How to make a rainbow at home, or decomposition of white light into a spectrum. How to create a rainbow at home Making a rainbow with children

Maria Savchenko


Every person at least once in his life admired a natural miracle - rainbow. Many people have probably noticed that rainbow usually appears after rain. I have seen many times rainbow I wanted to know what is rainbow and how it appears, is it possible to get rainbow artificially at home.

Purpose of the study: find out if you can get rainbow at home.

Object of study - a natural phenomenon rainbow.

Subject of study - types rainbows and the possibility of obtaining them artificially.

Research problem:How create different types rainbows at home?

Research objectives:

1. Find out what is rainbow as she appears.

2. what kinds rainbows exist in nature and whether it is possible to obtain them artificially.

3. Deliver rainbow experiments at home.


Let's pretend that you can get a rainbow if you replace the solar rays:

1. artificial light - a lamp,

2. using water and felt-tip pens.

3. with the help of sweets "Skytels"

my chosen experiments will allow you to see the rainbow at home.

Basic Methods Keywords: study of literature, observation, experiment.

1. Relevance:

How does it appear rainbow?

Even with the older groups I know the saying “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting. By the initial letters of these sayings, I remembered the names and sequence of colors of such an unusual and beautiful natural phenomenon as rainbow. Why does such a beautiful, and even color picture appear in the air? We searched for the answer to this question together with my teacher in the encyclopedia, the Internet, watched educational cartoons about rainbow. We learned that rainbow can be seen near waterfalls, fountains sprayed by a watering machine.

Conclusion: rainbow appears in sunny weather during rain, when the sun's rays pass through raindrops.

2. What kinds rainbows exist.

I saw in the encyclopedia rainbow, I decided to find out what else rainbows exist.

Winter rainbow- a very rare phenomenon, because the refraction of sunlight occurs not in water droplets, but in ice crystals.

hazy or white rainbow

It appears when the sun's rays illuminate a weak fog, consisting of small droplets.

Red rainbow

In the last five or ten minutes before sunset, all the colors rainbows, except for red, begin to disappear and, finally, only one red arc remains.

Practical part

Rainbow is a miracle of nature. Is it possible create this miracle yourself, at home? I decided to give it a try and did some experiments with my tutor.

Experience No. 1« Creating a rainbow at home»

Experience progress:

I used: rectangular tray, plain water, mirror, table lamp. I poured some water into the tray, lowered a mirror into it at a slight inclination. The beam of light from the lamp was directed to the part of the mirror immersed in water.

By adjusting the tilt of the mirror, on a white sheet of cardboard I got this rainbow.

Conclusion: As a result, a reflection of all colors appeared on the cardboard rainbows, we were able to get rainbow in"home" conditions. (Appendix No. 1)

Experience No. 2 Growing rainbow

Material: plastic cup, napkin, water, markers

Experience progress:

I used a glass of water.

The napkin was folded vertically several times so that a narrow rectangle was obtained.

Then on the rectangle you need to put large dots with each color of the felt-tip pen. A line of colored dots should form. Then the napkin is placed in a glass of water.

Conclusion: water quickly rises up the napkin, painting the entire long piece of the napkin with colored stripes, in the form rainbows. (Appendix No. 2)

Experience #3For this experience I took the CD and pointed it at the sunbeam. The rainbow just appeared. I started to change the position of the disk and put it on the table. Suddenly, a huge rainbow.

Conclusion: One more i got a rainbow when pointing the disc at a white surface. (Appendix No. 3)

Experience No. 4 Candy Rainbow"Skytels"

Material: water, Skytels sweets.

move experience: On a white plate, sweets are laid out in a circle. Then pour warm water into the middle of the plate so as to slightly wet the sweets and wait, a miracle will happen in a few seconds! Candies begin to melt and give color to the water, multi-colored strips of water are obtained in the form rainbows.

Conclusion: the water dissolved the paint on the candy and it turned out rainbow.

(Appendix No. 4)


My experiments have shown that rainbow it is very easy to do it yourself at home, using instead of sunlight a beam of light from an ordinary table lamp or flashlight, as well as using water and even ordinary candies.

The tasks set in our study were fulfilled. The hypothesis was confirmed. We learned how create a rainbow at home have carried out experiments, different ways; told our children groups about our study, showed them experiments.

Guys, try to experiment yourself and get rainbow at home.

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Experimental activities in the preparatory group "How to create a rainbow at home" Every person at least once in his life admired a natural miracle - a rainbow. Many, probably, noticed that the rainbow, as a rule, appears.

The rainbow hung like a multi-colored rocker,
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Every person at least once in his life admired a natural miracle - a rainbow.

Many have probably noticed that the rainbow usually appears after the rain.

I have seen a rainbow many times, and always this phenomenon delighted me. Last summer, my parents and I walked around the city. The weather was sunny, but suddenly it began to rain: warm, finely drizzling. It stopped as quickly as it started, and literally immediately we all saw a rainbow in the sky.

I wanted to know what a rainbow is and how it appears.

Purpose of the study: determine what is the relationship between rain, sun and the appearance of a rainbow, and whether it is possible to get a rainbow at home.

Object of study- natural phenomenon rainbow.

Subject of study- the origin of the rainbow.

Research objectives - find answers to the following questions:

  1. How does a rainbow appear?
  2. Do rainbows only appear on sunny days or can they be seen at night?
  3. Is it possible to get a rainbow at home?

Hypotheses put forward:

  1. Suppose a rainbow only appears on a sunny day after rain.
  2. Suppose that at night it is impossible to see a rainbow in nature.
  3. Suppose that a rainbow can be obtained by replacing the sun's rays with an artificial light source.

Basic Methods Keywords: study of literature, observation, experiment.

The purpose of the study: to determine what is the relationship between rain, sun and the appearance of a rainbow, is it possible to get a rainbow at home. Object of study: natural phenomenon RAINBOW. Subject of study: the origin of the rainbow. Research problem: how to create a rainbow at home; how a rainbow appears and why it is multi-colored; how to create white color from color components.

Every student can repeat Newton's experiment. I repeated this experience, but with an artificial light source. We observed the decomposition of light into a spectrum when it passed through a prism at home, using a prism and a projector. To do this, we caught a white beam with a prism and got an image of a rainbow on the wall. The light, which seemed white, played on the wall with all the colors of the rainbow. Thus, we penetrated into the mystery of the ray, into which the famous English scientist penetrated more than 300 years ago.

HOW DOES A RAINBOW APPEAR? When it rains, there are a lot of water droplets in the air. Each drop acts as a tiny prism, and since there are a lot of them, the rainbow turns out to be half the sky. That's who turns out to be building colorful gates in the sky quickly and beautifully! Sunbeam and raindrops. All rainbows are sunlight that passes through raindrops, as if through prisms, is refracted and reflected on opposite side sky.

EXPERIENCE "CREATING A RAINBOW IN HOME CONDITIONS" To make sure that the white color consists of seven colors and the rainbow can be obtained artificially, we conducted an experiment. We needed: a flashlight, a water container, a flat mirror, white cardboard and water. The course of the experiment: We filled the tray with water. We put a mirror with an inclination. We directed the light of the flashlight to the part of the mirror immersed in water. To catch the reflected (or refracted) rays, put cardboard in front of the mirror.

AS A RESULT, THE REFLECTION OF ALL RAINBOW COLORS APPEARED ON THE CARDBOARD, WE WERE ABLE TO GET A RAINBOW IN "HOME" CONDITIONS. Conclusion: a beam of light reflected by a mirror at the exit from the water is refracted. The colors that make up white are different angles refraction, so they fall at different points and become visible.

EXPERIENCE "HOW TO GET WHITE COLOR FROM COLOR COMPONENTS?" In the same way that we decomposed the white color into components, it is possible to get white back from the color components. If seven colored light sources are placed on one side of the prism at the appropriate angles, we will get a white beam at the exit from it.

It is difficult to do such an experiment on your own, but there is another way. If you take a white circle and paint it in the seven colors of the rainbow, and then put this circle on the axis. And start to rotate it quickly, the place of the colored circle, we will see a white one. This is due to the inertia of human vision. The eye cannot see each color separately on a rapidly rotating circle, and for it they all merge into one white color.

CONCLUSION CONCLUSION As a result of the work done, we were convinced that the prism can turn a white beam into a seven-color, iridescent. They found that raindrops and ice crystals can divide white into seven colors, so you can watch a rainbow in autumn, summer, spring, and winter. But there are conditions under which such an amazing natural phenomenon can be seen. We got acquainted with ways to get a rainbow at home, creating white from color components.

LITERATURE 1. Belkin IK What is a rainbow? - "Quantum" 1984. 2. Bulat VL Optical phenomena in nature. M.: Enlightenment, 1974. 3. Geguzin Ya. E. "Who creates a rainbow?" - Quantum 1988 4. Mayer VV, Mayer RV "Artificial rainbow" - Quant 1988 5. "I will know the world." Children's encyclopedia. Physics O.G. Hinn - M, LLC 6. Bragin A. About everything in the world. Series: Great children's encyclopedia. Publisher: Ast, Children's Encyclopedia "I KNOW THE WORLD". AST - LTD" 1998

Why does such a beautiful, and even color picture appear in the air? We looked for the answer to this question in encyclopedias. Here's what we've learned. You can see a rainbow only if the sun and the rain screen are on opposite sides of the sky, and you stand with your back to the sun. A phenomenon similar to a rainbow can be observed in the splashes of fountains, waterfalls.

Consider the colors of the rainbow. Colored stripes differ in brightness, but their sequence is always the same - each color has its own place strictly assigned to it. The larger the raindrops, the brighter the rainbow. If the drops are small, the rainbow seems pale, barely noticeable. The sequence of colors in a rainbow is easy to remember if you learn the phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." In this phrase, the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the color name! Every (Red) Hunter (Orange) Desires (Yellow) Know (Green) Where the (Blue) Pheasant (Purple) Sits.

Getting a rainbow at home

To prove that a rainbow can be obtained at home, we conducted several experiments.

First experience

Equipment: soap solution, hollow tube.

We blew a bubble. Turned it so that the sun's rays fell on the surface. The ball “played” with all the colors of the rainbow. Experience turned out. It is very easy to perform.

Second experience

Equipment: a basin filled to the brim with water; a mirror set in the water at an angle; light source (sun or table lamp).

On a sunny day, a basin of water was placed near the window and a mirror was lowered into it. The mirror “caught” a beam of light, as a result of the refraction of the beam in the water and its reflection from the mirror on the wall or on the ceiling, a rainbow appeared.

Experience three

Equipment: bowl of water, nail polish, toothpick.

Dropped a drop of varnish into the water. A thin film formed on the surface of the water. It was carefully removed with a toothpick. The lacquer film plays with all colors, resembling the wings of a dragonfly. Experience does not require sophisticated equipment, this is its advantage. But in order to see a good rainbow, the film needs to be fairly large.

Chapter 3

If that's the question, then it's possible. It remains to try on paper.

I took drawing paper

I took watercolor paints (multi-color)

Tried to mix some paints.

Immediately removed the black and brown paint to the side, as they are too dark. It took me a long time to mix different colors. I took an interest in the library, and realized that we needed yellow, blue, red paint. By mixing these colors in turn, I got a rainbow.


A rainbow is an amazing natural phenomenon that leaves no one indifferent, causes joy, delight, admiration. Now we know how you can improve your mood. To do this, you need to create your own “home” rainbow. And this can be done at any time.

Working on this topic, we studied the literature, conducted experiments.

The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the materials obtained can be used by teachers and kindergarten teachers in conducting lessons and classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

Secrets of the multi-colored arc

There is a belief that at the foot of the rainbow you can find a treasure. The sight of a multi-colored semicircle in the sky causes pleasant, and even mystical feelings in people, a desire to admire it. But do we know everything about the rainbow? Consider the little-known external properties this phenomenon, and even completely unknown.

Rainbows are observed in atmospheric clouds, rain screens, fog, waterfalls, fountains and other places where there is a thickness of water droplets that are suspended in the air or are in a state of fall. Effective surveillance is carried out from 9-00 to 18-00 in different times year, but always in sunny weather.

There are two rainbows: the first and the second, which look like concentric rings (circles) or their fragments (arcs), and are sometimes accompanied by phenomena described in the literature as a halo and a gloria. Under certain conditions, three phenomena can be observed simultaneously: a halo, a glory, and two rainbows. You can find the optimal location between the waterfall and the Sun and observe these phenomena simultaneously many times.

You can often see a rainbow in the evening, when the Sun has already touched the horizon, and less often in the morning. Few people pay attention to the fact that the plane of the rainbow at this time is inclined towards the observer and it seems that the sunbeam is perpendicular to the plane of the rainbow. The solar disk at this moment is behind the observer's head or below the head. Interestingly, when one day a narrow cloud on the horizon covered the edge of the solar disk, part of the rainbow arc disappeared.

A rainbow is an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere, which looks like a multi-colored arc against the sky. It is observed in those cases when the sun's rays illuminate the curtain of rain on the opposite side of the sky from the Sun. The center of the rainbow is in the direction of a straight line that passes through the solar disk and the eye of the observer, that is, at a point opposite to the Sun.

The arc of the rainbow is part of a circle circumscribed around this point with a radius of 42 degrees. The sequence of colors in it is the same as in solar spectrum, while most often red is located on the outer edge, and purple on the inner. From the side of the inner edge, secondary colored arcs are sometimes visible, which are located next to main arc. When the Sun is on the horizon, the rainbow looks like a semicircle, with the rise of the Sun, the inner part of the arc of the rainbow decreases, and at the height of the Sun at 42 degrees, the rainbow disappears. A phenomenon similar to a rainbow can be observed in the spray of fountains, waterfalls. Perhaps the appearance of a lunar rainbow and from an artificial light source. Often there is a second rainbow with an angular radius of 52 degrees and the reverse arrangement of colors.

The first theory of the rainbow was given by Descartes in 1637. A more accurate theory was carried out in 1836 by the English astronomer John Ere and in late XIX century developed by the Austrian geophysicist I. G. Perter. This theory is based on the calculation of the phenomena of diffraction and interference that accompany the meeting sunbeam with a lattice forming water droplets.

A similar explanation of the rainbow has passed into many publications, including school textbooks, and no one questions this statement. Many popular articles have been written on the topic of the rainbow and other light atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, at one time an attempt was made to generalize all the information on this topic in order to create a kind of starting point for the study and subsequent studies of optical phenomena in the atmosphere.

G. Minnart in 1958 wrote the book "Light and Color in Nature", which combined all existing theories on the topic of the rainbow. In the future, many popular and scientific books were written on this topic, but none of them added anything new to this unified theory.

After getting acquainted with the theory of the rainbow and other optical phenomena in the atmosphere (halos, crowns, glories, and others), a number of questions immediately arise. Descriptions of individual phenomena and their explanations give rise to such contradictions, due to which some conclusions completely or partially negate each other. Some of the descriptions are questionable. The question arises: is the phenomenon of the rainbow fully described? Therefore, it may be necessary to create one universal theory to explain all optical phenomena in the atmosphere, in which there should be a single approach to the study of all phenomena.

www. from-ua. com. Petr Kondratenko

Every person at least once in his life admired the view of the rainbow that appears after the rain and are interested in the appearance of the rainbow. I wanted to know more about what a rainbow is.

The attention of kids is attracted by everything bright and unusual - for example, a rainbow in the sky. How distinct are its colors! But this is a rare pleasure - it is impossible to order such a "show". For a rainbow to appear, it must rain and shine at the same time. But you can make your own little rainbow - from four colors - at home, in a glass of water. And, of course, regardless of the weather. What do we need for a home experiment for a child? It is necessary to prepare 5 glass glasses; 10 st. l. sugar, poured into one container (a sugar bowl is quite suitable); 4 jars of pre-diluted food paint in 4 colors (red, yellow, green, blue); water; syringe without a needle; teaspoon and tablespoon. So let's start.

Experiment for children

1. Arrange the glasses in a row. In each of them we add different amount sugar: in the 1st - 1 tbsp. l. sugar, in the 2nd - 2 tbsp. l., in the 3rd - 3 tbsp. l., in the 4th - 4 tbsp. l.

2. In four glasses in a row, pour 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water, preferably warm, and mix. The fifth glass remains empty. By the way, sugar will melt in the first two glasses, but not in the rest.

3. Then, using a teaspoon, add a few drops of food coloring to each glass and mix. In the 1st - red, in the 2nd - yellow, in the 3rd - green, in the 4th - blue.

4. Now the fun part. In a clean glass, using a syringe without a needle, we begin to add the contents of the glasses, starting from the 4th, where there is the most sugar, and in order - in the countdown. We try to pour along the edge of the glass wall.

5. 4 multi-colored layers are formed in the glass - the lowest blue, then green, yellow and red. They don't mix. And it turned out such a striped "jelly", bright and beautiful.

Explanation of experience for children

What is the secret of this experience for children? The concentration of sugar in each colored liquid was different. The more sugar, the higher the density of the water, the “heavier” it is, and the lower this layer will be in the glass. The red liquid with the lowest sugar content, and therefore the lowest density, will be at the very top, and with the highest - blue - at the bottom.