Statuses with sarcasm. Useful tips on how to learn sarcasm and how to respond to it Sarcasm when asked what is so beautiful

In modern society, sarcasm in relation to the interlocutor has become almost the norm of communication. Immediately it is necessary to distinguish between the concept of humor and sarcasm. Humor is a joke aimed at making a person laugh, giving his face a joyful expression and a smile. And sarcasm is aimed at hurting a person, hitting his shortcomings in the most impartial terms, and putting them on public display.

Good humor cannot bring a bad mood to a person, but sarcasm is quite capable of this. The causticity of sarcasm referring to a certain historical era, may be incomprehensible to future generations due to the fact that its social sharpness is lost. Therefore, vulgar and not smart sarcasm dies so quickly in the modern Internet space.

But if sarcasm touches on some deep issues of our existence, then it has a good chance of being perceived by descendants as refined humor, and not a denunciation of something.

It is enough to recall Swift's Gulliver, which was written precisely as satirical and full of sarcasm in relation to the contemporary society of the author, and over time this social background has disappeared, and now Gulliver's Travels is perceived as a book for children. You can also recall the expressions of Voltaire full of sarcasm, which later began to be perceived as examples of eloquence.

Why do you need sarcasm modern man? Basically for the same purposes as earlier in history - in order to point out to society its shortcomings, openly, and not in a veiled form. Also, sarcasm is one of the ways of self-defense of a person, an attempt by him to build around himself a kind of “protective space” through which negativity will not seep into his life, but on the contrary, it will spill out.

The problem with this method of self-defense is that sooner or later, sarcastic remarks will start to repel more and more people from the person using them. Although, it should be noted such a paradox that sarcasm is often used precisely in order to attract attention to oneself, to focus everyone on one's personality.

This statement can be confirmed only by briefly turning on the TV, or rummaging through the Internet. The abundance of TV presenters, journalists, magazine writers pouring vicious comments, which, in fact, are a form of sarcasm, is simply impressive.

But sarcasm can also be one of the forms of expressing intellectual superiority over the interlocutor. You can, for example, recall one of the most striking examples - this is Dr. House from the series of the same name. He is not shy about his expressions, and makes sarcastic remarks about his work colleagues and even patients, in order to compete with himself in wit. His sarcasm is original and fresh, with the help of which he conveys to his colleagues the essence of the disease, and the method of its treatment.

But let's remember how much we know happy people who often resort to sarcastic remarks. Most likely, there are not many of them. If they exist at all.

The same House, for example, never found his happiness, and Swift preferred the society of his own horses than people, in his "Gulliver" the ideal world is exactly the one where horses rule.

A person who abuses sarcasm is doomed to loneliness, although in his soul he may strive for society, and even love it. But closing deeper and deeper in his shell of contempt, he does not understand that he is deprived of one of the most important luxuries human life is communication.

Sarcasm can protect you from attacks from other people, but sooner or later you will have no choice but to direct its sting at yourself, because there will be no one around.

You have to choose between loneliness full of sarcasm or the joys of communicating with people without it. Because of your sarcasm, no one will take you with them on a Mediterranean cruise, cook borscht, and what’s there, they will never fall in love. So such a quality as sarcasm is fraught with very unpleasant consequences.

Some people choose to be sarcastic because in today's world, if you punch someone, you end up in jail. Some believe that this is an emotional tool behind which you can hide your feelings. Others are convinced that sarcasm is an opportunity to insult idiots with impunity.

If you weren't born with irony, you should probably keep up with the times and finally start using your brain. To date, there are at least some serious studies that prove that sarcastic people are smarter than you think. We have selected 10 good reasons proving that they can rightfully be included in the category of intellectuals.

They see right through

According to research by Dr. Sheiman-Soori, a psychologist at the University of Haifa, “understanding state of mind and other people's emotions is directly related to our ability to understand sarcasm." Yes, this means that sarcastic people are able to see through your true motives, no matter how hard you try to show off.

If they make an ironic remark in response to yours: "I'm late because ...", then they probably do not believe you. These comrades figure out secret urges quite easily and know which strings to press to evoke the emotions they need. This ability is akin to powerful telepathy. We have warned you.

They have a sharp mind

In an article that Richard Chin wrote for the Smithsonian, he explained that human brain forced to work harder to understand sarcasm. This means that people who use irony train their intellect a little harder than you do. So the buddy who comes at you with biting taunts to taunt you may be an insolent, but a witty insolent.

They are great at problem solving.

The above article goes on to say that sarcasm also helps people be creative in problem solving. So if you expect the imminent end of the world, do not hesitate to write down the ironic person in your “Zombie Apocalypse Team”. He will surely save your life.

They have key social skills

John Hyman, a linguist at McAlester College in Minnesota, USA, is convinced that sarcasm is the primary language. modern society. It is usually the ironic people who keep the conversation going, rather than standing shyly behind others, pretending to laugh at other people's jokes.

They not only have a thin mind, but also thick skin.

Sarcastic people are strong enough not to take things too personally. This means they won't burst into tears when you tease each other while being "warm" after a few beers at the bar. They can strike just as well as receive them. You rarely see them as a victim. And if you face the truth, few people like weaklings.

They have healthier brains

According to researchers at the University of California at San Francisco and neuropsychologist Katherine Rankin, the lack of ability to understand jokes can be an early sign of brain damage. In their work, they found that patients with frontotemporal dementia (dementia) showed difficulty understanding sarcasm.

They make their friends and loved ones smarter

Due to his special manner of communication, a sarcastic person affects the intelligence of others. Our brain has to go through 3 phases to understand a witty joke. If you are constantly surrounded by irony - when you watch TV, drive a car or shop - you train your mind a little more than other people.

Sarcastic friends and family are doing you a favor, so don't forget to thank them for it.

They settle scores but avoid arrest

In emotional warfare, they have no equal. If you've ever had an argument with a sarcastic person, you may still have scars on your heart from what he said. It definitely won't go to jail like aggravated assault, but the pain lasts much longer. Perhaps for the rest of your life.

They can subtly insult you, making you laugh at the same time.

Remarks like "I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian, but I can make an exception for you" really only sound good until you start thinking about it. Why, he's just mocking your lifestyle, and you should say "thank you" to him?

They can make someone laugh out loud at the spoken phrase, and then enjoy watching how people gradually realize that they have been insulted. If you haven't been in this situation yet, you should give it a try.

They have friends who really love them

Sarcastic people know for sure that their friends are real, because who else would agree to such a share of irony every day? Most likely, their buddies are just as witty. Together they have fun over the subtle insults that they bring to each other on a silver platter. They have such a funny hobby like playing baseball.

And I look and understand that a guy with brains is much more interesting than a guy with a relief press and muscle-bumps.

There is no real true love for humanity without sarcasm.

It has been noticed that the popular expression loved by many “ Fuck you, fuck you” does not hit so hard and painfully on nervous system, as a wish for good luck thrown with sarcasm.

Would you like to purchase a personal plot, land, with dimensions of two and three meters deep?

Best Status:
“Your sarcasm won’t help you, great pregnant creature!”

If at least one person is found who can understand all the intricacies of my sensitive soul and understand whether I am truthful or riddled with untruth, and whether I have sarcasm, I will gladly meet him, honestly ... I do not lie, lies are useless.

Say hi to your new baby for me... Where from, new baby? But how! Beaten, painted and with mileage ...

I have only one serious shortcoming, but what! Sheer uncertainty about whether a person will live to see tomorrow, if he suddenly dares to upset me today.

Do you have a memory like a gopher - 1 MB?!

We may forget what we said, but we will never forget how we felt when we were together...

At your request, give 3000 rubles. to a beauty salon, the husband, looking at you, sighs and gives 10,000.

Men's logic: - So what, what's in earflaps, quilted jackets and felt boots. But it's warm! Women's logic: - Just think - I froze my brains and ass. But it's beautiful.

You don't blow, girlfriend, lips ... you're already bad-mouthed. That your boyfriend loves me, I'm not guilty

It is not necessary to demonstrate a variant of deficient development

No matter what you think, I'm already halfway to pity sex.

I'm often wrong, sorry, perfect people!

I congratulate you on the prize! No one has ever fallen so low in my eyes.

Have you ever thought of another head?

You remind me of the ocean... You just make me sick.

Are you laughing like that or are there horses nearby?

What's on my mind, you won't grow to that size!

What long legs you have... Especially the left one.

From the point of view of logical interpretation, I cannot ignore the tendencies of paradoxical illusions, but I can say: “Fuck you!”

Leave the surplus of your inner culture for a narrow family circle!

Is your whole body hairy or just your nostrils?

Yesterday police found a corpse with no brains and a small penis. P.S. Honey, call me back, I'm worried!

Madam, where can I get so much vodka?!

Is my butt wider than my shoulders? And your tongue is longer than a pussy!

And on your mighty chest ... three hairs seemed like a bunch

You smell so good!!! What did you drink today?

Today I have the feeling that everyone around has conspired and is playing the game “Who will make me feel stronger today” with me ... I’m already most interested in who will win?

If someone has sunk their teeth into your happiness ... then these teeth are clearly superfluous ..

Beloved, mine, the only one, I searched and found! Another would not have come close to you. With slanted eyes A drooping lip With what shackles Fate bound us? Lame, oblique, hunchbacked Potato red nose Snotty, freckled And no hair at all Yes, fat too much Yes, the mouth is skewed. But no cholera will take you away!

Anyone who “knows how it will be better for me”, I write down in a notebook and in the list “to kill at the beginning of the war”

You were beautiful in bed. The body shapes are quite rich, the legs are slender, like those of a GAZELLE, and just as hairy.

So you played Shrek in the movie?

You need to move your brains, kitty, not your buttocks ...

Some people clearly do not have enough material to build something out of themselves

When some people open their mouths, it immediately becomes clear how important it is for a person to get at least some kind of education.

Always tell a woman that she is not like the others if you want to get the same from her as from others.

There are two types of people: some are rolling the world, while others are running alongside and shouting: “God, where is this world rolling!? ".

I don't know about you, but mine nerve cells not only restored, but also trying to take revenge on those who destroyed them.

How many of you were so smart in my life! God rest them!

War between the left and right hemisphere of the brain. Place your bets gentlemen.

Don't make a smart face, you're an officer!

Habit? Nooo, you have a habit of swearing, and the fucking brain is a calling!

Don't like my driving style? Get off the sidewalk!

I'd rather fake an orgasm with someone else than fake love with you.

With such a character, it could be prettier!

They don’t argue about tastes, they don’t argue at all ... especially with tasteless assholes ...

I laugh in your face, or whatever...

Sarcasm is the last trick of people who are bashful and chaste at heart, who are rudely and obsessively climb into the soul.

You have small eyes, crooked small teeth, a big mouth. You could be called ugly, if not for a smile - it makes you simply disgusting.

What a pity that you are finally leaving!

Stupidity is not the absence of mind, it is such a mind.

You, girl, with such legs you need to walk on your hands!

Face your principles... you don't change them.

When you wait for a prince on a white horse, then, as a rule, only a horse comes. And the prince at this time is grazing with some horse.

Has anyone told you that you are very beautiful? No? Damn, everyone is so honest!

Darling, you were afraid to hurt me with your departure ... but I was worried that you would not catch the Japanese chandelier with your horns

And what is it that you have left so tasty in your beard?

He is so silent that he wants to undress ...

A cactus is a cucumber deeply disappointed in life.

Your beauty can only be compared with the mind of your girlfriend!

Girl, what beautiful hair you have! I would even say rare! Very sparse hair.

Well, dolls, it's time to turn into butterflies!

I left the brothel for you!

Every girl should have a cretin who will teach her something. This is fine…

You are beautiful, no doubt. But I won't give you money!

I don’t need to demonstrate my intellect here, I actually saw it ..

Keep quiet, okay? ... - you pass for a smart one!

I bet you were conceived on a bet!

Given your lack of education, I'm ready to answer any of your questions.

Yes, I am faithful to you. And very often ...

Bullshit, it's not worth it! But how it SHAKES!

Madam, don't smile, it's scary

Humans are 80% liquid. So you have this brake fluid!

I always think well of people. About these evil, brainless fuckers.

A true optimist is one who thinks that the Leaning Tower of Pisa was originally lying.

Envy corrupts people! Although, you, toad, can't be spoiled by anything! envy

I know that you are afraid to disappoint me, but I want to reassure you, because my expectations for you are already low!

Yes, there is nowhere to even send you - you have already been everywhere ..

- Dropped you, apparently, a stork on the way ....

Like you, fate does not allow you to rise above the width

All ladies are like ladies, and you are like a horse in a blanket.

Why about you, let's talk about pleasant things!

Nice lipstick on your shirt.

Go go! You still have to earn a cake in the face!

I would send you, but I see you are from there.

Dude, your ego is writing checks that your body can't pay off!

You are playing with forces that are beyond your understanding.

Bitch, be yourself.

If not for you, I would consider myself a freak.

It's a pity. - What a pity? - It is a pity that they did not succeed ... - In my opinion, they succeeded. It just ended.(

Jokes are good as long as they are kind and harmless.. But when humor turns into sarcasm, it can be very annoying, especially if this sarcasm is directed at your work.

What is sarcasm? What is its definition? You can give an example: you are trying to fix something, and your friend is standing, looking at how something is not working out for you, and making his sarcastic comments, instead of really suggesting something sensible. And in the relationship between a man and a woman, sarcasm, which harmless irony can imperceptibly turn into, can also unbalance a loved one. How to respond to sarcasm?

Don't show that you're hurt

A sense of humor is a loose concept, each person has his own vision of what is funny and what is not. If a person offended you with some of his own words, do not show that he touched you to the quick. If he does it on purpose, then he expects a strong reaction from you. Remember that the brighter you demonstrate your discontent, the more the ill-wisher allows himself.


Want to respond to sarcasm in such a way that the person who is trying to provoke you stops doing it? Then it is better to remain silent, ignore both the person himself and his offensive words.

You are pathetic

You can also show that you feel sorry for the interlocutor. It's not even a pity show your condescension and contempt at the same time. Make a slight sardonic smirk, raise one eyebrow and say, “Looking disgusting. Is that all you can tell me?”, “Maybe it’s enough to shake the air already?” Or something like that. You must make it clear to the person that you absolutely do not care what he says, because he is a pathetic sight..

Pay with the same coin

You have been insulted? So answer the offender repay him with the same coin, bringing down on him an avalanche of rudeness. Only do it with a stone-calm expression on your face. This may shock him, then the person will try to say something in his defense and hastily retreat. Individuals who, with their sarcasm, want to offend someone, choose such people as victims who can be easily unbalanced, and with serious resistance, they immediately give up although they try not to show it.


If it's in public, sympathize with the person. But first you need to examine the ill-wisher and try to understand why he decided to practice wit on you. Maybe he is jealous of some of your talent? Then focus on this, gently ridiculing a person in front of others. You can even offer to help, with obvious irony in your voice.

And if you don’t know how to respond to the sarcasm of a loved one, also try to understand why he got so turned on. But only then no irony is needed, have a serious talk with your loved one (beloved) in order to solve the problem amicably.

The soul prompted, the brain decided, the hand wrote ... But I'm not in the subject at all !!!)))

The mood with the letter X... good... good... because there are people with the letter C... nice... nice))))))

A person needs to believe in something ... I decided to believe in myself ...)))

The more health is desired, the less it remains.

Surprise me not with desire… tire me with intellect… and not with stupidly naive “beautiful”… or your banal… Greetings…

Hey you, move over here, I'm on a pedestal ...)) Statuses with sarcasm

- You taught me the main thing! -Never give up? -Add a tablespoon of oil to the pasta to keep it from sticking together.

I look at my husband, so good, so cute, so cute, lying unconscious on the floor))

I am a devoted woman, not because I am faithful, but because I was betrayed.

Autumn has come ... It has become cold !!! The birds have stopped pecking manure, and the weather is - E ... fuck it !!!

With the truth you will go far, says the proverb. Quite right: they are persecuted everywhere for the truth, and with it you will go very far.

They usually lose weight in the summer and gain weight in the winter. I didn't have it during the summer.

Vasily began to kill after he could not fill the duvet cover from the seventh time ...

No matter what you say, there will always be some bitch who has had more, longer, higher, better, longer, tastier, stronger, richer.

When people know that they are doing wrong, they are offended if more worthy behavior is expected of them.

Autumn came on time ... Punctual bastard! I would love to learn from her!

Men are the most wonderful creatures ... they notice everything ...)))

The most touchy people are usually those who love to offend others with pleasure, be rude, be rude, not realizing that they can be put in a stall very politely and ironically ...

I DO NOT REGRET the mistakes I made… Others REGRET them…))

I'm tired of being strong, I'm tired of understanding everything, I'm tired of being wise, I'm tired of being nice, I'm tired of being kind... I want to become a glamorous, stupid, capricious bitch... For some reason they like them and don't wipe their feet...

Yesterday I was at his house ... well, just a bachelor's museum: "sock figures" ...)))

Don't let the tomatoes wither! Love ...))) Statuses with sarcasm

Well, where we are not, no, but caress!)))

If you knew how much I cried because of you. You would have made your own face. I assure you.

Putting spokes in the wheels, do not forget that not everyone rides bicycles - some ... exclusively on tanks ...)))

I always hope for the best ... that is, for Myself))

I am aware that I am krasivi, zamesytelni and seksualnaya devuska. Don't bother writing these compound words, especially since I am visokomernai suchka and do not answer anyone ...)))

- Why are you in such a bad mood?
- Because yours is too good, it's disgusting ...

love husband --- saint debt, godfather --- tradition, handsome man --- pleasure... So let's --- fulfill your duty, observe traditions and live in your ... pleasure!!!

-Let's talk about beauty?
-I don't like myself...

Sometimes a harmful teacher of the Russian language “wakes up” in me - I want to take a red pen and draw on the monitor, correcting spelling errors.

I am one of the women who, although they love one person, prefer to have a strategic reserve ...))

Cheerfulness is possible only through deep inner indifference ...))

I'm not looking for a handsome man. I'm looking for someone to show not ashamed, and take away - it's not a pity))

All I hear is: Women are fools... Bitch... Guys are goats... Idiots... And interest in each other does not disappear at all!))

Every morning I start with the music "Ramstein" and "Prodigy" Neighbors! Feel my love!)))

What? Not funny?

If a man says that his woman is illogical ... it's scary to imagine on what basis she chose him)))

You can't love only yourself. Although ... Statuses with sarcasm

I can silently maintain a dialogue. I just silently look at the wall, the person is talking, and I am silent at the wall. And the person is happy. And my mind is intact.

Without a gag, a chastity belt is bullshit ...)))

A person is different ... Charming and disappointing ...))

Throat problems? Get up, it will be knee-deep!!!))

To each his own: Russia - for migrant workers, Europe and America - for Russians, the Moon and Mars - for Americans.

And here I am to my husband ... I don’t repeat it twice ... once I said it and that’s it ... I’m going to do it myself ...))

If you don't like the rustle of my wings, maybe you will appreciate the roar of my broom...))))))

To hell with the brain ... tonight is the night of sensations ...)))))

Well, where are your soul strings??? Let me strum on them)))

Ladies, if you arrange scenes for your man, then let them be from erotic films))

One day I'll cool down with you, take a coat ... wear a scarf, cash out your credit card, pay me for everything asshole.

A woman is able to conquer and mutilate Antarctica if she gets upset ... The huts and horses, as soon as they see her, stop burning and galloping ...))

This is how much plaster is needed for a broken life to grow together!

I may be “not Comelfo”, but you, too, sir, are far from “not a purse” ...

Down with prejudice! There are fools among men too))) Statuses with sarcasm

It is not safe to worship women in old age.

People are like cosines, sines and tangents - not a damn thing incomprehensible ...)))

I treat criticism, figuratively speaking, as a straightened middle finger.

TELL me a wonderful place ... and I will send everyone there!))))

Do you want to be happy? Change your country of residence ... And come back.

It's a pity, of course, the mind comes when health is gone.

Dear ... I'm not a rabbit ... I'm not going to change my own fur coats ...))

- How did you spend your summer?
- With a look.

What kind of people! They put a pig down and grunt with pleasure.

Leaking into a man's brain... what could be... more erotic...))

I think… I think… I analyze… I draw conclusions… I’m going crazy…))

Do not neglect sins: they ... often are the only consolation in life ...)))

Statuses with sarcasm