Kira Obolenskaya at the Institute for Noble Maidens. The striking hardening of the Alexander Nevsky brotherhood. Which icon of St. Cyrus to choose

Ki-ra Iva-nov-na Obo-len-skaya was born in 1889 in the family of Prince Iva-na Dmit-ri-e-vi-cha Obo-len-sko-go. The ancient family of Obo-len-skikh vos-ho-dit still goes to prince-zyu Ryu-ri-ku. At the age of 10, Ki-ra would-la from-da-na to the Smol-ny institute-there are b-go-native-ny girls in St. Peter-ter-burg-ge, someone-ry windows-chi-la in 1904 with se-reb-rya-noy me-da-lyu. After the end of the in-sti-tu-ta Ki-ra Ivanov-on-la-la, give private lessons as a home-machine teacher no-tsy. Subsequently, teaching became the main thing for her life. To this ra-bo-te, her bu-di-lo deep-bo-some re-li-gi-oz-noy feeling and sincerely desires to serve her neighbor mu. She never, ever and nowhere, under-cher-ki-va-la of her-e-prince-of-the-s-ho-de-niya and does not need-bo-va-la to se-be especially-bo-go from-no-she-niya, remaining-va-ess-de che-lo-ve-com-simple and kind-eye. In 1910, Ki-ra Ivanov-na became a teacher-tel-ni-tsey in a free school for the poor, as well as pre-po-da-va-la in a number of other schools in the city. In these works, for-sta-la Ki-ru Ivan-nov-nu First World-ro-way war. On her fronts, her two brothers, Va-dim and Boris Obo-lensky, perished. In-the-rya-ho-rya-cho of my-be-my brothers not only re-called deep-boo-stra-yes-no-eat in the soul of Ki-ra, but also for -sta-vi-la in a new way to make sense of your life.
Re-vo-lu-tion introduced new personal troubles into the life of Obo-len-sky. In 1918, the brother of Ki-ra Ivanov-na, Yuri, joined the Dob-ro-vol-che-sky army and in 1920 died in battle. In the same year, another brother Pa-vel was an are-sto-van. Directly from under the ras-str-la, wounded-no-mu, he miraculously managed to escape from the Cheka and emi-gri-ro-vat for the border-ni-tsu, - he saved his life, but was on-ve-ki raz-lu-chen with his family. In 1920, my father died. For-bo-you about the family (pre-old-re-loy ma-te-ri and sick sister-re) lay on the shoulders of Ki-ra Ivanov-na, someone paradise ra-bo-ta-la school bib-lyo-te-ka-rem.
In 1930, Ki-ru Ivanov-nu are-sto-va-li, in ob-vi-not-nii it was-lo on-pi-sa-no: “po-ten-qi-al-but yav-la-et-sya ideo-lo-gi-che-sky base for under-kor-che-va-niya for our external and internal counter-re-vo- lu-tion". In the investigative de-le, she is called-zy-va-et-sya "former princess", would she have the next re-niya: “pro-no-kat on a ra-bo-tu in our cultural and educational establishments, and there nurture in the world-ro-po -ni-ma-nii sub-ra-ta-yu-sche-go-ko-le-niya harmful idea-a-li-sti-che-philosophy. There were no other about-vi-not-ny pre-yav-le-but. On do-pro-se Ki-ra Ivan-nov-na for-yavi-la: “I don’t from-no-shu myself to the order of people-day, once-de-la-yu-sch platform-for-mu of the Soviet authorities. My dis-ho-de-nia with con-sti-tu-qi-she on-chi-na-yut-sya with a question about from-de-le-nii Church-vi from go-su-dar -stva. From unity-but-thinking with the right-le-ni-em of the so-vet-sky state-state-no-sti from-ka-zy-va-yus. No counter-re-vo-lu-qi-on-nyh groups-pi-ro-wok, or-ga-ni-za-tsy or from-del-persons, active-but hostile deb-but on-built-en-nyh to the Soviet authorities, I don’t know, but one-now-men-but I declare that to-call-whatever I would-lo fa-mi-lii consider myself unworthy of myself, because I know that it is in the conditions of the Soviet reality-actual-no-sti on-lo would be un-yat-no-sti on them. Troy-ka at the OGPU in the Le-nin-grad-sko-mu in-en-no-mu district with-go-in-ri-la prince-well Ki-ru Obo-len-sky to 5 years la-ge-ray.
After you-not-se-niya at-the-go-in-ra Ki-ra Ivanov-na-la you-la-at the stage from the Leningrad prison-we in Bel- Balt-lag in the city of Kem in the Ar-Khan-Gel region, and then re-re-ve-de-na in Svir-lag in the city-ro-de Lo -day Po-le in the Leningrad region. In la-ge-re, she works ra-bo-ta-la pe-da-go-gom and honey-sisters-swarm, ra-bo-ta-la a lot and diligently, for which she would master god-de-on before-urgent-but. Entrance to the city was forbidden to her, and she sat behind the 101st kilometer from Le-nin-gra-da.
In 1936, Ki-ra Ivanov-na-re-eha-la to the city of Bo-ro-vi-chi, where foreign ki in incomplete secondary school. Bo-ro-vi-chi at that time would have been a place of reference for the spirits and lay people from Le-nin-gra-da and the surrounding area. Ki-ra Ivanov-nov-na communicated with all the ve-ru-yu-shchi-mi people, go-no-we-mi with the Soviet authorities. Here, two Petro-grad-sky mu-che-ni-tsy met, sisters of Alek-san-dro-Neva-th fraternity, priest-ho-zhan-ki Fe-o -do-ditch-so-bo-ra: prince-on Ki-ra Obo-len-sky and Eka-te-ri-on Ar-sky. Would they be, in fact, not spiritually, but close to each other, and the circumstances of their mu-che-no-che-go- ha neve-ro-yat-but, udi-vi-tel-but similar.
In 1937, in Bo-ro-vi-chah, would there be mass arrests of exiled clergy and laity from-ve-de-na, would be are-sto-va-ny and Ki-ra and Eka-te-ri-na. Because of the tormented hungry life of the 20s, the key to the la-ge-re, the exiled life, the new are- stoma and do-pro-sa-mi, these two women with their right-wing life, serve from the Lord, by the power of the pre-ter-sing to end. Didn’t they give, under torture, any-for-for-any, didn’t name a single person, and yes, they didn’t -did you know not a single about-vi-non-niya against yourself. A special troika under the NKVD in the Leningrad region of the pri-go-in-ri-la Ki-ru Obo-len-sky and Eka-te-ri-nu Ar-sky to race-str-lu. The pri-go-thief was brought into use in Bo-ro-vi-chah on December 17, 1937.

divine services

Service to Saint Cyrus, Martyr of Petersburg

Stichera, voice 1.

You surprised the angels with your life, / in it you preserved virginity and purity from youth, / you were found pure before God, / and you were honored with the death of martyrdom from the Almighty, / remember us, holy martyr Kiro, / now committing your honorable memory.

An ancient and eminent family / the honorable industry appeared to you, / both having rejected earthly pride, / you served simple and humble people, / in humility you perform your feat, / you patiently walked through the cramped path in earthly life, / and you reached the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Your courage in confessing the name of Christ, / now glorifies the Church of the Lord, / you have endured all the temporal sorrows, / overthrowing the enemy with God’s fortress, / like adamant you have been in bitter trials, / in them you have found eternal peace and endless joy.

Glory and now, the Theotokos.

Troparion, tone 4:

The branch of the honorable family of the ancient and eminent, / the noble princess Kiro, / in the life of time worked in the field of teaching, / you suffered persecution and bonds for the true faith, / and you appeared as a martyr for the name of Christ, / praying for us to the Lord, / be adorned and us with faith, love and piety.

Canon, tone 8.

Load the Pharaoh's charioteer, sometimes miraculously striking the Moses rod crosswise, and dividing the sea: save Israel, the fugitive pedestrian, singing the song of God.

Wounded by the love of Christ, the most glorious martyr Kiro, you were jealous of your righteous wives in your life, the image of the Russian Church flaunts, for this reason, and count thee in the saints, resting their magnificent host.

It was combined with Christ alone in the life of time, You loved Him more than the sons of men, and enlightening your soul with virginity, as if the bride of God was adorned with chastity and purity.

Like the wise virgins, you filled your vessel with the oil of good deeds, Kiro, well-behaved, and you met the Heavenly Bridegroom with a burning lamp.

Bogorodichen. Enlighten, Virgo, faithful faces, strengthen against visible and invisible enemies, and save from all sorrow.

Establish in the beginning the heavens with your mind and found the serpent on the waters, on the stone of me, Christ, affirm Thy commandments, as if it were not holy, more than You, the only Lover of mankind.

The persecution of the grave and the prohibition of the authorities of the godless, not being able to quench the power of your love for Christ, our God, laudable Kiro, put all their malice to shame and with a victorious crown you ascended into the chamber of heaven.

The hardness of your soul, angelic standing, sang naturally, Kiro, blessed, seeing the fearlessness of your heart, you found it in torment and persecution.

Adorn you Christ the Lord with a crown of martyrdom, foreseeing the secret beauty of your soul, Kiro, the most wonderful, and granting you a great fortress in torment, with which you overcame all the enemies of fear.

Bogorodichen. Sanctify my mind, and enlighten my heart, holy Mother of God, and change the evils that possess me: yes I glorify my firm intercessor.

Thou hast escaped the nets of the enemy, having soared, like a bird of heaven, to Jerusalem on high, the holy martyr Kiro, having finished her life pleasing to God. Remember us, who make your honorable memory, as if we would also avoid all the slander of the enemy in our temporary life and improve the Kingdom of Heaven with your prayers.

Glory and now, the Theotokos.

The representative of the faithful, the Theotokos, who grieve with joy and weep with great consolation, from your womb, Virgin, who was born unceasingly for us with new martyrs, pray, deliver us in the hour of trial of fierce condemnation.

You are my fortress, Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy, do not leave the bowels of the Father, and visit our poverty. To those with the prophet Habakkuk I call Thee: glory to Thy power, Lover of mankind.

Enlighten the Lord with a great light, holy Rus', when you bring a regiment of the godless to our land. Then you too, holy martyr Kiro, glorified Christ with your death, illuminating our souls with the light of God's love.

When the godless persecutors kill you, Kiro, the victorious martyr, then I will eradicate the name of Christ in our fatherland, otherwise their memory will perish with noise, but now your memory is blessed on earth.

With the beauty of your soul you conquered not only the faithful, but also the godless and infidels, glorious Kiro, praying to the Lord, may he heal the ugliness of our souls and spare our squalor with His mercy.

Bogorodichen. Most Pure Theotokos, soothe the illnesses of my heart, Even Christ is painless more than the mind and the word giving birth.

Thou hast thrown me away from Thy face, the light that cannot pass, and there is an alien darkness, cursed, covered me; but turn me and direct my path to the light of your commandments, I pray.

Having rejected the lies and unrighteousness of the persecutors, even in prison, she did not betray her nobility, martyr Kiro, teach us sinners not to disgrace the various apostasy of the Christian title.

Like a princely kind of branch, all the red of this world is available to you, and you did not cling to the earthly acquisition with your heart, but in poverty, like in wealth, you were faithful to the Lord.

Stay fearless in the face of death, the souls of the high and the elect are the lot. Count thee to this lot, Saint Cyro, the Lord of the Heart, pray to Him to be affirmed also to our wavering feet on the path of salvation.

Bogorodichen. Rejoice, salvation of those who flow to You, Virgin, Mother of Christ: rejoice to all martyrs praise.

Cleanse me, O Savior, many of my iniquities, and raise me from the depths of evil, I pray: I will cry out to Thee and hear me, O God of my salvation.

In humility and meekness, as if in armor, thou hast put on, eminent Kiro, and thou hast conquered all the intrigues of the devil, teach us, foolish ones, to repel the malice of the primordial enemy with these virtues.

With the weapon of patience and malice, Thou, O holy martyr, went out to fight with the tormentor, and Thou hast gained victory from the Lord. Teach us, darkened by sin, to resist evil with the wisdom of the Cross of Christ.

Do not become hardened, your fragrant soul becomes angry below in the midst of harsh persecutions and insidious persecutions. For this sake we pray to you: keep our hearts in the love of God in the midst of a corrupt and adulterous generation.

Bogorodichen. Most Holy Bride of God, Lady of the World, save me, changing troubles and driving away the rumors of passions.

General Kontakion, New Martyr, Tone 4:

Passion-bearers, martyrs and companions of the Russian Church, / having sanctified the cities and all the villages with your blood, / offered to God as an immaculate sacrifice, / quickly slaughter for the name of the Savior, / for the establishment of Orthodoxy in Rus', / in a hedgehog our fatherland will be preserved, / like a stronghold of faith true.

The fire of God’s condescension was sometimes ashamed in Babylon: for this reason, for the sake of the children, in the cave with a joyful foot, as if in a flower garden, rejoicing: Blessed be Thou, God of our fathers.

The voice of the gospel, which said to the woman of Canaan, proclaim to the whole universe: "Your faith has saved you, go in peace." So your faith will lead you to eternal rest, martyr Kiro, and fill you with divine joy.

If not for a martyr's death, it would be hidden and clean true life yours, filled with the light of the gospel. For this reason, we praise our God, who has given us a wonderful intercessor and prayer book for our salvation.

Do not fall away your soul of the commandments of Christ, but cleanse yourself in earthly suffering and be established in God your heart. Now you rejoice forever in heaven, martyr, named mistress, singing a song of praise to the One who lives forever and ever.

Bogorodichen. Extinguish the flame of the passions of my heart with Thy dew, O Virgin, and the fire of the terrible escape, Otrokovitsa, and the eternal judgment and demonic languor.

The sevenfold cave of the Chaldean tormentor of the pious vehemently kindled, but by the power of the best they were saved, seeing this, crying out to the Creator and Redeemer: boys, bless, priests, sing, people, exalt for all ages.

The Lord Almighty speaks to His faithful servant: “To the victorious I will give to eat the hidden manna,” with which you are abundantly saturated, martyr Kiro, having endured all the sorrows of the present time.

"I will give the morning star to him who keeps my works to the end." This promise of our Savior be fulfilled on you, holy Kiro, you have kept intact until the end of your martyrdom of the Lord's commandment.

Now you stand before the throne, martyr Kiro, in white robes, from a palm branch, exclaiming: "Salvation to our God and to the Lamb." Sitting on the throne as cherubs, dwell in thee, who came to Him from great sorrow.

Bogorodichen. We sing to Thee at Christmas again, the Virgin, and glorify Thee, the Most Pure, as the Mother of our God.

The heavens were terrified about this, and the ends of the earth were amazed, as if God had appeared as a carnal man, and Your womb was more spacious than the heavens. Thus, the Mother of God of the angels and the man of rank are called Thee.

Eagerly, the primordial enemy of the human race, eradicate the Orthodox faith in our homeland, both of which are insignificantly successful, as if the malice of his host of martyrs has been exterminated and the people of the church enlighten with the light of truth.

You are the only one from the New Martyr of Russia, Kiro, well-behaved, praying in heaven for our kind, may God have mercy on the Russian land, as if to work for her Christ, as in former years.

O holy martyr Kiro! With the other New Martyrs of our Church, pray to the Lord of forces for the House of the Most Holy Theotokos, whose holy Russia you have created with your labors and sweats, as if to be established by Orthodoxy and serve God until the end of time.

Bogorodichen. Even the Word of the flesh gave birth more than the word, the Head of life, Christ our God, pray that we be saved.

In December, the church commemorates two New Martyrs - two sisters from Leningrad - Kira Obolenskaya and Ekaterina Arskaya. At first glance, more different women are hard to find.

Princess Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya (1889 - 12/17/1937) belonged to an ancient family that traced its lineage back to Rurik. From the age of ten, she studied at the most prestigious women's educational institution Russian Empire- Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, which she graduated with a silver medal. After graduating from the institute, due to the difficult financial situation in the family, which, although it was of a princely family, was impoverished, Kira Ivanovna went to work as a teacher. At first she gave private lessons, later she began to work in schools, and she did not choose privileged institutions in which her origin and education allowed her to work, but went to the simplest, in working-class areas, for example, on Ligovka.

Ekaterina Andreevna Arskaya (04/01/1875 - 12/17/1937) came from a large merchant family, her father was a ktitor of the Sorrowful Church in Petrograd. She also received a good education, but in another institute - Alexandrovsky, which also belonged to the Smolny Institute, but accepted girls of a lower position - from the spiritual, philistine, merchant class. Subsequently, Ekaterina Andreevna worked as a dressmaker.

In what years the sisters entered the Alexander Nevsky Petrograd Brotherhood, which was the center of the fraternal movement in the diocese, and when they met, there is no exact data. It is known that Ekaterina Andreevna was a member of the parish council of the Feodorovsky Cathedral for a year and a half, in which Archimandrite Lev (Egorov) began to preside in 1926. In fact, she became an assistant to Father Leo. In the first years of the revolution, Ekaterina Arskaya lost her entire family - her beloved husband and five children who died of cholera and typhus, she subsequently lived in one of the secret women's monastic communities.

Kira Ivanovna also lost her relatives in the first years of the revolution - her father and five beloved brothers, with whom she was very friendly all her life. So she became the only breadwinner for her elderly mother and sister, who was seriously ill with epilepsy. In Kira Ivanovna, she was the spiritual daughter of one of the fraternal priests, Archimandrite Varlaam (Satserdotsky), who replaced the leaders of the brotherhood when, due to arrests, they were not in the city at the same time.

Kira Obolenskaya was the first of the two sisters to be arrested. In 1930, it was accused of being "potentially an ideological base for not yet rooting out our external and internal counter-revolution." This was her only fault, for which she received 5 years in a concentration camp. Ekaterina Arskaya was arrested two years later, on the famous "holy night", when about 500 clergymen, monks and nuns and other believers were arrested in Leningrad in one night. There were more than 50 members among them, in total, 92 people were involved in the "case" in 1932.

In 1936-1937, members began to return from the camps, they were forbidden to live in Leningrad, they had to look for a new place. Some of them, more than ten people, settled in Borovichi. For some, it was a place of exile, someone specially came to live with their own people. Kira Ivanovna taught at a local school foreign languages, and Ekaterina Andreevna worked as a blanket maker in the Krasny Oktyabr artel.

In 1937, the planned system of the Soviet economy reached the NKVD. Plans for the number of those arrested and shot were sent to all regions of the country. A race began to fulfill and overfulfill plans for executions and arrests. Thus, the state destroyed not only random people, but also all those who somehow disagreed with the revolutionary policy. In Borovichi, a case was filed against 60 people at once, mostly "clergymen" - both clergy and laity. Despite cruel torture, sisters Kira and Ekaterina did not give any evidence either against themselves or against others.

Catherine of Arskaya was brought to a confrontation with an experienced confessor, Archbishop Gabriel (Voevodin), who was identified as the head of an allegedly counter-revolutionary organization. He was not a member of the fraternity, but he knew him well from his life in Leningrad. At that moment, Vladyka succumbed to torture and named many people, but Ekaterina Ivanovna, looking into his eyes, said firmly:

I don't know anyone and can't name anyone.

After that, Bishop Gabriel repented and recanted his testimony.

Most of those arrested in this case (51 people) were shot, among them two women who turned out to be more resistant than many men.

Archpriest Vyacheslav Kharinov, rector of the St. Petersburg Church of Sorrows on Shpalernaya Street, reflects on how such fragile women could endure (it was in this church that Ekaterina Arskaya prayed in her childhood and adolescence, her father was a ktitor here, and now there is the only museum of New Martyrs in St. about her fate

– gave its members an amazing hardening, something that can be assessed as a kind of core, as a kind of inflexibility that a parish, family or training in a theological school would not give. The Brotherhood was called upon to be an island in a sea of ​​atheism, atheism and oblivion of Orthodox traditions. Such a vision of life was formed on this island, such a following of Christ, such an imitation of Him that Catherine of Arskaya managed to pass in her life without crushing a broken cane, according to the word of Scripture, not to betray anyone.

In 1958, the “case of Grigory Voevodin” was recognized as falsified due to the lack of corpus delicti, and in 2003, two Alexandronevsky brothers, Petrograd New Martyrs, were glorified by the church as saints.

Martyr Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya was born in 1889 in the family of Prince Ivan Dmitrievich Obolensky. ancient family Obolensky goes back to Prince Rurik. At the age of 10, Kira was sent to the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens in St. Petersburg, from which she graduated in 1904 with a silver medal. Kira's family lived at that time in the Sedlec province in Poland, where her father served. After graduating from the institute, Kira Ivanovna began to give private lessons as a home teacher. Subsequently, teaching became the main occupation of her life.

In 1906, the Obolensky family moved to St. Petersburg, where they lived at number 28 on Mozhayskaya Street. Thanks to this, Kira Ivanovna got the opportunity to teaching activities. She was inspired to this work by a deep religious feeling and a sincere desire to serve her neighbor. She never and nowhere emphasized her princely origin and did not require special treatment for herself, remaining everywhere a simple and kind person.

In 1910, Kira Ivanovna became a teacher at a free school for the poor, and also taught at a number of other schools in the city. In these works, Kira Ivanovna was caught by the First World War. Two of her brothers, Vadim and Boris Obolensky, died on her fronts. The loss of her beloved brothers not only resonated with deep suffering in Kira's soul, but also forced her to rethink her life in a new way.

The revolution brought new personal troubles into the life of the Obolenskys. In 1918, Kira Ivanovna's brother Yuri joined the Volunteer Army and died in battle in 1920. In the same year, another brother Pavel was arrested. Right from the execution, wounded, he miraculously managed to escape from the Cheka and emigrate abroad - he saved his life, but was forever separated from his family. In 1920, his father died. Caring for the family (an elderly mother and a sick sister) fell on the shoulders of Kira Ivanovna, who worked as a school librarian.

In 1930, Kira Ivanovna was arrested, the charge read: “it is potentially an ideological basis for not yet rooting out our external and internal counter-revolution.” In the investigation file, she is called “the former princess”, the following intentions were attributed to her: “to penetrate our cultural and cultural educational establishments and there to cultivate harmful idealistic philosophy in the understanding of the world of the rising generation.

No other charges were brought. During interrogation, Kira Ivanovna stated: “I do not consider myself to be a person who shares the platform of Soviet power. My disagreement with the constitution begins with the question of the separation of church and state. I refuse to agree with the direction of Soviet statehood. I do not know of any counter-revolutionary groups, organizations or individuals actively hostile to the Soviet regime, but at the same time I declare that I consider myself unworthy to name any names, because I know that in the conditions of Soviet reality it would bring them trouble ". The troika at the OGPU in the Leningrad Military District sentenced Princess Kira Obolenskaya to 5 years in the camps.

After the verdict, Kira Ivanovna was deported from the Leningrad prison to Belbaltlag in the city of Kem in the Arkhangelsk region, and then transferred to Svirlag in the city of Lodeinoye Pole in the Leningrad region. In the camp, she worked as a teacher and a nurse, worked hard and hard, for which she was released early. She was banned from entering the city, and she settled 101 kilometers from Leningrad.

In 1936, Kira Ivanovna moved to the city of Borovichi, where she began to teach foreign languages ​​in part-time high school. Kira Ivanovna communicated with all believers persecuted by the Soviet authorities. Two Petrograd martyrs, sisters of the Alexander Nevsky Brotherhood, parishioners of the Feodorovsky Cathedral met here: Princess Kira Obolenskaya and Catherine Arskaya. They were truly spiritually close to each other, and the circumstances of their martyrdom are incredibly, surprisingly similar.

Borovichi at that time was a place of exile for the clergy, church activists from among the laity of Leningrad and its environs. Here, after being released from the camp, the Archbishop of Leningrad, Archbishop Gabriel (Voevodin), with some priests of the city, persons of noble rank, the surviving general of the Kolchak army D. N. Kirkhman and many others were in the settlement. All these persons, together with the clergy of Borovichi, as well as other persons of this area objectionable to the Soviet authorities, who, according to the Stalinist order, were to be destroyed, were arrested in the autumn of 1937 and declared a single counter-revolutionary organization.

The main role was assigned to Archbishop Gabriel, and in total 60 people were involved in this case. All of them: "clergymen, monks, churchmen, a wandering element, kulaks, merchants, nobles, princes, a general of the White Army, a former bailiff" - were allegedly recruited into this organization by arch. Gabriel. Among the other recruits were Princess Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya. She, like everyone else, was charged with things that were fantastic in their essence: an active struggle against the Soviet government and propaganda for the establishment of a fascist system in the USSR, agitation against collective farm construction, agitation for the appointment of her like-minded people to the Supreme Soviet, etc. The falsified nature of all these monstrous the allegations would be proven twenty years later, in 1958.

“There is no objective evidence in the case that a counter-revolutionary organization was organized from among the convicted persons in the case and that it carried out anti-Soviet agitation. By the time the persons involved were arrested, the NKVD did not have materials confirming the existence of a counter-revolutionary organization. From the materials of the case, it is clear that the persons involved were convicted illegally, ”says the rehabilitation part of the Borovichi case. Fifty-one people were shot by the Stalinist dictatorship in case No. 1a/1307 without any corpus delicti, nine were imprisoned in a concentration camp, of which only one survived to be released. But before she stained her hands with the blood of innocent people, she tried to destroy these people morally, demanding from them, under torture, confessions that they had never committed.

Arrested Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya was subjected to the first interrogation on the day of her arrest, October 21, 1937. It was exploratory in nature: they demanded to name relatives and acquaintances, among whom was the name of Archbishop Gabriel, known to have been arrested since 1923, when she lived in Leningrad. After three and a half weeks of imprisonment, on November 14, Kira Ivanovna was summoned for a second interrogation, which turned out to be a confrontation. For no confessions, even after three weeks of camera and methods physical impact, to achieve from the most arrested failed. At this face-to-face confrontation, the investigator arranged for the arrested woman to meet with one of the priests who could not stand the pressure, who agreed to give incriminating evidence against her. The authorities hoped that this testimony of yesterday's like-minded person would break the spirit of the arrested woman and convince her of the senselessness of "denial".

The priest said at the confrontation that Voevodin himself told him about Obolenskaya's belonging to a secret counter-revolutionary organization. He also cited as evidence a conversation between Voevodin and Obolenskaya, confirming the existence of a political connection between them.

“I do not confirm L.'s testimony. I categorically deny,” Kira Ivanovna replied to the investigator’s proposal to confirm the testimony of witness L. The next day, November 15, the defendant K. Obolenskaya was subjected to another interrogation, which also turned out to be a confrontation. The accused I. A. convicted her of a counter-revolutionary conspiracy with Voevodin, which took place in the apartment of the priest N. I. Voskresensky. This new accusation was followed by the same answer of the arrested woman: “I do not confirm the testimony of I. A. I..”

On the same day, the authorities made a last attempt to persuade Kira Ivanovna to give false evidence. " Question: The investigator knows that you were a member of a counter-revolutionary organization of churchmen and actually carried out counter-revolutionary work. I insist on giving the truth. Answer: No, I was not a member of the counter-revolutionary organization of churchmen and I never did any work in it.

Archbishop Gabriel could not stand the pressure of the NKVD and put his signature under the fabricated testimony. The officer of the Tsarist army Kolchakovsky, General Kirkhman, could not stand the torture, who testified against two people. How did the arrested Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya manage to become the winner in this confrontation with the punitive machine, which mercilessly and cruelly massacred the spiritual and cultural elite of the sixth part of the world? " She pleaded not guilty”, - it is said in the protocol of the Special Troika of the UNKVD LO, which sentenced Princess K. I. Obolenskaya to be shot. (The sentence was carried out December 17 1937.) This laconic note contains the secret of the martyr of our time.

Kira Ivanovna's niece, Kira Konstantinovna Litovchenko, now living and living in St. Petersburg, remembers Kira Ivanovna well and her sudden disappearance in 1937. “Aunt Kira,” she says, “came to us often when we lived on Sergievskaya (since 1923 - Tchaikovsky Street - approx. ed.) on the street, and they talked with my mother on various topics that I still could not understand due to my age. She was a warm, kind, affectionate and cozy person - there are such people. I remember how we sat on the balcony with her. Then there were still many churches in the area, and the evening bell ringing, the blagovest, would begin, and Aunt Kira would say to me: “How nice to hear this in the evening.”

Maybe that's why I love the evening, twilight, that I always remember how we then sat together, listened. When Aunt Kira disappeared, stopped coming to us, I asked where she was, and my mother, not wanting to tell the truth, said that she had gone to the monastery. Her mother could not tell her at that time the whole truth about the globe, where people obsessed with inhuman cruelty and invested with power methodically exterminate their own kind. Moreover, not only absolutely innocent, but also distinguished by features of genuine moral beauty. Because after such a truth about the world, it could very well happen that the girl would refuse to live in it any longer. Now she knows the truth about her relative, including the fact that her aunt, Princess Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya, who showed an extraordinary height of spirit in the bloody dungeon of the persecutors of Truth and showed an image of holiness in a world engulfed in the darkness of godlessness, belongs to the number of great Christian women XX century.

Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya turned out to be one of the very few who did not give any evidence, in no way and in no way slandered others or herself. She was already over 40, but she was still the same fragile princess teacher. Exhausted by the hungry life of the 20s, imprisonment in the camp, exile, new arrest and interrogations, two women - New Martyrs Kira and Catherine– by their righteous life they deserved from the Lord the strength to endure to the end. They did not testify under torture, did not name a single person, and did not even admit to a single accusation against themselves.

The New Martyr Kira waswas glorified as a saint in 2003.

In contact with

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Information has appeared that an Orthodox church will appear in Moscow on Vereiskaya Street, which will differ from most traditional churches: the building will be made in a modernist modern laconic style, with elements of minimalism. The futuristic design of the temple in honor of Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer on Vereiskaya Street in Moscow was approved in July 2019. The temple was designed by Said Dzhabrailov from the...

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  • July 25

As a result of a fire that broke out in the Khabarovsk Territory in the tent camp "Kholdomi", children were injured. Of these, four have now died.

One of the dead children is a real hero who, at the cost of his life, tried to save the girls from the neighboring tent. His name was Lesha Martynenko. He was not yet 11 years old. Lesha was the eldest of the children in the family. There is also Sasha and Timosha. Children with their parents often traveled together, and just rested. In the camp, the boy lived a few tents from the one where the fire started, so he could easily stay alive: but as soon as he saw the fire in the tent for girls, he immediately rushed into the fire to get them. At that moment, the roof had already begun to melt, and burning plastic poured on the children ... Eyewitnesses saw Lesha, already badly burned himself, with burning hair ...

Your opinion

Is it necessary to translate the service into Russian?

Our Russian brothers are celebrating their holiday today. They glorify the great and holy man who reposed in the Lord 917 years ago...

This Russian holiday today can be called religious, national, state, and cultural. For the holy Russian prince Vladimir laid the cornerstone in the foundation on which the nine-hundred-year-old chamber of the Russian faith, the Russian nation, the Russian state and Russian culture was erected. He is the spiritual ancestor of the Russian people.

I think that all South Slavs, and Serbs above all, should take part in this celebration of our Russian brothers with their hearts and souls. For our conscience makes us weep when the Russians weep, and rejoice when the Russians rejoice. Our debt to Russia is great. Maybe a person owes a person, maybe the people owe the people. But the debt that Russia owed the Serbian people in 1914 is so huge that neither centuries nor generations can repay it. This is the duty of love, which, blindfolded, goes to death, saving its neighbor. There is no greater love than if someone lays down his life for his friends - these are the words of Christ. The Russian tsar and the Russian people, entering the war for the defense of Serbia unprepared, could not but know that they were going to their death. But the love of Russians for their brothers did not recede in the face of danger and was not afraid of death. Will we ever dare to forget that the Russian Tsar, with his children and millions of his brothers, went to death for the truth of the Serbian people? Will we dare to remain silent before Heaven and earth that our freedom and statehood cost Russia more than us?

The morality of the world war, vague, doubtful, and contested from various sides, reveals itself in the Russian sacrifice for the Serbs in evangelical clarity, certainty, and indisputability. And the motive of self-sacrifice, an unearthly moral feeling when sacrificing for another - isn't this clinging to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov:

“There will be a Tsar who will glorify me, after which there will be a great turmoil in Rus', a lot of blood will flow for rebelling against this Tsar and his Autocracy, the Angels will not have time to take souls, all the rebels will die, and God will glorify the Tsar ... "

“My God, my God! Many traitors surround the Tsar... Much Christian blood will be shed.”

Rev. Kornily Krypetsky:

“We will not have a Tsar, they will replace him with a bad master. For this, the people will be punished for three generations.”

Venerable Nektarios of Optina:

“The year 1918 will be even harder: the Sovereign and his entire Family will be killed, tortured. Yes, this Sovereign will be a great martyr.”

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt:

“Our Tsar of a righteous and pious life, God sent him a heavy cross of suffering, as His chosen one and beloved child ... As Tsar Constantine Equal to the Apostles, He holds high and gloriously the banner of the faith of Christ and with all his heart is devoted to the King of Kings, deeply honoring His friends - His saints, He sets an example of sincere piety for all Orthodox...”

Rev. Anatoly Optina (junior):

“There is no greater sin than resisting the will of the Anointed One of God! The fate of the Tsar is the fate of Russia.



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Or make the tree good and its fruit good; or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit

Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew

A person who enters the temple and decides to buy an icon of St. Cyrus may encounter difficulty when he sees two types of icons of St. Cyrus. How are they different? The Orthodox Church honors two Cyrus - Beria and Obolenskaya. These two women were separated by 15 centuries, but united by love for God and the desire for eternal life. The Monk Saint Cyrus of Beria lived in the 4th century AD. e. She was born into a wealthy family, but when she came of age, she left her parental home with her sister Marina, left the city, and lived in seclusion for the rest of her life. The holy virgins lived in the open air, ate food once every 40 days and wore heavy chains that prevented them from straightening. Later, they were joined by their former servants, who wished to share the feat of the holy sisters. So they lived for 40 years until their death. The Holy Martyr Kira Obolenskaya was born in 1889 and belonged to an ancient princely family. She received a good education and spent her whole life working as a teacher. She taught poor children whose parents could not pay for her work. With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, Saint Cyrus went through camps and exile. In 1937, she was shot by the NKVD troika. On Russian Orthodox icons, Saint Kira Obolenskaya is depicted with a cross in her hand.

Which icon of St. Cyrus to choose

If you want to buy a personalized icon of St. Cyrus and don’t know which one to stop at, then I recommend listening to the teaching Orthodox Church. She tells us that if there are two Saint Cyrus, your patron saint will be the one whose memorial day is celebrated earlier than your birthday.

If this method does not suit you or you choose the icon of St. Cyrus for other reasons, then it is better to listen to your heart here. Choose the image that you like the most and in front of which it will be easier for you to pray. What helps the icon of St. Cyrus? First of all, in the courageous overcoming of the life path difficulties. It also helps to protect yourself from troubles and diseases. Sincere, heartfelt prayer in front of the icon of St. Cyrus will help strengthen faith, relieve mental torment. Memorial Day of Kira Beria - March 13, martyr Kira Obolenskaya - December 17.

Where is the best place to buy an icon of St. Cyrus

Having decided on the choice of a saint, you will probably ask yourself the question - where is it better to buy an icon? I recommend buying an icon of St. Cyrus either in the temple or in a specialized online store. Here you will be offered Orthodox icons of different cost and execution - from the simplest to the most expensive, decorated with amber, silver, gilding, and rich ornaments. You should not buy icons of St. Cyrus in transitions, from hands, in dubious shops, because the image on them may not be canonical, there may be errors. You can order an exclusive copy by contacting the icon-painting workshop. Icons embroidered with beads are very popular now. You can embroider the icon of St. Cyrus with beads or a cross with your own hands or buy a ready-made one.