Geography homework 7 workbook. Continents and oceans - geography for seventh graders, workshops and solutions

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  • Dushina, Letyagin AST-PRESS
  • Contour maps in geography Grade 7 Rumyantsev DiK
  • Kurbsky Bustard
  • Contour maps in geography Grade 7. Geography of continents and oceans. GEF Polunkina OKF
  • Contour maps in geography Grade 7. GEF Kotlyar Enlightenment
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) in geography Grade 7. GEF Zizina Waco


  • Dushin Ventana-Graf
  • Rumyantsev, Kim Bustard
  • Dushin (Continents) Bustard
  • Geography workbook Grade 7. GEF Dushina Bustard
  • Geography workbook Grade 7. GEF Sirotin Bustard
  • Geography workbook Grade 7 Nikolina Enlightenment
  • Notebook-workshop on geography Grade 7. GEF Khodova Enlightenment
  • Notebook-simulator in geography Grade 7. GEF Kotlyar, Bannikov Education
  • Notebook-examiner in geography Grade 7. GEF Barabanov, Dyukova Education
  • Geography workbook Grade 7. Part 1, 2. GEF Domagatskikh Russian Word
  • Geography workbook Grade 7. GEF Barinova, Suslov Exam

Resources for geography Grade 7

  • Many seventh graders like to study geography. The high results achieved at the end of the year stimulate many of them to further, deeper and more intent study of this subject. A significant number of graduates choose this discipline at the GIA. Among the numerous advantages of this choice is the ability to organize effective self-training by applying the solution books to educational materials. Since the information is interesting and simple in nature and structure, systematic careful work with GDZ guarantees a decent result. Even without involving the help of tutors and attending special courses and training programs.
  • Diversity teaching aids in geography for grade 7 allows you to choose the most effective and interesting in each individual case. But the choice is best made together with a teacher, preferably one who is familiar with the structure and procedure for assessing the GIA (if it is supposed to take geography in the 9th or 11th grade). What is required from a seventh grader at the moment is interest, readiness to perform a certain amount of tasks regularly, constant monitoring of the results and their dynamics, working out those sections and topics that caused difficulties. If these requirements are met, you can expect a high result.
  • How to prepare yourself?

  • Usually, many schoolchildren like geography - this is interesting science, the practical meaning of which is clear to everyone. In addition, many universities USE results in geography, which is currently an elective discipline, are required for admission. According to recent publications in the press, the plans of the Ministry of Education include this subject among the mandatory for all graduates in the final tests. In any case, having the opportunity to choose subjects for writing annual diagnostics, VPR, which are practically analogous to transfer exams, many schools choose geography, its popularity is high. To prepare well and get high score, strong knowledge, good results in the present and future, we need high-quality educational materials and guides to them.
  • The main topics and sections that geography studies in grade 7 are continents and oceans and all geographical concepts and phenomena related to them. To obtain knowledge in full and sufficient depth, one should work on educational literature and GDZ to it regularly and systematically. All emerging issues must be resolved before the completion of the topic block (for example, a separate mainland), so that subsequently there are no gaps in knowledge that will need to be filled in a forced way, in conditions of limited time resources.
  • Experts and educators include in the main set of teaching aids and materials:
    - direct textbooks with theory;
    - workshops - workbooks, cartographic material. Such tasks allow you to visually work through all the concepts and phenomena studied, track the relationships between them, remember and analyze the most complex elements;
    - atlases, working with which perfectly trains memory and logic;
    - independent, practical and control in order to have an idea of ​​the tasks that the standards set for seventh grade students studying geography.
  • Regardless of which system is chosen as the base one, it is always possible to select and compose the optimal set of materials. Including - supplementing and expanding one TMC with textbooks and workshops from another. You can do this on your own or with the help of specialists - tutors, teachers, leaders of circle work.

Contour map- it's kind of Geography notebook which must be completed accurately and correctly. In order to correctly carry out work with the Contour Card, you should study the rules for filling it out:

  • Colored pencils should be used when filling out the map;
  • It is recommended to paint over the territories of states carefully, with pale colors;
  • The boundaries and directions of military campaigns must be marked in such a way that they differ from the coloring of states;
  • If you have any difficulties while doing the work, then you should seek help from the solver.

When evaluating the work performed by the student, the teacher takes into account not only the correctness and accuracy of the work performed, but also the accuracy of its implementation. Inaccurately performed work can cause a decrease in the assessment of the student's work.


Handbook for the textbook "Geography Grade 7 Workbook Sirotin" The Drofa Publishing House is presented in one part. Each task in this solution is considered in detail and solved by experts. All tasks are arranged in the order they are in the textbook "Geography Grade 7 Workbook Sirotin" Publishing House "Drofa". Navigate to Reshebnik so simple that the student seventh grade and he can easily cope with it! However, despite such a simple method of solving problems with homework, we strongly recommend that you do not write off answers to assignments without hesitation, but try to delve into and understand its meaning, because this is the only way you can gain knowledge!


The Reshebnik is a personal assistant for the parents of the student. Many experts confirm the rationality and logic of the use of solution books by the parents of students. Using GDZ each parent can be sure of the answer to the question posed in the assignment! Examination homework becomes many times easier and faster thanks to the solution!

  • The study of geography in the seventh grade develops and consolidates the practical skills and knowledge gained in the previous two years. In addition, the geography of continents and oceans, their origin, features, and characteristics are more deeply known. Within the framework of the UMC "Algorithm of Success" the main practical guide for seventh graders is workbook in geography for grade 7, compiled by Dushina I.V.
  • The collection in a balanced and high-quality way allows you to work out theoretical knowledge, applying it in practice, control the process of memorization, and consolidate basic skills. The material is presented according to the principle of task differentiation, that is, the teacher can take into account the levels of complexity and individual characteristics to the knowledge of each student. There are many exercises in the workshop, tasks for working with contour maps and atlas.

    For self-control (which is especially important for those who plan to take geography at the final certification), a solution book is provided for the manual. It not only offers the correct answers to the tasks of each topic, but also understands their correct, competent record. Working with GDZ regularly, the student will be able to independently effectively prepare for: answer, control, VPR and exams in geography (including - for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in the discipline).

  • Continents and oceans - geography for seventh graders, workshops and solutions

  • Tasks offered in workbook in geography for the 7th grade, compiled by Dushina I.V. and published by the Drofa publishing house, are distinguished by their diversity and interesting, logical construction. Well-illustrated, well-organized material will allow seventh graders not only to get deep and complete knowledge in the subject, to consolidate them in practice, but also to implement the principles of self-training and self-control - one of the basic skills of the school. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use the solution books for workshops and a well-designed training plan.
  • Work with GDZ should take into account:
    - a basic level of knowledge of a seventh grader, the breadth of his outlook, interest in science;
    the goals he sets for himself. They are radically different - from raising the current score in the subject and writing for a high grade of the CD, diagnostic in geography at the end of the year to participation and victory in subject Olympiads and competitions in the subject held at extracurricular and school sites;
    - the amount of time that can and will be spent working with completed homework assignments;
    - the possibility of receiving outside help - from parents, tutors, teachers and the need for such help.
  • Experts advise focusing on the following workflow:
    - drawing up an effective plan;
    - its phased implementation;
    - periodic monitoring of achievements, identification and prompt correction of problems;
    - tracking the dynamics of results, adjusting plans and methods, tools for carrying out work for the future.
  • The workbook proposed by the author is distinguished by its versatility and breadth of topics covered. It can be used in conjunction with a variety of teaching materials and geography programs. Topics covered on its pages are:
    - continents - general information and specific features of the geography of each;
    - oceans and their features;
    - similarities and differences between continents and oceans, their causes and factors influencing development.
  • The format of tasks also differs in variety. There are exercises for building comparative analytical tables, cartographic tasks, questions and test materials similar to those offered to graduates in the final tests - the OGE and the Unified State Examination, in the subject.