How to cheer up a friend. Universal Phrases, Techniques and Tips

Pre- and pre- are the most difficult prefixes to spell.

We offer exercises to work on the spelling of these prefixes.

1. Add prefixes pre- and pre- to adjectives and verbs, make phrases: funny - a funny sight, carry - bring potatoes.

Calm, delicious, huge, interesting, caress, glue, do.

2. Replace the combination of words with one word with the prefix pre-, pre- or pre-: a city near the sea - a seaside city.

Very funny story, make manual, slightly open, bushes along the road, willows near the shore, aim at the target.

3. Parse all the words according to their composition, write out the words with the prefix pre-write and make phrases with them.

An omen, predecessor, roadside, predawn, prevent, foresee, leader, kind, suggestion, predawn, undertake.

4. Determine the meaning of the prefixes pre- and pre-, and then write under dictation - phrases.

Unpleasant conversation, dismissive attitude, reconciliation of friends, Vasilisa the Wise, cheer up a comrade, foresee danger, present for a reward, nasty character, station buffet, amusing occasion, rise in bed, refraction of rays, an amazing story, listen to birdsong, exaggerate danger.

In the textbook for class V, only one value of the prefix pre- is indicated. However, if the teacher is faced with numerous errors in words like interrupt, then it is useful to give exercises on a more differentiated distinction between the meanings of this prefix. For example, to indicate that the prefix pre- can be close in meaning to the prefix re- and. is easily replaced by it: to block the road - to block, continuous work - work without interruption. Students will verify this by replacing the words with the prefix pre- with the prefix pre- and making word combinations with them.

Endure, criminal, satiety, interrupt, incessantly, uninterrupted.

Below we offer a series of exercises to fix the spelling of prefixes.

1. From these verbs, form nouns and make phrases with them: bring closer - the approach of the enemy.

Transform, join, touch, teach, compel, welcome, land, hinder, transform, bicker, stop, pursue, overcome, neglect, try on.

2. Parse words by composition.

Redistributing, inviolable, transcend, overcome, overflowing, amazing, joined, incessant, uninterrupted, unadapted, prejudice, predestined, predawn, contact, assumption, continuous, inexorable.

3. For these verbs, where possible, choose single-root nouns, adjectives, adverbs, so that they retain the prefixes pre- and pre-. With each word, make a phrase: greet - sent a greeting, a friendly person, greeted warmly.

Interrupt, call, hinder, attract, neglect, bow down, proceed, force, convert, despise, define, land, reconcile, not interrupt, betray.

Sometimes students mix the prefixes pre- and pre- with the preposition at. Here it is useful to use. reception of comparison of prepositions and prefixes.

1) Pavel served in the station canteen. At the station buffet there was a cubic one.

2) Michurin dreamed of transforming nature. When a new substance is formed, the temperature drops sharply.

3) It was an unexpected transformation. When the ball rotates, the thread is pulled.

4) The photographs were developed under red light. We stayed in a beautiful holiday home.

5) Everything happened under strange circumstances. This was a strange man.

We invite students to independently compose similar pairs of sentences with the words: with an increase - exaggeration; 'with interesting - very interesting; with the following - pursuing; with the wise - the wise; with a road - roadside; front-line - front-line; with a homestead - homestead.

Here is the text of the selective dictation. Students should write out in two columns words with pre- and pre- in phrases.

1) I got used to all these inconveniences.

2) He attached great importance to this.

3) Like a child, I splashed in the water, indulging in the highest pleasure (Ch.).

4) Ears of ripe rye bow to the ground.

5) I bow to your courage.

6) Do not despise anyone's advice (Kr.).

7) He respected the rootless and took him into his family (Gr.).

Magician, you deceitful, mad old man! I would despise your prediction (p.).

9) Do not slam the door, but gently close it.

10) The fox pretended to be dead and deceived the peasant.

11) Now it was urgent to put this project into practice.

12) He was in ignorance for a long time.

13) The water was rising quickly, but the dam blocked its path.

It is also possible to introduce exercises into the vocabulary work system in which words with prefixes pre-, pre-, pre- will be used. ,

We offer several exercises on synonymy.

1. To these words, choose synonyms with prefixes pre-, pre-, pre-.

Boundless (limitless), future (upcoming), unfair (biased), exemplary (approximate), sad (unfortunate), constant (continuous).

Edge (limit), spectacle (performance), treason (betrayal), offense (crime), inclination (vocation), refuge (refuge), follower (follower).

Get (acquire), block (block), finish (stop), change (betray), interfere (obstruct), stay (stay), imagine (be bizarre), come (arrive), like (take a fancy to), overcome (overcome), praise (exalt), devotion (affection).

2. Replace phrases with synonymous constructions with pre- and pre-.

To act treacherously (treacherously), to treat unfairly (biasedly), to pass freely (unhindered), to go in a continuous stream (continuous), to be somewhere (to be present), to be inattentive (neglect), to take a different look (to turn), to treat without respect ( despise), break loyalty (betray).

"Words with a prefix" - From. Pick out the root of the word. Fizminutka. Explanatory dictation. Without. Pretty girl. Calligraphic minute. Underline the words with the spelling "Unstressed checked vowels at the root of the word." Rule application algorithm. Live letters. Ras. Boots, can, bamboo, library. Once. Dangerous sensible painful useful beat to watch.

"Spelling prefixes" - Frustrating. The spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / sonority of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix. The spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / sonority of the sound. Find the word. The spelling of a vowel in a prefix depends on the meaning of the prefix. Nowhere. The spelling of the first vowel of the root corresponds to the pronunciation due to the prefix.

"Assignments for consoles" - Assessment. In ... spinning. Test results. Ra ... know. true. Which word has the letter Z in the prefix? Testing time. In ... click. Be…delicious. And ... used. In ... wave. And ... drawn. Ra ... cover. And ... pamper. Be...crowded. Ra ... relied. Be… noisy. And ... bathed. Ra ... turn sour. And ... cook. Choose all correct answers!

"Pre-prix test" - Learn the rule. Grade. Points 6. Points. Merits. Stop moving. Points 7. Carry a notebook. Points 8. Amazing story. Points 5. Spelling prefixes. Fly on an airplane. Sew a button. Repeat rule. Interactive test in Russian. Sea park. Points 3. Points 9.

"Prefixes Grade 3" - Let's read what happened. Finished, finished, inherited, reached. Game "Help to collect words." Target. During the classes. Let's look at the connections of letters. Russian language grade 3. Covered, put on, went, carried. Working with deformed text. Winter has prepared a new challenge for you! Replay, overlook, run, speak.

“Prefixes with pre” - The topic of the lesson: “Spelling of prefixes pre - with”. In what cases do we write PRI? Now try to tell a new rule. Exercise. Control test. I was nearing my destination. The result of the lesson is the analysis of the test work. Repetition: But there are prefixes whose spelling must be remembered! What is an attachment?

cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, and (colloquial) cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, fellow. (to cheer up), whom what. To cheer up, to give a little vigor to someone. Encourage the patient. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Cheer up, cheer up, revitalize, increase tone, encourage, encourage, cheer up, cheer up, invigorate, give confidence, cheer up, give strength, instill confidence, inspire vigor, cheer up Dictionary of Russian synonyms. ... ... Synonym dictionary

cheer up- cheer up, cheer up, cheer up (not recommended to cheer up, cheer up, cheer up) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

Owls. transition see cheer Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, cheer up ... Forms of words

cheer up- cheer up, ryu, rit ... Russian spelling dictionary

cheer up- (II), cheer up / (sya), ri / sh (sya), rya / t (sya) ... orthographic dictionary Russian language

cheer up- B/A ch see Appendix II encourage/(s) encourage/sh(s) encourage/t(s) encourage/l(s) 235 see Appendix II... Dictionary of Russian accents

Ryu, rish; cheered up; ren, ren, renault; St. Encourage a little. P. boy, son. The thought of home cheered me up. ◁ Cheer up, yay, yaesh; nsv. Cheer up, yas; suffering… encyclopedic Dictionary

cheer up- ryu/, ri/sh; cheered up; ren, ren /, renault /; St. see also cheer up, cheer up, cheer up a little. Cheer up the boy, son. The thought of home cheered me up... Dictionary of many expressions


  • The world is not small, Charlie Brown, Shultz Charles M. Life rarely turns bright side to Charlie Brown. Troubles literally haunt the hero: an insidious tree absorbs his kite, there is not a single “valentine” in the mailbox, ...
  • Small World, Charlie Brown, Charles M. Schultz. Life rarely turns on the bright side for Charlie Brown. Troubles literally haunt the hero: a catastrophe turns into a kite launch, there is not a single "valentine" in the mailbox, ...

Most likely, you are very upset because your friend is in trouble. He could face anything: the death of a loved one, a serious illness, a divorce, or just get a deuce in school. Although you may not always fully understand your friend's feelings, you can be a support for him in such moments and try to reduce his pain a little.


Be there

    Listen to a friend. This is the most important thing you can do for a person who is ill. Be an active listener. This will show that you care about your friend and listen to him. Very often it is much more important for a person to be listened to than to be helped in some other way.

    • When you are listening to a friend, make sure that nothing distracts you. This means you don't have to talk to someone else or check to see if messages have arrived on your phone.
    • Maintain eye contact with your friend during the conversation. You don't have to stare all the time, but maintaining eye contact will show that you care about your friend's well-being. it's the same good way not be distracted by other things when you are listening.
    • Tell your friend that he can contact you at any time of the day or night, and you will be ready to help. Today you will help a friend, and when trouble happens to you, he will help you. Being a friend means being available, even when it's not very convenient for you.
  1. Ask questions that your friend can't answer in one word. Instead of talking about your feelings and experiences, ask a friend what he is going through at the moment. If your friend is talking about a divorce, for example, ask her how she feels at the moment and how you can help her.

    • Instead of asking, "Are you sad?" ask a friend, "How are you feeling right now?" and "What can I do to help you?"
  2. Spend time with a friend. When troubles happen, many close in on themselves and do not want to make contact. However, communication helps to cope with negative feelings. Isolation from society can negatively affect mental and physical health. Think of pleasant emotions that you can experience together with your friend. Be there and do things that bring pleasure to both of you, and this will certainly have a positive effect on your friend's mood.

    • Invite your friend to take a walk, go to the movies, or go to a cafe. Whatever activity you choose, it should be interesting for both of you.
  3. Take care of your friend's physical comfort. Touch has its own language, and it can explain to a person that you are near and that he is safe with you. But first, ask your friend if he wants to, because not all people are good at touching.

    • Hugs are important for mental "healing". If your friend is upset, especially if they are emotionally depressed, give them a hug or touch their arm. This will show that you are with him and he is safe.
    • If your friend doesn't like being hugged, you can give them a cat or a dog to hold. Animals help to calm down, and many people feel safe petting a pet.
  4. Learn to empathize, feel the pain of a person. Your friend needs to know that you empathize with him. Show him that you care about his pain and want to ease it.

    • For example, your friend Masha recently suffered a divorce. Of course, you can say, "Poor thing, I'm so sorry you left your husband." But it would be better if you say: "Masha, I understand how you feel, and I know how you loved your husband."
  5. Make life easier for your friend. If a friend is going through a difficult time for him, then most likely it is difficult for him to do his usual things. Tell him that you are ready to help and take on some responsibilities to make his life easier.

    • For example, you can help him with cooking or cleaning the house. It is for cleaning that most often there is no strength left when you feel emotionally depressed.
    • Invite a friend to go shopping or take him to a doctor's appointment.
    • Think about how you can help a friend, and perhaps your help will improve his mood.
    • Be sure to ask your friend how you can help them instead of deciding what they need. Don't make assumptions.
  6. Give something to your friend. It will definitely lift his spirits. This will show that you care about him. You cannot be with him all the time, but you can do something to lessen his suffering.

    • Bake a cookie he likes and mail it in with a note mentioning how much you love this person.
    • Choose a gift that will remind a friend of you and send it along with a card.
    • Choose something that will make your friend laugh: a funny postcard, an old photo of you fooling around together, or something similar. Pick something that will make your friend smile.

    Distract a friend

    1. Walk together. A change of scenery can help a friend take his mind off negative thoughts. Walk around your neighborhood, looking for something new, unusual, or interesting.

      • Move the conversation to another topic. Instead of talking about the problem for hours, talk about the color of the sky or the strange smell you're smelling. Observe the animals and your surroundings.
    2. Organize a movie screening. Movies and TV shows will distract a friend from experiences at least for a while.

      • Don't watch sad movies. If a friend's father died of cancer, avoid movies that mention cancer or where one of the characters' parents dies. If a girl left a friend, you should not watch movies about relationships. Choose a light and interesting movie.
    3. Fool around. This is a great way to take your mind off the pain and make your friend smile. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter makes you feel better physical health so laugh to feel good.

      • Return to childhood. Turn into angels by throwing white sheets over yourself. Try to talk with distorted voices. Or instead of walking normally, try jumping.
      • Engage in fun creativity, draw portraits of each other or write funny poems.
    4. Do something new for you. Something new and unusual will distract a person. In addition, he will feel happier. Your friend will think of something new to him and will not focus on his problem.

      • Join the gym together, do needlework or gardening. You can also take up painting.
      • Do not impose something new on a person without first asking him if he wants to do it. This can upset him even more, and you don't want that at all.
    5. Help someone along with a friend. Helping others reduces stress, encourages you to be more compassionate, and increases resilience. The person who is experiencing better times, needs it all.

      • Become a volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to do something for the benefit of society, help someone and participate in something important. Do charity work, help a homeless animal shelter or organizations that feed the needy. Read to children or help in a nursing home.
      • Try to cheer up a mutual friend together. Often, joint efforts give a positive result - a person calms down, because he sees what problems others have.
      • Do something nice for someone. You can cook food for another friend or make a card with your own hands.
    6. Take a trip. This is a great way to distract a friend from his problem. Travel involves new places and sights that can interest your friend and distract him from misfortune.

      • You can go on a long trip: tour Europe or hike the John Muir Trail.
      • You can also choose to take a shorter trip: go to the beach for the weekend, go mountain climbing, or go on an excursion to a nearby town.

    Avoid common mistakes

    1. Let a friend be sad. No need to say such phrases: "You should cheer up." This is about the worst thing you can say to a frustrated person, especially if they are struggling with depression and anxiety at the same time. By saying this phrase, you are telling the person to stop being sad. If you ask someone to stop being sad, it will be a reflection of your feelings (you feel bad because your friend is feeling bad), not the friend's feelings. You will actually say that your discomfort with his sadness is more important than his grief. If you are a true friend, you should not do this. Let your friend be sad if he feels that way.

      • No need to tell a person what he should feel and what not; Everyone has the right to feel and express emotions.
    2. Don't avoid talking to your friend. You may not know what to say when you meet a friend who is in trouble. But this is no reason to avoid a friend. Instead, think about what you can say to cheer up your friend. In most cases, simply saying, “I’m sorry this happened to you is enough. How can I help you?"

    3. Focus on your friend's problem. Don't take the conversation to yourself. This mistake is often made by many people. It seems to you that you are talking to a person about his problem, but in fact you are talking about yourself.

      • When communicating with a friend, you should not tell stories from your life, emphasizing that you had a similar situation in your life and you successfully coped with it.
      • For example, don't say something like, "I know what it's like to be abandoned. Do you remember how Andrei left me in front of everyone? I felt so bad then, but I survived it. In recent months, I feel quite calm."
      • Better say this: "I know that you are in pain. It will definitely get better with time, but now it is not easy for you. I will be there if you need something."
      1. Take care of yourself. If you take a friend's emotions and problems too personally, then chances are you're feeling stressed too. In this case, you need a rest. You may experience emotional exhaustion. So be aware of your limits. Don't be overprotective of your friend. There is a difference between just being a support and taking care of someone close to you in everything.

        • If your friend keeps calling you asking for help, learn to say no if circumstances don't allow you to help him. You have many other important responsibilities. Say, "I know you're not feeling well right now and need support. I care about you and really want to help. But I want you to respect my time too, I won't be able to see you today. Let's reschedule our meeting for the weekend." .
        • Call a service that can help your friend.
        • If you think your friend is about to commit suicide, call the national hotline on suicide prevention.
      • You can't always cheer up your friend. Sometimes you need to give a person the opportunity to mourn. Most importantly, your friend must know that you are ready to support him when he needs it.

It is unbearable to watch how your friend or girlfriend is moping, does not see the light at the end of the tunnel, and generally experiences confusion and “sadness” of being.

In order to cheer up and cheer up a friend, there is a few common phrases. Say them from time to time to your friend or girlfriend and you will see for yourself how his (her) mood will change!

Take a philosophical look, shrug your shoulders and say: in fact, everything in this world is nothing. The heaviest is the blue whale.

Take the posture of Confucius and, looking up, say: everything can be explained very intelligibly. The best teacher is experience. But it will cost a lot.

While walking: don't go with things if they're not going well.

Smile and communicate that time is not considered lost if it is lost with pleasure.

Take a fighting left-handed stance and, striking with your hands in front of you, shout out: crush with your positive that which is angry or swears at you.

Sit down, saying: thank you to everyone I met along the way - you made my life a little more beautiful. And then stand up abruptly with the words: many thanks to those who left my life - thanks to you, it has become simply wonderful!

Look at the photo of the yacht and say: you can’t buy happiness, but you can get closer to it on a yacht.


Watching a friend struggle with difficulties can be very difficult. He could face anything: death loved one, illness, separation, or simply poor grades in school. It is not always possible to cheer up a person, but there are things that will help him understand that you are always ready to be there and that you want to distract him from pain.

Method 1 of 3: Be there

Listen to a friend. This is one of the most important things that will ease the suffering of a person, whether it be a separation, the death of a parent, or failing an exam. Active participation will let the person know that you care about them and that you hear them. Often, understanding that you have been heard is valued much more than anything else.

  • When listening to a person, do not be distracted by anything. Don't look at your phone, don't talk to other people.
  • Look the person in the eye. Don't stare straight ahead - just remember that eye contact indicates interest. This will also keep you from getting distracted.

Let your friend cry. When a person experiences something painful, he needs to release emotions and give vent to feelings, no matter what bothers him.

  • If a friend bursts into tears in an unsafe or crowded place, try to take them to a secluded area. For example, if this happened in a store, take him outside to the car or to the toilet.
  • Tell your friend that they can call you any time they feel they are having a hard time. For people who have recently lost a loved one or are experiencing their grief too emotionally, this is especially important.

Reassure the person with touch. Touch has its own language, and it can explain to a person that you are near and that he is safe with you. But first, ask the person if they want it, because not all people are good at touching.

  • Hugs are very important. They can be soothing, so if your friend is upset and struggling to contain his feelings, hugging him or just touching his arm or leg will help him.
  • Touch is especially important for people who have lost a loved one (due to separation or death). They will feel the loss of a person very keenly, even in physical sense and touch will help them cope with pain.

Learn empathy, not sympathy. Empathy is when you care about the pain that a person feels, and do not feel it with him. Learn to feel the other person's emotions.

  • For example, your friend Masha's husband died. Sympathy is expressed like this: "Poor thing, I'm so sorry that you lost your husband." Empathy is expressed as follows: "Masha, I understand how you feel, and I know how you loved your husband."

Relieve a friend of some responsibilities. When a person experiences strong emotions, it can be difficult for him to do his usual activities. Tell a friend that you are ready to help him, and take on some of his tasks - this will make his life easier.

  • You can cook food or help with cleaning the apartment. It is for cleaning that most often there is no strength left in difficult times.
  • Invite a friend to go to the store for him or take him to the doctor's appointment.
  • Offer to help with schoolwork and homework, or bring a friend's favorite food to class.

Give your friend small gifts. This will remind him that there are people who care about him. This is especially important if you live on the other side of the country or in another country. You may not always be physically there, but you can make sure that a friend does not suffer alone.

  • Bake a cookie your friend likes and mail it with a note.
  • If your friend has recently lost a loved one, write him a letter and tell him what this person meant to you. People love to hear stories about those they care about because it revives the memory of those who have passed away.
  • If the person is going through a breakup, send them something to cheer them up: a funny card or story, an old photo of you fooling around together, or something similar.

Method 2 of 3: Distract a friend

Pamper him. A person in pain needs to be taken care of. That is your task! Let your friend know how much you care about them and how much you want them to feel better by doing something nice for them.

  • Invite him to a cafe or cook dinner yourself. You can go somewhere and eat high-calorie food, which usually calms.
  • Spend a day at the spa if you are girls. Even if you do not have the money for professional treatments, you can do it at home. Buy manicure and pedicure kits and make face masks.

Go for a walk. A change of scenery can distract a person from sad thoughts. Walk around your neighborhood, looking for something new, unusual, or interesting.

  • Move the conversation to something else. Instead of talking about the problem for hours, talk about the color of the sky or the strange smell you're smelling.

Set up a movie screening. Movies and TV shows will distract a friend from experiences at least for a while. Watch a movie at home by making popcorn or buying candy.

  • Don't watch sad movies. If a friend's father died of cancer, avoid movies that mention cancer or where one of the characters' parents dies. If a girl left a friend, you should not watch movies about relationships.

Do something new together. Something new and unusual will distract a person, because he will think about something unusual and will not dwell on what haunts him.

  • Do not impose something new on a person without first asking him if he wants it. This can upset him even more, and you don’t want that at all.

Help someone together. Helping others calms down, increases empathy, and builds resilience. A person who is going through hard times needs all this.

  • Become a volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to do something for the benefit of society, help someone and participate in something important. Do charity work, help a homeless animal shelter or other organizations.
  • Try to cheer up a mutual friend together. Often, joint efforts give a positive result - a person calms down, because he sees what problems others have.
  • Do something nice for someone. You can cook a meal for another friend (both of you will love it), help him with cleaning or homework.

Go somewhere. Traveling helps to unwind and relax. New places captivate a person and make him forget about his grief.

  • You can go on a long journey: on a tour of Europe or in the mountains.
  • You can do something less ambitious: go to the river on the weekend, ride around the nearest cities just like that.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid common mistakes

Don't tell your friend that they just need to cheer up. This is about the worst thing you can say to a frustrated person, especially if they are struggling with depression and anxiety at the same time. By saying this phrase, you are telling the person to stop being sad.

  • Remember that people are free to feel what they want. If they try to put a smile on their face, although they still feel sad inside, they will only get worse.
  • If you ask someone to stop being sad, it will be a reflection of your feelings (you feel bad because your friend is feeling bad), not the friend's feelings. You will actually say that your discomfort with his sadness is more important than his grief. If you are a true friend, you should not do this.

Don't take the conversation to yourself. This mistake is often made by many people. It seems to you that you are talking to a person about his problem, but in fact you are talking about yourself.

  • You can give an example from your own experience, but do not take the entire conversation to yourself.
  • For example, you can't say something like this: "I know what it's like to be abandoned. Do you remember how Andrey abandoned me in front of everyone? I felt so bad then, but I survived it. In recent months, I feel quite calm."
  • The thought should be formulated as follows: "I know that you are in pain. Over time, it will definitely become easier, but now it will be difficult. I will be there, no matter what you need."
  • Ask questions that will encourage the person to talk about themselves, and don't overwhelm them with information about their past. If a friend is talking about a breakup, ask how he feels and what help he needs from you, and do not explain to him what is happening to him and how you felt in a similar situation.

Do not give advice unless you are asked for it. Very often people do not want advice, especially if they just need to talk. They usually need someone to listen to them and know what they are going through.

  • Don't say, "I know your cat is dead. Maybe you should go to an animal shelter and get yourself a new cat? Many animals need a new home." With this advice, you will devalue the feelings of a person who has just lost a loved one.
  • It's better to say this: "I'm so sorry that your cat died. I know that you loved him very much. If there is anything I can do for you, just tell me."

Know when to suggest seeing a psychologist. Often people can't deal with their emotions on their own. In such cases, a friend may advise seeking help from a psychotherapist. There is nothing wrong with this, especially when it comes to divorce, the death of loved ones or illness.

  • Look for signs of depression: inability to concentrate and remember details, difficulty making decisions, lack of energy, insomnia or excessive sleep, sad and anxious thoughts or feelings of emptiness, physical pain and other health problems that cannot be treated, and thoughts and talks about suicide, feelings of helplessness and worthlessness.
  • When it comes to a psychotherapist, do not tell the person that he is sick and that he needs help. Say something like, "I know you're having a hard time, so I think you might want to try reaching out to someone who can help. Remember that I'll always be there."


  • It can be hard to find the right words when a friend is suffering. Very often, just saying that you are always ready to be there is enough.
  • If you feel like you're taking a friend's emotions and problems too personally, take a break from talking. Being a person who is constantly turned to for emotional support is difficult - it's draining. Make sure your friend has other people they can turn to.


  • It is not always possible to cheer up a person. Sometimes you just need to let a friend mourn. Just make sure your friend understands that you care about him and are ready to help at any moment.