Interesting facts about Korea. Interesting facts about south korea Unusual facts about korea

South Korea is a state "covered" with high-rise buildings and narrow-eyed residents. Well, that's it, in a nutshell, without going into details at all.

How Koreans live, how they work and relax - read about all this below interesting facts about Korea

Korea is considered one of the safest countries in the world. In any case, at night you can safely walk alone and not be afraid that some parasite will complain about you or your property.

Baseball and golf are the most popular games in Korea. And those who are no longer allowed to run with a stick - welcome to the mountains. Hiking in the mountains can rightfully be considered the third type of "game".

Koreans are not just narrow-eyed, they are also in the majority and wear glasses. By the way, regardless of age. Well, they're not born that way, are they? Although, perhaps they have an altered gene responsible for vision.

The dentist is the most expensive doctor in Korea. Therefore, residents do not just chew gum all the time, they also carry toothbrushes with them and can start cleaning their mouths in any toilet with a washbasin.

Koreans never rest. And the word "vacation" in their everyday life is generally absent as such.

Maximum - a few days "at your own expense." And then - or study, or to work, be kind.

Motels in Korea are like ants at every turn. And all because guys do not have the right to invite a girl to their house.

For Koreans, food is sacred. No one here cares how anyone is doing and who has been doing what all day. The first question is always "Did you eat?" And if the answer is "no", consider that you have committed an insane sin.

Here are some more interesting facts about Korea. Family expanses in the form of male infidelity here as "hello." Wives hardly work here, and young girls do not shy away from the geisha profession.

In Korean beer bars, it's impossible to just walk in and order a glass of steamed hops. Beer snacks are a must here.

You will never believe what kind of park exists in Korea! This is not even a park, but an area "dotted" with male phalluses.

Korea is famous for its cult of small dogs. Porket dog is everywhere. And they are necessarily painted in different colors, and in general they make a complete "dog fashion".

The male half of the population of Korea is very addicted to alcohol. And each representative knows a lot of games "for a feast", the ultimate "goal" of which is to get drunk and forget.

The people of Korea are very kind and polite to everyone. And to tourists, and to "their own". They, just like us, love to visit coffee corners and treat themselves to good coffee.

But, unlike us, they do it several times more often, almost after every meal. So far, we are clearly inferior to them in this.

South Korea is one of the most interesting countries in the world. Asia is in love with Korean food, music and TV shows. The influence of Korea on the region is comparable to that of China and Japan. In 2013 Boston Consulting Group secured South Korea th title of the most innovative country in the world.

This is not bad, considering the fact that South Korea has existed as a state since 1948. And this country is full of curious customs and interesting facts.

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Everyone wants to be beautiful, South Koreans are no exception. According to a 2009 survey, one in five South Korean girls had plastic surgery. IN South Korea getting plastic surgery is quite common, and, unlike in the western world, getting plastic surgery there is not considered something shameful.

Among the most popular plastic surgeries are facial surgeries. The beauty ideal of a South Korean woman is a face with a small neat nose, a V-shaped chin and large eyes.

It is not uncommon for schoolgirls to undergo facial plastic surgery immediately after graduation. this usually comes in the form of parents rewarding their daughter for doing well in school. Even Miss South Korea 2012 does not hide the fact that she did plastic surgery.

Half of the women who undergo facial plastic surgery lose control of their facial expressions, they are simply paralyzed. Therefore, it has recently become fashionable to change the corners of the mouth in such a way that the face should now appear to be always smiling. Thus, a large number of women in South Korea spreads into constant smiles.

Often men also go under the knife to the surgeon. They say that appearance partly affects their career progression. Men are very hardworking, so a professional career for them is often in the first place. Plus, they are also not averse to showing off their appearance. Among other things, South Korean men wear makeup quite often and this is considered normal.

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2. Theme amusement park. Toilets.

There are many different theme parks in the world, but South Korea and here she was able to surprise everyone. Proud Suwon is the home of the electronic giant Samsung, but this city is not known for this. It is in Suwon that the toilet amusement park is located.

It was opened in honor of the former mayor of the city Sim Jae Dooka who seemed to be obsessed with toilets. They even called him Mister Toilet. He had a goal - to provide people with hygienic toilets, to take toilet maintenance to a new level. He founded the World Toilet Organization.

In 2007, with the light hand of the mayor, a building in the form of a toilet was built, which after his death became a museum of toilets. And later, this museum "expanded" to a theme amusement park. This park has everything to do with toilets, from ancient pots and urinals to sculptures of people peeing and pooping. Entrance to the toilet park is free.

1. The Republic of Korea or South Korea (hereinafter simply Korea) is a very safe country. A girl may not be afraid to walk at night along sleeping area by oneself.

2. Cases of major crime, like murder, are considered unprecedented and are covered in local news for weeks.

3. Most best time to visit Korea - spring, when the cherries bloom, and autumn, when the leaves on the trees turn yellow. In winter it is very cold and windy, in summer it is incredibly hot, humid and rainy.

4. The territory of the country is very small, so civilization has penetrated into all its corners. It is impossible to get lost in Korea, and there are no completely provincial villages here.

5. The most popular sport in Korea is baseball. Everyone plays it, from young to old, almost everyone has a baseball bat. Baseball games, especially big ones, are always sold out.

6. In second place in popularity is golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And when they reach old age, all Koreans go to the mountains.

7. Walking in the mountains is such a favorite pastime for Koreans. They can get up at 8 in the morning after a wild drink and still climb the mountain.

8. 90% of Koreans are nearsighted and have to wear glasses or contact lenses. Glasses have been put on since childhood, which involuntarily creates the impression that they are born with poor eyesight.

9. Absolutely all Koreans use Internet Explorer. They are unaware of other browsers, and moreover, most do not even know what a browser is. Korean sites, respectively, are made only under Explorer, in any other browser, not a single Korean site will work correctly.

1 0. Many Koreans, in order to open Google, first open (this is a Korean search engine and not only), type “Google” in Korean into the search, and then click on the link.

11. Koreans are very fond of coffee, and coffee shops are found at every turn. After lunch or dinner, a cup of coffee is a must.

12. Free Internet can always be found: in any institutions, cafes and even on buses.

13. Coffee chains, movie theater chains, supermarket chains, restaurant chains, bar chains, department store chains - if an establishment does not have a clone somewhere in Korea, then it has not matured yet.

14. The domestic product in Korea is very supported, so many imported products such as toothpaste, chewing gum, pads, chips, etc. cannot be found.

15. Agriculture is one of the most important branches of the economy. Cabbage patches, turnip gardens and rice paddies can be found even in the city centre.

16. Dentist services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often carry a toothbrush with them in their bag, and in some establishments you can find free brushes right in the toilet.

17. Education is given almost the most important role in the life of any Korean. Koreans study from early morning until late at night, regardless of the day of the week, and use the holidays for additional courses or self-study.

1 8. There is no such thing as a vacation in Korea. There are several days, usually at the beginning of August, when many workers take the day off to rest or go abroad.

19. There are two major national holidays: New Year according to the lunar calendar and the autumn festival, when Korea does not work for three days. There is no more time for rest.

20. teacher at the state educational institution only the president himself can fire him. This profession is extremely respected and highly paid.

21. Overweight Koreans are very rare. Really fat - almost never.

22. Girls readily show off their legs, but never their cleavage.

23. Most Korean women have small breasts and a flat bottom, but very slender legs.

24. Therefore, plastic surgery is booming. A girl can inflate her breasts literally in one lunch break. After graduating from school and going to college, most girls fix their eyelids, noses, or something else as a gift.

25. Korean women take great care of their skin and hair and use an incredible amount of cosmetics and beauty products. Korean women don't go out without makeup.

26. Many people admit that Korean women are more beautiful than Japanese, Chinese and other Asian women. Even if their beauty is somehow artificial.

27. With all the cleanliness of the streets in Korea, it is very difficult to find a trash can.

28. All Koreans sing well and therefore love karaoke very much.

29. Everyone has cell phones, even homeless people.

30. Any phone can be taken "on credit" for two years.

31. In Korea, the peak of shopping begins after 7-8 pm and in some areas continues until late at night.

32. Young people are not supposed to bring girls to their homes, so there are a lot of motels in Korea. So many.

33. Motels peacefully coexist with churches: they say, if you committed adultery, pray.

34. Every single one of the guys must pass army service unless he is disabled.

35. There is a cult of food in Korea. Instead of "how are you?" Koreans ask “did you eat well?”, skipping a meal is considered almost a sin, and the verb “eat” can replace many other verbs, such as “drink alcohol”, “take medicine”, “breathe fresh air” and even “ grow up a year."

36. Koreans eat a lot and varied. Kimchi and other snacks are obligatory to the table. Dinner is rarely limited to just one dish, when you think you're already full, they bring more plates until you burst.

37. About any Korean dish, any Korean will tell you that it is incredibly healthy. Most often for some reason for men's health.

38. Koreans probably drink even more than Russians. They get drunk quickly, but they never get rowdy. Even a drunken Korean is not particularly dangerous.

39. Every Korean knows a hundred or two very noisy drinking games aimed at getting everyone drunk as soon as possible.

40. Koreans are very generous and responsive people. They will definitely want to pay for your lunch and will never refuse to help.

41. In Korea, it is customary to say hello to watchmen, bus drivers and cleaners, in general, to everyone. You show respect for the elder in age, and it doesn’t matter who he works for.

42. It's hard to believe, but according to one source, 25% of Korean women have experience in the intimate service industry: these are prostitutes, escorts and girls "for communication" in bars and karaoke.

43. Most married men cheat on their wives, and that's okay.

44. Most married Korean women do not work at all while raising children.

45. All older women look the same: the same short chemical hairdos, the same clothes, the same hats.

46. There are no stray dogs in Korea. Few people keep large dogs either, but it is very fashionable to have a small pocket dog, dye its coat in bright colors and dress it in funny clothes.

47. Contrary to popular stereotype, very few Koreans have tasted dog meat.

48. Foreigners in Korea are divided into two categories: exchange students and English teachers.

49. Koreans prefer to sit on the floor than sit on a chair or sofa.

50. Either the weather forecast is never wrong, or the Koreans always, always carry an umbrella in their bag, but it is impossible to catch a Korean by surprise by the rain.

51. In Korea, floods often occur due to heavy rains.

52. The wallet of any Korean is full of business cards and various accumulative and discount cards and coupons.

53. Koreans listen mostly to Korean music. From Western performers, they listen to what is fashionable.

54. Korean music is mostly pop music, boy bands and girl bands, no different from each other.

55. For each song, each musical group has its own dance, which the fans know by heart.

56. There are no squares in Korea. There are only platforms in front of some buildings.

57. In many bars you can not only drink beer, you must definitely order snacks for beer. Koreans themselves cannot just drink beer, they definitely need something to chew on.

60. No one cares that a young beautiful girl advertises an alcoholic drink everywhere.

61. When meeting Koreans, the first thing they do is find out their age. This is important for further communication style. If the interlocutor is at least a year older, he should be addressed in a polite manner, be respectful and helpful.

62. Koreans are often faux pas when asking personal questions like "Do you have a boyfriend?" or “why aren’t you married?”

63. Young Koreans turn romantic relationships into just another drama they watch on TV.

64. In Korea, you can smoke almost everywhere. No smoking signs are often simply ignored.

65. It is rare to see a girl with a cigarette on the street. There are few smoking girls in general and they only smoke in bars and clubs.

66. You can drink alcohol outside. Koreans often have impromptu booze picnics and barbeques in the most unlikely places.

67. Koreans often laugh for no reason, in response to any phrase and the most unfunny joke. They are especially happy when a foreigner speaks Korean.

68. There is a park in Korea filled with sculptures of male members.

69. In Korea, almost no one calls anyone by name and does not say “you” or “you”. There are many special words for address, for each case of kinship and relationship.

70. When a Korean calls someone to him, he holds his hand palm down, and not up, as in other countries.

There are many amazing countries in the world with a unique national culture, traditions, the mentality that has developed over the centuries, historical and natural attractions, which are visited by tens of thousands of tourists every year. Undoubtedly, South Korea also belongs to such countries. We will also go to this Asian country to present to our reader some of the most interesting facts about South Korea.

Country name

The name of the country is written in two hieroglyphs, and literally they are translated as "Country of morning freshness." By the way, these hieroglyphs have other meanings, but the Koreans opted for this, and this is how the romantic name turned out, which was fixed in the world for South Korea.


The South Korean language originated in ancient times and is considered one of the most distinctive on the planet. Many national traditions trace their history back to ancient times and are highly revered in the modern world.

Security and crime

Leading global sociological companies call South Korea one of the safest countries in the world. Street and violent crime is practically absent, which was a consequence high level life and mentality of Koreans.

More on crime...

The crimes that have occurred in the country are reported in newspapers and on television during the week, so that the entire population of the country knows all the details and which criminal will be punished.


Speaking briefly about education in the country, Koreans have developed a real cult of education, and students and schoolchildren study for 11-13 hours a day. Young people believe that education is a kind of bridge leading to great opportunities.

Special mindset

All experts note that South Korean students have a special mindset, high intelligence and can be smart. We also note that the literacy rate of the population is 99%.

Prestigious profession

One of the most prestigious and highly paid professions in Korea is doctors. Because of this, parents are willing to pay huge amounts of money so that their boy or girl learns to be a doctor.

Plastic surgery

People from all over the world come to plastic surgery clinics in South Korea to change their appearance. But Korean women, graduating from a university or college, give themselves a kind of gift, fix their eyelids or change the shape of their nose.

artificial beauty

In the dispute of Asian beauties, it is believed that Korean women are the most beautiful, ahead of Chinese and Japanese women. But here, do not forget that for many Korean beauties, beauty is the result of surgical intervention, and it is almost impossible to meet a Korean woman without makeup on the street.

By the way, Korean men are no less than women obsessed with cosmetics.

Everyone's phones

All residents of South Korea have mobile phones, even people without a fixed place of residence. And, most likely, these phones are domestically produced by Samsung. But cellular communication here is quite expensive.


The streets of cities and towns surprise with their incredible cleanliness, but what is remarkable is that urns are a rather rare occurrence within urban settlements.


Historically, South Korea must have efficient army. The country has universal conscription, and every guy is required to do military service. An exception is made only for the disabled.

Due to the industriousness of the Koreans and the high development of technology, the South Korean army is one of the largest in the world today.

Koreans love to have a tasty and satisfying meal, and therefore, when meeting with friends and acquaintances, they ask “How did you eat today?”, and not the usual European “How are you?”. We already wrote about this in an article about the world.

A Korean can talk about every dish of national cuisine for hours.


Alcoholic drinks, like food, also occupy a special place in the life of South Koreans. According to the statistics of alcohol consumption per capita, Koreans are ahead of Russians.

In the company, only the elder can hold a glass of beer with one hand and pour the drink to the others. All junior participants in the feast hold glasses with both hands.

Any Korean man knows a lot of table entertainment and toast. But they prefer to sit on the floor, and not on a sofa or chair, and their favorite alcoholic drink is soju.


Naturally, foreigners in the country are immediately visible, and Koreans divide them into two categories - teachers in English and exchange students. But Koreans always treat tourists with respect.

There are no stray dogs and cats on the streets. Shelters have been created for such animals, and Koreans are happy to take pets from shelters to their homes.

Attitude towards smoking

Smoking in this Asian country is possible everywhere, and if among men this addiction is quite common, then there are very few women who smoke. There is practically no problem of drug addiction in the country.

Family relationships

Young people in South Korea try to build their first love relationships on the example of South Korean melodramas. But in family life, unfaithful husbands are not uncommon in Korean society. Moreover, there is where to turn around, because according to statistics, 25% of Korean women are engaged in prostitution.


South Korea is a conservative state, where much is regulated by traditions and state laws. For example, until 1979, clothes for women and girls were clearly regulated in the country. Not only the length of the skirt was set, but also the hairstyle and hair length.


There are 20 national parks in a small area, among which theme parks are especially popular.

There is even a park-museum of toilets, which exhibits the rarest exhibits of toilets of various historical eras, and one of the parks is filled with sculptures of male genital organs.


Despite the large use of alcohol, he is recognized as the number one enemy in the country. Koreans are terribly afraid of the color red, which is why they rarely use it in clothes and in home decoration.

special holiday

In the country, Valentine's Day is celebrated on a special scale and romantically. But, unlike other countries, it is dedicated to the representatives of the stronger sex in Korea.


The country traditionally treats elders well and respectfully, and at a meeting they greet even strangers.

In Korea, even a special handshake ceremony has been developed, and Koreans, in order not to seem impolite, strictly follow this tradition.

Sudden jump

Until the 60s of the last century, Korea was among the poorest countries in the world, but a sharp economic leap brought it to a leading position in the world. Today it is a leader in the production of electronics, as well as automobiles.


Many ancient archeological monuments have been explored on the territory of the country, and the Dharani Scroll is recognized by scientists around the world as the oldest book edition in history.

But far beyond its borders, there are those who are in love with Korean cuisine, music, movies, TV shows. In 2013 Boston Consulting Group appropriated South Korea the title of the most innovative country in the world. This is quite good considering that South Korea exists as a state since 1948. And this country is full of curious customs and facts.

So, are you ready to test how much you know about Korea?

1. Seoul is the capital South Korea. The population of the city is about 10.5 million people. According to this indicator seoul is on the 9th line in the ranking of the most populated cities in the world. (Read )
2. Most visited museum Seoul is the Museum of Optical Illusions (Trick Eye Museum). And the Bumpo Bridge is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest fountain bridge in the world (more).

3. From 1910 to 1945 Korea was occupied by Japan, but after World War II, the country was divided into North Korea and South.
4. North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 with the aim of creating a unified communist state. The UN intervened in the course of the war, as a result of which hostilities were stopped in 1953. To date, there are no official ties between the countries, and the border between them is one of the most dangerous and militarized territories in the world. Technically, both states are at war.

5. GDP per capita in 1963 was only $100, in 2015 it reached $27,513. For excellent economic performance and development modern technologies South Korea, Singapore , Hong Kong and Taiwan are called the "Four Asian Tigers"!
6. The country is in the TOP-5 largest car manufacturers in the world. The most popular brands are Hyundai and Kia. South Korea is the world's largest shipbuilder. About the firm's factories Hyundai read .
7. This eastern state has the most modern and sophisticated IT infrastructure in the world. Also Korea boasts the world's leading brands in the field information technologies. The most famous are Samsung and LG. IN Korea the fastest internet in the world, however cellular is quite expensive.
8. Almost all Koreans use Internet Explorer. It seems that they are not aware of other browsers and, moreover, most do not even know what a browser is. Korean sites, respectively, are made only under explorer, Korean sites may not work properly in any other browser. Many Koreans, to open Google, first open (Korean search engine), type in " google" in Korean and then click on the link.

9. There are more than 20 national parks on the territory of the country (on Doramakune you can read about , ). There are many theme parks, for example, in the city of Suwon there is a "toilet" park (more).
10. Baseball is the most popular sport in South Korea. Everyone plays it, from young to old, almost everyone has a baseball bat. Baseball games, especially big ones, are always sold out. In second place in popularity is golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And when they reach old age, Koreans go to the mountains.
11. Coffee houses are found at every turn, because Koreans are great coffee lovers. And also, there are a lot of themed cafes (,).

12. Korean girls are confidently ready to show their legs, but not their bust. Until 1979 in South Korea strictly controlled women's clothing. Then not only the length of the skirt was regulated, but also the length of the hair.
13. South Korea- the most drinking country in the world. When drinking in a Korean company, you need to follow a lot of rules. For example, if the elder pours a drink, then the younger must hold the glass with both hands. If the younger one pours for the older one, then the bottle should also be held with both hands.

14. The word "eSports" and all professional video game competitions first appeared in South Korea. It is worth noting that the game "Starcraft" has received incredible popularity in the country. Championships of all levels were held here, even entire leagues and clans were created. Official statistics say: over 500,000 licensed copies alone have been sold in the country!
15. Koreans love to take pictures. Push the camera into the front mobile phones it was they who thought of it, and in general it is believed that the fashion for selfies came precisely from South Korea.

16. Despite the fact that the urns on the streets are extremely rare, South Korea- clean country.
17. Dentist services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often carry a toothbrush with them in their bag, and in some establishments you can find free brushes right in the toilet.
More interesting details about South Korea you can find in the section. ,