The main characters of the story on the clearing. Helpers on the bookshelf. History on the road

The work of A. Barto begins with this theme, it is developed and enriched by the poetess throughout her creative work.

The theme of the brotherhood of working people of all countries is heard in the poem "Brothers" (1928). This is an unusual lullaby. From it, children learn about the friendship and unity of peoples of different races, nationalities, about the continuity of generations.

30s - poems about Spain.

In 1937, A. Barto speaks in Spain at the International Anti-Fascist Congress in Defense of Culture. The results of the trip are the poems “Oath”, “Mamita Miya”, “I am with you”, etc.

And then A. Barto acts as a fighter for peace, for equality and fraternity. She talks to the children about such important things, unresolved issues as of yet, such as racial discrimination ("Black Rookie"). She teaches children of irreconcilability in the fight against all evil on earth, brings up patriotic feelings.

Issues for discussion:

1. Have A. Barto's poems with international themes retained their relevance today?

2. Will you work with the poem “Black Beginner”, the text of which is in the old reading textbooks for grade 3 (author Goretsky) (they continue to work on these textbooks in some schools)?

3. Do you think it is necessary to talk about internationalism even today, in our difficult times?

4. Does the topic of pride and love for the Fatherland sound relevant today?

(Perhaps it is today that these topics are becoming the most important. And it is the teacher who, using the example of beautiful literary works, should say that only then will there be happiness on earth when all peoples learn not only to respect each other, but also come to each other in difficult times for help.

(“To Leningrad from Barcelona

echelons stretched -

the children are leaving

dark city under siege...)

Of particular relevance are poems with a patriotic theme: in the difficult times that our Motherland is going through, it is especially important to instill love for it, respect for compatriots).


The poem was written in the footsteps of the fallen Great Patriotic War. It resembles a drawn-out Russian song with repetitions, with the theme of motherly caress of warmth.

Her idea is simple and beautiful - to create a poem about the immortality of childhood, about the eternity of life on earth, about the victory over fascism.

The main idea of ​​the poem sounds in very touching words:

These children are not orphans

They don't look like orphans.

maternal care

The people around them.

1. Can we talk about the relevance of this poem today?

  1. The problem of orphanhood today.

Decades later, A. Barto helps parents who lost their little children during the war to find them. This social feat is captured in her book Finding a Man.

On the 13th of every month at 13 o'clock there was also a radio program with the same name. How much happy people appeared thanks to the efforts of A. L. Barto, who helped to regain the most precious thing - lost in terrible time child.

(Reading excerpts from A. Barto's book "Find a Man").

In 1955, A. Fadeev wrote to A.L. Barto:

“Is it necessary to say how much joy and benefit you brought to the children of our country and just to our children with your creativity, full of love for life, clear, sunny, courageous, kind!

This will never pass, It lives in people who were children yesterday; this will forever feed the generations of children, when you and I will no longer be in the world ... "


1. Explain what is the enduring value of A.L. Barto (on the example of one of the topics discussed in the lesson)

2. Can A. Barto's life be called "a feat in the name of children"? Why? (Confirm your answer with examples from the work of A. L. Barto).

3. Tell us about the book Find a Man. What do you think is its main value today?

4. Make a message based on the book by A. L. Barto “Notes of a Children's Poet”. Based on the material in this book, prove that A. Barto is a smart, subtle psychologist. (report together)


  1. Barto A.L. "Rope" collection of poems, M., Det. lit., 1971

"History on the clearing", M., Det. lit., 1981.

“On the path, along the boulevard ...”, M., Det. lit., 1967.

"Teenagers, teenagers ...", M., Det. lit., 1984.

“Under our wing”, M., Sov. Russia, 1981

  1. Barto A.L. "Notes of a children's poet", M., Sov. Writer., 1976

"A little about myself" in the book. Life and work of Agniya Barto. Collection. (compiled by Motyashov I.P., M., Det. Lit., 1989)

  1. Likhanov A. “The civil feat of the poet in the book. Life and work of Agniya Barto. Collection. (compiled by Motyashov I.P., M., Det. Lit., 1989)
  2. Motyashov I.P. "Dialogue of equals" (ibid.)
  3. Nikolaev S. "Sun hoop" (Ibid.)
  4. Razumnevich V.L. “Smile for happiness!” in book. “All children are the same age. Notes on the books of modern children's writers "M., Sov. Writer, 1980.
  5. Solovyov V.I. "Agniya Barto. Essay on creativity”, M., Det. lit., 1979.
  6. Taratuta E. "Girlfriend of my harsh days ...". In book. Life and work of Agniya Barto. Collection. (Compiled by Motyashov I.P. M., Det. Lit., 1989.)
  1. Biographical data of A.L. Barto.
  2. Genre and thematic variety of works by A.L. Barto:

2.1 Poems for the little ones and about them ("Toys", "Younger Brother", "Mashenka is growing").

2.2 Humor and satire in the verses of A. Barto for children.

2.3 International theme in the work of A. Barto for children.

2.4 The poem "Zvenigorod".

  1. Book A. Barto "Find a man."
  2. A. Barto's book "Notes of a Children's Poet".
  3. The value of A. Barto's creativity.
Bulandinsky district.


Subject : Creativity A.L. Barto.

Target : to acquaint with the work of A.L. Barto; expand horizons; develop the ability to recite poetry; to instill love for nature, native land, for reading.

During the classes.

1. Class organization.

2. Goal setting.

It sounds like a fun tune.

What tune are you listening to now, happy or sad?

Today we will get acquainted with verses as joyful and cheerful as this melody. And these poems were written by a wonderful children's poetess. Many of her poems have been known to you for a long time. You knew them when you were very young. And I'm sure as soon as I start a poem, you immediately continue it.

A) - The hostess abandoned the bunny ...

B) - They dropped the bear on the floor ...

C) - Okay, okay! Where were you? ...

3. Staging poetry.

A) "Our Tanya"

B) “A bull is coming ...”

c) I love my horse

Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in February 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. The poems of Agnia Lvovna are cheerful, cheerful and instructive. The poetry of A.L. Barto is a holiday. Meet at the festival different people: and gloomy, and lazy, and envious. Fun takes over everyone. It makes the evil good, the greedy generous, the rude polite. And this happens because a young person acquires the ability to look at himself from the outside, through the eyes of a poet. And maybe some of you recognize yourself in these verses and want to change, become better. Today we will take a closer look at the work of the poetess. I invite you to take a journey into the forest. Going to the forest, we will repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

5. Repetition of the rules of conduct in the forest.

Imagine, guys, that we ended up in a clearing and met two beetles. (showing)

What do you think would happen if they met? (Children's statements)

And we also met a boy.

What could be the meeting of a boy with a beetle?

And here is what happened between them in the poem "History on the clearing"

1.If you ask

I'll tell you

How I walked in the clearing

Beetle, horned beetle.

2. He bulged his mustache:

- Let me pass!

He is a tiny beetle

Pushed out of the way.

3. A bug is a grandmother

He did not have a soul in him,

Grandma spoke up:

He is by accident.

    If you ask

I'll tell you.

Sergei walked along the clearing

And on a meeting - a beetle.

Sergey shot down the beetle,

He's the toe of a sandal

Gave him a kick.

    If you ask

I'll tell you

How lay on the clearing

Bug. Killed beetle.

    How anxious was

Grandma Seryozha.

Incidentally, grandma

He did not have a soul in him

Ah, Grandma sighed.

He is by accident.

How do you imagine Seryozha?

Did he do the right thing? Why?

5. Game "Endings"

1. To us on colorful pages

Two (tits) arrived.

2. Once the needles stick out,

So this is (Christmas trees).

3. Bunny didn’t listen to dad -

They crushed the bunny (paw).

4. And near this Christmas tree

Wandering evil (wolves).

5. There is a forest on the mountain,

He is not low (not high).

6. Say louder the word "thunder"

The word rumbles like (thunder).

There is a knock on the drum.

Look, guys, it was just light, the sun was shining brightly, but suddenly the sky darkened, thunder rumbles, a thunderstorm is approaching. Do you want to know why the thunder got angry? Now listen to the poem. And, if you guess why the thunder got angry, the clouds will disperse, and the sun will appear in the sky again.

6. The poem "Spring Thunderstorm".

1. Bird cherry, bird cherry 3. At first it is incomplete,

Bloomed in the ravine. Incomplete voted.

Bird cherry, bird cherry Then from yellow lightning

Stands white - white. The whole sky was shattered.

2. We went for bird cherry 4. Louder, louder,

Girls of four, Thundering through the fire:

Yes, cut the bird cherry, "Bird cherry, bird cherry,

The thunder didn't let them. Don't touch the bird cherry!"

Why is thunder angry?

What do you know about cherry? (children's answers)

Summary of responses.

7. Physical Minute.

We just entered the forest

Mosquitoes showed up.

Hands up clap above your head,

Hands down cotton another.

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands behind our heads

And we're going to hell.

We walk, we walk

We raise our hands higher.

We breathe evenly, deeply.

8. The poem "I love to walk together."

1. I like to walk together 4. I wander alone in the forest

In the field, in the forest, on the pond. (This rarely happens)

I love to hit the road

Not alone, but with someone. The thread is up.

2. I like to shout: “Look! 5. Squirrel in dense greens

Look! Wait a minute! Jumping in the woods.

See the river ahead! Shout out to someone “Stop!

Boats, how many boats! I am alone. me with beauty

3. And from a cliff from a height

I call: "Aw! Where are you?

Look from the cliff

How beautiful it is!”

Why does the hero of the poem not like to go for a walk alone?

9. The song "It's fun to walk together."

Guys, we went to a forest clearing. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a clearing. You hear forest sounds. Somewhere a nightingale sings, a bumblebee hums, grasshoppers chirp. There are many beautiful flowers and fragrant herbs around you. Majestic trees lined the edges of the clearing. Open your eyes and say which trees you saw.

10. The poem "I asked the boys."

I asked the boys

What is this tree? -

They say: - Aspens -

Only I can't believe it.

Even we are Christmas trees at first

They did not distinguish from pine:

Once the needles stick out

So these are trees!

And when they ate on a branch

We took a better look

It turned out that she

Not like pine.

We are in our blue notebook

Let's draw all the sheets

And let's not talk about aspen:

"Oh, birch, it's you!"

I will look at the tree and say with confidence:

"These are lindens, these are maples,

And here is the green oak.

11. Meeting with the Mistress of the forest.

Hello guys! I am the Lady of the Forest.

The forest is a source of energy, the forest is oxygen, berries, nuts, mushrooms. Without a forest, there is no life on earth. Admiring the beauty of the forest, not harming it and not letting others do it is not enough now. It is necessary not only to know it well, to protect it, but also to grow new forests, plant trees. Do you know the trees that grow in the forest well, do you know how to distinguish them? Now I will show the leaves of the trees, and you guess their names.

Well done! I see you are good connoisseurs of the forest.

Guys, the Lady of the Forest is tired because she has so much work to do. Let's make our guest happy! Let's read her poetry.

12. Competition of poems.

    "We didn't see the beetle."



    "The goldfinch sings all day long."



The mistress of the forest thanks the children for the poems, gives gifts and says goodbye.

A squirrel runs out into the clearing, she brings a letter. On the envelope is the inscription "1st class".

The host reads the letter.

Guys, the evil wizard stole the books from the exhibition. You can return them to the shelves if you guess which poems these lines are from.

The titles of the poems are written randomly on the blackboard.

13. Quiz.

1. “... He is tiny beetles

He pushed me out of the way ... ”(“ History on the clearing. )

2. “... I love to hit the road

Not alone, but with someone…” (“I like walking alone.”)

3. “... Yes, cut the bird cherry

Thunder did not allow them ... ”(“ Spring Thunderstorm ”).

4. “... They say: - Aspen-

I just can’t believe it…” (“I asked the boys.”)

5. “... I am this heron

I’m not afraid of a drop ... ”(“ Frogs. )

6. “... And try, turn yourself a thief -

Instantly barks at the whole yard ... ”(“ Dog. )

7. “... The third year went to him,

And he is afraid of a cat ... ”(“ The goldfinch sings all day. )

8. “... What is not a mouse here,

And the ball ... ”(“ Kitten. )

9. “...Tell me honestly:

Will they accept me?" ("Watchman")

14. Exhibition of books.

Story about the books of the exhibition.

So guys, our journey is over. We have to go to class because it started to rain.

15. Reading the poem "Rain in the forest."

All the poems that we read today were devoted to nature. Read the proverb.

"We save nature - we save the country!" - How do you understand the proverb?

16. The result of the lesson.

With the work of which poetess did we meet?

What do her works teach?

Teacher primary school

Makinskaya school-gymnasium

If you ask

I'll tell you

How I walked along the clearing

Bug. Horned beetle.

He twitched his mustache.

- Let me pass! -

He is a tiny beetle

Pushed out of the way.

And the beetle grandmother

He did not have a soul in him,

Grandma spoke up:

- It's by accident.

If you ask

I'll tell you:

Sergei walked along the clearing,

Shot down by Sergei beetle.

He's the toe of a sandal

Gave him a kick.

If you ask

I'll tell you

How lay on the clearing

Beetle, dead beetle,

How anxious was

Grandma Serezha.

Incidentally, grandma

He did not have a soul in him.

"Ah," Grandma sighed.

He is by accident.

History on the road

You may also be interested in the following stories:

  1. “Daddy, daddy, the wolf killed the goat!” the boys shouted as they ran into the house. Sergei Ivanovich quickly got up from the table, put on a padded jacket, grabbed a gun and followed ...
  2. When Pyotr Terentyev left the village for the war, his little son Styopa did not know what to give his father as a farewell gift, and finally presented an old rhinoceros beetle. Caught...
  3. All his life Sergei Ivanovich worked as a teacher at school. What a wonderful living corner he arranged there! Tame hedgehogs, hares, squirrels roamed freely around the corner ... Ah...
  4. Old Bulany had a big pipe. From one pocket he took out a flint the size of a coulter, from the other pocket a flint the size of a fist, attached it to it ...
  5. I It was eight o'clock in the morning - the time when officers, officials and visitors usually, after a hot, stuffy night, bathed in the sea and then went to the pavilion ...
  6. “EAGLE'S NEST” Once a herd of precious wild spotted deer, advancing towards the sea, came to a narrow cape. We stretched a wire mesh behind them across the entire cape and ...

Helperson the bookshelf

The problem of upbringing is first acutely manifested in the third year of a child's life. Household chores fade into the background, gradually the baby masters the potty, begins to eat, dress, play on his own, can talk about his desires and needs. But the misdeeds of the grown-up crumbs are more and more difficult to attribute to children's pranks, and most parents are tormented by thoughts - whether the indifference, cruelty, greed shown will not be fixed in the child's character; how to cultivate the ability to care for others and empathize with them, respect for nature, the ability to make friends and cooperate; how to form an internal moral law.

The first and main mentors of the child are the parents themselves. And much more important than their advice, orders and moralizing is a personal example, which, first of all, the baby is trying to imitate. Among other educators, not always welcome, parents have a very important ally - books.

An artistic word can have a stronger impact than the usual parental advice. The age crisis makes the baby resist the requests of adults, but you do not need to defend your independence and independence in front of books.

When books come to the rescue

Here are some of the major problems parents face that children's books can help solve.

What is good and what is bad. One of the main tasks of education is the formation of a child's own moral and ethical guidelines. It is not enough to get the kid to memorize a few rules, because in life he will have to solve more complex, ambiguous tasks. The skill to distinguish between good and evil will be developed and improved for many years. And it is very important to read less morality, and give the baby more reason to think. Situations for reflection can be found not only in real life but also on the pages of books. At the same time, one must remember that questions are more important than answers and avoid books where the author himself explains everything, leaving the child no chance to think about solving ethical problems.

N. Nosov Lollipop, Dreamers, Cucumbers, On the hill, Karasik

V. Oseeva Magic word and others

E. Permyak Pichugin Bridge

A, Barto Vovka is a kind soul, etc.

A. Balint Dwarf gnomych and Izyumka

T. Makarova Dream of a Little Donkey, Elephant Horton is waiting for a chick

N.ArtyukhovaBall and sand pies

L. Ulitskaya About kindness

O. Romanchenko Galina fairy tale, Persuaded, Sly Shurik

Sense education. A child can eat or spoil a treat for the whole family, interferes with rest for tired parents, is pugnacious, tramples insects and uproots plants, does not notice other people's tears, never offers his help. If we are talking about a three-year-old, this behavior is typical. He considers himself the center of the world and is unable to take care of others without prompting. But, nevertheless, to teach sympathy and empathy, emotional response to various situations, identification of experienced feelings is necessary and in early age. It is easiest to break through to the sphere of feelings and emotions with the help of art - music, painting, and, of course, literature. It is believed that poetry evokes an emotional response faster, but not all children like to listen to poetry. However, prose can also provide an important skill. In books, kids usually identify with one of the characters, and sharing his joys and experiences, they gradually learn to take care of others.

V. Oseeva Bad, Just an old woman, Cookies, Feather

B. Almazov Lyagushonok

V. Kataev Tsvetik-semitsvetik

G. H. Andersen The Ugly Duckling

E. Blaginina Let's sit in silence

G. Tsiferov Train from Romashkovo

A. Barto History on the clearing, etc.

D. Bisset About the boy who growled at the tigers

Complex laws of adult life. Getting used to the adult world, the baby often gets into a mess. He is in a hurry to quickly become like his parents, to learn to do what they can do. But hands and feet do not always obey, and ignorance of the laws of nature and the properties of things interferes. Stories about children or animals facing the same difficulties will partly teach the baby to anticipate the consequences of his actions, to understand cause and effect relationships. And most importantly, such stories will raise the child's self-esteem, relieve the fear of failure. Thanks to the talent of writers who speak the language of children, the kid will understand that he is not the only one who constantly makes mistakes, learn to look at failures with humor, and, like the heroes of books, will try to defeat the recalcitrant objects of the world around him.

IN. Dragoon Deniskins stories

N. Nosov Mishkina porridge and others.

Z. Aleksandrova Funny little men

L. Voronkova Masha the confused

V. Oseeva Good, Builder

E. Permyak How Misha wanted to outsmart his mother, How Masha became big

S. Marshak

Friendship and cooperation. Average preschool age the baby wakes up interest in peers. Now the value of a playground is measured not by slides and swings, but by the presence of playmates. But friendship is not easy. It was easy to teach the one-year-olds to play side by side, exchange toys and not throw sand. New problems are more complicated - how to show a child the injustice of relationships, debunk unsuccessful idols, teach to be friends with someone, and not against someone, maintain a balance between responsiveness and self-respect? It is difficult to discuss relationships in the children's team so that the baby understands everything and does not feel the pressure of adults. And with books it’s easier - you discuss and express your opinion about the behavior of the characters, hoping that the child himself will compare fictional and real characters.

V. Suteev Apple, Under the mushroom, Boat, Lifesaver

L. Muur Baby Raccoon

E. Permyak The worst

I.A. Krylov Lebed cancer and pike

Russians folk tales Fox and crane, Turnip

N. Nosov Bengal Lights, Hide and Seek

L. Ulitskaya Sad story

A. Lingren The Princess Who Didn't Want to Play with Dolls

V. Oseeva Three comrades, Kind hostess, Watchman, Chance

E. Hogarth Muffin and the Spider

E. Uspensky Crocodile Gena and his friends

M. Plyatskovsky Lesson of friendship, etc.

A. Kostinsky Tiger Cub, who said “R-R-R!” and his friends

Dangerous Consequences. Parents are quite capable of ensuring the safety of the crumbs, but the exploratory instinct of an older child will not be stopped by any barriers, locks, plugs. Only repeated warnings and stories about unpleasant consequences can stop a smart kid. And of course, books (necessarily equipped with expressive illustrations), which emotionally tell about the heroes who violated the prohibitions.

S. Marshak Fire

E. Uspensky About Faith and Anfisa

A. Usachev Clever dog Sonya

M. Gorky Vorobishko

Reading, Thinking, Playing

Reading a book selected from educational purposes, I want to involve the baby in the discussion of what he read, to find out what and how he understood. However, it is better if the initiator of the conversation is a child. If your child listens carefully as you read but doesn't ask questions, don't be afraid that he isn't interested or doesn't understand anything. Try to return to this book after a while. Perhaps the crumbs will need to comprehend something in order to draw their own conclusions.

The discussion of books should not resemble a moralistic conversation. Present the attitude to the characters and events to the baby as your own (and not the only correct) opinion. Have your child tell you if he agrees with you. Most likely, at the beginning it will be difficult for the baby to describe his feelings in words. So try to play with the text of the book. For example, come up with a different ending to the story or a continuation with your child, where the characters will act in accordance with predetermined characters. If the kid likes this activity, when reading a new book, stop and ask him: “What would you do? What do you think will happen now? ”

With an older child, you can try to look at the situation from the point of view of different characters. It is useful to look for the good in bad events and vice versa: “The kitten got wet in the rain. Who benefits from rain? Talk about the feelings that the characters experience as the story progresses. The conversation is best structured in the form of questions and answers. An adult can communicate his thoughts (sometimes making mistakes on purpose), and the child will agree or object.

According to your favorite books, arrange performances, allowing the child to choose a character or try himself in different roles. Or make cardboard figures of heroes and act out puppet shows. If the thought of theatrical performances scares you, just bring episodes of stories or individual characters you read into games with your child.

The education of feelings is promoted by the connection of reading with other forms of art. For example, pick up musical accompaniment for some work. Or reproductions of paintings that will enliven "boring" descriptions of nature. If the child likes such activities, offer him a game. Listening to music or looking at paintings (preferably real, in a museum), come up with which book they would serve as the most expressive accompaniment.

Maintain a connection between the book and reality. While reading, remind about similar events in the life of the baby, and in life sometimes compare the behavior of the child or other people with literary characters.

If a child refuses to discuss the books he has read, do not insist. Reading good books and in itself an important part of the educational process.

Reflections on the bookshelf

When choosing a book to read and discuss, pay attention to the following points:

  • The contents of the book should not contradict the moral principles adopted in the family. For example, someone considers it important to teach the baby to protect his property, in another family they are taught to be generous. It is pointless to argue who is right, but with the author of the selected books, you must adhere to similar beliefs.
  • It is important for a child to identify himself with one of the characters, otherwise the book will not find a response, will not interest him. Gender, age, some character traits of the characters can interfere with identification.
  • Consider the relevance of problems for the life of the baby. For example, when a child begins to be interested in peers - pick him more books about friendship.
  • It is important to read books regularly mother tongue so that the baby learns the values, beliefs, norms inherent in your culture.
  • Do not forget about the quality of the illustrations - the characters should look sincere, emotional, with pronounced (sometimes exaggerated) character traits. In order not to be mistaken, choose publications decorated by such masters of children's illustrations as V. Suteev, V. Chizhikov, K. Rotov, V. Vladimirsky, E. Rachev, P. Repkin, A. Pakhomov, T. Alexandrova, I. Semenov, F. Lemkuhl, E. Bulatov, O. Vasiliev and others.

Having decided to replenish the children's library with books not only entertaining and developing, but, above all, educating, you will understand how deceptive the abundance of children's literature in stores is. More than half of the publications will meet you with gray paper, hastily drawn up on a computer drawings, meaningless text. But the remaining books, often loved by children, raise doubts about their ability to educate morality, kindness, empathy.

How to be? Print texts from the Internet, look for the best books in libraries, compose fairy tales and stories yourself. All efforts are worth it to then proudly admire the motley company of good friends and faithful helpers gathered on the bookshelf.