What relief and minerals. General characteristics of the relief of Russia. Minerals. Topic: Use of the subsoil of Russia

Minerals are valuable formations that occur inside and partially above the earth's crust, their physical and Chemical properties, as well as the composition are valued for the possibility of use in various fields human life. Fossils can be both solid and liquid, and gaseous.

Accumulations of fossil resources are called deposits - in these zones they are presented in large quantities in the form of placers, veins, layers, stocks. Russian PI is a colossal set of valuable metals, ores, combustible materials and others. Many of them on the territory of the Russian Federation are concentrated in more than anywhere else.

general information

Russia, having the most large area in comparison with other countries, it occupies a leading position in the extraction of the most important minerals. The total number of deposits is more than 200,000, and this number is constantly increasing as methods for finding new deposits are improved. The cost of the estimated resources is more than 30 trillion. dollars. The amount of natural gas and coal beats the records of most other countries: they represent 32% and 30%, respectively, of the total world reserves.

Relation between relief and minerals of the Russian Federation

The territory of Russia is extremely complex and diverse due to its large extent from west to east and from south to north. Huge territories unite different terrain, rich in the full spectrum of PI:

  • in the European and central region;
  • mountains in the south, east and northeast, as well as the unique Ural Range that crosses the country;
  • northern slope with waters flowing into the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

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1. Create conditions for students to get acquainted with the nature of Africa.

2. To form an idea of ​​the tectonic structure, relief and minerals of the mainland - their composition, origin.

3. Continue the formation of the ability to establish causal relationships, working with various geographical maps.

4. Formation of skills to work in a team, assess the level of their knowledge, develop memory, the ability to systematize the studied material.

Planned results:


1. Name and show the mainland Africa;

2. Tell about the relief and minerals of Africa.


1. Recognize the value of geographical knowledge as an essential component of the scientific picture of the world; 2. Work in a team; make judgments that are supported by facts.


1. Organize their activities, determine its goals and objectives.

2. They conduct an independent search, analysis, selection of information, interact with each other and possess elementary practical skills in working with a textbook, atlas, contour map.

Universal learning activities:

  • regulatory: accept and formulate a learning problem.
  • cognitive: analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena, identify the causes and effects of simple phenomena.
  • communicative: the ability to communicate and interact with each other.

Equipment: map “The structure of the earth's crust”, a physical map of Africa, a map of the hemispheres, atlases, ICT.

During the classes

I Introduction

1. Class organization

2. Theme of the last lesson

II. Check of knowledge.

Two students at the blackboard are preparing to show geographical features of the mainland using cards.

First student:

  1. The largest peninsula in Africa.
  2. Bay in the west of the mainland.
  3. The sea that washes the northeastern shores of Africa.
  4. Strait (the longest), in the east of the mainland.
  5. Warm current in the west of the mainland.
  6. The most extreme northern point of the mainland.
  7. Ocean in the east of the mainland

Second student:

  1. The strait separating Africa from Europe.
  2. Cold current in the east of the mainland.
  3. A group of islands in the northwest of the mainland.
  4. The sea that washes the northern shores of Africa.
  5. The largest island in the east of the mainland.
  6. The most extreme southern point of the mainland.
  7. Canal connecting the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

Orally at the blackboard:

1. Tell about the geographical location of the African continent.

a) What is the role of Russian travelers in the exploration of Africa.

2. Show the extreme points of the mainland and draw a conclusion about the size of the territory.

a) What contribution to the study of Africa did D. Livingston make.

III. Learning new material.

1. general characteristics relief of Africa.

a) landform

b) height characteristic

c) structure earth's crust within the mainland.

2. Characteristics of the plains

a) East African plateau.

3. Characteristics of the mountains

a) the Ethiopian highlands

b) Atlas Mountains

c) Cape Mountains, Dragon Mountains

d) East African faults.

4. Minerals

a) ore

b) non-metallic

IV. Consolidation. Work on the contour map.

v. Homework: P paragraph 25, work on the contour map (sign the names of volcanoes on the mainland).


In a notebook, write the topic of the lesson “Relief and minerals of Africa” (slide 1).

We have three tasks ahead of us:

1. Give a general description of the relief of Africa.

2. Consider the features of the plains and mountains.

3. Get acquainted with the minerals of the mainland (slide 2).

I. a) Open the atlas, physical map Africa (slide 3).

What landforms are characteristic of the mainland?

Conclusion: on the mainland, most of it is occupied by plains (they are located in the north and west of the mainland), the smaller part is occupied by mountains (in the east and south of the mainland) (slide 4).

b) On the map, characterize the heights of the mainland (name the prevailing heights, maximum, minimum) (slide 5).

Prevailing up to 1000 m, max. - 5985 m. - Mount Kilimanjaro, rises above the plains, covered with a snow cap at the top, the mountain has become a real symbol of the country of Tanzania (slide 6), min. - 155 m., the level of Lake Assal (slide 7 ). Sign on the contour map.

Conclusion: the prevailing heights are up to 1000 meters, the height fluctuation is significant.

c) open the atlas - the map “The structure of the earth's crust” (slide 8).

Tell us how the relief was formed?

Using conventional signs, name the most ancient part of the earth's crust (African-Arabian platform). Areas of ancient folding are characteristic of the northern and southern parts of the mainland. The region of ancient folding is characteristic of the northwest of the mainland. The region of new folding is characteristic of the extreme northwestern part.

In a very distant time, most of Africa was part of the vast ancient continent of Gondwana, which stretched across the southern hemisphere. The foundation of Africa is composed of crystalline rocks, granites, gneisses, they come to the surface in ancient mountains and plateaus (slide 9).

Conclusion: the relief on the territory of the mainland was formed over many millions of years and continues to be formed even now.

Thus, we solved the first problem, gave a general description of the relief of Africa, noticed that plains predominate, since the African-Arabian platform lies at the base - a stable, leveled section of the earth's crust.

Let's move on to the characteristics of the plains and mountains.

In the northern and western parts of the mainland there are more lowlands and basins, vast areas are covered with sedimentary rocks. In addition to continental deposits, marine deposits are widely developed, tk. much of northern and western Africa long time was occupied by the sea (slide 10).

The East African Plateau is located in eastern Central Africa, between the Ethiopian Highlands in the north and the northern tip of Lake Nyasa in the south (slide 11). Sign on the contour map. Altitudes from 500 to 1500 meters. The plateau consists of separate ridges, valleys, gorges. On the plateau are the origins of the most major rivers Africa: Nile, Congo, Zambezi.

The Ethiopian highlands are located in northeast Africa, strongly elevated above the surrounding plains, the average height is 2000-3000 meters. The highlands are sometimes called the "Roof of Africa". The highest point is Mount Ras Dashen (4623 m.), the fourth highest on the mainland (slide 12). Sign on the contour map.

In the northwest of the mainland there is a folded area - the Atlas Mountains (slide 13). Their northern ranges are the only area of ​​new folding on the mainland, formed simultaneously with the Himalayas and the Alps. The highest point is Mount Toubkal (4165m.) (slide 14). Sign on the contour map.

The low and flat-topped Cape Mountains are located in the extreme south of Africa. They consist of several parallel ranges, 800 km long. The highest point is Mount Kompassberg (2502 m) (slide 15). Sign on the contour map.

In the southeast of the mainland there is a rocky massif - the Dragon Mountains, the highest point of Mount Tkabana-Ntlenyana (3482 m) (slide 16). The caves of the Dragon Mountains are famous for their rock art (slide 17). Another attraction of the mountains is the second highest Tugela waterfall in the world (947 m). The fabulous name of the mountains has several versions of origin. One of them - supposedly local residents in the 19th century saw a huge lizard with a tail and wings of a dragon (slide 18). Sign on the contour map.

Along the eastern outskirts, a strip of faults in the earth's crust stretches for 4000 km. This is the East African Rift. It runs along the Red Sea, through the Ethiopian Highlands and the East African Plateau (slide 19). On the contour map, first draw a line of faults with a pencil, and then sign.

Conclusion: in Africa, the eastern and southern parts of the mainland are higher than the western and northern ones.

4. Let's get acquainted with the minerals of the mainland (slide 20).

Africa is rich in various minerals.

Open the atlas - the physical map of Africa.

  • What two groups are minerals divided by origin? (ore and non-ore) (slide 21).
  • What are non-metallic mineral deposits confined to? (they are confined to the strata of sedimentary rocks).
  • What non-metallic minerals are found in Africa?

Large reserves of oil, natural gas, and coal have been found in the sedimentary rocks of northern and western Africa.

Apply to contour map deposits of non-metallic minerals.

What are the deposits of ore minerals?

(they are confined to mountainous areas or those territories where the foundation of the platform comes to the surface).

Ore minerals are mainly found in eastern and southern Africa.

Plot mineral deposits on a contour map.

IV. Anchoring(slide 22).

1. What landforms are typical for the mainland?

2. Why do plains prevail on the mainland?

3. Why is the northern and western part of the mainland covered not only by continental, but also by marine deposits?

4. What parts of Africa are the most elevated?

At the end of the lesson, conduct a test (slide 23).


1 option

1. What is the area of ​​Africa among other continents?

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

2. Africa is:

1) State name 2) Part of the world 3) Mainland

3. What landforms prevail in Africa?

1) Mountains 2) Lowlands 3) Plains

1) Toubkal city 2) Volk. Cameroon 3) volk. Kilimajaro 4) Atlas

5. The extreme southern point of Africa is:

1) Cape Agulhas 2) Cape Ras Hafun 3) Cape Gallinas 4) Cape Byron

Option 2

1. Africa is washed by the oceans:

1) Pacific 2) Atlantic 3) Arctic 4) Indian

2. Area of ​​mainland Africa -

1) 54 million sq. km 2) 30.3 mln. km 3) 24.2 million sq. km

3. The highest point in Africa is the volcano -____________

Located on - ______________

4. The extreme western point of the mainland:

1) Cape Agulhas 2) Cape Almadi 3) Cape Froward 4) Cape Ras Hafun

5. A famous traveler who crossed South Africa from west to east, explored the Zambezi River, discovered the Victoria Falls.

1) Vavilov N.I. 2) Vasco da Gama 3) D. Livingston 4) Junker V.V.

We transfer the work to a neighbor, check and put marks.

V. Homework: paragraph 25, on the contour map, sign the volcanoes on the mainland (slide 24)

Australia is a unique continent-island.

Most of the territory of Australia was chosen by huge deserts and lowlands. The habitable zone is located mainly along the coast of the ocean.

The Australian landforms are for the most part plains of low elevation. 95% of the Australian continent does not exceed 600 m above sea level.

1) Western part of the continent is a Western Australian plateau, having an average height of 400-500 meters and elevated edges. In the north, the Kimberley massif, reaching a height of up to 936 meters. To the east is the Musgrave Range (its highest point is Mount Woodroffe at 1,440 meters) and the McDonnell Range (its highest point- Mount Zil: height 1510 m). To the west is the Hamersley sandstone ridge, which has mostly flat tops. Its height reaches 1226 meters. In the southwest is the Dargling Range, reaching a height of 582 meters above sea level.

2) Center of Australia busy central lowlands in the Lake Eyre area. It has a height for the most part no more than 100 meters.

In the southwestern part is the Flindersea Mount Lofty Range. The lowest point on the continent is in the Lake Eyre region. It is approximately 12 meters below sea level.

Eastern part of Australia occupies the Great Dividing ridge- These are low mountains of Hercynian folding. Its eastern slope is decently dissected and steep, while the western slope is gently stepped.

The ridge has an average height, mostly flat tops, as well as the so-called downs, turning into hilly foothills.

Highest point in Australia:

In the Australian Alps, Australia's highest point is Mount Kosciuszko. The height of its peak reaches 2230 m above sea level.

The most famous deserts of Australia are: Great Sandy and Great Victoria Desert.

East of Victoria is semi-desert Great Artesian Basin.

Australia is the only continent on which there are no active volcanoes and modern glaciation.

The history of the formation of the Australian relief and its types

The relief of Australia since Precambrian times has practically not changed and tectonic shifts.

For a very long time, it was subjected to a cumulative process of transfer, as well as demolition (wind, water, ice, as well as the regular action of gravity) of crushing products by the forces of rocks to low-lying areas. There they accumulated. It's called denudation

Peneplain appeared on the ledges of the foundation during denudation - spacious plains with insular mountains. In the trough zone of the center of the continent, as well as in the syneclises and Meso-Cenozoic, due to the intensive accumulation of sediments, large accumulative-lacustrine and stratal plains were formed. In the places of the largest subsidence of the platform, there are the Alluvial-lacustrine plains of the Central Basin. Layered plains, located in higher regions, are formed on the slopes of syneclises and saddles between them, as well as in the northwestern and southern parts of the Western Australian Plateau.

Terrain and climate

In the east of the mainland is the system of the Great Dividing Range. On its eastern slopes, a serious amount of precipitation falls, brought along with the trade winds. Having crossed the ridges and descended into the well-heated inner plains of the continent, they heat up and then move away from the saturation point, which makes precipitation impossible. This is one of the main reasons for the dryness of Australia. the driest continent on earth. Only a third of the continent receives sufficient or excessive moisture.

Relief and minerals of Australia

The Australian mainland is very rich in a variety of minerals. This makes Australia one of the largest commodity powers of the planet.

The Australian platform in the west of the country has rich deposits gold near the towns of Coolgardie, Wiluna, Kalgoorlie and Northman. Smaller deposits of this precious metal are found throughout the continent.

In West Queensland and other parts of the mainland, there are significant deposits of polymetallic and uranium ores, but also bauxite. The deposits of the latter have been explored on the peninsulas of Arnhem Land (the local deposit is called Gov) and Cape York (with the Weipa deposit). Bauxite reserves have been explored near the Darling Range at the Jarradale deposit.

In the west of Australia, in the sedimentary Proterozoic cover, there is the Hamersley Range, where there are serious deposits gland- Mount Newman, Mount Goldsworth and others. There are also iron ore reserves at the Iron-Knob deposit and inkh. Iron ore is also mined in South Australia near the Middleback Range.

In the desert western parts of New South Wales, the large Broken Hill field is producing polymetallic ores, lead zinc, copper and silver. Near the Mount Isa deposit (Queensland) there is a large-scale center where non-ferrous metals, copper, lead and zinc are mined. Deposits of copper ore have also been explored in Tennant Creek (Northern Territory), as well as other parts of the continent.

Australia has major deposits chrome in the states of Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia (Gingin, Dongara and Mandarra deposits).

coal deposits located in the eastern part of the country, in the Upper Paleozoic and later formations.

Even on the territory of the mainland in sedimentary deposits explored different ages oil and gas fields. They are found on the coast of Victoria, in the Great Artesian Basin, in Western Australia, and also in the Amadeus Trough.

Relief of Russia characterized by three main features:

  • it is diverse, that is, there are both high mountains and vast plains;
  • 2/3 of the territory is occupied by plains;
  • mountains are located mainly on the southern and eastern outskirts of the country.

These features are explained by the large size of the territory, its diverse tectonic structure, and the location of the main tectonic structures. Plains are located on platforms, mountains have arisen within folded areas.

The territory of the country is located on two ancient(Russian and Siberian) and three young(West Siberian, Scythian and Turan) platforms, as well as in three folded belts(Alpine-Himalayan (Mediterranean), Ural-Mongolian, Pacific). Within ancient platforms stand out four shields. On the East European platform, these are the Baltic and Ukrainian shields, on the Siberian platform, the Aldan and Anabar shields.

IN western part The country is the East European (Russian) plain, it is located on the ancient Russian platform. The relief of the plain is diverse - it is characterized by an alternation of lowlands (Upper Volga, Meshcherskaya) and uplands (Valdai, Central Russian, Smolensk-Moscow). In its southern part, there is the Caspian lowland located below sea level. Here is the lowest (-28 m) point of the country. The average height of the Russian Plain is about 200 m. The Ural Mountains are located along its eastern outskirts. These low (max. height 1894 m - Mount Narodnaya) mountains stretched from north to south - from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes of Kazakhstan.

TO east from the Urals is the vast West Siberian Plain. Half of it has a height of less than 100 m and only along the edges of a height of 150-200 m. To the east of it, between the Lena and the Yenisei, lies the Central Siberian Plateau, located on the ancient Siberian platform. Its average height is 500-700 m, the maximum is 1701 m.

TO south from the Russian Plain are the highest ( Elbrus 5642 m) the mountains of Russia - the Caucasus.

In the upper reaches of the Ob and Yenisei are the Altai (Belukha Mountain, 4506 m) and Sayan (8) ranges. From the east, the mountains of the Baikal and Transbaikalia adjoin the Sayans: the Stanovoye Upland, the Stanovoy Range. East

The Central Siberian plateau lies the Verkhoyansk and Chersky ranges. On Far East along the shore Pacific Ocean the Sikhote-Alin ridge stretches. There are high mountains on the Kamchatka Peninsula (Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano, 4750 m).

On the territory of Russia there are active and extinct volcanoes . The active ones are located on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands, the extinct ones are in the Caucasus, the Far East, and Transbaikalia. All the largest volcanoes are located on the Kamchatka Peninsula: Klyuchevskaya Sopka (the highest), Avachinskaya Sopka, Ichinskaya Sopka, Kronotskaya Sopka, etc.

About 25% of the territory of Russia may be subject to earthquakes with a magnitude of at least 7.0. The most earthquake-prone region of the country is the Pacific coast.

It's all the bumps earth's surface, which is formed due to the interaction of internal and external forces Earth.

Landforms are distinguished by size, structure, origin, etc. There are convex (positive) and concave (negative) relief forms.

This diversity is explained, first of all, by the large size of the territory and the complex geological history this territory. The largest plains: East European (Russian),. They are located on and have a two-tiered structure. The West Siberian Plain is located on the West Siberian Plate. It is often called the lowland, because. half of its territory has a height of less than 100 meters and only at the edges of its height reaches 150 - 200 m.

Divide East European and West Siberian Plain, low mountains (the highest peak of these mountains is Mount Narodnaya 1895 m). These are ancient, strongly destroyed and slightly renewed in the Neogene folded-block mountains.

In western Yakutia, potash and table salts c, mica in Eastern Siberia, as well as graphite in the Urals, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The country has significant reserves of peat, oil shale, construction sand, limestone, chalk and gypsum.
According to the reserves of many minerals Russian Federation occupies leading positions in the world, so 1st place in terms of reserves and iron ore, 3rd place in explored coal reserves, etc. and develops its economy almost entirely on its own mineral resources. Despite this, it must be remembered that minerals accumulated over long history development of the Earth - are exhaustible and non-renewable. Their careful, rational use is necessary. To do this, new technologies are being developed that ensure minimal losses during mining and processing, it is necessary to extract from the ore as much as possible all the useful components that are in it. In addition, the search and development of new deposits.