Dnepropetrovsk ghost houses. Residential complex Three Poplars - main advantages

— 20.02.2014

Construction on subsiding soils is a delicate matter and requires attention to detail.
But just about the little things, traditionally, it is customary for us everywhere to forget.
Here are the fully functional buildings. And in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
And subsiding soils on the territory former USSR- a lot of...
AND there were a lot of accidents, however not always on ground conditions ...

In Dnepropetrovsk, at Topol-1, house 9, you can contemplate a nine-story block building without windows and doors and just below it, an abandoned kindergarten that is turning yellow. On the roof of a high-rise building, one of our valiant mobile operators has already put up its website. The house is cracked in some places and slowly crumbles like a stone. Climbing to the top floor and even with some effort to the roof is not a problem. From there, a good view of the Vstrechnaya beam and its surroundings opens up.

What events led to the fact that tenants were evicted from this house and left to slowly die?

In 1969, builders began to develop a new residential area "Topol-1". Studies carried out in the same year showed that there is no water up to a depth of 32 meters (this is normal). The green light was given to the construction of residential complexes. In 1972, the first settlement of houses took place. But already in 1986-87, the first accidents occurred. Four kindergartens and two small families were damaged. Due to large deformations of the foundations, the residents of these houses were resettled. Then the design organization that was developing houses for the Topol-1 railway station was blamed for the accident, the director of Grazhdanproekt was removed from work, and the chief engineer was expelled from the party, who died of a heart attack three weeks later.

When checking the water level, it was found that it rises at a rate of one meter per year.

Landslides are a common phenomenon for Dnepropetrovsk. More than once, old huts and small buildings clinging to their slopes slid down to the bottom of the beams. The apotheosis of events occurred on June 6, 1997, when, as a result of a giant landslide, a nine-story residential building with 100 apartments went underground in a matter of minutes. Behind him collapsed buildings 4-storey high school for 1000 places, two kindergartens, garages. Then there was a minimum of human casualties - one man died trying to save his car, which was in the garage at the bottom of the slope ...

Hearing the uncharacteristic sounds that the building structures of the house began to make in the early morning, people, literally whoever was in what, began to leave the apartments. In just twenty minutes the first entrance went underground, ten minutes later the second entrance was gone.

Classes have not yet started at school because of the early hours. You could say lucky.

As a result of the disaster, neighboring high-rise buildings and communications were deformed. Residents of several neighboring high-rise buildings had to be relocated. At the site of the landslide, a pit was formed with an area of ​​approximately three hundred by one hundred meters and a depth of more than twenty meters.

With the help of a set of measures, the landslide was localized, and over time, residents of nearby houses returned to their apartments.

The landslide exceeded the volume of 350 thousand cubic meters, caused damage of 153 million hryvnia and became known far beyond the borders of Ukraine. On June 6, 1997, the soils on the built-up left slope of the Vstrechnaya beam began to move and began to flow to its foot.

The landslide occurred on a densely populated residential area in the alignment of the flooded basement of house No. 13, surrounded by 9-storey buildings. Many of them were built on hanging piles and "ground cushions" of layer-by-layer compacted local soil.

Loess-like loams, due to waterlogging, came into a fluid state, moved in the form of a liquid mass with fragments of destroyed buildings along the railway embankment of the Vstrechnaya station. Sliding down, the mass blocked the stream along the bottom of the beam.

The commission, which examined the first catastrophe in 1987, did not draw the right conclusions, and in a decade almost 10 million cubic meters of water accumulated under the residential area. The result was, scientifically speaking, a hydraulic breakthrough. That is, on the slope of the beam, water broke out to the surface at a speed of approximately 80 meters per second. A void formed under the houses, they began to collapse.

Near the headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, located in the 12th polyclinic, from the sewer well, through the top, water flowed with feces, spreading them through the streets of the housing estate. None of the management paid any attention to it. But in vain. Later, when examining the sewer system, serious damage was revealed, a large clogging of pipes. Consequently, the water did not go into the settling tanks, but remained in the same Topol.

The volume of water increases due to leaks from the water supply, heating mains and sewerage. Currently, the rate of rise of water is increasing rapidly. This adversely affects the buildings on the right-bank part of the city. A situation similar to the one that was in the Topol-1 residential area is now developing in Topol-3.

For a long time there have been talks about the impossibility of building on quicksand loess-like loams, but they occupy 70% of the territory of Ukraine and are the foundations of most buildings and structures. There are no other conditions.

So what are the insidious loess-like loams that turn into "quicksands"?

Loess-like loams are undercompacted loose soils; when soaked in water, they become compacted, especially under load with subsidence, which adversely affects buildings and structures.

The territory of Ukraine is covered with a layer of soil with a thickness of 10-100 m on 70% of its area, so there are simply no other conditions for the construction of cities and towns.

The importance of water in these processes is enormous. Previously, groundwater was used for drinking and household needs with its selection from wells and wells. With the growing demand for water for technical purposes, a centralized water supply appeared with water intake from rivers. Initially, they used water pumping from street columns, later water appeared in every house. As a result of large leaks due to corrosion of pipes and irrational irrigation in urban areas, the level of groundwater began to rise. Due to the imbalance, intense flooding began.

Landslides have repeatedly occurred on the slopes of the beams and in their spurs over the past 10-20 years. All of them were caused by unreasonable human activity. So, for example, in the Krasnopovstancheskaya gully in the alignment of Kazakov street, a landslide occurred at the address. General Pushkin,3 in 1980, one person died; there was also a landslide in 1983 on Sirko street, 30; at 118 Sirko street - in 1997

The rise in groundwater level in Dnepropetrovsk is mainly due to large water losses in multi-storey and private buildings, where water-absorbing pits and wells are widely used on watersheds and slopes of gullies. A landslide occurred on the Topol-1 railway station due to the flooding of basements in houses No. 23, 18, 13, 14, 15.

In addition to "Topol-1,2,3" dangerous, from the point of view of landslides, are Kirov Ave., Gagarin Ave., st. Working, Nagorny district, area of ​​​​the hospital. Mechnikov. Here you can see many sagging houses with cracks...

House on the street. Nakhimov, 90 was built in the late 70s. The nine-story building was originally planned to be built on piles, but then, apparently, they decided that it would do just that, and it was cheaper, and they built it on the so-called "cushion", i.e. several layers of coarse sand, watered and carefully compacted. As a result, the residents lived in the house for about 20 years, then the "box" began to "creep" a little into the beam and, as it were, "pull" the whole microdistrict behind it.

The second ghost house is a 14-storey small family next to school No. 75 on Gavrilenko St., 10.

Some residents from other houses in this area were resettled, but no one has been living in the nine-story building for more than 10 years. Rybalskaya area (in Soviet time Komsomolskaya) beams have long been recognized as landslide-prone (before the revolution there was a monastery forest, and in the 1970s a pretty decent park with a dance floor, a stage, swings and other structures for children's games.), And many private houses on its slopes - emergency. The area is limited by the streets: Kirov Ave. - Titov St. - Rybalskaya Beam - Vakulenchuk St. Active landslide and subsidence processes take place here. Landslide stabs in the ground and cracks in buildings indicate that the entire territory is in critical condition.

At one time, housing was built in Rybalskaya Balka, but they did not take care of normal engineering structures - drainage pipes, storm collectors, etc. Now the pipes - communications of the water utility and heating networks are torn and the water washes away the soil and floods the houses.

Video of a landslide on Poplar in 1997.

The elite residential complex "Three poplars on Plyushchikha" is located in Khamovniki, in Plyushchikha lanes - on the way down to Savvinskaya embankment. The new building is located next to the territory of the Exaltation of the Cross Church (early 18th century). Opposite the complex rises the building of the South Korean embassy.

Residential complex "Three poplars on Plyushchikha" was built in the style of an old Moscow estate. The project was developed by the Butusov Workshop architectural bureau. The complex was completed in 2004, the construction was carried out by the company "Augur Estate"

Apartments in the residential complex "Three poplars on Plyushchikha"

Part residential complex includes two buildings. The six-story building (building No. 1) is located 12 apartments area from 157 to 255 sq.m. The three-story building (No. 2) combines 7 townhouses area from 338 to 477 sq.m. Each townhouse has a separate entrance, three residential floors with terraces and a territory for arranging your own garden. Each townhouse has its own basement and garage. Fireplaces and winter gardens are designed in all apartments and townhouses. Ceiling height - from 3.2 to 3.9 m.

Description and infrastructure

The architectural solution of the project is an exquisite combination of the classical traditions of the old Moscow school with modern elements. The complex is stylized early XIX century. Stucco cornices, pilasters, architraves, sandriks are used in the design. Natural granite and majolica are used as decoration.

The natural relief of the area has been preserved on the territory of the complex. Houses are literally buried in greenery. 40-year-old trees have been preserved, green lawns have been planted, well-groomed paths have been laid, lanterns and benches have been installed, and a playground for children has been equipped.

The underground part of the complex is reserved for parking (42 parking spaces).

On June 6, 1997, Dnepropetrovsk was shocked by the news about a large-scale landslide on the Topol-1 railway station and about houses "entirely underground." I remember it was an ordinary summer day, my friends and I traditionally roamed the yards, entertaining ourselves with various children's worries. At that time, everyone did not have the Internet and mobile phones, and news did not spread around the city as quickly as it does now. Only in the evening we learned from adults about what was happening and immediately decided to join the numerous onlookers by going to the long-suffering massif. Approaches to the epicenter of events were cordoned off, numerous local residents were sitting around on things. The landslide itself was somewhere further and it was impossible to get to it, so we went to the main "observation platform" of that day - the Evpatoria overpass crossing the railway. Nothing "interesting" happened at that time. All that was visible was a huge funnel with spreading soil, in which the remains of structures of collapsed buildings floated. After loitering around and looking at the crowd of onlookers, who, apparently, were waiting for the continuation of the spectacle, we left for home. Unlike us, the direct participants in the events and residents of the surrounding houses were much more impressed by what happened. 1 person died, 2 thousand were left without a roof over their heads, the rest of the residents of the array are still wondering if a similar story will repeat itself with their houses...

Zh-m Topol-1 (see Wikimapia) is located in the south of Dnepropetrovsk on the slopes of a beam, in the lower part of which passes Railway along with the station "Vstrechny". The loess soil on which the array stands, coupled with groundwater, does not favor the construction of multi-storey buildings and requires the mandatory creation of drainage systems with constant monitoring of the state of groundwater. About how well the drainage was done in the 70s of the last century, when the array was built up, you can hear a variety of reviews, often negative. Regardless, possible Negative consequences You can almost always warn if you correctly monitor the situation and take the necessary measures in time. However, judging by various reports, many who could influence the development of the situation traditionally did not care about what was happening. The devastation of the 90s only exacerbated the situation.

Over the years, the groundwater level under the massif has gradually increased. Water flowed into the beam not only after rains, but also from damaged engineering systems. Residents of houses have repeatedly complained about flooded basements, but changes in better side didn't happen. The soil became more and more saturated with water, 10 million cubic meters of dirt gradually accumulated in the slopes of the beam and it was only a matter of time before it began to slide down. The last straw, apparently, was a heavy downpour that passed on the evening of June 5, 1997.

1. At about 4 o'clock in the morning on June 6, liquefied soil broke out to the surface at the bottom of the beam. The upper layers of soil with trees and garages began to crumble into the resulting voids.

2. Now nothing held the flooded soil located higher up the slope, and it began to flow into the beam at a speed of 25 meters per hour with the formation of a funnel 20 m deep. After some time, the landslide partially destroyed the lower kindergarten and by 7 in the morning reached 9-storey building No. 22. After 40 minutes, only ruins remained from the house (photo of the 9th channel):

3. Location of buildings and animation of the movement of the landslide. By some miracle, the 20th house remained standing.

4. After some time, the landslide reached school No. 99, built in the 70s according to a standard project for 1000 students. Archive photo of the school:

5. At about 10 am, the left wing of the two-story building of the school began to collapse.

6. An hour later, the left wing completely collapsed:

8. By 6 pm the building had completely collapsed into the crater.

9. After the collapse of the school, a landslide caught one of the buildings of the second kindergarten and then stopped moving forward. The photo shows one of the kindergartens, the remains of its courtyard and the resulting funnel, along with trees and building structures floating down.

10. The place where the school stood:

11. 20th house. Next to him was the 22nd.

12. On the day of the disaster, residents were evacuated within a radius of 200 m from the landslide. They were allowed into the houses only in extreme cases and only upon presentation of a passport with a residence permit.

13. Elevators were turned off and heavy things from houses were lowered from the windows. At that time it was not yet clear how far the landslide would reach and which houses would remain uninhabited.

14. A typical picture in nearby yards on the day of the accident:

15. Many communications across the array have been disabled.

16. In addition to the collapsed house No. 22, the residents of house No. 9 were also left without a roof over their heads. The house was further away from the site of the main events, but there was a danger of a second landslide. Subsequently, the house was declared emergency, attempts to restore it were unsuccessful.

Years passed, the formed funnel was filled up, it was already significantly overgrown and new garages appeared on it. But the events of those years continue to be reminded not only by the empty house No. 9, but also by the growing cracks in some other houses and the gradually sliding soil, not only on Poplar, but also in other landslide-prone areas of the city.
Formally, no one was blamed for the crash. I have not seen official conclusions, perhaps there is an explanation for just such an interpretation (events have repeatedly occurred in the history of mankind when there really were no specific culprits formally). However, the fact remains: it was possible to prevent the catastrophe. I hope that another fact that is known in the form of a catch phrase "History teaches only that it teaches nothing" will remain only a catch phrase ...

Finally, video chronicles, which convey the events that took place much better than photographs.

Documentary Channel One, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the disaster (dir. Snezhana Potapchuk). Made very soundly, though not without pretensions to a journalistic sensation. There are many rare documentary footage:

Documentary footage of the collapse of schools and kindergartens:

More documentary footage:

Shooting the aftermath of the landslide from a helicopter (chronicle from the archives

Spring is the time of the big restructuring of the Star House, when windows open for new, already matured stars. From year to year, graduates create a house project in which there would be a place for new windows.
Zvezdochkin was not a graduate, and he did not want to wait a few more years before graduation. He was impatient to look out the window now, especially there, on a distant Earth, he was so expected.
- Nowhere is it said that only graduate projects should participate in the competition. So, I can also participate, - the kid reasoned and confidently went into the room for tools.
Everyone was free to choose their own style of creation. But for a long time no one took up the mosaic. At one time, Zvezdochtey put together a project from multi-colored glasses, which was still considered the best. None of the graduates dared to compete with him, because the mosaic was gathering dust in the far corner. This is what Zvezdochkin counted on. He looked into the office and saw that everything had been dismantled, except for the multi-colored glasses. They lay in the farthest and darkest corner of the box.
- Well, fine! - the kid was delighted.
Mosaic has been his favorite toy since childhood, and he could make anything out of it, including a dream. In his opinion, multi-colored glasses were created for miracles, and not for some boring and boring projects. Zvezdochkin poured out the mosaic on the floor and set to work. The process captured him so much that he did not hear someone enter the room and stand behind him.
It never occurred to him that Starreader was very sensitive to magic glasses. When this year the mentor saw that there was no mosaic, he became curious, who took it up? He walked up and down the floor, as if inadvertently looking into the rooms of the graduates. Everyone had their own unique style and tools, but no one worked with mosaics.
The teacher was surprised and went in search. He saw that Zvezdochkin was enthusiastically collecting something on the floor and smiled:
- What are you doing, baby?
- I create new project Star House! There will be room for all the windows, including mine.
The Stargazer laughed. The child - what to take from him. Children always play so seriously adult life. However, when he came up to see what this kid had put together, he was not laughing. The teacher shuddered and asked sternly:
- Are you looking out of someone else's window?
- Of course not, dear Star Reader!
- Then where, where is it from??? - the mentor pointed to the mosaic assembled on the floor.
The baby blossomed
- This is my dream, very cheerful and smelly. It turns out that there are many smells on Earth. Why don't we feel them here?
The Starreader shrugged his shoulder and replied that the stars were very high, earthly smells did not reach them. Only Zvezdochkin did not give up.
“On earth, too, they believe that the starlight flies to them for too long due to the fact that we are very far from them. After all, it never occurs to them that a star is first born and grows in rooms without windows. And we get our window only when we finish school. Maybe on Earth there are also windows for smells, and they are not released immediately?
The Starreader looked at the little star with interest. Too much for his age he knows about the Earth. And these arguments about windows... The mentor thought: can spring and summer be called a window into the world of smells? Then he caught on. Many things younger students were not yet supposed to know. So he softly began:
- You know? Let's you collect the glasses and take them back to the mentors' office. Still, they are created for serious projects.
- I created a serious project and I will defend it in a week! Zvezdochkin said importantly.
At first Starreader laughed. However, he soon realized that the boy was determined. He absolutely did not want to hear that the tree cannot be a Star House project, because it has no windows. Zvezdochkin only cryptically replied:
- Big week! A lot can happen and change. See you at the defense, Mr. Starreader!
The teacher just waved his hand.
- Let him go! On defense, he will see the projects of graduates and understand the absurdity of his undertaking.
Now the question that worried him most of all was: why did earthly dreams begin to seep into the kids? And he hastened to the realm of dreams.

Spring is deceiving. The sun warms during the day, the birds sing, and frosts return at night. This is because winter is still very close and at any moment it can return, fly in from all over and fall asleep with snow. Because nature waited. Green grass waited, trees froze in anticipation, flowers were in no hurry. And only one poplar leaf did not wait: a click - and an odorous bud flew to the ground. The leaf stretched with pleasure:
- Wow! How tired I am of sitting in cramped quarters and darkness! Finally freedom!
Poplar groaned softly:
- Why are you so early? You'll be lost!
The leaf was silent. He had no time. He substituted one barrel, then another, for the rays of the sun. Cheerfully swinging in the wind. He sang along with the birds and marveled at Topol's anxiety.
- What cold? SPRING!!!
- It is now spring, and night will come, and winter will return with cold weather. And what am I to do with you, in such a hurry?
- Hasty?! I love this name!
And how would you like to talk to someone like that? He is talking about frosts, but in response, he sings his new name in different ways. Although how will poplar worries help? The kidney is already lying on the ground, you can’t push a straightened leaf back. And so the day passed: Toropyzhka sang, Poplar sighed.
The Night Bird flapped its wings, and all warm colors disappeared from the earth. The rainbow of the night was cold. Blue twilight, purple shadows.
- And I know why it became so cold! squeaked Toropyzhka.
- Why?
- The night bird has ice particles in its feathers!
The poplar just shook its branches sadly
- You'd better figure out how to keep warm, and not fantasize about night birds with ice floes.
- I'm not fantasizing! There she flies!
Poplar looked at the sky and saw a huge bird. Stars shone in her feathers.
- Is it really true?
How many times had he heard about the bird Night. Only magpies chirped about it most often. And who believes in their chatter? Yes, and it was difficult for a serious urban poplar to believe in the kingdom of dreams. Although the entire bird population believed in the fairy tale about the bird Night.
- Look! Look! Do you see where the sky meets the earth? The night bird lives there! - chatted magpies.
Poplar laughed at them:
- Nobody lives there! This line is called the horizon.
- Silly! Silly! - croaked the crow. “What do you know about the realm of dreams if you don’t dream?”
Indeed, the trees did not dream. In winter, they dozed under a snow blanket without any dreams. At least Topol didn't see them for sure. Even though he didn't really want to.
- So, endless vanity: people are running, cars are in a hurry. It's good that you can just take a nap and take your mind off it all.
The titmouse did not agree:
- They say that the bird Night brings not just dreams, but opens dreams. Night dreams live somewhere deep inside, so deep that sometimes they are not even aware of them.
Sparrows joined the conversation and told that whoever fulfills his night dream will open the fabulous dimension of the City.
- What nonsense! Everyone knows how a city can be measured: in kilometers of roads, the height of houses and the number of people. Fairy tales are not included in the dimension, - Poplar laughed.
Now, when the bird Night flew towards him, he remembered all these conversations. And thought:
- Or all this is not fiction, and the City has its own fairy tales?
The bird was coming fast. Poplar saw her feathers sparkle and shimmer. Toropyzhka stretched himself all out towards such beauty, not thinking about the icicle in his feathers.
- Brave chick, are you not afraid to freeze? asked the bird Night.
From a height of flight, a small leaf seemed to her an abandoned chick, and the bird rushed to his rescue. However, Toropyzhka was not a timid one:
- I'm not a chick, but a leaf! Big and adult, I have a whole day!
The bird laughed and flapped its wings.
- A whole day, that's a lot! May you have another fabulous night!
The night bird has flown away. And only a small feather, stuck to the leaf, reminded of her. The pen shimmered with rainbows of all colors and opened the doors to the realm of dreams.

The poplar pulled the branches higher and higher. To the very sky. It seemed a little more, and he would reach the stars. Just what is it? Thin transparent barrier. A branch scratched at the sky window, and someone's thin voice squeaked in fright:
- Who's there?
- I! - Toropyzhka started up. Or rather, we!
Hurried footsteps were heard, and the shutters flung open, a small star looked out of the window. At first, Zvezdochkin saw nothing. He was about to slam the window, when a fragrant green hand unfolded right in front of him:
- Tadam! Let's get acquainted, I'm Hurry!
The little star held out his hand-beam:
- Zvezdochkin!
They looked at each other and laughed. The two little mischief-makers were incredibly glad to meet you. All sorts of tricks were already running through my head. His eyes shone with joy, and the star friend held out his hand:
- Get in the window!
Leaf sighed.
- Will not work. I can't get off the branch. Come on, you better jump to us! You will be a star leaf!
It was Zvezdochkin's turn to grieve:
- I can't get out the window! Oh! I couldn’t even open it, because I’m still quite small.
He looked around the room in surprise.
- Wait, where's the window from? After all, only adults have a window. We can't show ourselves yet, our light is too weak.
- Don't worry! I'm just dreaming about you! And the window is dreaming. Therefore jump boldly.
Zvezdochkin jumped, and the elastic branches caught him.
- How amazing! Let's ride?
They swayed on poplar branches, talked about everything in the world, laughed so loudly that they could be heard in neighboring galaxies. It's amazing how they didn't wake up the entire star house? Even though it was just a dream.
Feather Bird Night became smaller and smaller. Until it melted away. Such a cheerful smelly dream, with open windows and a hospitable Earth, suddenly ended. The window began to melt, and the friends exchanged last phrases.
“Maybe we can still dream of each other?”
- Bird Night gave me only one feather.
- Come on, let's meet just like that! Without sleep?
A leaf of joy almost came off the branch. Is it really possible: to see a star friend every night? It turned out that this is possible, but for this it is necessary to open the window of the Star House.
- True, for this I will need to draw a project. And we haven't gone through that yet!
- And you draw Poplar. In the end, what nonsense every time to rebuild the house for new windows. Start branching your spaces.
Zvezdochkin really liked the idea, although it is not known whether the mentors will like it.
- After all, Poplar does not have a single window! Where are we going to look?
- And you, like leaves, will be on a branch!
- No, you can't do without windows!
Toropyzhka fidgeted on a branch, and it looked like he would fall off:
We have a whole week ahead of us! You draw your project, and we will come up with something with windows.
Windows were needed. And not only as proof that a tree can be a home, but also as a beacon! Their light will tell Zvezdochkin which window to open so that the mentors can see Poplar. After all, the windows of the star house overlook not only the Earth, but also the neighboring galaxies.
- You remember! Only our windows glow like the sun! You will see a golden light, know: we are shining for you! - Toropyzhka instructed his friend.
Leaf nodded his head. He understood that he would not be able to forget the light of earthly windows. And all week they will dream of him in smelly dreams.

Poplar smiled at the new day and thought that dreaming was not bad at all. He was about to tell the birds about his dream, when he heard:
- A window can be made from branches. Close them with each other, and you get a semicircular window. Very romantic. But where to get the light?
- Hurry, what are you talking about? What window? What light?
The leaf fluttered indignantly.
- Well, how? Don't you remember that we promised Zvezdochkin to light the window! You will be our tree house!
The poplar shook its branches. Maybe it's a continuation of the dream? It seems not. Morning came, the world woke up. Only his leaf continued to live in a dream.
- Hey! Your dream flew away with the bird Night. A new day has come, there is no place in it for yesterday's dreams.
- But we ... We promised to help Zvezdochkin! Do you want to embarrass the baby to the whole universe?
Leaf got offended and turned away. Poplar was confused. Now he didn’t think that colored dreams were great. Look how the child's head was fooled! And he tried to explain:
- You see, I'm a tree, not a house! And, probably, it will be right that Zvezdochkin's project will not be accepted. The time will come and his window will open.
- Autumn will come, and I will fly away! And I never met him. Understand?
Poplar sighed. The situation is serious. Apparently, he will have to become a home. But for whom? For birds? There are no windows in the nests. Or settle in the branches of fireflies?
Toropyzhka did not like this option:
- The light in the window should be warm, golden. Fireflies are like stars. Zvezdochkin will not understand that this is our window.
“Then I don’t know,” Poplar surrendered.
But the leaf came up with a wonderful idea:
- We must catch a sunbeam! He will be the light of our window!
True, the next day it became clear that hares are not light bulbs. It was not difficult to catch a sunbeam, but it was unrealistic to keep it. The sun rolled across the sky, and sun hares jumped after it. There were no barriers for them. They seeped through the leaf and, merrily wagging their tail, rushed after the sun!
But Toropyzhka heard from the children about solar batteries. And it dawned on him:
- I can be such a battery!
All day he diligently absorbed the light of the sun. In the evening, when it got dark, he hopefully asked Poplar:
- Well? Am I glowing?
It was a pity to upset the baby, but he remained an ordinary poplar leaf.
- Just a little time has passed. I didn’t charge, - Toropyzhka calmed himself. “Tomorrow I’ll still collect solar energy and I’ll burn brightly like a light bulb.
Tomorrow history repeated itself. When asked by the leaf whether it glows, Poplar just sighed. In the morning Toropyzhka yelled:
- Leaves! Line up! Get out of the kidney at the expense of one or two! At-two!
Surprisingly, the leaves obeyed this commander, and the buds rained down.
-Ooo! Poplar groaned. - It wasn’t enough for me to have one Toropyzhka, now everyone has jumped out! What if it's freezing?
Indeed, all the trees stood with bare branches. And only Poplar was enveloped in a green haze of young foliage.
- What are you suffering? Together we will absorb so much solar heat that we will not freeze, - Toropyzhka reassured him.
The leaf did not give up. He reasoned that it was too small to collect enough sunlight. If all the leaves collect it, they will be able to light the window. Moreover, in addition to the sun, they were fueled by the smiles of people. The townspeople rejoiced at the green foliage. They closed their eyes and inhaled the aroma of still sticky leaves:
- Spring!
And the birds echoed them:
- Spring! Chik-chirik!
- Ting-ting! Spring-spring!
Even the crows stopped croaking, and began to coo their spring songs.
Everyone around sang and welcomed the spring. And Poplar, too, could not remain silent. He stopped being afraid of frost, the return of winter and joyfully fluttered the leaves, creating a unique spring melody.

Poplar sang and did not notice that a little girl from a neighboring house was listening attentively to him. He listens day and night. Today she could also listen to the night concert of poplar leaves. Parents went to visit, left her at home alone. I didn't want to sleep at all. And the girl went to the window. The poplar leaves shone silver in the moonlight. And she was waiting. She could not hear the whisper of the stars, although she really wanted to.
They must be whispering very quietly and we can't hear them. After all, the stars are so far away from us.
But Poplar was very high, up to the sky. Of course, he hears the stars and can sing her a starry lullaby if asked. Although now it's so noisy that it doesn't sound like a song at all.
Indeed, Poplar did not sing, but argued with Toropyzhka. There is one day left until the end of the week. Tomorrow Zvezdochkin will defend the project, and they still don't have a window.
- The whole point is that the windows have some kind of mystery. If we figure out why they glow, we can light our window, the leaf suggested.
Poplar just chuckled.
Indeed, a secret! People press the switch button and the light comes on.
- Don't you have such a switch? Toropyzhka asked.
It was very difficult to explain about electricity, and Poplar himself did not really know what it was. Except for the fact that he lives electricity in wires. Tree branches and electricity did not like each other and tried to stay away. And so that the stubborn leaf would not offer him to connect to the wires, Topol suggested:
“Maybe we should borrow a window from the house?” For one night. Which one do you like better: this or that?
The poplar randomly jabbed its twigs at the luminous windows and suddenly fell silent. Against the background of one window, a silhouette darkened. The figurine seemed small and lonely. City lights shone, the windows of neighboring houses burned, but they were all powerless to warm this girl.
She looked at Poplar and seemed to expect something from him.
- Why are not you sleeping? poplar leaves rustled.
- I want you to sing me a starry lullaby!
Poplar wanted to be surprised and say that he couldn't sing lullabies, especially star ones. But I remembered Zvezdochkin. Somewhere in the star house, he stands as sad and lonely as this girl, and expects a miracle from Topol.
- If it is not possible to light the window and give a fairy tale to a star boy, then maybe it will be possible to please this baby with a lullaby of stars? Poplar thought.
Toropyzhka was the first to start up and quietly whispered:
- Where the sky meets the earth,
And the star meets the dawn
There's a rainbow of dreams
And he invites you to visit!

The rest of the leaves picked up:

The stars shine in the silence of the night
Illuminate your path to your dreams.
Among a thousand stars there is one
That burns only for you.

A lullaby flowed over the city, and the city trees softly weaved their voices into the melody:

Take a step towards your dream
And the sky will open to you.
The rainbow of the day shines
The night star will smile.

Poplar looked at the sleeping girl and whispered:
- Can you create your own fairy tale now,
The door to the world of love and kindness is open!
The girl slept peacefully and did not see how the window lit up brightly in the poplar crown. This City opened its fabulous dimension, and fairy tales have chosen Poplar as their home!

Zvezdochkin lost his peace and sleep. He was afraid to miss Toropyzhka's signal.
- I will fall asleep and not see the light of their window!
Or suddenly he began to worry that he would not get a window to the Earth. It happens, after all. Maybe all the windows there are occupied. And he will be offered a choice of neighboring galaxies. But why does he need neighboring Galaxies, if Poplars do not grow there and such wonderful Toropyzhki do not live.
Yes, yes, he specifically went to the library and read about all the near and far galaxies. There were many interesting things in each of them, but there were no poplars anywhere. These warm scented trees grew only on Earth.
Zvezdochkin closed his eyes and recalled his dream:
- This tree does not need windows, its bark itself glows in the dark, because sunlight lives in it.
He smiled at his recollections, and at that moment a black fear seized him:
- Maybe Toropyzhka decided that all this was not true? On Earth, they treat dreams differently. They can easily be forgotten, ignored, brushed aside. Probably, the rest of the leaves have already hatched, and his friend is rustling with them.
In such bitter moments, Zvezdochkin recalled how he kept Poplar in his branches and thought:
- No, he is very reliable! Poplar and Toropyzhka will not let you down.
All week he was swinging like a pendulum from hope to despair and back again. He was so tired of it that he did not notice how he fell asleep. He dreamed that Poplar rocked him in his branches and sang a lullaby. And in the poplar crown, more and more windows of such different houses flare up.
In the morning, Zvezdochkin was calm. Confidently went into the meeting room, bowed to the mentors. He listened attentively to all projects and waited his turn. The younger apprentice had no intention of leaving the defense, as Starreader expected.
The teachers smiled at the sight of the baby. However, as soon as he deployed his project, they gasped in confusion:
- Mosaic!?
How do you know about trees?
And suddenly the voice of the most senior mentor was heard:
- Hm? There is a rational grain in this idea. Branching spaces rather than rearranging them is a good thing. But your project has no windows!
The rest of the colleagues silently listened to this conversation. Someone was perplexed: why even stand on ceremony with this boy? Throw him out and be done with it. Let him learn gradually, and not jump over the stairs. By the time he's in high school, his crazy ideas will have died down, and he'll come up with a decent project for graduation. Others sighed about the fact that old and small are the same. They sit and seriously discuss the tree-house! Where did they see this?
Only the old mentor and the Starreaders took the project seriously. They knew the magic property of glass: you can't assemble a bad project out of them. Yes Yes! Because the glasses helped. Graduates were most often self-confident and did not want to listen to anyone, so it was difficult for them to work with mosaics. If something went wrong, the glasses did not gather into a picture. To agree with them, not everyone could understand them. However, little Zvezdochkin was able to do it.
- And yet, I do not understand how the mosaic has developed without windows? Starreader muttered. - This is mistake!
- The windows just lit up recently! And I didn't have time to rebuild the picture. But I'll show you now.
And then the incredible happened. The kid took a confident step towards the wall. He waved his hands, and instead of a wall, everyone saw the window sashes. The whole hall gasped:
- How?
- Where?
Starlight smiled.
- The window opens to the one who sees it.
He threw open the sashes, and everyone saw thousands of windows shimmering in the branches of the Poplar. I had to admit that the tree could very well be a house. And in this house there is always a place not only for the fairy tales of the City, but also for stellar wonders.
While the adults were perplexed, Toropyzhka and Zvezdochkin laughed happily. They knew that if you believe in a dream, then all obstacles can be overcome. Therefore, they managed to effortlessly connect the spaces of the Star House and Poplar fairy tales. And the stellar spaces began to branch, creating bizarre constellations in the sky. Poplar leaves in autumn began to turn into birds and fly away to the realm of dreams. Now, in the plumage of the Night bird, not only stars sparkle, but yellow leaves also glow. They keep people warm during the long and cold winter with dreams of spring and summer.

Near the Kyiv, Plyushchikha, Smolenskaya and Frunzenskaya metro stations a new elite residential complex "Three Poplars". This luxurious mansion, built in the Art Nouveau style with a slight touch of the old Moscow style, has become an adornment of Khamovniki, located in the Plyushchikha area, or rather, at the intersection of First Truzhenikov and Second Vrazhsky lanes.

The complex is favorably distinguished by the chic finishing of the external facades, on which natural stone, mosaic panels and high-quality plaster are used. The technology of monolithic concrete and brick made it possible to ensure not only the durability of the structure, but also the functionality of the layouts.

Incorporating a 12-apartment residential building, as well as 7 townhouses, the project has become an object of close attention from wealthy Muscovites and residents of other cities who want to qualitatively improve their living conditions, raise their status and make a profitable investment in housing in the center of Moscow.

Three Poplars on Plyushchikha, offers and prices

Our agency provides comprehensive and effective assistance to those wishing to buy, sell or rent residential space in this premium metropolitan complex. Having a rich and successful experience in the luxury Moscow real estate market, we save our clients from the risks of gray transactions, the development of force majeure, loss of time, effort, nerves and finances.

Experienced managers will take care of the entire organizational component of the transaction.

To help buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords, our resource's rich information base contains up-to-date proposals for real estate transactions in this luxurious apartment building.

Residential complex Three Poplars - main advantages

Good transport accessibility. The special location of the project on the city map determined its proximity to such objects as the embankments of the Moskva River, the pedestrian bridge across it, the Novodevichy Convent and the Maiden's Field Square. From here it is equally easy to get both to the center of the capital and to its other districts.

Multilevel security system. Residents of the Three Poplars should not be afraid for their own safety. It is provided by a fenced perimeter, security work at night and daytime, as well as constant video monitoring.

Own maintenance service. The structure of the buildings uses high-quality engineering communications, including its own heating unit, a multi-level water purification system, supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning systems. The functioning of the life support systems of the house is monitored by its own dispatching service, which eliminates the risk of force majeure in the form of utility accidents.

Parking. The complex solved the problem of parking. It is a house that meets the principles of the "Court without a car" concept. Underground parking accommodates cars, making it impossible for thieves and vandals to encroach on the movable property of residents of the residential complex.

Well-maintained residential area. Located in the so-called quiet Moscow center, which is distinguished by low human and transport traffic, this residential complex has a landscaped surrounding area. It is pleasant to relax on it after a hard day, spend an evening in the company of friends and children. In addition, there are picturesque recreation areas in the quiet of large and green trees.

Wishing buy an apartment in Tri Topolya Residential Complex, take advantage of our qualified assistance and become the owner of prestigious Moscow square meters that will never go down in value.