Subgroup lesson of a speech therapist in the preparatory group. Speech therapy subgroup lesson in the preparatory group. Quiz “Experts. Equipment of the pedagogical process

Julia Burdina
Synopsis of the subgroup speech therapy session V preparatory group"Sound [L]"

Subject:"Sound [L]".

Target: Automation in speech sound [L].



1. To consolidate knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation, its acoustic features;


2. Fix the correct articulation of the sound [l] in isolation, at the level of a word, a tongue twister and a sentence in reflected and independent speech.

3. Develop phonemic perception and auditory attention through independent isolation of the sound [l] by ear from a number of words.

4. Coordinate numerals with nouns, develop a dictionary.

5. To form the ability to make sentences using mnemonic tables.

6. Improve fine motor skills using split pictures.


7. Cultivate perseverance, attention, memory, purposefulness,

8. Ability to act in a team.

Integration educational areas: « Speech development”, “Physical development” (health, “Knowledge” (development of elements of logical development, mathematics, “Social and communicative development” (communication).

Equipment: individual mirrors, subject pictures, a squirrel toy, a cube with numbers, a split picture, mnemonic tables.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have a squirrel visiting us. Her name is Lola. Lola loves the sound [L]. She brought with her various interesting tasks and wants to play with you.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

While Lola has a rest, and we will do articulation gymnastics for the sound [L].

Performing exercises: “Fence - proboscis”, “Shovel”,

“Brushing teeth”, “Cup”.


Put the tongue with a spatula

And keep it under the account:

One two three four five!

You need to relax your tongue!

"Brushing teeth"

Soft brush in the morning

Cleans children's teeth.

There will be strong teeth

White, beautiful!


Put your tongue wide

And lift up the edges.

Got a cup

Round cup.

3. Characteristics of sound according to articulatory and acoustic features.

And now let's tell the squirrel Lola about the correct position of the lips and tongue when pronouncing the sound [L].

Is the mouth closed or open? (ajar)

Are the teeth connected or open? (open)

A symbol is placed on the board - a picture.

Lips in a smile or a tube? (in a smile)

Tongue down or up? (up).

Where does he end up? (in the tubercles behind the upper teeth).

Tell me, guys, what sound [L] is it, a vowel or a consonant? (consonant)

Is the consonant hard or soft? (solid)

Voiced or deaf? (voiced)

4. The game "Hide and Seek".

Let's play with the squirrel Lola. The squirrel will hide the sound [L] among other sounds, and when you hear the sound [L], raise the blue circle. Ready?

V - L - M - N - L - R - W - L; VA - LA - MANA - LY - RY - SHO - LO.

5. The game "Occupy your house."

Now look at the pictures on the table. Take one for yourself that you like. These are picture words. What word will you be? We are with you in the field. The game is called "Own your house." There are two houses here. Words with the sound [L] live in this house, but this sound does not exist in this house. At first, the words decided to rest while the tambourine plays, everyone dances, as soon as the music ends, the words occupy their houses. And now the squirrel will check you. Why did you take this place? (This word has a sound [L])

Pictures: Lily of the valley, bicycle, Christmas tree, elk, boat, swallow, apple, crayfish, camomile, car, scooter.

6. The game "Count".

Children have one picture. The speech therapist rolls a dice with numbers. How many circles fell on the top of the die? Who has the same number of images (objects? Count how many images (objects) you have, let's check.

Pictures: two boats, three squirrels, three saws, four acorns, four spoons, five swallows, a spoon, a table, a woodpecker, an apple, a lily of the valley.

7. The game "Rhyme".

Listen and complete the sentence with a suitable picture.

For each correct answer, you get a puzzle (chip).

Pictures: Yula, chair, chocolate, table, woodpecker, acorn,

La - la - la - spinning (yula);

St - st - st - wooden (chair);

Fret - fret - fret - Lada ate .... (chocolate);

Ol - ol - ol - Vladik sat down at the (table);

Ate-el-ate - knocks .... (woodpecker);

Lud - Lud - Lud - hanging on an oak tree (acorn)

La - la - la - flies (bee);

Lat - lat - lat - mother made (salad);

Loy - loy - loy - I sweep .... (with a broom);

La - la - la - sharp .... (saw).

8. Assemble the split picture.

Pay attention to puzzles. The squirrel wants to give you a riddle. The squirrel has a friend, but she doesn't want to name him. Who is he? When you complete the puzzles, you will find out who she is friends with. (Horse).

9. Funny stories.

Using mnemotables, describe vegetables, fruits or dishes with the sound [L]. For example, when compiling a story - descriptions on the topic: "Fruit".

An apple is a fruit.

It is green and round.

An apple can be sweet or sour.

An apple grows on an apple tree.

An apple is eaten raw, jam is made from it, delicious juice is prepared,

bake a sweet cake.

10. Summary of the lesson.

It's time for us to say goodbye to the squirrel Lola. Say goodbye to the squirrel. Guys, what did you like today? And I liked that you pronounce the sound [L] beautifully and correctly, you did well with all the tasks.

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Synopsis of a subgroup lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "Journey to the country of sound [R.]"

Lesson for children of the preparatory group involved in the logopoint.

Program tasks of the lesson: to fix the sonorant sound P in syllables, words, sentences and in coherent speech, to develop phonemic processes, articulatory and fine motor skills. And also to develop general motor skills and coordination of movements, to develop memory, attention. To form self-control of speech in children, to instill friendships.

The lesson is subgroup, but the elements of the lesson can be used on private lesson, as well as educators in a literacy class.

When compiling the lesson, I used the literature of the authors:

N. V. Elkina, T.I. Tarabarina - "1000 Riddles" Yaroslavl, 1997

E.A. Pozhilenko - "The Magical World of Sounds and Words" guidelines- Moscow, 1999

I.V. Medvedeva, T.G. Matorina - "Logogames" popular speech therapy - S-P, 2003


Fix the pronunciation of the sound [R.] in syllables, words, sentences of coherent speech

Repeat the algorithm for analyzing sound articulation [R.];

Develop phonemic processes articulatory motility, fine motor skills;

Develop gross motor skills and coordination

Develop memory, attention;

Form self-control of speech;

Cultivate friendships.


Demonstration material:

Riddles about fairy tale characters; scheme of articulation gymnastics; a crossword puzzle of four words in the form of a step; a painting depicting Karabas Barabas (evil and good); toys Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, a picture of a rainbow for the sound analysis of the word, the letters R., A, D, U, G, A; a picture of a river; sound houses; puzzles.


Marker; mirrors; schemes for sound analysis; notebooks, blue, green, red pens.

Technical means:

Record player; cassette with a recording of "sobbing".

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Announcement of the topic.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

4. Sound characteristic.

5. Pronunciation of sound in syllables.

6. Pronunciation of sound in words.

7. Use of prepositions.

Introduction of a new word "sobbing"

Use of words - antonyms

Game: "Opposite words"

Enrichment vocabulary(proverb about friendship)

8. Dynamic pause

9. Work in notebooks. Sound-letter analysis of the word.

10. Pronunciation of sounds [R.], [R. "] in sentences, tongue twisters.

1. Organizational moment

Guys! Do you love to travel?! Today I propose to go on a journey where sound lives, and you can guess which one. Listen to the riddles:

Grandmother loved the girl very much. She gave her a red cap. The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell her her name (Little Red Riding Hood)

Nose round, patch,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground, The tail is small crochet, Instead of shoes - hooves

Three of them - and to what

Friendly brothers are similar, Guess without a clue,

Who are the heroes of this tale? (three piglets)

My father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden,

What a strange

Little wooden man

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key?

Everywhere the nose sticks its long.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

(Children guess riddles)

Yes, this is Red Riding Hood, Bur-r-ratino, three por-r-dew. Now tell me what sound occurs in all these words. (Children answer the sound [R.])

2. Post subject:

To the land of what sound shall we go? The journey will not be easy, we will encounter various obstacles.

To set off, we need to remember our main rule:

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game,

That's right, we speak clearly

We are never in a hurry

3. Articulation gymnastics:

Do articulation exercises. (photo 1,2)

(Complex of articulatory gymnastics for a sonorous sound [R.]) - pronounce the sound [R.], (loudly, quietly)

4. Sound characteristic:

Tell me about the sound [R.]. What is he? (vowel or consonant, hard, soft, voiced, deaf)

And so on the way.

5. Pronunciation of sound in syllables:

Development of phonemic hearing.

Here we are offered to play the game "Come up with a word by the first syllable"

Who knows what a syllable is? (children's answers)

A game

RA-RA-RA the game begins.

I ask with the syllable RA to name the words now (ROCKET, WOUND, CANCER ...)

We continue the game - where are the words with the syllable RU? (ARM, STREAM, SHIRT)

Guess the rebus (FISHER) what is the first syllable?

Now pronounce the words from the "scattered syllables":

Game "Scattered syllables"

The speech therapist pronounces hotel syllables, the children must compose the word RA, BUT (EARLY, NORA) RO, DO, GA (ROAD)

6. Pronunciation of sound in words:

Let's lay out steps from words

(we remember with children that we hear sounds, and write letters, each sound has its own letter)

CROSSWORD from and four words.

On the first step, a word of six sounds:

QUESTION: On what does a person fly into space? (ROCKET)

Second step:

QUESTION: What does a student not go to school without? (HANDLE, Knapsack) - Three step:

QUESTION: If a kitty has two tassels on its ears,

Watch out for that pussy 'cause it's (LYNX)

Fourth step:

QUESTION: Crawls on the contrary,


Everything under water lacks a claw. (CANCER)

7. Use of prepositions:

We climbed these steps and ended up with whom?

to Karabas Barabas (the evil Karbas Barabas is exhibited)

Who are you sitting next to? (near Karabas Barabas)

Where am I standing? (behind Karabas Barabas)

Which Karabas Barabas? (angry, angry)

The new word "sob"

(I turn on the recording with "sobbing")

Hear someone sobbing (clarification of the meaning of the word)

They weep because Karabas Barabas has taken one sound from them. I will call them without this sound, and you guess who it is?

There they sob: Bu atino, Little Red Riding Hood, Chebu ashka, K Kodil Gena - how to call them in one word. (TOYS), and if they are from a fairy tale (FAIRY-TALE HEROES) (Heroes of fairy tales are exhibited)

What sound did Karabas Barabas take from them (Sound [R.])

Do you know why? .... (children fantasize)

To become even more angry, angry.

The game "Opposite words"

The adult says the word, the children say opposite word(antonymous words)

Whom Karabas Barabas touches, he will say:

Evil - good

Black White

Angry - cheerful

bad - good

scary - beautiful

Rough - affectionate, gentle

lazy - industrious

(exhibited kind Karabas Barabas)

How did K.B. become? (kind, cheerful)

Who did K.B. make friends with? (With Little Red Riding Hood, with Cheburashka, children list fairy-tale heroes)

What did he become? (other)

Enrichment of the dictionary Crocodile Gena invites you to memorize such a proverb; “Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than wealth” (repeat several times)

8. Dynamic pause:

We played and got tired

Together we all quietly stood up

Hands clapped one, two, three.

Feet stomped one, two, three.

We go and we sing one, two, three.

Very friendly we live one, two, three.

Sit down, get up, get up, sit down

And they didn't hurt each other

We'll get some rest

And we're on our way again.

(Children sit at tables)

9. 3 letter word analysis:

Karabas Barabas and his friends will show us the way if we guess the riddle:

A multi-colored yoke hung over the river ”(RAINBOW)

(confused letters of this word are displayed)

Here again, someone mixed up all the letters

Put the letters in the correct order and say which letter is missing. Make a sound analysis of this word

(one child does at the blackboard, the rest individually at the tables)

10. Pronunciation of the sound [R.] in sentences, tongue twisters.

Along the magic road - a rainbow, friends went into their fairy tales, and we came to the river (a picture depicting the river is exhibited)

We need to cross the river how? (crossing, ferry, bridge)

And the bridge will be the sentences that you make with the words that are in the picture with the sound [R.]. (make sentences)

How do you write a sentence. Greek rode across the river.

(Make proposal schemes)

Who will finish the tongue talk about the Greek?

How many letters R. depicted by the artist.

11. Bottom line:

We crossed the river and found ourselves near how many houses? (two)

In what house does our sound [R.] live? (in the house of consonants)

And where do we live?

What is the name of our region, city, Motherland, kindergarten, the county seat?

In which named words is the sound [R.] soft, in which hard?

Well done guys, the sound [R.] thanks you for completing the tasks in the country and gives you REBUSES as a gift.

Did you enjoy the trip?


1. N. V. Elkina, T.I. Tarabarina - "1000 Riddles" Yaroslavl, 1997

2. E.A. Pozhilenko - "The Magic World of Sounds and Words" guidelines - Moscow, 1999

3. I.V. Medvedeva, T.G. Matorina - "Logogames" popular speech therapy - S-P, 2003

Subgroup speech therapy lesson on automation of sound L in the preparatory group

Davidyuk O.N. Speech therapist teacher MKDOU kindergarten "Birch" p. Listvenichny

On the topic: "To help Uncle Misha"

(Children climb the gymnastic inclined ladder to a boat built of soft modules)
Teacher speech therapist: Be careful, the ramp swings and a sound is heard: l-l-l. What sound is heard? (children's answers: l-l-l).
4. Fixing articulation and sound characteristics
Teacher speech therapist: All passengers aboard, time to meet the captain. It turns out that the captain, a big fan of puzzles, has encrypted his name. Let's try to figure it out, shall we?
(children determine the name of the captain according to the articulation scheme)

Teacher speech therapist: Of course, the name of the captain is the sound of L, then you probably know what his last name is? (children's answers: Consonant) What is the character of our captain? (children's answers: hard) and the voice? (children's answers: Sonorous)
Teacher speech therapist: So, today the Consonant L with a firm character and a sonorous voice will be our captain and will accompany us on our journey.
5. Automation of sound at the syllable level
All passengers on board, take your seats, we're going out to sea.

Teacher speech therapist: Look how beautiful! The waves are crashing overboard!
(a slide depicting seagulls over the sea is projected onto the screen)

Teacher speech therapist: Look who is it? (children's answers: seagulls).
Teacher speech therapist: Do you hear them shout something to us: cla-cla-clo; plu-plo-ply; slu-slu-slo. Perhaps they wish us a happy journey. Let's thank the seagulls in their language: klu-kla-kla, kla-klo klu. And let's tell them see you soon pla-pla-plo, slo-la-slu. (Children repeat syllables)
(a slide with the image of spring is projected on the screen)

Teacher speech therapist: Look, we swim up to some shore. What is the season here? (Children's answers: Spring)
- Is it time for us to go? (children answer: No)
- So, let's move on.
(a slide with the image of the sea is projected on the screen)
6. Development exercise fine motor skills hands
Teacher speech therapist: Look quickly my friend, the fish are swimming around.
(a slide with the image of fish is projected on the screen)

Do you and I know the game about fish, shall we play? Show me your fish. (finger gymnastics)
Fish swim in the water
Fish are fun to play with
Fish, fish, mischievous,
You try to catch them.
The fish arched its back
Caught a crumb of bread
The fish wagged its tail
The fish quickly swam away.
(a slide with the image of summer is projected on the screen)

Teacher speech therapist: Look, at the rate of the earth, what season has settled here and is waiting for its turn, did you recognize him? (children's answers: Summer).
- Are we going to search? (children's answers: Autumn).
Teacher speech therapist: We continue our journey.
(a slide with the image of dolphins is projected on the screen)

7. Antonym vocabulary development exercise
Teacher speech therapist: Look who is it? (children's answers: dolphins).
- What are they doing? (children's answers: They play ball).
Teacher speech therapist: That's right, dolphins play ball. One dolphin throws, and the other vice versa ... (children's answers: Catches).
Teacher speech therapist: Let's play the ball game “Say the other way around”: summer is warm - and winter ...., sour lemon - and sugar ..., light feather - and stone ..., hot tea - and ice cream .....
(the image of autumn is projected on the screen)

Teacher speech therapist: And here comes autumn! We moor to the shore. We go ashore carefully, because the ladder sways under our feet.
(a slide with the image of a mouse is projected on the screen)

Teacher speech therapist: Who is meeting us? (children's answers: Mouse).
Teacher speech therapist: This is probably the same mouse that sent us the telegram. Let's show him how we sailed the sea and who we saw.
8. Fizminutka "The sea is worried".
9. Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing and perception
Teacher speech therapist: I think he shows us something, let's take a closer look.
Teacher speech therapist: Did you guess what it is? (children's answers: maybe it's a map).
Teacher speech therapist: Of course, this is the map we need to follow. Who should we find first? (Bunny), then let's go to someone .... (to the hedgehog). Then we'll go looking for... (squirrel). And then … (cat). Look and remember. Remember? Well, you go along the path and find the hare. Don't forget to say hello. (children in the hall are looking for a bunny)
Teacher speech therapist: Hello Bunny! Will you share your vegetables with us?
Teacher speech therapist: The bunny allowed us to collect only those vegetables in the name of which there is a sound L (children choose vegetables with the sound l: onion, eggplant, beets).

For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar.
Teacher speech therapist: Well, we gathered vegetables, gathered mushrooms, picked nuts, caught fish, let's take the supplies to Uncle Misha. He, probably, has been waiting for us, but by the way, he is.
(a slide with the image of Uncle Misha is projected on the screen)

Subject: Z sound.

Target: formation of phonetic phonemic perception sound Z.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

The one who calls any syllable will sit down.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, now I will give you a riddle.

“He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let him into the house.”

Pick out the first sound in the word.


Who guessed what sound we will learn today?

Today we will learn to hear and pronounce the Z sound correctly.

3. Learning new things.

A) Setting the sound Z.

They took mirrors. When we say the sound Z, then the tip of our tongue rests on the lower teeth, our lips smile. Let's try to say together - Z-Z-Z.

When we say the sound Z, then our neck trembles. Put your hand to the neck, say Z-Z-Z, and now S-S-S. How are these sounds different?

Z - the neck trembles, C - the neck does not tremble.

Try you say, you say, etc.

Now repeat after me the syllables:


The one to whom I will put a toy on the table will say.


B) Exercise in auditory perception of sound Z.

Pictures on the board: bunny, goat.

Let's listen, where is the Z sound hidden in the word BUNNY?

At the beginning of a word.

And in the word GOAT?

In the middle of a word.

Cards on the board.

In the right column we will put those pictures in which words with the sound Z at the beginning of the word, in the left column - in the middle of the word.

Words: snake, TV, call, hall, station, charging, goat, vase, mimosa.

Children go out one at a time and put the picture in the left or right column, while pronouncing the word with the sound Z.

On the board is a picture of a rose.

Guys, "Rose" is a word, it consists of parts. Let's count the parts of this word

Rosa (Children slap).

How many parts?

What were we doing now?

Divide the word into syllables.

What is a syllable?

A syllable is part of a word.

Let's count how many syllables are in the word HALL?

One. (Children slap).


Three. (Slap).


Two. (Slap).

Guys, we will denote the word with a long green stripe, and the syllables with small yellow stripes.

On the flannelgraph is a diagram of the word "mimosa". How many syllables?

How many yellow stripes do you need?

The words: “snake”, “goat”, birch” are parsed similarly.

Put the strips on the edge of the table.

On the board is a picture depicting one object.

What is this?

This is a vase.

There is a vase on the table, and if we say: There are standing on the table... What?

Vases. (image shown).

Similarly: goat - goats, rose - roses, mimosa - mimosa.

5. Physical minutes.

We straightened our backs

And brought the shoulder blades together

We walk on socks

And then on the heels.

6. Pictures on the board: vase, mimosa.

Make sentences with these words.

Mimosa is in a vase. Mom bought a mimosa and put it in a vase. Dad gave mom a mimosa and a vase.

Today in the lesson we learned to hear and pronounce the sound Z.

Lesson analysis.

The topic, purpose and content of this lesson correspond to perspective plan work. There is a unity of correctional, educational and educational tasks. The speech therapist prepared the preschoolers for the upcoming work, spoke in a language accessible to children about the purpose of the lesson and attracted their attention with the help of an interesting exercise. Visualization was used in the lesson. All stages of the lesson were followed. The speech therapist skillfully combines various techniques that are entertaining exercises for children and at the same time have a correctional and speech value for the teacher. The lesson was attended by a combination of individual and subgroup forms of work. The speech therapist easily establishes contact with the children and maintains interest in the lesson throughout its duration. The speech of a speech therapist is characterized by accessibility, emotionality, expressiveness. In the course of work, the teacher constantly monitors the speech of children, gives them a role model, teaches them how to correctly build a sentence when answering. When errors and difficulties are identified, he provides the necessary assistance. The lesson plan was completed, the objectives of the lesson were achieved, the children learned the material of the lesson.

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group.

Theme: Sound Z.

Target: consolidation correct pronunciation sound Z. Sound analysis and synthesis direct syllable. Agreement of adjectives with nouns.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational stage.

Children stand around the speech therapist.

Guys, today we will go to the zoo. We'll call them and say we're leaving.

The speech therapist calls on the phone and imitates the dialogue.

At the end of the dialogue, the speech therapist gets upset and ends the conversation with the words: “Of course, we will try to help.”

Guys, there's a problem at the zoo. All the animals have fled. We were asked to help. Only our zoo is unusual, because it is in our group. Let's go to the tables - the cages. All the animals left us letters.

The speech therapist takes out a piece of paper with a riddle from the envelope.

And in the letters of the riddle, if you solve them, they will return.

What kind of forest animal is this?

Got up like a post under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than head? (bunny).

Pretending to be a motley ribbon

Gliding through the green grass

twisting, twisting

Crawling on the ground ... (snake)

He grazes in the reserve,

Like a whirlwind across the prairie.

Mighty, brave, formidable he is,

This beast is called ... (bison)

Horned, not deer.

Gives milk, not a cow. (goat).

In the course of guessing riddles, the speech therapist puts animal toys on the table.

All our animals have returned to the zoo. Who lives in our zoo? (hare, goat, bison, snake).

Intonationally, the speech therapist distinguishes the sound Z in words.

Guys, which one of you is the most attentive? What sound is repeated most often in all these words? Sound Z came to our lesson today.

2. The main part. Getting to know Z.

1).- Guys, there is a fabulous glade in our zoo. Do you want to visit there?

(The quiet music “Forest Stream and the Noises of the Forest” turns on, and the speech therapist sits on the carpet with the children).

Here we come. Sit in the meadow and close your eyes. Do you hear the birds sing? But not only birds live here, but also someone else. Listen: Z-Z-Z. Who is it ringing? .. (mosquito).

The speech therapist holds a picture of a mosquito in his hands.

Look, I caught this mischievous and now the one to whom he sits on his shoulder will ring his neighbor in the ear. How should you call?

The speech therapist approaches each child and he, observing the correct articulation, pronounces the sound Z for a long time.

2) - Well done, they helped the mosquito well. Now let's remember what vowel sounds we sing? And now we will play a game called "Live Sounds". This game requires four children. Those children will come to me, whose name I will pronounce, showing green signal traffic light.

The speech therapist calls 4 children. They are given rulers with the image of symbols of vowel sounds:

Guys, now you are not just children, but children are symbols. Olya, what sound does this symbol represent?

The speech therapist reminds all the remaining children of the graphic representation of vowels.

And Serezha will be a new sound. What?

Guys, sound Z stood around which vowel? What happens if you combine them? How many sounds are in a syllable? What is the first? What is the second one?

Syllables are formed: FOR, ZO, ZU, ZY.

3) - Guess the riddle:

Saves from the rain, but he gets wet.

Although it gets wet, it doesn't get wet. (Umbrella)

And I have a magic umbrella for you. Each of you, if I touch him with an umbrella, will name a syllable with our new sound and the vowel that I will pronounce. (FOR, ZO, ZU).

4) - Now let's remember the nursery rhymes with the sound Z.

Za-za-za, za-za-za- here stands a goat.

Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy- the goat has little hay.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu- we untied the goat.

The speech therapist repeats the nursery rhymes together with the children, then the nursery rhyme is pronounced by the child whom the speech therapist touches with an umbrella. The Z sound is pronounced intonation.

(While the speech therapist speaks nursery rhymes with the children, the teacher lays out 6 envelopes in a group).

5) - Now come all to me. Now we will play the game "Find the envelope". Each envelope lies in a conditional place, and I will tell you where. Taking the envelope, you sit down in your seat, but do not open the envelope. Misha, your envelope is between the table and the chair. Pasha, yours is on the table. Katya, take the envelope that lies under the table. Vitya, your envelope is near the chair. Dima, yours is under the chair. Olya, your envelope is on the chair.

The game "The Fourth Extra".

Having opened their envelopes, the children should put aside the picture that does not fit the rest:

1 envelope: ball, car, doll, goat.

2 envelope: elephant, bear, squirrel, umbrella.

3 envelope: jacket, scarf, mittens, snake.

4 envelope: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, star.

5 envelope: cat, dog, cow, vase.

6 envelope: shovel, watering can, bucket, mosaic.

Children put off a picture that does not fit the rest. The sets consist of such pictures that the picture with the word, which includes the sound Z, is superfluous.

Name the extra picture. Pasha, put your picture on the board.

Children expose their extra pictures, first naming them.

The last child is asked what sound is repeated in all these words, first the child lists all the objects shown in the pictures.

6) Fizminutka "Bunnies".

(The teacher puts on cheerful music, and under it the children, together with the speech therapist, perform rhythmic movements).

Raise your shoulders, jump like bunnies.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, sit down on the grass.

Let's listen to silence, eat carrots.

Hush, hush, jump high, it's easy on your toes!

7) The speech therapist, together with the children, approaches the flannelograph, on which the cages are attached. A speech therapist inserts a picture of a goat into a special hole, and then changes it to a picture of goats.

Guys, all the animals returned to their homes in cages. A goat lives in this cage. And in cages ... (goats).

The speech therapist replaces the animals one by one, and the children answer questions about who lives where.

8) - Three dolls wanted to visit us: Katya, Masha and Zoya. What do you think, what doll will come to us? Her name starts with Z.

The speech therapist puts the Zoya doll on the table.

Our Zoya loves everything naughty, funny. Even about her guests, you can say that they are funny. Look who came to visit Zoe? (Bunny). What is Zoe's bunny? (Funny)

The speech therapist puts a bison, a goat on the table and asks similar questions.

9) - Guys, the Zoe doll recently had a birthday. And friends gave her ... But what they gave her, you will now understand for yourself.

Zoe's story.

Zoya was given ...

The speech therapist shows the children an umbrella and puts it near the doll.

Zoya went out into the street without ...

It began to rain and Zoya returned home for her ...

Zoya took shelter from the rain under ...

Zoya tied a beautiful ribbon to ...

Here is a story about Zoya.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what was the sound of our guest today? You learned many words with this sound. Now name the words with the Z sound that you remember.

The speech therapist interrogates all the children, and those who named the words correctly pick up small pink squares specially scattered by the teacher from the floor. Whoever has more squares, the speech therapist gives him an umbrella, which the child sticks in his notebook.

Lesson analysis.

The topic of this lesson is fully consistent with its purpose and content. The material of the lesson is selected in accordance with the correctional and developmental program. The lesson corresponds to the long-term work plan, the age of the child. In the lesson, the unity of correctional, educational and educational tasks is traced, i.e. the speech therapist works not only to eliminate the lack of sound pronunciation, but also gives the student new knowledge, and educates him with positive qualities of character. At the lesson, preschoolers are focused, listen carefully to the teacher and follow all his instructions. The teacher observes sanitary and hygienic requirements during the lesson, widely uses visualization. All saved in the activity structural components. The speech therapist often encourages children, encourages them, and thus maintains a positive attitude throughout the session. During the lesson, the teacher constantly controls the speech of the children (shows surprise if the child made a mistake in the statement). A speech therapist provides metered assistance to a preschooler in case of difficulty, makes demands taking into account the personality of the child. The lesson includes psycho-gymnastics. The teacher gives all the material from simple to complex, taking into account the principles speech therapy work. The plan was fully implemented, the goal of the lesson was achieved.

Classes in the preparatory group

Lesson type: traditional


Subject:"Zoo Journey"

Target:Automation of the sound l and l` in syllables, words and sentences



Formation of practical skills andskills to use corrected (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;
- clarification and expansion of vocabulary on the topic "Zoo".


Elimination of defective pronunciation of the sound “l” and “l”;
- development of breathing, phonemic hearing and perception, grammatical structure of speech;
- improvement of general motor skills and coordination of movements.

Correctional and educational:

Education of love for wildlife, caring for others.

Preliminary work: pronunciation in syllables, words, tongue twisters of the sounds "l", "l'. Fixing the pronunciation of these sounds at home with parents. Work in speech therapy notebooks. Games for identifying sounds: "Find the sound in the word", "The fourth extra", etc.

Equipment:computer screen,multimedia projector, subject pictures, mirrors, panicles, a wonderful bag, seeds, a tray, velvet paper, napkins, an orange, an apple.

Lesson progress

1. Ogre. moment:

Guys, with Today guests came to our lesson, they smile at you. And you smile at the guests. Smile at each other. Smile at me too.

Well done, take your seats.
- Today we have an unusual lesson, and to find out why it is unusual, you need to answer the question from the work of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak - “Where did the sparrow dine?”

We will visit the zoo. Attention to the screen. ( slide number 1 )

2. Determining the purpose of the lesson:

Guys, who do you see on the screen? ( slide number 2 ) (zoo: lion, elk, elephant, camel). And who is it? (animals)
- Let's see who else lives in the zoo? (
slide number 3 ) (birds: pelican, swan, woodpecker, dove). And who is it ? (birds)
- And what unites them, what sound is present in all the names of these animals and birds? (The sound “l” and “l” is correct) (
slide number 4 )

Talking about the purpose of the lesson : today in our lesson we will continue to consolidate the pronunciation of the sounds “l” and “l” in syllables, words and sentences.

Let's remember where we start. (That's right, with articulatory gymnastics).

3. Articulation gymnastics:

Fat grandchildren came to visit

With them thin - only skin and bones.

Grandma and Grandpa smiled at everyone

They all rushed to kiss.

They brushed their upper teeth

Left and right, inside and out.

We are also friends with the lower teeth.

We will squeeze our lips and rinse our mouth,

And we puff with a samovar that there is urine.

We put saucers - they put pancakes for us.

We chew the pancake, wrap it up and bite.

Delicious pancake with raspberry jam.

Breakfast was delicious, we will lick our lips.

4. Self-massage of the face is carried out:

We rub the hands (children rub their palms)
And warm up (clap hands)
And your face with warmth
Gently wash (swipe down the face)
Fingers rake up all bad thoughts (rake-like movements are carried out with fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples)
Rubbing the ears
From top to bottom we quickly (rubbing ears)
We bend them forward
We pull down the lobes,
And then with your hands
We touch cheeks.

5. The correct sound setting is given:

Narrow tip of the tongue
Up against the teeth rests.
Teeth slightly close together

Lips smile.

6. Repeat syllables and words

Al-al-al ul-ul-ul

Ol-ol-ol yl-yl-yl Il-il-yl

Al-al-al - shaft ol-ol-ol - table

Al-al-al - gave ol-ol-ol - count

Al-al-al - ball ol-ol-ol - floor

Al-al-al - hall ol-ol-ol - dol

7. Reading tongue twisters:

La-la-la-a squirrel lived in the forest
Lo-lo-lo-belkin' house hollow
Lou-lu-lu-squirrel jumps down the trunk
Ly-ly-ly - squirrels have small ears.

(slide number 5) - Look at how the letter “L” is spelled, move your finger in the air, and now look at the table in the box you have a variety of items, choose which ones you like best and make the letter “L”.

8. Breathing exercise "Breeze"

The speech therapist suggests playing with a whisk. Shows how to blow on paper strips, then invites children to blow.

Imagine it's a magical tree. A breeze blew and the leaves rustled on the tree! Like this! And now you blow!

9. Automation of sound in words, sentences.

Let's go guys back to our zoo. Today in the lesson we fix the sounds "l" and "l'". Look at the animals. What animal do you think is missing here? ( slide number 6 ) (Yes, that’s right, an extra animal appeared. Why is it extra? Because there is no “l” sound in the word giraffe)

And now something has changed? ( slide number 7 ) (a bee appears). She is superfluous, because she is not an animal, but an insect.

9. Physical Minute:( slide 8 )

We kick - top-top / perform movements according to the content of the text /
We hands - clap-clap
We are eyes - a moment, a moment / hands on the belt; blinking eyes/
We are shoulders - chik-chik / hands on the belt; shoulders up/down
One - here, two - there / hands on the belt; turning right/left
Turn around yourself. / move according to the content of the text /
One - sat down, two - got up,
Everyone raised their hands up.
Sit down, get up. Sit down, get up.
Vanka - standing up like steel
All hands were pressed to the body.
And they began to make jumps,
Like my fun ball.

10. Fixing

( slides #9, 10, 11, 12)

Tell me, the elephant is ... (what?) Big, kind, the lion is shaggy, the elk is horned, the camel is two-humped, etc.

Did you have a good walk around the zoo? (Yes.) It's time to take a break.

Guys, I found out that in the zoo animals are given fruit. I suggest that you determine with your eyes closed what fruits are given to animals in the zoo. Describe these items. Please close your eyes.

The game "Identify the sound in the word"

On the table are scattered pictures.

The one with the orange collects pictures with the sound “l”

And the one who has an apple - with the sound "l"

11. The result of the lesson:( slide 13 ).

And now it's time for us to say goodbye to our animals.
- What would you wish them?
- Well done boys. Today we had a good time, walked around the zoo.

Did you like our walk, and what exactly, tell us. What else did we do?what sounds did you try to pronounce correctly today(fixed the sounds “l” and “l” in words and sentences). Are these vowels or consonants? Is the l sound hard or soft? Where does the tongue rise and rest when they are pronounced? ( Well done! You did a great job in class today. I liked it very much. And I'm in a good mood. This is it. What do you have? Take mirrors and see what mood you are in, show me ...