What can you know about a person. Tamara zyurnyaeva - what can you learn about a person by his date of birth and name. Sex with obese men tends to last longer

Faktrum publishes an excellent Iphones.ru article on how to get this information.

1. How to find a person's pages in all social networks at once?

A few years ago, Yandex launched a service for searching people's personal pages. It is available at yandex.ru/people. Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person calls himself on the Internet, then you can use the logical operator OR (indicated by a vertical bar):

2. How to find the latest posts of a person in all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ keep any interesting information about a stormy youth?

14. How to find out the location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and see its original text:

2. Find the sender's IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the ipfingerprints.com service:

15. How to find out a person's apartment number by home phone number?

The last feature makes an indelible impression on women:

1. Escort the new girl to the entrance. Casually ask her home phone number;

2. In the meantime, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Drive in the phone number and find out the apartment number;

4. Before you say goodbye, talk about a second cousin who participated in the "Battle of Psychics" and offer to guess her apartment number;

5. Call the desired number;

How Instagram Addiction Changes Your Personality

People with very high IQs don't need friends.

Often you can find a situation where too smart "nerd" in the class shuns the rest of the guys. Scientists have found that there really is a connection between the level of a person's intelligence and his social ties. To “smarts” communication often seems like a waste of time, and unprepared people simply cannot share their interests.

Selfie style can reveal a person's personality


Look at the way you dress. Does a person dress with taste or pretense, does he shock with a suit or hide behind it? Demonstrativeness, originality (or the desire to appear as such), courage, independence or vanity can be determined when a person chooses non-standard solutions in appearance.

Be careful when interpreting. For example, a modest suit can hide suspicion, secrecy, caution, a tendency to manipulate, and even. Or it can conceal an outstanding personality, which the world of things is not at all interested in.

Carefully analyze and accessories. Here, the important indicators are moderation and appropriateness. More often, excesses in jewelry are an indicator of vanity, expressiveness, and maybe even some inadequacy of the owner. The absence of accessories or modesty in their use can speak both of the inability to use them, and of the simplicity of a person, straightforwardness or details.

Pay more attention to facial expressions and gestures of a person, especially in situations in which he does not “draw”, does not seek to please. Usually, wide and profuse gestures demonstrate extraversion and expressiveness. Meager and angular gestures speak more about the tightness and insecurity of a person than about character traits.

Use some physiognomy, determining the character of a person by his face. Different parts are associated with its different parts. But be careful, because in the literature many signs are interpreted in different ways.

Look at the top of your face. For example, according to the severity of the eyebrow line, they judge both the strength of character, the inherent energy, and the person’s attitude to business - how much he is inclined to bring what he has started to the end. A forehead line slanted back indicates better interaction with technology, and a straight line, on the contrary, indicates good contact with people, the ability to build relationships.

Analyze the fit of the eyes. A close one speaks of the purposefulness and concentration of a person in time, the ability to be accurate. Wide-set eyes indicate the opposite: "swimming" in time and purpose.

Pronounced, well-defined upper cheekbones are evidence of riskiness as a character trait. In addition, it is argued that it is also an obligation to use your right to risk and receive a reward. Wide lower cheekbones will alert you to a person who is difficult to argue with, who feels confident and unshakable.

Look at the most expressive object on the face - the nose. The round, fleshy tip is said to show a broad and good-natured nature, while the narrow tip is suspicious. Hump ​​nose protrudes wise man, and indicates the commercialism, or materialistic orientation of the individual, but snub-nosed noses often speak of childish naivety and some romanticism of a person.

Incredible Facts

Can you imagine a world where there is no deceit? It is unlikely that someone will have enough imagination to realize how much we will lose or how much we will gain if we stop lying to each other. Man lies every day, so the skills to bring the interlocutor to clean water will be useful to everyone.

Moreover, each of us once made mistakes in people. At such moments, we think about how it was possible not to immediately notice that a person is unreliable, and one cannot rely on him. And sometimes we just can't find mutual language with someone because they did not bother to observe the person in order to create his portrait.

But how do you really know a person? Colleague, potential partner, friend? There are a lot of articles on the Internet, like "ask these questions to get to know a person for real."
But how do you imagine it? You sit a person in front of you and start interrogating? Not many people will agree to this.

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The other extreme is to believe that a person can only be known over a long period of time. However, coach John Alex Clark is sure that the key in this matter is not time, but observation and the ability to link the information received into one chain.

There are some very simple and at the same time powerful tricks that will help you identify patterns in human behavior and find out his character. Let's talk about them.

How to recognize a person

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Every day a person performs a huge number of routine actions: he buys food, rides in transport, speaks on the phone, etc. A person's actions can shed light on his personality, as well as help predict how he will behave in a given situation.

Example A. If a person chooses the same dish every day in a cafe, then he probably eschews change, and he does not like the state of uncertainty. Such people can be faithful and devoted spouses. But on the other hand, it will be extremely difficult to convince him to make risky investments or move to another country.

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Example B. People who enjoy gambling and other risky activities are more likely to take risks in other areas of life as well. For example, such a person may quit his job without finding another and without thinking about financial security during the period of unemployment.

Example V. A person who always looks both ways when crossing the road is most likely prudent and cautious. He will carefully consider every little detail before making any decision, and will only take well-calculated risks.

That is, if you analyze the actions of a person in one area, you can understand how he will behave in other areas.

2. Pay attention to how the person communicates

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How does your interlocutor behave in communication? Does he try to build relationships with each person, or does he single out those who are close to him in spirit, and keep the rest at arm's length? Does he talk without a clear plan, on a whim, focusing on impressions, or does he constantly analyze, tries to be objective and does not trust intuition?

Is the person more of a thinker, relying on concepts, images, schemes and ideas, or is he more of a practitioner living in a world of measurable values, tasks and facts? If you observe everyday words and behavior, you will be able to trace the general line.

3. Talk to the person about relationships with mutual acquaintances, contacts at work

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Many people think that gossip is an empty activity, devoid of any meaning. However, the main thing in this matter is what qualities the interlocutor gives to other people, how he explains their behavior. Often, when we talk about other people, we unconsciously notice what is present in ourselves.

These conversations will help us understand what we value in the people around us, who we want to be like, and also what we want to change in ourselves. The more often we say of others that they are emotionally stable, happy, kind-hearted, or polite, the more likely we are to have these characteristics ourselves.

If a person says about another that he is pretending to dig a hole for someone, then this may mean that such a person is prudent and builds only relationships built on momentary gain.

4. Feel the existing boundaries

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When a person wants to build a relationship, he sees the good and ignores the bad. However, sooner or later, the illusions will dissipate anyway, and the person will appear before you in all its glory. A person who knows how to communicate correctly, first of all, will look for not good in the interlocutor, but his boundaries.

If the opponent is kind, where does the kindness end? He wants to help, but where does this desire stop? If he is sincere, when will it start to get dark? He is tolerant of the mistakes of his subordinates until what point? Honest with your clients? And if we are talking about the amount of big amount zeros?

Adequate, sober-minded, understanding, reasonable? Where is his limit, beyond which he turns into a madman?

5. Pay attention to the behavior of a person in a critical situation

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When force majeure happens, a person shows himself in all his glory, he simply cannot play or dissemble. He does not have time to put on a mask, and therefore begins to behave as his instincts want.

How to really get to know a person

6. Pay attention to his attitude towards the staff

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People with whom life has been unfair, in their opinion, have a habit of taking it out on the attendants. Sellers, waiters, cleaners - everyone gets it. If your interlocutor calls the waiter with a snap of his fingers or a whistle, then this is the first sign that the person is at least poorly educated with all the consequences.

7. Watch intonation and body language

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There is a lot of information on the Internet about body language. Liars are recognized by some signs: they pause in conversation, change the topic of conversation, begin to make excuses, even if there is no reproach, avert their eyes when answering a question, and often touch their face.

A lot about a person can be said by his hands, hair, posture, but about his true face and hidden corners. inner world only the eyes can tell. No wonder they are called the mirror of the soul.

When we talk about the connection between eye color and character, we should mention the human biofield. The eyes reflect energy, which in turn builds character and determines the type of temperament. In addition to psychological subtleties, eye colors can also indicate the presence of psychic abilities. There are only four main shades of the eyes: green, blue, brown, gray. Other shades already have only the properties of the main ones. The black color of the eyes deserves a separate discussion.

Green eyes

Green-eyed people have a soft character, but they are not always ready to follow someone. They can be leaders, but it is very difficult for them because of the fear of offending someone. It is easier for them to live when no one is angry with them, so green-eyed people love solitude and work alone. From the point of view of temperament, people with this eye color are described very unusually. The fact is that these people have an equal probability of becoming both choleric and, for example, melancholic.

There are individuals who different situations may act differently. Green-eyed people often get into fights over little things and don't shed tears even for a good reason. They do not lend themselves to strict analysis, so it is very difficult to predict how to communicate with this or that green-eyed person. In one moment they can tear and throw, and in another they are already sad and crying.

To make their lives better, green-eyed people sometimes do not have enough time. These people are afraid of a lot, so they do not succeed as often as others. They may be lucky, but even this may not be enough. They need to be believed in, guided along the right path. We need some kind of impulse, help, support. They value friends who donate their time, and they love to do the same. That is why most often green-eyed people are friends with other green-eyed people.

The energy of green eyes is changeable and often unstable. Despite this, many people know how to control their character. Another thing is blue eyes.

Blue eyes

They are considered the most beautiful. Even in our subjective world, many agree with the fashion that says that blue eyes are the most attractive. This applies to both men and women. This is true, because the energy of this color is very strong. This is felt, but not because blue-eyed people charge with positive, but because they are uncontrollable.

Blue-eyed people often change mood. If those who have green eyes have mood swings for good reason, then people with blue and blue eyes have mood swings like a rodeo bull. It is impossible to guess what they will be tomorrow. This is not even possible for them. If you are in close contact with a blue-eyed person, then you know what causeless depression and joy are. These people are vulnerable and impressionable. They know how to dream like no other, so the Universe gives them a lot of luck. They can also be very cruel, heartless. This is very unpleasant, but it is not worth deleting them from your life for this, because today they are cruel, and tomorrow they will help you escape from trouble.

Brown eyes and black eyes

If you were born with brown eyes, then know that a great leader and boss sits inside you. When communicating with brown-eyed people, there is almost always a risk of losing energy, because many of them are energy vampires. In most cases, this is not particularly dangerous - you just need to know that you should not tell them your deepest secrets, because pity is not for these people. They will try to help you because they are good friends, so go straight to the requests.

The same goes for people with black eyes. But they have a couple of differences - they are not vampires and are more open spiritually. This is a kind of equivalent of green-eyed people, but with a more stable energy. Owners of brown and black eyes are pronounced choleric. Sedentary and tedious work is not for them, so they are drawn to independence. They love freelancing.

In love, such people are very sensual, but do not lose their heads, so they immediately break off relationships that have become obsolete. They are amorous, sociable, dynamic and hate boredom. These qualities are especially pronounced in those who were born under the auspices of the constellation Sagittarius or Aries.

Grey eyes

Gray color under different lighting can turn into blue or green. Eyes with this color are chameleons, and the character of these people seems too mysterious. They are kind to others, but sometimes their cruelty knows no bounds. They are hardworking, but sometimes their laziness can be so strong that they don’t even go to work, although they should.

In love, these people are devoted. In friendship, they have no equal in terms of support in difficult situation. They are excellent psychologists, although they themselves do not know about it. If these people are betrayed, then in most cases they cut off all ties with the offenders. If the gray-eyed man is gone, then know that, most likely, you offended him.

Other colors

There are colors such as yellow, as well as eyes that combine several colors. Here, a description of each color will come to your aid. About the yellow-eyed, it is only worth mentioning that they are vulnerable, like people with blue eyes, and have great potential in art. Most of the same people are melancholic by temperament type.

If a person has heterochromia, that is, the eyes have a different color, then by nature it will be either one or the other. It will not combine the character traits inherent in two colors at once. Your task will only be to guess which color is the main one.

Eye color and esotericism

Experts say that innate abilities for clairvoyance and extrasensory perception also depend on the color of the eyes. Unfortunately or fortunately, but each color has its own abilities and the degree of their strength.

Blue eyes. These people have the ability to jinx it, and they don’t do it on purpose. Blue-eyed people very subtly feel the environment and the energy of others, therefore they are good at reading minds and predicting the behavior of even strangers.

Green eyes. Intuition is the weapon of green-eyed people. They quite often tell other people that certain actions will lead to certain problems. They are not listened to, and then they wonder why everything turned out this way. Green eyes help analyze the future based on life experience and help people feel the waves of the universe. That is why they get into trouble less than others.

Brown and black eyes. These people have the gift of persuasion, they can be excellent magicians, clairvoyants. Majority the best specialists according to divination on Tarot cards and palmists, they have brown or black eyes.

Grey eyes . This color gives people a special charisma, so they are excellent predictors. They are persuasive and can see other people's energy field as if it were their own.

We are all born for a purpose that guides us through life. The Universe has its own plans for each of us, but does not change our lives, but adapts to our choice. No matter what eye color or character you have, only thoughts are the determining factor in changing fate. They build everything around us, so start any changes from the worldview, from the inner world. Let your eyes reflect only positive. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

If a few decades ago social networks were a curiosity, today even a child has a page in the most popular Internet sites: there is nothing complicated in the registration process, and the benefits that a registered user receives are obvious even to the older generation, who usually experiences difficulties in handling With modern technologies and the internet.

Despite the prevalence and popularity of social networks, few of those who have already managed to register in them think about their security. And in vain: you can learn a lot about a person (even what you would like to hide) just by looking at his page in social network.

Conflict or non-conflict

An ordinary page on a social network can indirectly or even directly indicate how conflicting (or non-conflicting) a person is. In order to finally decide, it is enough just to pay attention to the entries and comments that are displayed on the page: the content of the entries, as well as the person's reaction to the entries of other users, will help determine whether the owner of the page is conflicting or not.

However, it is worth mentioning here: this method can be trusted only if a person more or less actively uses the social network, and does not use it only for personal communication with his friends, acquaintances or colleagues. In addition, the personal information available on the page may be false: this is also worth considering.

Introvert or extrovert

You can find out whether a person is an introvert or, on the contrary, an extrovert, by looking at his page on a social network. Introverts tend to do the same on social media as they do on social media. real life: they usually have no more virtual friends than real ones, and often these are the same people.

Extroverts, on the other hand, usually make the most of social networking opportunities: they can make several friends daily until they exceed the appropriate limit, post photos of parties or related pictures. Additionally, extroverts may be more active on social media, which can be seen by looking at their comment count.

Hobbies and interests

You can also find out about a person’s hobbies and interests just by looking at his page on a popular social network. This time, you will have to pay attention to the list of groups that a person reads or subscribes to: as a rule, this is exactly what he is fond of.

Due to the ease of creating a special thematic community, a public page or a group on social networks, today it is quite easy to find a group of like-minded people, even if you have a very rare or strange hobby: a couple of hundred people who are interested in the same thing as you will surely be able to find .

But do not forget that not everyone exposes their interests to the public: a person can hide some hobbies from prying eyes using the functionality of a social network.

As you can see, even a simple page on a social network can tell a lot about its owner, while the "owner" may not suspect anything about it. So before writing something about yourself on a social network, you should think: do you really want this information to be available to everyone who wants it?