • The pathology of the liver, structures of the hepatobiliary system (gall bladder, bile ducts) and pancreas is characterized by the formation of a white coating with a yellow tint, which has a more intense yellow color on the root of the tongue.

To differentiate the reasons why a white coating appeared on the tongue, it is important to pay attention to other signs of the pathological process of the digestive system - abdominal pain, dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, vomiting, unstable stools, flatulence), sharp pains in the right hypochondrium (including hepatic colic ), impaired digestion and absorption of food. Sometimes a white or white-gray dense coating on the tongue may be evidence of the development of oncological pathology of the stomach or intestines.

Pathology of other organs and systems, leading to the appearance of plaque

The formation of plaque on the tongue of white color means not only the pathology of the digestive system, but can also be associated with pathological processes of other localization:

  • With chronic bronchitis of various origins (infectious, allergic, toxic) - plaque may be unexpressed, it is localized mainly on the tip of the tongue.
  • With renal failure - a violation of the functional activity of the kidneys, due to various chronic diseases, which is characterized by the accumulation of metabolic products in the body. This forms a white coating on the root of the tongue. In case of severe kidney failure, a characteristic kidney odor appears from the mouth.
  • With diabetes mellitus - a metabolic disorder with an increase in sugar levels in the blood and body. It leads to disruption of the salivary glands with insufficient production of saliva, the tongue in this case is covered with a white dense coating in the region of its back.
  • With insufficient intake of B vitamins in the body (reduced amount in food, steal syndrome in intestinal helminthiasis), which leads to desquamation of the epithelium of the tongue and its inflammatory reaction with a characteristic white coating on the background of hyperemia (red staining of the tongue), while often the tongue hurts .

Pathological causes that are not associated with diseases of the digestive system are more likely to develop in adults. In children, plaque may appear on the background of intestinal helminthiasis.

Infectious factors in the formation of white plaque

There are several infectious reasons for the development of an inflammatory reaction of the mucous membrane of the tongue with the formation of white patches on it. These include:

  • Scarlet fever is a specific infection caused by certain types of streptococci, it develops mainly in children, while the baby has a white coating against the background of hypertrophied (enlarged) taste buds that look like red dots. Also, such symptoms can develop with angina caused by streptococcal infection in adults and children. The cause of raids can sometimes be a sore throat, provoked by other types of pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria. It is almost always accompanied by a sore throat.
  • Candidal infection - develops as a result of the activation of opportunistic fungal flora, which is represented by fungi of the genus Candida. It is accompanied by the fact that the raids are white and have a characteristic curdled character, and inflammation develops, from which a burning sensation appears on the tongue. Plaques can also be localized under the tongue, on the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheeks and on the gums. Activation of a fungal infection can occur after antibiotics (especially after their long-term use), against the background of an acquired or congenital decrease in immunity activity, changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, and also in diabetes mellitus.

For an accurate objective clarification of the reasons for the formation of white plaque on the tongue, an additional laboratory, functional and instrumental examination is carried out.

What to do when a white coating appears on the tongue?

Before removing raids effectively and efficiently, it is imperative to diagnose the causes of their appearance, since therapeutic tactics are based on eliminating their impact.

  • In case of pathology of the digestive system, conservative treatment is used, including antibiotics, antacids to reduce acidity, enzyme preparations, intestinal sorbents, hepatoprotectors and antispasmodics. The choice of these drugs is based on the nature of the diagnosed disease, its localization and severity.
  • In the case of hypovitaminosis, multivitamins that contain vitamins of group B are necessarily included in the therapy.
  • Treatment of bronchitis is based on the use of antibiotics (for its infectious nature), bronchodilators and expectorants.
  • Etiotropic therapy of scarlet fever and tonsillitis is carried out with the help of antibiotics and local antiseptic agents (lozenges for sore throat, gargling solutions).
  • When diagnosing renal failure, therapy is carried out in a medical hospital, often with the use of hemodialysis (hardware purification of blood from metabolic products).
  • Antifungal drugs in the form of a solution for rinsing or tablets will help get rid of raids with a candidal infection.

The appearance of unexpressed white patches in the morning can be the result of dry mouth and tongue, especially if a person breathed through his mouth at night. In this case, you can clean the tongue with a special hygienic brush. If white plaques on the tongue appear constantly, and also persist throughout the day, then this symptom indicates that this is a pathological cause of their development.