Famine will build a new pyramid. Pyramid of Famine: what is known about the pseudoscientific building destroyed by the storm. The collapse of the most famous pyramid

Pyramids from time immemorial attracted with their scope during construction and the secrets that accompany structures for many centuries.

Famous pyramids of the world

Egypt and Mexico, Spain and Greece, Serbia and Bosnia, China and France - all these are countries where there are pyramids that have been studied to a greater or lesser extent.

Myths and mysteries accompany these structures, endowing them with a wide variety of properties. Unusual buildings around the world attract great attention. Russia is no exception in this matter. The pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway has become the main attraction of this area, attracting tourists to the very different time of the year. Every year the flow of those wishing to see the building, which has become famous throughout the world, is increasing.

Where is the pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway? How to get there?

One of the 17 pyramids of the famous Russian engineer Alexander Golod was erected in the Moscow region, at a distance of 38 km along the Novorizhskoye highway from the capital.

Moving in westbound, you can't get past it. It gracefully rises above the ground in an open field, attracting well-deserved attention to itself, because you don’t expect to meet such a miracle in the vastness of Russia. Located near the village of Chesnokovo, this building is considered the highest pyramid in the CIS, its height is 44 m. powdered with concrete chips.
You can get here by car or a comfortable sightseeing bus, where an experienced guide will tell you everything about this pyramid, starting with the story of its construction and ending with facts about the miraculous effect on individuals and the country as a whole.

Using the shape effect

The form for the structure is of decisive importance.

The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway was originally conceived as an experiment designed to confirm or refute theories, myths about the miraculous effect of the structure on living organisms and environment. Since ancient times, the shape of the pyramid has been endowed with an extraordinary effect on objects inside it. The shape effect that formed the basis of the Hunger structure was studied long time, and the proportions used in the calculations should have given a fantastic result. A stake was placed on the interaction of form and space, which were supposed to remove the negative impact of phenomena common in modern reality. Swinging at global problems, such as conflicts and wars, epidemics and rampant crime, natural disasters and social tensions, the engineer wanted to positively influence space and events by erecting a pyramid, bringing peace and harmony to the surrounding reality.

What unusual properties are endowed with the pyramid of Alexander Golod?

According to the guide and pilgrims who regularly visit the building, one gets the impression of the unique impact that the pyramid has on Novorizhskoye Highway. The list of advantages includes the following:

The protective properties of a living organism increase. People with weakened immune systems noted that after being inside the facility, their well-being improved significantly. And some of the visitors brought here weakened pets who were recovering.
. The negative impact of destructive phenomena that aggressively affect the body is blocked. A strong anti-stress effect has been observed.
. The internal reserves of the human body are mobilized, the aging process is suspended.
. The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway contributes to the harmonization of the surrounding space and brings peace and harmony to those who are inside it.
. It differs in that even in severe frosts, the liquid does not freeze in it. undergoes changes at the molecular level.
. It was even said about stopping the development of malignant cells and enhancing the effect of drugs.

Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway: Address, Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway Reviews: 4.5/5

The Hunger construction, known all over the world, attracts many tourists. The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, whose photo is known to the whole world, has been causing a wide variety of controversies for 16 years. Pilgrims vied with each other about its healing properties, citing hundreds of examples of healing, finding harmony and opening new life horizons as evidence. Skeptics defend a diametrically opposite point of view, arguing that there can be no miracles in this building, and if there were healings, then this is just a coincidence. Those who doubt the unique properties of the space inside the pyramid argue that self-deception is leading in any explanation of these properties.

To believe or not to believe?

Whatever both sides say about the construction, it is important that no one is indifferent to the pyramid: it causes controversy and genuine interest of a wide variety of people. And to believe or not in miracles and the healing effect is the business of an individual person. The pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway, the address of which is available in any directory, is popular with tourists. Here everyone finds something for themselves: some - peace, others - inspiration, others - the path to oneself through meditation, fourth - new impressions from another attraction.

The opportunity to leave a souvenir or a talisman as a souvenir, buy charged water and take a photo of your own aura - all this will allow you to evaluate this trip in the future.

This story will seem fantastic, incredible. But an impartial video recorder recorded the moment of the disaster on New Riga on May 29.

Here is what the Slavic sorcerer Radmir, who organized the ceremony, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

I myself am from the city of Irkutsk, from Lake Baikal. The path to Slavic Vedic practices was rather difficult. He started with shamanism, then communicated with sorcerers, priests, sorcerers. Moved to Moscow, met like-minded people. A month ago, the idea was born to perform a ceremony inside the pyramid of Alexander Golod in New Riga in order to establish a clearer connection with our Family, ancestors, with our ancient Slavic gods.

Why this particular pyramid? Been there before?

No, I haven't been. In ancient times, many Vedic Slavic temples were in the form of pyramids. He talks about this in his books, lectures, Dr. philosophical sciences, Professor Valery Chudinov. That is why we chose the highest pyramid of the Moscow region for the ceremony. Desire, I repeat, was born a month ago. But everything was put off until later. And on Monday morning, suddenly, it is not clear why, arose urgent need go there. I invited two guys who were ready to perform the ceremony with me. After that, I immediately receive Information that it is dangerous to go there.

Vedic shamans perform a ceremony in a pyramid. Photo: YouTube

- What kind of information?

A vision in some kind of light trance state that something irreparable can happen. People may get hurt. There have been many such revelations in my practice. When you interact with your Family, ancestors, Slavic gods, you receive important Information from them, an understanding of what can happen. I would not say that there was a clear picture, image about the danger of the Famine pyramid. Vision…

- Still risked, despite the warning?

I asked a friend who is on vacation now to take us there in her car. It is curious that twice we could not get to the New Riga highway. Passed the turn twice. Something pulled us away. We lost 25-30 minutes because of this.

The pyramid towered on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway. Photo: YouTube

- When approached - were there any signs of a hurricane?

The sky seems to be normal. Although the wind is already decent, gusts. But, nevertheless, they entered. And they saw ... banal trade. Inside a portal, a cosmic connection with our gods. Can you imagine?

I took my friends to this “sightseeing of the Moscow region” several times. Indeed, miniature pyramids, water, other crystals, minerals, and souvenirs were briskly traded inside and outside, allegedly charged with the magic power of the Famine Pyramid, which works wonders.

Alas, the business here is put on stream. Although in such places it is not recommended to do this. Because the pyramid and weakened. In all senses.

We did a ritual, held a Slavic Vedic ritual of glorification of our gods, the Family, ancestors, defenders of Rus'. And as soon as the ritual was completed, the light inside the pyramid suddenly went out. I, a military man in the past, automatically gave the command “Exit!” I guess connecting with Rod helped everyone leave the pyramid quickly. Well, then everything is clearly captured on the video. Seven seconds after the guard closed the pyramid, it collapsed.

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The famous pyramid of Hunger in the Moscow region collapsed seven seconds after the magical rite of the Magi!. Humans and ostriches miraculously survived

- Where is the video from?

From the registrar of the car of my friend, who brought us to the ceremony. And she filmed the ritual inside on my phone.

- There was an ostrich farm near the pyramid.

It was in that direction that she fell. We stood and watched. We saw ostriches. There were no dead birds.

Radmir, so what really happened? Did the pyramid fall by accident, or was it your cleansing rite that brought down this shopping center with miracles? With you, the Magi, other visitors managed to get out. Without you, they could have died under the ruins?

Perhaps there was a possibility of death. Someone may call the fall of the pyramid an accident, someone - a sign from above. Everyone decides for himself.



The pyramid on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye Highway is the tallest creation of the Russian engineer Alexander Golod. 44 meters, weight - 55 tons. The material is wood covered with fiberglass. Was built in 1999. Looks like it cost a million dollars.

The object immediately became a landmark of the Moscow region, a place of pilgrimage. After all, Alexander Golod claims that his Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section, oriented along the Earth meridian, are the generator of life. He built more than a dozen of them in different places. To straighten the Space, which, they say, is bent under the influence of negative factors. “Diseases, epidemics, crime, earthquakes, wars, regional conflicts, social tensions, economic cataclysms, etc. are the consequences of the curvature of Space, the deviation of its structure from the state of Harmony,” writes Golod. “The pyramid, built in compliance with certain rules and technologies, directly or indirectly corrects the structure of the Space in the zone of its activity, brings it closer to the state of Harmony… At the same time, the probability of occurrence of all the listed troubles decreases.” The pyramid and its "information copies" sold in New Riga seem to be able to work miracles - heal from diseases, increase the germination of seeds, increase oil production, etc. The engineer even offered to export his Golden Ratio technologies. They say that this will bring more income to the country than the sale of oil, gas ...

However, the miraculous Pyramid, designed, among other things, to protect Moscow from natural disasters, the same hurricanes, itself collapsed on Monday under the pressure of the wind. Hunger seems to be planning to build a hundred-meter pyramid on this site. From concrete. To not be blown away.

Official science, we recall, refutes all the miracles of the pyramids of Famine.

Yesterday, after visiting the Sterligov estate, we also examined the so-called Hunger Pyramid ( see Wikipedia ). This building has nothing to do with hunger as a lack of nutrition. There is some engineer Alexander Efimovich Golod (born 1949), who decided that the installation of pyramids in different significant places harmonizes the surrounding space, improves health, climate, energy of the Earth, etc. He has already installed many pyramids in different places - the pyramid on Novorizhskoye highway is the largest, 44 meters high. There is a sign from the track. The building is located on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway, to the south of it, the pyramid is visible from the road.

I have been to the pyramids in Mexico and Egypt, but I have not been to the domestic ones. I do not have reliable information about the benefits of such pyramids, so we decided to visit. Entry-entrance is free, unlike the more ancient Egyptian and Mexican counterparts.

The pyramid looks like this:

It is not stone, but plastic. Inside there is a door with the inscription "Video surveillance is underway"

Inside, it is not very dark, because the plastic is a little translucent. Such darkness inside.

Inside they sell "charged" souvenirs and water "charged" by the pyramid

At least a ton of water is being charged at the same time, so there is probably a demand.
At the time of our visit, 4 more cars of visitors were nearby

These are the "charged" souvenirs you can buy in the pyramid.
Poor sellers, it's cold for them to stand like that, because the pyramid is not heated, it is very cold in it!

A couple more globes are in the pyramid. Oleg found his city Basel (Switzerland) on the globe

Nearby is another suspicious structure, and there is also an ostrich farm.

Having visited the Hunger Pyramid, we felt hungry. This is the only observed phenomenon in the pyramid.
Luckily, Oleg had a package of Swiss gingerbread, and with their help, the feeling of Hunger that arose was extinguished.
Sitting in the car, we continued moving to Moscow.

Engineer Alexander Golod is known as the creator of special energy pyramids, which are considered to be "bioenergy" converters (although this causes some skepticism on the part of official science). Starting from the end of the 80s of the last century, about 20 pyramids were erected by the Famine: in Ostashkov, Zaporozhye, Astrakhan, the Sverdlovsk region, Tolyatti and other places.

For many years, the Hunger Pyramid has been a kind of symbol of the Novorizhskoye Highway, as well as a place of pilgrimage. Erected in 1999, it stood on the 38th kilometer of the route, until the fateful day on May 29 last year, when a 44-meter pyramid weighing 55 tons was destroyed by a hurricane. But already on August 4, a new temporary pyramid of a modest 14-meter height was installed at the same place.

The creator of the pyramids, Alexander Golod, told our correspondent about the fate of the old and temporary Pyramids, as well as about the grandiose future plans for the construction of a new Pyramid, which, if everything goes according to plan, will outshine its predecessors.

Alexander Efimovich, how did it happen that during the hurricane the pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway took shape like a house of cards?

In fact, the hurricane became the trigger, and the pyramid over these 18 years, in principle, wore out, exhausted its resource and rotted. And I already had plans to change it to another, but nature got ahead.

Were there any difficulties with the installation of the temporary pyramid?

No. But no one gave me a dime for repairs. In general, it can be considered that I do this as a hobby.

In the 14-meter pyramid, the 7-meter top from the same previous pyramid was used. But in general, does this temporary pyramid have the same energy effect as the previous one?

Yes, of course, everything that was developed by the old pyramid over 18 years has been fully preserved. The Temporal Pyramid can maintain this energy effect for as long as it likes.

I heard that the new pyramid should surpass its predecessors in height?

Undoubtedly. But what height it will be - 70 or 100 meters, has not yet been decided. By the way, today's temporary pyramid will be placed on top of the newly built one.

Which of your pyramids is the tallest?

The highest was just this one, 44 meters high, on Novorizhskoye Highway. And with the successful implementation of the project, a kind of record will be set.

It looked like a pyramid on the Novorizhskoe highway

Can we say that the level of energy in such structures depends on their size?

Yes, of course, energy can grow many times over.

Will fundamentally new materials be used now compared to previous designs?

Yes, those pyramids are completely made of fiberglass, now it is supposed to use concrete with fiberglass reinforcement, metal is not allowed here. This design will be more durable. In addition, it will differ from its predecessors in ideally even edges and "stability" of shape.

When is it planned to build new pyramid?

Design is in full swing. Most likely, the Pyramid will be built by 2018-2019.

Do you get any support for this?

In other words, as much as you want. In fact, we are slowly working on it. The main thing is not so much financial as organizational support. Moscow region. In fact, this object can become a grand attraction and make this place one of the most beautiful in the Moscow region.

Do you design your pyramids alone?

Perhaps you have some statistics, how many people, in particular, the Pyramid on New Riga helped?

This question is not for me, I do not have such statistics. But, let's just say, I've met and talked with people on numerous occasions who have experienced positive effects.

Where and when did your very first Pyramid appear?

In Zaporozhye, in 1989.

In general, are all your pyramids the same, or are there some differences between them?

They differ only in height.

Temporary pyramid on New Riga

Is the main impact of the Pyramids on a person still energy?

Energy is balanced in the pyramid. There are impacts on energy, and cellular tissue, and on the general state of health and the quality and duration of a person's life. More than a dozen studies have already been carried out. Recently, studies have been carried out to study the influence of the pyramid fields on the consciousness of an individual, on the consciousness of a group of people in a country.

I heard that in the pyramids you can even charge some items?

Any object that has fallen into the field of the pyramid tries to remember this information, and then broadcast it in other places.

I read that in the area where the Astrakhan Pyramid was located, positive changes in the atmosphere and ecology were noted. Could something like this happen in the area of ​​the Novorizhskaya Pyramid?

It is not the pyramid that influences, but the person. He, getting into the Pyramid, acts as an amplifier. Thought, as you know, is material. And if a person wants to improve the environment and the atmosphere around, this can be transmitted through the pyramid to the environment. In fact, the Pyramids as a tool can be used both locally - around individual objects, and globally - in cities, regions and states, to influence the climate, natural disasters, natural disasters, political events, and so on.

Perhaps you have recently made some other fundamentally new conclusions?

They were made, but so far I am not ready to voice them publicly.

My friends and I love adventure and interesting stories, therefore, it is not surprising that the Novorizh pyramid and stories about it did not leave us indifferent. We decided to definitely visit it, but before going on a trip, it was decided to get acquainted with the history, because how to understand where is the truth and where is the lie, not knowing how it all began?

The word "pyramid" comes from the Greek language and means a polyhedron (according to another version, "pyramis" comes from the word "pyr" - "fire"). People owe their origin either to a funeral cake, or to a huge pile of grains of wheat. Accordingly, the first originates from Death, and the second from Life. Perhaps that is why the Egyptian pharaohs chose this form for their tombs, wanting to rule in both worlds.

But this is not the main thing! Scientists have found that seeds and cereals left as gifts even after more than 2-3,000 years inside the tombs retain their properties. The dead bodies of animals do not rot, but are mummified, razor blades acquire their original sharpness. It turns out that a pyramid model with respected proportions and correctly oriented in space is capable of even more!

The golden ratio underlying the pyramid does its noble work: if cheap wine is placed in the pyramid, it acquires a noble taste, milk retains freshness for a long time, “charged” water helps to heal the whole body. Thanks to all these qualities, they began to build pyramids in Russia and many other countries.

Alexander Golod - a scientist or a hoaxer?

It is difficult to judge, but the person is interesting and diversified. An engineer, he graduated from the Mekhmat with honors, was seriously fond of football, was a player and coach. Then he taught mathematics, retrained as a programmer, opened his own cooperative.

In 90, he became seriously interested in the phenomenon of pyramids, their design and construction. According to Hunger, the pyramids not only contribute to the complete recovery of a person, they are able to defeat cancer, tuberculosis, drug addiction, alcoholism and other serious diseases. In addition, its structures affect the world generally. They have the unique ability to change spatial structures, restore ozone layer and the surrounding nature.

Testers and simple people claim that the Hunger Pyramid improves well-being. Even a short stay in it relieves headaches, improves tone, gives a surge of strength. Those who believe in the power of energy pyramids come here regularly for the next portion of energy. There are many curious people who watch, buy souvenirs, take pictures against the backdrop of this huge building.

Travel and reflection

The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, the largest of all the Golod structures, was built in 1999 without the use of metal (from glass-plastic structures) in the proportions of the golden section.

The pyramid is perfectly visible from the road, it looks very interesting (albeit a little strange) against the background of the general landscape.

Dry grass, cloudy sky and a huge gray needle pointing skyward. This is how the pyramid, which is located on the 38th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway, met us deserted and depressing.

But we did not have to grieve for long, as soon as we got out of the car, the roar of many engines fell upon us. Directly from the side of the pyramid, a column of dust approached us, in which we could see extreme sportsmen on ATVs.

They swept past us so fast that we only realized what it was when the last cars were hiding in the distance.

After waiting for the dust to settle, we approached the pyramid closer.

The height of the pyramid is 44 meters, from a distance it seems that it is a concrete monolith. In fact, it turned out that the pyramid was made of fiberglass, allegedly without the use of nails or other metal.

After wandering around, we found a house, where we were offered to "take a picture of the aura" for money.

This can be done before visiting the pyramid and after. They say the difference is huge, but ... we did not dare, or maybe we just spared the money.

Nearby is the "Ostrich Compound". Behind such a loud name was a couple of sleeping ostriches in the distance and one sluggishly chewing something, but which stubbornly did not want to be photographed.

Inside the pyramid

It was evening. The March sun was slowly sinking towards the horizon. It's time to look inside the pyramid.

It turned out that there was unexpectedly a lot of space, the air was cool, and it was twilight all around. The walls are translucent and allow enough light to pass through.

This was very unexpected after the apparent "concreteness" of the structure.

There were several people inside, but there was an amazing silence. People quietly talked to each other, looked at souvenirs. Someone was sitting on a bench under the very dome, thinking about something important, for which, usually, there is always not enough time in the daily bustle.

There are 3 large globes in the center. As they say, to harmonize the globe in general, and the correction of all defects that have arisen from the intervention of people in Nature.

The principles of the "golden section", which Alexander Golod necessarily takes into account during construction, according to research, have a very beneficial effect not only on nature, but also on the human world and the relationship between them. Their influence restrains the occurrence of world wars and cataclysms, and also contributes to spiritual, economic and moral prosperity.

Military radars are said to be picking up a column of energy above the structure, possibly an ion stream that restores the ozone layer. It is at such moments that you want to start believing in miracles.

The local population and visitors use these magical properties more prosaically, charging various alcoholic drinks. According to them, vodka becomes softer, and cheap cognac and wine are aged.

The healing properties of the pyramid are listed on a piece of paper, which is inside on a special stand: energetically charged seeds will give an unprecedented harvest, plants will be resistant to drought and disease. Water will heal medications will become more effective and will not give side reactions.

An experiment was conducted when salt and crystals charged in a pyramid were sent to prisons, after which a decrease in the level of aggression and morbidity of prisoners was observed there. Wow!

Miracles also have to do with money

As it turned out, if you wish, you can buy any souvenirs here: ABO solutions (adaptation of biological objects), globes, energetically charged bottled water, semi-precious stones to attract health and good luck, information copies of the pyramid and other esoteric curiosities.

The range of prices is quite wide, as they say: for every taste and budget. Employees in the pyramid will enthusiastically tell and show everything about any product.

There are also unusual products: ABO information pairs. This is such a small crystal that is grown in this 44-meter pyramid. After dividing it into 2 parts, it becomes an information matrix of a large pyramid.

That is why everything that is placed between these halves is harmonized. You can place them on different sides of the bed to improve sleep, you can attach them to the body around the sore spot. Also, all emitting household appliances that will be inside the field of these matrices should stop disturbing.

The issue price is 100 rubles. Oh, it wasn't! Bought, pasted them on the table next to the computer. Everything is fine: the technique works great, I am also writing this article in a great mood. We will assume that the information matrices from the Hunger pyramid have a positive impact! 🙂

A bit of philosophy

I don’t know if the pyramid on the New Riga highway can actually have such an impact on the entire Mother Earth, but it makes you think. About the world around you, about people, about the future that awaits our children. What tomorrow brings us, our endless intervention in Nature, the pursuit of profit, the relentless mining. Or maybe it's true, spit on everything and start new life? In harmony and peace.

At least for the sake of a small stop in life and reflections on the Eternal, you should definitely stop by here for at least a few minutes.

Pyramid in the Moscow region how to get there

Finding this place is not difficult. Especially if you are driving a private car. The pyramid is located on the 38th km of Novorizhskoye highway. There are signs on both sides. Yes, and it is difficult to pass this place: the goal is visible at a glance.

By train you can get from the Rizhsky railway station to Nakhabino and by bus 20 to Chesnokovo.

By bus - there are several regular routes from the Tushinskaya metro station.

The coordinates of the Novorizhskaya pyramid of Famine: 55.78427, 37.06366.

You can visit the Hunger Pyramid any day, open seven days a week, in summer from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm, in winter from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. In the off-season, the closing time is determined by sunset. The entrance is free.

But it was time for us to go home, and this is more than 100 km. All the way we remembered today with pleasure, how rich and interesting it turned out to be.

This trip around Zvenigorod took place on March 28, 2015. Here is our route on the map.

In order to conveniently travel around Zvenigorod near Moscow and the region, you can easily rent an apartment or a room on the service in the city or suburbs for several days, or book a hotel in any convenient place.

It began with the heavenly bodies, about which we learned a lot of new things, and we even managed to see spots in the sun with a real telescope! After that, we again found ourselves in heaven - in amazing, which was the first of all Russian monasteries to receive the status of a Lavra.

And here again Cosmos and mysticism, and also in a man-made miracle: a pyramid in the Moscow region.

And another big surprise was that a little more than a month had passed after this trip, and we again had a chance to find ourselves in the pyramid of Famine. Only not Novorizhskaya, but in its younger copy, which is located on Lake Seliger. But this is a completely different story ... And you can read it.

The map below shows other attractions and where I managed to visit.