Methodological development Topic: Gaming technologies as a factor in the professional development of students. Report "The use of modern forms of game technologies in the organization of training sessions in sports" Game technologies in the work of teachers of sports

A game- this is a type of activity in the conditions of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

IN modern school gaming activity is used in the following cases:

As amateur technologies for mastering a concept, topic, and even a section subject;

As elements of a larger technology;

As a lesson (class) or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);

As technologies for extracurricular activities (collective creative activities).

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, clearly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

The specificity of gaming technology is largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, desktop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer and TSO, as well as with various vehicles.

Game technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character. At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of education, helps to activate the educational process, to assimilate a number of educational elements.

business game. It is used to solve complex problems: learning new things, consolidating the material, developing creative abilities, developing general educational skills. IN educational process various modifications of business games are applied:

1. simulation games. In the classroom, the activities of any organization, enterprise or its division are imitated.

2. Operation Games. They help to work out the implementation of specific specific operations.

3. Role play. The tactics of behavior, actions, performance of functions and duties of a particular person are being worked out.

4. " Business theater". A situation is being played out, a person's behavior in this situation.

5. Psychodrama and sociogram. It is also a "theater", but already a socio-psychological one, in which the ability to feel the situation, to assess the state of another person is worked out.

15. Information and communication technologies.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)- a set of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information. ICT includes various software and hardware and devices that operate on the basis of computer technology, as well as modern means and systems of information exchange that ensure the collection, accumulation, storage, production and transmission of information.

The computer can be used at all stages: both in preparing a lesson and in the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling ZUN.

The computer performs the following functions:

1. In the function of a teacher, a computer is:

Source of educational information;

Visual material;

Training apparatus;

Means of diagnostics and control.

2. In the function of the working tool:

Means of preparation of texts, their storage;

Graphics editor;

Means of preparing speeches;

Computing machine with great potential.

Benefits of using ICT:

1. Individualization of training.

2. Intensification independent work students.

3. Growth in the volume of tasks completed in the lesson.

4. Expansion of information flows when using the Internet.

5. Increasing motivation and cognitive activity due to the variety of forms of work, the possibility of including a game moment: if you solve the examples correctly, open the picture, insert all the letters correctly, you will move closer to the goal of the fairy-tale hero.

6. Integration regular lesson with a computer allows the teacher to transfer part of his work to the PC, while making the learning process more interesting, varied, intense.

7. The use of computer tests and diagnostic complexes in the classroom will allow the teacher to get an objective picture of the level of assimilation of the studied material in all students in a short time and correct it in a timely manner.

8. For the student, it is important that immediately after the test (when this information has not yet lost its relevance), he receives an objective result indicating errors, which is impossible, for example, with an oral survey.

9. Mastering modern information technologies by students.

Existing shortcomings and problems in the use of ICT:

1. There is no computer in the home use of many students and teachers, the time for self-study in computer classes is not allotted in all schools.

2. The mental passivity of the student in following the instructions of the computer.

3. Insufficient computer literacy of the teacher.

4. Shifting responsibility for the result of the work to the computer.

5. Psychological codependence on the computer.

6. It is difficult to integrate a computer into the lesson structure of classes.

7. Restriction of communication, decrease in socialization.

8. Reducing the role of speech in the development of speech.

9. With insufficient motivation for work, students are often distracted by games, music, checking PC characteristics, etc.

10. There is a possibility that, having become fascinated with the use of ICT in the classroom, the teacher will move from developing teaching to visual and illustrative methods.

11. Weakening of abilities for independent creative thinking due to the degitalization of training programs.

A great contribution to solving the problem of computer technology of education was made by Russian and foreign scientists: G.R. Gromov, V.I. Gritsenko, V.F. Sholokhovich, O.I. Agapova, O.A. Krivosheev, S. Papert, G. Kleiman, B. Sendov, B. Hunter and others. Various didactic problems of computerization of education are reflected in the works of A.P. Ershova, A.A. Kuznetsova, T.A. Sergeeva, I.V. Robert; methodical - B.S. Gershunsky, E.I. Mashbitsa, N.F. Talyzina; psychological - V.V. Rubtsova, V.V. Tikhomirova and others.

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240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Lyamenkov Viktor Nikolaevich Game technologies as a means of professional training of specialists in the field of tourism (on the example of a tourist university): Dis.... kand. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08: Moscow, 2002 190 p. RSL OD, 61:02-13/2027-1


Chapter I. Game technologies as a pedagogical problem 14

1.1. The essence and philosophical and methodological content of game forms of activity 15

1.2. The genesis of the development of gaming technologies in education 36

1.3. The problem of gaming technologies in vocational education in the context of the prospects for professional training of specialists in the field of tourism 53

2.1. Classification of gaming technologies in vocational education 76

2.3. Results of experimental work IZ

Conclusion 120

Bibliography 130

Applications 169

Introduction to work

The relevance of research:

Modern world characterized by high rates of socio-cultural and socio-economic development. This determines the rapid pace of change taking place in both Russian society, and in the international community: the search for new forms of state and international relations, the development of communication and information infrastructures, the formation of humanitarian technologies and new activities.

All this determines the directions for the development of the tourism sector and the changes taking place in it: the strengthening and development of international relations in the tourism industry, the formation of a strategy for the development of the domestic and social tourism market, the development of research on the humanitarian and social aspects of tourism, the formation of a system continuing education in the tourism sector.

In this regard, the requirements for the professional training of specialists in a tourist university are justifiably growing. The following become relevant: the ability to constantly change in response to the challenge of a changing environment, psychological and social mobility, the ability to short term learn a new type of activity, dynamic self-determination, a meaningful approach to external and internal reality, mastery of organizational abilities and self-organization in any conditions.

Thus, the current state and development trends of the tourism sector, the search for effective and intensive approaches to the preparation

specialists in tourism universities and the requirements for them confirm the relevance of the study. At the same time, this allows us to highlight the existing contradictions between:

The need to include university graduates in

high-tech dynamic processes of the modern tourism industry and the theoretical nature of the training of specialists in universities,

The distribution and organization of different types of activities and specialists in the field of tourism, its collectivity and the individual-personal nature of their assimilation through disparate subjects, courses and disciplines of the curriculum.

Taking into account the indicated contradictions, the research problem:

What should be the content and methods of using gaming technologies in the educational process of a tourist university in order to increase the effectiveness of the training of future specialists in tourism activities.

The problem determined the purpose of the study, which is to develop the content and methodology for using gaming technologies in the process of training specialists in the tourism sector in a university setting.

Object of study: professional training of students in a tourist university.

Subject of study: the content and methodology of using gaming technologies in the professional training of students of tourism universities.

Purpose defined research objectives:

    Determine the essence and concept of gaming technologies in the professional training of students.

    Development of the content of gaming technologies for the professional training of students of tourism universities.

    Develop and experimentally test methods of gaming activity in the process of using gaming technologies.

Research hypothesis: the introduction of gaming technologies will lead to a qualitative improvement and intensification of the educational process of training specialists in a tourism university if the following is done:

    the concept of "gaming technology" has been clarified, taking into account the peculiarities of professional tourism activities;

    the content of gaming technologies has been developed, including organizational, activity and innovative games;

    effective methods of game activity were identified (such as game modeling, situational analysis, situation analysis, participant observation, transformative experiment, etc.), which ensure the formation of an active position of future specialists in the field of tourism.

Research methods include:

analysis of pedagogical, socio-psychological, special professional literature on the research problem;

analysis of products of activity and analysis of materials containing data on the pedagogical, methodological and psychological foundations in the process of preparing professional and

public personnel in the system of sports and tourism, quantitative and qualitative processing of the results;

Pedagogical observations, experiment, game modeling, forecasting, method of expert assessments.

methodologicalbasisresearch are

general theoretical provisions on the unity of theory and practice; the impact of socio-economic conditions on the development of a system for training professional personnel in the tourism sector; a set of natural-science and psychological-pedagogical views on the problem under study.

The general methodology of the research is based on the most important philosophical provisions on the dialectics of social, cultural and educational spaces, systemic, synergistic, personal-activity and axiological approaches (M. M. Bakhtin, L. S. Vygotsky, D. S. Likhachev, A. F. Losev, P. A. Florensky, A. A. Zinoviev, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, N. G. Alekseev, E. G. Yudin and others).

The theoretical basis of the study is the theoretical principles of pedagogy and psychology of professional activity (S. Ya. Batyshev, S. A. Belicheva, A. P. Belyaeva, V. P. Bespalko, V. V. Davydov, V. G. Kinelev, V. S. Lazarev, M. M. Levina, V. S. Lednev, A. M. Novikov, K. K. Platonov, V. A. Reshetova, V. D. Shadrikov, etc.); the theory of professionalism (A. A. Derkach, A. K. Markova, A. A. Serbatsky, V. A. Slastenin, etc.); content formation ideas vocational education(A. A. Andreeva, Yu. K. Babansky, A. S. Batyshev, S. I. Batyshev, V. A. Ermolenko, N. N. Kozlova, G. K. Kuchinskaya, A. N. Leibovich, A. M. Novikov, L. G. Semushina, etc.); concepts of Western schools of social anthropology of tourism (S. K. Brightbill, E. Cohen, W. Harper, etc.), economics and management of tourism (R. L. Blomstrom, J. Boyd,

C. Cooper, J. Fletcher, D. Gilbert, S. Wanhill, R. Westfall and others), hospitality and tourism technology (R. L. Almarode, R. M. Angelo, A. N. Vladimir and others); Russian schools of recreation (Yu. A. Vedenin, I. V. Zorin, V. M. Krivosheev, L. I. Mukhina, V. S. A. Drogov, B. V. Emelyanov, V. A. Kvartalnov, L. V. Kurilo, A. A. Ostapets-Sveshnikov, etc.); studies on the pedagogy of tourism (M. Ya. Vilensky, V. A. Gorsky, V. I. Zholdak, V. A. Kalney, V. A. Kvartalnov, K. V. Kulaev, A. A. Ostapets-Sveshnikov, A. I. Seselkin, V. D. Chepik, S. E. Shishov, etc.), studies on methodology pedagogical research and design in pedagogy and education (N.G. Alekseev, YuV. Gromyko, V.A. Nikitin, SV. Popov, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, P.G. Shchedrovitsky), research on the use of gaming technologies in pedagogy and vocational education (V. Avksentiev, N.G. Alekseev, O.S. Anisimov, Yu.V. Gromyko, Yu.D. Krossovsky, S.D. Neverkovich, A.L. Zinchenko, Yu.V. Pakhomov, S.V. Popov, A.A. Tyukov, R Tseng, PG Shchedrovitsky).

Research stages:

    stage (1993-1998) - included the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the formulation of the research topic, its scientific apparatus and the planning of experimental work;

    stage (1998-2000) - carrying out experimental work, development guidelines on the implementation of gaming technologies, conducting an understanding of the final results of experimental work;

    stage (2000-2002) - final analysis, generalization of experimental data and preparation of the dissertation text.

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance thing is:

the concept of game technologies is clarified and its definition is given. By gaming technology, we mean a set of modern gaming methods based on the ideas of positional self-determination, problematization, development of innovative methods that take into account the specifics of modern cultural, historical and socio-cultural situations;

the essential (functional certainty, procedural orientation, the "here and now" principle, reflexivity, cultivability, etc.) and content characteristics (systematic, universal, project-oriented, promising, etc.) of gaming technologies in the professional training of students of tourist universities as a complex of modern gaming methods are determined based on the ideas of positional self-determination, problematization, development of innovative methods that take into account the specifics of modern cultural, historical and socio-cultural situations;

the features of the content of pedagogical situations of using gaming technologies are described, the effective solution of educational and professional problems and tasks with the help of their systemic use is methodically substantiated and presented;

substantiated the content of gaming technologies, which can
act as modules of the content of education, subject-

disciplinary gaming technologies in the field of tourism management;

the methodological base of professional training of specialists of tourism universities has been expanded through the use of ODI and gaming technologies in the educational process;

effective methods of students' gaming activity were identified (for example, such as analysis of situations, new situations, constantly changing situations in which it is necessary to develop new order actions; activity self-determination, i.e. developing a position of an adequate situation for the effectiveness and success of the case; reflective thinking, linking the already accumulated experience with the project settings for the future through the current situation; implementation of the results of the analysis of the situation, project settings and intentions - planned actions - through a system of communication and interaction);

it is determined that the creation of problem situations,

sequences of problem situations and a certain logic of movement through them in an organizational and activity game is an effective method for presenting the content of training management personnel in the field of tourism;

the introduction of these teaching methods, constructed in this way, allows you to simulate their future activities. It is very important to note that this expanded form is very effective not only for teaching students, but also for retraining personnel.

Practical the significance of the study is: in the development of effective methods of students' gaming activities, which allow simulating professional activities and contributing to their professional development through activity-based self-determination, the development of reflective thinking and the development of the ability to build activities in conditions of communication and interaction;

in identifying and substantiating the totality of abilities and skills necessary for a modern specialist in the tourism sector and

ensuring his mobility, purposeful and creative activity, predictability and methodological equipment for successful inclusion in professional activities (such as: promptly update volitional, motivational and intellectual capabilities; show purposeful activity in a completely unfamiliar situation, in unfamiliar activity, act in a previously undefined area; organize the work of people in situations where standard methods of management do not work; be able to calculate the changing situation in such a way that, due to his actions, it does not go where it will come naturally, but where it needs to; make it impossible to carry out the old routine way actions for people and demonstrate to them a model of a completely different action; be able to create a problem situation to demonstrate a new way of activity, etc.);

in the development and verification in experimental work of a student-oriented model of professional training of students in the tourism sector, based on the modular use of gaming technologies (organizational-activity, innovative, business, role-playing games) in the educational space of a tourist university, in the development of appropriate methodological recommendations;

Taken for defense:

A set of methods of gaming activities that form an active position in the professional field of future tourism specialists.

experimental base research:

Experimental work, development and implementation of gaming technologies in the practice of professional training of specialists for the tourism sector was carried out in the Sergiev Posad branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism. More than 200 students of 1-4 courses and 10 teachers of the humanities and special disciplines took part in it.

Approbation of work:

Game technologies and ODI practice have been tested:

at the regional level
- in the practice of developing a strategy for the development of education in Sergiev-
Posad district by municipal structures, in the work of the department
public education with school principals on development issues
education and advanced training of administrative

management personnel of the education system. As a result, both the results obtained with the help of gaming technologies and some modules of organizational and activity games have been introduced into the practice of education management in the district;

at the level of educational institutions

gaming technologies were used at the stage of creating the Sergiev Posad gymnasium, in designing conditions for the development of educational space;

some modules of organizational and activity games are used in the management of the gymnasium and in the educational process (in

holding conferences, graduation competitions and scientific works, holding teachers' councils and meetings, etc.);

at the level of teaching educational disciplines

Elements of gaming technologies are put into practice
teaching training courses and disciplines of universities, which, undoubtedly,
promotes self-determination and growth of self-awareness of students,
development of creative thinking and search activity,
independent setting of educational and game goals and objectives;

in the work of the Sergiev Posad branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism

gaming technologies are effectively applied and put into practice student conferences, teaching a number of courses in the humanities;

within the framework of organizational and activity games, the work of the Educational and Methodological Council is organized, development sessions are held for management and teaching staff, the tasks of forming a corporate culture are being implemented.

The main provisions and results of the study were reported and discussed at meetings of the scientific and methodological council of the Sergiev Posad branch of the RMAT, in the practice of preparing scientific, practical and student conferences on topical issues tourism (Sergiev Posad - 1995-2002), at the seminars of the heads of educational institutions of the Sergiev Posad region, at the seminars of museum workers of the Sergiev Posad region, in the process of work and preparation of reporting documents on the management strategy in the territories of historical and cultural monuments, in the development of the program and strategy for the development of education in the Sergiev Posad region, in the development of a program for the formation of a cultural and educational environment in the Sergiev Posad gymnasium. Game techniques and modules were also used in

practice of teaching courses in logic, political science, sociology at the SPF MGIU, a course in philosophy at the SPF RMAT, courses from the cycle "Production Management", courses "Strategic Management", "Managerial Decisions", "Information Management", "Budget System of the Russian Federation".

Thesis consists of from introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography, applications.

Essence and philosophical and methodological content of game forms of activity

Modern attention to game forms of activity within the framework of cultural studies, history, sociology, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy of education is explained, on the one hand, by a growing understanding of their role in public life, and on the other hand, by the development of ideas about the fundamental complexity of social action itself. Traditional for sociology and psychology "elementary" models of action, focused on the analysis of its simplest units, inevitably leave out of sight the complex structures of human activity and give rise to problems in the development of vocational education.

The system-methodological approach allows us to introduce as a special subject theoretical analysis a deliberately complex, dissected, diverse formation, further referred to as a game structure.

The game structure is an ideal-typical category that serves to describe an abstract game as a cultural-historical formation and a socio-cultural type of action, regardless of individual types of games, their isolation and recognition. With the help of this category, it seems possible to single out the game aspects of heterogeneous actions.

A game action as such, a game structure, is devoid of any external utility, orientation to an external goal, or subordination to an external (in relation to one's own cultural sphere) norm. In this sense, play is fundamentally unproductive and thus differs from functional instrumental forms of social activity. Of course, any social games, any empirical implementation of game structures are connected by many threads with the solution of some practical problems, with economic, pedagogical, career, prestige interests, etc.; the framework of the social and cultural isolation of the game here inevitably turns out to be blurred, relativized.

Over the past decades, (mainly theoretical) "applied games" - experimental, business, educational, military, etc. - have been rapidly developed. They are deliberately designed for research or practical, i.e. non-game goals, but such constructions or programs, in essence, are not games in the socio-cultural sense of the word that interests us: they are logical or mathematical models of some elements of game structures.

If we turn to children's play, which is so important for psychology and pedagogy, then we can apparently speak of its direct usefulness only in relation to the process of ontogenesis and the deployment of biological and social programs corresponding to it. Imitation in relation to specific forms or visual examples of "adult" behavior - social or instrumental - does not yet mean familiarization with labor skills or social norms. Practical learning of the child takes place in parallel with the game, sometimes with the help of it (although some cultures seem to do without children's games at all). Playing “horse” with the help of a wand in itself teaches the practice of riding just as little as playing “playing mothers and daughters” teaches parental duties, etc. The actual mastering of the relevant rules and skills occurs 10-15 years after the passion for imitating their games, i.e. after whole "epochs" of primary socialization.

Observations on the games of animals sometimes led researchers to the idea that the game is older than other forms of culture (J. Huizinga). Most likely, the games of the "smaller brothers" allow us to make assumptions about pre-cultural, instinctive or genetic prerequisites for the development of game structures. In such games, several main variants are distinguishable, each of which seems to imitate a certain type of real behavior - hunting, sex, rivalry (R. Hynd), and the game action differs from the non-game action only in its incompleteness, i.e. precultural games are fundamentally non-constructive.

But an appeal to the zoopsychology of play helps to explain, or at least clarify, another unconstructive definition of play structure. Whatever parallels exist between play and non-play actions, there is no need to interpret them as the result of intentional imitation, and also to ascribe to them the meaning of a model. (“deputy”) of a non-game situation or, say, a symbol of the latter. The game structure can act as a model only in research, i.e. non-gaming task. The game as such is not a model of some external phenomenon in relation to it, in other words, it does not “work” as such a model. Within its limits, the game is always self-sufficient, but going beyond these limits stops the game.

From this it follows, in particular, that the interpretations of the game, which are widespread in the literature, especially psychological, as an action in an “imaginary”, “illusory” reality, which gives an “imaginary” solution to problems, etc., are not quite adequate. (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin). The game in no way, including in an illusory way, does not solve any problems of the external world in relation to it: it creates and solves only its own, specifically game problems, does not “replace” external reality, but constructs its own, game, reality separate from the first.

If we consider the game structure as a kind of text, then it should be noted that this text is purely for “internal use”: all role-playing and semantic transformations occur within the game reality, at the boundaries separating its structural components, and not at the game/non-game boundary.

Thus, the cultural barrier of the game structure is a projection of the closed structure of the game onto the plane of cultural meanings. The semantic transition through such a barrier serves as an operator for the transformation of game structures into non-game structures and vice versa. It is essential that it not only exists, but is specially highlighted, “emphasized” in any game activity: the most enthusiastic, most “serious” player not only plays, but he also knows that he is playing.Moreover, the "awareness" of the game barrier is found already in children's play (a child absorbed in the game knows for sure that a stick is not a horse, and sand in a toy saucepan is not food), and in pre-cultural play structures too.

Thus, such levels of organization as: 1) operational (actually the rules of the game, its normative scenario, strategy and tactics) can be traced in the gaming activity; 2) behavioral (dynamics of states of tension and relaxation, excitement and rationality, increases and distractions; mobilization of various components of the physical and mental potential of the individual, etc.); 3) sociological (the role structure of the game action, the processes of its institutionalization, including professionalization, forms of partnership, rivalry, continuity, etc.).

The genesis of the development of gaming technologies in education

As soon as numerous philosophers and culturologists have named both the 21st century knocking on the door and society trying to know itself. It was called either a post-industrial society, or an information age, or, like Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, a psychozoic era. In this great competition for the right to become the father of a whole century, the outstanding culturologist Johan Huizinga joined, taking over from William Shakespeare, throwing down the glove to everyone who is under the hypnosis of the technocratic characteristics of our time, passionately convincing that the world is moving towards a gaming society.

Society is experiencing an education crisis. This crisis is deep, and, accordingly, can be considered as a crisis of culture. Like every crisis in education, this is a welcome phenomenon, which speaks of the possibility of a significant development of society.

The interest that has arisen in the use of game methods in education is not accidental. “The current state of public education is characterized by many of our well-known didacticists,” we read from P.I. Khaidarov and Zh.S.

Teachers and psychologists, seeing in the game a powerful potential for overcoming crisis phenomena in education, have been successfully using it in their activities for many years. Some countries have even decided on the direction: America, for example, "specializes" in game teaching methods, France - in "jeu dramatique", in Israel, in general, teachers without knowledge of game technologies are not allowed to work with children.

The material that we have gives us the opportunity to say that the didactic game and gaming technologies are of great interest to teachers. More than once there has been an attempt to scientifically classify the game and define it by any one exhaustive concept, but by now only the connections between the game and human culture have been scientifically determined, the importance that the game has on the development of the personality of a child and an adult has been clarified, and the biological nature has been empirically revealed. games and its conditionality by psychological and social factors.

Meanwhile, gaming technologies remain "innovative" in the system Russian education. It's funny that some innovators, having proclaimed the game a panacea, but ignoring the experience of domestic scientists, go abroad to study gaming technologies, seeing it as an indisputable authority. Others do not accept the game at all, do not consider it a special and (or) independent direction in pedagogy, or agree with its forms that have nothing to do with the game.

All this makes us, being wary of such extremes, respectful of game methods as part of didactic science and teaching technologies.

Without plunging into hoary antiquity, you can start with the formation of European civilization during the Renaissance. The main form of education then was the interaction of master and student. It happened by observing the actions of the master, repeating his behavior and participating in his activities.

In the 17th century, the educational space was transformed. From the "imitation" paradigm, it entered the "information" paradigm. Jan Amos Comenius created a subject-lesson system. Educational interaction has moved to the teacher-student plane, and the process has been reduced to the transmission and reception of information. The undoubted advantage of the information system of education was the compression of training time.

Already a hundred years after the widespread dissemination of the information system of education, a new phenomenon of "science" arose, which, over a century of its development (the 19th century), managed to become a productive force and ensured the technical progress of the 20th century. Politically, the educational information system destroyed the guild and estate structure of society, which during the Renaissance was supported by an imitative education system.

On the other hand, the tremendous success of the educational information system has given rise to the desire to expand the amount of information, the time of learning, and hence the possibility of choosing a future activity for the student. Here we ran into a qualitative barrier to the assimilation of information.

However, the main reason for the crisis of the information system of education seems to be different. Its main drawback is the lack of activity of the student.

Passive perception has a very narrow assimilation corridor compared to modern needs.

In the last three centuries of the triumph of the information system of education, additional mechanisms have been developed to mitigate this shortcoming. First of all, they are games. This type of activity is independent, active, focused on the result and ensures the enjoyment of the result.

The extraordinary progress of mathematics is explained by the fact that here education is largely based on solving problems from the very beginning of education. The cultivation of domestic animals and plants played a huge role in the development of biology.

Promotion humanities was due to the fashion for writing poetry in adolescence.

The importance of games in education has been emphasized by many educators and psychologists. However, there was no attempt on the "serious" component of education - the information system itself. Games in education either supplemented or prepared for the perception and memorization of information.

In modern pedagogical literature, one can find interesting material about various innovative technologies, about their place in the pedagogical process, about the role and significance in it. However, we are surprised by the fact that among a large number really new methods are found and quite traditional ones, such as gaming ones. It seems to us that the attribution of gaming pedagogical technologies to "innovations" is unjustified. Of course, we admit that these methods were less popular earlier than they are now, but, as it seems to us, they have always been present in the pedagogical process.

Unfortunately, in the Soviet school, the game was undeservedly given little attention, but in preschool institutions it was and is now not only popular, but the main method of education and training, that is, the development of the child's personality. These technologies have also been developed in the practice of out-of-school institutions, extracurricular activities also cannot do without them. And what can we say about various kinds of children's health camps and recreation centers!

Classification of gaming technologies in vocational education

The practice of using gaming technologies has proven their success in increasing the efficiency of not only educational activities but also in solving complex, multi-professional and interdisciplinary problems.

The tasks of developing the creative abilities of future specialists, developing their individuality and independence help to solve the introduction of active forms and teaching methods. One of these ways is the introduction of gaming technologies in the process of training and retraining of personnel.

For the first time, gaming technologies in the practice of training specialists were developed in the USSR in 1932. Soviet scientists who set a goal, in the absence of experience in any new organizational event, to first try in laboratory conditions to analyze its implementation in life, difficulties and ways to eliminate them (Birshtein M.M.)

Since the mid-50s in Moscow, at interdisciplinary methodological seminars, a special form of intellectual methodological games (hereinafter IMI) began to be developed, which then, at the end of the 70s, was transformed into a different form of games, called organizational-activity games (hereinafter ODI) . At present, ODI has become widespread as a means and method for solving complex interdisciplinary, interprofessional and even intercultural complex problems of great national economic importance, and moreover, as a convenient and fairly effective form of organization and development of collective mental activity. Experimental game modeling began to develop intensively from the mid-50s in the United States (1955 Rand Corporation, 1958 American Management Association) and soon became widespread in the practice of personnel training.

Since the 60s, business games have been actively introduced into the production and economic sphere. In 1966, the first large-scale game "Reform" was created, in 1968 the business game "Astra" (Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, Professor I.M. Syroezhkin.). Several scientific centers were created to develop the theory and practice of business games (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, etc.), seminars were constantly held on active methods learning.

Especially widely gaming technologies began to be used in last years. The transition to a market economy, the need for an informal system of training specialists have become an incentive for the widespread use of gaming technologies in the educational process of universities.

There are quite a few attempts to build typologies and classifications of games, but we need a typology according to the way the game materializes and develops. ST. Popov identifies three such types:

"Game-place". In this case, the game generator is a place specially equipped and adapted for a certain type of games. For this type of games, the place and its organization is the first and necessary condition. An example of this kind of games and the corresponding "generators" are board games, theater, sports games.

The first thing a theatrical action begins with is the organization of the stage. No wonder it is said that the theater begins with a hanger. Atmosphere, scenery, props, curtain, stage, costumes, actors - everything restores the institutional instinct of the game and directs it into convention, performance (acting) and empathy. And some wandering lone actor, the first thing he must do is organize the physical space: declare himself an actor (dividing the space into a stage and spectators), put on a suit, etc. The same with sports competitions - in order to restore the spirit of a gaming competition, it is necessary to break into teams, outline the gates (arrange the figures), ... - prepare a place.

"The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity"


At the lessons of industrial training, it is necessary to teach students the skills of practical use of knowledge, while forming certain psychological qualities of future specialists, developing students' creative abilities and skills. The game creates the most favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities. It is in the lessons with the use of active forms of learning that the initiative and independence of students develop. The use of game forms in the lessons makes it possible to:

Use collective forms of student interaction;

Develop and consolidate the skills and abilities of independent work;

Increase students' interest in the profession.

Game technology is aimed at developing behavioral skills, both professional and social, students learn to listen, analyze, express their opinion. Active learning methods include cognitive games that relieve tension, arouse interest, cause joy, all this softens the atmosphere of mental tension. The more actively students participate in the educational process, the more consciously, meaningfully, they learn the material being studied. How to encourage students to actively participate in reinforcing or learning new material? Easily! Playfully!

In terms of safety, I use a system of active educational games, which helps to diversify the process of mastering the safe working methods of tailors.

1. Graphic dictation

In the first lesson after a 3-hour safety and labor protection briefing, students are not yet able to remember all the instructions and cannot repeat them, but they are ready to act. Therefore, for offset, I use graphic dictation, where I translate their knowledge into actions, that is, I make sentences - questions from the first person in the form of proposed actions.


1 - I check the car at idle (the answer is yes);

2 - if necessary, I will brake sharply by the flywheel (the answer is no).

I make up a dictation of 10 - 12 questions - sentences. Students draw a strip in a notebook in a cage, measure equal segments according to the number of questions and put a sign on it, ^ if the answer is “yes” and - if the answer is “no”.

It turns out the schedule

^ ^ _ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dictation activates mental processes activities (perception, memory, attention, thinking) and, as a rule, gives a good result, which is checked quickly. Students get joy from participating in the game - dictation and satisfaction from the result achieved. “Off-schedule” issues are discussed by the whole group.

2. Game "Tolerance"

At The students are divided into 2 teams passing security control against each other. They evaluate each other's appearance for compliance with labor safety requirements and give a "Permission" to the lesson - a colored chip. The team with the most chips wins. Those who have not received a "permit" - a chip answer additional safety questions. And corrects mistakes. I also include in the game "Tolerance" a check of readiness for classes (the presence of a personal tool, blanks of patterns, cut parts). The game includes the whole group in the process of checking readiness for the lesson, teaches students business-like, correct communication in the group, develops self-criticism, eliminates monotonous situations between the master and students who constantly violate safety requirements. I always prepare a surprise: I ask you to give me permission as a master. Students are looking for the "violation" I have prepared - a scarf on their shoulders, high-heeled shoes, long beads, and so on. Under the amicable approval, I also bring my appearance in accordance with safety requirements.

3. The game "Who knows more forbidden tricks"

Students are divided into 2 teams. Prohibited techniques in safety engineering are those techniques that must be performed automatically and do not tolerate discrepancies. The game is played quickly, the answers must be clear, with a delay, the right to answer is transferred to the other team. The team that knows the most answers and collects the most chips wins. The game is built on a voluntary basis, students are not forced, but the passive ones themselves gradually join the game with great interest, as they protect the interest of their team.

4. The game "Seqwain»

An associative poem that develops critical thinking. 2 teams compete. 1 - represents a poem, a riddle - the other guesses what corresponds to her in the safety instructions.

And the loop machine

He's not to blame

It's me with my eyes closed

I can't find where the brakes are.

If the iron does not need to heat up anymore

Don't pull on the cord, the "tail" can come off!

5. Game "Analysis of production situations"

Students are presented with various work situations and must evaluate them in terms of compliance with safety rules.

Production Situations #1

The worker, deciding to save time, changed the needle while the electric motor was on and threw it into the wastebasket.
- A worker at an ironing workplace works without a dielectric mat.
- Laying a line, the worker holds the product with both hands on both sides of the needle.
- During work, the worker brakes with her hand on the flywheel.
- In order not to lose the needles, the worker stabbed them on the dress.

Students on the interactive whiteboard are presented with photos of students at work. It is necessary to evaluate them from the point of view of compliance with the TB rules.

6. Yes or no game

The safety inspector reads the safety rules, students must answer the statement is true or not.

Game yes or no



Answer (yes/no)

I check the car at work


I will put the scissors and peg away from the rotating parts of the machines


Threads, needles and spools will be changed without turning off the machine to save time


Games are divided into three groups

1. Games - exercises

2. Didactic games

3. Role playing or story games

The simplest in preparation and content are games - exercises but their role is huge. They act on individual cognitive processes. Some develop memory, others - thinking, others - attention, etc., that is, they help to solve various problems. pedagogical tasks. The method of application is simple - they can be used at all stages of the lesson - when fixing new material, when checking what has been learned, time is spent from 2 to 10 minutes.

1. Game "Insert the missing word"

Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any node with missing terms or technical conditions, they must be inserted.

2. Game "Find the mistake" Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any node with errors, they need to be found and corrected.

3. The game "Find the extra detail"

Students are invited to sketch the details of the cut of any product with extra details, you need to find them.

4. The game "Encounter battle"

Students at home prepare questions that they ask each other in pairs. The game requires the attention of the whole group, since the questions should not be repeated by the next pair of students. With each game, students come up with more and more interesting questions.

5. A game "Spread it out"

3 pockets (shelves) are prepared on the sheet with the name of the seams - connecting, edge, finishing. Students are divided into 3 rows and take turns approaching the master's table, take strips with the name of the seams, put them on a shelf and pass the baton to the next participant in a row.

6. Game "Collect the picture"

Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any node in disorder, it is necessary to assemble it in the correct sequence. First, I divide the group into teams of 4 - 5 people and give a task so that they can say the answer aloud, discuss with each other, that is, repeat the topic again before choosing a collective answer and at the same time, as it were, relieve responsibility for the answer from a particular student and I assign it to the team. Students develop communication skills, a sense of camaraderie and collective responsibility. Then I use these cards to consolidate the material and divide the group into teams of 2 - 3 people, I test knowledge individually.

7. Game "Choose a processing method" Students are offered a specific task, for example, “Processing the bottom of the sleeve with cuffs” in a sport-style linen product - you need to choose a processing method and justify it - the game contributes to the development of critical thinking.

Modern life requires a person to be able to make choices - from choosing goods and services to choosing friends and choosing a life path. The use in the lessons of such games as "Choose a processing method", "Choose the necessary equipment, material", etc. involves the development of students' variant thinking, that is, an understanding of the possibility of various options for solving a problem, the ability to systematically enumerate options, compare them and find the best option. Education, in which the principle of variability is implemented, relieves students of the fear of making a mistake, teaches them to perceive failure not as a tragedy, but as a signal to correct the situation - after all, this is just one of the options that turned out to be unsuccessful, therefore, we need to look for another option. Such an approach to solving problems, especially in difficult, "dead-end" situations, is also necessary in life: in case of failure, do not become discouraged, but seek and find a way out of the situation.

8. Game "Lotto"

Students make cards - fields with numbers in cells and colored chips. I prepare questions on any topic. The student who answers first closes the cell with the question numbers with a chip. The one who closes the most cells wins.

9. Game "Rope"

In two rows, a sheet of questions is launched. 1st table - 1 question, 2nd table - 2 questions. Whose row answers faster and correctly, he wins. Whoever gives the wrong answer, who does not know the answer puts a dash - the rope breaks.

10. Game "YES or NO"

On any topic, 5-10 questions are prepared. The students are given a card.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Rules of the game - the question is read once and each student puts a cross in the box "Yes" or "No". The master or the students themselves check the correctness of the answers.

11. Game "Relay"

Students are divided into several teams, the task is given - to write a sequence for processing a node, the whole team participates, processing operations are written in turn. The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins.

12. Game "Baiga"

Rules of the game - the whole group participates, the question is asked once, it is necessary to answer it quickly, a chip is issued for the correct answer, the student who has collected the most chips wins. Questions should be clear so that the answer to them is short, unambiguous.

Didactic games

These include games in which a captain, commander, and so on are elected. They play an organizational role. These games include imaginary journeys, KVN, “What, where, when”, “Own game”, “Lucky accident”, etc.

KVN games, “What, where, when”, “Own game”, “Lucky event” require additional preparation, they are conducted with pre-prepared questions and musical breaks between 2-3 teams. Ratings of 5 point system. Most often used when repeating large topics of the program, during a competition or competition.

Football game

The group is divided into two teams. The teams choose a goalkeeper, attacker, defender, players. The forward of the first team asks a question and throws the ball (conditionally). The players of the second team answer first, if they did not answer - the defender, the last - the goalkeeper. If the answer is incorrect or incomplete, a goal is awarded to the team.

Role-playing or story games

The game is played in several stages.

    Preparation for the game - definition of the topic, distribution of roles (controller, technologist, etc.)

    The course of the game is the decision of some production task or completing a practical task

    Conclusion - discussion of the result.

Role-playing games allow students to "try on" new behaviors in a safe environment. Role-playing games are used in the study of problems and situations that arise in real life. In the classroom, the activities of an enterprise, its division, events, specific activities of people are imitated ( technologist, quality controller, safety inspector). The game develops the adaptive capabilities of future specialists to real production conditions. The game helps students to realize themselves in a new role, at the same time makes students reckon with their comrades, empathize, sympathize, i.e. contributes to the development of personality.

In addition to individual gaming moments in the lessons of industrial training, I use active forms of learning - non-traditional lessons - games (lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson - business game).

Game technologies make it possible to use collective forms of student interaction, identify interdisciplinary connections and integrate them into general knowledge, increase students' interest in the profession, and help students achieve a stronger assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The main goal of the game is the development of creative skills and abilities, the formation creativity and professionally oriented thinking, preparation of a competent graduate.

Department of Education of the Akimat of the West Kazakhstan region

GKKP " College of Technology»

Considered at the meeting

subject-cycle commission

Head of the PCC

Suyunova G.S.

Protocol No. __ dated "" 2014


"The use of game technology in the lessons of industrial training"

Developed - master of production

higher category education

Titorenko S.I.

Uralsk - 201 4 g

Municipal budgetary educational institution
“Secondary school No. 2 named after. E. V. Kamysheva
Gagarin Smolensk region

Gaming technologies

Deputy Director for UVR
Natalya Nikolaevna Pokrovkova

“What a child is at play, such is in many ways he will be at work when he grows up”
A.S. Makarenko

The game as a phenomenal human phenomenon is most thoroughly considered in such areas of knowledge as psychology and philosophy. In pedagogy and teaching methods, more attention is paid to the games of preschoolers (N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, A.I. Sorokina, N.R. Eiges, etc.) and younger schoolchildren (F. Kbleher, A.S. Ibragimova, N.M. Konysheva, M.T. Salikhov and others). This is due to the fact that teachers consider the game as an important teaching method for children of preschool and primary school age. A number of special studies on the play activity of preschoolers were carried out by outstanding teachers of our time (P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, etc.). Aspects of gaming activity in a comprehensive school were considered by S.V. Arutyunyan, O.S. Gazman, V.M. Grigoriev, O.A. Dyachkova, F.I. Fradkina, G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others.
During the perestroika period, there was a sharp jump in interest in the learning game (V.V. Petrusinsky, P.I. Pidkasisty, Zh.S. Khaidarov, S.A. Shmakov, M.V. Klarin, A.S. Prutchenkov, etc.) .
In the modern school, there is an urgent need to expand the methodological potential in general, and in active forms of education in particular. Such active forms of learning, insufficiently covered in teaching methods, include gaming technologies.

Gaming technology is one of the unique shapes learning, which allows you to make interesting and exciting not only the work of students at the creative and search level, but also everyday steps in the study of any subject. The entertainingness of the conditional world of the game makes the monotonous activity of memorization, repetition, consolidation or assimilation of information positively emotionally colored, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of the child. Another positive side of the game is that it promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation, so the material learned by students goes through a kind of practice, brings variety and interest to the learning process.

The relevance of the game is currently increasing due to the oversaturation of the modern student with information. All over the world, and in Russia in particular, the subject-information environment is expanding immeasurably. Television, video, radio, computer networks have recently been bombarding students with a huge amount of information. The actual task of the school is the development of self-assessment and selection of the information received.
The game is such a unique phenomenon of being that it simply could not be used in various fields activities of mankind, including in pedagogy. In the pedagogical process, the game acts as a method of training and education, the transfer of accumulated experience, starting from the very first steps. human society along the path of its development.
By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.
In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:
- entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, deliver satisfaction, inspire, arouse interest);
- communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;
- self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;
- game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;
- diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;
- correction function: making positive changes to the structure personal indicators;
- interethnic communication: the assimilation of social and cultural values ​​that are common to all people;
- socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, assimilation of norms human hostel.

Most games have four main features (according to S.A. Shmakov):
free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from the result (procedural pleasure);
the creative, largely improvisational, very active nature of this activity (“the field of creativity”);
emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc. (sensual nature of the game, "emotional tension");
the presence of direct or indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

The structure of the game as an activity organically includes goal setting, planning, goal realization, as well as analysis of the results in which the person fully realizes himself as a subject.
Motivation of gaming activity is provided by its voluntariness, opportunities for choice and elements of competition, satisfaction of the need for self-affirmation, self-realization.
What is included in the structure of the game as a process? Let's make a logic chain together.
The structure of the game as a process includes: a) the roles assumed by the players; b) game actions as a means of realizing these roles; c) game use of objects, i.e. replacement of real things with game, conditional ones; d) real relations between the players; e) plot (content) - the realm of reality conditionally reproduced in the game.
G.K. Selevko notes: “In a modern school, which relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, game activity is used in the following cases:
as independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic, and even a section of a subject;
as elements (sometimes quite essential) of a larger technology;
as a lesson (class) or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);
as a technology for extracurricular activities.

The concept of "gaming pedagogical technologies» includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques of organization pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.
Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.
The game form of classes is created in the classroom with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing, stimulating students to learning activities.
We introduce a game element. The game “Continue (finish) my thought.
The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes takes place in the following main areas:
1. The didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task.
2. Learning activities are subject to the rules of the game.
3. Educational material is used as its means.
4. Competitions are introduced into educational activities, which contribute to the transition of didactic tasks to the category of gaming ones.
5. The successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.
The place and role of game technology in the educational process, the combination of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games.
First of all, games should be divided by type of activity into physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological.
By the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:
a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;
b) cognitive, educational, developing;
c) reproductive, productive, creative;
d) communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.
The typology of pedagogical games is extensive in terms of the nature of the game methodology. Let us indicate only the most important of the types used: subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation and dramatization games. In the subject area, games are distinguished in all school disciplines.
And, finally, the specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, desktop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer and with TSO, as well as with various vehicles.

Spectrum of target orientations
Didactic: expanding horizons, cognitive activity; application of ZUN in practical activities; the formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities; development of general educational skills and abilities; development of labor skills.
Educators: education of independence, will; formation of certain approaches, positions, moral, aesthetic and ideological attitudes; education of cooperation, collectivism, sociability, communication.
Developing: the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, imagination, fantasy, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to find optimal solutions; development of motivation for educational activities.
Socializing: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions; stress control, self-regulation; communication training; psychotherapy.
Conceptual foundations of gaming technologies
The psychological mechanisms of play activity are based on the fundamental needs of the individual in self-expression, self-affirmation, self-determination, self-regulation, self-realization.
Game is a form of psychogenic behavior, i.e. inherent, immanent personality (D.N. Uznadze).
The game is the space of "internal socialization" of the child, a means of assimilation of social attitudes (L.S. Vygotsky).
The game is the freedom of the individual in the imagination, "an illusory realization of unrealizable interests" (A.N. Leontiev).
The ability to get involved in the game is not related to the age of the person, but at each age the game has its own characteristics.
The content of children's games develops from games in which the main content is objective activity, to games that reflect the relationship between people, and, finally, to games in which the main content is obedience to the rules. public behavior and relationships between people.
In the age periodization of children (D.B. Elkonin), a special role is assigned to the leading activity, which has its own content for each age. In each leading activity, corresponding mental neoplasms arise and form. The game is the leading activity for preschool age.

Features of gaming technologies
All the age periods following the preschool age with their leading types of activity (primary school age - educational activity, middle school age - socially useful, senior school age - educational and professional activity) do not crowd out the game, but continue to include it in the process.

Game technologies in the preschool period
By the third year of life, the child masters the role-playing game, gets acquainted with human relations, begins to distinguish between the external and internal sides of phenomena, discovers the presence of experiences in himself and begins to orient himself in them.
The child develops imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, which allow him to transfer the properties of some things to others, an orientation in own feelings and the skills of their cultural expression are formed, which allows the child to be included in collective activities and communication.
As a result of the development of gaming activities in the preschool period, readiness for socially significant and socially valued learning activities is formed.

Technology of developing games B.P. Nikitina
The game activity program consists of a set of educational games, which, for all their diversity, proceed from a common idea and have characteristic features.
Each game is a set of tasks that a child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard or plastic, parts from a mechanical designer, etc. In his books, Nikitin offers educational games with Montessori cubes, patterns, frames and inserts, a unicubus, plans and cards, squares, Guess sets, hundreds tables, dots, clocks, a thermometer, bricks , cubes, designers. Children play with balls, ropes, rubber bands, pebbles, nuts, corks, buttons, sticks, etc. and so on. Subject educational games underlie the construction and labor and technical games, and they are directly related to the intellect.
The tasks are given to the child different form: in the form of a model, a flat isometric drawing, a drawing, a written or oral instruction, etc., and in this way introduce him to different ways transfer of information.
Tasks have a very wide range of difficulties: from sometimes accessible to a two-three-year-old baby to overwhelming for an average adult. Therefore, games can arouse interest for many years (until adulthood). The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in games allows the child to move forward and improve independently, i.e. to develop their creative abilities, in contrast to education, where everything is explained and where, in the main, only performing traits are formed in the child.
The solution of the problem is presented to the child not in abstract form the answer to a mathematical problem, but in the form of a drawing, a pattern or a structure made of cubes, bricks, designer parts, i.e. in the form of visible and tangible things. This allows you to visually compare the "task" with the "solution" and to check the accuracy of the task yourself.
In educational games - this is their main feature- it was possible to combine one of the basic principles of learning from simple to complex with a very important principle of creative activity independently according to abilities, when a child can rise to the "ceiling" of his abilities. This union made it possible to solve several problems in the game at once related to the development of creative abilities:
educational games can provide "food" for the development of creative abilities from the very early age;
their task-steps always create conditions ahead of the development of abilities;
rising each time independently to his "ceiling", the child develops most successfully;
educational games can be very diverse in their content and, moreover, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

Gaming Technology in Jr. school age
Primary school age is characterized by brightness and immediacy of perception, ease of entering into images. Children are easily involved in any activity, especially in games, organize themselves in a group game, continue playing with objects, toys, non-imitation games appear.
In the game model of the educational process, the creation of a problem situation occurs through the introduction of a game situation: the problem situation is lived by the participants in its game incarnation, the basis of activity is game modeling, part of the students' activity occurs in a conditionally game plan.
The guys act according to the game rules (for example, in the case of role-playing games, according to the logic of the role being played, in simulation games, along with the role-playing position, the “rules” of the simulated reality apply). The game environment also transforms the position of the teacher, who balances between the role of organizer, assistant and accomplice in the overall action.
The results of the game act in a dual way - as a game and as an educational and cognitive result. The didactic function of the game is realized through the discussion of the game action, analysis of the correlation of the game situation as a modeling one, its relationship with reality. Critical role in this model belongs to the final retrospective discussion, in which students jointly analyze the course and results of the game, the relationship between the game (imitation) model and reality, as well as the course of educational-game interaction. The arsenal of elementary school pedagogy contains games that contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children's everyday vocabulary, coherent speech; games aimed at developing numerical representations, learning to count, and games that develop memory, attention, observation, strengthening the will.
Efficiency didactic games depends, firstly, on their systematic use, and secondly, on the purposefulness of the program of games in combination with the usual didactic exercises.
Game technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character. It includes sequentially games and exercises that form the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them; groups of games for the generalization of objects according to certain characteristics; groups of games, during which younger students develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal ones; groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, the speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc. At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of education, helps to activate the educational process, master a number of educational elements.
Compiling game technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every teacher elementary school.
IN national pedagogy there are a number of such gaming technologies (“Samych himself” by V.V. Repkin, “Mummi-trolls” by Tomsk authors, characters from “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, etc.) built into the main content of education.
Methods of teaching children the theory of music VV Kiryushina. This technique is based on the correspondence to each musical concept of an animated character (octave - giraffe, third - sister, dissonance - an evil wizard, etc.). All heroes experience various adventures in which their essential attributes and qualities are manifested. Together with the heroes, children from the age of three are imperceptibly assimilating the most complex musical concepts and skills, the concepts of rhythm, tonality, and the beginning of harmony.

Game technologies in middle and high school age
In adolescence, there is an aggravation of the need to create one's own world, in the pursuit of adulthood, the rapid development of imagination, fantasies, the emergence of spontaneous group games.
The features of the game in senior school age are the focus on self-affirmation in front of society, humorous coloring, the desire for a joke, an orientation towards speech activity.
business games
The business game is used to solve complex problems of learning new things, consolidating material, developing creative abilities, forming general educational skills, and enables students to understand and study educational material from various positions.
In the educational process, various modifications of business games are used: simulation, operational, role-playing games, business theater, psycho- and sociodrama.
simulation games. In the classroom, the activities of any organization, enterprise or its division are imitated, for example, a trade union committee, a council of mentors, a department, a workshop, a section, etc. Events, specific activities of people (business meeting, discussion of a plan, holding a conversation, etc.) and the environment, conditions in which an event occurs or activities are carried out (office of the head of the shop, meeting room, etc.) can be imitated. ). The scenario of an imitation game, in addition to the plot of the event, contains a description of the structure and purpose of the simulated processes and objects.
Operation games. They help to work out the performance of specific specific operations, for example, methods of writing an essay, solving problems, conducting propaganda and agitation. In operational games, the corresponding workflow is modeled. Games of this type are held in conditions that imitate real ones.
Role play. In these games, the tactics of behavior, actions, the performance of the functions and duties of a particular person are worked out. To conduct games with the performance of a role, a model-play of the situation is developed, roles with “mandatory content” are distributed among students.
Business Theatre. It plays out a situation, a person's behavior in this situation. Here the student must mobilize all his experience, knowledge, skills, be able to get used to the image of a certain person, understand his actions, assess the situation and find the right line of behavior. The main task of the staging method is to teach a teenager to navigate in various circumstances, to give an objective assessment of his behavior, to take into account the capabilities of other people, to establish contacts with them, to influence their interests, needs and activities, without resorting to formal attributes of power, to an order. . For the dramatization method, a script is drawn up, which describes the specific situation, functions and responsibilities actors, their tasks.
Psychodrama and sociodrama. They are very close to "role-playing" and "business theatre." This is also a "theater", but already a socio-psychological one, in which the ability to feel the situation in the team, evaluate and change the state of another person, the ability to enter into productive contact with him is practiced.

The business game technology consists of the following stages (Fig. 1).
Preparation stage. The preparation of a business game begins with the development of a scenario - a conditional display of the situation and the object. The content of the script includes: learning goal classes, description of the problem under study, substantiation of the task, business game plan, general description game procedures, the content of the situation and the characteristics of the actors.
Next comes the introduction to the game, the orientation of participants and experts. The mode of work is determined, the main goal of the lesson is formulated, the statement of the problem and the choice of the situation are substantiated. Packages of materials, instructions, rules, installations are issued. going to Additional Information. If necessary, students turn to the leader and experts for advice. Preliminary contacts between game participants are allowed. The unspoken rules prohibit abandoning the role received by lot, leaving the game, being passive in the game, suppressing activity, violating the rules and ethics of behavior.
Preparation stage - general description of the game
- the content of the briefing
- preparation of material support
Entering the game - setting the problem, goals
- conditions, instructions
- regulations, rules
- distribution of roles
- group formation
- consultations

Stage of implementation Group work on the task - work with sources - training - brainstorm- work with game technician
Intergroup discussion - presentations of groups - protection of results - rules of discussion - work of experts

Stage of analysis and generalization - withdrawal from the game
- analysis, reflection
- evaluation and self-assessment
- conclusions and generalizations
- recommendations

Rice. 1. Technological scheme of the business game

The stage of conducting is the process of the game. With the beginning of the game, no one has the right to interfere and change its course. Only the facilitator can correct the actions of the participants if they move away from the main goal of the game. Depending on the modification of the business game, various types of role positions of the participants can be introduced. Positions that manifest themselves in relation to the content of the work in the group: idea generator, developer, imitator, erudite, diagnostician, analyst.
Organizational positions: organizer, coordinator, integrator, controller, trainer, manipulator.
Positions manifested in relation to novelty: initiator, cautious critic, conservative.
Methodological positions: methodologist, critic, methodologist, problematizer, reflective, programmer.
Socio-psychological positions: leader, preferred, accepted, independent, unacceptable, rejected.
The stage of analysis, discussion and evaluation of the results of the game. Speeches of experts, exchange of opinions, protection by students of their decisions and conclusions. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes the mistakes, and formulates the final result of the lesson. Attention is drawn to the comparison of the simulation used with the corresponding area of ​​the real person, the establishment of a connection between the game and the content of the subject.
Practical part (examples of games, depending on the specifics)

Summing up the above, we can note the pros and cons of using gaming technologies (slide).
"Pros" - the use of gaming technologies:
gaming technologies contribute to increasing interest, activation and development of thinking;
carries a health-saving factor in development and training;
there is a transfer of experience of older generations to younger ones;
promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation;
is the child's natural form of labor, preparation for future life;
promotes team building and responsibility.
The "cons" when using gaming technologies are as follows:
complexity in organization and problems with discipline;
preparation requires more time than its implementation;
being carried away by the game shell, you can lose the educational content;
inability to use on any material;
difficulty in assessing students.
In any case, the independent creative work of the child must be noticed, approved by the teacher, and demonstrated to the class.
I would like to end my speech with the words of Confucius "The teacher and students grow together." So let gaming technologies allow both students and teachers to grow.
I invite everyone to participate in the last game task.
I ask you to draw up a syncwine for the concept of "gaming technologies" based on the algorithm:
- keyword;
- 2 adjectives;
- 3 verbs;
- phrase;
- generalized word or phrase.

  • Specialty HAC RF13.00.08
  • Number of pages 190

Chapter I. Game technologies as a pedagogical problem.

1.1. Essence and philosophical and methodological content of game forms of activity.

1.2. The genesis of the development of gaming technologies in education.

1.3. The problem of gaming technologies in vocational education in the context of the prospects for professional training of specialists in the field of tourism.

2.1. Classification of gaming technologies in vocational education.

2.3. Results of experimental work. FROM

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education", 13.00.08 VAK code

  • Designing a business game as a form of teaching students professional communicative competencies in the educational process of a tourist university 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bokareva, Natalya Vladimirovna

  • Professional training of specialists in the management of cultural and educational tourism in a humanitarian university 1999, candidate of pedagogical sciences Ustimenko, Valentina Timofeevna

  • The content of training students of a tourist university in gaming leisure technologies 2003, candidate of pedagogical sciences Tsyplukhin, Sergey Anatolyevich

  • The content and technologies of training specialists for the tourism sector in the system of higher professional education 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Baranova, Vera Viktorovna

  • Development of a regional system of professional training of tourist personnel in an open educational environment 2007, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Goryacheva, Tamara Konstantinovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Game technologies as a means of professional training of specialists in the field of tourism: On the example of a tourist university"

The relevance of research:

The modern world is characterized by high rates of socio-cultural and socio-economic development. This determines the rapid pace of changes taking place both in Russian society and in the international community: the search for new forms of state and international relations, the development of communication and information infrastructures, the formation of humanitarian technologies and new activities.

All this determines the directions for the development of the tourism sector and the changes taking place in it: the strengthening and development of international relations in the tourism industry, the formation of a strategy for the development of the domestic and social tourism market, the development of research on the humanitarian and social aspects of tourism, the formation of a system of continuous education in the tourism sector.

In this regard, the requirements for the professional training of specialists in a tourist university are justifiably growing. The following become relevant: the ability to constantly change in response to the challenge of a changing environment, psychological and social mobility, the ability to quickly learn a new type of activity, dynamic self-determination, a meaningful approach to external and internal reality, mastery of organizational abilities and self-organization in any conditions.

Thus, the current state and development trends in the tourism sector, the search for effective and intensive approaches to training specialists in tourism universities and the requirements for them confirm the relevance of the study. At the same time, this allows us to highlight the existing contradictions between:

The need to include university graduates in high-tech dynamic processes of the modern tourism industry and the theoretical nature of the training of specialists in universities,

The distribution and organization of different types of activities and specialists in the field of tourism, its collectivity and the individual-personal nature of their assimilation through disparate subjects, courses and disciplines of the curriculum.

Taking into account the indicated contradictions, the research problem was formulated:

What should be the content and methods of using gaming technologies in the educational process of a tourist university in order to increase the effectiveness of the training of future specialists in tourism activities.

The problem determined the purpose of the study, which is to develop the content and methodology for using gaming technologies in the process of training specialists in the tourism sector in a university setting.

Object of study: professional training of students in a tourist university.

Subject of study: the content and methodology of using gaming technologies in the professional training of students of tourism universities.

The goal determined the objectives of the study:

1. Determine the essence and concept of gaming technologies in the professional training of students.

2. Development of the content of gaming technologies for the professional training of students of tourism universities.

3. Develop and experimentally test methods of gaming activity in the process of using gaming technologies.

Research hypothesis: the introduction of gaming technologies will lead to a qualitative improvement and intensification of the educational process of training specialists in a tourism university if the following is done:

1) the concept of "gaming technology" has been clarified, taking into account the peculiarities of professional tourism activities;

2) the content of gaming technologies has been developed, including organizational, activity and innovative games;

3) effective methods of game activity have been identified (such as game modeling, situational analysis, situation analysis, participant observation, transformative experiment, etc.), which ensure the formation of an active position of future specialists in the field of tourism.

Research methods include:

Analysis of pedagogical, socio-psychological, special professional literature on the research problem;

Analysis of activity products and analysis of materials containing data on pedagogical, methodological and psychological foundations in the process of training professional and public personnel in the system of sports and tourism, quantitative and qualitative processing of the results obtained;

Pedagogical observations, experiment, game modeling, forecasting, method of expert assessments.

Methodological basis research are general theoretical provisions on the unity of theory and practice; the impact of socio-economic conditions on the development of a system for training professional personnel in the tourism sector; a set of natural-science and psychological-pedagogical views on the problem under study.

The general methodology of the research is based on the most important philosophical provisions on the dialectics of social, cultural and educational spaces, systemic, synergistic, personal-activity and axiological approaches (M. M. Bakhtin, JT. S. Vygotsky, D. S. Likhachev, A. F. Losev, P. A. Florensky, A. A. Zinoviev, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, N. G. Alekseev, E. G. Yudin and others).

The theoretical basis of the study is the theoretical principles of pedagogy and psychology of professional activity (S. Ya. Batyshev, S. A. Belicheva, A. P. Belyaeva, V. P. Bespalko, V. V. Davydov, V. G. Kinelev, V. S. Lazarev, M. M. Levina, V. S. Lednev, A. M. Novikov, K. K. Platonov, V. A. Reshetova, V. D. Shadrikov, etc.); the theory of professionalism (A. A. Derkach, A. K. Markova, A. A. Serbatsky, V. A. Slastenin, etc.); ideas for the formation of the content of vocational education (A. A. Andreeva, Yu. K. Babansky, A. S. Batyshev, S. Ya. Batyshev, V. A. Ermolenko, N. N. Kozlova, G. K. Kuchinskaya, A. N. Leibovich, A. M. Novikov, L. G. Semushina and others); concepts of Western schools of social anthropology of tourism (S. K. Brightbill, E. Cohen, W. Harper, etc.), economics and management of tourism (R. L. Blomstrom, J. Boyd,

C. Cooper, J. Fletcher, D. Gilbert, S. Wanhill, R. Westfall and others), hospitality and tourism technology (R. L. Almarode, R. M. Angelo, A. N. Vladimir and others); Russian schools of recreation (Yu. A. Vedenin, I. V. Zorin, V. M. Krivosheev, JX I. Mukhina, V. S. Preobrazhensky, etc.), guided tours and social tourism (V. P. Golov, I. A. Drogov, B. V. Emelyanov, V. A. Kvartalnov, J. V. Kurilo, A. A. Ostapets-Sveshnikov, and others); studies on the pedagogy of tourism (M. Ya. Vilensky, V. A. Gorsky, V. I. Zholdak, V. A. Kalney, V. A. Kvartalnov, K. V. Kulaev, A. A. Ostapets-Sveshnikov, A. I. Seselkin, V. D. Chepik, S. E. Shishov, etc.), studies on the methodology of pedagogical research and design in pedagogy and education (N. G. Alekseev, Yu. V. Gromyko, V. A. Nikitin , S.V. Popov, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, P.G. Shchedrovitsky), studies on the use of gaming technologies in pedagogy and vocational education (V. Avksentiev, N.G. Alekseev, O.S. Gromyko, Yu.D. Krossovsky, S.D. Neverkovich, A.L. Zinchenko, Yu.V. Pakhomov, S. Popov, A.A. l

Research stages:

Stage 1 (1993-1998) - included the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the formulation of the research topic, its scientific apparatus and the planning of experimental work;

Stage 2 (1998-2000) - conducting experimental work, developing methodological recommendations for the implementation of gaming technologies, comprehension of the final results of experimental work;

Stage 3 (2000-2002) - final analysis, generalization of experimental data and preparation of the dissertation text.

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance lies in the fact that: the concept of gaming technologies has been clarified and its definition has been given. By gaming technology, we mean a set of modern gaming methods based on the ideas of positional self-determination, problematization, development of innovative methods that take into account the specifics of modern cultural, historical and socio-cultural situations; the essential (functional certainty, procedural orientation, the "here and now" principle, reflexivity, cultivability, etc.) and content characteristics (systematic, universal, project-oriented, promising, etc.) of gaming technologies in the professional training of students of tourist universities as a complex of modern gaming methods are determined based on the ideas of positional self-determination, problematization, development of innovative methods that take into account the specifics of modern cultural, historical and socio-cultural situations; the features of the content of pedagogical situations of using gaming technologies are described, the effective solution of educational and professional problems and tasks with the help of their systemic use is methodically substantiated and presented; substantiated the content of gaming technologies, which can act as modules of the content of education, subject-disciplinary gaming technologies in the field of tourism management; the methodological base of professional training of specialists of tourism universities has been expanded through the use of ODI and gaming technologies in the educational process; effective methods of students' gaming activity were identified (for example, such as analysis of situations, new situations, constantly changing situations in which it is necessary to develop a new procedure for action; activity self-determination, i.e. developing a position of an adequate situation for the effectiveness and success of the case; reflective thinking, connecting already accumulated experience with project settings for the future through the current situation; implementation of the results of the analysis of the situation, project settings and intentions - planned actions - through a system of communication and interaction); it is determined that the creation of problem situations, sequences of problem situations and a certain logic of movement through them in an organizational and activity game is an effective method of presenting the content of training management personnel in the field of tourism; the introduction of these teaching methods, constructed in this way, allows you to simulate their future activities. It is very important to note that this expanded form is very effective not only for teaching students, but also for retraining personnel.

The practical significance of the study is: in the development of effective methods of students' gaming activities, which allow simulating professional activities and contributing to their professional development through activity-based self-determination, the development of reflective thinking and the development of the ability to build activities in conditions of communication and interaction; in identifying and substantiating the totality of abilities and skills necessary for a modern specialist in the tourism sector and ensuring his mobility, purposeful and creative activity, predictability and methodological equipment for successful inclusion in professional activities (such as: promptly update volitional, motivational and intellectual capabilities; show purposeful activity in a completely unfamiliar situation, in an unfamiliar activity, to act in a previously undefined area; to organize the work of people in situations where standard methods of management do not work; to be able to calculate a changing situation in such a way that due to his actions it does not come where it will come naturally way, but where he needs to; make it impossible for people to carry out the old routine mode of action and demonstrate to them a model of a completely different action; be able to create a problem situation to demonstrate a new mode of activity, etc.); in the development and verification in experimental work of a student-oriented model of professional training of students in the tourism sector, based on the modular use of gaming technologies (organizational-activity, innovative, business, role-playing games) in the educational space of a tourist university, in the development of appropriate methodological recommendations; V practical advice on the use of organizational and activity games (OGI) in universities that train specialists in the humanities, primarily in the field of tourism.

The following are submitted for defense:

A set of methods of gaming activities that form an active position in the professional field of future tourism specialists.

Experimental research base:

Experimental work, development and implementation of gaming technologies in the practice of professional training of specialists for the tourism sector was carried out in the Sergiev Posad branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism. More than 200 students of 1-4 courses and 10 teachers of the humanities and special disciplines took part in it.

Approbation of work:

Gaming technologies and ODI practices have been tested: at the regional level - in the practice of developing an education development strategy in the Sergiev Posad district by municipal structures, in the work of the public education department with school principals on the development of education and advanced training of administrative and managerial personnel of the education system. As a result, both the results obtained with the help of gaming technologies and some modules of organizational and activity games have been introduced into the practice of education management in the district; at the level of educational institutions

Game technologies were used at the stage of creating the Sergiev Posad gymnasium, in designing conditions for the development of educational space;

Some modules of organizational and activity games are used in the management of the gymnasium and in the educational process (in and holding conferences, competitions for graduation and scientific works, holding teachers' councils and meetings, etc.); at the level of teaching educational disciplines

Elements of gaming technologies have been introduced into the practice of teaching courses and disciplines of universities, which undoubtedly contributes to the self-determination and growth of students' self-awareness, the development of creative thinking and search activity, independent setting of educational and gaming goals and objectives; in the work of the Sergiev Posad branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism

Gaming technologies are effectively used and introduced into the practice of student conferences, teaching a number of courses in the humanities;

Within the framework of organizational and activity games, the work of the Educational and Methodological Council is organized, development sessions are held for the management and teaching staff, and the tasks of forming a corporate culture are being implemented.

The main provisions and results of the study were reported and discussed at meetings of the scientific and methodological council of the Sergiev Posad branch of the RMAT, in the practice of preparing scientific, practical and student conferences on topical issues of tourism (Sergiev Posad - 1995-2002), at seminars of heads of educational institutions of Sergiev Posad district, at seminars of museum workers of the Sergiev Posad region, in the process of work and preparation of reporting documents on the management strategy in the territories of historical and cultural monuments, in the development of a program and strategy for the development of education in the Sergiev Posad region, in the development of a program for the formation of a cultural and educational environment in Sergiev Posad Gymnasium. Game techniques and modules were also used in the practice of teaching courses in logic, political science, sociology at the St. The budget system of the Russian Federation 2006, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kolesnikova, Natalya Anatolyevna

  • Role-playing games in the professional communicative training of specialists in the field of tourism 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bochkareva, Margarita Mikhailovna

  • Diversification of professional tourism education 2004, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Seselkin, Alexey Ivanovich

  • Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Theory and methods of vocational education", Lyamenkov, Viktor Nikolaevich

    The basis for the professional training of specialists in the field of tourism and tourism are game technologies developed on the basis of organizational and activity games, business games and role-playing games:

    Organizational games - focused on the development and development of fundamentally new areas and specialties, on solving problems, as well as on developing development programs;

    Business games - focused on the development of norms and rules, on solving problems in regular situations;

    Role-playing games - games focused on the development of role-playing and positional features of organizational and managerial activities and the development of communication in various situations.


    The dissertation research conducted showed that the current state and development trends in the tourism sector, the search for effective and intensive approaches to training specialists in tourism universities and the requirements for them confirm the relevance of the study.

    It is devoted to resolving the contradiction between: the need to include university graduates in high-tech dynamic processes of the modern tourism industry and the theoretical nature of the training of specialists in universities, on the one hand, and the distribution and co-organization of different types of activities and specialists in the field of tourism, its collectivity and the individual-personal nature of their assimilation through disparate subjects, courses and disciplines of the curriculum on the other hand, through the analysis of the conditions and the development of the content and methods of using gaming technologies in the educational process of a tourist university in order to increase the effectiveness of the professional training of future specialists in tourism activities.

    In accordance with the tasks set, the following was done:

    1. The essence and concept of gaming technologies in the professional training of students are determined.

    2. The content of gaming technologies has been developed for the professional training of students of tourism universities.

    3. Developed and experimentally tested methods of gaming activities in the process of using gaming technologies.

    The results obtained allow us to draw the following main conclusions, which represent the result of our work:

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