List of good habits to change your life. You can't do it alone. Habits that improve your physical health

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In order for global positive changes to occur in our lives, sometimes it is enough just to reconsider our lifestyle. During the day, we perform many actions automatically, so why not turn them into good habits? It is not always difficult and boring.

website collected for you 10 simple healthy habits that change your life for the better.

1. Start your day with a glass of lemon water

Make it a habit to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper every day. This ritual will kick-start your metabolism by the time you start eating breakfast. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, it will increase your microbicidal immunity, and cayenne pepper will speed up an already running metabolism. In addition, thanks to this simple action, after some time, the condition of the skin is seriously improved. The action is simple, the benefits are enormous.

2. Wipe your face with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile

Another useful morning habit is to wipe your face with ice from a decoction of chamomile. This will help to forget about facial wrinkles, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin. Immediately after the procedure, instead of morning swelling, a fresh blush will appear on the face, and the skin will become velvety.

3. Carry snacks with you

Unhealthy snacking is the enemy of a healthy lifestyle. It would seem that there is nothing difficult in not eating harmful bars and cookies, but the statistics say otherwise. To reduce the temptation to snack on junk food between meals, carry a few healthy snacks with you. Your healthy snack can be fruits, cereals, yoghurts. The habit of snacking on snacks that do not consist of fast carbohydrates will significantly affect your weight in a month.

4. Floss

The condition of the teeth is closely related to the health of the body, scientists have even proven the connection of teeth with cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the use of dental floss must be included in oral care. It allows you to clean the space between the teeth from large food debris and remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.

5. Eat an apple after meals

It is desirable to brush your teeth every time after eating, but, of course, this is not always possible. There is a very simple and delicious solution. Eat an apple after your meal. So you clean the mouth of food debris, improve blood circulation in the gums and normalize the acidity in the mouth. Love fresh vegetables and fruits, and you will never have to suffer from periodontal disease.

6. Take a contrast shower every day.

Just a few minutes of this beneficial procedure every day will bring huge health benefits. Thanks to the contrast shower, we strengthen the nervous system and blood vessels. In addition, a contrast shower is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

7. Put a bottle of water on your desk

Most people don't even notice that they are dehydrated. If you decide that you need to healthy lifestyle life, the first thing you should do is drink more clean water. Tea, coffee, soft drinks do not count. Carry a bottle of water with you and put one on your desk. So you will drink more without making any special effort. For greater effect, set yourself a reminder on your phone - drink at least a couple of sips every hour.

8. Eat nuts

Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Any you like. Thanks to fatty acids omega-3 they strengthen the cardiovascular system, hair and nails. Nuts also contain selenium, antioxidants, vitamin E, plant sterols (substances that lower bad cholesterol), potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. In short, it is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

9. Get yourself socks for sleep

In summer they can be cotton, and in winter - woolen. Before going to bed, after taking a shower, generously lubricate your feet with coconut oil with the addition of a few drops of mint. Massage, let the oil soak in a little, then put on your socks and go to bed. This procedure will please you right away: in the morning your legs will become soft and tender, and in a month you won’t even remember the rough skin on your heels.

10. Read every day

Reading should be made into an absolute habit. Reading improves your memory logical thinking, imagination. Regular reading has been shown to slow (or even prevent) Alzheimer's and dementia. To get used to reading faster, spread books everywhere: in the toilet, in the kitchen, under the bed. Put the book in your bag. So you can read on public transport or when you are waiting for a friend in a cafe. If you are just starting to develop the habit of reading, read for 15-20 minutes, then increase the duration.

Any habit you have - good or bad - powerfully affects the quality of your life and actually shapes it. If you are dissatisfied with the way your every day goes, and you feel out of place, analyze your habits. Do you want change in better side? Then try to instill in yourself the following 25 actions that will gradually transform your world, making it brighter, better and richer.

1. Read at least one book a month.

2. Write down your goals at the beginning of each week and each month.

3. Measure and track these goals throughout the year - look each goal in the eye and be honest with yourself about what you did and what you could do better.

4. Don't eat meat one day a week.

5. Turn your phone on silent when you eat in the company of a person(s) you like.

6. Talk to someone you trust when you're in pain, even if you don't think the pain is significant.

7. Take walks when you can, where you can.

8. Do everything in your power to be considerate of other people.

9. Say yes to what scares you if you know it will actually benefit you.

10. Write every day in a notebook, realizing that this is just a tool to get your thoughts out of your head and move them onto a piece of paper.

11. Be aware of your emotions, and do not perceive them as a silent interlocutor whom you ignore and hardly notice.

12. Listen more but speak less. Forgive yourself if you fail and then try again.

13. Look at something other than your phone screen (laptop, TV) before falling asleep. It could be a book, a window, your partner, a pet, a ceiling, anything that can bring you back to the world of reality that you are going to rest in for the next eight hours.

14. Treat sleep as an absolute necessity and give it priority. Do not be proud of the fact that you work hard and sleep little.

15. Pay attention to the factors that help you work effectively. Do you need music? Do you need silence? Do you need a window? Do you need regular breaks every 45 minutes? Capture these moments and constantly include them in your routine.

16. Talk to strangers from time to time. Chat with a taxi driver, a waiter, just a passerby. Sometimes this interaction can be very pleasant and educational.

17. When you set a new goal and are enthusiastic about it, tell someone about it. If you voice your desire, it becomes more real and tangible.

18. Practice mindful thinking when you need to tune in to school, work, or just calm down and relax a bit.

19. Pay attention to how many meaningless things you do and how much time you spend on them. Stop and cross them off your to-do list. The more you try to catch yourself in these unnecessary activities, the less you will do them.

20. When you want to rest, mentally and emotionally switch to this state. Don't "relax" by checking emails, doing "little things" at work, or planning an upcoming trip. Get ready to relax completely. Let it be the only thing you do.

21. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, confident and, of course, like yourself. Don't chase fashion.

22. Open your mail. Respond to what requires your response and delete anything that is not needed. Do it immediately. Decisively. For good.

23. Tell others that you are proud of them, grateful for them, and inspired by them. People need to know that you appreciate them.

24. Make every decision you make (even the smallest) based on your principle of always being an honest and whole person.

25. Think about where you were a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago. Wake up every morning with a sense of pride in yourself and the path that you have already traveled.

To make the positive changes you want in your life, you need to change your habits. First of all daily. This is one of the main secrets.

In one of my articles, I talked about the habits that destroy us (). If you have not met her, it is advisable to do this, since this article is a continuation of the topic.

But there is also a reverse "creative" way. The path of conscious formation in oneself of useful habits that bring you strength, success, prosperity.

In this article, we will look at daily habits. This is all that can / should be done every day of God. The main components of success in this case are regularity and constancy. It is desirable to do these actions every day, it does not matter whether it is a weekday or a weekend. With small but regular efforts, we create big positive changes and our lives really begin to change literally "before our eyes".

Do not try to introduce all the good habits described below into your life at once. Only the most "inveterate superheroes" can do this :). You can choose one or more and start with them, then gradually add new ones.

Those habits that are listed in this article, I gradually introduced into my life for 2 years.

Of course, there can be many more useful daily habits than those described by me. You will be able to choose new ones for yourself and introduce them into your life. I'm just describing my personal experience.

If you follow all the recommendations-habits outlined in the article every day, it will take about 2.5-3 hours. Do you think a lot? In fact, your "Time Killer" habits take up many more precious hours and minutes from you. Therefore, it is enough just to redistribute efforts :)

I can't help but quote my favorite saying in this connection:

"We make ourselves either strong or miserable - the amount of effort is the same" (K. Castaneda)

And not just effort. The amount of time is also the same.

Here is a map of all the habits that will be discussed in the article:

So let's get started. To get started, the first group of 10 habits that will make you healthy and alert. I have already written about many in one way or another, but it is not superfluous to repeat about important things.

Physical and mental health, tone, energy

1. Don't eat before bed. The habit of not eating before bed will be one of the guardians of your health. It is best to completely limit the consumption of food after 19-00.

3. Drink more water throughout the day. Minimum 1.5 liters. Teas, juices and other drinks are not a substitute.

4. Go in for sports. Or go to the gym. If that doesn't work, you can just start running. At least 2-3 times a week, at least half an hour.

5. Try not to get angry or slander. Watch your thoughts and words. Develop the habit of mental counting to 10 if you want to "break loose". The law of attraction works in the world. And the more negativity comes from you, the more it will come into your life.

6. Do a comprehensive morning routine. Right after getting up. It consists of four actions: cleaning, teeth, cleaning the tongue, drinking a glass of warm, clean, unboiled water with a little lemon juice, and a contrast shower.

The contrast shower method is very simple: start with warm water, then hot, then cold, then hot again, and so alternate hot and cold several times. Finish with cold water and then rub with a terry towel. The degree of contrast should be gradually increased.

7. Do at least a small set of exercises in the morning. I have "6 magical exercises" from yoga as a mandatory minimum (four for the spine, a "candle" and standing on one leg with eyes closed). Someday I'll make a separate post about it.

8. Practice relaxation or meditation. This should be done after all morning exercises. And this is a very important habit. In fact, in the modern urban rhythm, we have completely forgotten how to relax and are almost always tense. And tensions and clamps systematically destroy us. Even 10 minutes of daily relaxation will have the most wonderful effect on your nervous system, tone, health.

Turn on quiet music. Sit cross-legged in Turkish (if you can and it’s comfortable for you - it’s better in the lotus or half-lotus position) and be sure to lean your back on a hard surface, such as a wall (otherwise you won’t be able to relax normally). You can just lie on your back, on a flat and fairly hard surface (not a thick carpet is good). Breathe freely. Gradually you will become more and more relaxed. After the session, massage the corners of the eyes and rotate the eyeballs 8 times clockwise and back. On the technique of relaxation and meditation, there will also be a separate detailed post soon.

10. Try to walk more. Give up the car if the distances are not very large, give up the elevators. Walk more outdoors, especially in parks, near water bodies, etc.

The next group of 10 habits will make you a quality different person. They develop thinking, memory, increase your stock of knowledge, contribute to broadening your horizons and acquiring new skills and competencies.

For this group of good habits, I often use a smartphone. In my opinion, this is generally an ideal tool for self-development, if used with benefit, and not for entertainment.

Personal effectiveness and self-development

11. Learn a foreign language. Set aside 15 minutes each day for learning foreign language. In addition to the immediate benefits, expressed in the progressive knowledge of the language, this is also a very good training of the brain and memory. I usually do this right when I arrive at work, "while the laptop is loading" :)

Make it a practice to learn 2-3 new words every day, do grammar exercises and a listening exercise. I use my smartphone for teaching. For me, the best choice was 3 applications from Axidep: "Polyglot", "Words", "Listening" (there are both on Google Play and on the AppStore).

12. Take notes. Constantly write down your ideas, thoughts, as well as everything useful and interesting in a notebook. I use the very handy Evernote cloud notebook for this. It is indeed a very powerful and handy tool. You can very quickly and conveniently add to it not only your notes and thoughts, but also various useful articles and other materials found on the net. To do this, I recommend using a special Clearly extension for browsers.

13. Listen to audio books. Now there are no problems downloading and installing almost any audio books on a smartphone or player. I listen to such books every day at any time: when I'm driving, when I'm in traffic jams, when I'm walking, when I'm waiting for someone or something, etc. What kind of books to listen to? In my opinion, they are useful: books about entrepreneurship, books on self-development, famous classics, etc. In a week I manage to “read” one or two books in this way. It will be more useful to learn if you outline the key thoughts from each book in a notebook.

14. Watch helpful movies and videos. Give yourself half an hour to watch useful films and videos every day. The subject matter is the same as I have for audio books. You can watch 2-3 films per week. A lot of useful videos can be found on Youtube (of course, not in the tops :).

15. Plan your day. The most important things for the day are best planned in the evening of the previous day. In the morning - the final planning. Keep track of what you've done throughout the day. Again, to speed up and simplify the process, I recommend using specialized programs. My choice was the MLO program and its mobile application of the same name.

16. Don't put off what is done quickly. Everything that can be done within 2-10 minutes, get used to doing it right away, without putting it off. There are many such tasks that can come up every day, and when they accumulate, they then require much more effort and time.

18. Follow the news on carefully selected resources. As I said in the article about bad habits, in general, news is evil. Especially formats like Life-News or Vkontakte feeds. But if you approach the process correctly, they can bring a lot of benefits. First of all, you need to keep track of the news of those industries that you are involved in or that are of potential interest to you. For effective reading, so as not to be distracted by anything superfluous, you can either customize the RSS feed for yourself or customize any simpler aggregator like Anews.

19. Keep track of income and expenses. Yes, the most difficult habit for me... Now I'm forming it for the third time, twice "broke" :) But, as my partner, a very successful and rich person, put it: "Money - does not tolerate negligence." If you want to take control of your finances and create conditions for a constant increase in wealth, you have to do it. Record income and expenses daily. Analyze and optimize expense items, etc. There are many programs and mobile applications to automate this process. I am using RiseMoney.

20. Make time for family and friends. Always, every day, try to make time in your schedule for people close to you. Call, meet, talk, plan, play with kids, etc.

Good luck in forming good habits! If you have additions or questions to the article, I will be happy to listen and answer them in the comments.

This and other topics are covered in more detail in my books in the Phoenix Code. Life-Changing Technologies series.

Everyone knows that small steps will soon help you achieve your desired goal. Another thing is if you introduce into your life difficult habits that are difficult to perform.

They may change your life, but these changes will be given to you with great difficulty. Besides reverse side such severe changes will be an increase in stress levels, which can negatively affect your health.

But what if you fill your life with tiny, but very effective habits? Extensive psychological research recently conducted by Stanford scientists has shown that big changes in life are possible by introducing small but very effective habits into it.

Here they are, 25 habits of successful people. Practice them regularly and after 2-3 weeks you will see changes not only on the mental, but also on the physical level. In addition, your attitude to work, others, and to the whole world as a whole will change.

Habits that improve your physical health:

1. Start your morning with a glass of water. Have you ever focused on how many liters of water (not tea or coffee, but ordinary water) you drink per day? So, as soon as you get out of bed, be sure to drink a glass of water. Thus, you will not only start all the digestive processes in the body, but also cleanse the body of toxins, speed up the metabolism, and restore the fluid balance in the body.

2. Get off a few stops early. You can do this either before work (if you have time) or after. Remember that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects our physical health.

3. Don't forget about raw vegetables and fruits. Each meal should be supplemented with vitamins, plant foods. Not only will you get a lot of nutrients, but you will also help your body lose weight, reduce hunger, and stock up on energy for the whole day.

4. Take a break every hour. Set a timer on your mobile. As soon as he informs you that an hour has passed, do not hesitate to get up from your desk. Walk around the office, go down the stairs to the first floor, go outside - do whatever you want, but don't sit.

5. Nuts to help you. As soon as you feel hungry and want something to eat, do not rush to reach for harmful sweets and cookies. For such an occasion, there should always be nuts in your purse that will help satisfy your hunger and energize you.

Habits that improve your mental health:

1. Ask open-ended questions (these are questions that can be answered extensively using own feelings, knowledge). Avoid questions to which the interviewee can answer yes or no. During the conversation, try to formulate your questions like the following: "What do you think about ...?", "Tell me about your...". Such questions are one of better ways making and building relationships with people.

2. Get creative. Let there always be a glass of colored pencils or a box of paints in front of your eyes. Immerse yourself in childhood and sometimes draw something plain. Creativity is a kind of fitness for the brain, and so that it does not get used to the same type of activity, draw every week or monthly not with pencils, but, for example, with pastels. Cut something out of paper, make origami and more.

3. Sit quietly. If you want, you can meditate. The main thing is to sit silently for a couple of minutes a day. Do nothing, think of nothing. Let your brain rest.

4. End your day right. Before going to bed, write in a notebook everything that you have accumulated for the whole day. Do not reread, do not cross out anything. Most importantly, don't keep it to yourself. Studies show that this habit will help reduce anxiety, relieve depressive states. Don't want to write? Turn on the voice recorder.

5. Create a personal mantra. Try to come up with a special phrase. I can calm you right down. Call it an affirmation, a mantra, or something else. The main thing is that it be effective. As soon as you feel yourself seething with anger, say to yourself something like: “Everything passes. This too will pass. I am stronger than all of this. It's not even worth my little finger."

Habits that increase your productivity and efficiency:

1. Become a hero. If you have a difficult business meeting or work on a difficult project, imagine what your favorite superhero would do in such a situation or it could be a famous historical figure. So, will he be up to the challenge? Will he be scared or calm? This habit will help you get rid of all those unnecessary experiences over time. negative emotions that hinder success.

2. End of the working day. Before you go home, take 5 minutes of your time to write down all your achievements and failures today in a notebook. Divide the list into two columns. Pay attention to what took the most time. In this way, you will be able to understand what distracts you from work and makes you a less productive person.

3. Turn off notifications. When getting started, put your mobile away, close unnecessary tabs in your browser. Nothing should distract your attention. It is very hard for our brain to work in multitasking mode, and therefore every 30 minutes you should not go to Facebook and update the news feed. A person, without realizing it, spends about 40% of his time doing unnecessary things.

4. Don't rush to answer. If your colleagues offer you to go to an exhibition of contemporary art, do not rush to agree or, conversely, refuse. Best Answer: Thank you. I'll look at my diary and give you an answer later." Thus, you will be able to weigh all the pros and cons, to understand whether it is worth going. The main thing is not to cut off the shoulder and not to give quick answers.

5. Think about your goals. Take 5 minutes a day to analyze what you want to achieve in your career. Visualize the result, imagine how you achieve what you want.

Habits that improve relationships:

1. Text, call, email at least one friend or family member every day. Of course, it is not easy to always keep in touch with people close to you. Many don't even understand the importance of the 5-minute investment in a relationship. But as a result of such an investment, we get strong friendship, no resentment against each other and support at any time of the day.

2. Compose a weekly thank you letter. This exercise should be done exclusively for yourself. In a calm atmosphere, write a letter, ostensibly, addressing all those who have influenced your life, tell them everything that you would tell in person. Interestingly, the ability to be grateful reduces the amount of fear in life.

3. End the day with words of gratitude or encouragement. Just say to yourself what you are grateful for, what you have achieved today. If you have a significant other, let her know how much you appreciate her, how grateful you are for each other.

4. Develop the ability to listen and hear. Learn not to interrupt your interlocutor. Give him a chance to speak. Thus, you will let him know that this conversation is valuable to you, you value his opinion.

5. Don't rush to live. Have you noticed that we all fly somewhere all the time, trying to achieve what we want? This increases the level of stress, undermines our health. That is why at least once a week you need to give yourself the opportunity to relax without looking at the clock. In addition, allow yourself to be alone with your own "I". In addition, constant contact with people is great, but it can take energy from us and can lead to emotional burnout. That is why, in order not to become a misanthrope, not to worsen the quality of your life, it is important to give yourself a timeout and isolate yourself from the outside world for at least a few minutes.

Habits that help change attitudes towards society and the environment:

1. Take a short walk around your house and pick up trash. Sounds terrifying, right? This daily or weekly ritual will help you change your attitude towards what you see every day. No wonder they say that global changes in the world start small. Who knows, maybe you will become a role model?

2. Say hello to your neighbors. Create a friendly environment around you. Don't forget that how we treat society is how it treats us. Now you greeted your neighbor, tomorrow a conversation will start. In a week you will realize that this is very interesting companion, and a month later he will call and ask if you need to buy something in the store or maybe you don’t feel well and you need to walk the dog.

3. Travel. This is a great way to open up new perspectives in life. Howard Schultz traveled around Europe and literally fell in love with local coffeeshops. Do you know what happened next? He opened Starbucks.

4. Some charity. You don't have to give your entire salary to the poor. Just one day buy a stick of sausage for a homeless grandmother or build a booth for cats that constantly spend the night under cars at your entrance. If you wish, you can transfer at least $1 each month to certain charitable foundations. Making the world a better place is easier than it might seem at first glance.

5. Remember people's names. If you address others by name, they will in turn respond with great enthusiasm and dedication. By saying someone's name, you show that you care that you single out that person and acknowledge them.

We have always been inspired by the stories of successful people. However, more often than not, we live routine and ordinary lives, not trying to change anything in order to achieve the same results. This article lists 10 habits of successful people that will help change your life for the better.

Sleep habit

It is a mistake to assume that the longer a person sits at work, the more effective the result will be. Instead of a great result, the “workaholic” becomes irritable, tired and in a bad mood. Timely decision-making on the quality and duration of sleep can affect health, beauty and performance. Believe me, the effect will be noticeable in a few days.

Such an action as a smile can bring a lot of good things into your life. First, relationships with relatives, colleagues and friends will improve markedly. Secondly, you will feel more attractive, which will increase your overall mood. And thirdly, resistance to stress will increase.

Bring order to your life, the habit of planning will help. You need to start small. For example, you can try to plan your day. After that, start planning for a month, a year, a lifetime. Thus, you will move in small steps towards the previously set goal.

It is necessary to develop the habit of resting both after a hard day and after working week. A rested person copes with problems much faster, and also has increased efficiency.

Dreams will help direct positive energy to the implementation of the plan. Revealing your creative potential, a person begins to look at life differently.

Agree, it is quite difficult to abruptly start getting up early in the morning, so you need to gradually adjust the schedule of sleep and wakefulness to early awakening. Many successful people start their day quite early, explaining that productivity is more often in the morning than in the evening.

Starting to make excuses to someone, a person feels guilty. This gives rise to negative thoughts and emotions. The habit of not making excuses to anyone will help you become more calm, balanced, and also improve relationships with people around you.

Anyone can develop every day. For this, there are books, trainings, courses, the Internet, etc. Even taking a small step towards self-development every day, you can achieve certain goals.