Bad weather is raging in the field, spreading across the sky. Lyrics. Mathematics test

Bad weather is raging in the field. Low heavy clouds drift across the sky. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads. It gets dark early. But this does not frighten the partisans. Hatred for the Nazis gathered them in the deep forest. Kolya Zaitsev participated in many battles along with the partisans. Now he has come running from a nearby village and reports to the commander what he saw on the road. german tanks. The guerrillas expect to destroy them with a sudden blow.

slide 5 from the presentation "Verb Repetition". The size of the archive with the presentation is 150 KB.

Russian language grade 6

summary other presentations

"Indicative mood" - Hands raised up. Input control. Output control. verb inclination. Indicative. Read the information in the textbook. What proverbs are "superfluous". Get knowledge. Read the snippets. Write down the text. Verbs in indicative mood. Initial position. Words. Finish the statements you started. Formation of self-esteem skills. Evaluation paper.

"Adjective name as a part of speech" - Case endings for adjectives. Station Orange. Competition "Who is faster?". Fizminutka. Form short forms of adjectives. Unlucky student. Lesson goals. Forms of degrees of comparison. Siberia is Siberian. Form adjectives from nouns with suffixes K and SK. Morphological analysis words. In brocade attire. Station "Discharge". Adjective as a part of speech. Test yourself. Н and НН in adjective suffixes.

"Verb Exercises" - Determine the style. Nature showed off its generous palette of colors. Spelling prefix. Winter is not far off. Wind. Quantity grammar basics. Spelling of an unstressed personal ending. The garden looks dull. The real winter is not far away. Puddles. Write out the word. Punctuation marks. Reasoning with elements of description. Autumn palette. Empty garden. Determine the topic of the text. Write out the perfective verbs.

"Compound nouns" - Tumbleweed. foreign names. Words formed with particles. Words with initial foreign language elements vice-, cameras-. geographical names. Spelling of compound nouns. Nouns-terms. Compound words and abbreviations. Words with the first part semi-. Compound nouns denoting -profession, -rank. Words with half-. Words with connecting O and E. Words with the second part, -grad, -city.

"Exercises for numerals" - The name is numeral. Ordinals. When declining compound numbers, all words change. Tell me about the noun. Words that are part of the numeral. What questions do ordinal numbers answer? The last word. Check yourself. The order of the items. Write it down in words. The number of items. Pronounce it right. When declining compound numbers, only the last word changes.

"" Discharges of pronouns "Grade 6" - Negative pronouns. Return pronoun. Demonstrative pronouns. Pronoun as a part of speech. Interrogative and relative pronouns. Classes of pronouns. Definitive pronouns. Possessive pronouns. Read the text. Solve riddles. Read the poem.

Test mathematics

For those entering the 7th cadet class

(40 minutes)

1. Calculate: a) ; b) .

2. Simplify expressions:

3. Solve the equations:

4. For the manufacture of 8 identical parts, 12 kg of metal is required. How many kg of metal will be required to make 6 such parts?

5. There are 4 times fewer cars in the first parking lot than in the second one. After 35 cars arrived at the first parking lot, and 25 cars left the second one, the number of cars in the parking lots became equal. How many cars were in each parking lot initially?

6. In the first hour, the car traveled 27% of the intended path, after which it had to travel another 146 km. How many km is the length of the planned route?

Russian language. Dictation with grammar tasks

For applicants entering the 7th cadet class

(40 minutes)

Guerrilla ambush

Bad weather is raging in the field. Low, heavy clouds drift across the sky. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads.

Hatred for the fascist invaders gathered partisans in the dense forest. Eleven-year-old Seryozha participated in many battles.

Now he has come running from a nearby village and reports to the commander that he saw several German tanks on the road. The guerrillas expect to destroy them with a sudden blow.

The hum of motors is heard. Serezha makes his way to the road. Enemy tanks make their way to a small clearing. The boy throws a bottle of incendiary liquid into the front car.

A fiery arc flashed and lit up the forest. The tank caught fire. The path to the fascists is blocked. Some of the enemies tried to resist. The partisans came running and destroyed the Nazis. No one escaped from this ambush. young hero presented for an award.

Grammar tasks

1. Make parsing the first sentence of the fifth paragraph.

2. Parse the composition of the word: invaders, fled, someone.

3. Parse as part of speech words: invaders, fled, someone.

Mathematics work

For young men entering the 8th cadet class

(40 minutes)

1. Simplify:

1. Factorize:

1. Solve the equation:

1. Build a graph of the function. Does the point B(8; -19) belong to the graph of this function?

2. Cookies were brought to the store. On the first day, 52 kg of cookies were sold, and on the second day - 1.3 times less than on the first. How many kilograms of cookies were brought to the store if the brought cookies were sold in two days?

Russian language. Free dictation with grammar tasks for applicants entering the 8th cadet class (40 minutes)


The first day after Pushkin's death was coming to an end. The crowd in front of the Volkonskys' house (the poet's last apartment) noticeably thinned out.

It was this hour that Turgenev was waiting for. Relentless, secret thought took over.

He quickly entered the apartment. There was no one at the poet's coffin, only the old valet Nikita Kozlov stood at the feet of the late master and looked at him intently.

Pushkin, covered up to his chest with funeral brocade with funeral brocade, lay lightly and calmly. Curly hair and sideburns set him off sharply. pale, haggard face and especially lips, on which, it seemed, last burning resentment.

Turgenev stood at the coffin for a long time, weeping silently, not wiping his tears.

"... Here's what, my dear, cut off Alexander Sergeevich's lock of hair for me," he said in a barely audible voice.

Turgenev carefully hid the precious burden in his pocket and went out into the street.

The blizzard broke out. She howled, groaned, circled around the house, along the embankment, above the frozen Moika.

(According to Yu. Gaetsky)

Grammar tasks

1. Answer the questions: how did I.S. Turgenev see Pushkin at the moment of forgiveness with him? Why couldn't the poet's valet refuse Turgenev's request? Why did the author introduce landscape into this story?

2. Indicate which of the selected definitions are homogeneous and which are not. Use these definitions in the written text.

3. Explain spellings in words covered, brocade.

Test work in mathematics for those entering the 10th grade

Option 1

1. Find the value of the expression when X = 0,06.

1) – 10; 2) 10; 3) 0,01; 4) 0,1.

2. Simplify: ;

1) ; 2) ; 3); 4) there is no correct answer

3. Find the scope of the function: .

4. Write the number in standard form.

1) 35.4 10 2 ; 2) 3.54 10 2 ; 3) 3.54 10 3 ; 4) 3.54 10 - 3;

5. The sequence is given by the formula with p = 2P 3 - 1. Which number is a member of this sequence?

1) - 32 ; 2) 21 ; 3) - 17 ; 4) 56

6. The boat sailed 10 km downstream and 9 km upstream, spending 1 hour more upstream than downstream. Find the own speed of the boat if the speed of the current is 2 km/h.

Let X km/h is the own speed of the boat. Which of the following equations corresponds to the condition of the problem?

7. The function is given by the graph. Specify the set of values ​​for this function.

1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) .

Option 2

1. Find the value of the expression: if With = - 1,45.

1) 12; 2) 1,2 ; 3) 0,12; 4) 3,6.

2. Simplify the expression: .

1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) .

3. Specify the largest integer that belongs to the scope of the function.

1) - 3; 2) 0; 3) 1; 4) .

4. Write down the number 0.000079 in standard form.

1) 7.9 10 -4; 2) 7.9 10 -5 3) 7.9 10 -6 4) 7.9 10 -7.

5. The numbers 3 and 5 are respectively the third and seventh members arithmetic progression. Find the second term of the progression.

1) 2,5; 2) 1,5; 3) 2; 4) 0,5.

6. Misha goes down the mountain 20 minutes faster than he goes up the mountain. The path in one direction is 1.5 km. Find the speed of Misha's movement when descending the mountain, if his speed when ascending is 2 km/h less.

Let X km/h - Misha's speed when descending the mountain. Which equation corresponds to the condition of the problem?

7. How many zeros does the function whose graph is shown in the figure have?

1) 1; 2) 2; 3) 5; 4) 3.

Dictation in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE for entrants to Grade 10

When I woke up, the room was full of sunshine. The clock showed nine. I hurried to make myself look proper and went out into the corridor, from which I soon found myself in the living room, where I was met by silent, austere furniture, which were covered with covers. The order and the special cleanliness and brilliance of the painted floor indicated that this room was used extremely rarely. Nearby was the dining room, in which there was no trace of yesterday's feast: the servant put all sorts of things that were necessary for tea on a clean tablecloth. Through another corridor, a servant led me into an office, which turned out to be small: closer to the windows, stepping back from the wall, there was a desk; behind him a semicircular armchair arched its black back. Shelves filled with books covered one wall; opposite them was a wide Turkish sofa; weapons hung on all empty places on the walls.

The writing desk was in an unusual order, and this was so out of keeping with my idea of ​​its owner that I involuntarily surveyed the desk more attentively: things often speak louder than words about their owners... A luxurious crystal inkwell on a silver pedestal was filled with a long dried-up porridge of flies and ink. A rusty nib with one prong stuck out in a mother-of-pearl handle ... everything testified that the desk was only a generally accepted decoration of the room and that the owner's hand did not touch it. On the other hand, she obviously and often touched the books, they were so disheveled, disheveled, as if they had been in a bear's cage, stuffed somehow on the shelves and sticking out there, like the teeth of a harrow set upright.

I carefully freed several books - the cover of one of them and a significant part of the pages were completely littered with small, strange holes; in the middle of the other one gaped a large through hole ... The owner, the barbarian, shot them, trained in accuracy.

(According to S. Mintslov)

(261 words)

Tasks for the text:

You write difficult sentence with an allied bond, disassemble it by members.

Write the part of speech above each word in the first sentence.

Personally-oriented lesson in the Russian language in the 6th grade Teacher of the Russian language and literature Mezgina E.N. Generalization of what has been studied on the topic “Verb” What are objects without me? Only names. But I will come - everything will come into action: A rocket is flying, people are building buildings, And rye is growing in the fields. V.Kondrashov 1. What part of speech is being referred to here? 2. What should you remember about the verb in the lesson? Purpose: repetition, generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Verb". Check: 1. Students' knowledge of the verb as a part of speech. 2. Justification of the correct choice of spelling when writing verbs. 3. The ability to use verbs in speech. The guerrillas expect to destroy them with a sudden blow. But this does not frighten the partisans. Bad weather is raging in the field. Hatred for the Nazis gathered them in the deep forest. Low heavy clouds drift across the sky. Kolya Zaitsev participated in many battles along with the partisans. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads. Now he has come running from a nearby village and reports to the commander that he saw German tanks on the road. It gets dark early. Bad weather is raging in the field. Low heavy clouds drift across the sky. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads. It gets dark early. But this does not frighten the partisans. Hatred for the Nazis gathered them in the deep forest. Kolya Zaitsev participated in many battles along with the partisans. Now he has come running from a nearby village and reports to the commander that he saw German tanks on the road. The guerrillas expect to destroy them with a sudden blow. Bush_t in the field (not) the weather. Some heavy clouds are creeping across the sky. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads. It gets dark early. But this (does not) scare the partisans. (Not) hatred for the Nazis took them to the deaf_m l_su. Kolya Zaitsev took part in many battles along with the p_rtisans. Now he has fled from the next village and reports to the mandir that he saw German tanks on the other side of the road. P_rtisans expect to destroy them with a sudden blow. Group No. 1 An error was made in the definition of the verb. Find and explain it. The verb denotes an action. Verbs are imperfective and perfective. Imperfective verbs answer the question what to do?, and perfect verbs answer the question what to do? Find in the text a sentence with an impersonal verb. Group No. 2 An error was made in the definition of the verb. Find and explain it. Conditional verbs denote actions that are desired or possible under certain conditions. These verbs are formed from the stem of an indefinite form with the help of an ending - those and particles by (b), which is written together with the verb. Conditional verbs do not change in tense. Indicate the verb-exclusion of the 2nd conjugation in the indicative mood. Group No. 3 An error was made in the definition of the verb. Find and explain it. Verbs that denote actions that occur on their own, without a character, are called impersonal. In a sentence with impersonal verbs, the subject comes after the predicate. Find the verb by its morphological features: perfective, intransitive, past tense, singular. Double dictation Take a step, send a letter, cut flowers, do not get smeared in oil paint, detect a mistake in calculation, small trembling, attractive landscape, watch a bird, lily of the valley smells, protect nature, near cottages, because of lead clouds, many tasks, ensure order, broad-shouldered young man, hide from the rain. Correct the errors associated with the incorrect formation of verb forms. 1) My neighbor is shaving with an electric razor. 2) The neighbor has been burning the fire for the second day. 3) You don't take care of yourself. 4) We have a haircut at the barbershop. 5) My friend puts his bag anywhere. 6) They have not paid for electricity and gas for a long time. 7) Do you want to sleep? So lie down! Answers to the test 1. A, D 2. a) you drive b) you fly c) decide 3. E 4. B Depended despaired offended deflated 5. C 6. D Homework 1st level: describe your working day using some verbs (at least 50). 2nd level: perform the traditional exercise No. 530 (Russian language, edited by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, 6th grade. M .: "Prosveshchenie", 2007 Thank you for your attention

And in our district
Music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by L. Prokofiev

And in our district
Days and nights in a row
On the green side
The forests speak.
All my heathers
What are sweet and loving
Aspen gulls,
Slow-witted oaks.

And in our district
Down to deep water
With quiet trembling eternal
Gardens are coming.
Their bloom is unchanged
On the steep coast.
All bird cherry - in the foam,
And all the cherries are in bloom.

And in our district
Yes forever and ever
Many of the most cordial
Scattered words.
Those that spin, twist,
Like birds in the meadows
The ones who laugh
On your lips.

my friend field
Music by K. Molchanov, lyrics by M. Sadovsky

I will come to the field at dawn,
And there is no boundary between us.
Like a ribbon bent by the wind
The path is narrow.

Chorus: Like the calls of a lark
Spring classes!
We will grow up and move
From the school plot
To the endless fields of the country.

Here it burned with heat, it lashed with rain,
April languished, suffering called,
And so my field became
Family and friends forever.

The field and I are like brothers,
In trouble and in happiness at the same time,
And we won't squander our friendship
Like a precious seed.

Spoons began to play

Under the king and under Peas
Remote buffoons
On the way to the booth
Lost drum.
They don't care, don't worry
Musicians anywhere!

Chorus: Spoons hit
In ringing hands.
Oh, burn, speak
Spooners have played!
Not rain, not hail
And the spray is flying.
Dancing echo, dancing shadow
Everyone who is not lazy dances.
Oh, burn-speak
Spooners have played!

In the blue sea-ocean
Keith lay down on the couch.
I only heard spoons -
He waved his fins.
Under the whale dancer
The sea is moving.

Spiders with spiders
Tap dancing upside down
All baked crickets
They kick off the heels.
From heel to toe
And then one more time.

crystal tale
Music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky

The artist in the fairy garden
Growing crystal.
He took living beauty
At the crane flocks.
In an unfading pattern
He collected over the centuries
And the depth of forest lakes,
And the lightness of a stream.

crystal tale,
crystal tale
Charms us.

The dews sparkle on the flowers,
And rainbows are ringing
Stored in transparent petals
Crystal fragrance.
And in the play of crystal
The carved edge sings
About cornflowers, about poplars,
About the spring land.

crystal tale,
crystal tale
Charms us.

Magician in fairy garden
Growing crystal
He took living beauty
At the crane flocks.
Source of light and heat
Hidden in crystal -
Lived in the soul of a wizard
Love for the native land.

crystal tale,
crystal tale
Charms us.

Music by V. Rubin, folk words

What are you, birch
Are you not green?
Lyushechki, Lyuli,
Are you not green?

Al you, birch,
Frost hit?
Lyushechki, Lyuli,
Frost hit?

Beaten by frost
Frost took
Lyushechki, Lyuli,
Frost took it.
Frost took
Dried out by the sun.

No, me, birch,
There was no frost
Lyushechki, Lyuli,
There was no frost.

There was no frost.
The sun didn't shine.
Lyushechki, Lyuli,
The sun didn't shine.

Red girls
The wreaths curled.
Lyushechki, Lyuli,
The wreaths curled.

The wreaths curled
Branches were broken.
Lyushechki, Lyuli,
Branches were broken.

The branches were broken
Thrown into the river
Thrown into the river
Fate was guessed.

Music by G. Sviridov, lyrics by A. Blok

little bunny
On a damp valley
Before the eyes were amused
White flowers.
burst into tears in autumn
thin blades,
Paws are advancing
on yellow leaves.

Gloomy, rainy
Autumn has come,
Removed all the cabbage
Nothing to steal.
The poor bunny is jumping
Near the wet pines
Scary in the teeth of a wolf
Gray to get.

Thinking about summer
presses his ears,
Squinting at the sky -
The sky is not visible.
Just to be warmer
Just to be dry.
Very unpleasant
Walk on water!

Music by S. Sosnin, lyrics by F. Tyutchev

Let the pines and firs
All winter stick out
In the snow and blizzard
Wrapped up, they sleep.

Their skinny greens
Like hedgehog needles
Though it never turns yellow,
But never fresh.

We are a light tribe
Bloom and shine
AND short time
We are guests on branches.

All red summer
We were beautiful
Played with rays
Bathed in dew!

O wild winds,
Hurry, hurry!
Rip us off
From boring branches!

Rip it off, rip it off
We don't want to wait.
Fly, fly!
We are flying with you!

native nature
Cycle of choirs without accompaniment to the verses of Russian poets. Music by E. Adler

1. Cowberry ripens. Poems by K. Balmont

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.
The sun laughs less
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

2. Bad weather. Poems by I. Nikitin

Noisy, roamed
Bad weather in the field;
Covered in white snow
Smooth road.
Covered with white snow
No trace left
Dust and blizzard rose
Do not see the light.
Noisy, roamed
Bad weather in the field
Noisy, roamed.

3. My bells. Poems by A. K. Tolstoy

my bells,
Steppe flowers!
What are you looking at me
Dark blue?
And what are you talking about
On the day of cheerful May,
Among the uncut grass
Shaking your head?
My bells.

4. powder. Poems by S. Yesenin

I'm going. Quiet. Ringing is heard
Under the hoof in the snow
Only gray crows
Made a noise in the meadow.

Bewitched by the invisible
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,
Like a white scarf
The pine has tied up.

The horse is galloping, there is a lot of space,
Snow falls and spreads a shawl.
Endless road
Runs off into the distance.

5. Dawn in the sky. Poems by A. Tolstoy

The dawn is engaged in the sky,
River of gold flows
And all around lies the wide steppe,
And there is a deep silence on it.

You bloom with beauty, free steppe,
While there is still no sultry summer:
Then the sun will burn you all,
Burn your grass, flowers!

While there is still no hard time -
Dark autumn, violent wind:
Then he will scatter through the air
All your beauty - white feather grass!

6. Raging hollow water. Poems by I. Bunin

Raging hollow water
Noisy and muffled, and drawn out.
Rooks flying herds
They shout both cheerfully and importantly.
Black mounds are smoking,
And in the morning in the warm air
thick white couples
Filled with warmth and light.
Spring, spring, spring, spring,
And everything is happy for her, everything is happy for her.
How in oblivion what do you stand
And you hear the fresh smell of the garden
And the warm smell of melted roofs.
Spring, spring, spring, spring!

Music by A. Nikolaev, lyrics by Ludwik E. Kern, translation from Polish by Y. Vronsky

Perhaps you have thought about this:
Isn't snow that has color better?
Or purple, or burgundy, or green, or beige.

No matter how beautiful the winter would be,
And there would be no white snowmen, -

And the boys would have colored snowballs,
And the clouds above them would also be colored, -
Or purple, or burgundy, or green, or beige.

It would not be bad for this bold dream to come true,
But white still falls from the sky
White, whitest, gentle, most tender,
Snowy, snowy, snow.

Generalization of what has been studied on the topic “Verb” What are objects without me? Only names. But I will come - everything will come into action: A rocket is flying, people are building buildings, And rye is growing in the fields. V.Kondrashov 1. What part of speech is being referred to here? 2. What should you remember about the verb in the lesson?

The guerrillas expect to destroy them with a sudden blow. But this does not frighten the partisans. Bad weather is raging in the field. Hatred for the Nazis gathered them in the deep forest. Low heavy clouds drift across the sky. Kolya Zaitsev participated in many battles along with the partisans. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads. Now he has come running from a nearby village and reports to the commander that he saw German tanks on the road. It gets dark early.

Bad weather is raging in the field. Low heavy clouds drift across the sky. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads. It gets dark early. But this does not frighten the partisans. Hatred for the Nazis gathered them in the deep forest. Kolya Zaitsev participated in many battles along with the partisans. Now he has come running from a nearby village and reports to the commander that he saw German tanks on the road. The guerrillas expect to destroy them with a sudden blow.

Bush_t in the field (not) the weather. Some heavy clouds are creeping across the sky. Furious gusts of wind drive snow along the roads. It gets dark early. But this (does not) scare the partisans. (Not) hatred for the Nazis took them to the deaf_m l_su. Kolya Zaitsev took part in many battles along with the p_rtisans. Now he has fled from the next village and reports to the mandir that he saw German tanks on the other side of the road. P_rtisans expect to destroy them with a sudden blow.

Group 1 An error was made in the definition of the verb. Find and explain it. The verb denotes an action. Verbs are imperfective and perfective. Imperfective verbs answer the question what to do?, and perfect verbs answer the question what to do? Find in the text a sentence with an impersonal verb.

Group 2 An error was made in the definition of the verb. Find and explain it. Conditional verbs denote actions that are desired or possible under certain conditions. These verbs are formed from stem indefinite form with the help of the ending - those and particles by (b), which is written together with the verb. Conditional verbs do not change in tense. Indicate the verb-exclusion of the 2nd conjugation in the indicative mood.

Group 3 An error was made in the definition of the verb. Find and explain it. Verbs that denote actions that occur on their own, without actor, are called impersonal. In a sentence with impersonal verbs, the subject comes after the predicate. Find the verb by its morphological features: perfective, intransitive, past tense, singular.

Double dictation Take a step, send a letter, cut flowers, do not get smeared in oil paint, detect a mistake in calculation, small trembling, attractive landscape, watch a bird, lily of the valley smells, protect nature, near cottages, because of lead clouds, many tasks, ensure order, broad-shouldered young man, hide from the rain.

Correct the errors associated with the incorrect formation of verb forms. 1) My neighbor is shaving with an electric razor. 2) The neighbor has been burning the fire for the second day. 3) You don't take care of yourself. 4) We have a haircut at the barbershop. 5) My friend puts his bag anywhere. 6) They have not paid for electricity and gas for a long time. 7) Do you want to sleep? So lie down!