Agniya barto short biography for children. Unknown facts about famous writers. Agniya Barto

Barto Agnia Lvovna (1906-1981) was born on February 17 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She received a good home education, which was led by her father. She studied at the gymnasium, where she began to write poetry. At the same time, she studied at the choreographic school, where A. Lunacharsky came to the graduation tests and, after listening to Barto's poems, advised her to continue writing.

In 1925, books of poems for children were published - "Chinese Wang Li", Thief Bear". A conversation with Mayakovsky about how children need in principle new poetry, what role it can play in the education of the future citizen, finally determined the choice of subject matter for Barto's poetry. She regularly published collections of poems: "Brothers" (1928), "Boy on the contrary" (1934), "Toys" (1936), "Bullfinch" (1939).

In 1937, Barto was a delegate to the International Congress for the Defense of Culture, which was held in Spain. There she saw with her own eyes what fascism was (congress meetings were held in besieged burning Madrid). During Patriotic War Barto often spoke on the radio in Moscow and Sverdlovsk, wrote military poems, articles, and essays. In 1942 she was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda on Western front.

In the post-war years she visited Bulgaria, Iceland, Japan, England and other countries.

In 1940-50 new collections were published: "First Grader", "Zvenigorod", "Funny Poems", "Poems for Children". In the same years, he worked on scripts for children's films "Foundling", "Elephant and Rope", "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character."

In 1958 she wrote a large cycle of satirical poems for children "Leshenka, Leshenka", "Grandfather's granddaughter", etc.

In 1969 a book of prose "Find a Man" was published, in 1976 - the book "Notes of a Children's Poet". A. Barto died in 1981 in Moscow.

Poems for children.

Two sisters look at their brother:
Small, awkward
Can't smile
It only furrows the brows.

The younger brother sneezed
Sisters rejoice:
- The child is already growing -
He sneezed like an adult!

We are friends - two Yashki,
They called us "twins".
- What dissimilar! -
Passersby are talking.

And I have to explain
That we are not brothers at all
We are friends - two Jacobs,
They call us the same.

The elder brother cradled his sister:
- Baiushki bye!
Let's get the dolls out of here
Baiushki bye.

Persuaded the girl
(She's only a year old)
- Time to sleep,
Bury yourself in a pillow
I will give you a club
Get up on the ice.

Do not Cry,
I will give
Soccer ball,
Want -
You will be the judge
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

The elder brother cradled his sister:
- Well, let's not buy a ball,
Bring back the dolls
Just don't cry.

Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.
It's time to sleep...
You understand - I'm mom and dad
Released to the cinema.

I opened the door with my key.
I am in an empty apartment.
No, I'm not upset at all
That I'm in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!
I can do what I want -
After all, I'm alone in the apartment,
Alone in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!
Now I turn on the radio
I will shout all the singers!

I can whistle, knock on doors,
No one will say: "Don't make noise!"
No one will say: "Do not whistle!"
Everyone at work until five!

Thank you for this key...
But for some reason I am silent
And I don't want anything
Alone in an empty apartment.

I am Volodya's marks
I know without a diary.
If a brother comes with a triple
There are three calls.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing starts -
So five or four
He received today.

If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar
Two short ones are distributed,
Indecisive call.

Well, what if the unit
He knocks softly on the door.

If you're still nowhere
Didn't meet the queen
Look - here she is!
She lives among us.

Everyone, right and left
The queen announces:

- Where is my coat? Hang him up!
Why is he not there?

I have a heavy portfolio
Bring it to school!

I charge the duty officer
Bring me a cup of tea
And buy me at the buffet
Each, each one candy.

The queen is in third grade
And her name is Nastasya.

Bow at Nastya
Like a crown
like a crown
From kapron.

I once accidentally
I dozed off during class.
I feel comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing I don't understand
What in a dream, what in reality.

Suddenly out of nowhere
Distributed in the distance:
— Shura Volkova,
to the blackboard!

And here a miracle happened:
I am sailing on a boat
And in a dream I tear water lilies
A lesson I without hesitation
I answer for real.

Got a triple plus
But I took a nap with taste.

The speaker was young,
He spoke about work.
He argued from the podium:
We need work always, everywhere!

The school tells us to work,
Teaching this squad...
- Pick up the papers from the floor!
One of the boys called out.

But here the speaker grimaces:
There's a cleaning lady for that!

Tanya has a lot to do
Tanya has a lot to do:
Helping my brother in the morning
He ate sweets in the morning.

Here's what Tanya has to do:
Tanya ate, drank tea,
I sat down, sat with my mother,
I got up and went to my grandmother.

Before going to bed, she told her mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I will help you tomorrow.

Bought in the store
rubber zine,
Rubber Zina
Brought in a basket.
She was loose
Rubber Zina,
Fell out of the basket
Soaked in mud.
We'll wash in gasoline
rubber zine,
We'll wash in gasoline
And wag a finger:
Don't be so sloppy
Rubber Zina,
And then we will send Zina
Back to the store.

We played flock yesterday
And we had to roar.
We growled and groaned
They barked like dogs
Heard no comments
Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said sternly:
- What kind of noise do you have?
I saw a lot of children -
I see these for the first time.

We said to her:
- There are no children here!
We are not Petit and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows.

And the dogs are always barking
Your words are not understood.
And the cows are always mooing
Keeping flies away.

And she answered: - What are you?
Okay, if you are cows,
Then I am a shepherd.
I ask you to keep in mind:
I bring cows home.

Our Vasily
There is a first and last name.

Today first graders
Enrolled in class
Vasenka did not lose his head
And immediately said:

- I have a surname!
I am Vasya Chistyakov. —
They entered Vasily in an instant
in the number of students.

Yes, first and last name
Not a couple of trifles!

// February 13, 2009 // Hits: 64,717

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Agnia Lvovna Barto 1906-1981

Agnia Barto was born on February 4, 1906 in Moscow into an educated family. Her father, Lev Nikolaevich Volov (1875-1924), was a veterinarian. Mother, Maria Ilyinichna Volova (d. 1959), was a housewife. As a child, Agnia studied at a ballet school. At the same time, she began to write poetry.

A. Lunacharsky, after listening to Barto's poems, advised her to continue writing. She regularly published collections of poems: "Brothers" (1928), "Boy on the contrary" (1934), "Toys" (1936), "Bullfinch" (1939).

During the Patriotic War, Barto often spoke on the radio in Moscow and Sverdlovsk, wrote military poems, articles, and essays. In 1942 she was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda on the Western Front. In the post-war years she visited Bulgaria, Iceland, Japan, England and other countries.

The first husband of Agnia Lvovna was the poet Pavel Barto. Together with him, she wrote three poems - "Girl-roar", "Girl grimy" and "Counting". In 1927 their son Edgar was born. In the spring of 1945, Garik died tragically in (he was hit by a truck while riding a bicycle).

The second husband of Agnia Lvovna was Andrey Vladimirovich Shcheglyaev. From this marriage a daughter was born - Tatyana.

In life, everything went well: the husband moved up the career ladder, daughter Tatyana got married and gave birth to a son, Vladimir. It was about him that Barto composed the poems "Vovka is a kind soul."

The name Agnia Barto was given to one of the minor planets (2279 Barto), located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, as well as to one of the craters on Venus.

Agnia Barto died on April 1, 1981. But we say thank you for the wonderful poems on which more than one generation of children will be brought up.

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The famous children's writer Agniya Lvovna Barto was born in 1906 in the family of a veterinarian. Immediately after birth, the parents named the baby Getel, but after marriage she changed her name. That is why for adults and children in all its sources we know the famous poetess and screenwriter as Agniya Barto.

Briefly about childhood and youth

Since childhood, the girl loved to dance and dreamed of ballet. And although her primary education her father was engaged, after entering the gymnasium, the future poetess studied at the ballet school. Agnia loved to engage in creativity since childhood. That is why the poems and biography of Agnia Barto are included in the program for grade 3. They are saturated with childhood and include instructive meaning.

One could briefly talk about Agnia Barto if her biography was not saturated with so many interesting facts. Such as, for example, she studied German from childhood and French. After she graduated from the ballet school, Agnia was enrolled in a professional ballet troupe. Thus, a new stage began in the biography of Barto Agnia Lvovna, which inspired her to write new poems.

Literary creativity

Among adults and children it is impossible to find someone who would not love her work. The presence of open human feelings and a language understandable to a child is what really attracts in her work. And to love poetry, her father taught her.

1925 is a significant year in the biography of Agnia Barto, as she published the first two books, the works of which are currently recommended for grade 2.

Agniya read poems with such intonation, thanks to which she aroused confidence. She had an amazing gift for talking to children in their language. That is why such works as “Chinese Wang Li” by Agnia Barto and her biography are recommended for study for grade 3. In the biography of Agnia Lvovna Barto, many exciting events took place, which prompted her to write poetry for children.

Personal life

Like any person, the poetess experienced black and white streaks in life. There were tragic moments, such as the sudden death of a son. There were bright moments associated with the publishing of Agnia Barto's books, which are so much mentioned in all the photo and video sources of her biography. Together with her husband Agniya Barto wrote a number of works for children elementary school. For example, such as "Girl-revushka". Also, she worked in the magazine "Murzilka".

The poetess lived a very active and rich life. Her hobbies were travel and sports.

One of the most interesting facts about the biography of Agnia Barto is the date of her birth. There is a version that she was born two years later. The fact is that she really wanted to get a job early due to the fact that she survived hunger and need. So she had to forge a little document about her birth.

04.02.1906 - 01.04.1981

Russian poetess

(real name Volova) Biography of Agnia Barto

Agniya Barto was born on February 4 (17), 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She received a good home education, which was led by her father. She studied at the gymnasium, where, experiencing the creative influence of A.A. Akhmatova and V.V. Mayakovsky, began to write poetic epigrams and sketches. At the same time, she studied at the choreographic school, where A. Lunacharsky came to the graduation tests and, after listening to Barto's poems, advised her to continue writing.

In 1925, her first poems "Chinese Wang Li" and "The Thief Bear" were published. They were followed by The First of May (1926), Brothers (1928), after the publication of which, K.I. Chukovsky noted outstanding talent Barto like a children's poet. Some poems were written jointly with her husband, the poet P.N. Barto (The Dirty Girl and The Ryushka Girl, 1930).

After the publication of a cycle of poetic miniatures for the smallest "Toys" (1936), as well as poems "Flashlight", "Mashenka" and others, Barto became one of the most famous and beloved by readers of children's poets, her works were published in huge editions, were included in anthologies. The rhythm, rhymes, images and plots of these poems turned out to be close and understandable to millions of children.

Agniya Barto wrote scripts for the films The Foundling (1940, together with actress Rina Zelena), Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character (1953), 10,000 Boys (1962, together with I. Okada). Her poem "The Rope" was taken by the director I. Fraz as the basis for the concept of the film "The Elephant and the Rope" (1945).

During the Great Patriotic War, Barto was evacuated in Sverdlovsk, went to the front with the reading of her poems, spoke on the radio, wrote for newspapers. Her poems of the war years (the collection "Teenagers", 1943, the poem "Nikita", 1945, etc.) are mainly of a journalistic nature. For the collection "Poems for Children" (1949), Agnia Barto was awarded the State Prize (1950).

The pupils of the orphanage are described in Barto's poem "Zvenigorod" (1948). For nine years, Barto hosted the Find a Man radio program, in which she searched for people torn apart by the war. With its help, about 1000 families were reunited. About this work, Barto wrote the story "Find a Man" (published in 1968).

In "Notes of a Children's Poet" (1976), the poetess formulated her poetic and human credo: "Children need the whole gamut of feelings that give rise to humanity." Numerous trips to different countries led her to the idea of ​​wealth inner peace child of any nationality. This idea was confirmed by the poetry collection "Translations from Children" (1977), in which Barto translated from different languages children's poems.

For many years, Barto headed the Association of Literature and Art for Children, was a member of the international Andersen jury. In 1976 she was awarded the International Prize. H.K. Andersen. Barto's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Agniya Barto. Poems for children

Agniya Barto began writing from childhood in elementary grades. Most of Agnia's poems Barto written for children - preschoolers or junior schoolchildren. Her poems are easy to read and memorize for children. Barto began writing poems for children when she got older. She wrote children's poems about her girlfriends. Since then, her poems for children have become popular. Humor and expression of children's feelings are characteristic of the poems of A. Barto. Poems for children Bartobring together adults and children, helping themin communication. That is why poems for children Barto so precisely fix everything characteristic of different years experienced by children of several generations. Barto's poems for children are the pages of our childhood. Bartoalmost always in her poems speaks on behalf of the child, and she has the right to do so. When you read these poems, you see that the author does not live somewhere nearby, but together with our children, hears not only their conversations, but also their thoughts, knows how to read between the lines in children's letters, which she received in thousands.